Customizing EGGS...

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[Music] hello it's me i'm changing my intro from hey it's me to hello it's me because it's more formal and appropriate since i'm an adult also i hate rainbows they're stupid and childish and sprinkles are disgusting april fools wasn't that the best joke ever so so funny laughing so hard i'm not a big prank person but i feel like i have to acknowledge it because this video is going to be posted squarely on april 1st the point of this video is not to celebrate april fools it is actually about another holiday though easter the easter vibe is perfect for me because you know we use pastels and spring colors and little cutesy things during my art room tour i was going through all my cabinets and i saw i have a bunch of wooden eggs and i'm like oh easter is actually right around the corner so here they are my eggs they are wonderfully beautiful replicas now i chose to do wooden eggs because this is very similar to like the pumpkin idea i painted on fake pumpkins during the fall season painting on real pumpkins decorating real eggs it's really really fun but if i'm going to spend a lot of time on a design i want it to be something that lasts and not something that's going to rot i'm definitely not going to get through all of them so i guess i'm going to be painting on eggs for the next few easter's if i happen to remember no promises let's get into painting the eggs all right got my eggs let's just touch all of them and here we go i do understand that this is a ziploc i'm not stupid well i can be but there is tape on the end and that needs to be cut i have to explain these things where people would be like oh you you know it's a ziploc right here are the eggs and they are quite egg-like hand nest i'm gonna start with one and as i'm feeling this i'm noticing how perfectly smooth it is and that's bad so i got out some sandpaper casually sanding my finger off it's a very fine sandpaper i mean that the grit is fine not that it's fine although it's not a bad looking piece of sandpaper anyway sanding the egg i'm doing this because paint adheres much better to surfaces with a little bit of texture on them it made a tiny difference that you can't see but just have faith it matters i decided to first draw an egg an egg on the egg and popping out of this egg who is this the eyes it's the eyes they just give it away my idea is to decorate this egg by painting what is inside of the egg which is gonna be one of my characters pickle the dinosaur this is baby pickle because he's just hatched baby pickle can go right here while i prepare my paint i'm gonna mix up a nice green color and there time to paint i was attempting to do a pastel version of pickle since he's baby pickle but full grown pickle is already kind of pastel i would have had to do pastel pastel which i did not i just did pastel okay oh and there's this blood stain here it's actually blue that's a hint for what is to come but right now it's about baby pickle and his rosy cheeks oh he's gonna be so cute i was very happy with myself for coming up with this idea i mean decorating an egg as a baby pickle hatching out of that egg that's brilliant for the details i'm bringing in these say hi hi i recently did an entire video making art with these freaking pens things went a little crazy hopefully we don't end up on planet nauficus here i go painting the pacifier i did find these pens much easier to work with when i'm using them just for these little details they were still very transparent but doing five layers it really isn't that big of a deal when it's just for these little tiny areas i did end up breaking out my poscas though i've missed you guys so much you have no idea i added some little dots to his pacifier just like the ones that are on his spine and i went ahead and outlined the eggshell to make it stand out a little bit more cleaned up the white shell added some little green speckles to it i love a good speckled egg then i'm pouring some varnish in here and i'm going to apply that to seal in and protect my paint job now you may notice something crucial missing from baby pickle his cute little polka dot spine i thought that it would look kind of wack to draw that on so i decided to go three dimensional oh ho we're somewhere different this is my felt collection pulling out a piece of felt soft i'm gonna just use him to draw a rough shape of his little egg head and create his spines cut those out and put this on his little head perfect fit but oh this color really clashes with the green that is just obscene let's get a green that matches okay we gotta do this again glue that on much better and for the little spots i did just use a posca it's really difficult to paint super neat tiny little polka dots on a very hairy felt but i did my best and here is the completed baby pickle hi sweetie i think this turned out so cute the felt looks a little bit messier than i would have liked but if you don't zoom into that too much it's really cute look at him in his little easter baby nest oh next egg and here i go with some blue paint i'm gonna mix up a nice light blue and i thought since we did baby pickle it's really only fair to create baby derp so i went ahead and designed him oh my gosh yes baby derp and let me get started with the painting now that i think about it i actually have zero memory of buying these eggs where did these come from i don't remember buying these someone must have broken into my house and planted them into my art room it's a trap oh wait no i just looked it up on my amazon account august 26 2021 what someone must have hacked into my amazon account and purchased hyper realistic wooden eggs hyper realistic they say that like it's such a complex replica it's an egg calm down anyway i'm giving derp his own set of cheeks face cheeks really no need to clarify that and going in with the details i decided to give him a big baby smile with a little tooth somehow the addition of that single tooth does make him look quite babyish i mean clearly that's baby derp i went ahead and added some blue speckles to the egg and the same process again i glazed him and then brought in his little spines look he's so excited even though i wasn't super satisfied with the way that the felt spines looked on pickle i decided to make derps the exact same way because these are supposed to go together and i don't want them to be mismatched if i could do it all over again i may have tried something different but choices have already been made at this point so here he is baby derp freshly hatched and ready for life he's so excited i should have thought to paint a little cheeseburger like tucked into the egg oh that would have been so cute i always think of these things too late hello i'm interrupting i um i had a little extra time this week because these eggs did not take all that long to create backstory just a little one in my last year's easter video i seem to recall talking about the easter bunny and my feelings toward the easter bunny i never cared about the easter bunny he always kind of freaked me out i never understood the connection between a bunny and eggs how are these things connected well i looked into it and apparently the whole legend is that the bunny actually laid the eggs um bunnies don't lay eggs why would a bunny be giving away eggs that came out of its body that's gross i like bunnies at easter like a really cute stuffed bunny that's adorable but a person as a creepy bunny hopping around giving people eggs that scares me but today i felt like maybe i should attempt to face my fears exposure therapy i need to become the easter bunny so it's an easter bunny costume during this segment of the video please enjoy me becoming the easter bunny all right let's open this oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh disgusting look at that little tail oh boy oh boy why am i doing this this is rather large some nice pink buttons on there an easter egg i guess i'll put the pants on first it's going to be revealed that i'm in yoga pants on the bottom the tail is not in a pleasant spot i think i need to put this on first i gotta put my hair back and now this oh my gosh this is devastating guys what are you doing let's try to make them not look evil they look like weapons here we go yeah yeah yeah yeah and then this goes on oh [Music] i want this to fit better i found a safety pin stab yourself there we go oh it's getting toasty now finally these accessories oh i probably should have put this on first my earrings [Music] very uncomfortable huh that's odd what am i supposed to do now so of course you know it i have to do a stupid montage of me as the easter bunny i'm sorry now for my exposure therapy it's important that i act out all of the different sketchy things that the easter bunny does number one hopping around and wha where are your gloves why am i not wearing the gloves that came with the outfit okay so that's great moving on number two being overly welcoming with a warm welcoming smile snow gosh nothing creepy about that it's just friendly here i am showing off the tail oh i didn't realize my hair was poking out like that what oh my what is that okay sitting on the basket apparently just chilling nothing out of the ordinary happening here oh look at that all done are those are those eggs in there those are eggs in there now for my favorite over eagerly trying to give people its eggs where do those come from answer me hey okay we're just gonna be blatant about it now have you no shame and this is the final straw it's the easter bunny sitting there eating the um eating eating the eggs i'm done i feel as though i have experienced the creepy isms of the easter bunny so the big question is did the therapy work i think my face says it all no so yeah this is what i decided to do for you guys with my extra time for this week moving on it's the last little egg and the aggressive palette oh this needs to be cleaned it has bits of fred all over it still just get that off and for this one i'm going to be mixing up a nice light yellow go ahead and sand that egg okay i've done pickle i've done derp and it's only fair to do georgie gosh this could go on forever and poor little baby georgie is gonna be crying oh so let's paint i painted him yellow which made him look just like a little baby chick it's interesting because i chose these three characters to do this egg hatching idea just because they're my most popular characters but it just so happens that there are two dinosaurs and a duck which actually are creatures that hatch from eggs so um it's really not that interesting actually here i go adding the pineapple stripes which was such an adventure i started at the front just to make sure that they overlap his face nicely but then from there things go a little cray-cray trying to wrap them around the back okay where does this go oh geez no that's not right yeah okay i'm making things up now clean that up the best i could and on to the face i colored in all his little baby features oh boo hoo oh my gosh it's so cute also it looks like an emoji which reminds me the only other easter egg decorating video that i've done it was way back in 2018 and i did emoji designs yikes but that was a super old video so i don't know what my point is here i go outlining the egg of course georgie gets yellow speckles on his egg let's just keep it going and a nice little glaze i'm gonna use the felt this time to create his little pineapple top and that is horrible please fix it yeah you do that okay that's better and here is the final baby georgie egg oh he's just so cute those little tears what's wrong honey here are the three of my eggs in their little colorful basket easter nest thing i'm very pleased with them of course the obsessive part of me wants to create one for every single one of my characters but we don't have time for that and that's not necessary right right maybe next easter well i hope you guys enjoyed this video even the very unusual parts of it thank you for watching and i'll see you next week if you're still okay coming back after that bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 7,830,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t7HcTmYRp0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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