Painting With Wool?!

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[Music] hey it's me today i'm gonna be doing something a little bit different we're doing some experimenting i'm gonna be trying something i have never tried before it's called wool painting or painting with wool or wool painting i don't know i first saw this from mira byler if you don't know who that is i will put her let me not clap right at the microphone she tried it on her channel i've heard of needle felting usually when you see it you see people sculpting like three-dimensional creatures doing the whole like voodoo doll thing i was never that interested in it because it seems super time consuming for like one little tiny thing when things take too long it discourages me because i like to do many i just start thinking this is gonna take such a long time to create a horde but when i saw this new technique that apparently people are doing now needle felted paintings kind of like painting in a way although it's not at all because it's not with paint this looks slightly less time consuming to do i want to try it is that okay am i allowed can i can i try to is that okay i don't know who started it but i want to do it so i promptly purchased a bunch of stuff online that i have no idea how to use but we're going to figure it out together so let's just jump into this because i know it's going to be a lot of actually i don't really know what this is going to be like let's get started okay bringing in my box of things mysterious things what is all this well i know what that is that's bubble wrap sure go ahead and take some time to play with the bubble wrap we can all wait for you nobody's got plans today right okay get rid of that thank you now i got this box on amazon it's supposed to be a starter kit for beginners i quickly realized that this was geared more toward the sculptural type of needle felting we're gonna work with it anyway we have a book here with many different uh words let's pretend i read that and then we've got a package of stencils how do you use stencils for this i don't know i guess i won't be using those i know this i know what this is it's um i can't i think of what that's called you use this basically as the backboard to stab your needle into then we have this little treasure box and here we are this is gonna be my primary weapon it's like eight or so very long needles stuck in a handle yes it's good and sharp kind of hurts but it kind of hurts good and here's what i mean about the stabbing yeah i'm a little too excited by that they also provide this finger protector thing so that you don't stab yourself probably a good idea to use this but am i going to no it's very uncomfortable honestly and my fingers prefer to work in the nude then there's this this is a set of cutters for something tweezers for another thing what looks to be a bunch of spare needles i love how i'm surprised that they're sharp and this this is just a single needle stabber device i'm guessing for more precision and a pair of pliers what for i don't know all right well that was all very informative great the rest of this is clearly the wool i was a little nervous that this stuff was gonna give me the creeps because i'm one of those people who gets the heavy jeebies from things like cotton balls oh i hate cotton balls but this wool was actually very pleasant in fact i quite enjoyed the experience of touching it now this does look like a lot of wool but i got a full second set just to be safe that i had enough of each color to work with and look at that this set of wool is pretty much the exact same feel and texture okay first step i'm gonna pick out my colors i like to work with many different colors at once this looks good now that i've got all my colors picked out i'm gonna set those aside and get my surface ready i already knew that you have to start out with a piece of felt as your base the canvas if you will this felt did not come in the kit luckily i keep a small horde always i also have this which again did not come in the kit it's an embroidery hoop i felt like it might be a nice option to kind of frame my artwork so i just loosely traced around that and cut out the approximate area that i have to work with bye for now this is all i need for right now well this and my stabbing pad forgive my incorrect terminology because i don't know what i'm doing this is the one that came in the kit but it's a little bit smaller than i would like that's okay because i have this one oh felting pad it's called a felting pad learning as we go now we're ready to get this show on the road finally you've been watching straight up nonsense up to this point i'm gonna start with this lovely dark pink wool you just take a smallish clump of wool i guess this is enough i don't know use your instincts break out your multi-stabbard and then simply start stabbing it it does make some lovely crunchy sounds you like it no i quite like it as well and basically as you continually stab the wool the needles push and weave it through the felt securing it in place and i'm just gonna start adding and blending in more colors and building up the wool to create my background layer i guess i got a little too aggressive there with my stabbing because i broke one of the needles that's why they give you so many replacements so here i've created a kind of dark to light pink transition but i'm gonna completely cover up that light pink area with orange because i realized i don't have enough room for it i'm trying to blend the colors together a little bit by adding thin strands of each color kind of back and forth and over and under each other and honestly i'm i'm getting it you know i'm starting to get the hang of this pretty quickly it's a very intuitive and easy process the only thing i was really worried about at this point was accidentally stabbing myself with eight very sharp needles thankfully i somehow managed to avoid that which considering my level of clumsiness it's shocking if you haven't already guessed i'm creating a rainbow gradient background let me give you a second to recover from your shock and disbelief i really wasn't sure how much i was going to enjoy this process because clearly it is very repetitive and somewhat tedious sometimes activities like that for me they tend to make me feel like i'm dying inside slowly and painfully but in this case it's not completely mind-numbingly easy but it's not too difficult either and you do make quick enough progress for it to be satisfying so it doesn't have that kind of never-ending hopeless feeling and that's my description of how painting with wool makes me feel please come back next week for my next therapy session okay and this is how the background is looking oh i'm gonna do a couple little bonus stabs just for good measure good practice right there that looks about done i guess and now for the subject of this painting i'm bringing out the white wool and i'm going to use some very thin strands to create an outline a sketch of sorts it's a bunny i'm going high concept for this piece as you can see it's really just a matter of building up the wool the only problem was i did run out of the white wool i used both of the bags that i had and they were still just barely enough to fully fill in this bunny head so if you do try this yourself and you get these little tiny bags of wool one bag of wool equals one half of a bunny head okay remember that keep watching for more very helpful tips all right bunny head is done i'm out of white wool so it kinda has to be and now i'm just gonna start throwing on some little details which i was a little bit nervous about but it's really more of the same thing you kind of just form the wool into the shape you want using your little fingers stab it a few hundred times and bada bing it's there i thought that i would end up using the single needle for more of this but i actually didn't like using that at all it takes eight times as long to make any kind of progress so i really just stuck with the big boy for the entire time even for placing very small details like those little whiskers okay bunny face is done hi hi she needs a little accessory so i took some purple wool and created the shape of a little bow which did make this bunny look strangely familiar okay it's not it's not hello kitty it's hello bunny and she is a completely unique individual with her own identity so let's not compare the two comparisons hurt all right now just going around the edges and securing any loose hairs gotta take care of all those wispies and guess what today i'm launching the brand new pickle the dinosaur collectible vinyl figurine available for pre-order and these lovely little guys will be shipping out in june oh that little face he makes the perfect little display piece if you need a little pickle in your life in addition if you order between april 23rd and may 3rd you'll be entered for a chance to win a signed figurine signed by me i'll be signing it for you as always the link for this is in the description now i just need to peel this up oh no it feels stuck all right don't panic we're just gonna carefully peel the felt off the stabbing cushion wait felting pad it was stuck on there a lot more firmly than i expected but it did completely peel off without incident leaving these very interesting fuzz spikes coming out of the back fascinating clearly we've got to do something about those scraggly edges and that's where the embroidery hoop comes in i'm just gonna open that up place it around and those whiskers are really close to that edge annoyingly close luckily i learned that painting with wool is quite forgiving i just went back and shortened the whiskers by going over them with the background color and you would never know any different okay let's try that again yeah i can live with that okay so just close this up this was actually a lot harder than i thought it would be because the wool adds so much thickness it makes it quite difficult to close but i did get it secured in there and now we can go around and trim off that crazy excess fuzz looks like clown hair there we are my first wool painting project complete i did start simple here but i think for my first time trying this it turned out really cute i'm happy with it and i do like how the hoop gives it a nice neat and complete look so wow look at that i think we have time for another one back to our wool box i'm gonna grab a new set of colors here pretty much the same colors but in pastel version and we're starting again with pad felt green embroidery hoop this time cutting a nice circle out da for this one i'm gonna throw on a thick hunk of cream-colored wool and then i'm gonna try to create a nice gentle gradient into a very light pink color i really didn't think that i was gonna have time to do more than one of these wool paintings in a video but these actually went a lot faster than i expected granted i am doing pretty simple designs here but this was actually one of the fastest projects i've done in a long time you don't even have to wait for the paint to dry it's incredible okay background done now since i had some placement issues with the last one i'm bringing in my hoop to use it as a guide while i create the outline and i think i'm going to try to create a cupcake this time very odd looking cupcake right now it's interesting i'll just fill in roughly the shape and then i'll focus more of my attention on finishing that liner once i have the wool built up enough i'm gonna add in some little lines fat lines okay luckily those aren't secured fully so i'll just take that off and try again now those are so wispy and thin you can't even see them maybe in a darker color that looks a little bit obnoxious but sure we'll go with that oh i actually hate how that looks okay i can't take that anymore so i decided to just use both of them on there and kind of blend them together and maybe they'll even each other out all right that kind of worked now for the actual frosting of the cupcake i didn't have a very distinct plan so i just kind of started stuffing all the colors inside the frosting shape and basically i just ended up creating a big blob of clumpy colors and it looks real stupid uh-oh am i getting worse at this so then i was like all right well let's just try to blend these colors together a little bit make it a little softer and see if that helps but uh yeah no so i brought in the darker colors of wool and you know let's just give it some structure so you can actually tell what's going on there we go it's already starting to look a little bit better so i just continued creating this outline and i actually blended colors within the outline to kind of follow the colors that were on the inside of the outline do you know what i mean at all no anyway i think this ended up looking pretty cool and then to bring it all together i added a big red cherry on top threw on a sweet little green stem now it looks good time to peel it off the pad come on get up off there you lazy and then let's try to just shove it into this little hoop funny how this is somehow the trickiest part of the entire process i was definitely struggling here also again we have placement problems even though i thought i placed this in the perfect spot i actually somehow left way too much space on the bottom but whatever i just trimmed off some excess wool and bam it's finished you may notice that off camera i sneakily added a thick outline on the cupcake liner but even with that the cupcake looks way too high in the circle i like it anyway i do really like how clean the edges are in the hoops but i think next time i might try somewhat of a different solution for kind of framing the pieces and finishing them off either way i think these both came out really really cute i actually enjoyed this way more than i thought i would it's truly an enjoyable experience and i'm just really in love with these little fuzzy art pieces that came out of it they're really adorable i hope you guys enjoyed watching me try something new this week thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next week bye
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 13,808,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5I8SP-YjOPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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