Customizing My Laptop

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Fun fact, I started saying "over top of" unconsciously in conversation because of Moriah. It are not great grammar but there's something about it.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/RejectGelertPlushie 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey it's me today i am kind of going to be doing a redo i did a video making custom decals to put on my laptop if you haven't seen that video yet go watch that first because i'm about to spoil it i'm about to spoil it hard here they are these are the decals that i designed and i put them on this blue case oh you may be wondering why this is no longer on my laptop well it was on my laptop for several weeks it was living it was thriving we were doing well but things happened jordan who is my husband if you don't know his laptop died when his laptop dies i give him my old laptop and i get a new one it's a great deal for me the reason we do this is not because i'm just a spoiled brat that needs the newest and nicest things all the time i actually do all of my editing on my laptop and so the more power that i can have in a laptop the better so i get the new laptop with all the power i need more power all that to say now i have a brand new laptop when jordan took my old laptop he so graciously took this off and gave it back to me and he put this monstrosity on his laptop that's fine i'm not insulted but i can't really use it because my new laptop is a different size you're worthless now it's actually okay though i felt like this was not enough stickers anyway and so now i have an opportunity to add to it and in addition i'm going to be taking the customization of my laptop a little bit further this time i think i'll leave it as a surprise for the end of the video so you can see another way that i am going to customize my laptop kind of excited about it even though i don't know it's not that i it's kind of exciting i don't know you may like it so i've got a lot to do today let's get into it okay so getting to customizing my laptop using my ipad kind of weird situation it's like using a paintbrush to decorate a paintbrush oh wait i've done that before look at that first thing i want to do for this laptop customization 2.0 is try to fix what i made last time these squiggles have nothing to do with that i'm just stalling while i talk last laptop customization video i was really happy with the decals that i made with the exception of one lousy loser something about this design really bothers me i'm pretty sure the culprit is this blue oval how it overlaps with the rainbow oh ew right there it's so ugly i thought after complaining about this design in my last video you guys may have some suggestions on how to fix it but the only comments i could find were like totally positive i actually love the sprinkle squad decal the sprinkle squad is my favorite the sprinkle squad is perfect stop getting in your head what is this in my head tell me you see this needless to say y'all were no help because you decided to be nice and positive thank you by the way so since most of you seem to love this i'm not going to change it too drastically but i do want to adjust it slightly so first solution get rid of the oval die die die die did i have caffeine no i oh wait yes yes i did i replaced that terrible oval with a simple black line oh my gosh it's so much better okay wow i actually like it now that's it that's all it needed and look poof here is the new decal in the flesh the decal flesh the other three designs i'm still happy with so i'm just gonna keep those the same last time i did diy the decals which worked fine but you guys asked me to actually have them produced for you and so all of the decal designs that i'm gonna make in this video along with the ones that i made last video will be available on my store if you want them for yourself which is great because these are going to hold up so much better than the diy versions anyway so i'm going to use these to decorate myself as well not decorate on myself although sometimes i do that what i mean is i'm going to use them so starting with a brand new decal design i'm sketching one of my favorite characters here wilfred now wilfred is normally seen with his best friend winnie poor winnie bless her heart she needs him but i wanted to do one more pairing of unlikely friendships which was the theme of the last time i did this so we have wilfred and this is derek he was created recently so this is actually his first appearance since his uh birth his baby eustis derek is the child of shelley and eustis and you guys loved him so much i promised i would bring him back all you need to know to understand derek just look at his parents dad creepy mom attitude problem derek little crazy while he has a big heart literally he holds a big heart he's also a little bit mischievous and tends to get into trouble i'm gonna scooch these two together and now it's time for the outline so i've drawn derrick holding this ice cream cone behind his back and it seems that i've committed to this this is this is how i'm gonna do it but as i moved on and work on wilfred i noticed that derek's arm is abnormally long this arm was giving me a little trouble probably should fix that i was failing to understand how to draw his arm behind his back while still keeping this ice cream cone visible it is kind of an awkward pose but i was really committed to this idea so i need to make it happen so the story behind this little design here derek and wilfred are friends and so they're out and about hanging out they see an ice cream stand and derek offers to go get ice cream for the two of them seems like a nice thing to do he goes and gets the ice cream comes back what do you know he's got ice cream as derek is handing wilfred his ice cream cone wilfred fails to notice that derrick is actually hiding a double scoop with a cherry the cherry matters okay behind his back for himself and this is derek okay this is what he does he's doing something nice but then there's got to be a little mischief going on behind his back of course none of this matters to wilfred anyway because he's one of the most oblivious people that we know and he probably won't notice that derrick has a double scoop with a cherry also side note for the procreate nerds out there those of you who do use procreate you've noticed that i manually color things in instead of using the reference option i just want to say yes i am aware of the reference option but it leaves a tiny little white line between the color and the outline and it's just noticeable enough to make me hate it so i don't use that feature i'd rather just color in manually maybe i'm crazy i don't know anyway anyone who doesn't use procreate probably just fell asleep so wake up we're back this is honestly kind of a dysfunctional friendship because derek is a trickster but he's tricking someone who's really too oblivious to notice that they're being tricked so they don't really understand each other at all here is the final decal design oh it's so cute i love this one so much moving on i want to make another decal so far i've been doing a lot of characters which has been really fun but i'm looking for an opportunity to acknowledge some very special creatures the forgotten ones if you missed my video revisiting some of my old squishy creations which was actually a two-part video so you gotta watch both of them now i talked about how way back in the day when i was just a wee one making squishies this was only about five years ago so not that much of a wee one back then i sold a lot of my original squishy creations and i'm currently mourning over these squishies that i sold and they are called the forgotten ones so i've sketched out a selection of the forgotten ones here i'm gonna throw some color onto this sketch to kind of plan out the color situation first we have the green apple with a rainbow bite taken out of it probably my favorite of all the forgotten ones i also picked out this little random cake pop i chose this little mini pink ice cream cone this rainbow cake roll to balance with the rainbow going on here and here and this cake this one is one of my sweeties hi sweetie the last one i chose was this chocolate cupcake i remember having a pretty strong attachment to this squishy as well looking at my color plan i was wondering if there was too much pink so i checked my inventory for another ice cream cone found this blue one with white topping i don't know let's see if blue works you know what no i actually kind of like the pink fascinating i went over everything with a nice simple standard black outline and just like that i'm gonna begin with the color since this design is a little different from the rest of them i decided to just go all out and try a completely different coloring style as well i'm gonna go blendy with it so i'm just kind of taking some time to experiment how i want to blend the colors together now i really want to emphasize this i really like this apple this apple is important to me i'm just warning you i'm probably going to bring it back if i find a way to you know i'd be really curious if anyone who bought these squishies way back in the day is still watching my videos nope nope if you happen to be one of them please send me a photo of the squishy that you bought i want to see how they're doing i'm worried about them i'm insane but anyway i'm continuing with the blendy coloring style on this i think i like it but honestly kind of unsure at this point which brings me to this ice cream cone it started as this pink ice cream cone but then i tried it as the blue ice cream cone i ended up going back to the pink but somehow in that process i combined the two designs in my mind so i did the pink cone with the white topping which came from the blue cone gosh this girl talks a lot moving on to this cake i remember at the time i was really torn about whether to sell this one because i actually really liked it but you know girly was broke so i pushed through the pain and parted with some of my dearest little sweeties finally finishing up with this little cupcake here so here is how the final decal came out it's not my absolute favorite but i am pretty happy with it and we got to honor the forgotten ones which i've been meaning to do for a while now before i actually decorate my laptop with all my new decals i want to start on the special project that i mentioned in the intro a custom wallpaper is that exciting yeah yeah is it welcome to my desktop this is the current state of my wallpaper i still have the standard like stock image and while this is just so cool it's not me i do keep my desktop pretty orderly don't mind my folder names though if you have one of those chaotic desktops that looks like this you need to get right with your desktop okay do not do this in the past i've tried different wallpapers like sprinkles but the problem is it makes it hard to read the folder names and it gets kind of annoying so back to the drawing i'm putting these circles here to represent my folders that's very helpful i'm just reminding myself that i need to keep this area on the right side relatively simple i'm starting with a very large rainbow and this is gonna be a setting for my little characters that i'm gonna bring in starting with this bunny if you don't recognize her it's because how could you recognize any of this but also she's new this is not one of my past characters i'm inventing her right now this is her birth moment she's a bunny her name's millie and she's in mid hop she's busy painting this massive rainbow jumping in the air to reach high enough what a huge undertaking for a little bunny i know exactly what that's like not what it's like to be a little bunny well i mean i kind of do but i know what it's like to paint a massive rainbow mural all by yourself so let's give her some help here comes her best friend tilly hi she's gonna work on painting this as well and you know what let's just keep a good thing going here they're rabbits they multiply [Music] so we got uh billy over here on the ladder working up a sweat then up here there's a bit of a situation we'll get into that later and coming in last we have willy not to be confused with will we who is a baby and a penguin time for the color now this is not just a flat rainbow it's kind of like a tunnel of a rainbow you see what i mean it like curves around i thought that might make it a little bit more interesting and dynamic time to fix up these sketches going into the outlines here's willy milly billy okay and we're done we're skipping through that okay fine we can get right to the fun part here starting with tilly this color is utterly dreadful so don't worry i'll come to my senses in a second oh there we go good now she's popping out from behind part of the rainbow so again it's not a flat rainbow it's it seems to be some sort of special magical three-dimensional rainbow mural which makes perfect sense the idea is that each of these bunnies are responsible for one color of the rainbow clearly tilly is the purple girl and she's just got a great attitude but honestly she's so much cuter upside down look yeah cute but oh adorable tilly should only ever be shown upside down so i'm gonna finish this up adding in all the little details and whoop there we go that one's done moving on to millie this one was the first one that i drew and i feel like it was kind of before i really hit my stride but still she's okay she's in mid-air here all hopped up on bunny adrenaline for painting and millie is responsible for the pink of the rainbow so i gave her a little pink dress and bloomers oh i do love the bloomers millie is the quiet type okay very gentle and meek but also a very hard worker you can really count on her to rise to the occasion all right moving on who's next oh right this is willy willy is the very high energy enthusiastic one all about team spirit and um when he was a little baby bunny all alone he just wanted someone to cheer him on i've gone too far into this haven't i yes anyway willie is a happy guy okay although he spends a little bit more time goofing off than he does actually getting the job done next over here we have billy and he's well you can probably tell he's the more skittish one he's the bunny that take a step closer to from 20 yards away and poof right into the bush all you see is a tail but the thing about billy is that he will face his fears to do the right thing he's a great team player he's out here balancing on this ladder even though he is frankly terrified and you know what i'm so proud of him even though he's doing a really bad job because he's painting the blue stripe on top of the green no billy that's that's wrong bud doing it wrong finally we arrive at this over here oh boy so we have tilly milly willy billy and then there's lemon this is actually an existing character i drew her really quickly in my create this book challenge video for some reason you guys just became obsessed i brought her back by popular request but this is new okay because lemon has found love and it's this man right over here the backwards hat spiky hair and the arm watch the arm it's all over folks and his name is lime jeez okay he's essentially lemon's perfect soul mate what do these two falling in love between the colors of the rainbow have to do with the rest of this situation well technically they are supposed to be helping lemon is obviously supposed to be working on yellow but has clearly found other priorities and lime he was assigned to green you know what i'm not even sure where his paint brush is backing up and looking at the full picture here there are just a few more adjustments that i want to make i just needed to add and remove certain bits of the rainbow to make it look like it's in the process of being painted and i thought that this was about done but then i realized wait a second this makes no sense what six bunnies painting a giant rainbow no no no that part makes perfect sense the latter is what's crazy i drew this rung behind him on this side and in front of him on this side which is technically impossible unless he's being skewered but let's not go there so i'm gonna redraw this in a way that's not totally gruesome and then just like that it is finished so this is what my desktop looks like now i am so happy with this i don't know why i like this so much but this is honestly one of my favorite things that i've made recently took quite a while to design this i wanted to really love it since i'm going to be seeing a lot of it also since i am putting all the decals on my shop i thought i'd go ahead and offer this as well so if you want to use this as your wallpaper or whatever there is gonna be a digital download available on my store and now for the final part of this video this is my new laptop i've been using this plain black case as a placeholder isn't it just a bundle of joy pop that off and bring in all the decals just a heads up this is a 16 inch laptop so if you wanted to put all these stickers on a smaller laptop it might be a tighter fit also you may notice i'm doing things a bit differently this time i've put the stickers directly on the laptop and then i'm bringing in a clear case to go over top of everything i feel like this looks a lot better than the first version i think that they fill the space a little bit better and i'm just really happy with each individual design they're all so different from each other which means as a group it's kind of random and chaotic but i didn't want to worry too much about like coordinating them or making them too matchy-matchy i just wanted to have fun making each design unique and giving them their own story i spend a lot of time working on my laptop and this just makes me so happy to see i hope you guys enjoyed the video thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next week bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 6,524,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: l8-aynYg4bI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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