Creating a Character With gets WEIRD.

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[Music] foreign [Music] hey it's me I'm like here let me let me guide you [Music] and you are Jackie hi Jackie hello me hey everyone I'm Jackie also known as nerdycrafter come in come come into the video come on I'm a little shy no you're not tell them what you want to tell them oh well do I want to talk about my channel oh meaning of life um let's go with channel oh okay well in that case my channel is called nerdycrafter we do lots of crafting related type videos but also I do miniature reviews and fidget toy reviews I love your videos and I've purchased way too many fidget toys because of you we did film a video for Jackie's channel so I'll link that below check it out it was a very interesting experience I will say that she's got her I am the darkness t-shirt on which includes little bits of rainbow that I really appreciate it's an homage to both of us yes I usually like creatures of dogs and I like rainbows and things which is actually the theme of today's video it's gonna be combining you you and your style and me and my style together today today today today Jackie this is the evil again louder Jackie let's get into this oh a sheet of paper yes [Music] you're already shocked it's a sheet of paper I've written you a story oh and this is a collaborative story have you ever played Mad Libs yes that's what we're doing I love Mad Libs I got goosebumps okay you can see them I need you to name me an animal or creature okay a cockatrist what is that it's like a giant snake chicken a snake a snake chicken are you sure a snake chicken a snake chicken we could do like bear or something or a cat a snake chicken any nut you'll fall in love no no we are going to be adding a lot to this so it's going to get weird at the end so you may want something that's more basic so that you can add to it we also have five more blanks to fill it oh my gosh yes yeah I think I'm Gonna Change My Mind bear I liked your suggestion of bear now my mind's been working out how to destroy that okay I need an adjective I would say tiny tiny okay I can make it as small as my thumb tiny is subjective true compared to a regular bear true I need an environment magical rainbow clouds another adjective voluptuous and I need a body part to keep it g okay I would say elbow elbow oh man now I'm going to make it nose you want nose nose is cute let's go with nose the thing I am doing this in pencil I feel like you are somewhat guiding me I'm not manipulating this at all the viewers decide and final choice I need a noun let's go with a table table I am not manipulating you well either that or I will choose light bulb foreign would you like to hear are you scared would you like to hear what you've just invented very much so once upon a time there lived a bear called Meraki Meraki oh I was a combination of Mariah and Jackie Meraki is a tiny creature oh who lives in the magical rainbow clouds oh she is quite voluptuous yes and her rainbow nose is her best feature oh wow she loves sprinkles and light bulbs can I finish the story okay sure and by eating light bulbs that is how this bear creates lightning okay love it she's a bit unusual but we all love her a lot and that's our creature I am so excited so now we have to bring her to life I have these gold boxes Jackie in one of these boxes is paint to do a painting and the other box is Clay to do sculpting I paint you sculpt now what we could do is randomly select who gets which box or you can choose if I do my comfort zone you do your comfort zone we will produce our best possible work yes therefore the story will come to life if we go out of our comfort zone it's gonna be half butted oh right I'm trying to keep it dude you want to take the clay I would that is totally fine here's your box okay I finally get the touch it's not just gonna be a finger yeah oh my God yeah and try fluffy clay yes okay so I know that you normally use polymer clay yes Jackie is extremely talented with sculpting however those kind of sculptures take days so this is going to be a more fun quick sculpture so are you feeling okay about this yes by the way if you're looking for any more Elizabeth merch we will leave the link down below oh thank you for the merch plug yep great products so it is the planning phase we've got to figure out how to visualize this weird thing I can't draw wait wait what yes you can you can you can totally draw yeah you're ridiculous you know what else is ridiculous this piece of paper on your shirt yeah I think we have our ideas pretty well figured out don't we we do I think you're going to be very surprised with what I did I'm gonna be painting on oh I'm sorry I'm gonna be spending 90 of my time opening these they are hermetically sealed yeah uh what they're sealed yeah they are sealed what was that word hermetically no air inside hermetically I know that word it does keep the clay nice and moist well I I said it sorry I'm sorry um do I need to gesso it depends if your paint is translucent or it's thick it's pretty thick with a double C maybe one C yes so going in with the gesso since this is going to be very quick to dry I absolutely need to have a base and then you put the clay around it because the thicker it is the more chances it has of cracking really I didn't know that yeah can I have the paper towel please oh yes don't you hate it when teachers used to say you can but you may not if you're a teacher who does that stop okay look at that I got the ball that's the the body yes is that yummy I have my rough outline so I'm gonna start going for it but we do know that one of the adjectives I chose was what says voluptuous booty Peach we're gonna make a nice little booty oh I love it right I'm making a yellow bear because she has the light bulb and she controls the lights of the Skies what is that what is that what have you done booty that's the butt this is the base she's sitting well though you can sit on a really hardwood chip are you okay are you sure that I want this wow yeah I'm impressed and we did say voluptuous we're gonna poke this so now the head can rest on there by the way some people make amazing things with air dry clay I just have not developed that technique well you're doing it now uh should we make up our own song I'll do the first line oh gosh I love sprinkles that was the first slime yeah okay and I love Darkness oh everything Sparkles everything's dead everything shimmers everything stinks so now I'm making the ear oh it's cute right oh I really love your color choices oh thank you the contrasting of the what's it called turquoise Viridian okay what does a bear look like oh our mascot at home is a bear your household has a mascot me I'm the mascot I'm glad you forced me to choose a bear yeah oh I gently swayed you oh is it gentle though yes rewind no no I'm gonna attempt rainbow I want my bear to have horns there's a technique called the Skinner blend I'm gonna try to make the rainbow with the skinner blend this sounds so exciting right what is this sound it's like wet dry roll these together you bend it over and you roll and then eventually by doing this enough times the colors start to blend a lamb that was good it was good yeah I don't know if this is gonna work Are you supposed to do it with polymer yes yeah so it's not really blending it's no I'm just gonna I'm gonna go with this okay I turn that into the horns Prince oh yeah whoa powerful spray that's powerful I like it it does look cool it looks kind of cool you're so right this bear belongs to a different Cloud tribe you sound so confident like this is a fact these are facts did we discuss this no what is a cloud tribe so Cloud tribe Bears make different kinds of lightning different markings of the different horns makes it so that you can make different kinds of lightnings look at this imagination working meanwhile I am creating my bear all the gradient I love the gradient thank you it needs work okay we're gonna do rainbow but what if I did the rainbow not in the order what why would you want that look at that that's beautiful why would you change it no do you not like this I mean it's a fine order of colors but let's not call it a rainbow that's not a rainbow so what do we call this colors in order to know somebody well you have to know how much milk they like in their cereal how much milk do you like in your cereal the normal amount what is a normal amount the correct ratio is your ratio like even yeah I'm not I put the cereal and then I go like this with the milk that's just dry cereal so is a cereal a soup kind of yeah it's a breakfast soup is this all for the nose no this is for the cloud oh this is not good she mixed up the orange and the red okay listen I'm gonna scrap it no I can redo it okay oh we're obviously not going to use this one above One Nation I'm trying to make her look like a light oh light is radiating out like lightning put that little milk on she could smirk because she knows something we don't what's that we don't know it now we're gonna do real rainbow I will definitely be double checking your work please do that excuse me I just farted not me the clay no no no no no no no no okay that's fine no I am not farted okay do we agree sometimes oh yes whoa this is oh wow because we're wrapping it around I don't think this is big enough for a booty oh um that laughter there's gonna be a booty overhang I'm okay with that I mean hey rainbow cloud like this like oh perfect see this oh oh hang on because we have to go through a layer not feel good okay the head is gonna pop off oh yeah it's resting on there it's actually drooping over it it's curving it is taking shape so where did your love of rainbows stem from I thought that maybe it started in high school because that's when I started getting into art but then I pulled out some of my very young childhood art every single drawing I found had a rainbow on it no way yeah I don't know where it came from I don't know I'm gonna peel this container from you oh that's fine and I'm gonna take some of your water that is not fine I have another container do you want to mix colors no no I did this wrong you're right can I have that other one that you offered me and I rejected if you win at rock paper scissors oh I'll let you win this one okay Rock Paper Scissors Shoot ah there you go thank you how do I do the light bulb uh did you decide how to incorporate sprinkles [Music] please tell me you didn't forget the sprinkles never forgot it she loves sprinkles they just look okay I may add them on the cloud okay so we have like a balloon shape does this look like a chunky banana no oh wait yes you just have to do the little coil oh the little coil no not the little no no the little boy I'm really working on this rainbow cloud this is so pretty it is uh intense she's still leaning backwards could you not speak to with her could you no I'm not asking I'm not I'm not you want to see magic again yeah yeah oh that's an arm yeah oh my gosh we're playing Brown go this no that's yeah okay I need to work on this face oh wow noodles you're making me nervous over there don't ruin my girl I got her I'm gonna go get a dotting tool doing this that's a clay tool that's a dotting tool but a painting dotting tool there's a difference foreign they're the same I use these for sculpting got you you can have a got you counter I've said it so much really it's oh my gosh I've got you I got you I got you I got you I get you I got you I got you I got you I got you I got you I got you got you I got you I got you I got you got you I got you Meraki it sounds like a musical instrument isn't there like Maracas yes okay so we have our arms voluptuous arm and the booty the booty does have quite a bit of cracks but I feel like it's appropriate it's a stress fracture a stressful I still really want to do the lizard chicken detail I am not satisfied with these eyes maybe they just need a pupil I was going to non-pubal oh there's something missing a pupil these things shrink and they're very unpredictable oh Palmer Clay is predictable oh yeah so why do you have to pray before you put it in the oven please protect my piece from cracks Burns and Fallen limbs institution were you waiting to say this no you were waiting no you got me oh you're doing cute little dots you mean the eyes yeah then it says the nose is the best feature so I want the nose to stand out the most and the rest of the face is just that's not where I was going oh I was playing lizard chicken okay we're gonna work on accents okay teach me French hustle you said work on accents yes um hold on wait how did you do that those are so tiny but perfect you know what kind of lightning she makes the ones that strike people it's nice Jackie are you done I think so what do you what do you recommend sprinkles oh shoot I got you those are some thick sprinkles they look like sesame seeds when you put a lot more of them it'll probably look more like okay otherwise sesame seeds are good for you yes Jackie this looks nothing like a light bulb so um where are the sprinkles going let me guess here ah oh those are some thick pastas though yes you're gonna manage I think so I'm gonna paint the edges real quick to just beaten this up wow such different Creations oh my goodness these are our individual versions of Murray the bear who lives in magical rainbow clouds she is quite voluptuous I tried to make mine nice and rotund and clearly and her rainbow nose is her best feature she loves sprinkles and light bulbs I covered my light bulb in frosting and sprinkles to make it more appetizing for her because she eats the light bulb and then becomes light she makes surface lightning mine is like and then the person's like ow and so what are her horns about uh the conductors the butt the fact that we had a story to work from and just see how each one of us interprets from the story it's so rare to have artists be able to hang out together and just do fun things yeah yeah this was really fun I hope that you guys enjoyed watching us create together thank you for watching and I'll see you guys next Friday bye say bye oh bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 7,290,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u7qoxPgyMFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 01 2022
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