Customizing Pumpkins

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[Music] hey it's me boo it is officially pumpkin season got something in my eye i figured since pumpkins are in the air not really they're just you know everywhere why not paint on pumpkins cool story um i did paint a pumpkin last year but um i didn't actually make it a part of a video now i could paint on real pumpkins good good idea the problem with real pumpkins is they rot and they stink i threw away my pumpkin last year and i didn't even really know how far gone it was until i picked it up and dropped it and it just [Music] it exploded with the nastiest gunk that i've ever seen for me it's just kind of like demotivating to be painting on something that i know is going to die that way so i thought this year you know let let's not paint on this time bomb solution come on guys i got some lovely pumpkins fake i can use it year over year for fall decor and it's never going to rot on me and be disgusting i got quite a few of these oh look at this one chunky these are actually pumpkins that i bought last year to paint on and then i realized too late that it was too late so they've been sitting in storage for a year this one got a little boo-boo so we'll see maybe these will be in the mix maybe not also have these mini ones from last year as well i think it's fair to say i've got enough pumpkins here to paint so let's get busy yes pumpkins and halloween what is that don't do that i know spooky and scary isn't typically my aesthetic well not intentionally but i was thinking maybe i should at least make a small effort to do something in the realm of spooky ness so um let's see um spooky well what kind of examples do we have here spiders stuff okay let's just cut this tag off it's uh stuck in the pumpkin that's annoying i'm noticing that this pumpkin is slippery smooth so i'm gonna grab some sandpaper and just rough it up just a little bit to prepare it for paint these are supposed to be craft pumpkins you'd think they would consider making the surface paintable but hey maybe that's me expecting too much i don't know oh and i found a sticker let me peel that off it's actually really pretty holographic wow i just stuck my gum in it now for my design i feel like there is something missing on the top so i'm gonna grab some air dry clay i've almost used this entire package i'm doing so good i'm gonna grab a hunk of that and start messing around with it i am forming an ear stick it on there it's a beautiful ear let's add another there we go got those on pretty nice i'll just let that dry for about 24 hours look at that time flies the ears are nice and solid and this pumpkin looks like it was a maid to wear these ears so in case you didn't realize i'm going for like a pumpkin cat it's not just a pumpkin with ears it's a cat i went with a cat because i was trying to think of an idea for what to make this pumpkin into and i thought back to last fall jordan and i decided to carve pumpkins no makeup hair's a mess awkward as anything but rockin that georgie sweatshirt we each had one pumpkin to work on and we immediately got to work on our own designs and then we realized about halfway that we had both chosen to carve cats we also both kind of struggled to figure out how to do the ears i tried carving in the ears but it doesn't really work because the ears are on its face and jordan just left them out entirely but then the cat has no ears so i decided to revive the cat concept but this time resolve the dilemma of the ears interesting stuff now for the face oh don't look there it goes i'm just gonna sketch out the face and i'll start adding some little blush that looks wack switching to red oh boy that looks less like rosy cheeks more like cheeks have been ripped off there's blood there's blood everywhere i know i said i was gonna try spooky but not this way it was never supposed to happen like this let me try this again i'm going to blend it out smooth things over a bit yeah that's better okay so for the eyes i'm going to paint some nice large spooked eyes are you scared yet no and here's where i realized one of the eyes is just a tad bit bigger than the other one uh oh just kidding i did make one eye much larger on purpose i thought that one big bug eye would look spooky and i'm gonna make that eye bright green i am using poscas but i was also trying to get a blendy look which is not that easy with poscas but i just didn't feel like mixing up three different colors of paint for one eyeball so i'm just doing it this way the other eye i'm gonna do something really scary it's a dead eye oh avert your eyes hide the children well you know i'm trying okay let's finish out the outline of the rest of the facial features there we go i'm going to add a little bit more detail to this eye i want it to be very haunting and then next i'm going to add some yucky stuff oozing out of its face and i don't understand why why why i could have made this you know blood but i'm sorry i'm just not ready for that so i just went with some nice bright green glowing goo i don't know what it means i wouldn't say i achieved scary does it scare you because i think it's kind of cute and she kind of reminds me of someone it's winifred this is totally winifred it's winifred in a new form winnie what happened to your eye honey i actually really like it though i think it's cute okay moving on to the next pumpkin this big boy and look at that i just plucked the tag out of that one real easy okay sand that up a bit that feels nice and ready pull that little sticker off i'm moving away from the spooky thing now clearly i've already mastered that i've sketched on some nice loose squares all over the pumpkin and i'm gonna get out my custom mixed acrylic paints i have all these colors left over from past projects and i really need to use these before they go chunky and this is perfect oh got a little eager there this is a great opportunity to use up all of my leftover colors because i want this to look like a totally random selection of different colors just all thrown together i'm going for like a patchwork look not a pumpkin patch but a pumpkin of patch is as if the pumpkin is kind of like quilted i'm just going to continue going around filling the entire pumpkin with different colors on each patch got all the colors roughed in now watch this boom cleaned up got another couple coats over all of that and we are ready for the excitement so not only is each patch gonna have a different color but they will each have a completely unique pattern on every single one of course the very first one that i make is the rainbow patch possibly the most special of all the patches and it's stinking cute moving on to the next one now did i realize at this point what i had committed to by deciding to fill this entire pumpkin with like 30 unique patterns no no i didn't i was blissfully unaware look at me just taking my sweet old time making this pattern not a care in the world you fool i love this black and white dot one though it's so cool also i need to pick up the pace so here's where i've decided i'm gonna make sure to throw in some simple patterns as well you know let's do some good old rainbow stripes real quick and easy i changed the red to pink because i realized i used pink in the first rainbow and i wanted consistency but uh all the rules eventually went out the window and down the toilet yeah that's right both i started on this little green patch then i thought now let me take a look at this last one again i added an outline girl you're scaring me you gotta move on now is not the time to fixate on tiny details okay back to the strawberries this may be one of the smallest patches on the pumpkin but it's definitely one of my favorites so cute okay next now i will say that i really enjoyed the process of making this pumpkin mostly the misery definitely didn't start until much later and i think i had so much fun with it because i really didn't do any planning i wanted it to look truly random so i just totally made this up as i went love the sum outlined some not look moving on to some cherries one thing that was slightly annoying is that because i wasn't planning it or sketching it in advance i kept creating slightly awkward spacing it's not perfect and i don't like it let's say it's part of its charm the cherry patch was inspired by the strawberry one but it's less good still cute though i also did try to incorporate quite a few black and white patterns to kind of bite through that color just right because if everything is super colorful it kind of just mushes into a sea of color but then if you throw in some black and white in there then you have created true chaos this one almost looks like black and white sprinkles which reminds me [Music] sprinkle patch oh while i move on to the next couple of patches this is the perfect time to mention that this year's halloween merchandise is out and available on my store i have three new designs this year including the one that i'm sporting in the intro the link is in the description if you want to check those out speaking of what's in the intro some of you have been confused about why i had this whole video a couple weeks ago packing up my old art room i said i was moving and then since then i've just been right back in my old art room well um this is my new art room can't you tell the difference i mean they're so completely and totally different okay so yeah that's right all that drama over moving and i essentially have the same background but as i've mentioned before the rest of the room is in fact very different than it was before i will do a tour of it some of you are politely harassing me about it i promise i will show you it i just need a few more weeks to get everything set up so please be patient okay back to the pumpkin i've made this flower patch that i absolutely hate oh it is so ugly oh that that's just making it worse it looks like spiders and snakes i hate it i cannot emphasize that enough it needs to go well while we're waiting for that mess to dry let me head on over to the neighbor and see what we can do howdy neighbor i couldn't decide which style of watermelon to make so i made both oh this is ready go over that again all right back to the watermelons and then again with this and then the watermelons i'm getting dizzy let's finish those up and i did end up doing a black and white floral patch on that purple again but just did it a little bit differently it's still not my favorite but you know i was just striving for not hideous this time and i think i've achieved that i'm just very talented i went on to this drip patch which is kind of different i mean not different from me i do rainbow drips all the time but it's definitely not the traditional look for a quilt patch it looks more like a uh a quilt patch and this is the point where i'm like okay i've been working on this all day it's time to do some simpler patterns so hearts yes cute little triangle banner oh amazing and now i have made my way down to the bottom of the pumpkin so these patterns are gonna be much less visible so we definitely don't need to do anything super crazy down here do you hear me we can simplify this was like two o'clock in the morning and i i needed to stop but i had put so much work into this freaking pumpkin at this point so i tried my best to finish this out strong apparently my idea of finishing out strong is these uh beans or amoeba i don't what it what is that this is my brain at three in the morning finally each and every patch is filled with its own unique pattern and boy what a feat that was to finish off the design and really create that patchwork look i'm gonna outline each patch and then draw little stitches every so often to make it look like they're all sewn together and that really made a huge difference in the look of it oh my gosh it's so good it's so good i didn't draw a pattern on the very bottom patch don't come at me it's it's the base and it and it's a solid color we want the base to be solid because it's it's three o'clock in the morning okay and then it was done and oh my gosh i mean this this is a look okay it's a huge chaotic clash of random patterns and colors definitely not everyone's style this is the type of thing that people might describe as like rainbow barf or oh it hurts my eyes but personally i love it i think it just looks so fun and wild and now ow oh gosh sorry i just had to die for a second now the last pumpkin i'm going to do i actually chose one of the mini ones that i've had since last year so i grabbed some tan paint i'm going to paint the entire pumpkin one solid color if i can hold on to it long enough that's okay that's good just finishing that off now how do i put this down to dry didn't think that through well i did figure that out and now i'm gonna throw on a second coat beautiful looking swell i am gonna repaint this stem with a lighter brown to give it more of like a cutesy look and then i notice there's this gap under the stem that is unacceptable so i tried to just like shove some paint into that crevice and it actually worked problem solved now for puffy paint i'm going to do something so predictable so basic it's not even funny i'm going to add some pink drippiness like sauce all over the top of this pumpkin ooh yummy um and then i'll just toss out some good sprinkles because this is gonna be a dessert pumpkin of course but i had to i just had to do it it took a small fraction of the time as the other two pumpkins but i still like it alright that's all my pumpkins done i love how different they each turned out and i'm just so happy with the bunch of them i'll definitely do this next year if you guys want me to best part these pumpkins will not be rotting and exploding with nasty goo thanks for watching hope you enjoyed and i'll see you next week bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 5,546,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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