Turning Ourselves into BLOBS With @ChloeRoseArt

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[Music] foreign [Music] hey it's me and today yes oh my gosh can I be in your video I guess this is fine this is fine this is totally fine today I have with me Chloe bye I've invited her to my studio to film a video it's so cool thank you so awesome and we're going to be filming a video for her Channel as well which I will link in the description her channel is Chloe roseart I never know if I should like combine it into one word like Chloe Rose art or Chloe Rose art either way works Chloe rosar we're gonna be doing something very special today and actually Chloe has no idea this is a complete surprise do you have any guesses no I have no idea um I'm guessing it involves pain that's very very vague and technically you are correct I have one more question it's a difficult question so okay prepare yourself mentally to think purple or green but I like both colors you have to choose one green green green green Green I knew you were going to choose green right okay you paint with green all the time I did yeah so this is yours oh a gold box this is mine and let's open them okay we are becoming the blobs people let me go get them oh no what is this the vibes oh they are alive indeed oh that's so cute this is Froggy blob froggy blob this is fish blob I don't know why but her face just reminds me of a fish Chloe is going to turn herself into froggy and I am going to turn myself into fish blob and I'm very excited that I get to be fish blob because I've already been green before and I'm really excited to experience what it feels like to be purple like Bonnie the dinosaur oh but no no I love bugs no Barbie no no all I've always wanted to put a ball cap on really no no step one you see how Froggy's eyebrows are green that means we must eliminate your eyebrows they're not gonna work I've done this once before okay it's quite an experience I've seen a few bee grooves do this before yeah glue sticks out I think you just stick it go up it's gonna look really good okay why am I using eyebrow gel this works great it's a nice feeling right just that thick gooeyness all over your face oh yeah and now we dry okay and I believe it's like five layers you have to do what yeah really you gotta build up okay thick crust okay oh that feels weird yeah and it just gets weirder layer number two cheers let's do it and you know what while we're doing this since I have an extra step to do I'm gonna work on my extra step which is fish blobs bow I got these little headbands I think I'm gonna like secure the bow to the small she's small you're small um and then this very serious glue gun oh man are you intimidated yes yeah I'm just gonna go down here real quick don't mind me plugging things in hi I'm scared beware of glue gun are you dry I am okay layer number three I'm surprised at how well this is actually working it's a very interesting technique I don't know how long this thing takes to heat up I smell it working what's your method of making this bug I have no idea oh okay yeah I'd probably be lazy and just get like two rubber bands to keep like there and just plop on my head oh oh that would have worked this is like a hole you have like scissors as well like not just fancy glue gun like you have scissors yeah like real scissors yeah cut this it's making that satisfying perfect that's huge though oh yeah yeah you know what rubber band why didn't I think of that brilliant this little strip that I cut off pull it nice and tight oh you're okay I think I finished the headband let's see oh that looks so good I think we've accomplished what we needed to now we can resume the eyebrows the eyebrows ready yes what is this number four oh four I think mine are getting ripe oh I have to point out Chloe's sweater pastel rainbow sweater I picked out the most Mariah sweater that I possibly could that's right on do you think that they're ready for the makeup I'm gonna go with yes yeah but I not know what I'm talking about yeah me neither do you want to go for it yeah okay you have a little mini bag of makeup sponges you've got everything wow cover these eyebrows I feel like there was something in this process that I don't exactly remember we're probably doing it somewhat right I mean if they turn out bad we can just shave our eyebrows off no good call thank you do I need to have multiple layers maybe oh this is not a good look oh millions of people gonna see me with no eyebrows how do you feel about that I'm terrified oh yeah oh yeah my eyebrows are gone I'm on layer number three we're getting there though we're taking it off well you did like a lot of thin layers I just did one thick yeah goop a goop you know what I love the no eyebrow look it just makes me feel cleansed how are you feeling my face feels very vulnerable oh now that our eyebrows have been eliminated [Music] it's time for us to eliminate our head hair I watched one tutorial on how to do this so you're professional now exactly yeah so first step okay wet down the hair the glue is like reactivating what the heck nice and slicked back we're just getting more and more attractive I look like a founding father they look like George Washington or something is your hair prepared yeah I think so okay good next is this yeah exactly and we're just gonna tuck the hair in there oh what was that what happened did you hear a sound I did oh okay oh these are wow Hoops are coming out that's when you know it's gotten real yeah that's clean yeah I feel like bouncy oh it's so gone yeah now we have to put the ball cap on top of this because we have to paint our whole heads right and the ball cap is like a paintable surface right so ball cap ball cap oh they're they're Dusty wait what is that smell cookies bald caps um nope nope oh yeah oh yeah get as many wrinkles off the top as possible and then we have to cut I'm a little bit concerned about death really try not to okay okay okay I'll try I'm Gonna Get You scissors can you handle it I think so okay this is gonna take some Focus cutting right near the face oh my gosh I'm scared oh gosh oh gosh what do you do with a little flappy bit so you're I you're um yeah we are not professionals if you can tell so the application may not be Flawless the edges are curling up a little bit so we have to fix that with this use this stuff to kind of like seal down the edges okay oh yeah that actually that works pretty well that is sticky yeah I think I glued my neck I feel like I can't spend I have no Mobility got a little um a piece of your head that's my skin now it's time for us to change into our outfits I'm just kid ding stop looking at you I love how the little uneven flap on your head has some concealer on it oh yeah it came from my eyebrows pull out your little outfit here okay onesies they even have little built-in pizzas okay here we are in our onesies and here's where things get interesting the paint the paint the paint job should be pretty easy because Froggy's basically just green yeah he does have dark green eyebrows he does and he's got dark green freckles same with fish blob she's basically just purple but with little dark purple [Music] I don't know why my first instinct is always to smell things all right so you can just use the water and just like a little Spritz Spritz there we go and then um just go to town okay it might take a couple layers maybe two layers imagine if you just like had some comfortable with the delivery and you're like hello are we doing the eyelids too I usually do okay um I'm going over the lips there's air in my bald cap you know the the Jim Carrey movie The Mask yeah I see that yeah I'm traveling onto the neck do you have these little no oh I'm crap really yeah I didn't expect that from someone with your experience it's embarrassing oh this just shows everything on your face oh I think it just makes you look green that's weird though oh I see what you're saying I have wrinkles is it my nostril hair no we might need uh to paint each other's backs of that that's what I was thinking yeah wow I'm so lucky Maria Elizabeth's gonna paint the back of my head you have a very nice rounded head I just like look like a skull look at it I feel like my head looks squished I pick out our lunch orders okay what does blob want for lunch box of the head show them the problem area yes okay do you want to go first yes okay I'm gonna feel what it feels like to be a canvas very good ah if you haven't painted before the back of my head has definitely never been painted before okay thank you for your service time to paint you oh nice I feel like a fish in a ball okay back of your head is green cool the colors are not exact exact let's acknowledge because everyone else will um all right so is it time for the detail work I think so this will really make it look good this is gonna be difficult how do I do this oh boy I'm gonna do a little gradient of my neck those are my bubbles do you like my clumpy eyelashes yeah it looks like when you know I put mascara on or whatever and then I took it off for several days and I just keep replying it you know did you do that I've done it a few times oh look at that why do I look more bald on [Music] do you know no do you know what booba is no we look like booba yeah oh that's cute it looks so cute so we are painted the last thing I was thinking is to make ourselves look a little bit more globular blobish Blobby I thought that we could kind of stuff our onesies a little bit so we're not so like tall looking but she's got on this like nice fitted onesie I did get this one okay this is the same one that I'm wearing okay different color okay but I felt like that color was better The Shape was better she's gonna change her onesie and I'll get out the stuffing [Music] foreign little human showing oh here's the stuffing I think I got enough so go crazy do we stuff the legs and everything just want to get rid of the human shape yeah a little bit more Blobby [Music] good that's real good you know what we have to do we have to do I wasn't thinking that okay we look like the blobs yes but have we really become the blobs no that's right we have to now become them hahaha [Music] I think we did it mission accomplished yeah high five okay hi hi I'm I'm a boss [Music] thank you Chloe for being a part of my video thank you for inviting me of course that's it for today bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 9,573,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dg-gwAinwMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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