Turning Myself into Fred

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a portion of this video is sponsored by Adobe Premiere Pro [Music] last year around this time if you were with me I turned myself into a cupcake you may remember it's kind of hard to forget why don't I just do that again and make it a thing like maybe this will be my Halloween video that I do every year this year I didn't know what to turn myself into I mean there are Endless Options so I decided to go on to my community tab that light is really bright in my eyes like now the lighting probably changed oh well I didn't know what to choose so I went to you guys for help the most common response that I got from you really surprised me so so many people wanted me to turn myself into Fred who would have thought it would be Fred if you don't know Fred hi he's a a bear plant in a pot there's a whole video on the creation of Fred if you haven't seen it oh you smell good what is that this is going to be a head to toe transformation new hair new face an entire outfit I've done all the shopping had to spend a lot of time browsing to find very specific items to create this look it's gonna be a look I did prepare something in advance these I had to kind of DIY this because for some odd reason they don't sell green wearable bare ears I don't know what this world has come to I bought some regular colored bare ears they were honestly kind of crusty to begin with but then I slathered them in fabric paint and now they're even crustier than before you hear that crusty oh that color is pretty far off we must start with the hair I got some I got some wigs this one oh it is crunchy oh gross I want to capture that leaf look this one is kind of like spiky standing up straight I think this is gonna be the backup this one it's much nicer oh it's soft the problem is this one has to be styled and we know how it went last time I had to style a wig just oh watch it okay if we can't make it happen then we'll have to wear Miss crunchy which means I'm bringing on a very special guest that you guys only get to see once a year here she is you see that beautiful beautiful face what do we call her Desdemona I think that's from a Shakespeare play clearly Still rocking the wig from last year this is over are you ready for this Desi um just sneak attack sweetie I think the pink hair was actually a better look for you in the product listing it literally has a picture of its styled in the exact way that I would want to style it it gave me hope but like I don't really know what I'm doing how do they do that can you tease wig hair oh I think you're supposed to tease hair with a comb not a brush do I even own a comb I do nothing with my hair okay I literally just let it live every day and so I'm just very bad with hair because I don't practice this is not working nope I have learned nothing since last year I do remember that there were quite a lot of people raging in the comments about different things that I did wrong cosplay people lots of you were appalled but at this point I've completely forgotten what exactly I did that was appalling so I'm probably gonna do it again I have some lotion I have some hairspray oh that's strong I'm gonna die no wonder the other one was crunchy I mean that's kind of working but like I think we need to tease it I think that's the only way this isn't gonna look good oh boy oh boy I should have known that this was beyond my skills what is that what is that I need help this wig is looking better and better just sorry is that rude I mean this one isn't bad this is is it backwards this color is so much closer to Fred what if I were to glue it oh my hands are all lotiony ow just glue the hair and you know what I feel like it needs to be shorter haircut if I upset the wig Enthusiast before they're crying or they've left hey that actually looks not terrible whoops oh gosh it's it's getting worse what a mess I feel like that might be our Peak if I'm just adding spikes in the back it's not gonna look good so I might as well just leave this part clean it's gonna be kind of like Fred with mullet we're cool with that this this is not bad for me I'm actually happy with that because I almost compromised this close okay that glue did a number on my nails they are chunky sacrifices I make Fred has these little pom-poms all over his leaves I ordered the biggest pom-poms I could find because I thought I would need them and then they came in and I'm like oh those are absolutely freaking enormous so then I just bought some regular ones and I'm gonna glue the pom-poms all over the hair like that you know what I almost feel like I could have gone with mini pom-poms no no no no no I'm just gonna use my mini pom-poms hot glue and the big reveal I think I'm gonna change my shirt now it's a turtleneck I don't want to mess everything up when I put it on give me a second okay oh my gosh unbelievably attractive the turtleneck is the dirt now might be a good time to try out the middle part my hairline is asymmetrical so it doesn't look like it's a middle part this is me with a middle part because apparently side parts are no longer in it's just an atrocity to wear your hair parted on the side now I used to wear my hair parted in the middle when I was like 12 but then everyone told me oh that's so dorky part your hair on the side and now you're telling me go back to the middle this is why Trends are the most ridiculous thing ever but fine fine I actually don't hate the middle part though should I change it or should I keep my side part honestly I don't really care about what's in I just want to know which one looks better on me discuss in the comments because everyone cares so much about my part what am I doing this is not about my hair part I just need to put on this wig cap why are there too which one do you put on first oh and there's two of these we're multiplying I don't know okay I don't think I used water last year when I put on a wig cap and I struggled a lot no okay that was actually way easier than whatever I did last year I'm getting good at this okay let's not go that far go back in there guys it's not time to come out and play okay now maybe I put this on oh gosh ow okay done okay and I think now is a great time for a sponsorship with a wig cap on that'll be a first thanks to Adobe Premiere Pro for sponsoring this portion of the video if you've never heard of Premiere Pro it is an editing program that I personally use and have been using for years to edit every single one of my videos I'm busy okay I got a lot of things to do very important things to do I have a wig cap on so I need a program that is reliable efficient and easy to use that's Premiere Pro when you choose Adobe Premiere Pro you not only have access to an amazing editing tool you also unlock an entire community of people creating videos just like you through the learn tab inside Premiere you can get started learning all the skills you're gonna need to create great content there's tons of easy to follow tutorials right inside the app for creators by creators you can learn everything from the basics to techniques that I use on a regular basis like how to change the speed of a clip like this okay try Premiere Pro today and get started on the easy to follow tutorials and find your people in the community all right inside the app thanks to Adobe Premiere Pro for sponsoring that portion of the video and sorry that I'm wearing a wig cap for it okay that's new now is the fun part Fred clearly has a um a green face we must paint the face green smells like feet and chocolate like it smells good at first and I want to eat it and then I'm like oh no that's feet it's very confusing I've read a couple things that I should do for Success moisturization is very important for this paint okay moisture is is there and then I'm going to spray the paint with some water to kind of activate it now last time I did cover my eyebrows which was a whole thing I get away without doing that today because Fred has some lovely dark brown eyebrows so there's no reason for me to cover up my lovely dark brown eyebrows don't say anything about them don't you contradict me they are lovely so I'm gonna leave my eyebrows then we just from there apply the paint with a brush I don't know if they meant a paintbrush or a makeup brush I'm going to use a paintbrush okay let's do this thing no it actually feels much nicer than the paint from last year feels a little thinner and more breathable [Music] time to ditch the earrings I hate painting inside my ear I really don't enjoy that feeling oh gosh [Music] foreign I feel like the pastel Wicked Witch of the West this is actually kind of an enjoyable experience though I like this paint way better than that crap I used last year really tight on my face man it's thick enough to do pretty good coverage but not so thick that it's like cracking and gluing my face solid so I like that Fred has this like yellowish ring around his mouth and I did prepare for that I could not find the proper yellow we're gonna have to go with a slightly different color than is ideal this happens in life and it's always very sad we just have to work with what we got so I'm gonna use this yellow it goes over his nose so I really did not need to paint my nose green Fred has a very small mouth so I'm gonna paint over my top lip and just keep my bottom lip Oh weird try to smooth out the paint a little bit with a makeup sponge okay I have some brown lipstick I'm gonna put this on my bottom lip that smells like chocolate now the eyebrows I'm gonna go over my eyebrows also not sure if that did anything for our look nose that looks so weird oh my gosh I have trashed this lipstick oh no it got on my top lip I knew I had gone too far let that dry get dry get dry we dry oh yeah now for the final touches I have this dress and we're about to make a very interesting style choice so as you can see this is the pot and now okay I'm gonna take this from you just I'm an idiot oh my gosh I'm an idiot I got the bare ears but I actually don't know how I'm gonna put these on don't tell me I painted these bare ears for no reason okay you cannot even see them and that look that looks ridiculous [Music] his ears are a little more to the side anyway just kind of slide those in just steal some bobby pins from this mess yeah there now they're secure there we go I am Fred I am Fred I am Fred I am what does Fred do it feels good to be Fred I am fresh so I guess I'll just you know I'll just be Fred for a little while [Music] okay and now's the very fun and interesting time where I just exist as Fred and for some reason I decided that this that that that thing I keep doing it I mean Fred doesn't even have arms but I'm clearly convinced that this is what Fred does it took me actually becoming Fred to figure out his personality because up to this point he's been very hard to read but as Fred I realized he's very serious yes but he's also slightly judgmental a little bossy although he doesn't really use words he kind of just does that plant brain he's the type that just kind of sits in the back and acts Superior always on the lookout to to shut something down a little bit of a kill Joy he's kind of like the snooty lifeguard at the pool but just like not at the pool and if anyone questions him bam plant mode you won't hear repeat from him okay and the rest of this is just me kind of going off the deep end okay and that's terrifying at one point I start doing ballet who knew Fred is such a wonderful dancer oh my God gosh that's horrifying anyway this was actually so much fun it was a lot less frustrating than the human cupcake to be honest although we did have a moment with the wig it was actually really just enjoyable I am kind of sad that I'm gonna have to wait an entire year to do this again I always appreciate an excuse to be unapologetically strange but now it's time for the fun to end oh oh gosh and it's disgusting I'm pretty sure I still have green paint in my ears I hope you all enjoyed this half as much as I did and I will see you next week bye [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 7,559,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9_ggkviFVKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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