All My Characters in ONE Drawing (well...I tried.)

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This is easily one of my favourite episodes! If I wanted to introduce someone to Moriah's channel, I'd show them this one for sure.

Her MEmes were great and added a lot to the storytelling, it felt like there were more than average and some new ones too. Also, this episode covers a lot of who she is (fangirling over her own characters, becoming her characters, being extra like by adding the whole shadow detail layer that voiceover Moriah then gets to gripe about, etc).

It adds a lot to have seen the episodes she references, but someone could definitely go in cold and figure out if this hooks them.

Also, I really loved the existential freak out of whether opening scene Moriah was past or future Moriah haha

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/RejectGelertPlushie 📅︎︎ May 21 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey it's me and today i have a big big project this is something that is going to take me a long long time um there's nothing there i have a lot of different characters that i've made over the years i try to bring them back here and there you know one two three at a time but there's a lot and i just wanted an opportunity to throw all of them into one big design and just just grab all of them and hug them tight the title says putting all my characters into one drawing or drawing all my characters in one drawing making all my characters in one drawing i haven't exactly refined the title yet you get the point all my characters one drawing um spoiler alert i'm filming this intro after the fact so i've actually already done this artwork i did create a drawing with many of my characters but was i able to create a drawing with all of my characters not exactly there were a few here and there that i wasn't able to fit in there turns out i have a lot of freaking characters okay probably hundreds i did my best to fit as many as possible in one drawing i'm actually going to design this for merchandise at the end of the video i will complete the design and show you what it looks like when it actually comes back to me in the form of merchandise there's a lot to do let me get into the drawing portion of this video okay so this is gonna be interesting see how interesting it is already whoo pencil ready have i ever showed you that my apple pencil says me booyah oh my gosh no getting to drawing now and i feel like the only way to start an epic character collage is with pickle the freaking dinosaur that i've painted and drawn over and over and over he was a fan favorite from the beginning and he's still probably the most loved character hovering over him we have his cousin derp of course the cheeseburger eaten doofus and then coming in at number three it's georgie he's a pineapple duck probably my personal favorite those are like the top three characters of mine currently but we've got way more to go in georgie's arms i brought in orange fishy just kind of lounging across his arms orange fishy is a as as a fish so someone's gotta hold him you know otherwise he'll just be like flopping around freaking out and nobody wants to see that it's just kind of sad so every time he comes out everyone's like oh who's gonna hold the fish this time next i'm bringing in the board sloth who doesn't come out all that often um i feel like he's a little underrated but you know that's just me then bringing in cupey oh my gosh i freaking love her i am her as you can see i'm already getting into cramming these characters together we gotta make space cause there are many more to come like pb and jelly the beautiful hamster couple that perfectly complement each other and melt our hearts with their love i'm drawing those two just holding hands down here next is grumpy cherry berry he's in a mood today surprise what is this air pocket he goes right down here wonderful okay then fred we know about fred right you know about fred i'm just gonna draw him peeking behind the grumpy cherry berry that's a really long name can we do grumpy chair chair bear grumpy bear um okay it doesn't matter i'm trying to be mindful of my spacing doing regular adjustments to make sure i'm making room for everyone or most everyone next we got a whole family oh boy all of you do we need all of you even him well how about the little one she can stay with a babysitter maybe no all right fine lining up the entire family here along the bottom y'all are gonna have to scooch we don't have that much space left chicken chicken can be hiding back there that's typical of course i'm including shelly and eustis their dynamic is legendary and somewhat creepy they're definitely my favorite squishy couple out there no offense guys and at this point i have to acknowledge that in a recent video i made derrick who is shelly and uses son i'm legitimately scared to admit this because you guys loved derek so much it was actually kind of scary but i did not include him in this drawing i'm so used to doing shelly and used to on their own i kind of forgot about him and by the time i realized i was so much further into the drawing and it was just too late this is my promise to bring him back another time who's next i'm thinking about it derek do derek no nope i can't hear me it's the grateful monkey you know that's okay i really love this character too i feel like she never gets the amount of love that she deserves yet she remains grateful another family this is the chillest family of all polar bears chill so funny laughing so hard anyway they're so cute together look at how they're holding baby nat like that together oh my heart is melting next i'm bringing in my tower of ice cream cats whoo all of them i did name each of them in my art room tour jenny harold martin nikki harold jenny martin nicki obviously literally had to go back and watch that part of the video because i just made them up on the spot and i couldn't really remember them but those are their names of course i'm bringing in the blobs they are regulars around here i wanted to make the characters interact a little bit here and there so i decided to draw fish blob pulling off eustis's cone naughty fish blob also technically my clay blobs are a trio but even though froggy and fish blob are regulars i never brought back that other one you know that other one didn't really like it all that much uh oh low battery already it's gonna be a long process next it's the baby hamster i originally drew baby hamster really far like nuzzled in there nestled nestled nested nuzzled nes what what am i looking for until i got an idea i decided to get out this little naked blob which is the tiniest blob of my russian nesting doll set and i drew him snuggled inside of the baby hamster's blanket because he's naked and it's cold out here being naked we got nila coming in here next and whoa i drew her real big she's a focal point the dessert foxes both mama and baby of course they gotta stay together i'll put them both right over here then down way down here i notice this little empty corner and i feel as though that's the perfect spot for squishy ghost who doesn't come to visit as much anymore but for old time's sake i gotta bring him back then there's winnie and wilfrid you guys have taken a very strong liking to these two winnie's gonna look at the art oh she's scared wilfred do something i'm drawing winifred sitting back here even more deathly afraid than usual and then wilfred who is her well-meaning but sometimes oblivious best friend and he's just sitting on nila happy as always totally unaware i brought in a lot of squishies so far but i do have a bunch of characters that i've made outside of my squishies like strawberry she is a plush that i made that likes to just chill on my couch with me okay now back to squishies again it's sweet fox drawing her right in there perfect then whoa i'm going to include my full rainbow of mini characters we got cotton candy crisp cantaloupe soft sunshine key lime cream pale plum all named after colors in my nail polish set which i am wearing link below then rosie oh of course rosie rosie the bashful dragon i love her so much she's going to be nice and large right up here in the corner i've got miss kitty the cat here's a good spot for her right here still in her cloud of course and what oh gotta love him uh the angry pig has to be a part of this then oh baby leon why is this whole video me fangirling over my own characters i'm sorry i just love baby leon the baby lion i brought in my blob backpack and unfortunately space in my design is getting a little tight you all can't come i'm sorry i'm gonna have to choose the angry lemon oh my gosh it's so weird seeing him without his butt leaf i added a leaf to his design somewhere along the way and he looks so naked without it i will be including his butt leaf today thank you very torn about whether i should sing the song don't do that you know the one i'm talking about yeah the song he's an angry lemon he's an angry lemon next a couple of my little monsters bumble bear and nelson the faves of the group two more of my blob russian nesting dolls the cow one and the rainbow one those are my personal favorites then oh my gosh i can't forget he will fit right up here and oh geez i'm running out of space anti-rainbow monster and sprinkle panda they have to be here you can be over here and you can be over here i am gonna go for galactic cat because he's really important and then oh gosh this is the last space what how did this happen there's so many left and i have to choose one oh oh the devastation i ended up choosing the monkey sunday for this space i felt like he was just one of the choices that i had that would fill the space nicely it's a lot of characters okay but this is just phase one so now on to the actual outline even though i have crammed so many characters on here i am very aware i'm still missing some could have just shrunk this down even more to fit more characters but i am hoping to have this design on a t-shirt which is a finite amount of space and i didn't want the small details to start getting lost when they were printed out and after a very long and tedious outlining process skipping to the fun part it's time for color starting again back at the og and moving my way along this part was really just me having a ball coloring digitally oh it's just so satisfying and easy i love how quickly you can switch colors and move from one thing to another it's just amazing it was so fun um long tedious but also fun and it really took me through a journey you know seeing so many characters all together like this it was really cool and brought back all the memories it's honestly hard to believe that i've created every single one of these characters and more so many more it's like this huge chaotic family that just keeps growing because i'm constantly adding new ones it's honestly out of control and some of you guys have stuck with me through all of these this is years of creating characters here and i'll bet some of you recognize every single one of them which is amazing and touching and i'm ugh am i having feelings and emotions right now over the character okay weird i'm gonna stop my plan originally was to just color these characters like this flat simple colors clean and that's my headphone cord bobbing in and out my earbuds died so i had to deal with nasty chords for a while i hate chords i just figured the amount of characters crammed into this was going to provide tons of detail so just doing a super basic coloring job would probably look best is what i thought but of course once i finished with the coloring i did feel like there was something a little bit lacking i haven't added any of the highlights so let me just go ahead and do that yeah that'll just fix it right up it'll be great just perfect i'm gonna make you all better um there it is better i think i could leave this like it is that would be okay right right guys am i convincing myself well let's do a little check here see how much time i've sunk into this baby oh just 10 hours okay well might as well keep going right so procreate does the lovely favor of tracking the amount of time you spend drawing but actually it's only the amount of time that your stylist is literally touching the screen so none of the time when you're thinking planning i was getting my squishies out and messing with the camera none of that time was actually factored in so in reality i have spent much more than that on this drawing but still couldn't shake the feeling that it needed a little bit more just slight little more detail a little more depth and so here's how it looks this a very subtle difference actually oh my gosh you can't even tell i totally could have left it the way it was so i ended up spending nearly 11 hours on this drawing but hey whatever that's fine this is what 11 hours of my work looks like so i am gonna switch gears now flash to the future um actually kind of the past because this is where i was in the intro as well so you've already seen me like this but it's also the future because this is after the drawing is completed so this is the future as well as the past um that's me let's hear from my face the merchandise has arrived it is ready for our eyeballs you see it it is such chaos i love it so many characters crammed on it this is exactly what i wanted they look amazing ah sorry i couldn't help myself i can't believe that they're mine and i made them yes we have the purple shirt it looks great on the blue wow it really pops on the black poppin we have a nice pink got a lot of color options white yellow this might be my favorite wait a second i love this one and then of course we have them on crewneck sweatshirts as well the blue and the red but i also added another item this time a tube whoa whoa oh it's shiny this is a big old poster just another option if you really love this design if you want to display it this drawing includes the most amount of characters that i've ever put in one drawing it is very intense i honestly am so satisfied with it i love it of course the link will be in the description if you want to purchase one of the shirts or the poster thank you so much for watching and i'll see you guys next friday bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 1,950,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XFxzcxO__uA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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