Painting All of My Outlet Covers

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[Music] how are you hey it's me today I'm gonna be painting on outlet covers just out with it no stalling just say it painting on things panel things that was definitely a dance move in my recital when I was like 5 anyway you're probably not super familiar with what this is so let me show you what one looks like that's one right there look at it today I thought I would paint all of my outlet covers in my art room there's not much left in this room that's plain but the outlet covers they're plain the outlet covers are about yay big I don't know why I have to do this every time I hold something on camera I have to do this what's wrong with me so we're gonna have to get kind of creative about what kind of decoration we can fit in this kind of awkward space so that's um that's the bat that's what's that English cool let's paint on outlet covers hello from the underworld okay let me give you a quick tour of my outlets this one this one this one that one I'm gonna paint this also as well as this internet thing I did buy fresh covers because I was afraid to ruin the originals they're so unique and clearly irreplaceable no so let's pop these open here's everyone to regular outlets one light switch two skinnies and one with an Audi before I paint I need to prep my surface so I'm using this very fine hand sanding pad tampon tampon oh that's French okay anyway like ASMR just taking some of that finish off and this will help the paint to adhere better if you do this make sure you wear a mask like I was totally was now I'm gonna use this spray primer let me get on my crappy shoes don't judge them we going on a journey Oh roadblock what you looking at okay the primer should just help the paint to last longer and be more durable sanding helps the primer stick the primer helps the paint to last it's all part of the process also this was a terrible day to do this it was super cold and very windy the wind blew paint all over my camera so I've spent roughly an hour on these at this point and they look basically the same as they did when we started why does this look like a cartoon I want to create a background color for each of them using these water-based spray paints I bought them for something I forget what that thing was but today's the day I'm gonna use them so I'm picking out a different color for each cover and since there just happened to be six of them we have just the perfect opportunity to make each of them a different color of the rainbow mwah-ha-ha well then I realized this set doesn't include purple none magenta sure two different Pink's sure three different blues of course but no purple I'm scared I decided to just order me some purple spray paint so now I just have to wait a couple days for that to come in the mail [Music] in the meantime let's move on with the rest of them I'm gonna be spray-painting right here in my art room bad idea maybe I don't have much experience with spray-paint this stuff is supposed to be easier to use because it's in smaller more manageable cans and it's supposed to be odorless oh gosh I don't know why it says odorless it actually did have a pretty few me smell not as strong as regular spray paint but it smell bad it smelled bad but it's all I've got right now so let's finish those off it did clean up pretty easily though so that was nice I had to leave these out to dry for several days before the paint finally cured but now it's decorating time I'm using my pasta paint pens starting with the light switch cover and I didn't actually have a plan from this point on I was just using the background color as kind of the inspiration for the rest of the design this one is gonna have a rainbow on it but this is the only one I promise also a moon stars and a Sun since it's a light switch I thought I'd go with a day/night on-off kind of thing second coat so yeah this kind of looks like something you would find in a kindergarten classroom yay not what I was going for though so I'm trying to add some detail in there to give it a little bit more style and a little more of an artistic look and I'm shading and basically the only way that you can with pastas by adding little dots I mean you can also use cross hatching dashes shapes by the way notice I use the entire rainbow in the shading for the clouds I kind of like it I choose to use the combination of pastas and spray paint because I was envisioning a really nice smooth clean finish minor problem with using spray paint in the background if you make a mistake it's not that easy to go over and fix it is spray paint here's how we're looking but I I don't like certain dots that are on the background too many dots so I'm grabbing a palette spraying a little paint and I'm gonna try to cover up blemishes that smooth flawless surface that I was talking about yeah this kind of ruins it so I guess spray paint should be reserved for actually talented artists who don't make mistakes all the time I'm okay there before and after do you see that improvement I don't think so this one's done for now moving on to the orange outlet for this one I decided to cover it in a candy pattern I'm honestly not a huge fan of this orange color it's a really intense kind of orange I would have liked it to be a little bit softer that's another limitation of spray paint you're gonna be limited with what colors you can use spoiler alert next week I'm doing something else that involves spray paint so I'm gonna get another dose of it then but anyway I just got this new pasta pen that's like super thin I guess that's the outliner I'm just trying all sorts of new things this week this is quite nice I enjoy it a lot throw a couple highlights on there to get a nice juicy look and yes I think this one is pretty cute loving those little gummy bears so cute next is yellow yes I am decorating these in the order of the rainbow was there another option at this one I thought would look good with some strawberries on it so I added strawberries on it also some strawberry flowers and leaves to make it a little bit more interesting I think I first noticed people decorating these outlet covers on tic-tock I don't actually use tik-tok but I have seen tic toc art compilations on youtube and that's where I've seen people decorating outlet covers which is where I got this idea speaking of other social media platforms posted a sneak peek of this outlet cover on Instagram as the hint for this week's video most people were able to guess what I was doing this week although a handful of people thought that this was a toilet seat I guess that means my face looks like anyway follow me on Instagram or something I don't know I've been trying to build my Instagram that was a really long tangent I don't even know where that started but okay this one's done next is the oh no this is where the trouble begins so this is one of the skinnies there's really not much room to work with this was definitely a challenge because you have such limited space and the space you do have is interrupted by you know a giant hole but for this one I just decided to go with some really simple little triangle banners I used to paint these all the time which is super cute and bright and cheerful looking old videos are great aren't they I messed this one up pretty bad it's not hanging straight so this was not super cute and bright and cheerful looking I decided it was just gonna be best to paint over it and start again so boom repainted we're starting over and this time it's gonna be perfect with no issues right no so you remember how I said I had to leave the spray paint to dry for several days I had to leave these out to dry for several days well I didn't really have that option when I repainted it because gotta get my video out every Friday so I didn't have an extra couple days laying around I tried going in after just six hours of drying and the pastas I did not appreciate that the paint was crack-a-lackin' a lot no matter how I tried to fix it the paint just kept on cracking but I didn't really have the time to start over completely this was just a loss garbage we have to move on now to the blue another skinny I don't like your kind I tried it something a little bit different for this one I did like a little beach scape this was definitely the fastest of all of them but I think it's cute and guess what it's here [Music] I'm finally going to throw some color onto this one and after just a half hour of drying this one is completely ready to be colored on with no issues because this was just regular spray-paint it wasn't this cute crap that takes three days to dry they're cute this one I definitely struggle to come up with an idea for it has the most available space but there's this thing to deal with so I just decided to kind of try to use it as part of my design by drawing it as a tree branch I guess and making a cat walking on top of it although this made the purple background color kind of weird because you know why is the sky purple I don't know okay then I added some weird gradient ish thing to the background to try to like style it and make it cool I don't even know I don't know how many people would want crazy colors and cat decorations all over their outlet covers I definitely wouldn't want this in every room but if you do have like a fun room or a basement bedroom dorm room somewhere that has like a more relaxed kind of playful atmosphere then I think that this can be really cute and this one is kind of interesting it almost doesn't look like something that I did like I feel like somebody else made this I made this right I kind of liked it okay now that all the decorations are done well I'm not using this one though so that can leave that kind of sucks it's okay it's okay I'm using my trusty liquitex varnish to protect the paint on the rest of them I actually bought some like heavy-duty spray gloss but at this point I was kind of tired of spraying things and messiness and fumes so I just went back to the good old brush I did apply several coats of this and the stuff is typically pretty durable so it should be fine after letting that dry overnight they're finally finished I'm really happy with how these look overall with the exception of the missing green one I think the ones that I do have left really do look cute I can always redo the green one at some other time but for now I think that this is a pretty good result so all that's left to do is to just switch out all the old covers ooh nudity there go I did go over the screws with my pastas to just kind of help them blend in a little bit better look better or worse I think it helps this one has to be my favorite of all of them and next one Jordan was actually helping me film this and started recording random things in my room it's dead oh my gosh you scared me beautiful okay okay [Music] okay and that's the end of me spending my week painting on my outlet covers I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I will see you next week bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 14,543,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: biO0EoXUFB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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