Painting With AMAZING. Fizzy. Paint.

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[Music] hey it's me i'm wearing a cherry shirt and a cherry necklace this might be too much cherry i i don't know if i like this anyway okay today i am going to be using an art kit that i found online i'll put the link in the description here it is the reason this one caught my eye is one it's by faber castell which is the brand that makes the colored pencils that i use and i freaking love those colored pencils also it's more art related than crafty which i like i like more arty crafts if that makes any sense at all and it does this oh wow wow wow i like that a lot velcro quality i don't know exactly what fizzy paint is i'm assuming that it's going to be watercolor with some sort of like additive so that you can create like a texture in the watercolor that's what it looks like here i don't really know i just want to create some art and i stopped playing with that i just thought that this was going to provide some cool gimmicky little paint thing okay okay okay let's just break into this and see what this is about we have these little tablets oh look at this they've also included a mortar and pestle very cute oh we have nine of these little paint pots this is where the paint goes we have a paintbrush which actually seems to be decent quality and another paintbrush for fine details those are actually nice we have a black and white crayon not exactly sure what the is that what's creating that effect the crayon i thought that was the fizzy paint have a little dropper a spray bottle and three double-sided markers six colors no orange though which is kind of sad i'm looking at this piece that they have on the box and i'm thinking the crayons are creating the white lines and then the markers are creating the dark squiggly lines for some reason i saw that and i thought that the paint was doing all of that the rest of it just looks like basic watercolor are we just making basic watercolor is that what we're doing we have some little cardboard frames honestly cannot see myself using these except to do this i just don't really see the need for a lime green border maybe somebody would want to do that we have a bunch of paper in here it's very smooth you can see my hand right through it it's not super thick oh okay never mind you have been redeemed they gave me another package i hate when i say they gave me as if they made this kit for me they provided this is a little bit more reminiscent of watercolor paper we've included two types of paper for you to try out watercolor paper and art paper oh paper is art paper this goes through how to make each color sometimes people get confused about how you create different colors this is a good learning opportunity i know it's so exciting it's so exciting i sound like it sounds like a teacher blah blah blah blah okay cool they do give you like some interesting techniques and things that you can try i think that this is actually gonna be kind of fun i think i want to just get started and start trying these things out so first step we gotta make the paint i have filled up each one of these little pots three-fourths of the way full with water oh they're so cute oh they're so cute so i'm going to start by creating the primary colors which are red yellow blue now before you start typing about how it's actually cyan and magenta well okay let's just chill it's basically the same thing so to create red we need three red tablets drop them in watchm fizz was one of the advertised activities with this kit so i'm watching not the most exciting thing i've ever seen in my life i'm not gonna lie it's a tablet fizzing in water i see this every time i take alka-seltzer we're going to need two yellow tablets to create yellow and two blue tablets to create blue okay so the tablets are just about dissolved wait a second where does this come in are we supposed to crush up the tablets first the instructions just say add fizzy paint tablets to your container i think you're supposed to crush them first i don't know look at me i've already made a mistake kinda crush them up in there no big deal we are okay the red is very pinkish blue is nice yellow is fine hey i'm gonna interrupt for a second i hope you're enjoying watching me making paint it gets better later on for right now though i just wanted to pop in and show you some new products and let you know that the crazy merchandise season has begun so there will be new products every single friday until the end of november we are also doing a weekly giveaway of this merchandise to enter for the giveaway all you have to do is sign up for the mailing list on the store website if you've already signed up in the past you're already automatically entered today i have four new products to share with you this is it this is what i want to show you the official pickle the dinosaur onesie also in cousin derp form i'm gonna be honest when the onesie started you know coming out and people started wearing them i was a little bit skeptical i'm clearly an adult here what i'm gonna wear onesie now if you haven't tried wearing one of these you need to they are so freaking comfortable get your onesie on get on the couch get that movie on get some popcorn oh it's a good time or you know if you're brave enough you can just walk around in the streets with them that's cool too we are also offering the burger plush sold separately if you're getting the cousin derp onesie and you want to add his favorite accessory but that's not it no it's not we also have brand new memory foam plushies basically it's a plush but it's filled with memory foam so it's like a hybrid between a squishy and a plush it's so freaking satisfying we have the baby hamster design of course classic and pop quiz who recognizes this one so this one came back from the video where i first used posca pens baby i made this set of rainbow monster pins and this was my favorite monster design see that been right there the whole time i call it the bumble bear monster bumble bear monster also she has a unicorn horn the link to all of this will be in the description and make sure you check your order page so you know when your items will ship okay thank you for your time and let's get back to me making paint this time i'm going to actually do this the proper way to create orange we need one yellow tablet wow bra sweet seriously oh there there we go there we go it's not easy it's really not and now powder is going everywhere let's now try adding this powder into the little container okay it is behaving then we are supposed to add 12 drops of red paint it is still leaving quite a bit of undissolved graininess so i'm not really sure if this step is necessary it's kind of busy work i'm not really interested in busy work i think from here on out i'm gonna skip that step i'm just going to shut up and continue to make the rest of the colors [Music] now [Music] okay so i've mixed all of my colors some of them are still fizzing here but i have to say that was semi fun to do i don't know why it just kind of was i mean all i did was really follow their recipes that they have here and it was kind of satisfying to see the colors mixing and stuff so didn't expect to but i kind of liked it kind of hard to tell which color is which but i believe this is our orange green purple this is supposed to be turquoise now all that's really left to do is start creating stuff with it so so we so we so easily so easily i am going to get out a piece of their watercolor paper i'm gonna hide my cherry necklace because i've decided that it's too far i'm just gonna use this as normal watercolor no fuss no gimmicks no games [Music] so the first thing i've done is like a little tie-dye swirl kind of thing the colors i will say they're not super super bright and rich it's a little bit more water than color but it's really not bad i'm looking for something to complain about but i guess i don't need to complain do i i think what i'm gonna do with these though is create a couple backgrounds and then make some art to go on top of it i suppose we can try the crayon thing you use a crayon you draw a design and then wherever the wax is the color isn't going to absorb into the paper i'm not super into the effect that it gives because you can't really see what you're drawing so i'm going to go for like little sparkle things maybe i'll make it like galaxy let's just try this and see that did not turn out well at all i'm thinking that there's a difference to the sides of the paper because this worked completely different than that these are just like really splotchy don't like that one bye which side am i supposed to use oh yeah there is a difference that would have been helpful to know guess i could try it again theory proven there is a huge difference between the different sides of the paper maybe everyone already knew that and maybe i'm just not used to using paper i just paint on everything but paper most of the time but the difference is massive only problem is my stars look like trash okay make sure i get the right side of the paper in case you're wondering if you're trying this exact kit and you want to know very small portion of you i'm sure the side of the paper that works best is the long like linear texture as opposed to the little dimples now i'm just going to try a couple of the techniques that they give you using the tablets themselves basically you can just take the tablets whoops no spread them out on paper like little pimples use the dropper to activate them that's kind of fun and interesting i like it [Music] so okay so i've created a couple very interesting little pieces here this one reminds me of those blow pens from like the 90s this is pretty ugly this one is still working and that's okay but yeah this was actually really fun i could probably spend like all day experimenting with this kit and trying out different techniques using the tablets i could have experimented more with crushing them up and using the powder but i have plenty of backgrounds that i can work from and i'm just gonna create little pieces with these backgrounds so that i can take this a step further but i have to say i'm pretty impressed with the quality of this kit i think anyone of any age that likes to create and play with color would have fun using this i like it but for now i'm going to say bye to the kit and move on to creating something of my own so here are some options for my art backgrounds and i think i'm going to start with the tie-dye one immediately for some reason i had the idea to draw an elephant on this originally i was using my pasta pen to color this in but as you can see that was really chewing up the paper it was becoming quite unattractive so i ended up going over this with a coat of acrylic paint to fix all of that up so why an elephant what is what is the elephant thing well um i i kind of felt like the spiral looked a little bit like an elephant trunk so then um i just did that yeah all right all right then i created kind of a mirrored shape of the spiral by adding an actual elephant why does the elephant have to be pink um good question i did end up bringing back the posca pens in order to bring in some details i wanted this to remain somewhat simple and like a graphic style but still look complete and nice you know so this is me trying for that then just because i added a couple pink stars in the corner to balance it out sign it and bam that's done it's simple but i really like it it's just it's cute and fun next i grabbed the less ugly of the two galaxy paintings and i'm going for a very similar concept here another kind of uh cartoony sort of animal in the corner inspired by the background it's a galaxy cat um and you can see those those eyes are like cat i don't know if it's an alien cat or if it's just a regular cat who has been thrust into the galaxy for some unexplained reason either way this idea came into my mind immediately when i saw this background i knew exactly what i wanted to paint a tall yellow galactic cat you know and that was it finally i did go in with the white posca and try to fix up the kind of derpy looking stars in the background and make them look a little bit more detailed and intentional unless like a four-year-old did it and here it is i like it it's cute i wouldn't have had it any other way i i love this little guy so here are my two completed pieces this was you know a really chill and kind of laid back video especially compared to the craziness of last week but i had a lot of fun with this whole experience it was relaxing it was fun it was easy it was nice and i hope you guys enjoyed it thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next week bye [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 8,135,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: making watercolor, faber castell fizzy paint kit, faber castell review, fun painting exercises, watercolor paint for beginners, making watercolor backgrounds, art ideas, fill your sketchbook, tiktok art
Id: Lw9q17vpeZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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