Squishy Makeovers: Fixing Your Squishies #26

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[Music] hey it's me today i'm going to be doing a squishy makeover we're going to do another one i have handed back the responsibility to you guys to pick out the squishies that i paint in this series for this episode because i did an unboxing video opened a bunch of fresh used squishies that's a contradiction that doesn't make any sense there was a small problem with the last unboxing video i made a mistake i called this squishy lettuce lettuce when it is in fact star fruit because of that i didn't get as much feedback on which squishies you guys wanted me to paint because there was so much attention on that little insignificant detail 75 of the comments were correcting me that it's star fruit not lettuce it's the only thing worth commenting about was that one second that i was wrong it was a terrible terrible mistake um very very very very sorry about that anyway i think the most popular request that i could see was this bear squishy i didn't open this until way at the end of the video and usually the squishies that end up being requested a lot are the ones that are like in the beginning of the video i don't know it's sad it deserves to be here the other really popular request was this one this is my fault this is another instance of me opening my big fat mouth with a random idea that probably won't work but i just had to say it i was severely creeped out by this squishy but i thought it kind of looked like it had a baby body and i thought what if i turn it into a baby if i turned it into an actual baby pretty sure this is gonna be really really creepy and weird i think you're all secretly hoping that i fail so that you can be entertained by my failures now for the third one i'm going to leave it a surprise it could be anything it's not going to be the star fruit i'm burning that one now so let's get into squishy roasting i'm gonna start with this one just to kind of get it out of the way maybe it's just me but i find the squishy to be incredibly creepy it's clearly a dog in an inner tube but the gray makes it look like an old man and then its body resembles a human baby are you a baby or are you 83 his neck is a little uh whoa it's got a big rip through it we have a random hole here which oh bends up to another massive tear the squishiness of this kind of sucks it's verging on stress ball material that's one of the biggest insults you can give to a squishy everyone knows stress balls are the scum of the earth let's get started on this first i need to sand down the foam to make sure that the paint will stick properly and once we see nice little rips over the entire surface it's good to go i'm changing this dog into a human baby and typically the surgery to do a species change is very complicated first removing the tail because most people don't have tails i don't think and then i need to just smooth out that area the best i can so that it doesn't look like a complete chopped up mess i'm ripping this pin out of his side i can tell that one hurt and of course i need to get rid of that little dog nose and i'm actually gonna completely smooth out the entire face hand cramp and now i could have just left the sunglasses on there and just made the baby wearing sunglasses but i feel like those glasses may carry leftover creepy vibes just because they've been on that dog's face i also have to smooth out the fur texture on this back no one likes the baby with the hairy back finally i need to cut off his ears i thought about trying to work with them maybe like turning them into big headphones like the baby is just listening to music then i realized that's dumb quit being lazy and do it right if you thought this was creepy before holy crap it's so hideous to patch up this hole i'm gonna grab some spare foam shove it in there and just trim away the excess okay good oh hi you i dug this squishy out i believe this is a plum themed bear i don't know i'm wrong about a lot of things and it's kind of cute i like the hand that's waving but without a doubt i'm most interested in those ears yeah i'm looking at those so yes you have been selected to be our involuntary ear donor congratulations so let's make that cut ah no no don't worry this is a good thing here they are i'm gonna hot glue those on since fabric glue doesn't work very well for tiny pieces like this of course i do realize these aren't human ears i'm replacing dog ears with bare ears but we can make this work i'm gonna go in with my puffy paint because it's finally the time to start trying to smooth out all the chaos that i've created with cutting away parts and adding new parts doing some nice finger painting in there and this is just kind of a general you know covering any lumpy textures closing up all the rips and gaps after several thick coats of paint like that i'm going to start applying some thinner coats with a paintbrush to really start refining the smoothness of the surface and you can see after a few layers it does start looking pretty good we're getting there but just for good measure i'll add one more in this mustard yellow color for some reason ultimately it doesn't matter what color i use for this step i'm just gonna go over all of it anyway so i usually go with just whatever colors i have in excess at the time and this is what i've done it's ugly hopefully once i get it all one color it'll start to look a little bit better so i'm gonna go over the whole thing with a white base coat and at this point it doesn't look like a dog anymore but it also doesn't look quite human either it's still got paws so that's not good i'm thinking this is gonna be a complete fail but i'm gonna keep going miracles do happen sometimes so let's start working on the skin that's s for skin no it's not i added that label like two years ago and honestly can't remember why like i'm just so interesting what do we think of this color oh he's eating it so this is the point where we're gonna really start to reveal whether my evil plan has worked or not will it look like a baby oh my gosh oh my gosh i'm having thoughts and feelings about this it is looking more like a baby but now i'm having some very unpleasant flashbacks to my last experience trying to paint human squishies which did not go very well and i'm getting very concerned it's too early to create a new face of failure for 2021. after a few layers of skin painting here we have it a very very naked baby i want to add a nice bright flush to the face so i'm adding quite a lot of pink to the cheeks i want baby to be full of life and vibrancy normally i wait until the very end to tackle the face but i was so convinced that i was gonna fail at this i just kind of wanted to get it over with already so i'm sketching out the face now and then very carefully and slowly don't make a mistake going over it with paint i wanted to do something very bold and animated like a cartoon it's a baby he's in the pool and he's having a great time so i wanted to make him you know laughing well big baby belly laugh and i gave him a single tooth shockingly i think it's kind of cute but at the same time he kind of looks like a chipmunk or something maybe it's just because he's so bald so let's give him some hair i decided to paint him some nice light brown hair and add some outlining around that just to give some detail to the hair and make it look a little bit more complete and here he is ah yeah i think he might be cute i'm gonna call him chip cause he still kind of looks like a chipmunk so let's start addressing his little inner tube here i could so easily paint this rainbow oh the temptation is strong i'm not gonna do it i'm gonna go with purple orange and yellow why am i making him look at the paint i thought that these would work for some oh a bubble popped the yellow paint watch it i don't know why i'm acting like this is a noteworthy event but yeah i thought that these were some nice bright fun summery colors and they would look cute on the little pool float okay finished up with the first layer on that now with the second layer i'm gonna really get in there make sure all the lines and seams are crisp and the colors are looking bright there inner tube done this poor baby has been so naked this whole time not that he looks particularly bothered but still let's put a diaper on him please now obviously they do have baby swimsuits so i realized i could have painted him in a swimsuit but the way his legs are curled up like that it might have made it look weird to try to paint little shorts on him or something so i thought that a white diaper would just look better and cuter clearly there are lots of little messy areas left over so it's time for me to go back and fix all the little mistakes to make sure that everything is looking neat and clean finally i'm going to add some little details to the diaper and my signature on his little butt before we had a creepy ripped up old baby dog and now we have chip the very happy baby personally i think it's a big improvement maybe it's just because i hated the original squishy so much and i had such low expectations for this makeover but i actually like it he's cute you can just hear that laugh i'm not gonna be surprised if some people still find this creepy people are creeped out by little baby doll faces in general i actually don't find him too creepy and i did think about trying to do something about the paw situation but i think trying to define those as fingers in any way would have just probably made it worse but anyway he's cute okay bye chip so next we have the sweet little bear with a cake i love this one i got really excited about it ooh i like you but in reality the personality and detail on this is non-existent hello hello is anyone home in there nope not to mention the ripping and chipping that's going on all over the place the actual shape of the bear is very rounded it looks like her limbs are like made out of marshmallows hey i know someone like that so i think i'm gonna have to add a lot to this one to make something more interesting and that's where they come in these three squishies may not look like they have anything in common but they do they're all going to die for her oh that looks weird hold on okay let's focus on one at a time this dolphin squishy i'm actually kind of sad to see this one die i really like its little face look at that we're bonding but don't get too attached next we have this very awkward looking cat mermaid and i'm fine with killing this one why is a cat wearing a shell bra i mean i get it's because it's a mermaid but a shell bra on a cat no no no and finally the most awkward of them all that face i'm also not a super fan of the body positioning of this how it's like in mid action something about it is frustrating why are you stuck in mid jump forever but anyway this is about the bear remember i'll give her a quick sanding to prepare for paint and oh hi everyone back so soon it's time for some blood to be shed first i'm gonna cut off these shells you didn't even need them in the first place and now these belong to you from the alicorn i'm gonna be taking that wing i guess i'll hang on to the rest of it still i don't know and from the dolphin i'm taking the tail and the bill okay now assembly time and many annoying little pieces means hot glue is the way to go i'm going to glue the wing onto the top of the head kind of like a mohawk and the tail onto the back like a like a tail and the bill onto the forehead okay this is just getting weird and one seashell here and one over there perfect all my pieces are in place not too much fuss and now i just need to seal them all together to make this permanent and fill all those unsightly gaps at the same time i'm also fixing up the rips that were in the squishy to begin with looks great time for the base coat so you must be wondering what it is that i've created here i could see how this might be a little confusing oh well it's time for color already that was quick i'm painting this orange does that explain things um no well since this bear was so plain and bland i wanted to do something that gave us a little bit more interest and detail this is going to be a bear in a fish costume so yes that's right i sacrificed three innocent lives so that you could wear a costume you better be grateful okay got the whole thing painted orange and whoa it's got a face already oh my gosh how did that happen so i'm painting the bear color just on the face my thought was this is a bear that loves under the sea so much that she dressed like a fish and she eats under the sea themed cakes what i don't know it's kind of like ariel from the little mermaid but the reverse and a bear version it's burial okay not a huge fan of this color with that orange let's try to adjust that that should be better i probably should have just waited to draw on the facial features until i had finished the background color of the face but i didn't so i had to just paint around everything i decided to paint the paws exposed out of the costume to try to give a little more detail to the arms once again i'm going out of my usual order i just felt like doing all the faces early so we're just jumping ahead here i gave her some sweet looking purple teardrop eyes and then went to paint the nose and a little side smile a couple of eyebrows say that as if there's another acceptable number of eyebrows oh and then started adding some light delicate blush on the cheeks which i was almost done blending out and then i ruined it with a brown streak the heck where did that come from it came from my dirty paint paper towel well gotta fix that and now my paintbrush is falling apart you're a piece of trash i don't think that's fair back to the eyes i wanted to add some little shading in there to make them pop a little bit more and then of course she'll need some pupils eyelashes and little shinies in her eyes oh it's cute cute cute cute cute now i'm going to finally address the rest of the body i want to use some dark orange to accent the little fish head piece head head piece thing um oh finn finn and the tail as well now of course the fin is kind of a different shape than the normal head fin that's because it's actually a wing fun fact i also decided to add an outline around the edge of the costume to just define that border a little bit more make it look finished i added some little fishy freckles around okay i don't know now about the cake i went for a nice blue frosting i was kind of going for a beach look so the frosting is the water the cake is the sand and then i brought in a darker blue on the bottom of the frosting to kind of give it a blendy watery look painting those seashells in purple to match with her eyes but actually i knew i wanted to do purple seashells before purple eyes so i actually made her eyes to match the seashells just if you want to get technical finally doing some last touch-ups around the edges adding in the layers of frosting the details on the shells the sprinkles on the cake and no i'm not gonna do it the sprinkle song can wait till later because i've got lots more sprinkles coming at you and you know the rule about only one sprinkle song per video so silence finally add her inner ears here is the before kind of cute but basic and now burial is here she's cute and a little less basic i think the editions made the design a lot more interesting and unique i really really really really really really really love it this one is just so cute it's just one of those you just want to shake you know yeah so cute i love her so i told you the third squishy i'm going to choose myself which i thought was a good idea but um this is what happens when the choice is mine yeah it was a hard choice but then i remembered in my unboxing video i said something about making a stack of donuts i haven't done that it's one of my dreams so i went on a hunt and found every single donut squishy that i could is it sick to say i was kind of expecting it to be more yeah that's crazy i'm gonna select a couple of these if my camera would quit freaking out okay stop doing that i'll take this one this one and this one these were all the same exact shape and i like them because they're nice and thick this one's in rough condition for sure chunks missing and whatnot this one's got drawn on sprinkles and a crooked hole and this one oh wait do they all have crooked holes oh well that adds character this one's got some very interesting smudge sprinkles alright let's get this party started i'm gonna frost my donuts with my favorite flavor fabric fusion yummy and all right time to stack them now to keep some pressure on there while the glue dries i'm gonna throw a bunch of rubber bands around them let that dry for an hour or so and now it's safe to remove all the rubber bands and i'm gonna go around all those seams and just seal them up really quick and easy nice and simple we got three donuts nice and firmly attached together i'm gonna paint these a slightly different color than the original i guess it's a little bit more reddish toasted kind of color i'm not a huge fan of all the visible seams that are on the squishies i kind of wish i had tried to trim those up a little bit before painting but i didn't really notice them until i had painted them which at that point clearly it's too late so these or this this or these is it of these or is it a this now i don't know what the heck is she talking about these this took several coats because the foam was very rough and holy so i just gotta keep on painting over that until all the holes are completely filled all right we got a solid color going on but that's kind of boring so now i'm gonna add a lighter color in the center and give these some shading to make them a little bit more realistic and nice looking this was a long time of going back and forth to create a somewhat convincing toasted look okay this is what i've ended up with i think it looks decent i'm gonna paint on the frosting and i'm going for white for the very top donut adding some little drips in that because i can't resist and going with a nice pink for the middle donut which i wish had a little bit more contrast with the donut color but oh well finally for the bottom i chose chocolate so this is kind of like a neapolitan situation going on here and those are all going to need a second coat so let's go ahead and do that oh ah nice little aesthetic close-ups yummy yummy yummy yummy okay done now of course these donuts need a little decoration for the center one i decided to try to make it look like it had drizzle on it which was kind of tricky because i couldn't see both sides of the donut at once so it just made it weird to figure out where the drizzle would go and where it would stop and continue so it turned out a little bit wonky but i think it's okay for the top i decided to add sprinkles star sprinkles now is the time [Music] oh that's the wrong song you silly sprinkle song here you go finally i'm adding some regular old sprinkles to the bottom donut with all the same colors and there we go i've taken three completely separate and unrelated donut squishies and now boom a magical tower of donuts i don't know why i've been wanting to do this for so long and haven't it was quite easy but i enjoyed it and i'm really happy with how it looks so now it's official i have my stack of donuts i can check it off my bucket list and here they are all together oh they look so fun and cute this is a profile shot but that looks strange anyway this was a lot of work for one video geez i need an easy video next week okay i am really happy with how all these came out thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next week [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 8,039,784
Rating: 4.9517412 out of 5
Id: Qlbb3cRZNp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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