Maggie Street Virtual Service 8.2.20

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welcome to maggie street missionary baptist church where pastor ezekiel pettway senior is the senior pastor our mission statement our mission is to take the whole gospel to the whole city to be a loving caring and sharing church with christ as our model to train evangelize and make disciples of men to be expressive with our praise and to worship christ the savior in spirit and in truth and to minister to the whole man body soul and spirit maggie street missionary baptist church worship with us virtually morning worship service at 10 a.m each sunday sunday school at 9 00 a.m each sunday and each thursday evening bible study at 6 00 pm giving just got easier you can give online online giving is available now for members friends and family check out our website for more information at follow us on twitter at maggiemsbc [Music] happy birthday to everyone celebrating in the month of august and happy anniversary to everyone celebrating in the month of august [Music] let's stay together connect with us online via facebook twitter instagram youtube or email join us for our morning devotion prayer call monday through saturday at 6 30 a.m and on sunday at 8 30 a.m the number to call is 978-990-5408 access code 265 [Music] let us now receive our praise team [Music] tragedies are commonplace all kinds of diseases people are slipping away economies down people can't get enough pay but as for me all i can say is thank you lord for all you've done for me [Music] robbers no place seems to be safe but you've been my protection every step of the way and i wanna say thank you [Music] no clue [Music] none of these things [Music] you keep on keeping me [Music] and no clue [Music] and every day thank you [Music] thank you thank you for your power [Music] thank you for protection thank for you thank you for your power thank you for protection [Music] help me say this say thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you lord thank you thank you thank thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you lord thank you for keeping me [Music] lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] and i want to say thank you i could have been sleeping in my grave [Music] thank you thank you there's nobody let us now receive pastor ezekiel pettway senior good morning welcome to another sunday worship experience here at the maggot street missionary baptist church so good to be here today i'm grateful to god as we share in the lord's supper on this day that i share a word of encouragement with you during these difficult times in which we're living i want to encourage all of you again to let you know we appreciate your support your care and all that you do and what you have done over the last four months here to keep our church afloat so again we just want to thank you from the depths of our heart and encourage you to keep doing what you're doing stay safe make sure you continue to practice social distancing make sure you keep on doing everything you can to keep your family safe let's offer word of prayer this morning before we get going father we bless you and thank you for this day we thank you for the lord jesus christ we thank you for his death on the cross because of his death lord god we are free from sin and we have a right now to the tree of life and because of that we give you glory honor and praise and god on this first sunday we continue to commemorate and remember your death your barrier and your resurrection we know because of your resurrection we too are seated in heavenly places now in christ jesus because of what you have done we pray now that you would hide self behind the cross don't allow him to be seen or heard but allow the word of god to be preached with power boldness and conviction to the end that our lives might be better in jesus name we pray amen amen i want to invite you again uh to share in our worship hour of giving it's a good time to give if you have not given we want to encourage you to give you can go on the giving tab and you can click on it and you can give online we have people who are here they will be here for an hour from 10 to 11 to receive your gifts and for those of you have who have mailed them in already we thank you for that also so again we just thank you for this privilege and this opportunity to share the word of god with you i want to try to keep you encouraged during these down days and down times that we are having and to let you know that god is still faithful to what he has promised us amen i want to call your attention to lamentation 3 23. i want to read that verse and a couple of verses that are thereafter and we will get into the word of god lamentations 3 and 23 it says they are new every morning great is thy faithfulness god's mercies are new every morning great is his faithfulness second timothy 2 and 13 it says if we believe not yet he abideth faithful he cannot deny himself amen i want to just chat with you this morning give you a word of encouragement i want to talk about when life does not feel fair god is still faithful when life does not feel fair god is still faithful my brothers and sisters god is faithful and we are called to walk by faith and not by sight we're living in times a man where things seem so difficult and we'll we're almost at a place where we're about to look at the things that we see and they cause us to almost panic and be in fear but despite what we are seeing despite what we are going through despite the evolving and unstable seasons that life brings our way and life brings us some challenging things amen and we have to learn that when we are challenged to our core when we are faced with situations when we don't know what to do we are called to trust in god through times of joy and tribulation god's faithfulness remain consistent and steadfast life can be hard my brothers and sisters challenging and seemingly unfair when things do not go according to our plans we become frantic sometimes but god still remains faithful and that's good news today to know that god amen remains faithful regardless to what we are going through regardless to what we are facing in our lives when times get hard when our backs are against the wall we have to know in our spirit that god is still faithful even when in life is dealing your hand that seems like the hand is unfair within your own strength my brothers and sisters it is easy to want to become cynical and dismiss how god has kept you in the past can i tell you if god has kept you in the past god will keep you right now we know that god does not change the bible tells us that jesus christ is the same today yesterday and forevermore i thank god that we serve a consistent god when we talk about god's faithfulness we're talking about how loyal he is and how constant he remains and how steadfast he is how reliable he is how accurate and precise god is and that's something that we can rejoice in today to know that even when we don't see a way that god is still making a way for us i want to invite you not to lose hope during these trying times that we are living in but instead to use god's track record of faithfulness as your strength when you look back over your life god has an excellent track record when you look at god's resume amen it's impeccable you will find no flaws in god's resume you will find no flaws in god's track record god's track record is perfect god has specific attributes that he will continually show you that represents his faithfulness i don't care what you're going through in this season what you're facing in this life i'm here to tell you today that our god is a faithful god you can depend on god when you can't depend on government you can depend on god when you can't depend on your job you can depend on god when you can't depend on anyone else god is faithful he is a consistent provider that's what i'm gonna share with you today he's an encourager he's a comforter he's a source of strength and he is a supporter i want you to focus on five traits amen that i'm gonna share with you today to show you how god remains faithful through the peaks and the valleys of life all of us have had some highs and we've had some lows in our life it's easy to celebrate when you are on the high points in your life but god is the same god when you're on the mountaintop as he is in the valley so whatever you're going through you can say like david say yea though i walk through the valley of the shadows of death i will fear no evil because god is with me amen you may be going through a season of rejection you may be going through a season of loss or grief or uncertainty in your life don't be discouraged do not be discouraged there is good news for you and i want you to know god's faithfulness will never waver if you can just trust him when you can't even see him we see god's faithfulness evident in the scriptures in the lives of many men and women throughout personal difficulties amen god continually provided strengthened comforted and supported his children and god will continue to do that today if god did it for the patriots if god did it for them in the days of gold if god did it for your grandparents if god did it for your parents god will do it for you i'm just here to encourage you to know that god will bless you amen i'm reminded of hannah when she was childless but god blessed her with a son his name was samuel god provided manna and provision for the israelites when they were in the wilderness for 40 years don't tell me that god ain't faithful for 40 years god fed the children of israel while they walked around in the wilderness the bible says that their shoes never roll out amen that's a good god amen can you imagine wearing the same shoes for 40 years and they never wear out because god is faithful listen to me my brothers and sisters things will happen that are out of your control but we must continue to give god amen thanks for god's faithfulness in our lives despite how you may feel or the circumstances that you are currently in right now and i know sometimes the circumstances that we we find ourselves in it causes us to almost shut down but you got to reflect on how good god has been and how faithful god has been to you down through the years when you look back over your life and look at some of the things that god has brought you through it ought to cause your faith to have a memory to believe that if god did it back then god would do it again amen i'm just here to encourage you to let you know that when life does not feel fair god is still faithful i know some of you are saying why is it that i gotta go through what i'm going through why is it that i'm facing some of the challenges that i'm facing in my life i don't know why god allows me to go through this can i tell you god allows you to go through it so that he can mature you and make you to understand that no matter where you find yourself in life that god is right there by your side and that he is making a way for you when it seems like there is no way so here's a few things i want you to look at amen there are about five things i want to see show you and get out of your way real quickly five ways that god will remain faithful in your life even when life does not feel fair to you first of all god is faithful in providing for you the scripture says and my god will meet or shall supply all of my needs according to his riches in glory by christ jesus i'm glad to know that god shall supply everything that i need he may not give me everything i want but he'll give me everything that i need and i trust god to be my supplier amen how many know today that god is our source amen a lot of times we talk about resources but i'm talking about the source today you can run out of resources but the source is god thank god for the father that he is our source amen when you feel like life is unfair i want to remind you that god is a provider can i tell somebody today that god is jehovah jireh that god will provide when i look back over my life these 59 years that i live amen i've lived so far i look at how god kept my grandma and my granddaddy my great grandmom and my great granddaddy how they made it on nothing but god was faithful amen how they could feed a man a house with 12 and 13 children in the house he could take mama could take one chicken and feed everybody in the house i'm just trying to tell you that god is faithful and that we can trust god amen in times like these that we are going through god continues to provide for us all of our needs are being met even now in covet 19. nobody's outdoors nobody's starving god is still meeting our needs you may not have everything you want my brothers and sisters but you have everything that you need trust in god to provide your needs when you do not see a way a man god develops a stronger dependence on him through what you cannot see and then what he does he strengthens you and matures you i want to invite you to pray to god when when you are in a situation pray to god for wisdom and here's what you say to god god help me to surrender all of my anxieties to you help me to do what paul said in philippians don't be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication sometime our anxieties will cause us to forget that god has always been our provider so surrendering is a process that acknowledges god's sovereignty and his control and what we have to learn how to do is take our hands off of certain situations in life and allow god to steer us through whatever it is we're going through brothers and sisters i love to read the sign on some people car tag that said god is my co-pilot but you need to get out of the co-pilot seat and allow god to be the pilot of your life and can i tell you wherever god pilots god will make sure that you are always land safely you don't have to worry about crashing and burning you just have to trust god there are season in life when you may ask yourself how will i make it how am i going to make it how will i take care of my family how will i survive you may feel stretched financially emotionally and even spiritually but brothers and sisters sometimes we are stretched financially because we don't use wisdom in certain things that we do we spend money that we don't have trying to impress people that don't like us amen trying to make it seem like you are bald and trying to make it seem like you are a baller but at the end of the day you know you just one paycheck away from being dead broke so you don't have to try to impress anybody but even when life is stretching you a man emotionally financially and spiritually god will take care of you because he takes care of his children there have been times when i i'm talking about me when i was not sure how i was going to pay my bills god provided resources and made a way god's provisions are not limited to material possession but god will provide you with peace of mind listen when you're going through a situation in life even when you don't have finances to get you through even when your mind is erect emotionally ask god god give me peace of mind cause you said in your word the peace of god will pass all understanding it'll keep my mind it'll keep my heart and the problem with us is when we are going through things our mind is not in the right place he that keeps his mind on him he will keep them in perfect peace i know you don't have any money god is saying i know you're broke i know you're in a desperate situation in your life but can you trust me amen and believe that i am faithful to take care of my children so what we need to understand god will provide for you with peace of mind he will give you courage renewal direction rest and hope one of the biggest lessons i've learned was to depend on god more by praying casting all of my cares upon him and surrendering to god when you pray and cast all your cares upon god and you surrender you tell god i'm giving it over to you i'm putting it in your hand i'm leaving it alone that's what god wants you to do i could not be self-sufficient i had to learn that but i had to learn how to become god sufficient because paul said god will supply all our needs according to his riches and glory by christ jesus our lord secondly god is faithful to uplift and encourage you listen at what philippians 1 and 6 says and being confident of this that he that began a good work in you were carried on to completion unto the day of jesus christ when you are burdened with the cares of life god will lift you up and encourage you when you feel like giving up or needing extra boost seek god's word for restoration sometimes when we are tired in life and when people are working out they need an extra boost they go and get an energy drink all you need is an extra word from god get in the word of god and say god here i am you know where i am you know what i'm dealing with i need a word god i need you to put a word on this situation in my life i need you to encourage me and brothers and sisters if you don't get a word do what david did encourage yourself in the lord high five yourself in the lord sometimes you just gotta encourage yourself so are you feeling overwhelmed philippians 4 13 reminds you that you can do all things through christ who strengthens you in other words i'm relying on god's strength to get me through what i'm going through if you feel like you're being rejected or abandoned god's word say i would never leave you or forsake you that's an old testament scripture in deuteronomy 31 and 6 be strong enough good courage fear not nor be afraid of them what are you afraid of sometimes on our jobs sometime in life amen people will get under our skin but we cannot be afraid of them for the lord thy god he it is that doeth go with you when you know god is with you amen you don't have anything to be afraid of he will not fail thee nor forsake thee that's good to know that we have god with us at all times we have to be conscious of the presence of god god know when people are getting under your skin what you have to learn how to do is put them in the hands of the lord when you feel you are searching for purpose this is what jeremiah said you you're trying to figure out lord what's my purpose what what's going on with me nothing is working right in my life jeremiah 29 11 affirmed that god's plan for you are to prosper you and not to harm you listen at what he said for i know the thoughts that i think toward you saith the lord god said you don't understand i've got a plan for your life i've been thinking about you the whole time you've been in the world and i have a plan for you but that plan will only come to fruition when you get in the place where i want you to be [Music] he said there are thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end the only thing that hinders us from reaching that expected m is our obedience to god all these scriptures reiterate that god cares deeply for you and for me they are there to encourage you and be the source of your strength one song said god is the source of my strength and we need to understand that he is the source of our strength god's word encourages me and uplifts me reminding me that i have everything that i need every each new day is another opportunity to start again to place my trust in god and to focus on surrendering my circumstances to him when you need encouragement don't give up know that you are not alone the third thing my brothers and sisters god is faithful and comforting you blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted matthew five and four four matthew five and four we all have mourned something the death of a loved one loss of a job a friendship relationship or even identity in times of loss all mourning it is natural to become distant discouraged disenchanted with god sometimes when that's a tremendous loss in our mind our lives we tend to even get angry and upset with god but elizabeth kubler-ross teaches us how to deal with loss and grieving and so we need to learn that that that the initial stage in grieving amen is we we deal with denial we get angry we bargain you know we bargain with ourselves if i had done more then we find that sometimes we even slip into a stage of depression but at the end we have to accept some things as the will of god while your your human emotion can sometimes consume you in a season of loss when somebody close to you transition it does consume you it does but god's faithfulness will carry you through it god will comfort your spirit and you can overcome with christ as your focus you have to focus on christ god's comfort can restore and revive your broken spirit this is personal for me in 1982 i lost my grandfather and i was devastated having more questions than i did answers in this spirit of grief for me i learned that god's comfort was sustaining and nourishing for my spirit that's the only thing that got me through it why because i was so close to him he had he had poured so much into me that losing him was so devastating i didn't know how i would make it so when i did not know how i did not have the words to articulate my feelings i began to search the word of god god's word was my comfort and my peace and just as god comforted me god will also comfort you be healed beyond human understanding now notice i said this happened in 1982 i still have moments in my life now of that event almost 38 years ago because of the significance of him in my life that taught me how to be a man that taught me the principles of life and and to take care of my family those things radiate and resonate from my life because i can steer his voice today but god comforted me the comfort that god offers helps us through adversity it allows us to continue to move forward it provides reassurance and rest for our weary soul if you don't learn how to cope with it it'll burn you down then the fourth thing god is faithful in strengthening you this is what he said in 2nd corinthians 2 and 9. paul said he said unto me my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness most gladly therefore i will i rather glory in my infirmities that the power of christ may rest upon me at times life has a way of weighing you down and knocking the wind out of your and taking the wind out of your sail we all experience seasons where we are depleted within our own strength and we feel weak god's power is made strong in your weakness this is what paul understood that in my weakest hour when i relinquish my own strength god becomes my strength god will strengthen you for your specific assignment and the journey of here every assignment in your life you need specific strength for that assignment because each assignment is different when you're weary god will give you rest but you got to acknowledge that you need to depend on him more and more so paul lets us know this amen he speaks to the church at corinth reminding them god's grace and power is available to strengthen them during their season of weakness everybody has a season of weakness regardless to how strong you are there will be something that comes up in your life that takes the wind out of you and so you would need the strength of god you would need his grace to work on your behalf so this verse it reaffirms the reality that you do not have to be ashamed of your weaknesses because god's grace will cover and strengthen you i love that because the grace of god can do in my life what i could never do for myself and i thank god for his grace so being being vulnerable is is contrary to society that teaches you always teaching that you always have to be strong i invite you to take a risk and be vulnerable today during trying time when you're feeling uh inadequate it is a great opportunity for you to share the good news of how god's strengthening you and how he kept you so god is faithful number five and i'm done god is faithful in sending community support when you feel like no one understands you and you're all alone you're all by yourself god will provide community support for you your community may be a friend just someone to listen sometimes i've discovered in my life that people need a friend just to listen sometimes not to reply just to listen and allow them to vent rather than always giving an opinion just allow them to vent they just need a listening ear small group of family member god uses and speaks through different groups of people to encourage uplift and remind you that you are not alone sometime the very person that you're speaking to they'll let you know you know what i've been through that too and that becomes an encouragement to you to let you know that you're not alone i benefited from being in a small group because i was able to grow in god's word with members of that same age group of similar age who shared experiences and challenges being in community taught me the importance of being transparent and vulnerable i never forget in the year 2000 i went to a prayer conference down in andalusia alabama there were 35 pastors in the room and while we were at this prayer conference doug small p douglas small from north carolina was leading the prayer group and all of us pastors were gathered there and i'll never forget there was a circle of 35 passes and chairs and doug put a chair in the center of the circle and doug called that seat the mercy seat and he said during these three days while we're here he said many of you pastors are going to break while you're in this prayer conference and i said to myself i don't think it's gonna be me but the very first night of the conference i took the mercy seat and i sat and while i was sitting in that mercy seat i began to share some of the things i was going through in my life some of the experiences and to my surprise 34 other pastors was encountering the exact same thing that i went through and what they did they came around that chair where i was and all of them surrounded me that was community and they prayed with me and i want you to know that god helped me to get through what i was going through and when i got back to the previous church where i was the people saw the difference in my life because of something that god had did in my life that changed me forever that's that community support and we need support from one another to encourage each other not to criticize but to be there to encourage and after i left that chair 34 other pastors did the exact same thing and we prayed for all of them and we came back spiritually renewed my brothers and sisters it's okay to be vulnerable it's okay however god is our ultimate source of support and wisdom we should seek god's word daily for wisdom and direction when we feel lost confused or even isolated support from people should not replace the ultimate support from god i'm so grateful that we have a prayer call every morning that we are able to support each other on the prayer line and pray for each other then i know sometimes there's a lot of names that we call but i don't mind calling the neighbors as long as we can support the people who are going through the challenges that they're facing in their lives finally this is the last thing i would say god is faithful or we are not and when our lives seem like it's not fair when you want to throw in the towel or feeling overwhelmed i want to assure you and you need to be assured that god will provide god will uplift god will comfort god will strengthen and support you your immediate circumstances may not change but be confident that god will provide you with all that you need to persevere be grateful that god is still faithful my brothers and sisters i pray that these words will encourage you i pray that you will continue to look to the heels from once cometh to your help your help come from the lord because he made the heavens and the earth i felt it necessary to share that message because i just feel like we are in a season when people need to be encouraged to know that even when life seems and feels unfair to you that god is still faithful so maybe you heard this message today and you want to change your life and change directions you might want to just make a confession today and this is all you got to say lord i believe that you died for my sin i believe that you rose again the third day according to the scriptures come into my heart come into my life be my lord and be my god ask god to sit on the throne of your life god i want you to sit on the throat of my life i denounce satan as lord of my life and i give you my life in jesus name if you confess that you can be saved i would encourage you to look for a church we'd love to have you here at magnus street church we are looking for members even doing covet 19. please ma'am please sir give us a call 334-263-3215 secretary is here tuesday wednesday and thursday you can even give us an email we'd love to hear from you amen my brothers and sisters again for time for our communion we do this virtually every first sunday you know that and i i think we've shared that to let you know that we will continue to do it virtually every first sunday we just want to commemorate the death the barrier and resurrection of jesus christ and i'll read the the scripture that we normally read first corinthians 11 starting with verse number 23 and then we will share this communion and we will give you your encouraging scripture for the week paul says for i have received of the lord that which also i delivered unto you that the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread when he had given thanks he break it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this due in remembrance of me after the same manner also he took the cup when he had stopped saying this cup is the new testament in my blood this do ye as often as you drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the lord's death till he come wherefore whosoever should eat this bread and drink this cup of the lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the lord but let a man examine himself and so let him eat up that bread and drink of that cup for he that eateth and drink it unworthily eat it and drink a damnation to himself not discerning the lord's body for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep for if we judge ourselves we should not be judged but when we are judged we are chaste of the lord that we should that we should not con be condemned with the world wherefore my brother when you come together to eat tarry one for another and if any man hunger let it meet at home that you come not together under condemnation and the rest would have set in order when i come father we thank you for jesus death we thank you for his barrier and his resurrection we thank you lord because of his death barrier and resurrection it brings about community and we know that we are all blood brothered because you died for our sin you shed your blood for us there are no big eyes and little ears we are all one in the body of christ and we know god that when we stand before you the ground is level that we stand on so god we thank you for your death we thank you for your barrier and your resurrection we just want to carry out the spirit of this covenant that as often as we do this we show your death until you come so now lord we thank you we ask you to forgive us for our sin we ask you lord to forgive us for the ones that we we actually know about and the ones that we don't help us to be honest with ourselves and with you to be honest with one another so that there will be no schism in the body we thank you we love you and we adore you in jesus name amen amen this wafer it represents the body of jesus christ that was broken for all of us taking each year all of it and this grape juice is symbolic of the blood of jesus christ that was shed for all of humanity take and drink elderly amen thank you for sharing in our virtual communion we appreciate that so very much i want to encourage you today amen to read amen in proverbs 31 it's a good chapter everybody love to read it when it comes down to women but it's a powerful chapter proverbs 31 is your encouragement for the week amen well god bless you we love you we thank you so much for sharing with us on this sunday may you join us on wednesday for our bible study and back again for our worship service once again now father we thank you we bless you thank you for your darling son jesus christ and for all of the members here at maggie street we pray your choice blessings upon them that you would keep them throughout the week everything that they set their hand to do calls it to prosper in jesus name now may the grace of god the sweet commune of the holy spirit may he wrestle and abide with us all henceforth now and forever in jesus name amen thank you for being a part of our virtual service maggie street missionary baptist church is located at 642 maggie street montgomery alabama
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 408
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: eLlYNEz6iRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 0sec (2820 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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