Maggie Street Virtual Bible Study (4.2.20)

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good evening and thank you for joining us again for our Bible study classes let me encourage you during this downtime to spend time in the word spend time in prayer and thank God for things being as well as they are many of you know our lives have changed over the last month where we are having to distance ourselves from people and we're learning how to worship God in a brand new way so I want to have a word of prayer before we get started with our Bible study tonight I want to encourage you to join us and watch our Bible studies father we thank you for this privilege we thank you for this opportunity to share your word god we know that the word is powerful it's quick and it's sharper than any two-edged sword piercing and dividing the asunder of the soul and is able Lord God to get out to the intents of the hearts and the thoughts of man and so we bless you during this time we thank you Lord for the privilege of studying your word now the what we pray that those who are listening I pray that you would bless them to receive this engrafted word that would change their hearts their minds and would encourage them as they are going through these trying times what we honor you would love you and we appreciate all that you're doing we would give you the glory we give you the honor and we give you the praise it is in Jesus name that we pray amen and thank God what a share word does evening with you I want to invite your attention to the book of Philippians chapter number 4 want to read a few verses starting with verse number 11 Philippians chapter number 4 whatever the Lord says not that I speak in respect of want i've learned in whatsoever state I am therewith to be content I know both how to be abased and I know how to abound everywhere in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry both to abound and to suffer me the last verse I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me I want to share in this teaching this evening I want to talk about learning how to be content in every situation learning how to be content in every situation my brothers and sisters the joy of the Christian experience is the dominant theme running throughout the book of Philippians the word joy and rejoice is used over 16 times in this particular letter that Paul writes the Apostle Paul is right in this letter to express his gratitude and affection for the Philippian church his strongest supporters in the ministry at this time that Paul writes this particular letter he is under house arrest in Rome for about two years he pinned this letter to encourage and convey a powerful message about contentment Paul reveals the source of his joyous contentment the fact that it was rooted in knowing Jesus Christ our Lord look at Philippians 3 verse number seven through nine if you don't mind for a moment Paul says what things were gain to me those are counted loss for Christ's yayyyy doubtless and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and do count them but dung that I may win Christ and being found in him not having mine own righteousness which is of the law but that which is through the faith of Christ the righteousness which is of God by faith so my brothers and sisters we see Paul's secret to being contented is the fact that he is rooted in Christ and when you are rooted and grounded in Christ you don't allow circumstances and situations to move you away from your relationship that you have with God under house-arrest think about this for a moment Paul is under house arrest as a prisoner in Rome yet he is full of joy and thankfulness it is amazing that there are many of us today who are walking around that are free and we are not under house arrest and yet we are complaining and we have everything at our fingertips but Paul wrote this encouraging letter to his fellow service there in Philippi Paul wanted them to know that joy was all about perspective it's all about how you see things true joy is not based on one's circumstances many of us allow the circumstances of life to dictate to us whether or not we can still give God to praise Paul is saying to us in effect I am locked up I'm locked down but nonetheless I understand where my help comes from it does not matter that I'm not free to walk around but I'm free in Christ so we have to understand what Paul is really saying to us he wanted them to know that the key to lasting contentment is found through a relationship with Jesus Christ my brothers and sisters when you have a relationship with Jesus Christ your focus is no longer on the things of the world but on the things of God those things that are eternal so as I dig a little deeper into this today I want you to listen and just listen real clearly it's easy for us to claim to trust in God when things are going our way however the best indicator of the asset test for every believer who really trusts in God a man is seeing him in the way you respond when you are in a situation many of us when we are dealing with turmoil and turbulence in our lives amen it causes us to react to that situation differently and one of the reason why we act that way is because we are unable to solve that situation at that problem on our own so what do you do when your back is against the wall what do you do when you're dealing with situations that you cannot control well can I recommend to you when you don't know what to do put it in the hands of the Lord and allow God to work it out for you and he'll do it for you in our lives the scripture wants us to know to trust God through the peaks and the valley in your life it is amazing how we praise God where we are on the mountaintop but when we experience Valley lows we don't know how to bless God can I tell you what the psalm writer said in Psalm 34 he said I bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth what David is saying well that I'm on the top of the mountain whether I'm in the valley I understand that praise and worship is all about perspective is how you see God in that situation can I tell you just because your situation or your circumstances are falling apart it does not mean that God has walked off the scene as a matter of fact you have to see God bigger than your situation and bigger than your circumstances we're facing something in this hour that we're living in call coronavirus or covet nineteen I don't know whether God a man had anything to do with it whether you sent it but this is the way I look at it what if God did not send it or what if God just simply took his hand off of things and allowed us to look at what things will be like if he wasn't involved what want us to do is really trust him in the midst of what we are going through and what I say to the church during this downtime you don't need to be watching TV all day long you need to find some time and spin it with God develop your relationship with God bring your children and your family before God and begin to create an altar in your home and say God since you locked us down at home we decided that we are gonna worship you right here in the house you may not be able to come to the church but can I tell you the church is not the physical location the church is you God wants to live in you so I want to encourage you tonight as we look at these things amen let's dig a little deep a man paul refers to this thing called contentment a man he wants us to know as we dig a little deeper into it that you've got to learn how to be content and that's hard for us to do sometime how do I be content whatever my state is I've got to learn how to be content well let me read this to you in the English standard version Paul said not that I am speaking of being a need for I've learned in whatever situation I am to be content I don't know how to be brought low and I know how to abound in every situation I have learned the secret of facing Plenty and hunger abundance and II Paul knows that sometimes we tend to value created things more than we do God but Paul wants us to understand I've been hungry I've been fool but I know how to abound and I know a man how to be a bass Paul lets us know that his situation does not change who God is we allow the situations in life to let make us look at God from a different light but God is the same he never changes a man the Hebrew writer said Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever more you just got a new situation and you have to look at it from a different perspective a man so what what what I want you to look at is let's define contentment contentment and this is my definition is defined as being pleased with your situation even if it does not change you are still happy and at peace with it it's a spiritual discipline that you've learned here's what we have to understand Luke 12 and 15 cents and he said to them take heed and beware of covetousness for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesses I wrote this quote down we're not rich by what we possess but by what we can do without we live in a society where we think the more we have the more successful we are but sometimes in life you have to wonder what is it that I can do without because life does not consist in the abundance of the stuff that we acquire in this life we feel good about our accomplishment we feel good about the things that we achieve but Paul said it differently Paul said I count all of those things as loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ when you gain a knowledge of Jesus Christ and know who he is you will never allow things to take position of your life but rather you become possessed by having Jesus in your life I've never seen people obsessed with Jesus like they are obsessed with things and the new cars and the new homes and the new clothing and all that but God has fixed that thing you think had me fixed today man it's amazing we came around cause anymore we can't dress up and go out anywhere and we can barely drive our car and say man God is fixing it so you can save some money you don't have to put on airs to try to make people thank you something that you're not God has fixed this thing he's made the ground level on every playing field every church a man got the same number of members they don't have anybody in the pews for those of us who have chosen to abide by the CDC law we all a preaching to empty pews but can I tell you God is testing our faithfulness to see where we are and whether or not we are moved by the number of people that are in the pew we should never be moved by the number of people in the pew we should be moved by the Word of God and being faithful to what God has called us to do the Apostle Paul sets an example for us and learning how to be content and I want to encourage you today to be content Paul is saying watch this my density and purpose is to is is the world in the world is not in status my purpose is not in status or in possessions but in God many of us like positions many of us like power many of us like status many of us like accolades and praise propulsive that's not what I'm looking for I'm not interested in that Paul was not obsessed with chasing after stuff are we the bore we get the more we want the more we have we'll never content we want more more more but how much of Jesus do we really have what would you do if you lost everything that's your head right now would you still show up in worship which you still lift your hands until God thank you could you say what job said the Lord giveth the Lord taketh away bless it be the name of the Lord so how do we achieve this contentment well the truth is contentment does not come naturally listen to what Paul said Paul said I learned it I learned how to be content he learned it and you and I can learn it as well we have to learn how to be content listen to what the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 5 beginning with verse number seven I want you to just put this in perspective who in the days of his flesh Jesus that's what they are talking about the right is talking about Jesus when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death and was heard in that he feared though he were a son he is the word yet and he obedience by the things which he suffered a lot of times in life we don't understand that God takes us through the hard way or God will allow us to go through something so that we remain obedient to him a lot of people won't was in God's hand but they're not willing to get in his face and suffer through some things so that they could enjoy the blessing that God has for him even though Jesus prayed with loud cries and supplication and God heard him but God still did not deliver him he said he learned obedience through the things which he suffered in the last verse in that particular text says verse number 9 and being made perfect he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him God wants us to obey Him and sometimes we have to go through and suffer in order to obey God so listen at this 2nd Corinthians chapter number 11 listen that Paul and some of the things he went through in his life I want you to take a look at this second Corinthians Evans starting with 25 because we don't really understand what suffering is and what it means to go through and do without what we call suffering is not being able to buy those new shoes not able to get that new car not able to go where we want to go and do things we need to do I'm talking about suffering for the sake of Christ going through 4 for Christ's sake listen at what Paul said the rice was our beaten with rods once I was stoned thrice suffered shipwreck a night and a day I have been in the deep and journeyings often in peril in water paul said i was in trouble in water in peril and robbers imperiled by my own countryman and peril by the heathen in perils in the city in peril in the wielders and peril in the sea and para among false brethren people in weariness and painfulness in watchings often in hunger and thirst in fastings often in cold and nakedness verse 28 besides those things which are without that which cometh upon me daily the cares of all the church opposed and I look I've dealt with all of this stuff I've been through all of this and I still have the cares and the worry of the church upon me how do I do this I can do it through Christ because he gives me the strength to do what I do when you look at how Paul is content regardless to the things that are loaded upon him because he understands that God helps him to carry the load Paul say who is weak and I am NOT weak who is offended but I'm not I burn not Paul this unknown man I've been through everything that you're going through but I'm trying to encourage you in the midst of my being arrested at Philippi that you need to be content with where you are learn how to glorify God regardless to where you are when you look at Philippians chapter 1 Paul says something in this text that's powerful let me give you the verse real quickly now listener what Paul says in verse number 12 in Philippians chapter 1 and we get back to that but I would you should understand brethren that the things which happen unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel Paul was saying the stuff that has happened in my life the things that people have done to me how they mistreated me it opened the door for me to spread the gospel so rather than me having a pity party about what people have done to me Paul said I'm taking this opportunity to share the gospel now listen up what he says he says so that my bonds that's verse number 13 in Christ are manifested where in the palace where I am in all other places and many of the Brethren in the Lord waxing confident by my bonds are much more bold to speak the word without field Paul said when they watched how I handle situation that circumstances it helped them to become bold to speak the Word of God in the lives of other that's what God want us to do he want us to learn how to be content in whatever circumstance we find ourselves in so then this is what Paul wanted us to know one more verse chapter Psalms 119 verse 71 believe it is Paul said it is good for me that I've been afflicted how many people can make that statement the psalm writer said man it was good for me to be afflicted nobody wants affliction nobody wants problem nobody wants trouble but David said was good that I might that's that word again learn that statute I need to learn God's regulation I need to learn God's rules I need to learn God's judgment I need to learn God's standard now what's what he says the law of that mouth is better unto me than thousands of gold and silver in there something thy hand have made me and fashioned me give me understanding that I may learn your Commandments I'll stop right there Davis it was good that this happened to me the stuff that's happening to you is happening for your good it brings you to a place of reward that God has for you if God did not take you through what he's taking you through you would not enjoy it when you get to the place where God is taking you so here we go contentment is a virtue we must develop a discipline we should be able and we should all be striving for contentment three things and I'm out of your hair here's what Paul wanted us to get from this text first Paul says to us in this text I've learned some things whatever I learned number one I've learned how to wait on the Lord Paul said I don't get ahead of God I don't get in a hurry I don't rush God I've learned to wait on God's timing Psalm 14:1 some forty and one says to us I waited patiently for the Lord now because the psalm writer said I waited on God I didn't get in a hurry I didn't get upset I waited for the Lord and guess what he incline unto me and heard my cry so that's solace for us today to know that when we learn how to wait on God God will literally Bend his head over and hear our cry God wants us to wait the next verse I want to give you is Isaiah 40:31 you know the passage about waiting on the Lord isaiah forty and 31 everybody quotes it but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as Eagles I love that word because notice he put each in there he didn't put turkeys he didn't put chickens or anything like that now one thing about a chicken a chicken can fly but his wing spans are too small for the lift he can jump off the fence he can fly but he just can't fly his wing was not made to fly they were made to fry Oh Lord y'all help me so so so here it is he made eagle's wings they shall run and watch what he said and not be weary it isn't amazing they run and not you're tired I was thinking about when Elisha had prophesied to Ahab and told him he was not going to reign by the space of three and a half years and then God turned around and told him that he saw a cloud about the size of a man hand and he took off running and he ran all the way never got tired because God had given him that strength he needed for the journey and they shall walk and not faint God wants to in reinvigorate us if we learn how to wait that's the purpose of waiting so that God can re refresh you and reinvigorate you one more verse I always try to get three verses because I think it's important that it be established in the mouth of two or three witnesses Amen here's what he says in Psalm 27 and 14 Psalm 27 and 14 wait on the Lord be of good courage and he shall strengthen on heart wait I say on the Lord what more do I need to say we need to wait on God can I give you a New Testament scripture to Roman's 825 but if we hope for that we see not then do we with patience wait for it we live in a world for everybody is anxious you know my mama used to cook grits and I love grits that you cooked in a pot with water I eat instant grits I like instant grits but that's nothing like putting water in a pot putting the grits in the pot putting a lid on the pot and allow them to simmer for a little while rather than always getting everything instantly we want this microwave Christianity it doesn't work like that some things you just have to wait and you have to wait on God the second thing I wanted you to get from this is that the Apostle Paul wants us to understand that he had learned how to worship God regardless of his circumstances we have to learn how to worship God regardless of the circumstances Psalms 95 and 6 we have to learn how to worship God regardless of the circumstances that we find ourselves in or the situation listen at what he said oh come let us worship and bow down let us kneel before the Lord our maker sometimes in church we get it twisted or at the place where we gather we don't understand that when we come to worship we are supposed to bow down and it's not so much that you buy at the knee but you bow in your spirit and become humble before God we bow before the Lord our maker and when we bow before God we do it in humble reverence of who he is to let him know that God I'm not worshipping you for the stuff I'm just worshipping you for who you are so we gotta bow and worship Him regardless of our circumstances I've already quoted Psalm 34 let's do verses 1 through 3 anyway Psalm 34 I'll bless the Lord at all times anytime he's I'm gonna do it at all times not just when it's conducive for me but when things are not going well he said his praise shall continue to be in my mouth you are not let the devil steal the praise out of your belly as good as God has been to us we should praise Him he said my soul should make her boast in the Lord and the humble shall hear thereof and be glad all magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together David was really saying if I was in a congregational setting I don't want to be the only one up in here making noise all of us together all to magnify the Lord we have to make God bigger than Korona we have to make God so much bigger than our circumstances so much bigger than the sickness that we're going through when you make God bigger he will make that situation that we're dealing with disappear sometimes we allow the shadow of the wolf to become bigger than what he really is don't allow the shadow to make it bigger than what it really is and so the last thing I tell you in this second part he says I've learned to worship God with regardless of my circumstances here's what he says in Psalm 100 I love this Psalm 100 verse 1 and 2 everybody knows this place make a joyful noise to the Lord all ye lands serve the Lord with gladness come before his present was singing that's powerful because you know I told you Paul used the word joy and rejoice sixteen times in that one letter and so he said make a joyful noise unto the Lord can I just explain joy and happiness for a moment many people are happy based on what they see and what they have but joy is different joy is intrinsic it's really about what you have inside not what you have on the outside because see people don't mind praising God as long as things look good on the outside but what do you do when the bottom falls out of your life can you still raise your hands and tell God thank you can you still muster up the strength to say I'm gonna walk down this aisle to church regardless of what I'm going through we have to learn how to serve the Lord with gladness and come before his presence with singing not complaining but singing and Thanksgiving that's what God want us to do the last thing I want us to learn is that I've learned not to worry this is a big one we got to learn how not to worry because we're worried about things that haven't even happened yet you ever meet people they always talk about well this is going to happen in that but it hasn't happened yet why do we create worry I often tell people this at work I'm not going to borrow your stress okay so whatever you're dealing with I don't want it I'm not going to borrow your stress I'm gonna try to encourage you but I don't need your stress so stop borrowing other people's stress you have enough to deal with this Annette would Paul says in Philippians 4:6 through seven for six and seven this is what Paul says be careful one translation says be anxious for nothing but in everything you do by prayer and supplication how with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God sometimes we talk to the wrong people we talk to people who cannot answer our prayers and then when we share with those people they look at us as though we're crazy but at the end of the day we need to talk to God lay it in the lap of Jesus and let him handle it once you put it in his hand leave it there don't pick it up again and this is what do you do and the peace of God which passes all understanding this is what God would do here keep your heart here keep your mind how through Christ Jesus that's why Paul says in that same letter Philippians chapter 2 let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus that's what we have to do have the mind of Christ so he learned not to worry Matthew 6:25 Matthew 6:25 therefore I say unto you take no thought for your life what you shall eat or what you should drink not yet not yet for your body what you should put on is not the life more than meat and divided more than raiment hold on just a moment this nobody tells us so many times we are worried about what we're going to eat what we're going to drink what we're going to wear and all of these things we worry about the truth of the matter is most of us have more than eaten up more clothes than we can wear we have more food in our refrigerator we have more than enough he said is not the life more than meat and the body than raiment yes it is so why are we worried one more verse why do we worry so much this anxiety is stress upon us he said Behold he's a check out to the birds you can learn something from the birds he said check out the fowls of the air they sow not neither do they reap who'd never seen a bird out with a hole chopping in a field you've never seen him plan anything no gather into barns birds don't gather stuff and put it in a barn but we do yet your heavenly father what does he do he feeds them now watch this he raises a question are ye not much better than they been they one more first part which of you by taking thought a word can add a cubit to his own statute and why take ye thought for clothing arraignment consider the lilies of the field how they grow they toil not neither do they spin we don't know how they grow and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not dressed like one of these Wow no the difference is God dressed Stalinism Solomon dressed himself we ought to let God dress us a man I know people said man did not look sharp today yeah you look good with your clothes on but but let God dress you when God dresses you he dresses you from the inside out people see your character and not your clothes wherefore if God closed the grass of the field and he did which is today today is and tomorrow is cast into the you know grass burns up at withers because the Sun gets the best of it if God would cause it not to rain shall he not much more clothe you O ye of little faith so the bottom line is we're faithless people and because we have little faith we worry if you have faith in God you would not worry about anything and I'll close with this last scripture first Peter 5 and 7 cast all your cares upon him because he cares for you stop worrying put it in the Lord's hand let God work it out for you when you put it in the Lord's hand he will take care of every situation and every circumstance in your life learn how to be content well father we thank you for it's Bible study lesson that we will continue to teach about being content whatever hand you have dealt us God we are going to be content with it we know according to Romans 8:28 that all things will work together for good for them who love the Lord who have a call and who are called according to his purpose God we thank you we know that we are called even in this hour for your purpose I pray that you would bless those who are at home who are listening to this Bible study that they will stop worrying and start worshiping that they will learn how to wait on you help us not to worry anymore help us to worship and to wait then God will thank you we thank you in the midst of this uncertain situation that we find ourselves in but God we still gonna trust you but still gonna believe in you we give you the glory give you honor we give you praise now unto Him that's able to keep us from falling present us faultless before his mighty and exceeding throne to the only wise God Our Saviour be glory Dominion and power we ask it all in the only name that matters in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 459
Rating: 4.7894735 out of 5
Id: WzOixLBIrSc
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Length: 38min 29sec (2309 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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