NEW SDA SERMON (Powerful) -DR Charles Wesley Knight -Keep Listening

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please welcome dr wesley knight i will i will bless the lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make its boast in the lord lord the humble shall hear thereof and be glad o magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together for the lord is good and greatly to be praised oh taste and see has anyone tasted that the lord is good and blessed are they that put their trust in him so the psalmist says praise he the lord praise god in this sanctuary praise him in the firmament of his power somebody ought to praise him for his mighty acts praise him according to his excellent greatness let everything that hath breath praise the lord come on put your hands together and praise god today happy sabbath church feliz savado we praise god for this opportunity to come and to lift up the name of jesus i thank god for this opportunity to preach in this place today and to let you know that we serve a risen savior i want to thank god for elder cano and his lovely wife and the administration of this great conference i want to let you know that they have been praying for you and working hard for you all week long and god has been moving in this campground amen i'm grateful for the opportunity to come and share with you to all of my fellow pastors evangelist chaplains who serve in this conference my sisters and my brothers i salute you and we praise god for your ministry we praise god for all of our pastors amen church who serve you faithfully and uh i'm grateful that my wife my best friend in life is here with me along with our wonderful children um i'm still honeymoon happy amen and uh and i'm grateful that she's here in the building i think i always do better when she's here so i thank god and my i'm grateful that uh we have this opportunity now uh today i am the ram in the thicket uh because pastor sean boonster was supposed to be here and because of some health challenges could not be here so we want to send our love and our prayers up to god for him on his behalf and to my dear brother sean we pray that if you're watching or if you hear this later we're praying for you my brother get better soon so you can get back to preaching the gospel amen church i've been i was here with the youth and young adults that's what i was scheduled to do and then they tapped me on the shoulder to come across here and to share with you and so last night we had a great time together what a great congregation we had here tonight uh last night and then i'm here this morning and then this evening and then after that for book signing at the abc so we look forward to what god is going to do there is a word from the lord your theme looking up i like that theme and i want to go to genesis chapter 22 if you would now today i'm going to try to operate under a beatitude a new beatitude it's not in the bible but a new beatitude that i've learned and that is blessed are the brief for they will be invited back amen amen so we're going to try to live by that genesis 22 genesis 22 one through we'll read 1-13 if you would stand on your feet for the reading of god's word today genesis 22 verses 1 through 13. in fact in the interest of time if you would just allow me i'll just go to verse 11 verses 11 through 13. verses 11 through 13 genesis 22. if you have it say yes i'll read in the esv you can read along silently whatever version you have this is what the bible says but the angel of the lord called to him from heaven and said abraham abraham and he said here i am he said do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him for now i know that you fear god seeing you have not withheld your son your only son from me and abraham lifted up his eyes that's looking up and looked and behold behind him was a ram caught in a thicket by his horns and abraham went and took the ram and offered it up as a burnt offering instead of his son i want to point you back to verse 11 and then we'll pray but the angel of the lord called to him from heaven and said abraham abraham and he said here i am i want to preach from the subject within alignment of your theme i want to preach this title keep listening would you turn to your neighbor somebody beside you and just say keep listening yeah don't fall asleep now keep listening let's pray father have your way in this place we have prayed for a mighty move of god we don't want to just have church as usual usual so god would you move in this place by your power and by your might father we pray that you will comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable have your way in jesus name let everybody say amen amen you may be seated we serve a god who every now and again will test us i don't know about you but uh i don't like tests um for the super nerds in the audience for those who who who are serious scholars you you may enjoy tess but if i'm honest today i i don't i don't like tests it's okay if i'm really studied up and i know what i'm getting ready to cover in the exam but i don't like tests and maybe that's the reason why those of us who don't like tests we struggle in our relationship with god because if you serve this great god that we serve he will test you in fact i believe i'm not the only person here who knows that if you walk with god long enough he will put you through some tests and and tests are usually given in order to discover what you've learned over a course or a term of study tests are usually given after information has been provided to test whether you can retain and if you comprehend and understand what has been taught god comes to abraham the bible says in verse 1 of genesis genesis 22 and says that god tests abraham and he tests him because god wanted to know if abraham had learned what kind of god he was god wanted to know if abraham learned what it meant to trust in jehovah because god tests us because he wants to know what we really think of him the tests that god give us are not about our knowledge about him it is our understanding of his character and in order for god to understand where our faith is he has to put us in tests now it is interesting that god tests abraham after he promotes him stay with me i'm going somewhere because god promotes him when he gives him the promised child isaac and now what god has promised has been manifested and it is after he receives the reward it is after he receives his promotion it is after god moves him to the next level now as he is beginning to walk in this fatherhood of many nations that god comes around and gives him a test why would he test him after the promise it seems to me the thing to do would be to test abraham prior to giving him isaac because usually a test stay with me precedes promotion but in this case god reverses the order he promotes him to be the father of isaac and then gives him a test i ask you again why would god give promotion to the one who may not fully be qualified well that's just what grace does for us we are not qualified to be called holy or righteous or the children of god or a royal priesthood and yet we are promoted yet we are called that which we are not yet you ought to stop right here and thank god right now that he promotes the unworthy that he gives life to those who have not earned it if you had to qualify for the promise if we had to qualify for the promise watch this there would be no church members if we had to qualify for god's blessing there would be no ministries if we had to qualify for the blessing there would be no conferences there would be no preachers there would be no church but the church of the living god is a living testimony that god promotes us in spite of our faithfulness god gives us gifts in spite of our shortcomings he actually shows up to meetings when we don't invite him thanks be to god for giving us what we don't deserve somebody ought to say yes you see the test was not to determine his qualification for the promise but to determine his loyalty watch this because since god promised that isaac would be the son that he would pro that god would bless father uh uh abraham uh to be the father of many nations god needed to test abraham to see who abraham loved the most because this is the test some of us have fallen in love with what god has done with what he's given us with what he's blessed us with we have fallen in love with it so much that the giver has to compete with his own gift ah stay with me so god has to test us because the gifts and the blessings and the favor he shows are given to show how much he loves us but the gift cannot compete with the giver isaac was not just a gift for abraham and sarah but was also to be a gift to the world because he would be the progenitor of god's faithful people what i'm trying to say is you are not blessed just for you to be blessed you are blessed to be a blessing to the world and for the believer we've got to understand that your isaac blessing does not belong to you for the believer your salary is not just to take care of your bills and your family and your expenses and to build your savings no for the believer your salary is to be invested in the work of the kingdom of god i don't hear anybody saying amen right there your influence is not just to be used to get people to to be close to you or to close the business deal at work but your influence is also supposed to be used to close the deal with your co-workers to close a decision for jesus christ your personality is not just to be used to make people laugh or feel good but you are supposed to use it to attack to to attract people to the person and the character of christ our problem is we think isaac belongs to us if that were some of us and god tested us asking us for isaac we would have said no god you blessed us with this but understand anything you receive from god does not belong to you it's on loan to you and whenever god asks for it back we cannot be stingy or hold on to it because if it had not been for god you would not have that blessing in your life so watch what happens i'm going somewhere today if you're still with me shout yes so abraham is minding his own business he is in a prayerful attitude he is in a mode of listening and and god comes to him and says abraham and abraham says here i am now don't miss the power of this because in the hebrew the english the english does not capture the magnitude of this moment because when he says here i am he is not saying here i am geographically here i am in space he is literally saying in the hebrew i'm listening i'm listening watch this with intent to do whatever you ask me to do now now i want you to catch this because god speaks abraham says here i am which means i'm listening with intent to do whatever you ask me to do without knowing the details this is the posture and mindset that god is trying to get his children to have to say yes before we know the plan to say yes before we understand the details abraham heard god speak and if we're talking about prayer because that's what we've been talking about all week prayer is not just talking to god prayer is listening to god and perhaps some of the problem we have is we spend more time in prayer telling him what we want and not enough time listening to him so he can tell us what he wants oh y'all gonna make me work hard here today um because the reality is is that when god when we are in prayer with god it is a holy conversation where we ought to be doing more listening than we are talking watch what abraham does watch what god does he says abraham he says here i am with intention to do whatever you ask me to do he says i need you to sacrifice your son then he says your only son isaac wait wait wait just a minute if you've ever read the bible you understand that isaac is not his only son why would god designate why would he specify and say i need you to to sacrifice your son and just to make sure you're clear abraham your only son isaac wait wait just a minute god i what about ishmael god makes a distinction here that is important for us to understand god designates isaac because he makes a distinction between the manufactured and the manifested hang with me hang with me because you see abraham and sarah heard the promise of god but they got so impatient because sometimes god doesn't work by your timetable so they devised a plan to manufacture a blessing to to produce the promised and isaac was taking too long to come so they said well we'll take the handmaiden abraham you go in unto her sleep with her and god says that's a son but that's not your only son because there's a difference between what you manufacture with your human strength and what i manifest with my divine power oh i wish somebody hear me today see the manufactured is what you work out on your own the manifested is when you wait on god to bring it to pass the manufactured means if you put it together it's your responsibility to keep it going okay okay you you look at me like you don't feel me let me let me come a little bit closer see see this is why as a pastor now i am moving to a way from pre-marital counseling to pre-engagement counseling and let me tell you why and that is because there are too many people who run to the office saying pastor we're we're in love we've fallen in love we've already set a date now we want you to get us ready for marriage but oftentimes people are manufacturing what god has not yet manifested and and maybe that's the reason why the divorce rate in the church is on par with folks in the world with all this truth you got and all this doctrine you got we're still divorcing at the same rate maybe it's because a lot of these marriages were manufactured maybe the reason we don't see a lot of power in our churches is because when nomination time comes around we don't wait on god to show us who we just throw willing bodies into positions that they're not really gifted or passionate about and god knows can i preach it like i feel it god knows that when it comes to some constituency meetings it probably doesn't happen here but in other places where they manufacture votes and politics and move things around you don't see power when there's manufacturing but you do see power when there's manifestation you just missed your shout let me help you see when you manufacture that means you put it together but when god manifests something that means he creates it in eternity where he lives and in due time he brings it into time so that if god manifests it nobody can mess with it because what god makes he guarantees so he says give me your son your your only son not the one you manufactured the one i manifested not the one you produce the one i promised your only son isaac then watch the next thing he says he's being very specific with abraham he said the one you love not the one you put up with the one you love don't give me uh the thing that you you just could do without give me what you can't do without holy spirit's gonna work in this place because watch what he says god in a real sense says give me back what i gave you and what do you do today i want you to help me with this as i wrestle with this myself what do you do when god asks you to return your answered prayer what do you do when god asks you to return what you waited on for him to give you because they waited and god says i want what you love because the truth is is that we struggle giving god back what he gave us god said don't give me what you produce give me what you what i promised it's another thing to give god back what he promised but only he can give it back watch the test comes when god says give me what you love because i need to know that you love me more than what i gave you because the truth be told some of us are loving the things god gave us as much as the god who gave it this is significant because god now is in competition for our affection and he says i need you to give me that which you love abraham hears this and it is a strange request because god asks abraham to sacrifice and give up his long-awaited promise god requires abraham to give up his god-given blessing and when he hears this from god please don't miss this what god asked him was strange because he asked him to do what only heathens did he hears the voice of god but what he's asking doesn't sound like god because god asks him to do what only the pagans in that time did only pagans offered up their children for sacrifice god is literally oh holy ghost help them to get this god is literally asking abraham to act like a heathen and somehow despite the nature of the command abraham knew it was god's speaking are you so in tuned with god we talk about looking at prayer are you so in tune with god that if he asked you to do something that was crazy you would know it was his voice if that were me i would have thought well maybe i'm having some kind of homicidal ideation maybe i'm losing my mind maybe i ate something late last night and i'm having a bad dream this doesn't make much sense because god doesn't speak like this i remember when we were talking in one of my churches about doing a different kind of ministry to reach people we were not reaching some i said well we need to come up with this idea and we had this this new and innovative idea to reach people who are out in the streets and in the projects and in the ghettos and one of my elders raised his hand in the meeting and he said pastor god would never ask us to do something like that be careful be careful telling god what he'll never ask you to do because how many of you know our god cannot be controlled our god is not predictable our god is not conventional he moves in different ways and i want you to catch this he asked abraham to do what what he would never think to do by himself but because abraham was so in sync with god he knew that even though the instructions didn't sound like god he knew god's voice all right let me let me illustrate uh so so when my kids were little when they would come to the door when they would come you know in our bedroom in our house when our our our door is closed the master bedroom where where we where we stay um when the door is closed that means you don't just walk in you gotta knock right you gotta knock so so close the door and i remember when they were little uh see when you live with someone long enough you could tell just by they're not who it is my my daughter when she was little my daughter she would she would not very kind of gently and politely you know almost as if to say you know if you have some time if if you're available um if this is the opportune time i i'd like to speak with you would you please open the door nice gentle polite lot not my son on the other hand did not have the polite knot uh he would he would beat on the door he would just beat and pound he loves to make beats after a while if we didn't listen to the knock he'd just start a rhythmic beat you know start making a trap beat y'all don't know what trap beats are put a trap beat on the door he he and i knew just by the way they not who it was no why because i lived with them long enough to know how they get our attention have you paid close attention to how god knocks on the heart of your on the door of your heart because if you pay attention those who live with god long enough know what he's saying so watch what happens he says i need you to go i need you to go to the land of moriah and i and there's going to be a mountain i'll show you when you get there abraham with tears in his eyes i can imagine and faith in his heart he packs what he needs for the sacrifice he packs the wood the flint the rope he wakes his son and takes two servants with him so that they can begin the journey to the land of moriah he does not know the mountain yet but god promised he would show him now please when abraham gets to the land of moriah he tells the servants wait here abraham tells the two who have come with him you guys wait here me and the boy are going up to the mountain god has revealed to him that this is the place but before he goes to the place of elevation he's got to leave the two people who helped him get to the foot of the mountain because when god gets ready to elevate you and take you to a new level of assignment and responsibility not everyone who walked with you can go up with you and some of you are crying over people who don't call you anymore the people who unfriended you on facebook don't cry and don't lose any sleep it might be a sign that god is getting ready to elevate you if he kept them in your life they would talk you out of your miracle if they if they were still attached to you they'd talk you out of your assignment how many of you know some folks are good for them to get you to the foot of the mountain but some folks can't climb the mountain with you and that's why you ought to praise god not only for the doors he opens but for the doors he closes praise god for the people he adds to your life and the people he dis tracks and subtracts from your life so watch what happens he says uh you all stay here me and the boy we will go up and we will worship he tells them you all stay here and watch what he says and me and the boy we will go up we will worship and we will come back um wait wait wait just a minute uh did y'all read the same thing i read that god said take the boy to the mountain sacrifice him on the mountain he's not supposed to come back why would abraham say we will go we will worship and we will come back it's because abraham has that kind of faith see when you pray you got to believe that god is able to do the impossible do i have some witnesses here that know that god is able to do the impossible what abraham does is he speaks those things that are not as though they already are and what we need to do if we're really going to look up and have faith in god is that we've got to be able to speak it before we see it okay okay y'all really gonna make me work hard um um okay my my father-in-law is is now in georgia and atlanta georgia with us my my wife's father and it's a joy to have him around mainly because he shares a lot of funny stories and old stories of when my my my wife was growing up and and uh he told me a story one day where he said one time he was working out in the yard and my wife stephanie a little girl at that time came up and said daddy um i know you can lift this house with two hands but can you do it with one hand i said man that that sounds like faith and i asked him i said what did that do for you he said let me tell you what that did for me he said when she said that i i began to work harder i began to use i felt stronger than i was because my daughter's faith in my strength made me want to provide and protect even more don't you know god is attracted to your faith when you begin to walk into impossible situations and say my god is able to walk in and say you know what god i know you can provide for this whole family on one income but can you do it without any income god i know you're able to to cause us to do evangelism and we might not have all the money but god can you do it without any money because you own a thousand cattle on a thousand hills the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof we've got to start having faith that god can do the impossible he said i don't know what's going to happen but i do know we're going up the mountain and we are coming back because god is attracted to faith the bible says without faith it didn't say without the sabbath it said without faith he it is impossible to please him because he is attracted to those who believe in his power so so i gotta rush uh they start climbing up the mountain uh isaac says father i i see the wood and i see the rope we've got everything for the sacrifice but uh where is the sacrifice abraham says the lord himself will provide they get up isaac lays down on the altar the bible does not tell us when abraham told him what was going to happen but all we know is in submission and agreement with his father he lays down allows himself to be bound and now abraham lifts his hand to plunge that dagger in obedience into the naked chest of his only loved son and is at this moment that god cries out abraham abraham god calls him twice because he's so focused on doing what god asked him to do but god calls him again because now he's past the test now god knows that he loves him more than he loves his son and here's where i've been trying to get today abraham is about to obey god god speaks again abraham abraham don't harm the boy if abraham had stopped listening to god he would have killed isaac in the name of obedience he would have killed the promise because he was obeying what god said rather than what god was saying [Music] and some of us are stuck on the last word god gave but we have not tuned our ears to keep listening think about how serious this is what dream are you killing because you stopped listening to god some of y'all are about to kill something god intended to live because you stopped praying too early some of you are about to destroy something god wants to build because you don't persevere in prayer some of us are about to abort the promise because we pray and then stop because we don't see it come to fruition abraham would have been disobedient in his obedience if he had not kept listening to god and i guess what i really came here to say today is we can talk about prayer all week long but if we don't understand that the power of prayer is not the words that go up the power of prayer are the words that come down and if we stop listening we may be disobedient as a church because we're doing what he said not what he's saying oh okay um my friend one of my very close friends it was kind of funny the the a few weeks back um put on facebook he said he found an old can of big franks you all know what big franks are he found an old can of big franks big franks from 2013. it was down in his basement in one in one of the one of the closets there and so he put on facebook and and he texts me and he put it on facebook so people can see he said do you think this has a lot of sodium in it right to keep it he said do you think i can still eat these big frames because you know they keep big franks y'all know big france can keep for a long time do you think i could still eat these big franks and i text them back i said man are you crazy i said i mean they the can says 2013. you might have been able to get away in 2014 because of all the sodium but it's 2019 and i told him this i said man brother uh what was good for you then is not good for you now because it's expired and could it be that the reason our churches are struggling in our ministry is because we're operating off expired instructions so so so so we plan youth events based on models that worked in the 90s and it's 2019 and then we wonder why young people don't show up we have whole because we're operating off expired instructions y'all gonna get real quiet right through here whole congregations that operate with irrelevant approaches to ministry because they stop seeking god about what he's doing now the problem is pervasive in our denomination because we have taken on an attitude of religious pride and theological arrogance that's why we say stuff like we have the truth now i know what you mean when you say that but that's a problematic statement because that articulates a mindset that says we know it all we have it all and god can't teach us anymore god cannot be fully known or understood by any finite mind yes we've got some great truth yes we've got some great doctrines but we don't know the fullness of god the holy ghost is still talking the holy spirit is still moving i wish i had a church the holy ghost is still instructing our problem is our heads are down doing what god said when god might be giving us some new instructions i'm not talking about changing god's word i'm not talking about changing the message but could it be that our methodologies are so outdated because we've fallen in love with the way things were and in a real sense we don't understand that revelation is progressive not static so we stop listening and when we stop listening we become more irrelevant and then we become more defensive because as the world does not come in to hear our message we say well they just don't want to know the truth no that's not the truth the truth is we haven't been listening to what god is saying listen we gotta keep listening because if we don't keep listening we'll miss what god is doing we'll miss what god is doing new in the earth his word doesn't change but his methods don't do that's why thousands of people are watching me right now because 30 years ago 20 years ago we did not have this technology somebody had to keep listening to say that this is not of the devil we can use this for the glory of god because watch this sometimes what you call compromise is simply god's speaking again and that's why this church is still uncomfortable with the holy ghost that's why we give lip service to understanding the holy spirit because we like control we like the predictable we don't like things to get out of control but how many of you know you can't control the holy spirit you can't control the move of god i would submit to you that's why when god created the sanctuary service it was first mobile help me to preach this holy ghost that that it was a tabernacle it was mobile and it was not god's idea to create a temple that was man's idea to have a temple because he wanted us to have a sanctuary because he was trying to teach us that we need to be mobile he did not call us to be an institution he called us to be a movement a movement means when the cloud moves we move when god moves we move but the problem is we tr we have become a church with a temple mentality trying to serve a sanctuary god he says he says abraham abraham what i told you is now expired don't hurt the boy because if you keep listening you'll hear the entire message i i gotta close because i told you i'll be brief um my wife told me one day i was driving home she said baby i need you to stop by the abc i was close to the abc she said stop by the abc i want you to get some veggie meat and so i said okay baby i'll do it so i went by there like a good obedient husband and and uh pulled in and got the veggie meat i i'm driving home and i made a stop that i didn't tell her about it wasn't scheduled i went by one of my stores i like to go to in atlanta and when and when i uh on my way home a little bit further i'm about five minutes from the house she said oh baby did you get my message i was texting you i called you you didn't respond i said oh no baby uh where i was i went to a place where i lost the message you know the signal dropped i didn't hear she said baby i was trying to tell you to get some mayonnaise as well i said well no i didn't get the message she said but did you come straight home uh i said no baby i i didn't come straight home i i made a little stop she said where did you go i said i went to my place she said uh and i realized i said well when i go by there sometimes the message drops watch this here it is she said baby i was trying to get the message to you but because you went someplace we had not talked about the message wasn't able to get to you because the signal dropped and you weren't able to hear the rest of my instructions you see because when you go outside of god's will sometimes you go outside of the frequency to hear the next assignment that he's giving you but do you know there is mercy for every missed message because what she told me is she said that's all right baby i'm driving by publix right now the grocery store she said even though you missed the message and did not get what we need i'm gonna go by and get what we need because because when you miss it i'll pick up the slack and isn't that just what god does when you miss your assignment when you go outside of his will and the frequency and the signal drops god continues to give you what you need because the bible says he looks up and sees a ram caught in the thicket now this is something that you must understand that the bible says when god told him to go there he said go to the land of moriah and i'll show you which mountain which meant he had to go to a region and then god had to show him a particular mountain because the ram would not be on any mountain the ram would be on the mountain god showed him and could it be that sometimes we're trying to do the right thing on the wrong mountain because we stopped listening to what god was saying but i came by here to let you know that even when you miss your assignment even when you don't pray like you should even when you talk more than you should listen god and his mercy and his grace always supplies a blessing in the bush there's always a blessing in the bush for god provided a substitute lamb and the bible says that abraham took the lamb and offered it now god didn't tell him to offer it god did not instruct him to do it read the passage god didn't say anything about offering the lamb but here's the good news is that god didn't have to tell him to offer the lamb because when god has been so good to you no one should have to tell you to give him praise that lamb became a thank offering unto god that you gave me back my son i'll give you the glory and do i have about 15 no 20 maybe at least 100 people who can say thanks be to god for the substitute praise god for the substitute for there was another lamb who climbed another hill and he was our substitute he stretched his arms wide he hung his head and he died so that all of us can receive eternal life i shouldn't have to tell you to praise him because he is your substitute i shouldn't have to prod you to say hallelujah because if it had not been for him there would be no chance of eternal life but praise be to god he is jehovah jireh the one who provides another lamb keep listening keep listening i want everybody if you want to stand to your feet with me [Music] today i came to a meeting and i ran into the messiah the one who loves me the one who gave his life for me he was that lamb and i want to accept his precious sacrifice on my behalf i realize i can't do this by myself and i need the blood of jesus to cover all of my sins number one number two if you're here you're saying i've given my life to jesus but i'm having a struggle giving what god requires of me i need him to help me to keep listening because i've stopped praying about certain things because they took too long and and my faith is waning and i've i barely made it to camp meeting but today i need more grace to trust him more if that's you i want to give my life to jesus or i just need more grace to trust him more to keep listening so that i can be in alignment with god's will right now quickly i want to pray for you if you would just move if you would just move to the altar i want to pray for you if you meet me down front i want to pray for you i'm giving my life to jesus i want him to be my lord and savior or i've already done that but i'm struggling in my faith because i stopped praying a long time about certain things i i haven't been listening and and i'm realizing things aren't working out in my life because i'm out of alignment with god's will i i don't want to be in a place where where i can't hear and and i can't understand and discern the voice of god maybe you're saying i've been doing some things i i went off route and went to some places where where it was harder to hear your voice and god i'm coming back to you and i i want your will to be done in my life over grace to trust you more oh for grace to trust you when i don't understand you over grace to trust you when i don't agree with you oh for grace to trust you when i wanted to go my way grace to trust you more come on quickly we only got just a couple of minutes but the spirit has been speaking to you already and saying things to you that i didn't say today because the spirit is the one who interprets and knows your needs and and he knows that some of you were invited to camp meeting and you didn't plan on making this decision today but the spirit was working on you and you've been listening and he's been whispering into your ear telling you that he's got more for you than you have settled for [Music] my brother he was waiting on you yes my sister god bless you let's pray father forgive us we did not keep listening forgive us for the times we were arrogant enough to think that we thought we knew what we were doing god even in our good intentions we were doing what you said but we didn't listen to what you are saying and because your holy spirit is still speaking god we don't want to be out of alignment with your will so father in the name of your son jesus i pray right now for this entire congregation help us to keep listening to the still small voice of god help us to understand that prayer is not really about what we say to you but it's really about hearing what you're saying to us send down your power send down more of your anointing give us fresh instructions for today's challenges transform our churches into listening churches transform us into listening disciples where you lead we will follow and we thank you for what you will do in our lives and as we come down from this mountain we come down rejoicing we ask these things in jesus name that all god's people say amen amen and amen god bless you put your hands together and praise god for how he has spoken great things
Channel: Sermons Room
Views: 304,307
Rating: 4.7422347 out of 5
Keywords: life of prayer, NEW SDA SERMON (Powerful) -DR Charles Wesley Knight -Keep Listening, NEW SDA SERMON (Powerful), Keep Listening, DR Charles Wesley Knight, NEW SDA SERMON, Very touching and inspired sermon, faith, faith of abraham, new beatitude
Id: frngxGzFUXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 11sec (3191 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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