Maggie Street Virtual Service 7.26.20

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welcome to maggie street missionary baptist church where ezekiel pettway senior is the pastor our mission statement our mission is to take the whole gospel to the whole city to be a loving caring and sharing church with christ as our model to train evangelize and make disciples of men to be expressive with our praise and to worship christ the savior in spirit and in truth and to minister to the whole man body soul and spirit maggie street missionary baptist church weekly worship opportunities virtual worship service each sunday at 10 a.m virtual sunday school each sunday morning from 9 to 9 45 a.m the minister's sunday school class meets via zoom the men's class meets via zoom sister pam osborne's class also meets via zoom sister donna harper's class will meet via teleconference and sister brenda ellis's class meets via teleconference virtual bible study each thursday at 6 pm the church website can be found at backslash you can give online at backslash follow maggie street missionary baptist church on twitter at maggie msbc happy birthday to all of those celebrating birthdays in the month of july and happy anniversary to all of you all celebrating anniversaries in the month of july we invite you to be a part of our morning devotion prayer call join us monday through saturday 6 30 a.m and sundays at 8 30 a.m you can dial 978-990-5408 access code 265 let us now receive our praise team [Music] oh [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] she's [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jeez [Music] [Music] no one else can touch my heart like you do [Music] i can search for all the eternity can i say it again there is none like you nobody like you [Music] no one else can touch my heart like you do i can search there is love [Music] [Applause] is jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] jesus jesus jesus save your savior save yes lord save your save your savior he's my savior savior his name is jesus jesus jesus you are my savior save your savior [Music] save your savior [Music] save your savior it's jesus jesus jesus [Music] and your jesus jesus jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus oh jesus jesus what's his name jesus [Music] good morning praise the lord it's good to be in the house of the lord again to share the word of god i'm so happy and ecstatic to be here this morning i pray that you are too wherever you are i hope that you will enjoy the word of god today again it's good to be in your presence in your living rooms by way of youtube or facebook however we are getting to you we're just glad to be here to share the word of god with you let's offer a word of prayer father we thank you we love you we adore you we appreciate you we thank you for the lord jesus christ who died on the cross for all of our sin and for that reason god we give you praise and thanksgiving i pray now god none of me all of you allow the word of god to be preached everybody encourage these your people god we need encouragement in these times that we're living in and i pray that you would cause the word of god to have a major effect on their lives it would touch them in places that only you can touch that you would answer prayers for them that that you would show them that your god and besides you there's none other so god we love you ask you to hide seth behind the cross don't let him be seen or heard but allow the word of god to be preached with power boldness and conviction to the end that our lives might be better in jesus name we pray amen i want to offer this opportunity to give you a chance to give you can also come by our church we're here for one hour they're going to be here from 10 to 11. you can drop your offering off here at the church 642 maggie street or you can give online at the giving tab so again i want to take time and let all of our members know we appreciate you so much and how you have supported us during these last four months it has just been a tremendous uh our outpouring of love and how you have shared and given to the church the way you did during tough times and i pray that god will bless you and give back to you one hundredfold for what you have done amen i wanna call your attention to the book of uh habakkuk habakkuk chapter number two and i'm just gonna read uh one verse for today one verse habakkuk says i will stand upon my watch and set me upon the tower and will watch to see what he will say unto me and what i shall answer when i am reproved i want to share with the church today i want to talk about the righteous will live by faith or the righteous shall live by faith habakkuk was a man who sought answers from god he was troubled by what he observed he asked difficult questions these questions were not merely intellectual exercises or bitter complaints habakkuk saw a dying world and it broke his heart why is there so much evil in the world that's what he's asking when you read chapter number one why do the wicked seem to be winning he boldly and confidently took his complaint directly to god and god answered him with an avalanche of proof and prediction my brothers and sisters it's okay to ask god's question god question the prophet's questions and god's answer are recorded in this entire book and so as we look at this teaching today i want to raise a couple of things let's just suppose you lose your job because a person who don't like you has an end for you that person misrepresents something you have done or something you have said you might say why did god allow this bad person to succeed suppose you experience a major disappointment in your life marriage break up or an engagement break up the failure to get into the school or college you want to get into you would say something like doesn't god care about me when we face problems like these my brothers and sisters how do we respond and how we respond is critical when things go wrong and they will some people tend to withdraw they stop going to church or serving in ministry they isolate themselves on the things get better others conclude that they must have been wrong about god and renounce all belief in him both are common but these are not helpful my brothers and sisters how should we deal with problems that shake our faith and shake us to our core the book of habakkuk shows us how in chapter one we see how becca questioning and wrestling with god it's okay to have faith and still have questions this is healthy god is there and in our struggle we are drawn closer to him he responds when we question him in chapter 2 we see habakkuk is waiting now for god to speak what should we do in these times we are waiting for an answer for god sometimes we we tend to get impatient but look at what habakkuk did he says i will stand at my watch this is a reference to being in a watchtower in those biblical times they built those towers on the walls of the city so that they could watch and keep a sharp out eye out for the enemy during that time a tower provided an a vantage point so when habakkuk says he's going to wait or he's going to stand at his watch station himself on the ramparts he is saying i've been on the ground in my problem i've not been able to solve it so now i'm gonna leave it in the hands of god i'm gonna wait and see what god has to say brothers and sisters sometimes you have to leave it in the hands of god see what god is going to say you prayed about it you're waiting for god to give you an answer when you get through lodging your complaint to god when you get through pleading with god for an answer to your burning questions in your heart you now know that you gotta wait but how do i wait that's the question how do i wait do i wait i live by do i be impatient do i complain do i set my mind in a place where i'm just gonna stand and watch and wait to see what god is going to do habakkuk had determined to be diligent and purposeful to focus his whole existence on listening for the voice of god whenever times get hard and it seems like there's no answer to come we have to learn how to be patient and focus on listening to what god has to say there's so much chatter and so much noise around us that we can't even hear that god is speaking and we don't know it we got to be like a guard on guard duty i will guard my post and quit my post only when properly relieved in other words if god don't tell me to move i'm not going to move i'm going to stay in place i'm going to stay on my watch and wait to god give me an answer i will not abandon my post unto god say so so for us today we must be patient in prayer we want god to instantly move in prayer we can be sure that god hears our prayer but we don't always receive the answer we won't nor do we always receive it immediately we get an answer it may not be what you want because sometimes our prayers are not the will of god the only thing that matters to god is his purpose and his will so the lord responds in his perfect timing according to his will not your will remember what jesus said not my will but your will be done therefore my brothers and sisters every one of us need to wait patiently when seeking answers from god you can't be impatient with god you can't make god move you can't make god do anything all you can do is wait on god sometimes people with little or no faith they're impatient they're not willing to wait they're like an impulsive child they demand an answer immediately and if they don't get it they grow impatient and move on to the next thing that's what we do with god sometimes well god says you hadn't answered me i'm just going to go ahead and do something else i'm going to move on maybe what god is trying to do my brothers and sisters true faith requires patience and patience brings about maturity in christ and sometimes christ god don't answer because he know that we are not mature enough to handle the answer yet so what he does is he requires us to wait and become patient so that when he blesses us or give us what our heart desire is we are mature enough to handle it we need to be like jabez we need to pray the prayer that he prays lord when you bless me don't let me be a fool so all believers brothers and sisters we are called to be patient in prayer so we wait expectantly for an answer and we must be willing to stand and watch this simply means that we must focus our minds on listening for the voice of god being prepared and ready to receive his word do we really want god to answer our prayer do we really want a word from god there are people sometimes i need a word from god you may think you need a word from god but if god give you a word can you handle the word that god gives you so just don't listen to all this stuff you hear people say well i got a word for you i got a word from god my brothers and sisters when you get a word from god that word from god will challenge you to no end it's not going to be the word that you want to hear so this require us to change our priorities what's the most important thing in your life is god number one where's god on your priority list we may have to rearrange our schedules to spend more time in god's word and in meditation so here it is how much time do i spend in prayer and meditation for me to go to god and lodge a complaint and demand that god answer my prayer if i've labored in the word of god if i spent some time in meditation in the word of god then god will speak to my heart and i can handle the answer that god gives to me and too many times we want to demand that god blessed me with this and god blessed me with that but we don't have the patience to wait on god but in this prayer habakkuk is praying about the wickedness that was going on in judah and habakkuk is saying god hollow are you going to allow this stuff to go on how long will you allow wicked people to keep winning i raised that question today in 2020 how long god but god has not answered yet when god gets ready to deal with evil and wickedness he will deal with it but you got to keep living by faith you can't allow what people do and what people are doing to move you out of faith in god that sometimes we may even need to seek new friends for godly counsel the point is that if we want to receive answers from god we must do whatever it takes to prepare ourselves what are you doing to prepare yourself to receive an answer from god we must not only wait for answers but also wait expectantly in faith that's what habakkuk did like habakkuk he says we must be alert and ready to act when the answer comes what you gonna do when you get the answer when god answers how are you gonna respond so for us today expect god to speak habakkuk says that he will stand at his watch and look to see what god would say to him how do you look for god's answer how does god speak the primary way is through scripture see a lot of people say the lord spoke to me how did he speak to you did he call you on the telephone did he text you did he the way god speak to us brothers and sisters is through the word god is always talking to us through the word that's how we know god is talking to us i hear a lot of people say the lord spoke to my spirit this morning well if you weren't in the word and you weren't meditating how did god speak to your spirit god speaks through the word sometimes god directs us by what uh used to be called intimations that is deep personal feelings concerning the way we should go he frequently directs us by what we call open or closed doors that is god gives an opportunity or he takes it away god either opens the door or god closes the door if god opens the door then god has a reason for you to go through that door if god closes the door god has a reason for closing that door because it might be something on the other side of the door that god knows that is not good for you so that's why he closes it god provides an opportunity or he takes it away these things occasionally enter in still the primary and ultimate the only full reliable way of knowing god's direction or answer to our perplexities in life is through the scriptures i don't care how perplexed your life is you can go to the scripture and find that somebody's challenges were greater than yours if you're in a hot situation you can look at the hebrew boys if you're in a troubled situation you can look at daniel there are so many examples of scripture of how god got them through what they were in and it was by faith so anyone who has made a habit of reading the word of god on a regular basis they ought to already know when we have a problem and have whenever you have a problem and you hadn't been able to solve it you left it in the hands of god just leave it in his hand that's what you do leave it in the hands of god it may be that we have even forgotten about some of the stuff but one day when you start reading the bible and suddenly there's a verse that leaps off of the pages into your heart and you recognize that it contains the solution to what you were going through or what was troubling you is god's answer to the problem that's what happens you ever read the scripture sometime and god just that that scripture just hit you right in the face it was just what you needed came from the word of god then in habakkuk three uh chapter two verse two and three the lord answer can i give y'all a few tips today while you're in your bed put a pad by your bed put a pencil by your bed or a pen so that if god put a thought in your heart in your mind you can jot that that thought down i know there have been times when god spoke to me on my bed and i didn't have anything there to write and i said i'll write it down in the morning and i forgot everything that god had said because i didn't have anything to write because god said i want you to write it down have you ever noticed that when god talked to prophets he always told them to write something down so they could remember what they had written he had to record it for all the people to read it he had to preserve it for those living both now and then then and now for the whole human race future ages we are still reading what habakkuk has written down these are words that are difficult for some people to accept an appointed time god told herbaca that is planned for dealing with evil for establishing justice on the earth would be revealed according to god's time frame now that should be a word for us today i know that we are tired in this season i know that we're tired of what evil people are doing but it's not in your time table god would do it when he get ready not habakkuk's time frame nor that of any other human being this meant once again the prophet had to wait god's vision plan would be fully disclosed and fully accomplished in god's perfect time if it was up to us if we could we'll wipe every person out of our sight that we believe is evil but what if someone believed that you were evil and they had the power to wipe you out so it's in god's timing so god's message to habakkuk spoke of the end look at verse three this refers to the end of babylon's dominance you remember god has said that babylon would come in and they would dominate the nation of judah and they did just that so this verse suggests that god's revelation his ultimate plan for babylon and the last days is moving towards its end it's coming that's what god is telling habakkuk is coming god is telling some of us today i know what you've been praying for it's coming i know some of you been praying for a job it's coming i know some of you been praying for peace it's coming i know some of you been praying for something is coming just wait got to learn how to wait on god though the end may seem to be delayed he said it will surely come god's judgment of evil and his establishment of justice on earth is certain and you can believe that they are going to be accomplished at their appointed time all of history my brothers and sisters is moving toward a climactic end just look at around us what's happening look at all the stuff that's happening it speaks to the end but we don't know so what do we do in these times live by faith and live right in the presence of god that's what god expects from us god commanded habakkuk and the people to wait the command was meant for us also and all who read and hear god's word today patience is required it's required this is because we live between the time of god's revelation and god's complete fulfillment of his revelation we don't know when god's going to do whatever he's going to do the only thing god requires us to do is live by faith to live right to treat people right to do what is right that is heard old man what god requires of thee to live to love mercy do justice and walk humbly before your god that's what god requires of us but that's not the wrong word asking question but you just gotta wait so god has promised to execute perfect justice on the earth to bring all things to a perfect end he has revealed his plan to us through his word as believers and ministers of his word we cannot wait passively we must stand our watch be alert be ready to act until that day of fulfillment comes we must do everything possible to share god's word his revelation with the whole world so watch this while we are waiting and asking god for all of this stuff how much of god's word are we sharing with people that two path and i'm gonna finish this the life of faith mentioned in the key verse is only one of the two distinct paths one way is the way of faith the other is the way of unfaith or unbelief the greater part of this verse deals with the unbeliever it begins watch what it says if you read verse four and five he is puffed up his desires are not upright then look at that there's a dash followed by it but the righteous will live by faith we're called to live by faith in a world that seems out of control god wants us to live by faith and the way of the righteous is the way of faith in god the way of the unbeliever is the way of rejecting god the first we submit to god and we trust god then the second the unbeliever they don't submit to anybody you can see that all over the world today nobody wants to submit the person who chooses to be arrogant says i can take care of myself i can do without god that's what a lot of people are saying i don't need god god hasn't done nothing for me that's what people are saying when i need god all that i am is because of god without god i can do absolutely nothing but the righteous path and the righteous this is what they say this is what we got to remember this thing is quoted three times in the new testament about the righteous living by faith and so the just defied man who is he and what is justification when you look in romans we know we're justified by our faith just as if i had not done anything wrong because i received jesus christ as my lord and savior he justifies me even though i was found guilty he pardoned me of my sin through the shed blood of jesus christ and that's how i live by faith through faith amen in jesus christ so we are righteous we live by faith don't mean we're perfect what is faith and why do we live by faith when we talk about faith it simply means we take god at his word and what god has said in his word here's an example lord thomas abraham's son promised it to him when he was 75 years old didn't come to fruition until about 100 years old what did abraham have his faith in god he believed what god had promised that god was also able to perform what he said that's where we are today we must believe god we must be patient we must trust god so what does it mean to be righteous what does it really mean we don't know we don't know we really don't know what it means to be righteous because the bible talks about there's none good there's no unrighteousness but god so we don't know what it means to be righteous that's why we live by faith and try to live the best way we know how we know that when we come to jesus christ according to romans 8 there is now no more condemnation to those who are in christ jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit of god we know that so we are justified by our faith the righteous lives by faith but what i want you to understand today nobody can attain to righteousness no one is capable of being perfect and good but jesus and the way we become righteous is through the shed blood of jesus christ when i confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that god has raised jesus from the dead i can be saved and i can live righteous by the work of the holy spirit living inside of me that's the only way we can do that righteousness is the gift to us in jesus christ that's what roman explained it shows that the justified person is the one who has ceased trying to please god by his own efforts paul said i bear them record talked about the israelites that they have a zeal of god but is not according to knowledge for they going about to establish their own righteousness have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of god and the righteousness of god speak of the faith so that's how we're justified the righteous lives by faith finally we've got to stop trying to attain heaven by our own good works we can't do that instead of receiving what god has done for us in jesus christ the foundation of our christian life is not what we can do for god but what god has already done for us so my brothers and sisters i want to encourage you to know what paul said in romans chapter 1 he said i'm not ashamed of the gospel because it's the power of god to salvation to everyone who believes for the jews first for the gentiles for the gospel amen righteous and the righteousness of god is revealed from faith to faith it was first to the jews and then to us so we need to understand that our righteousness comes through jesus christ so we live by faith how shall the righteous live by faith in god receive the gift of god that is eternal life through jesus christ and that way you can live a righteous life the only way you can do it is by the shed blood of jesus christ and the holy spirit living on the inside of you let me encourage you to continue to walk by faith to trust god and believe god in everything that you do and i am stressed this idea of walking by faith trusting god when you can't see your way through it when you don't know how you're gonna get through it you just gotta say god i put my trust in you and god works things out because it's no longer you who tries to do the work but jesus does the work through you maybe that's somebody who's been working so hard trying to do a work to please god but you can't do it by works alone you are justified by your faith if you never confess jesus with your mouth i want to encourage you to just simply say this prayer lord i believe that you died for my sin you rose again the third day according to the scriptures come into my heart come into my life be my lord and be my god i acknowledge you as lord of lord king of kings i want you to come into my life and sit on the throne of my life he'll be your god and you can live by faith through the son of god if you confess that you can be saved i want to encourage you to give us a call you can give us an email uh drop us a line and let us know we're looking for members amen if you're looking for a church we'd love to have you you can call 334-263-3215 or you can leave us a message amen there's someone here tuesday wednesday and thursday of the week so please ma'am please sir give us a call if you do that leave us a message and we'll get back with you let me give you a scripture reading for i want to give you the book of ezekiel chapter 22. read that entire chapter ezekiel chapter number 22 well god bless you thank you for being with us again today uh as we get ready to go i pray that god will keep you throughout the rest of the week until we meet again now father we thank you for this day we thank you for the lord jesus christ we thank you for all of your your children we pray that you continue to bless them all keep them safely in your hand of care now may the grace of god the sweet commune of the holy spirit may he rest root and abide with you forever and ever in jesus name we pray amen
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 370
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: SnceUCgY5rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 58sec (2458 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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