Maggie Street Virtual Bible Study (6.18.20)

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good evening my brothers and sisters it's good to be in the house of the lord again i am so pleased to share the word of god with you and i pray that these words that are shared with you this evening will bless your heart bless your family and keep you until we meet again let us pray god our father we thank you for this day we thank you because you're still good your mercy and your grace continues to reign in our lives you said in lamentation 3 23 your mercies are new every morning great is your faithfulness and so father we ask you this evening to give us revelation knowledge that will flow that will bless and help your people to make it through from this day to the next day we thank you for your kindness we thank you for your mercy and god we rely on the holy spirit to interpret your word today that what the people of god hear they may be blessed by we ask all these blessings and the only name that matters in jesus name amen let me thank you again for sharing with us tonight i want to thank all of our members for your constant support and what you have done in our church and what you're doing for our church how you've helped us financially to stay afloat to continue to do the things that we do we pray that you will continue to support the church want to encourage you to watch our youtube channel make sure that you share it with a friend family and associates as well again we thank you want to encourage you to make sure that as you go out in and around the montgomery area that you continue to social distance yourself make sure that you wear a mask and wear protective equipment because we've seen a rise in the numbers here in montgomery alabama so we want to be careful because we want to see you when this is all over now i want to invite your attention this evening to a study in the gospel of mark chapter number one i want to talk about the gospel of jesus christ and that's what i want to talk about i want to kind of slow walk through this gospel teaching beginning today because it's so important for us to understand what the gospel is and what the gospel is not and i want to challenge you as we go through the book of mark that you read along with me and you really do some reading on your own so that you will see what the gospel is really about and what i want to do is i want to bump the gospel up against uh you know what is being taught and preached in america today and so as we study the gospel of jesus christ and christianity and america we're going to look at some things that are shocking as we go through uh the teaching of the gospel we're gonna compare and we're gonna contrast uh the gospel of jesus christ versus the gospel that's being taught and preached in america from our pulpits on a daily basis and i want you to begin to look at the gospel of jesus christ versus what you're hearing and what you are seeing in america so if you my brothers and sisters have a wrong view of the gospel then you're going to have a wrong view of jesus and god the father so if you don't understand the gospel and know what the gospel is then your view of the gospel and your view of jesus christ and god the father will be wrong and the reason why i'm going through this teaching is because i began to examine myself in and i watched some things on youtube and i began to watch the presentation of the gospel and what we have done to the gospel and how we have made the gospel lose its effect and its power and we've got to get back to what the gospel of jesus christ is all about so let me just read mark chapter one in just a couple of verses and we won't go fast we're going to take our time and walk through it and it says the beginning of the gospel of jesus christ the son of god now that's important right there and and i'm gonna read verse two and we'll stop right there for for this evening and as it is written in the prophets behold i send my messenger before thy face which shall prepare the way before thee now when we look at the very first verse it it speaks so clearly to us about the gospel of jesus christ who is the son of god and so what we're going to do in this study we're going to contrast and we're going to compare the gospel of jesus christ as it is presented in the bible verses the way it is presented from the pulpits in america and this is important that we understand this is not our gospel it is not about us it is not for us to isage the word of god that is put in the word of god something that does not belong there we must exegete the word that is lift out of the text what the word of god is saying and i know that in america we are so emotional when it comes to the preaching of the gospel because we love entertainment and we like to be entertained but at the end of the day you don't just want entertainment you want to make sure you have right information and the knowledge of the son of god and the purpose of the preaching of the gospel so it does not matter how much entertainment we get what matters is when we leave the worship of the teaching or or the session that we have we leave with a spirit of worship that we know why we are doing what we are doing so let's raise the question tonight what is the gospel the gospel simply means good news and the greek word for gospel is yuan gillian and it's simply a word yuan gillian is it simply means good news and one who has brought the message of victory and joy only jesus can bring victory over sin death and satan in our lives now listen to understand what that really means the good news what it means and to have victory and joy i want to give you an example in the scripture if you remember in the book of samuel when goliath would come out and challenge the armies of israel and there was no one to go and challenge him back when the bible talks about david being a little you youth he went out and he challenged goliath now goliath represents a situation or problem that was too big for most people to handle and so god had a young man by the name of david who was out back taking care of the sheep and tending to them and he went down to the battle where they were and so david realizes that this giant did not have a covenant with god and he did and he said who is this uncircumcised philistine that comes out to defy the army of the living god and david understood his covenant with god and he understood that they stood in fear of this giant that they were facing now brothers and sisters there was a giant that we were facing and that giant was called sin and we needed a champion we needed someone that would come and defeat sin and destroy it and give us a victory over so that we can have joy forever in our lives whatever it is that you are facing in your life god is big enough to handle that situation regardless of how big that challenge is jesus will slay that giant in your life and so when we think about it we don't look at david as being a giant killer that is a metaphor it is something for us to look at to see how big he was over david but yet david was able to conquer him now brothers and sisters what we have to understand is that sin has such a grip on humanity that it would take someone that did not know sin someone who had never sinned who had never erred that would be able to come down and live in this world and live perfectly before god and yet and die and go back to god and say hey i did it i'm presenting this myself back to you because i was able to come here and live so jesus won the victory over sin death and satan so when we look at this once again i want you to look at first corinthians chapter number 15. he says for this corruptable must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality when this corruptable shall put on incorruption and this martyr shall put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory remember i told you now that that the gospel represented good news and that it means someone has bought or brought the victory and given us joy over our that situation when you go back again and you look at when david slayed the giant the bible said the women began to sing they said saul has killed his thousand and david has killed his ten thousand so what were they doing they were celebrating the victory over the giant that has fallen but the bible says to us oh death where is thy sting o grave where is your victory well we know that jesus gave us the victory over sin over death over the grave and over satan himself he said the sting of death is sin what gives strength to to to death or give death place in our life is sin because whenever we sin against god the bible says for the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life so what happens in our lives our disobedience which is sin it gives strength and give death power over us but when jesus came he did not sin he conquered death he conquered sin and he gave us the victory over it and he says and the strength of sin is the law now what we know about the law the law told us what we could not do and what we should not do but under grace jesus did it he has done it so because he has done it we don't we are no longer under the law because what the law said we should not do and we could not do jesus came and did everything that we couldn't do that is we couldn't keep the law he kept the law so guess what under jesus christ the law was done the law was fulfilled in that the law was our school master it brought us to god but it could not make us perfect because we had sin in our life but jesus lived a perfect life now listen to what he says in verse 57 but thanks be to god which giveth us the victory through our lord jesus christ we're talking about the gospel of jesus christ now notice how we get the victory we get the victory through jesus christ we are overcomers and victorious because of what jesus has done so when we look at the gospel and the presentation of the gospel we have to really really ask the question is this really the gospel that we are teaching and preaching and because of of what you're seeing in america today we have taken the gospel of jesus christ and prostituted it we we're calling it a word of faith gospel we are calling it a prosperity gospel we are calling it a health and wealth gospel but the truth of the matter is the gospel that jesus presents is nothing like the gospel that we are teaching and preaching in our pulpits today in america so it should question if you're called into question some of our doctrine some of the things that we're teaching and so when we compare it we have to ask the question does it really look like what jesus preached amen can we say that it is the same thing or is it strikingly different from what jesus preached and taught in the word of god i submit to you that our teaching and our preaching is different from that of jesus christ when you start reading down through the book of mark in chapter number one you're gonna find that even the pharisees and the people that went to church or went to the synagogue they were saying that this man did not teach like others for he taught as one have an authority and whenever you teach the word of god with authority whenever you teach the word of god unadulterated whenever you teach a word un untainted then you are going to be challenged by established religious folk but i don't know about you my brothers and sisters i would rather have the truth of god than to have someone teach me the word of god in error and live all of my life and miss heaven and go to hell because i have not received the true gospel of jesus christ so watch what he says now and again in first corinthians 15 verse number 58 58. he says therefore my beloved brethren be ye steadfast and what we got to be steadfast in the word of god the teaching of jesus christ because when you go back to the beginning of chapter number 15 you'll find paul is talking about the resurrection of jesus christ he lets us know that if there is no resurrection then then all of what we do is in vain my brothers and sisters the purpose of the gospel is to die and that's why jesus came people don't want to believe that they don't want to accept it they said he did it and he didn't have to do it yes he did jesus had to die because if he did not then all of us would be doomed to hell forever but because of his death we are are have a right now to the tree of life and it's based on whether or not we accept the teaching of jesus christ in our lives he said be your steadfast fast unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord why we are always moving forward in the work of god we're doing the work of god in the face of what everybody else is doing we're going to continue to move forward in christ and we're not going to be moved from what we're doing why because we know our labor is not in vain in the lord because a lot of times we think that what we're doing for god is in vain but brothers and sisters when you start looking at those in scripture like the apostle paul and what they did for christ these brothers took a beating for the gospel now all you hear is name it claim it aim it put your name on it put your hand on it and believe it that is not the gospel my brothers and sisters what the enemy is doing he has cleverly walked into our churches and have us preaching everything but the gospel of jesus christ we've got to go back to it i believe in this covet 19 season god is giving us a chance to go back and look at some things and see how we have done them and get them right because it would be a travesty if we teach and preach the way we're going and then we end up in hell as a result of not teaching the true gospel of jesus christ look at first john three and eight we'll look at this uh what what he has really done now this is what jesus says of the writer john says he that committed sin is of the devil why do you think jesus came why do you think he came he came so that you and i might be freed from sin so that we wouldn't have to continue to live in sin and the only way we can be free of sin is that we have to have the spirit of god living on the inside of us reminding us that whenever we think about doing something contrary to the word of god the holy spirit encourages us not to do it and he says that's not right for the devil now listen at it senate from the beginning why because he wanted to be above god he wanted to put himself above god when you look at some of the preaching in america today preachers have made themselves gods they even preach we're little gods that's not true they even preach sometimes that we will manifest it or incarnated just as jesus is that is not true the bible says in john chapter 1 it lets us know that jesus is the only begotten of the father full of truth and that's not us we were not full of truth we're full of sin and error and that's why jesus came to die so we must make sure that what we're teaching and what we are preaching it lines up with the word of god now notice what it says in first john 3 and 8 the devil sin from the beginning it says for this purpose the son of god was manifested why why why was it important for jesus to come as a human being and live in the earth that he might destroy the works of the devil that's the purpose of jesus coming it would serve no purpose if he came and the works of the devil was not destroyed the works of the devil was destroyed through the flesh see sin occurs in our flesh our desires what we see with our eyes what we feel what we want what we desire and that's why the enemy gets us in our emotions in our will in our feelings and so what we got to have is jesus on the inside of us so that he can channel our emotion in such a way that when we see something we no longer covet that we no longer want that we no longer chase after that because every time i sin i realize now that what i'm doing is is really offending god and until you come to a place in your life that that that you're offending god you will never stop doing what you're doing it takes time i understand that but at the end of the day we have to understand that god is never pleased and never will accept the sin in our life it don't matter the position i hold whether i'm a pastor what leader i am what spear of influence i'm in god still hates sin and that's the bottom line he came to destroy the works of the devil how does the devil work he works through your flesh that's how he works he works through your desires your emotion your feeling your sin your smelling your tasting that's how he works the devil has no new tricks he don't need any new tricks he just simply let you see something and then when you see it you want it you'll covet it you'll do things to get it that that if it means hurting people to get it that's sinful and the gospel teaches against that so he goes on to say to destroy the works of the devil whosoever is born listen that we said of god does not commit sin in other words he doesn't practice sin he doesn't practice sin now i know that we sin i know that but we shouldn't practice sin in other words we already know we're going to do it and it becomes a part of what we do every day we ought to be striving to say god i thank you because what i did last year i don't do it anymore and i'm trying to get closer to you why because the seed remains in him so what is the seed of god the word of god the reason why we sin is because we don't have no word in us when you have the word of god in you he'll let you know amen that you don't need to do this and he became and he came not cannot sin because he's born of god so when the word of god is in you and it remains in you it will challenge you to do the right thing it says in this the children of god are manifest it's made clear and the children of the devil whosoever do it not righteousness is not of god so that that that sums that up neither he that loveth not his brother this is what the gospel teaches this is the word of god and we'll see that when we go down through mark chapter number one now i want to raise a few questions and i'm just about done with this lesson and we're going to pick it up next week in mark chapter one and we're going to walk down through it slowly these are questions i'm asking these questions of you and i've asked them of myself are we preaching and teaching the true version of the gospel in our churches today that's a question are we preaching and teaching the true version of the real gospel in our churches today that's question number one do we take the gospel seriously or do we take it for granted that's a question and i want you to think about these questions as you go through the week do we take the gospel seriously or do we take it for granted what do you think about the gospel oh it's just good news it's the gospel it's more than that it's more than that is the church in america becoming more christless these are questions is it coming becoming more christ-less and these are questions we have to ask ourselves and i've been to churches i'm impressed with the aesthetics the accoutrements of worship the stage the lights the smoke the band and all of that show me what jesus had all that show me that in the gospel he didn't have all that stuff because a lot of times that stuff takes our attention away from the preaching of the gospel because it it'll make you feel good but it won't make you change your feelings and doing what you were doing the gospel is supposed to offend you and cause you to change the way you live that's the purpose of the preaching of the gospel if the gospel does not make you upset and make you examine yourself then you have not preached the gospel what we've done in our churches our modern churches we've allowed people to to become comfortable and and be comfortable sitting in church knowing we know their lifestyle and i'm not here to cash the shadow on anyone because i've lived a raggedy life but what i'm saying is that because god has changed my life i can preach change because when you have change you can give change and the reason why people cannot give change is because they have not changed and the last one is jesus the center of our teaching and our preaching these are four things we got to answer and i'll go over them again are we preaching and teaching the true version of the gospel in our churches today that's question number one do we take the gospel seriously or do we take it for granted is the church in america becoming more christ-less is the church is the center of our teaching and preaching is jesus the center of our teaching and our preaching these are good questions and only you can answer that so my brothers and sisters the gospel is about denial it's about death and sacrifice that's what the gospel is about jesus denied himself everything the bible says in luke chapter number nine jesus said foxes have holes birds of the air have nests but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head it's about denial it's about death it's about sacrifice look at mark chapter 8 real quick verses 34 through 38 i'm gonna wrap it up with this much more i can say when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also this is what jesus said he said unto them whosoever will come after me let him deny himself take up his cross and follow me cross always represents suffering for whosoever will save his life shall lose it but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake hold on there's a word there the gospel and the gospel the same shall save it i was doing a comparison you know the gospel is found in the new testament at least 90 sometimes the word gospel now listen what he says now if you lose your life for the gospel sake he turns around and asks a question what shall it profit a man if he he should get in the whole world and lose his own soul let me pause for a moment how much stuff do i need in this world to be happy why can't i just be happy and satisfied with jesus and some of the stuff that i already have why is it that i need more stuff you know i heard an amish guy say one time they were doing a documentary on an amish person and they asked him why don't you all have cars and why don't you have televisions and why don't you have all of these other things that everybody else had his reply was it is a distraction in my life he said those things distract me away from god so i have no problem riding my black buggy with a horse pulling it i have no problem with still burning a lamp he said i've learned to be satisfied and content with god and god alone or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul listen airplanes bentley's mansions all of these things that we desire in this life would you give your soul the way to have that stuff i hear people say if i can just hit the lottery so you telling me you give up your soul just to hit the lottery what what if god did bless you with that much money what would you do with it if we are struggling to serve god without it what do you think is going to happen if we get it that's why i often say god is protecting the lottery from you not you from the lottery because he knows if you get it you sure enough gone so what would it profit us if we gain the whole world and lost our soul you know you can go to heaven and not have a lot of money but you can go to hell and be filthy rich there's an example in luke chapter 16 where there was a rich man who fares sumptuously and lazarus uh the bigger man a bigger man sat at his table and desired the crumbs that fell from his table the man wouldn't do anything but they both died and the bible says rich man died and in hell he lifted up his eye but the beggar was character abraham's bosom and one thing we know about hell is it's real you have feelings you're thirsty and you want somebody to help you that's why we need the gospel now because if you die without the gospel haven't had it preached to you in hell you will lift up your eye where is that message in america anymore we don't even want to preach about sin we don't want to talk about hell but it's real and that's why we have to preach a message of repentance we have to turn away from our sin and turn back to god that's what he wants us to do so as we go through this message i want to encourage you to stay with me we made it to verse number two because the beginning of the gospel of jesus christ the son of god as is written in the prophets and we're going to look at the prophets and what they said he said behold i send my messenger and we're gonna find that when we get over there the first place we're gonna find it is in isaiah chapter four and verse three we're gonna look at the same thing he says in this new testament it was already stated in isaiah this is how we know we're preaching the truth because it's always there's always a point of reference jesus always referenced the psalms in isaiah and we'll find that so i want to encourage you this evening my brothers and sisters as we look at the gospel of jesus christ as we compare it and we contrast it against the gospel that's being preached today in america and many of our pulpits and how we've been sucked into the idea of this new age movement and we've moved away from christ we've got to get back to jesus that's what god wants us to do well i hope you enjoyed this teaching if you did you can always uh respond to us you can give us a call and you can let us know that you you thoroughly enjoyed the teaching or you can give us a call at our church 334-263-3215 and i want to challenge you to know who jesus is i want you to to just believe that he died for your sin and confess your sin and repent of your sin and turn to god and live you simply say lord i believe that you died for my sin i believe you rose again the third day according to the scripture please lord come into my heart come into my life be my lord be my god i repent of all of my sin and i'm not going back to do it again i want you to rule in my life i want you to be on the throne of my life if you free you confess that then god will forgive you he will save you not only will he save you he will secure you so if you just if you confess that you're saved well again if you enjoyed our message if you want to give to um this ministry you can give you can give by giving online or you can give simply by giving a check written to maggot street missionary baptist church 642 maggot street montgomery alabama 3610 or you can give on the given tab on our website so i want to encourage you to do that now we're down to the end of this teaching i want to encourage you to read luke chapter number 16 luke chapter number 16 to get you through until sunday as as a inspirational reading luke chapter 16. god bless you god keep you that is our prayer father we thank you for the teaching of the word of god i pray that you would give us revelation knowledge as we continue to dig into mark chapter one as we teach the gospel of jesus christ that we'll get back to the teaching and the preaching of who jesus really is and who he is not now may the grace of god the sweet communion of the holy spirit may he rest ruling abide with us all be asking in the only name that matters in jesus name amen
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 175
Rating: 4.5555553 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 18sec (1998 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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