Maggie Street Virtual Service (4.19.20)

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welcome to Maggie Street Missionary Baptist Church where Ezekiel Pettway senior is the pastor our mission statement our mission is to take the whole gospel to the whole city to be a loving caring and sharing Church with Christ as our model to Train evangelize and make disciples of men to be expressive with our praise and to worship Christ the Savior in spirit and in truth and to minister to the whole man body soul and spirit Maggie Street Missionary Baptist Church weekly worship opportunities virtual worship service each Sunday at 10 a.m. virtual Sunday school each Sunday morning from 9 to 9:45 a.m. Virtual Bible study each Thursday at 6 p.m. the church website can be found at wwm Aggie Street Church org backslash you can give online at Maggie Street Church dot org backslash follow Maggie Street Missionary Baptist Church on Twitter at Maggie M SBC to everyone born in the month of April we say happy birthday and happy wedding anniversary to everyone celebrating in the month of April don't forget you can bring your tithes or offerings to the church on Sundays between the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 noon or you can drop them in the - Maggie Street Missionary Baptist Church if you have any problems or questions please call the Deacons [Music] [Music] [Music] receive my word all of my wooshin here's my water shower all of my worship [Music] receive my worship all of my word [Music] you are worship you for me for all the things you've done for and no use for me [Music] my my [Music] my word we see my [Music] here's my my we see my [Music] [Applause] here's my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you again for watching us via YouTube I want to just encourage all of you this morning to continue to be proud for pray one for another as we continue to go through this corona virus pandemic before we get started I want to offer word of Prayer father we thank you we love you we appreciate and adore you pray now that you would give us insight give us foresight and help us Lord God to have hindsight from what you have brought us through thank you now Lord for this opportunity to share the Word of God that those who are listening this morning I pray that you would bless them in their homes or whether they are rotted in their cars or wherever they may be I pray you hand the protection over all of them keep us in your hand of care I pray now for all the Magus Street Church family too that you would bless them are seniors and every ministry that's a part of this body of Christ now father we thank you we love you we adore you I pray that you would give us revelation knowledge that will flow unhindered unchecked that your people might be blessed we ask these prayers and supplications and the only name that matters in Jesus name Amen first of all I want to just thank the entire church for your support and your given and how you have risen to the occasion and you continue to give even in these trying times I know that some of you are perhaps furloughed some of you are not working at this time and whatever you can do and whatever you are doing just want to let you know that we appreciate it we would not bear down on you but I want us to keep in mind that we still have a church ministry to run so whatever you can do we're asking you to continue to do that faithfully and on another note I noticed that there are a lot of churches throughout this country who are demanding that they worship they are talking about their rights their Christian rights I just want to let you know here at the church we walk by faith and not by foolishness we're going to obey the laws of the land and even if and when the stay-at-home curfew or whatever is lifted we will continue to monitor and to hope that when we do come back to worship that we will have had some form of testing we're about we may know what is going on with our people the challenge that we are facing now is that you can be asymptomatic and not know whether or not you're carrying the virus and we don't want to congregate back up and then we have a massive outbreak of people with coronavirus I was speaking through one of my auntie's in Atlanta this morning and she referenced that that was a system living facility there in Atlanta was sixty-nine people living there of the 69 people living in that facility she said that 46 had already tested positive for the virus and of those 46 15 people have already died I shared that with you so that you would understand that this is serious and we have to take it serious that was another report came out that one later had quarantine for over 14 days had been home 20-plus days she went back and was tested again and found out she was positive again with the virus all I'm saying to you today is that this is serious and we are not a bunch of religious zealots where we are so enthusiastic to get back into the place of worship and get everybody sick I believe what the Bible says and the Bible tells us to obey them that have rule over us Jesus told us that we are to love our neighbors as ourselves and if you love your neighbor you love yourself you don't want to gather up and get somebody sick so let us just be cautious and know that if you can't worship in the church building you can worship at your home and I just want to share that before I get started I want to call your attention to the Book of Jeremiah and Jeremiah chapter number 33 and I want to start reading with verse number 3 the word of the Lord says callin to me in our answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not I want to talk about today how to handle a crisis or subtitle living through a crisis my brothers and sisters currently the world is in crisis and no human being seems to have any answers to the calamities we are now facing the government an institution that we normally look to during a crisis they too are collapsing banks insurance companies stock markets and economies around the world are being shaken the Word of God says to us in Psalms 11 and verse number three I might have put 30 but verse number three he says if the Foundation's be destroyed what can the righteous do David himself was facing a crisis and this crisis really shook him and rocked the world that he was living in and David raised the question if the very foundations were destroyed what can the righteous do David was being challenged and seized about Saul and his son Absalom David had to flee for his life because of what he was dealing with in other words David was in a crisis in his life and he had been shaken to his very core and he raised the question what can the righteous do if their foundation is shaken and a great question for us today because many of us are shaken in so many different ways because of this virus and we need to know what is it that we can do during this time in which we're living notice what David did as we get back to Jeremiah David cried out to God in time of his distress he cried out to the one that was able to help him in his distress and what he was going through David says what can the righteous do if the foundations are destroyed this is how all of us feel right about now in this crisis that we are dealing with in our lives what can we do right now and I want you to know a man that the Bible tells us in Jeremiah chapter number 33 and verse 3 he tells us that what we can do in times like these we can call on the Lord amen that is we can ask God we can talk to God God starts this particular chapter off in verse number 3 with a requesting God tells Jeremiah to called him Amen in other words he says ask me for what you need in your crisis when you're in a crisis you can't always look to the government you can't always look to people while they are resourceful we are still to look to the Lord in times like these my brothers and sisters I declare that we have to do what the Word of God says we have to look to the hills from whence comes our help all of our help come from the Lord because he made the heavens and the earth so the Lord tells us to call unto Him amen listen it what the Word of God says called unto Him Matthew 7:7 through 8 says ask and it shall be given you seek and ye shall find knock and it should be opened unto you for every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened God is waiting on us to open our mouths and ask amen in this time that we're going through we realize that the government don't have answers we realize that that's right we don't have a cure or we have anything right now but God tells us to call unto Him a lot of people are called it and they are asking about a stimulus check can I tell you that's a stupid thing to do a man I call it a stupid check because when we get that check a man we act so stupid God tells us to call unto Him and we've got to call unto God and say Lord we are in a crisis right now and we need someone bigger than our government as a matter of fact you said to us in Isaiah a man chapter 9 that the government shall be upon your shoulder thank you Lord that we know that we can come to you in times like these so that we can handle our crises everybody's prices is different right now you may not have the virus but you might be laid off so you're in a crisis you don't know how you're going to pay your bills you've been promised that there might be some relief money coming you've been promised that if you're furloughed and laid off you'll be able to get an extra $600 along with your your unemployment but to some of us you have not seen that as of yet but can I tell you you can't put your confidence in government you cannot put your confidence in man but you have to trust God and what the Lord showed me during this crisis while you're going through what you're going through you have to learn a few things you what are some of the things we need to learn by only what you need and see what you're dealing with right now in this crisis we will buying things that we really don't need only buy what you need if you don't need it do without it you need to learn how to suspend purchasing some things in your life while I know there are great opportunities out there in front of us they're offering us a man loans where you can buy a car or you can buy things for 0% interest and that's tempting but in times like these that are so uncertain you have to understand that we are in crisis mode and we don't know we're not going to purchase certain things at this time so my brothers and sisters listen up with the Word of God said call unto me who do we call not ghostbusters thank the Lord amen we called unto the Lord Amen ask the one who can deliver ask the one who is able to help you through this crisis he says called unto me we called on the Lord because he is able according to Ephesians chapter number 3 and verse 20 Amen the word of the God the Word of God says to us Amen that that he says and I'm waiting on the scripture he says to us in this particular verse in Ephesian he said now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ever ask or think according to the power that works in us thank God that there's a power in us that is connected to the one that is able to help that's why when you're called under God you need to know that you are connected to the one that can help you I thank God that my line has not been disconnected and during this downtime we have a chance amen to deepen our relationship with God when was the last time you called upon God and he didn't answer you whenever you called on the name of the Lord you have to know the Bible says the name of the Lord is a strong tower and those that run in they are saved amen and so we can call on the Lord because he is able we don't serve a weak God we serve a right now God that is able to move in our situation so all I'm saying to you this morning if you're gonna live through this crisis call Korona you got to call on God that's a request God said ask me and I do something for you I do for you what no man can do amen so listen up what the Bible says the next thing God want us to understand that when we do call him and ask him that the one that is able to meet our needs he directs our prayers ain't man we got to direct our prayers to the source amen and God is our Father he's our source that's what the word means in in in in 7 and Luke chapter 2 lat 11 and verse 2 listen what he says in Luke chapter 11 and verse 2 this is the model prayer and he said unto them when you pray say our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come that will be done as it is in heaven and so in earth he said let me just stop there for a moment notice what he said he said pray to the Father when you understand the word father you understand he is our source God is not a resource but he is our source notice what he said our Father he tells you where he's located he's located in heaven and not in Washington DC he's not located at the capital in Montgomery he says called unto me and look what he said hallowed be thy name call on God who's located in heaven who understands our plight who understands the crisis that we are in right now and he simply says all you got to do is call on me I can remember what my grandkids would call me and they'd call me papa and they say Papa I know when they called me there's something that they want from me and I sprang into action when you call on God God will spring into action he'll move on your behalf but you gotta call on God and you got to let him know God I'm depending on you in this situation I'm not looking to the left I'm not looking to the right I'm simply looking up I'm looking to the one that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that I can ever ask or think according to the power that works in me I thank God he tells us looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy man was set down at the right hand of God he endured the cross despising the shame and now he sits there to make intercession for you and me so we got to pray to God the Father the source amen he is our source he's in heaven his name is holy call on the Lord while you're going through your crises the next thing we need to do a man according to Jeremiah chapter 33 and verse number three we need to expect to hear from God notice what he said the word and is in EM call unto me and that's what he says call unto me and I will answer you that's a connecting word the word indicates that there's more to come he's a call unto me and and and we have to understand I will answer you can I tell you God is not sleep can I tell you just because God is silent don't mean it's not working so what we have to do is understand that when we call on God we ignite our faith and begin to trust God even while we are going through this traumatic situation that we in our prayers to God should reflect our confidence and our trust in him look at what Philippians says in Philippians chapter 1 and verse number 6 this is our confidence now he says and being confident of this very thing that he which had begun a good work in you he will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ in other words I'm confident of what God can do I'm confident I'm not crazy but I'm confident there's some things I'm not going to do can I tell you I'm not gonna gather in a big number I'm confident that God would keep me if I obey what he tells me to do in this time that we're going through I'm not going to lose my confidence in God because I believe that God is still on the throne I know that things look grim right now but we're going to continue to believe and trust in God and this is our confidence that we have in him God is doing a good work and he's gonna finish this work if we stay confident and believe in him there's another scripture I want you to look at first John 5 and 14 and this is the confidence that we have in him lord help us today we need to have confidence in him and who in Jesus Christ amen who would never fail us the one who has said in the book of Hebrews that Jesus Christ is the same today yesterday and forevermore that I'm not listen that if we ask anything according to his will he heareth us my brothers and sisters we have to ask according to his will and if we know that he hears us whatsoever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we desire of him when we walk in God's will when we walk in the Word of God when we obey the Word of God we can ask God whatever we will if it's in his will we can't ask God stupid stuff that's outside of his will we have to ask God according to his will and he will hear us and we can have this confidence we walk around with our head held high our chest stuck out not in Pride but in confidence because of what we know we know that God is still able and we're going to trust him during these trying times in which we are living so we gotta expect to hear from God but the next thing I want you to look at a man in this is that he says to us a man that we must ask in faith according to James chapter one and verse 6 this is what he want us to but let him ask in faith not wavering for he that waver it is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and Tulsa my brothers and sister we can't be vacillating back and forth we we have to believe God even when the sea of life is rough even when you're being tossed about even when your life has turned upside down you still have to believe that God will get you through a crisis one of the things I'm learning in my life that even while I'm in Christ I can experience a crises but I don't have to let the crisis overcome me I don't have to be drowned by what I'm going through because I know who I trust in so I'm walking in confidence and I'm walking by faith and I'm not wavering regardless to what comes up in my life I'm asking God to keep me stable God keep my eyes on you and not on the circumstances of life if we watch too much TV if we listen too much to what's going on then we will start to waver and what we believe about God I've never seen God in a crisis a man panic so we serve a God who's not going to panic so we don't have to panic instead of panicking and pushing amen the poles burn button we need to push the praise button at your house and say god I lift my hands in praise God I thank you that things are as well as they are it's not perfect God I can't go anywhere right now but I can still give you the praise when you learn how to bless God in your house when you get your whole house to bless God you have done something a man maybe God is trying to teach us that you don't have to be in these four walls called the church building to worship me if you learn how worship me at home I show you some mighty things amen I'll show you something that you don't know about me maybe God is trying to get us to a place where he can show us himself and not us ride on the coattails of somebody else's belief so we gotta trust God God want us to trust him he wants us to expect to hear from him when you pray here's my question are you expecting to hear from God or you just praying because it's a part of what we do well if you are expecting to hear from God it's like when you dial somebody up on the telephone and you call that number you are hoping that you don't get a voicemail you're hoping that on the other end of the phone somebody will say hello can I tell y'all if you dial God up this morning he'll speak back to you God will not say reject your call you know you can reject the call when somebody's calling you or you can ignore a call but God never ignores that call oh you got to do is dial him up and he will respond to your call now notice what he says and I will so we expect to see God work that's the next thing we expect to see God work God says I will not I might not I'm thinking about it but I will God lets us know we know that God is at work on our behalf even in negative situation even when the bottom is falling out can I tell you God is working through that negative situation God is working through that crisis in your life God is working through that hurt in your life God is working through that distress in your life God is working through the stress in your life he's working through every situation and circumstance that you might be going through at this time I know some of you are feeling boxed in at home some of you are feeling like I I just don't know what's going to happen but I'm telling you you've got to put your confidence in God and this is what he says in Romans 8:28 and we know there are some things you need to know about God and one of the things I want the church to know today is that God can failure that is no failure in God all things work together for good whatever it is is working together for good how can anybody take two negatives and make them work together for good God can he can take this negative in over here and this negative in over here and bring them together and assign them to work for you good sometimes gotta take negative situations and make them work for your good in other words I'm thinking positive even in a negative situation I'm thinking positive even when I know things are not favorable for me that's why I opened my mouth and bless God anyhow I'm positive that God will hear my cry and so what we've got to do is know that all things are working together for them that love God if you love God and when I speak about loving God I'm not talking about loving what God does for you but loving God amen because he died for you and because you know that you're seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus loving God knowing that regardless to where I find myself my love for you will never change to them who are called according to his purpose this is the word his purpose people the only thing God is concerned about is his purpose proverbs 19 and 21 I believe I shared that with you whatever your plans are it doesn't matter many other plans in a man's heart what is God's purpose that shall stand it reads like this in the King James Version there are many devices in a man's heart nevertheless the counsel of the purpose or the will of the Lord shall stand so whatever your plan is in your head whatever you're thinking God's purpose is the only thing that matters to him and if we are in line with God's Word if we obey God's Word even a negative stuff God will cause it to work for his purpose and that's what we are here for and so we know that everything is working together so you're telling me Coronas were clear absolutely that if we stay within the guidelines and we need to do and don't get crazy and go out here and start doing all kind of stuff listening to people tell my well we need to come together and worship you know what I'm angry because there are some people who wouldn't come to church and worship when they could but now all of a sudden it's a priority it want to worship it's all about worship but you wouldn't come when you had the opportunity to worship so we can't do that don't placate God don't play with God let us be sincere in what we're doing because watch this when and if God allows us to come back to worship and we know that it's all clear sign the church ought to be packed and you shouldn't have to prime anybody's pump to get them to praise God when you get back to worship at 6:42 magnet street the people that were known as sit with their arm folded or to be standing with their arms raised telling God thank you Lord that you brought me through this and you brought me through that and so we ought to be able to praise Him and and as I wine this up look at the next thing you see is not only amen can you call them to me and I'll show you mighty things God says that's no limit to what he can do this is what he says I show thee don't set limits on God because you are limited God is unlimited God wants us to experience his unlimited power that is available to all of us Paul has said that I may know him in the power of his resurrection over in Philippians chapter 3 we don't have to turn there Paul said I know God through my experience with him I know God intuitively and I can sense when God is working on my behalf and what what God want us to understand he said I want to show you something I want to I want to show you something that that you can't see in the natural I want to show you that I can work behind the scene when it looked like everything is falling apart I want to show you something I want to show you some mighty stuff and the only way we can get to the mighty things in God we got to drill down into the spiritual realms of our life while we at home can cry out to God and we can say God if you showed at the pole if you showed it to Elijah I want you to show it to me I want God to show me something in this hour that I've never seen before I'm so sick of coming to church and not not really getting the revelation I need from God and God let me know that revelation will come from coming to church that revelation come out of relationship with him and so as we deepen that relationship listen what God said don't set limits on me psalm 46 and tyr tells us be still mmm be still be still listen that's what he said get get somewhere and get quiet and listen be still and know that I am God I don't know who your God is I don't know who you call God some of us call God our job some of us call Jah God our money some of us call God our house some of us call God our cars and our things but he says get steal just know this he says I'm God and one thing about God God God God does not need a vote to do anything God God don't need anything from us because he's sovereign he can do whatever he wills whenever he wants to do he said I will be exalted among the heathen and and this is what we've done in the world we live we've exalted the heathens above God we've assaulted everybody above God God said I will be exalted even in the earth the pastor's not King no leaders are King God is king God is leader he's Lord of lords and King of Kings so we got to get steel and know that he's God you know I was looking at something on YouTube and I did not realize that in Kenya Africa that they had swarms of locusts and they were huge locusts I've never seen a locals that big and they swarm into the country and they eat up every bit of their crop all of their greenery and they have no way of combating and so I look at what we're dealing with over here in America and I look at what's going on in Africa and around the world but I still believe that God is on the throne and that's why we have to pay attention to the Word of God I want to say this not as being negative one of the reason why I don't look at Facebook a whole lot I've heard some ignorant stuff by preachers on Facebook some of the things that they're saying is so ignorant it don't even make sense that is one reason why I don't try to be an expert in anything to go out there and tell people something preaches we gotta be careful what we say on Facebook to people because if it does not line up with the word of God we need to just zip it so that we don't need people to strain if you don't know just don't say that's what God would have us to do so be careful with your message on Facebook and look at this huh Philippians 2 and 13 God is working for us for it is God which worketh in you see God wants to work in you to do what to both do his will and to do his good pleasure God wants to work in you but I can't work in you where that's fear God can't work in you where there's a lack of confidence God cannot work in you where you will not be still and know that he's God when you know who God is you can get steal and you can let God work through you even in negative situation you know why Paul was able to say that Paul was able to say that in this particular book in Philippians because he was incarcerated he was locked down but he understood being locked down didn't mean God couldn't work through him and it does not matter because his mind was free and God was working in and through him and God will work through us during this pandemic and the last thing I'll tell you is that God wants what is best for you and for me great and mighty things that God wants for us God is ready willing and able to do amazing things in our lives for his glory and if you look at Timothy 2nd Timothy 2:1 and 12 for the calls for the which cause I also suffer these things Paul said I'm going through these things he's a nevertheless I'm not for I know whom I have believed that's that's the kicker right there who do you believe in in this hour do you believe in this dark hour that we're living in that God is somewhere taking a nap or are you persuaded pulsate and am persuaded that he is able that's Edward again to keep that which I've committed unto him against that day in the last verse of Jeremiah 29 and 11 we have to know that God wants what's best for us even while in exile even while in captivity in Babylon the Lord had a plan for the children of Israel and they didn't even know it even in the worst of circumstances God had not abandoned him God had not forgotten about them but he had Jeremiah this faithful prophet that would prophesy for 40 years and nobody would listen to Jeremiah matter of fact it is said that nobody got saved it would seem like Jeremiah was not successful but the truth is he was one of the most successful prophets that ever spoke God's Word why because he remained faithful even while people were unfaithful and this is what he concluded that while they were in Babylon he said God said this but I know the thoughts that I think towards you God said now you don't know what I'm thinking about you you don't know what plans I have for you and sometimes when we're in a quagmire in life when we're in a crisis in life we say God why have you forgotten about me oh no God has not forgotten about you he is not but God has a plan that's working in his favor for you you have to understand that even while you are in your predicament God has good thoughts fortune he said thoughts of peace in other words we can be at peace wherever we are the worst situation that you find yourself in in life you got to have the peace of God that passes all understanding allow the peace of God to keep your heart and your mind through Jesus Christ listen to what God does not do god is not thinking thoughts of evil God is not trying to hurt you God is not out to get you God is out to advance you God is out to exalt you God is out to bless you and to give you and expect it in in other words to give you a greater future than what you have see what God is saying is that you're looking at where you are and not where I'm trying to take you and where I'm going to take you get your eyes over what you see and ask God to help you live through this crisis whether it's a crisis of finances whether it's a crisis in your family whatever that crisis is on your job you gotta ask God lord help me to handle and live through this crisis I pray today that I've said something that might bless your heart that might keep you through this week that might cause you to keep looking to God and believe in him in times like these perhaps you heard this word today and you desire to be saved and you never made a confession you never say Lord I believe that you died for my sin and that you rose again the third day according to the scripture Lord come into my heart come into my life be my Lord be my god I renounce Satan as thrown on the throne of my life and I declare that you are Lord in my life I become fess with my mouth I believe in my heart that you raised Jesus from the dead and I want to be saved if you confess that today my brothers and sisters you're saved all you need to do is call and find you a good church amen and teaches the Word of God lives the Word of God out in front of you you can call this church at three three four two six three three two one five amen if you're looking for a church home and we would gladly Amen accept you into our church family so my brothers and sisters I just want to encourage you as you go through this week to keep looking to God and our scripture for this week is the entire chapter of Hebrews chapter number 11 read that chapter chapter of faith about the heroes of faith and how we can get through what we are going through and when you do that brothers you ask God to harden your faith to deepen your faith in him and trust him through this season that we're going through god bless you and we look forward to seeing you in our Bible study on Wednesday as we broadcast to you again now let's receive our benediction father we thank you we love you we praise you we give you glory and honor we thank you Lord that you've given us an example even in in Psalms eleven and three and Jeremiah 33 and three how to live through a crisis and how to handle a crisis what we need to do and so father we call on you in this hour to help us Lord to keep looking to you during these trying times and how may the grace of God the sweet communion of the Holy Spirit may he rest willing abide with us whole hand forth now and forever in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 614
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Id: OLd8y8XZnxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 49sec (2569 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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