Maggie Street Virtual Service (4.26.20)

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welcome to Maggie Street Missionary Baptist Church where Ezekiel Pettway senior is the pastor our mission statement our mission is to take the whole gospel to the whole city to be a loving caring and sharing Church with Christ as our model to Train evangelize and make disciples of men to be expressive with our praise and to worship Christ the Savior in spirit and in truth and to minister to the whole man body soul and spirit Maggie Street Missionary Baptist Church weekly worship opportunities virtual worship service each Sunday at 10 a.m. virtual Sunday school each Sunday morning from 9 to 9:45 a.m. Virtual Bible study each Thursday at 6 p.m. the church website can be found at wwm Aggie Street Church org backslash you can give online at Maggie Street Church dot org backslash follow Maggie Street Missionary Baptist Church on Twitter at Maggie M SBC to everyone born in the month of April we say happy birthday and happy wedding anniversary to everyone celebrating in the month of April don't forget you can bring your tithes or offerings to the church on Sundays between the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 noon or you can drop them in the mid - Maggie Street Missionary Baptist Church if you have any problems or questions please call the deacons [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] we worship you hello you are worthy to be you we worship you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning thank you for this opportunity to share the Word of God again to enlighten you with some words of encouragement I pray that these words that fall into your spirit today would be a blessing to you and your family before we get started I just want to offer a word of Prayer father we thank you for the Lord Jesus Christ we thank you for his death burial and resurrection we thank you Lord for this privilege and it's opportunity to share your word I pray now God that you would hide self behind the cross don't let him be seen or heard but allow the word of God to be preached the power bonus and conviction to the end that our lives may be better and father we pray for those who are hurting during this time those who are forgotten those who are less privileged those who are at the bottom end of the spectrum that are suffering during this time the least of them I pray Lord God your mercy and your grace to rest upon them and those who are putting their lives on the line every day as they care for people who will see because of Kovach 19 father we pray now your hand of Mercy to rest upon this nation and those that lead this nation we give you glory we give you honor and we give you praise and Jesus name Amen again it's good to be here we're so grateful for our praise team having shared a song with us a man just to enlighten our hearts and encourage us through these times in which we're living I want to share with you today in a series of messages I'm going to begin this series talking about the purpose of the Holy Spirit in the life of the valley for the purpose of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer I want to begin with Luke chapter number 4 the 24 actually Luke 24 and we start reading with verse number 46 they said unto them thus it is written and thus it behooves Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations beginning at Jerusalem and here witnesses of these things verse 49 says it's a long pause let me read it from this version right here all right there we go and behold I send the promise of the father upon you but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem until you be endued with power from on high and so as I began this series on teaching about the purpose of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believers I want to just slow roll this out so that we can get a powerful picture of how important it is for the Holy Spirit to exist in the life of a believer the Holy Spirit is perhaps the most misunderstood but at the same time the most important person in the world I say that because we in a real sense as preachers we have misrepresented the Holy Spirit and we have not represented him in the way the Bible teaches about the Holy Spirit we often return refer to the Holy Spirit as in it but the truth of the matter is the Holy Spirit is not in it the Holy Spirit is a person and there are times we we talk about the Holy Spirit in the context of feelings and emotions and a shout dance and even speaking in tongues but the Holy Spirit is much more than that and much more important in the life of the believer than just your shouting just you're feeling good because often time in church we hear people say didn't we have a good time in church but it's more than just having a good time in church it's more than just making you feel good the Holy Spirit is a literal person and the Bible says to us in first John I want to go there real quick first John four and four and I just want to deal with the importance of the Holy Spirit ye are of God little children we are of God we belong to God and we've overcome the world would you what John is saying to them that they have overcome the world in other words the things of the world no longer impact them in such a way that they are drawn to the world but they understand because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world the Holy Spirit is so vital so important in the life of the believer that he is indispensable and we cannot do without him in our lives I want to talk more about the Holy Spirit than I do today about Corona and and about more than what the headlines are and what we've done in this season of what we are going through we've made these things bigger than what God really is and so what we've got to do as believers we have to press into the Spirit of God and understand that if we are going to be effective in this world then we need to understand I need the Holy Ghost I need the Holy Spirit if I'm going to be able to walk through these helpless and hopeless like situations in life and the only way that I can do that effectively is my life has to be invaded by the power of the Holy Spirit amen he is so important in the life of the believers that even Jesus himself when he came to earth he understood the necessity of the Spirit of God resting in him and upon his life that he said something like this in Luke chapter 3 beginning with verse 21 listen at what Jesus said in Luke chapter number three now when all the people were baptized it came to pass that Jesus listen what I said also being baptized the people were baptized but Jesus also was baptized and praying and watch what happened the heaven open verse number 22 and the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him and a voice came from heaven which said thou art my beloved Son in whom I envied I am well pleased notice what happened the Spirit of God comes down in the form of a dove and lights on Jesus after his baptism in water I would begin to think about this thing in the context of why in the world would God allow a dove to fly down and light on Jesus shoulder amen we know that the dog represents peace but it also represents the actual physical manifestation of the Holy Spirit resting on Jesus life now I thought about it like this now how in the world could add up light on Jesus shoulder and he walked in the dub never leaves hear me man you've got to walk in such a way that when the Spirit of God is in you or on you you walk in such a way that he never leaves you if you and I if a dub lit on our shoulder today and we won't they man I'm sure that we don't walk as carefully as Jesus walk and and maybe that dub would fly away from us what is it that caused the Spirit of God to leave us say man what is it that caused the Spirit of God to not reside with us is it because we don't walk the way that we should walk because when you walk in the Spirit of God he manifests themselves in your life in such a way that people see it and you don't even have to make it make a big big ruckus about it because what was on the inside of you that's why John said greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world listen my brothers and sisters when the Spirit of God lives inside of you you make such an impact in the world that people begin to envy you and even hate you when you walk into a room when you walk into a crowded place and the Spirit of God is living on the inside of you you change the aura of that room you change the ambience a man can I tell y'all today that God wants to feel everybody with the Holy Spirit so that when you walk in a crowd when you walk in a room you change the ambience you change the environment you change the setting and the temperature in the room that's what God want us to do he want us to change this world that we live in he want us to change the environment that we're living in he want us to change this culture that we're living in and my brothers and sisters you will never affect change in the world if the Holy Spirit don't live inside of you I don't care how much church you come to how many times you come to this building if the Holy Spirit does not change your life from the inside out you will never impact this culture that you live in why do you think they hated Jesus so much because he walked according to the Word of God he did the will of God and because he had I Amen the Spirit of God working inside of him he could carry out the will of the Father amen I believe there's a verse in John chapter 5 in verse 19 it talks about this a man I want you to go that real quickly brother Parker amen John chapter 5 I believe it is verse 19 and he talks about what he does and what he doesn't do a man what we have to do is allow the Spirit of God to have such an impact in our lives a man notice we said and jesus answered and said unto them verily verily I say unto you the son can do nothing of himself can I stop there for a moment and just put it in park because at the end of the day a man we're trying to do too many things by ourselves on our own as though we can do what God want us to do without the presence of the Holy Spirit but Jesus himself said the son of man can do nothing of himself but what he seeth the father do what is Jesus really saying he said the father manifests the Spirit of God amen in my life in such a way that I can only do what he manifests and showed me to do for what thing soever he doeth amen these also doeth the son likewise in other words if he don't manifest it if he don't reveal it he don't show it then I'm not trying to do it on my own there's so many of us sometimes we are so impressed about ourselves that we feel like I don't need anybody to help me do anything I Got News for you today you need to help her in your life you need to hold his spirit in your life you need God to help you complete his will on a man while you're here on earth so as I dig a little deeper into this thing as we talk about the importance or the purpose of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer amen we need to understand that God a man sent the Holy Spirit into the world for a reason it's not just for you to come to church and feel good and and just shout it all over the place because we love the same songs right when I get to heaven I'm gonna put on my white road I'm gonna put on my Golden Slipper and I'm gonna shout all over Gaza now that's not really true my brothers and sisters if you read the Bible the Bible said when we get to heaven a man will be like the twenty-four elders a man will take our crowns off and we'll throw them down and we're bow down before God because we'll be worshipping Him you may a man because we won't be thinking about these these things that we think about in the earth we'll think about worshiping God and so my brothers in Susa listen it is God's desire it is God's ambition for every last one of us who remain on on planet Earth a man is to be filled a man saturated with the permanent River and the ongoing spring of life water called the Holy Spirit of God amen to be possessed in our life with his presence God want to possess us God want us to be obsessive about him amen what qualifies me a mentor to have the Holy Spirit presence in my life can I tell you what qualifies you the Bible says in John chapter number three verses 1 through 7 I must show you what qualifies you a man to have this power a man flowing through you amen operating in you of saturating you in such a way that was a man it says in John 3 a man whose name was was Nicodemus he was a ruler of the Jews can I tell you you can be empowering Authority and still don't know who God is can I tell you can be insurance Oh your life hold these positions and being still don't have a relationship with God Nicodemus had a position but he didn't have a relationship and Jesus would let him know hey man I've seen the work that you do I understand that you hold this high lofty position in religion but at the end of the day you still can't get into the kingdom the same came to Jesus by night notice what he does a man he shows up he wants to know about Jesus he he's curious but but he's ashamed they come in the daytime that some of us we're ashamed to talk about Jesus around certain folk we're ashamed to talk about him a man around our people that we work with who are not saying but can I tell y'all amen I talk about Jesus anywhere it's no matter what people say you know you're with people all the time in your life who go through their demonic transition all day long they talk about everything else they want to talk about but the moment you start talking about Jesus they take what you know if we had work and we can't bring religion into work we can't talk about God but you talk about everything else amen why can't we talk about Jesus amen but he came at night now notice we said rabbi he acknowledges that Jesus is a teacher not just a teacher but a master teacher he said rabbi we know that thou art a teacher notice what he said and we know you did not go to our rabbinical schools we know you didn't go to Harvard we know you to go to Princeton we know you did not graduate from Virginia Union we know you didn't graduate from Morehouse we know that you graduated from heaven you came from God now notice we said this is what we know we don't speculate it we don't think it we know my brothers and sisters there's something you just oughta know that is of God and that's not of God there are too many of us who have been fooled by things that look like God but it has no manifestation of God and it's not God but Nicodemus said we know that you're teaching you come from God we know that we don't have any qualms about it so what does that tell us it tells us that Nicodemus and others from their Sanhedrin court from that high lofty position they have been discussed Jesus can I tell y'all something when you walk a certain way people are always discussing you they're always talking about you so you wonder why people treat you the way you do because there's something in you that they don't like so they disgust you behind closed doors they talk about you like a dog a man and then you wonder but can I tell y'all today this message is for people who are going through hole your head up don't worry about what people are saying let them talk about you let them say everything that is in the book about you but because you know that you are a child of God and this is the expectation of those of us who live a man in the spirit realm and not in the flesh we expect these things from people who are not saved so you need to just man up as we call it and strengthen yourself and know that God is with you watch what he said not only do we know that you're a teacher from God he says for no man can do these miracles so they acknowledge that Jesus has worked miracles well all you got to do is go back to John chapter 2 that that's a miracle work but Jesus turned water into wine Jesus shows up at a wig they having a great wedding but here it is they ran out of wine so Jesus mother is at the wedding and Jesus mother go and find Jesus and Jesus says to her well whatever I do with you and she said they ran out of wine and Jesus a woman it's not my time yet and she left and she's a listen whatever my son whatever Jesus said to you just do it can I talk to the church for a moment why don't we do what God tell us to do why don't we just do it why we always got to have a meeting and debate about what God has already told us to do when we learn how to obey God and stop meeting and debating and coming up with votes so that we can't do what God want us to do we literally vote God out of the church and we can't do that he said we know that that that that you did these miracles and you couldn't do them except God be with him now brothers and sisters this is why we cannot be effective the question is is he with us and if with us we can do the impossible and that's what God want us to do notice what he said jesus answered and said unto him again verily I say unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God hold it hold it Nicodemus is a full-grown man impossible for him to be born again in the natural so what Jesus is saying he said there's another man inside of you that has to be born again that that's a nature in you that has to change that there's something inside of you Nicodemus that has to change you must be born again in other words you've got to be born from above and only God can give that kind of change in your life see see we hide behind religion but we never change God want us to change and not just be religious religious religion is nothing more than man searching for God well after you search for him and you find him and he come into your life you have to change Paul said in second Corinthians 5 and 17 If any man be in Christ he is a new creature or a new creation watch what he says he said old things are passed away in other words things are leaving us things are falling off they have passed away and behold all things are becoming new watch why because I'm no longer thinking the way I used to think this is not the same person and now I'm pursuing things of God more and the more of the things of God that I pursue the deeper my relationship come becomes with God so get back over the general real quick real quick I told you I'm just introducing this message today this is one of those series that might last awhile and and and so Nicodemus said unto him notice what Nicodemus is now huh how can a man be born when he's old well the truth is it doesn't matter how old you are you can change no matter how old you are your spirit can be made new no matter how old you are you can be born again from the inside out Kenny entered the second town notice now Nicodemus is thinking natural this is what I went to church again Jesus came from another world and the only way that the world could be changed through him is that he had to come from another world he could not change the world if he was just born like everybody else if God wanted to use just a plain man he could have used Abraham he could have used Isaac he could have used Jacob he could have used anyone but he chose to use a woman's body but he planted himself inside of the woman aside from man so that the seed could not be contaminated so to see that God planted in Mary was a supernatural seed in other words he's a Superman he's not a natural man he's a spiritual man he's supernatural and so he said you got to be born again not from your mother's womb what's this jesus answered verily verily I say unto thee except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God now notice even though Jesus was baptized in water this is symbolic but it had nothing to do with just water baptism and and some time in our denomination in our religion we argue over water baptism we argue and say that if you are not baptized in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost then that's not right then we say that if you are not baptized in Jesus name that's not right then some people said well we just need to sprinkle and then we say that's not right but here's the truth of the matter you the truth of the matter my brothers and sisters is that the water is representative of the Word of God okay jesus said to his disciples in John 15 and 3 he said you're clean how are we clean we're not made clean through baptism in water we'll make clean through the Word of God which he has spoken unto us went went went when the Word of God washes through our lives he cleanses us from the inside out so Jesus is talking about you got to be born of the water in other words the water of the word has to penetrate your heart so that you would want to change and then when the word penetrates your heart you changed the Holy Spirit can come in that's why they were receiving the Holy Spirit amen in the book of Acts and we'll get to that later Jesus had told them in Luke chapter number 24 I need you to go to Jerusalem I need you to go down to Jerusalem and wait I don't need you to get ahead of me just wait and we'll deal with that now go go go back to 2 to 2 John over there John 3 and 6 he says that which is born of the flesh is flesh notice what he said I'm not talking about flesh that's not what I'm talking about and see the only thing we're concerned about in church sometime is our emotion how I feel my flesh and I and I don't I don't doubt that the Holy Spirit can make you feel good I don't doubt that the Holy Spirit won't make you jump and shout I don't doubt that he won't make you run but what I'm trying to tell you is that the Holy Spirit is much more than running much more than shouting much more than speaking and tongue he is about invading your life in such a way that you can impact the world in which you live that which is born of the Spirit is spirit Marvel not that I said unto thee you must be born again Nicodemus you can't do it anyway in other way you kind of be born again that that's why I my brothers and sisters the Holy Spirit is so important in the life of the believers that it just blows my mind now now now go to Matthew 4 and 1 we still talk about Jesus in the Holy Spirit and how important years in our life he's the most important person in the world today the president is not the most important person in the world your husband is not the most important person in the world your wife is not the most important person in the world although they are important in your life but the most important person is the Holy Spirit so watch this Jesus then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil let me just stop now notice Jesus is led by the spirit now if you don't have the Holy Spirit he can't tap in to the Spirit of God to know what it is that God wants you to do see a lot of times when God is leading us into a place that desolate into a place that is dry into a place that could potentially destroy us we want to say God cannot be in this but the truth of the matter is if God is leading us he has a purpose for where he's trying to take us and if we understand the working and the power of the Holy Spirit and what he does amen we will be able to affect change wherever we go hey I get to that in a little while one of the primary purposes of the Holy Spirit in Jesus coming into our lives and i'ma deal with it later on down the road it's the destroy the works of the devil brothers and sisters you and I cannot destroy the works of the devil not in our flesh we cannot destroy the works of the devil with what we do that we've been doing for the last 50 years we have to allow the Spirit of God to surf it in our lives in such a way that that that we walk not by sight but by faith so so the Holy Spirit God wants to give us heaven's power and authority and that is only possible through the Holy Spirit that's only possible so that's that's God's ambition for us a man for for us to be permanently filled with the Holy Spirit God don't send the Holy Spirit to stay for a while and didn't leave and that's it no no he wants the Holy Spirit to stay with us forever and that's the purpose of he wants to take a residency in your life God God wants to sit on the throne of your life and reign in your life brothers and sisters the Holy Spirit he reveals the mind of God to all believers and it is impossible to know the mind of God without the Spirit of God second Corinthians first Corinthians chapter 2 let me start with verse 9 1st Corinthians chapter 2 probably could have winter that's good right there and notice what he said it's written eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have it entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that love him it's not even been seen with your eye because what God has prepared for us is so much deeper than what your eyes can see it has not even got in your heart in your spirit the things that God has prepared for you but when you love God now watch this that means I spend time with God and-and-and-and I'm developing a relationship with him and the more time you spend with an individual in the natural they'll reveal more of themselves to you and the more time we spend with God in the spirit realm in his word in prayer he reveals more to us and that's why we can we can have this confident assurance that no matter what we go through in life because of my relationship with God he will continue to reveal things to me by his spirit and he goes on to say but God hath revealed them notice God has already done this for some people he has to reveal that to them how by his spirit that word is capital capital spirit SPR RIT the letter is captain star weekend for the spirit what spirit the hold the spirit he searches all things yeah yeah yeah even though the deep things of God listen my brothers and sisters we got to get off the shallow you got to get off the surface we're too shallow the Spirit of God desires the dig and dive so deep into the spirit realm to bring up something that gives us revelation about God and let me just give you an idea of this and I'm about to shut it down second Corinthians chapter 11 I believe it is 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 trying to just show you some of the deep things of god paul paul beginning to talk would to God ye could bear with me a little longer in my fallen and indeed bare wooden poles just talking about how deep God is and he said for I'm jealous over you with godly jealousy for I have espoused you to and a husband in other word Paul said I preached to you you got saved and I presented you to Jesus that's your husband and that's a word for somebody Jesus is your husband that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ for for if but but I fear lest by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ Paul said for for if he that cometh preaches another jesus or not this is this is important there's a lot of preaching going on in the world but we are not preaching about Jesus the way we should in this hour that we're living in Jesus must take center stage the headline needs to read Jesus is Lord we are talking about everything but God and His Son Jesus we have to be careful what we preach Jesus whom we have not preached or if you receive another spirit now policy not the Jesus we preach that's what y'all got a but that's what we got a preach don't receive anything else he said you receive another spirit which ye have not received or another gospel which he have not accepted you might wear bear with him okay do it for I suppose I was not whipped behind the very chief not far behind but though I'll be rude in speech policy yet not in knowledge y'all may not like what I say but I know what I'm talking about but we have been thoroughly made manifest among you and all things in other word you saw what we did as a demonstration of the Holy Spirit because when you go back to first Corinthians chapter 2 I believe it verse 4 Paul talks about how he did not come with the wisdom of me but he came in power and a demonstration of the Holy Spirit that's what he said in first Corinthians chapter 2 now notice down as we go on Paul said I have committed an offense and a base in myself that she might be exalted because I have preached to you the gospel of God freely Paul cemented hold nothing back he said no I'm going someone with this he said I robbed other churches taking wages of them to do you service policy all the churches helped me in my ministry and doing what I was doing because I wanted to get this word out to you and and and when I was present with you and wanted I was chargeable to no man for that which was lacking to me the Brethren which came from Macedonia supplied it Paul said God God God always has somebody to help me do what I needed to do because Paul hadn't manifested such a powerful preaching of the gospel and a demonstration of the gospel let me go over the second the first Corinth and qu2 and I wrap this up for the day go back to the very beginning of chapter number 2 first Corinthians 2 this is important listen what Paul says he said and and I brethren when I came to you came not with excellency of speech of wisdom and now we're taught how to homolytically arrange a sermon and how to hermeneutical II interpret that sermon and that's nothing wrong with that teaching you need good teaching but Paul said I wasn't trying to impress nobody and I think a lot of our time standing here in the pulpit we're trying to impress people with our vocabulary and the fact that we can put things together but at the end of the day we have not come with the excellency of speech of wisdom declaring unto you the testimony of God if we're going to declare the testimony of God you got to have the Holy Spirit in you Paul so far I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified Paul so that's the basics of the gospel he said and I was with you pulse out with you in weakness you saw in my life you saw me I was weak just like you were and in fear and in much trembling pulse I got afraid sometimes you and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom but in a demonstration of the Spirit and power of God that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God let me roll it down and close this we need the Holy Spirit to demonstrate in our lives so that others can see Jesus not not for my flamboyance not for them and for my great oil reading and that I can I have this great oratorical voice but that God can use me in a quiet way so that people can be affected by my life and that's that's why we need to hold the spirit we need to hold the spirit to impress upon the lives and minds of people that in this hour more than a stimulus check I need the Holy Ghost more than anything I need the wholeness to help me and my family through this crisis we need the holy spirit churches are a void of the Holy Spirit we've done things for years the Holy Spirit hadn't been there that's got to be a demonstration of the Holy Spirit I'm passionate about this because I want more of God I don't just want to come and get the routine every Sunday I need an encounter with God so that my life will be manifested before others in a different way we need the Holy Spirit prison closing with this God wants you to host his presence right here on earth we host parties and meetings at our houses but when was the last time you hosted a Holy Ghost party at your house well you gathered and you talked about Jesus so much that he showed up like he did on the road of Emmaus while they were talking about Jesus and walking on the road of amazing Jesus showed up we ought to host him at home talk about him more than anything and he shows up and say I hear y'all talking about me and because you're talking about me I just showed up to let you know that everything is gonna be alright even in the midst of this pending because you know that I'm so much bigger and you put me before everything and everybody and because we do that we give him a sense of priority in our lives my brothers and sisters that's the word of the Lord for God's people perhaps as somebody who were listening this morning that heard this word and you like me understand that I need to hold his spirit in my life I don't just need him I want him because he makes a difference in my life and if you designed the Holy Spirit in your life and you never made a confession with your mouth where you say Lord I believe you died for my sin I believe he rose again the third day according to the scripture come into my heart come into my life be my Lord and be my god take up residency in my life invade my life through in through I believe that if you believe that and you confess that you're saved if you believe that and if you looking for a church find you a good church to get into a Bible believe in a Bible teaching Church and you can call this church but we believe that 3 3 4 to 6 3 3 2 1 5 call and tell us you enjoyed the message and you're looking for a church home and if you did and we're looking forward to you post Korona we know that this won't last forever so I want to encourage you on to continue to call in and get on the conference line for our prayer at 8:30 every Sunday morning and also at nine o'clock their various Sunday School classes going on Sunday School class number three I know Brenda Ellis's classes meeting I know Pam classes meeting Pam Mathews their classes meeting I think even Donna humper if they're not in the same class they're all meeting the main class is meeting and the minister's also meet on zoom' and nine so we have some things going on we even have the brothers are meeting on Wednesday again for prayer and they are steadily reaching out to our seniors and and others in the community if they are needing grass cut and these kind of things we're just trying to reach out to you to let you know that we still love you and finally I want to just thank every one of the members who continue to give to this church who understand it's important even though we're not here we can't just shut the lights off and go home we still have some things that we have to do so I just want to tell you from the bottom of my heart as your pastor those of you who have gone above and beyond you have paid you have done what you needed to do II in the midst of this corona pandemic thank you for that and I want to encourage others don't don't don't forget your church still have a obligation and if you trust God gotta take care of you thank you again amen now we receive up an addiction and we are done well father we bless you we thank you for this day we thank you for the Lord Jesus Christ we pray that you would keep us as we said we apart I pray that you continue to bless our families Lord God help us to adhere to the CDC guidelines as we continue to stay away from each other as we social distance from one another because we know one day you're gonna call the church together you're gonna call us all together we'll be in fellowship with you where no disease will be able to separate us now unto him that is able to keep us from falling present us faultless before his might and is seen and thrown to the only wise God Our Saviour be glory and Dominion power and glory forever amen amen this is a scripture I want you all since we are we're reading on I want you to take Matthew chapter 4 and read that for your reading and your resource during this week and also the entire chapter of Luke number 3 Luke 3 and Matthew 4 those two chapters was we're help you for the rest of the week god bless you keep you that is our prayer
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 600
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 38sec (3038 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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