Maggie Street Virtual Service (4.12.20)

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Maggie Street Missionary Baptist Church where Ezekiel Pettway senior is the pastor our mission statement our mission is to take the whole gospel to the whole city to be a loving caring and sharing church with Christ as our motto to Train evangelize and make disciples of men to be expressive with our praise and to worship Christ the Savior in spirit and in truth and to minister to the whole man body soul and spirit Maggie Street Missionary Baptist Church weekly worship opportunities worship service each Sunday at 10 a.m. Sunday School each Sunday morning 9:00 to 9:45 a.m. Bible study each Thursday at 6 p.m. children's church Sundays at 10:00 a.m. the church website is WWE Street Church org backslash remember you can give online at Maggie Street Church dot org backslash our trustees are here on Sundays between the hours of 10:00 and 12:00 you can drop your giving off via mail or here at the church follow Maggie Street Missionary Baptist Church on twitter at maggie m SBC to everyone born in the month of April we say happy birthday and to those celebrating in the month of April we say happy wedding anniversary remember if you have any problems you can contact the deacons at Maggie Street Missionary Baptist Church [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning thank you for joining us again for our virtual worship service here at Maggie Street Missionary Baptist Church I want to thank all of you for viewing this morning as we celebrate Easter Sunday morning a Resurrection Sunday this is different for all of us we've never had to view Easter service on Sunday because of a virus that is going on in our country that's why we're doing it now but nonetheless we know that we serve the God who is greater than this coronavirus if you would just pray with me for a moment father we thank you for this excellent privilege and opportunity to come before your throne we thank you Lord because we know that you're still the God who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we may ever ask or think according to the power that works in us and father I pray now for those of us who are dealing with anxiety those of us who are dealing with fear and timidity to know that you've not given us the spirit of fear but of love power and of a sound line so god we thank you that we know that our salvation is secure in Jesus and we thank you now for this privilege and opportunity to share this word on this Resurrection Sunday morning we give you glory we give you honor and praise and the only name that matters in Jesus name Amen again we're grateful for this privilege and opportunity to share the Word of God with you I pray that something is said today that will give you a lift in your spirit and encourage you on this Easter Sunday morning as we share those this word with you Luke chapter number 24 beginning with verse number 13 and we'll kind of walk through it and and share with you Luke 24:13 and behold two of them went that same day to a village called Emmaus which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs or about seven miles and they talked together of all these things which had happened and it came to pass that while they commune together and reason Jesus himself drew near and went with him but their eyes were holding that they should not see him let me just stop right there and I want to talk about a deeper look at the resurrection my brothers and sisters the Bible teaches us in 1st Corinthians chapter number 2 and verse number 9 it says but as it is written eyes have not seen nor ear heard nor has it entered the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those that love him then the next verse says but God have revealed them unto us by his Spirit for the spirit searches all things yea the deep things of God and many times in our lives brothers and sisters we only look at things from the surface we never look at things in a deeper way that has a deeper meaning and the reason why I raised this today is because of where we are in this coronavirus epidemic and pandemic that we tend to look at things only on the surface but when we look at things deeper we can see that God is even at work in certain situations that we cannot control that we don't even understand and as I read the scripture I understand that Jesus had foretold and talked about his death and resurrection and raising from the dead after three days he talked about this numerous times in the Bible four times he mentions his death and his resurrection in the book of Matthew's three times he mentions his death and resurrection in the book of Mark and then three times again he mentions his death and resurrection in the book of Luke and then if you look at John chapter number 11 he talks about as after Lazarus was dead and raised again that he was the resurrection and the life so we know that Jesus has already talked about his death and his resurrection so as we looked at the story this morning of these two brothers these two men who had faithfully followed Jesus Christ they were walking down the Emmaus road on their way to Emmaus about seven miles from Jerusalem and and they had this deep discussion about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and my brothers and sisters sometime we we discuss things and not really know what we're talking about these brothers had witnessed Jesus heal they had witnessed Jesus feed people they had witnessed Jesus do many things but after Jesus had died they are now in a heated discussion about what happened three days earlier and and and and in this these brothers heard Jesus teach they heard Jesus preach they saw Jesus heal and the women that reported that Jesus had arisen from the dead on that morning they did not believe the woman's report they were somewhat discouraged and disappointed because the man that they had been following was now crucified and their hopes of being free from Roman rule was now shattered my brothers and sisters can I tell y'all the day that Jesus and everything that he said he would never leave us discouraged he will never leave us disappointed there's something that we just don't understand because we look at them from the surface but when we think about Jesus's teaching and everything that he said and did he did those things that they might believe that he was the son of God and that he was the Christ they thought to themselves that their dream of freedom and victory with Jesus on the cross my brothers and sisters what what they fail to understand is that Jesus had used some language earlier and he said something like this he said if I be lifted up from the earth I'll draw all men unto me and they forgot the words of Jesus I believe today that there are many of us who come and worship and we forget the words of Jesus Christ can I tell you all the day that we can bank on every word that Jesus has uttered every word that Jesus has spoken these brothers now walking on their way to Jerusalem they forget what Jesus had said and I know we are human and sometimes we tend to forget what the Word of God says Paul says something like this I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me and when we understand that the Word of God will never fail us we will never find ourselves in a place of discouragement and disappointment so can I tell you that we're not looking deep enough and at what Jesus said these brothers they were blind to the to the truth of Jesus Christ and about Jesus Christ they were blind about the meaning of the Cross and they were blind to the reality of the resurrection when they looked at the cruelty of the cross they figured that this man that we have followed all of our lives or these three years that we followed him that now that he's dead all of our hope has died with him but in the end when we understand that the cross amen is just a symbol of them lifting him up so that he might lift us up out of what we were in and my brothers and sisters today I want you to know that the heart of Christianity is in the resurrection of Jesus Christ if you remove the resurrection amen Christianity will be destroyed so at the end of the day the resurrection of Jesus Christ amen it affirms to us as believers that Jesus is in fact the son of God just as he claimed to be and it proves a man to us that we can experience the same power through a personal relationship with Jesus and that's what Jesus was trying to do while he was on earth he was trying to develop a relationship with those that followed him that they might believe that he was in fact the Son of God it is amazing that we can be with someone we can watch someone do wonderful works but at the end of the day in our hearts in our mind we just don't believe that they are they are who they say they are so as we look and take a deeper look at the resurrection of Jesus Christ my prayer to God today brothers and sisters is that our vision will not be clouded and that we will see clearly the most important aspect of the Christian faith and that is the resurrection of Jesus Christ so let us take a look at why these two men were blinded to the truth of the resurrection well number one they were blinded by their emotions look at verse number 13 through 17 and behold two men went that same day to a village called Emmaus which was from Jerusalem about seven miles the next verse and they talked together of all these things which had happened notice now they are talking about what has happened in the past these brothers were now blinded by their emotions and I'm sure these past few days were very emotional for these two brothers their mentor their leader has been crucified and here on the road to Emmaus these brothers are talking about all those things in the past those things that had happened three days earlier that had taken place and and we know the conversation was emotional because verse 17 says it was an animated and heated conversation so they are discussing what has happened to Jesus now brothers and sisters what I want you to understand right here they have allowed their emotions to take over they have allowed they have allowed their feelings to take place right now in other words they got in their feelings about what had happened to Jesus can I tell you that you don't have to get in your feeling about what happened to Jesus what you need to know is that when Jesus predicts something is going to come to pass I told you he had talked and said 10 times that he would die and he would rise again from the dead any man that predicts his own death that many times you need to have faith in Him and believe him but these brothers they have seen all the work that Jesus did and now they are there discussing where is he this brother that had healed people this brother that had fed people this brother that had been led crucified died and buried we are wondering is he really the Christ and that's how we are today we allow I emotion to get the best of us because we find ourselves in situations in life that breaks our heart that leaves us disappointed that leaves us discouraged and sometimes we allow our emotion to take over can I tell you it's all right to have feelings can I tell you is all right to have the emotion because God gave us emotion but at the end of the day we don't operate in our emotion we operate by faith the Bible says in Corinthians amen I believe in 2nd Corinthians 5 and 7 he says we walk not by sight but by faith so we have to understand that sometimes we allow our emotions to get the best of us can I tell you what the enemy wants to do in this hour that we're living in he wants to get inside of our head there's so much noise going on in our head that we can't hear what God is saying with what we are facing in this very hour we've got so much noise and so much chatter in our head that we can't even hear God when he's speaking with us when God is even walking with us he's with these disciples and they are discussing Jesus my brothers and sisters when you discuss Jesus you need to know what you're talking about there are a lot of us we talk about Jesus but we really don't have a relationship with him when you have a robust relationship with Jesus you don't talk about him in a negative you talk about him in the positive what you'll say is that I know that look bad right now but we serve a God that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ever ask it don't matter about my emotion it doesn't matter about my feelings it's not by feelings my brothers and sisters but it is by faith so on this Resurrection Sunday morning we are not to allow our emotions to get the best of us while they were walking listen up what the word said Jesus showed up while they were walking while they were talking Jesus showed up can I tell you that the Lord desires to show up in your situation but because of your emotion you won't allow God to break through those emotions that you're going through you will you're caught up in your feelings and your self right now and Jesus is trying to walk in your life but you won't let him in because your emotions have him locked out of your life but look at what the scripture said it isn't it amazing how Jesus shows up during their emotion during the moment of their discouragement during the moment of that disappointment sometimes in our disappointment and discouragement amen we're in such a funk that nobody can help us get out of it no matter how you try to encourage people they just can't see how they're going to come out but can I tell y'all if Jesus walks in your situation you've already got a way out all you have to do is look deeper at what you're going through sometimes in life God allows some things that happen in our life so we can get our eyes off of circumstances and situation and begin to take a look at him I emotions sometime clouds our view of who God really is so they they are having this emotional charged conversation about events surrounding the life and death of Jesus Christ did he really rise from the dead so Christ begins to walk with them my brothers and sisters they are something that there's something that you just need the Lord to walk with you through you don't have to go through it by yourself let him walk you through the situation that you're facing in your life can I tell you today that if he brought you to it he'll walk you through it and that's what we don't understand God desire to work with us not only what with us but he'll talk with us - how does he talk to us through the Word of God when you get in the word and immerse yourself in the Word of God regardless to how grim the situation is how grim the things are you're facing he'll walk you through it so as we look at this Amen I want you to see as we allow our emotion sometime they won't let you see Jesus in verse 16 in verse 16 they couldn't see Jesus because their emotions sometimes i emotional heart is so filled with things that we just can't see Jesus we begin to say things like Lord why do you allow me to go through what I'm going through why am i hurting the way I'm hurting your emotions are not involved and you can't see God you have to be able to see God in the worst of situations you have to be able to see God when your emotions are running high can I tell you that God is always at work around us we just have to be able to see him in what he is doing in their time now my brothers and sister listen Jesus was right next to them right by their size and they didn't even know it and we don't even realize that right now Jesus is with us our emotion plays a role in our faith emotions and feelings are important but we cannot build our lives and our faith on our emotion as I told you we won't by faith and not by sight the second thing that hindered these brothers from really seeing who Jesus was is that they were blinded by their circumstances they're looking at where they are and what they are going through they couldn't see the purpose of God behind the event that was unfolding and had already unfolded proverbs 19 and 21 says something important proverbs 19:21 says there are many devices in a man's heart nevertheless the castle of the Lord that's your Saints just and now what what what the proverbial writer is saying to us there are a lot of plans and ideas in our head because when we talk about the heart that's what we're talking about what we think but nevertheless that word counsel really means purpose nevertheless it is the purpose of God that shall prevail now what we don't understand about purpose is this it's the only thing that matters to God is his will being doing and that's God's purpose in our lives Jesus understood God's counsel Jesus understood God's purpose for his life that was for his will to be done listen that what Jesus said in them in the book of John when he's in the garden he says not my will but thy will be done God does not care about your plan he does not care about what you think God is looking at the end result and that is his will his plan his purpose his counsel being carried out now notice as they talked with Jesus they asked him look at verse 18 of Luke 24 they asked Jesus this question they said our now notice and the one of them they named who it is this time name was Cleopas answered and said are you the only are thou only a stranger in Jerusalem and has not known the things which were come to pass there in these days he's asking Jesus don't you are you the only one that don't know what's happening those are what Jesus said to them he's what things he raises the question clear was do you not know what's happening and Jesus says what what things you're talking about they are talking about what has happened in the and and we allow our circumstances of what has happened in the past and we dwell there we make our residents in the past and not understanding that God does not want us to live in the past of our circumstances so jesus said says what thing and they said to Jesus concerning Jesus of Nazareth isn't it amazing that they were talking to Jesus and didn't even know it isn't it amazing that they allowed their circumstances to not see Jesus and they go they go on to say which was a prophet and I notice what they said he was a prophet he was mighty in deed and in word before God and all the people he was mighty and that's all they saying he was they talked about Jesus in the past tense and not realizing that Jesus is past present and future and we can't refer to God in the past tense that's why we always speak about God in the now now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen we always see God in the noun and how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death and have crucified Him this is what they were talking about and this is what in the world are you talking about you don't realize that you are talking about the resurrection and I'm right here in your presence that that's what we don't understand that God is a present help in our troubles God is not some God who's asleep somewhere who's dead and cannot do anything about our situation and our circumstances in life but we cannot be blinded by our circumstances and so Jesus is responding and and they were so caught up in their circumstances that they were unable to see the God behind their circumstances they described Christ as just a prophet of words and deeds not knowing that he was God manifested in the flesh not knowing that they had everything they needed at that disposal in Jesus they were hoping listen at this that he was going to redeem Israel indeed and besides all of this it's the third day since these things happened in verse 21 is it's been three days and nothing has happened so we've given him three days because he said that that I raised this thing up in three days and nothing has happened but when you go back to verse one the women were trying to tell them that Jesus was no longer in the tomb that he had a risen from the dead as he said he would and sometime we fail to believe the Word of God because of our circumstances we allow our circumstances to dictate our understanding of who God is see it depends on what I'm going through that determines how I see God you've got to be able to see God in every situation and circumstance in your life so what everything is not going the way you want it to go so what the bottom has fallen out of your life can I tell you that God has not changed the Bible says that Jesus Christ is the same today yesterday and forevermore we serve an unchanging God and he is not moved by our circumstances and you can't allow your circumstances to blind you of who Jesus really is your circumstances do not change God nor his purpose for your life and I just want to parenthetically state this may be what you're going through right now it's a part of what God has assigned to your life for you to get to your destination there are some things you've got to go through in order to get to it and God has assigned some thing to our life that we must go through don't look at your circumstances don't look at where you are right now look at where God is taking you in the future my brothers and sisters the third and final thing I would say to you is that these men could not see the Resurrection deeper because they were blinded by their unbelief they heard the teaching of Christ that he would be resurrected they heard this the Bible said faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God maybe what they hear they didn't believe it and sometimes even those of us who are believers will say things to ourselves I just don't believe that this can happen but my brothers and sisters God wants to stretch us God wants to stretch to a place that we never come back to that same place that we can believe him even doing this coronavirus season we must believe God we must put our trusted God not in government not in people not in things but our trust and our hope is in God so we can't walk around in unbelief but we must walk around in faith and believe that God still operates in faith look at this now they heard his teaching right resurrection about the of his resurrection verses 31 through 34 of Luke 18 I just wanted to read this go to Luke 18 real quick and verse 31 he took unto him the twelve and he said unto them behold we go up to Jerusalem and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of man shall be accomplished now listen to what he said everything that had been written about me Jesus is the Son of Man will be accomplished that means the suffering is going to take place that means they're going to mistreat me that means they're going to spit on me that means they're gonna put a crown of thorns on my head that means they're going to reject me and brothers and sisters that will happen to us today people will not like you people will reject you people would mistreat you people will just talk about you but that is a part of God's plan that we go through everything that he has orchestrated for our lives and don't you know that God has orchestrated a plan for your life from the time that you were born until the time that you leave planet Earth there are some things you must go through so we can't have unbelief they were blinded by their unbelief so that real problem was not in their heart or in their head but it was in their heart that real problem was unbelief jesus said in just a few verses down they were slow to believe go back to 24 and start around verse 28 29 28 they were slow to believe and when Jesus of actually 24 24 now in 18 we just run on down through it real quickly as we talked about Cleophus knowing the things which were to come to pass there in these days next verse and he said to them what things they said unto him concerning Jesus of Nazareth which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people next verse and how the chief priests not notice how the chief priests and the elders delivered him to be condemned to death and have crucified Him I this is amazing these are religious leaders and rulers that didn't believe who Jesus was these were the leader of the religious groups in that day and time and it was those religious people that killed and crucified Jesus my brothers and sisters the people that were crucified you are not the ones on the outside the people that tend to crucify us the worst are the ones that are on the inside the one that called themselves children of God they would deliver you they would condemn you they will set you up they were plot against you and and and a lot of time they do that because of the life you live it's not that you've done anything to them they just don't like it because the life you live condemns the life that they live so at the end of the day they will crucify you and put you to death you know sometimes is amazing that people will come after you and you ask the question why are they doing this to me well they don't have to have a reason they just dislike you they dislike Jesus and they crucified him and what was their reason they didn't have one people don't have to have a reason to mistreat you they just do it because they don't have it in their heart to do what is right in order to do the right thing you got to have God on the inside of you it's not what we wear is not where we go to church is God living on the inside of us that makes us different and you can tell when God is in a person based on their action not on their words so a lot of times people say things but all you have to do is watch their action verse 21 but we trust it now notice what he said we trusted it had been he which should have redeemed Israel besides all this today is the third day since these things were done in three days we hadn't heard from Jesus yay and certain women also of our company made us astonished which were early at the Sepulcher of the gravesite and when they found not his body they came saying that they also had seen a vision of angels which say that he is alive right now now they're testifying that the women untold us and certain of them which were with us went to the grave and found it even so as the women had said but they saw not now it's amazing that because people don't see something they won't believe it because they don't see what you saw they don't believe it then Jesus did not listen then he said unto them O fools and slow of heart to believe so that's unbelief he said you're slow to believe I don't expect you just to believe the women I want you to believe what I see it and so if Jesus said it then my brothers and sisters that settles it and we ought to believe it there's too much argument in the Church of the Living God over words that Jesus has already said that we don't believe and we argue these things in our church but yet we talk about the resurrection we talk about we believe what Jesus said and he says that you're slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken about not Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory in says yes now notice what Jesus does and I'm wrapping this up and beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself man I would have loved to have been in this theological class can you imagine as Jesus taught the word and how he taught it with such authority in such power that he went all the way back to Moses and he talked about every one of the prophets and then he talked about himself because he said listen what Moses was talking about and what the prophets were talking about was me and I'm right here in your presence I'm right here with you and you don't even know it I just want our churches to know that God is right here with us now you just have to understand that you can't see God through your natural eyes that's why Paul said these things are revealed to us through the Spirit of God and I don't know why people fight the holy spirit so much in the church when you fight the holy spirit you have no way of understanding the things of God so I can kind of understand why these brothers did not really believe because the holy spirit had not yet come even though the Word of God was present and Jesus he articulated the Word of God but they didn't have anything inside of them to really hold on to but now there is no excuse for us because the Holy Spirit is present in our lives and we can see and understand the deep things of God because the Spirit of God that lives in us it takes a dive down into the Spirit of the Living God and it brings up to us revelation that we might know who God really is and even when you are in a situation with your back against the wall the Holy Spirit would speak to you sometime in a quiet voice and let you know there's no need to worry there's no need to fear everything is going to be alright and so they do not unto the village watch this whether they went where they were on their way and he made as though he would have gone further so Jesus pretended as though he was going to go a little further with him but they constrained him saying abide with us for this toward evening and the day is far spent and he went in to tarry with them I noticed my brothers and sisters Jesus wants to come into your house he wants to come and hang out with you that's that that terra means to wait he wants to come and hang around you he wants to come and spend some time with you the brothers constrain him to come and spend time with him now now we are in a place where we are constrained and we can't go anywhere we ought to invite Jesus in our homes while we are going through this pandemic we need to bring our children together bring our family together and spend some time in the presence of God and watch what happens and it came to pass as he sat at meet with them now notice what he said he took bread and he blessed it and brake gave to them this takes them back to a familiar scene where they had gathered and there was some five thousand people and Jesus took the bread and he broke it and He blessed it and he gave it to the disciples then their eyes were opened and they knew him they did not know Jesus until he performed one of the acts he had done previously and then he vanished out of their sight my brothers and sister God wants us to remember some of the things that he has done in our lives in the past and sometimes I just believe that our faith has a memory and has a history of what God has done when I think back over my life and some of the things that God has already done I am encouraged to know that if he did it back then he can do it again and then finally and they said one to another did not our heart burn within us while he talked with us by the way and while he opened to us the scriptures my brothers and sisters that's my prayer that God will open to us the scriptures that we would get a fresh understanding of the Word of God and Jesus gave them that fresh understanding he explained everything to them that they needed to know one of the things that hinder us from seeing Christ in our lives even today is our unbelief in our lack of faith Hebrews 11 and 6 says it talks about without faith it is impossible to please him but he that cometh to God must believe that he is that he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him we must believe God we cannot believe that God would leave us in discouragement and what these brothers could not believe was that he would love them as messed up as they are that he would want a relationship with them and sometimes we don't believe that he would have a relationship with us and we don't believe that he honors faith and I want to challenge all of you today to know that God loves us so much that he was sent his son to die for us as messed up as we were and still are and not only that that he desires a relationship with us and that he honors faith I believe that we can experience the power of the Resurrection on a daily basis Paul said in Philippians 3 9 and 10 Philippians 3 9 and 10 and being found in him not having my own righteousness which is other law but that which is through the faith of Christ there's that word faith again the righteousness which is of God by faith this were posted that I may know him and the power of his resurrection resurrection Paul is talking about experiencing the power of God's resurrection on a daily basis so what Paul is saying I know Christ I know him experientially through my experience with him I know him intuitively and not only do I know him intuitively but I know him in a personal relationship and then he goes on and say not just the resurrection but in the Fellowship of his suffering pulses so if I experienced the resurrection power of Jesus then I have no problem with embracing the suffering that we go through because when I understand that that if I'm going to have fellowship with him there will be some suffering but what it does it makes me comfortable unto his death so that's what God wants to do he wants to be in us he wants a relationship with us so don't be blinded by your emotion your circumstances or your unbelief open your eyes to see the truth God emptied heaven to fill the manger he emptied the manger to fill the cross he emptied the cross to fill the tomb and he emptied the tomb to fill our hearts maybe I've said something today that might spur your heart in your mind to trust Jesus I just want to say that if you don't know who Jesus is in this hour that you could make him your Lord and your Savior jesus said if I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that God has raised Jesus from the dead I can be saved so you who are listening if you don't know who Jesus is just repeat this after me Lord I believe that you died for my sin and you rose again the third day according to the scripture come into my heart come into my life be my Lord and be my god you confess that prayer you can reach out to our church church following numbers 3 3 4 to 6 3 3 2 1 5 if you're looking for a church home you can reach out to our Maggie Street dot org Church web page and just send us a text or send us a message and let us know that you're looking for a place to worship we were gladly taking so as we share in communion this morning we're reminded of the scripture in 1st Corinthians chapter number 11 verses 23 all the way down as it relates to the communion Paul says for I have received of the Lord that which also are delivered unto you that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he brake it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me after the same manner also he took the cup when he had supped saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood this do ye as often as she drink it in remembrance of me first often as she eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the Lord's death till he come wherefore who said we should eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord well let a man examine himself and let him eat up that bread and drink of that Cup for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh damnation to himself not discerning the Lord's body for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep for if we judge ourselves we should not be judged but when we are judged we are chastened of the Lord that we should not be condemned with the world wherefore my brethren when you come together to eat tarry one for another and if any man hunger let him eat at home that she come not together under condemnation and the rest what I said in order when I call fathers we come before you today we're remembering your death your burial and your resurrection God you told us as often as we do this we do show your death until you come and so father while we are taking a wafer cracker or a saltine cracker and grape juice and symbolism of your body and your blood we know that without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sin and so God we ask you to continue to forgive us for our sins the sin that we are aware of and that that we're not aware of and as we do this natural symbolism today we know it has a spiritual meaning and one day God will see you in your kingdom so what we thank you for your death thank you for your burial and we thank you for your resurrection in Jesus name Amen spread is representative of his body taking a chi all of it and his grape juice is symbolic of the blood of Jesus Christ that was shared for all of humanity taking drink Yoli thank you again for sharing with us in this service as we conclude I want you to read and your meditation first Corinthians chapter two and three chapter 2 and chapter three for encouragement let me encourage all of us who are at home if we can reach out to some of our seniors who perhaps cannot get out of the house if you would make a phone call and ask them you say anything that we can to help you because some people may not be able to get out and go places if you can do some shopping for them please do that to help them because my brothers and sisters we don't know when we will be back together again worshipping so as we the leaders at this church strategize in ways to be created where we can reach one another and do things for each other we would do that so I want to encourage you all to know that God loves you I love you and we're going to continue to try and reach you as much as possible I know that we've suspended the acts ministry for a moment if someone is having dire nead all you have to do is contact that chairman or Deacon Lord reach out to the trustee or someone and we will try to facilitate that need as best we can we would love to open our gym and do what we need to do but we don't want to put anyone at risk at this hour so brothers and sisters I want to encourage you stay at home if you don't have anywhere to go that you really need to go stay at home stay safe and and we would be okay until this thing blows over we know that African American are being affected by this in in mass numbers so I would encourage you keep your family safe god bless you God keep yours our prayer let's receive our benediction father we thank you for your loving kindness your tender mercies toward all of us now father we pray unto the God who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ever ever ask a thing according to the power that works in us may the holy spirit rest rule and abide with us all and forth now and forever in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 229
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: zeG1TCmLPlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 38sec (3098 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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