Maggie Street Baptist Church Virtual Service

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the virus to contain currencies and that you know the Guardians diligently seek Him in spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] once you go with it with meatballs back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] father we thank you for this day we thank you for the Lord Jesus Christ we thank you for his death upon the cross Lord you told us that we can come boldly before your throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need so father we find ourself in these trying times as we seek your face we ask you for direction we ask you for protection we ask you Lord God to watch over this great nation that we live in watch over the state of Alabama the city of Montgomery and all of those who are members of Maggie Street now father we pray that you would give us a word that would encourage the hearts of all of your people whether they are here Montgomery viewing by wealth sight whether they are viewing by YouTube or whatever I pray that your blessing would touch them in the places where they are we ask it in Jesus name Amen Romans chapter number 8 verse 31 through 39 I want to read it to you the Bible says what shall we then say to these things if God be for us who can be against us he that spared not his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect it is God that justified who is he that condemneth it is Christ that died yay rather that is risen again who is even at the right hand of God who also makes intercession for us who should separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation distress persecution famine nakedness peril or sword as it is written for that sake we are killed all the day long we are counted as sheep for the slaughter me and all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us for I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor death nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ our Lord my brothers and sisters today I want to share a very brief message with you I want to talk about God is on our side God is on our side there are some of you who have the perception that being a Christian isolates us from trouble and we are immune to bad things but those of us who are Christian know differently we have the same problems as everyone else we have the same sickness the same pain the same heartbreak we all live in the same fallen world and we all face many of the same circumstances as others my brothers and sisters I believe with all of my heart that you can be in Christ and still experience crises sometimes we as Christian get discouraged by the events in our lives by the things that are happening around us sometimes our hearts hurt because of things that happen in our lives beyond our control there are some things that are just out of our control but we do know that God is still in control the news from the doctor the family member who fails the church friend who hurt us of things that can crush us we are just in a state of a fallen world and we have to learn how to trust God Romans 8:31 through 39 shares something with us Paul was no stranger to the suffering and neither was the Roman Church he was right in this passage - but he gave the Romans encouragement and through this word of God he would give us encouragement - Paul presented his encouragement in the form of four rhetorical questions let's look at these questions and the encouragement in the answers Paul first of all says who can be against us if God is for us who can be against us the phrase that Paul uses in this question as if God is for us as if God is on our side according to what we read here as Christians God is for us God is on our side if this is true shouldn't this be a tremendous encouragement to us that if God is on our side there's no need for us to fear there's no need for us to be afraid of anything think about it if this statement is true then we as Christians have the creator and lord of all the universe standing for us and with us if God is standard with you he's more than the world against you how do we know that God is for us how can we know that this statement is really true well look at verse number 32 what can we learn from this verse that will assure us that God is for us number one God did not spare his own son if God did not spare his own son by the name of Jesus Christ that he would offer him up for our sin that ought to let all of us know that God is on our side who in this room today was sacrifice their only Son for someone as unlovable as we are but yet God sacrificed Jesus for the entire world yes God sent His Son Jesus Christ into this world Jesus was the only perfect person that ever lived He healed many people and touch many lives the Bible tells us Jesus was the Express image of God in other words he was God manifested in the flesh he is Emmanuel God with us this Jesus amen with God this Jesus is God himself this perfect sinless person he died on the cross for you and for me God did not spare him his own son but carried our entire plan his entire plan out for God which included for you and me why did Jesus come to die I'm glad you asked a man there is a a vitally important to word phrase in verse 32 listening it says it is the the two words are for us keep that in mind for us for you for me why did God not spare his on his son why did he deliver him up to the cross he did it for us he did it for you he did it for me he did not spare him Jesus died for us God said his son to die on the cross so that we might have forgiveness of sin God delivered Jesus to the cross to die so that you and I might live we can know that God is for us all we have to do is look to the cross every time you think about the cross it reminds you of what God did for us why we were sinners Christ died for us according to Romans five and eight in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us God was for us before we ever knew him God is on our side if God loved us so much that he sent his son to die for us before we were ever trust him amen how much more is he for us right now if he did that for us what does this mean for us right now there will people people who come against us there will be diseases heartbreak and pain that come against us Corona will come against us but they will not be successful in breaking us why because God is on our side when when the Lord gets heavy and we have a God who is there for us when it seems like we are going to stumble a foe remember God is for you he proved it at the cross amen he carried our sins and bore our griefs and he nailed it to the cross who should bring in a charge against God's elect we live in a world where the motto is the end justify the means that is just another way of saying you can do whatever you want as long as you get what you want in the end well people will walk all over you and get it one step ahead of you people today think nothing of stepping on you to get what they want today being a Christian puts a big target on your back but you still need to keep in mind that God is on your side when we stand up for what is right and morality and righteousness stands in the way of a world's goal we will get targeted whenever you stand up for what's right you're going to be targeted but just remember God is on your side the favored way for the world to target Christian today is to attack that character Lord Jesus help us today they say we cannot love God or others because we do not agree with what other people want they say we are preaching hate because we are intolerant they make all these charges against us and justify their charges by saying we are intolerant God is the one who justifies the world may make all kind of terrible charges against us as Christian but they cannot make the judgment God is the one who justifies and we have already been justified by our faith in Jesus Christ listen my brothers and sisters the just shall live by that faith we don't walk by sight we walk by faith the world may tear us down but we are already whole and complete in Jesus Christ so do not let this world get you down we ought to be the salt and the light of this world whatever they throw against us or accuse us of they have no power of judgment over us God is both the judge and the justifier the whole world would never change God's mind about us there are no charges this world can make that would change the mind of God who can bring a charge against us when the judge is already pronounced not guilty a man who can condemn us who is it that condemns us there are many things that make us feel as we are condemned we may face hard times in our lives where there seems like we have no escape times are hard right now but we have to trust God the doctor gives us bad news it may make us feel like we are already condemned our bank statements may make us feel like we are condemned going to the job again tomorrow may make us feel like we are condemned the heart breaks we experienced in our life and make us feel like like a death sentence there may be people in our lives that make us feel like dirt and we have simply seemingly no escape we will never be condemned with Jesus Christ in our lives according to this verse Jesus is the only one with the power to condemn us and what is he doing for us he died for us I remind you again he died so we might escape the condemnation that comes with sin the Bible said there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit the resurrection of Jesus Christ means death is no longer a condemnation he was the first fruit of all who believed he conquered death and proved death cannot have his hold on us he has promised us death is not the end only the beginning death is not the end he is right now interceding for us at the right hand of God the Father that's why the scripture said that Jesus amen when he arose from the dead he sits at the right hand of God the Father and he makes intercession for you and me Jesus did not ascend into heaven just a weight to come back he is right there right now making intercession for us he is there praying for you and me right now he is standing before God right on your behalf you have this breathe this representation at heaven right now as Jesus Christ your lawyer he's your advocate and with Jesus standing for us who can be against us who can condemn us the bad news from the doctor that bank statement that a job that heartbreak would not stop Jesus from standing on your side who can separate us from the love of Christ and who shall separate us from the love of God there are times in our lives when we think God may have forgotten us haven't you felt that way it seemed like you're all alone you're by yourself you say to yourself God you don't understand what I'm going through I'm in a quagmire in my life people are saying all kinds of things about me but you're never alone you're not by yourself Paul mentions events that hear that may cause us to think that we've been abandoned by God listen to what Paul says tribulation and distress there are the hard times we face in our lives we all face these times of tribulation we all face times of distress it makes us want to cave in and give in in life but that's an opportunity for us to press into our faith and trust God we all get to the point in our lives sometimes for things are too heavy to bear when it gets too heavy for you you got to learn how to hand it on to God you got to put it on Jesus because he's got big broad shoulders and he carries our burdens amen there are times in our life but we feel like we're all alone in this world persecution is sword they these are the times that comes down on us by no fault of our own what do you do when God allows a man trouble to invade your life what do you do when the fist of God is on you and you feel like God is crushing you and not your enemy can I tell you that God takes that opportunity in your life when you are going through to make you strong God wants you to know that I'm with you and I'm on your side people for whatever reason make life miserable for you you just can't understand why people don't like you sometimes Amen people don't like us because of what we stand for because of the God that we serve and because we choose to live a certain kind of life we feel the whole world is against us and we have no help this also this also be the prospect can be the prospect of death why would God let this happen to me why I come to church I give my tithes and offering I treat people right I try to live right but God how this to happen to me sometime famine nakedness in peril these are the times when we are struggling struggling materially we don't seem to have the things we really need you're saying to yourself god I work hard I do all the right things and I still don't have that house I still don't have that car I still don't have that husband I still don't have that wife we don't seem to have the things we really need and we question God about it we can just stretch that paycheck to cover that one bill these expenses are killing me we have more bills than checked more month than money we feel like God had left us alone to see all of these things can be real in our lives but can I tell you God is on our side none of us go through life without facing these very real situation sooner or later we all have tribulation and distress persecution and material needs does this mean that we are somehow lost God's love for us or God has stopped loving us no we are never separated from the love of Christ death and life cannot separate us from God's love spiritual beings cannot separate us from the love of Christ time cannot separate us from the love of God our emotions cannot separate us from God's love we are forever loved and in the hands of a loving God nothing can keep God from loving us sin can't keep God from loving us we securely we're securely in the hands of God our salvation is secure my brothers and sisters there's nothing that anything or anybody can do to separate us from the grip of God's love so where do we stand today where do we stand can I tell you we're more than conquerors a conqueror is someone who cannot be defeated Jesus cannot be defeated Jesus defeated death and heal so that makes us conquerors a conqueror has the power to stand strong in the face of danger a conqueror is someone who overcomes all obstacles they face that is what the Word of God says we are not conquerors because of who we are we are conquerors because of the God who loves us with God on our side nothing can a will ever defeat us be encouraged my brothers and sisters God is on our side god bless you god keep you is our prayer
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 1,520
Rating: 4.5999999 out of 5
Id: iP9Um1-byOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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