Maggie Street Virtual Service (12.6.20)

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welcome to maggie street missionary baptist church where ezekiel pettway senior is the pastor our mission is to take the whole gospel to the whole city to be a loving caring and sharing church with christ as our model to train evangelize and make disciples of men to be expressive with our praise and to worship christ the savior in spirit and in truth and to minister to the whole man body soul and spirit maggie street missionary baptist church worship with us virtually morning worship service at 10 a.m each sunday sunday school at 9 00 a.m each sunday and each thursday evening bible study at 6 00 p.m giving just got easier you can give online online giving is available now for members friends and family check out our website for more information at www dot maggie follow us on twitter at maggiemsbc happy birthday and happy anniversary let's stay together connect with us online via facebook twitter instagram youtube or email join us for our morning devotion prayer call monday through saturday at 6 30 a.m and on sunday at 8 30 a.m the number to call is 978-990-5408 access code [Music] six 26567 two nine hallelujah [Music] salvation and glory honor and power unto the lord are gone for the lord our god is mighty yes the lord our god is omnipotent the lord our god he is one [Music] hallelujah salvation and glory [Music] honor and power unto the lord [Music] [Music] he is [Music] he is all praises be to the king the kings [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] is he is [Music] morning to everybody it's good to be in the house of the lord once again i'm so grateful to god to be here on this sunday morning to share the word of god with you but let me just take a moment to thank all of you maggie street and all of those who have viewed us online to help celebrate 18 years of pastorial ministry here at maggot street baptist church i want to take this time to thank every last one of you who shared in some way shape form or fashion to make these 18 years that we've been here a success so again i want to thank all of you all of our ministers all of our deacons our trustees and those who work in the media ministry that makes this moment possible just wanted to thank all of you for a great great 18th year celebration so i wanted to get that out of the way to let you know how much i appreciate you all the ministers how you carried on while i was um taking that sabbatical uh you have helped me tremendously and you will never know how deeply indebted i am to you for that and for that i thank you let's give go to the lord in prayer father in heaven we thank you for this day we thank you for the lord jesus christ we thank you for him died on the cross for our sin but god we are even more grateful because he arose from the dead and because he arose from the dead god we now live eternally in him and father we thank you as we impress upon this first sunday morning to be reminded of what you have done and what you're still doing in our lives and so for that reason we thank you and we praise you we pray now that you would give us revelation knowledge that will flow unhindered and unchecked that we'll be able to share a word with your people that they may be blessed by what they hear so now lord we thank you we give you the glory we give you your honor and we give you the praise in jesus name amen at this time you can share in our given hour if you have already given online we thank you we'll still be here for one hour from 10 to 11 you can give here at the church 642 maggot street you can bring your offering someone would be here to receive it or you can mail the offering to 642 maggot street montgomery alabama 36106. we appreciate all that you do right after this sermon we will share in our virtual communion with you so if you have some communion or you have some form of juice you can uh just go along with us as we do that at the end of this message luke's gospel chapter number 22 verse 14 and number 15. when the hour was come he that is jesus sat down and the 12 apostles with him and he said unto them with desire have i desire to eat this passover with you before i suffer and i know we are in a series on from first corinthian chapter 13 talking about love but i always try to give a communion sermon on the first sunday so here we are this morning as we share from luke's gospel chapter number 22 verse 14 and 15 i want to i want to talk about god is calling us to the table my brothers and sisters jesus is calling his disciples to sit down with him as he share with them passionately about his concern for humanity now none of us were there at the table to understand what conversation took place but i believe in my spiritual mind that jesus as he sat down with these 12 apostles amen he wanted to share a deep sense of concern about lost humanity and on that night before he was slain jesus opened up the passover that is what they had done in time past uh being more than just a religious observance see the passover and communion has to be more than just a religious observance it became with jesus and his disciples a communion table which he invited them uh to sit with him and partake of the fullness of life whether you know it or not they were sitting at the table with life itself and jesus was letting them know that what i'm about to do what is about to happen to me is gonna take away your sins forever and you will be able to live with me forever and ever and ever it was the truth of of our salvation sitting at the table when you look at uh the pre amen figured deliverance of the children of israel back in the old testament from egypt uh this thing that they had done uh the passover is now being fulfilled you know the story i don't have to go back and recount every piece of it but what he did back in the old testament he told the priest he told those a man to take blood and kill the lamb and take the blood and put it over the doorpost of the house and that the death angel would pass them by and so as jesus broke the bread the matzo they called it the unleavened bread and took the cup with them he and reinterpreted this practice that had been going on for centuries applying it to himself he is saying i am the passover lamb i am the one that's going to cause death to pass you over forever so here we are jesus he becomes the ultimate passover lamb that lamb that they offered in the old testament they had to do it over and over and over again but here in this upper room was the last time that the passover would be celebrated for that which was prophesied in times of oh so the next day at calvary the lamb he is slain his blood is spilled his body is broken that there might come deliverance out of the bondage of slavery of sin my brothers and sisters we don't have to stay in the bondage of sin anymore if you live in sin now it's simply because you choose to live in sin because jesus has paid the price so when we come uh when you and i come to the feast of the lord's table there there are some great truths for us to celebrate so so when we look into the text this morning we look at the table now that there is a celebration of victory while they're sitting at the table they are eating with jesus but they don't realize what they're literally doing is they're celebrating victory over death amen in revelation chapter 12 verse 10 and 11 listen at what the text says in revelation 10 and 11 and this is what jesus is sharing with them at the table he's saying y'all come to the table i'm calling you to the table so we can chat and he said unto me thou must prophesy again again before many people and nation and tongues and kings is that revelation 12 and 10 i need 12 and 10. revelation 12 10 and 11 12 there you go there you go that's what we are he says and i heard a loud voice saying listen now he heard a voice in heaven saying in heaven now is come salvation that's what jesus is saying come to the table y'all because now salvation is come and strength and the kingdom of our god and the power of his christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before god day and night thank god that we have this strong jesus at the table letting them know that that joker that been accusing you all of these centuries he's been cast down because what i'm about to do is gonna blow his mind and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and they love not their lives unto death verse number 12. and i just want to read this for it for you therefore rejoice ye heaven and ye that dwell in them woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the seas for the devil has come down unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time jesus has defeated our enemy and so what we have to understand here is that at the table there is a celebration every time you take communion my brothers and sisters we are celebrating the fact that the accuser of the brethren has been defeated so we celebrate at the table on sunday morning listen at what it says this dude in remembrance of me this is the basic text of the lord's table engraved on the front of it in every church everywhere if you look at the table in your church it says this due in remembrance of me that's in every church everywhere in every passage where jesus was instituting the lord's supper he says that but for my people and many people they are called to remember this as interpreted and it's so important that jesus is telling us remember all the agony that i went through for you remember all the suffering that i went through for you remember how they treated me for you remember how they spat in my face remember how they call me everything but a child of god remember they call me beazabov you've got to remember what jesus went through when you're taking this communion so he want us to remember let me ask you something does that sound like a triumphant savior does it sound like we have victory consider all this then in the new testament gospel where jesus is introducing this practice it begins by saying and he gave thanks come on y'all got to help me you you got to learn how to give thanks in every bitter situation that you're facing in your life even when things are not the way you want them to be you still have to give god praise so in revelation 12 we are prompted to remember jesus has conquered the power of the enemy what the lord is telling us is it is when we come to his table we are to celebrate that through the cross jesus has given us the victory over our enemy so every time you take communion every time you get an opportunity to share in know you need to remember that you have the victory i'm so grateful that the spirit of god has given us the victory and so every time anybody approaches the table they ought to shop hallelujah and that's because the spirit has given us the victory over the enemy so we remember the lord at his table as the victor over what he has accomplished for us the second thing not only does that table at the table we celebrate victory the table is a proclamation of our redemption in other words according to first corinthians chapter number 11 and verse number 6 26 listen at what he says this is we read this scripture listen at what he said as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do proclaim or you show the lord's death till he comes this is a proclamation of our redemption the more frequent you take the lord's supper or you come to the lord's table it's left entirely up to us as individuals in our churches we do it on the first sunday we do it in the morning when they took communion it was late in the evening so as often as you come together however often you want to do it you ought to do it because it is a proclamation of our redemption it reminds us that jesus has redeemed us from our sin i think it could be so frequent because you know if we did it so frequently and it don't mean anything we must keep the meaning in communion and my brothers and sisters i want to put the kickstand down just for a moment we have to make sure that we are doing this with a meaning we don't do it just because it's the first sunday and it's communion sunday we do it because it is a part of our redemption and it's a proclamation so every time you and i come to the lord's table we proclaim the impact of the lord's death which is our salvation and our redemption and that it costs something people always say salvation is free yes but it calls jesus his life it cost him his life so we need to remember that every time that we come to the table by taking the bread and the cup i am proclaiming today that jesus purchased my life with his blood i also am proclaiming when i take communion that i'm partaking with you and others in the body of christ for the word of god says communion means sharing in common we're sharing this in common that we believe that jesus died and that he rose again the third day according to the scripture so we celebrate the victory over the adversary and then we proclaim his redemption thirdly the table that god is calling us to is a table um the table is a declaration of our dependence not our independence but our dependence upon god in in saint john chapter number 6 and verse 53 and i want to read that then jesus said unto them verily verily or truly truly i say unto you except you eat my flesh or eat the flesh of my son and the son of man and drink his blood you have no life in you now listen we don't believe that the bread becomes meat or that the cup turns into blood jesus made it clear he was talking about a spiritual reality not a physical one yet neither are we saying these are just a piece of bread and a cup of juice jesus said there is a working of the spirit of god that will happen in your life when you partake of this communion with a sense of knowing and remembering what jesus has done for us so a measure of the holy spirit's power will cause life his life to nourish you if you come in with a receptivity and understanding listen this is the understanding we partake in the recognition that we are dependent upon his life to flow to us and among us as believers we need the lord we need each other and my brothers and sisters we got to stop acting the way we do in church we act like we don't need the lord and we act like we don't need each other but we need god first and brothers and sisters we need each other if this pandemic does not bring us together my brothers and sisters i don't know what should and what will so not only is the table a place there's a declaration of our dependence upon god the table is also a place of examination of self that's what first corinthians chapter 11 verse 28 and through 32 says first corinthian 11 28 but let a man examine himself you know what you do you know who you are nobody don't have to examine you examine yourself you know back in the days when we were growing up when we were gonna get a whipping from our grandmama she would tell us to go cut a switch and sometimes we would cut a weak switch but what the lord is saying examine yourself go go cut your own switch because if you don't examine yourself i'm going to cut it and i'm going to come through there and i'm going to do what i need to do let a man examine himself and so let him eat up that bread and drink of that cup the table is a place where jesus is challenging those brothers at the table when jesus said to them at the table somebody at this table is going to betray me they begin to examine themselves now here's the thing the one person who knew that he was going to betray jesus he didn't have to examine himself because he knew what he was going to do they began to say lord he said our lord is to die judas didn't say no because he knew what he was going to do so the lord calls us to the table as his children listen now that that's why it's so good for a family to sit down at the dinner table together to look each other in the face and ask some questions how was your day how did your heart do you have any homework you get a chance to to look them in the face and jesus is looking his disciples in the face it's one thing my brothers and sisters to receive jesus as savior to become a believer and another thing to grow into a believer who is learning that's what discipleship is it's learning and so they're sitting at the table and jesus is teaching a simple lesson by sitting at the table and and throwing some things out there that they have to examine themselves that's the definition of a disciple it relates to being shaped and accepting disciplined nobody in church wants to be disciplined anymore nobody wants to be told what to do anymore can i remind the church that it still belongs to god can i remind you that the church still belongs to god whether you believe it or not and the only way that you're going to be a good disciple is that you have to be shaped by the word of god and accept his discipline that's why god word says let a man examine himself why because jesus wants you to have periodic reviews with him to see how your life with him is coming along how are you coming along with jesus how are things going with you and jesus you need a periodic review with jesus the time to do it is at the table i get evaluated every six months and i have a review from my supervisor and she sit down with me and she shared with me what i'm doing well in what i need to improve in or if i'm just not doing what i need to do she just flat out tell me ezekiel you need to do this and you need to do that we ought to want god to tell us where our shortcomings are we ought to want him to tell us the truth so that we won't end up standing in front of the judgment seat and saying i know you not because your work was that of iniquity so we understand the time to do it is at the table because if we judge ourselves he says he says now we will not be judged straighten yourself up so god won't have to straighten you up and straighten you out but if we do not correct ourselves brothers and sisters you can believe this one thing god will so how do we do that first you confess before the lord your sin your weakness your doubts your fears you come before him and you speak your heart to god you say to god god i'm struggling got some issues and i need you to help me with my issues then you speak what the word of god says about that even if it contradicts what your heart says you may not feel differently but sow those words so you speak as seeds and trust god to bring the harvest out of those seeds god i'm a mess i'm tore up from the floor i need you to help me help me lord we come to the table with a need to examine ourselves and see wherever the lord is doing us toward to stretch the point of our discipleship god wants to stretch us god wants to make us good disciples but he can't do it if you harbor stuff you're not willing to examine yourself and cut it out that's what god wants you to do then finally the table is a place for reception of god's provision what it is the lord calls us to save his table to receive from him he didn't call them to condemn them he wanted to give them something in first corinthians 11 29 uh 11 and 29 verse 29 of this text has often been the source of confusion listen to what he said for he that eat it and drink it unworthily eat it and drink and damnation to himself not discerning the lord's body listen for he who east and drik drink in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment king james says damnation to himself not the son of the lord lord's body so let's settle this right here now who is worthy to come to the lord's table the answer is nobody nobody is worthy to come to the table but he invites us to the table you're not worthy i'm not worthy but he invites us to come to the table and there are times that god says to us come let us reason together man peter had issues at the table they had issues but jesus called them to the table part taken in a worthy manner means to ascribe the full worth of what jesus christ has done to welcome us into the presence of the father it has nothing to do with the earning a place of value and acceptance you remember the disciples had asked jesus one time when you come into your kingdom i want to sit on your right hand and your left side no that it ain't like that that's not what it's about no jesus has made us worthy through his blood and his death on the cross not by any accomplishments of our works you can work all you want in church it still doesn't give you a seat at the table the full worth of the provisions of the lord's table is not only for the forgiveness of sin but for every matter in your life the cup is the testimony that he has paid for everything that you and i need the cup the blood that is shed is the price that was paid for your salvation and my salvation that is the cost of salvation blood so just as jesus with fervent desire called his disciples to come to the passover meal he calls you and i to come to his table and partake with some understanding we are called to celebrate his victory over the power of darkness proclaim his redemptive work in our lives declare our dependence upon him and one another examine ourselves that we might grow as his disciples and receive every blessing that his sacrifice for us he has provided that's what god is calling us to the table to do my brothers and sisters i hope that as you think through this message this morning that you will do those things that i just laid out to you number one we celebrate victory at the table number two uh we proclaim redemption at the table number three we declare dependence of god at the table then we uh place uh we we examine ourselves at the table and then we take a place of reception for what he wants to give us at the table of communion and we need to remember how much he suffered so that you and i might have a right to the tree of life maybe that's somebody who heard this message this morning who don't know who jesus is i want to give you that opportunity to know jesus to give your life to him for the bible says if we confess with our mouths and believe in our heart that god has raised jesus from the dead you can be saved but with the heart man believes unto salvation and then we confess with our mouth what we believe so if you believe that you can be saved today you can simply say lord forgive me for my sin come into my heart come into my life be my lord and be my god i denounce my sin and i desire satan in my life i want you to be lord of my life to sit on the throne of my life and i declare you as lord forever and ever in jesus name if you confess that my brothers and sisters you can be saved you can give us a call at 334-263-3215 that's here at magnus street baptist church you can drop us an email you can leave a message with our secretary she's here tuesday wednesday and thursday you can leave a message amen well we went through part of the communion process and what we're doing today we're just remembering the lord's death we're remembering his barrier and his resurrection so father we pray today in jesus name that as we drink this um grape juice and this waffle cracker we realize we're not changing it into any kind of substance other than what it is we know that this cracker can never become your body that was battered and bruised for us and this grape juice could never be the blood that was shed because your blood was completely innocent nothing in it and not tainted at all and so god we thank you today as we uh share in this communion today as you call us to the table of brotherhood as you call us to examine ourselves and to to depend on you and to proclaim and declare that you are lord and that we have the victory over the enemy we now come to take this communion in the name of jesus who has died for our sin who rose again from the dead and declared all power is in my hands and for that god we thank you we love you and we adore you in jesus name amen this wafer cracker it represents the body of christ that was broken for all of us taking each year those of you who are doing it at home this grape juice is symbolic of the blood of jesus christ that was shared for all of humanity without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sin taken drinking all of it amen god bless you god keep you is our prayer let me give you your reading for next week go ahead and do revelation chapter number 12. we were in that chapter earlier so you can go ahead and do that we appreciate you so very much amen we um we're going to close out and look forward to seeing you all next week well father we thank you we bless you for this day we thank you for your son jesus who died for all of our sin pray now lord god that this week will be a week that we will celebrate you just remember what you have done how you suffered bled and died for us and every time we take this communion we will remember what you have done now may your grace the sweet communion of the holy spirit may he rest rule and abide with us all we ask this in the only name that matters in jesus name amen and we'll see you online merry baptist church where ezekiel pettway senior is the senior pastor maggie street is located at 642 maggie street montgomery alabama 36106.
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 294
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 27sec (2307 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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