Maggie Street Bible Study (3.26.20)

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good evening to our Magus treat Church family it's good to be here today I'm grateful to teach our first virtual Bible study I miss this Quran evolvers I'm thrilled to be here today and I pray that I will share something that will help you during this downtime I just want to offer word of Prayer our first Father we thank you for your loving-kindness we thank you for your tender mercies we thank you Lord because there's none like you and the heavens above there's none like you in the earth below and so God we just thank you for watching over us and caring for us we pray that you would give us ears to hear what the Spirit was say to the church I pray that these words that drop today Lord that they will just be a blessing to the people that listen in and view by virtual we just ask you Lord to bless them cover them and protect them during this time we ask it in Jesus name Amen let me just encourage all of you during this downtime while we are facing some unusual times we're living in times that we have never faced before I want to encourage you to stay strong with the Lord continue to do what you know you need to do to protect your family and keep them safe I want to encourage all of you to view our website or virtual Bible studies and church service on Sundays and Wednesdays going forward I want to encourage you to continue to give you can give online you can send your money to the church vo 642 Maggie Street Montgomery Alabama 360 1:06 to help keep our ministry afloat want to encourage you to treat these Bible studies and church services just like you was sitting in the pew I want you to enjoy the teaching I want you to be encouraged through the teaching as well so today I want to share a word with you that may encourage you through these troubling times I want to preach and teach a little bit here from Hebrews chapter number 11 and I want to read verses one through number six Hebrews chapter 11 beginning with verse number one the scripture says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by it that is faith the elders obtained a good report through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear by faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain by which he obtained witness that he was righteous God testifying of his gifts and by it he being dead yet speaketh by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found because God had translated him for before his translation he had this testimony that he pleased God the final verse but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to God must first believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him let me encourage you with a few words today I want to share from this idea this thought no faith no victory my brothers and sisters I've learned that nothing works in the kingdom of God without faith it is the currency of the kingdom of it is like going to Walmart if you expecting to purchase something from Walmart you need some cash or you need a credit card well if you expect to get something out of the kingdom of God you must operate in faith it is a principle element needed if you are going to live a victorious and a great life in this Christian world as a matter of fact the Bible says in Daniel chapter number 11 it says those who do wickedly against the Covenant share he corrupt with flattery but the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out exploits what the Lord want us to know from this particular text amen today is that we will never be victorious without faith in operation in our lives as a matter of fact salvation is not even possible without faith healing and victory are impossible without faith even those of us who love to prosper in life understand that prosperity cannot be obtained without it we must have faith in God success in any area is only possible when you are living and operating in faith faith is so powerful and crucial in the life of every believer that scripture says God cannot be pleased without it Hebrews 11 and 6 says but without faith it is impossible to please him for he can he that cometh to God must first believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him I have learned no faith no victory and I've learned that lesson over and over in my life if you want to see victory then you must operate in faith so what is faith let's look at a few basic ideas of what faith is and see if we can answer the faith question practical this is what it is faith is a practical expression of your confidence in God and His Word the Word of God amen is given to us for us to hold on to it and have confidence in God there are many people say that they are children of God but they don't have confidence in God we must have confidence in God to believe that if God said it it will be done faith is able he is able and willing to do it if we believe it faith is believing what God says about your circumstances in your life rather than accepting the fact of what you see feel and hear you know say does whole objective in life is to attack your confidence in God and in God's word trying to make you believe God is not going to do what he promised he would do in his word your faith and confidence in God and his words will raise you to another level it will raise you above what the enemy is putting in your head and what he's doing to attack you in your walk with God in other words your life and your actions will reflect or express in practical ways your confidence in God and in God's Word here's another way of looking at faith faith is like Wi-Fi it's invisible but it has the power to connect you to what you need your faith connects you to the God that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we may ever ask or think so when the enemy is attacking you you need to grab a hold to your faith your life and your actions they will reflect it a man in a practical way your confidence in God and in his word faith is the producer of good reports when you operate in faith it brings God's on the scene freeing him to move on your behalf and many of us if ever there was a time we needed God on seen in our lives that time is now where we'll be enforced a man to live in a way that we'd never live before we still have to believe that we have access to a powerful God and what God want us to do is know that faith always commands blessing when God is involved in anything you know the results will be victory and that in that it is making a good report for you look at mark real quick mark 11 and 24 it's the producer of good reports and I want to encourage you therefore I say unto you what things when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them you gotta believe that you receive you have to believe that if God said it you can receive it next thing I want you to look at is your means of pleasing God is through faith your you're pursuing faith in Jesus is what pleases God this is not natural or human faith it is supernatural faith this type of faith grabs a hold of the impossibilities of hope and bring them into reality in other words we have to be like Abraham Abraham hoped against hope and we must believe that God will do what he said in his word look at Hebrews 11 and 1 you can see that hope is the blueprint for what you believe faith feels hope with substance and that is pleasing to God later in this same chapter God clearly declares with our faith is impossible to please me look at Matthew 8 and verse 10 real quickly Matthew chapter 8 verse 10 says when Jesus heard it he marvel and said to them that followed verily I say unto you I have not found so great faith no not in Israel God is pleased with faith faith is a way of life faith is not something you try out to see if it works for you like a new venture of business or a new automobile you don't jump in faith and drive it to see whether you like it or not and then you purchase it that's not faith faith is a way of life that is lived when it is easy as well as when life is difficult as a matter of fact life works our faith works even greater when you are in difficult situation because it forces you to trust God and not man and sometimes in this life we live so comfortably that we trust in man and not in God and when our backs are against the wall we don't know what to do we have to learn how to trust God in difficult time we have to do what the psalm writer said in Psalm 34 I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make his boast in the Lord the humble shall hear thereof and be glad o magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together we have to learn how to bless God when things are going good and when things are not going well we have to learn how to bless God when we have money in our pocket and when we don't have money in our pocket we have to learn how to bless God where we can't assemble in the sanctuary we can still have a praise in our belly at our house because we have faith in God for every believer who is determined to live a victorious life faith must be the foundation of our living four times in the Bible God declares the just shall live by faith faith is not a movement or denomination faith is the way believers commanded to live Romans chapter one in verse 17 for therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith whatever you have overcome by faith before you have to keep on overcoming by faith now this is how the believer lives by faith amen over in Hebrews chapter 10 beginning with verse 35 cast not away therefore your confidence which has great recompense of reward next verse for you have need of patient that after you have done the will of God that you might receive the promise you got to learn how to wait now the just shall live by faith but if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him you cannot please God without faith so look at it again now substance and evidence look at Hebrews 11 and 1 it says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen notice first that faith is always now is always in the present tense not tomorrow not yesterday it is always now secondly faith is the substance it is the ground or foundation the confident assurance certainty or confirmation of things you hope for or you are expecting hope is what you are looking for in the future it is a goal setter but your faith goes and get it think about the times you hope and pray for something to happen but you never attach your faith your active faith to your hope did you ever complic what you were hoping for probably not until you attach your active faith your faith working for you went out and acquired what you hope alone could not obtain third faith is the evidence or the proof of things not seen think about it faith is now and if you have it now you have the evidence of his existence you do not have to wait for a physical manifestation of what your faith is already confirmed and verified faith is now faith is substance and faith is evidence next faith is a barrier breaker so many are living life within limits that God did not sent living a life of faith will break and destroy all barriers set by the enemy and others even those set by yourself faith in God and His Word will cause you to believe so much more than your natural senses can ever comprehend natural logic may say go north but when you are living by faith and receive a word from God that says go south nothing would deter you your focus would be sent south to victory barriers erected by others will be destroyed as the truth of God's Word is received and believed you gotta believe God's Word you see you might have been told your whole life you are a mistake and you're worthless sir ma'am when you begin to have the greater faith in what God says about you the barriers will be destroyed in your life finally faith is an invisible force force that comes out of our human spirit that can literally move mountains remember in Matthew 17 when the disciples asked Jesus why they were limited in their ability jesus replied because you have so little faith he says truly I tell you if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to this mountain move and move from here to there and it will move nothing will be impossible for you these are the words of Jesus not mine they like faith faith that produces power and anointing faith that enables you to do what you otherwise could never accomplish on your own while people will never see your faith they will see the works of your faith as it moves mountains in your life let me encourage you to stay in faith and to trust God and to know where there is no faith there is no victory god bless you God keep you is our prayer father we thank you for this day we thank you for the people of God I pray that you would encourage their hearts and minds through this word to know that faith will move mountains and you cannot be pleased without faith we give you the glory we give you the honor and we give you the praise in Jesus name Amen again god bless you God keep you that is prayer
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 415
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: DPi2O57QljQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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