Maggie Street Virtual Bible Study (4.30.20)

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[Music] good evening and welcome to another study in the word it's good to be here this evening to share the Word of God with you and I pray that these words that come from the pages of Scripture well bless your heart your mind your soul and your entire family but before we get started let us have a word of Prayer father we thank you for this privilege this opportunity to come before your throne we thank you Lord for this is the day that you have made and we're rejoicing and we're glad because we're still in this day I pray now Lord that you would allow this word to touch the hearts of the hearers that would bless them caused them to have confidence in you to trust you during these uncertain times in which we're living so god we thank you we acknowledge that you are god and above you there's none other so God we confess you with our mouth today that your great God your good God and we love you now Lord we pray for understanding in and just that you would take us at through these scriptures today garden we leave and go to our various places where we're going throughout the rest of this day we will be encouraged by what we hear here today now god we thank you we give you glory we give you honor and praise and the only name that matters in Jesus name Amen amen my brothers and sisters it's good to be here this evening I want to continue to encourage you to obey the CC laws and the regulations and rules have been set down by our stay-at-home Order we want to continue to make sure that this thing is mitigated as much as possible as we make ways to come back to the church and in months or years to come we don't know when that would be but we're gonna be cautious at every turn we're gonna make sure we listen to the doctors we're gonna listen to science and most of all we're gonna listen to God amen now I want to just call your attention to the Word of God I want to share a word of encouragement with you this evening and I hope that it helps you through the rest of your week I want to call your attention to psalms 118 psalms 118 verse 8 and 9 psalms 118 verse a and nine the word of the Lord says it is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man verse number nine it is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes my brothers and sisters when we look at this particular Psalm Psalm number eighteen there's some theologian and some who have studied the Word of God in great detail they declare and say that Psalms 118 is the middle of your Bible in other words if you were to open your Bible and you would split it in half psalm 118 and verse 8 would be the middle part of the entire Bible but my brothers and sisters that's not my argument here today to try to tell you whether or not this is the center of the Bible but what I wanted to share with you this evening and try to lift from these pages of Scripture today is that there's confidence that we ought to have in God and that's what I want to talk about put your trust in the Lord when I think and look at these scriptures it lets me know a few things amen first of all it lets me know that we should have confidence in God's eternal love secondly God's love is unchanging in the midst of a change in situation and in a change in world it lets us know that the Word of God and his love for us should give us a sense of security in him no matter what we are facing in our lives when we look at the text today and we read it real closely amen the the writer wants us to know that no matter how good a man is you cannot compare him with God and that's a good thing because we don't want to put our trust in a man and and I'm gonna explain as we go down the line here because it's important for us to know that our trust should be in God so when we talk about trust or confidence we need to understand that trust is a firm belief in the real reliability of someone it is the reliability in truth and ability or strength of someone of something and believe it or not my brothers and sisters you and I put our confidence in something of someone every day of our lives if you fly on an airplane you put your confidence in pilots amen if you commute by train or by bus of our cars you put your confidence in those things amen without even thinking about it so each day we put our confidence in something or someone so if we are going to put our confidence in something or someone why not put it in the God who never changes why not put it in someone who has a track record that we can count on there is no failure in God he has never failed us in any aspects of our life and he lets us know that we can trust in him according to proverbs 3:5 and 6 trust in the Lord with all of your heart lean not to your own understanding amen in all of our ways we ought to acknowledge him and he will direct our path that is letting us know that we can rely on God we can have confidence in God we can believe a man in God because he has an ability that far surpasses that of humankind so we need to learn how to trust in the Lord amen not in a man not in things not in material things not in the substances of this world but to trust in the Lord amen and when you put your trust in God amen he he verifies a man that he will take care of every one of our need so I have confidence in God I have this sureness in God this certainty in God this assures in God I have a strong conviction about God can do anything a man in other words he's reliable you can depend on God when you can't depend on nothing else you can depend on God when you can't depend on yourself or your friends amen but you can trust in the Lord the some writer goes on to let us know a man that we we ought to put our trust in the Lord and not in man so when I have confidence in God Amen no matter what happens when my back is against the wall when it seems like things are working against me I can still trust God why because God take those things that seemingly working against me and make them work for me amen that's why the Bible says in Romans eight 2028 amen for we know all things work together I hope to god that you know that even a negative situation God will cause them to work for you why because you put your confidence and your trust in him you're not worried about that situation that seems like it's working against you can I tell you that God would get in the midst of a negative situation and cause that situation to work for your good over in Genesis 50 and 20 there were some brothers that had mistreated Joseph and Joseph a man said to them you meant that thing for evil a man for you as you thought it for evil against me but God minute unto good listen people you have to understand where you have confidence in God and you have trust in God you don't have to try to get back at anyone you don't have to try to get even with people so to speak all you have to do is keep trusting in God and the very people that dug a ditch for you are the ones that you end up saving and rescue in a man that's what I like about God he shows us a man that when we trust in him we come to a level of maturity in our lives that it don't matter what you do to me anymore man because I'm trusting in the God that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you can ever ask or think according to the power that works in us so what are you thinking about when you are in a situation in your life you don't know what to do I'm just trusting God a man I'm not gonna panic I'm not gonna get in a hurry I'm not going to get anxious I noticed there in this time that we're living in people are living so anxiously everybody that I talked to they asked me have you received your stimulus check yet they're living so anxiously as though that still this chick is gonna fix what's broken in America what's broken in this world can I tell y'all the stimulus chick is not gonna get rid of coronavirus what I do believe in this hour that we're living in we've got to trust in God to work these situations out in our life if God don't fix Korona it cannot be fixed can't you see that we can't trust man can't you see that we can't trust the ones that are in charge that are telling us that this thing is gonna be over with in just a month or two and a very few people are going to die that's not true but if you put your confidence in what they say then you are surely going to perish amen that's why we don't put our confidence in man we put our confidence in the Word of God so we gotta trust God it is better trust in the Lord than to put your trust and confidence in a man can I tell you why is better because man he will change is he number one I want you to remember God cannot change but men are subject to change they are subject to change every single day they're subject to go back on their word they make promises that they cannot keep but can I tell you God is a promise keeper whenever God has said in his word whatever God has promised in his word he's going to bring it to pass so we have confidence in the Word of God there's a scripture I want you to look at real quickly Hebrews 13 and 8 tells us that Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever more amen noticed that he is the same he is not a change in God he does not vacillate back and forth between opinions or anything that he has said God is it's the same God in a world that is constantly changing we know that the Word of God cannot change and God cannot change and that Jesus would never change any man as a matter of fact the Bible declares that God's counsel is immutable or unchangeable he can't not change a man over in Jeremiah real quickly Jeremiah chapter number 17 and verse number five and six says thus saith the Lord cursed be the man that trusteth in man notice what he said cursed be the man that trusteth in man and he goes on to say and maketh his flesh his arm and whose heart departed from the Lord for he shall be like the heat in the desert and he shall not see when good cometh but shall inhabit the parched places in the wielders in a salt land and not inhabited so when we look at the text and what he said in there Jeremiah is telling us amen here that the consequences of trusting in a man it will bring a curse and dryness in your life sometimes and promise us things a man that never come to pass they promise a thing that never come to fruition in other words their promises are dry there's no rain in it there's no moisture in it that's no confidence in it even though he makes the profits he the promise he makes the prediction but yet he cannot guarantee the prediction can I preach this right now because whatever God God promises God puts a guarantee on any man and one thing you don't have to worry there is no expiration date on the promises of God whatever God has promised God Himself will bring it to pass that's why the Word of God says he watches over his word to perform it can I tell y'all if God sent a word out from his mouth God is watching over it with his eyes and God is gonna make sure that that thing that he said that came out of his mouth it is going to be performed and that's why we ought to have confidence in this hour that we're living in that I'm gonna put my trust in the Lord no matter what man says hey man I just want to show you these things today as we move on down the road a man why we don't need to put confidence in man or impresses a man the Bible says a man further that God cannot change a man but men are subject to change when you look at Malachi chapter 3 and verse number 6 amen look at this real quickly Malik I'm fine I am the Lord notice we said I am the Lord I changed not therefore ye sons of Jacob you're not consumed if God was a change in God if God went back on his promises then we would all be consumed but God said for I am the Lord and I changed not I thank God that he's consistently God he's never trying to be God he's not placating to be God he's not trying to be God He is God amen see we play as children of God and play as Christian but God ain't playing God cuz he is gone and he changes not Amen can I tell you another thing and we'll move on a man the second thing is man can lie but God cannot lie this is why we put our trust in God because man can lie and man will lie and some people allow all the time a man but God never lies to us a man numbers 23 and 19 it's yes God is not a man notice God it's not a man so when you talk about God and you talk about God in the context of who he really is which we really is Yahweh when you talk about him in the context of who he really is you've got to know that he's not a man and I hear people refer to God as the big man upstairs can I tell you he's not a big overweight man upstairs or nothing like that that's not who God is a man we painted this picture of God as being a man but God is not a man God says don't put me in that category even though I came down through 42 generation I took a ride in a woman by the name of Mary became but you're a human being but I'm still a god man so he's not a man that he should lie now that the son of man that he should repent see even when John baptized Jesus in the Jordan John said he said no lo I can't do this but Jesus is saying something to be so what was John witness saying when he said that Jesus had no need to be baptized or to repent because he had not sinned but because he came in the form of a man he yielded himself as a man and took on water baptism but at the end of the day he's not a man that he should repent has he said it had he said and shall he not do it if God said it people God is going to do it or had he spoken and Shelley not make it good some of you the problem with us a man is it's in between what God has promised us and what we have not yet received amen sometime it becomes the hiding place for doubt in our lives a man in other words just because it hadn't happened you are not to let doubt creepy creepy in and stop God a man from doing what he said he would do if God spoke it if God said it he's going to make it good can I tell somebody that that God has made you a promise and you're wondering where that thing gonna happen you know what it's gonna happen in God's timing when God get ready when you get mature enough for it when you are able to handle what God has for you if God bless you with some of the stuff that you wanted right now miss you up and you couldn't hand it cuz you ain't mature enough I know you're saying to yourself god I can handle it and if you're blessed me buddy but God has a timeline for every last one of us as to where he's gonna unleash and release that blessing in our lives that we can handle if God spoke it he gonna make it good yeah he gonna make it good a man Hebrews six and eighteen Hebrews six and eighteen says that by two immutable things and it's know what he's saying to a beautiful thing which in which it was impossible it is impossible for God to lie we might have a strong consolation who have fled for refuse to lay hold on hope set before us this is powerful a man in which is it impossible for God Allah that we might have the strong consolation that we might have hope in God that we know that whatever God has said there's no line in him at all as a matter of fact the Bible talks about Jesus there was no guile found in his mouth whatever God says is true whatever God says is reliable whatever God says a man is trustworthy you can trust every word that God says it is impossible for God to lie but man will live his intentions are well but he would lie to you he'll look you in your face and tell you a lie you you and anything about it you know when people are lying you know when they're lying to you you just walk off and know that that's a lie don't receive that but but God would never do that God gives us assurance the third thing is men can fail but God cannot fail romans 4 21 romans 4 21 and being fully persuaded let me just stop right there some of us are not even halfway persuaded but the scripture said and being fully persuaded Abraham was fully persuaded even though he was 75 years when God made made up he was 75 years old but Abraham was fully persuaded what he had promised he was able to perform in other words what what God promises you can bank on it God God's takes his name and his reputation on what he says because he puts his word above his name and and and God God gives a promise and Abraham was fully persuaded here's the problem we spend most of our time in church trying to convince people that God is real trying to convince people that if God said it he's gonna bring it to pass we encourage people every day of their lives to trust God to believe God to put their comfort is a god but a man could come along and tell you something and you believe it and you wait on it to happen year after year that never happens and it disappoints you but not God Abraham was fully persuaded that what he had promised he was able also to perform it now I believe that God can perform anything we we often read Philippians 1 and 6 and he said he says in Philippians 1 and 6 amen and and this this is a good verse just for us - there's just honing on and being confident that's that word trusting and being confident of this very thing that that he which has begun a good work what will he do he's gonna perform that work in you he begun a good work at you he's gonna perform it in other words he's gonna finish it he's gonna do what he said would they do until the day of Jesus Christ so you just got to learn how to wait on God and know that God can not fail men fail but God cannot fail there is no failure in God you know we should sing the song in church we come this far by faith leaning on the Lord trusting in his holy word and then that's a lining that we said and he never failed me yet first of all we need to understand why the songwriter wrote that song and why he put that verse in there he put that verse in that song to give it rhythm and balance because he understood that there is no failure in God because if you leave their song like that and sing it like that you're suggesting out there some where God is going to fail you but you can't find a scripture in the Bible that will prove that God has failed us at any time so the songwriter had a reason for putting that in there to give it rhythm and give it balance and some of you who are songwriters you understand that and understand music you know there's no failure in God even though we sing he never failed me yet so what are you suggesting are you suggesting that he might fail me tomorrow can I tell you there's no failure in God the last thing I want you to know is that God is faithful men are not faithful but God is faithful Hebrews 11 and 11 through faith that's what he says to us in Hebrews 11 and 11 through faith also Sara herself received strength and conceived seed and was delivered of a child when she was past age now listen oh this is good God is faithful men are not faithful the promise that God made to Abraham may have taken 25 years to come to pass but God is faithful even when Sarah when a womb was dead and she didn't have strength to conceive a child God delivered that child under a past age it don't matter with God your age God still holds firm to his promise because she judged him faithful she knew okay I'm I'm at this age where people say it can't happen but she said God is faithful though he's faithful to his word he's faithful to what he has promised and I believe that God is gonna give me this child even in my old age I believe he's gonna do it that's a word for somebody some of you are living a man you are in your 30s 40s and 50 and you're saying I need this right now but can I tell you that God has not forgotten about you God still faithful you just gotta trust God he's still faithful he's faithful if he promised it he's gonna do it next thing and I'm almost out of here God is a finisher listen with Isaiah 40 and 28 saying God is a finisher man will start it but he can't finish something but God is a nothing we said handstand not known these are questions that God is asking I say it has that not known has that not heard oh you hadn't heard about me that there everlasting God the Lord the creator of the ends of the earth he feinted not come on somebody you know sometimes running in a marathon a man you'll get tired and you might get weary you might faint you might slow down but God is a finisher God God never sleeps he never slumbers God never get tired he is neither weary there is no searching of his understanding so we know that God is a finish it may look like it's over but can I tell you the finisher is on the way amen he's gonna work this thing out have you not heard about God have you not heard some of the things that God has said some of the things that God has done he's the creator of the heavens and the earth and the end of the earth day man he's the everlasting God he never faints God never get tired God never takes a nap God's understanding is unsearchable you got to believe that God is a finisher Hebrews 12 and 2 he says in Hebrews 12 and 2 this is the finisher looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him and do it the cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God he's the finisher he don't just start it and leave it God would never start a project or work in your life and never finish it he's gonna finish it on to the day of Jesus Christ amen not only that God is omniscient in other word God is unlimited man is limited in his knowledge but not God God knows everything he knows everything the Bible says to us in Hebrews 4 and 13 he says neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight but all things are naked and open unto the eyes of him whom we have to do that's what God says he sees everything I know one time I can remember I went fishing and while I was fishing I miss around and got in some red bugs and anybody know to what red bugs are you really can't really see them but you know they're there because when they get into your skin and start biting you in your leg and leave those little red marks on you can't see them but God can God is omniscient God knows everything God sees everything every secret everything that's done in the dark God sees in the dark just like it does in the light nothing is hidden from God and that's a word for us in America today don't you know that God sees all of the iniquities that's going on in the world God sees the stealing that's going on God sees the mistreatment that's going on and I know a lot of times we are saying God why don't you do something but there is a day of reckoning that God will called everything into account everything will be brought before judgment everything will become will come before the throne of God and even before that something will be brought to light so you don't have to worry you don't have to to seek vengeance on what people are doing you have to let God do what he does vengeance belong to God that's why the scripture said he that is holy let him stay holy he didn't sound right to let him stay on righteous because one day God is going to tip the scales and what we're seeing going on his world now so we need to know that God is omniscient he knows everything he knows that some people that that really need the money from stimulus is not getting he knows that there are some people who are getting it that don't need it but they're getting in a way but God is not asleep he may be silent but he's not asleep the next thing and I'm we'll just about done God cannot forget his promise but man can easily forget their promises Isaiah 49 men they forget theirs listen what he says Isaiah chapter number 49 verse 15 and 16 can't a woman forget her suckling child we know that answer already a mother loves her child so you're gonna tell my mother can forget our child that she shouldn't not have compassion on the son of a womb come on now most of us that grew up we know our moms with we go to to the end of the earth for us they they don't forget us yay they may forget yet will I not forget thee even if mama forget he says I won't behold I have graven oh my god the upon the palm of my hand God has written your name in his hand that walls are continually before me I thank God that he knows my name because he has carved it in the palm of his hand Amen so we need to know that God does not forget his promise as men forget their promise God has written his name my name in his hand Genesis 18 and 1 listen what the Bible says this is God promises time man forget but not God and the Lord appeared unto him in the plane of memory and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day this is what the Lord said now one more verse God remembers right verse number 2 and he lifted up his eyes and looked and lo three men stood by him and when he saw them he ran to meet them from the tent door and bowed himself to the ground God does not forget God does not forget God remembers his promises he's talking about Abraham he remembers those promises and so we need to remember that it didn't go down there Genesis 19 29 1929 it came to pass when God destroyed the cities of the plain that God remembered Abraham and lot and he sent lot out of the best of the overthrow and when he overthrew the cities in the land lot dwell God remembered and because of Abraham God would not destroy a lot but God remembered and he remembered Abraham this is why sometimes even in our prayers in our church we pray prayers like father Abraham Isaac and Jacob we pray about the old patrons why because of the promises that God made and the promises that God kept as well as what he made then in Genesis 13 22 see God doesn't forget anything and God remembered Rachel and God hearkened to her and opened her womb once again God made promises and he didn't forget man make promises and they forget but not God it stirred us to 24 this is about the children of Israel who are down in Egypt at this time but God remembers and God heard their groaning and God remembered his covenant or his promise with Abraham with Isaac and Jacob that's why we pray those prayers like that cuz God's remembered his promise and his covenant he made with Abraham and because he remembered God delivered them out of Egypt you might be in Egypt right now but can I take it as a deliver on the way and God is going to deliver you out of whatever you're going through all you have to do is put your trust in the Lord the last verse and I'll leave you with this Hebrews 13 and 5 so this is how you gotta talk this is how you gotta whoa let your conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as you have for the Lord for he has seen it I will never leave thee nor for safety put your trust in God have confidence in him and know that he assures us that everything is going to be alright even during this great pandemic let's pray father we thank you for this study in the word we thank you for a confidence in our trust being solidly in you we were not trusting government we're not saying we don't need it but we would not put all of our shores and our confidence in it but we will put all of our confidence in you knowing that you will keep your word we know that you can't be trusted I pray now Lord that you would bless those who are going through at this hour there's some families who might be affected by this pandemic we pray for them now we pray for those Lord God who are the least thought about in this hour for those that are struggling on ventilators those who are in the hospital with Kove at 19:00 we pray for them and God I pray that you would just give us relief during this hour to let us know that you're going to work everything out so god we thank you we bless you we give you glory we give you on and we give you praise in Jesus name now I still want to give you an opportunity to confess Jesus with your mouth and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead if you believe that you just make this confession and say Lord I believe that Jesus died and he rose again the third day according to the scriptures come into my heart come into my life I confess that with my mouth and I believe it in my heart that you are now sitting on the throne of my life if you made that confession you're saved you just need to find your good Bible teaching Church one that teaches the word one that believes in the word you can continue your study and the word you can call Maggie Street Baptist Church two six three three two one five amen and you can get that information three three four two six three three two one five just know that we love you and we'd love to sow the Word of God into your life I want to give you a scripture assignment for this week and this one will take you all the way to Sunday if you read it Psalms 119 there's a lot of verses in that chapter that should get your way through it the way I do psalms wrong 119 I don't try to read the whole chapter I'll read about 25 verses and stop if you do that and this is my practice in my study those few verses that you read what you do even if you do it in the morning during your prayer time you meditate on that scripture don't turn the TV on don't turn the music on just meditate on those and ask God to reveal to you what he's saying in his word and then as you digest those 25 verses and God gives you revelation I want you move on to others that's a good practice one of the practices we don't do enough of is meditating and listening to the voice of God and God would give you revelation on that god bless you God keep you down to him that is able to keep you from falling present you faultless before his might and exceeding throne to the only wise God Our Saviour be glory Dominion and power in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 203
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Rs6V0FcpyB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 22sec (2002 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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