Maggie Street Live Stream 05/09/2021

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okay praise the lord maggie street praise the lord maggie street oh what a beautiful day to be in the house of the lord i am so happy to all of you happy mother's day to all you beautiful mothers out there thank god for the mothers i thank god if you've got a living mother you ought to be praising god right about now you don't know we got a friend in jesus but mama was the first jesus in your life in fact some of us wouldn't know about him had it not been for mama right amen but just for a few minutes this morning can we worship the lord in the beauty of his holiness we don't want to scream at heaven this morning but we want our hearts to reach out we just want to love on god today and let god love on us amen from last sunday to this sunday we didn't know we were going to make it we hoped we would but look at hope look at favor look at an awesome god can we just praise him this morning for who he is and not just what he does you know when we when we look at psalm 100 it's like a blueprint instructions for how we should govern this day how we should enter into the house of the lord it says make a joyful noise unto the lord all ye lands not just somebody but everybody because god is good to us all and then he says serve the lord with gladness no hung down heads come before his presence with singing know ye that the lord he is god it is he that had made us and not we ourselves we are his people and the sheep of his pasture we belong to god that's enough reason to praise him right there but this is the part i want you to understand today it says enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name will we come into the house god did not have to allow us today to get up out of our beds looking as good as we are clothed in our right mind with a reasonable portion of health and strength god did not have to do these things because he loves us because he's so gracious because he's so merciful because he's so kind because he's everything we'll ever need oh he even bound up our wounds so they wouldn't show you know the devil want to see where you're hurt so he can poke you there again but god will disguise your pain and you can too if praise is what you do you can't praise god and feel bad at the same time try it look commercial used to say try it you'll like it and practice makes perfect amen why don't we just practice praising god for a few minutes i'm gonna get out of your way why don't you give god your best while you can we don't know what one o'clock p.m holds today but we know who holds it so if you're uncertain about what lies ahead give god his glory tell him thank you lord oh bless his name would you pray for me while you're staying pray with me while you're standing this morning dear heavenly father in the precious name of jesus god we humbly bow our heads before you in thanksgiving this day thanking you for being the god of all thanking you for being a faithful god thanking you for blessing us to see another day god just didn't have to do it but we're so glad you did god old things are passed away today in our lives all things have become new everything we hope for shall come to pass oh god because of your faithfulness god we only need the new right spirit so god let the power of the holy ghost dwell with us richly today send your spirit into this sanctuary lord fill the room today god in the name of jesus god pour out your spirit on us today so that we might be strengthened where we are weak that we might be made whole that we might be delivered and set free in the mighty name of jesus god i pray for the children and the seniors today i pray for the ministers and the trustees and all of their families i pray for every member of maggie street young and old i pray for the members that are yet to come lord because god i can see you sending people in the hundreds god i claim it right now in the name of jesus god bless our leader today bless him from the crown of his head to the soul of his feet send a special anointing today god that he may preach with power that you may be glorified and the devil may be terrified oh god we love you because there's no one like you can't make it without you but god teach us to be obedient to submit to your will and to your way lift up every hung down here today god and let them know that the best is yet to come and father we pray this prayer in the mighty and marvelous name of jesus thank god amen amen you may be seated this morning we want to make sure that we follow our covet 19 protocols we want to make sure that we socially distance please wear your mask if you're not required to speak please wear your mask we want to keep each other safe amen even though some of us have been vaccinated thank you lord we still want to use sound judgment amen we want to be able to keep coming to church and we want to be a help to one another amen when at the close of service i will ask you not to just charge out of the church but wait for the direction of the deacons amen again do not congregate in the parking lots we can't make you do anything but for safety's sake do not congregate i love the fellowship too but the time will come god has already opened the doors let us be patient with him amen and with each other we are our brother's keeper i love you maggie street it's offering time it's offering time if you would please stand for the reading of the offertory scripture after which the deacons will come i will be reading from matthew correction malachi the third chapter sixth verse nothing's changed y'all for i am the lord i change not therefore ye sons of jacob are not consumed even from the days of your father you have gone away from our ordinances and have not kept them return unto me and i will return unto you saith the lord of hosts but ye said wherein shall we return will a man rob god yet ye have robbed me but you say wherein have we robbed thee in tithes and offerings you are cursed with a curse for ye have robbed me even this whole nation and verse 10 bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in mine house and prove me now herewith saith the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out blessings that there shall not be room enough to receive it let us pray dear father in heaven we thank you for this glorious day we thank you o lord that you have blessed us that we might come and sow into your kingdom god we give out of obedience and not out of want or need because you have generously surprised supplied all our needs according to your riches in glory god you've healed our bodies you've protected our children you've watched over us as we travel the dangerous highways god even in this moment in time you have a hedge of protection about us we take nothing for granted lord but bless our offering today oh god bless it in a mighty way use it god that it might further your kingdom and let all who come today god be blessed god bless those who have and those who have not blessed the have nots lord that when they return to your house they will be able to sow into your kingdom god we thank you for who you are today and not just what you do and it is in the mighty name of jesus we pray thank god amen the deacons will come at this time so so [Music] do so [Music] do [Music] amen and before the choir comes i have one other announcement if you have your cell phone with you will you please either put it on you or turn it off amen y'all ain't mad about that are you amen amen god bless you [Music] oh lord we give you praise oh lord we bless your days [Music] for your goodness and your mercy towards [Music] us [Music] praise oh lord we give you oh grace we bless your names [Music] we need our voices today [Music] us and your mercy toward us come on you are worthy lord oh glory you were the only one [Music] and your mercy taught us [Music] we are [Music] worthy [Music] oh and your mercy toward us [Music] let's take it up for your goodness us lord we're so thankful for your [Music] goodness [Music] for your goodness and your mercy foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] we praise and honor your name for your goodness and your mercy toward us and the only thing left for us to do is simply to offer you praise thank you for not giving us what we deserve that's your mercy god if you had applied justice [Music] none of us would be here today but you put something in place centuries ago eons ago and you said that your mercy endureth forever and we thank you for that because you knew that we would mess up somewhere down the line and so you put mercy in place we thank you for it god we just thank you for the privilege of life thank you that we are healthy enough to come out and worship you on today now father we need you to speak to our hearts our minds and our souls that we might be able lord god to embrace the rest of this week because we don't know what this week has in store for us but we know that you do so equip us for what is to come because we don't know what's lurking around the corner we pray for those who are sick and shutting some was with us on last week but they are not with us today so we don't take this day for granted we thank you and we praise you because you are good and you deserve all the praise hide self behind the cross don't let him be seen or heard but allow the word of god to be preached today with boldness clarity to the end that we might live a life that's pleasing unto you and serve your kingdom purpose we ask all of these blessings prayer and supplications and the only name that matters in jesus name amen amen praise the lord amen so good to be here today to share with you again the word of god we bless god for all that he has done all that he is doing and all that he has yet to do i'm in it looking for god to do some things even more in your life now amen now we celebrate him for what he has done but we look forward to the things that he has yet to do i believe there's some things in me that i've not discovered yet that god still wants to do and i believe that i know that god is not finished with me nor has he finished with you there's some things that god still wants to do in your life will y'all help me celebrate and wish all the mothers in here happy mother's day [Applause] amen happy mother's day to all of these beautiful mothers all of the women we celebrate womanhood motherhood we appreciate all of you i'm thanking god for my mom who turned 81 years of age last month on the 9th of april i had a chance to talk with her on yesterday just uh just grateful to be able to chat with my mom and i know there are some of you your mom and uh there that might not be here but you have fond memories of your mom and you should have those and you should cherish those i know a lot of people go back and they visit the grave sites and they do those kind of things all of those things are important but we thank god for our moms and i want to celebrate amen the woman of my life amen miss pam she's an excellent mom she's a good wife uh sometimes um i don't know how you all do all that you do as women and i'm gonna focus on something a little different today it's a one is it's a it's a message about women but it is coming from a different angle today we should appreciate our mothers we should appreciate our sisters we should appreciate women period when you think about all of the stuff that they go through and they never really say anything as they are going through them i think back at my my my grandmom the one who really raised me and i think about some of the things she used to do for me when i was a child my grandmama they called a nail nail petway they didn't have closets in the house they would often have what they called a chifforoll if anybody from johnny you know what i'm talking about you from the country and tommy y'all and and you could only get so many clothes in there cyrenthia couldn't get a whole lot in there so mama used to work at the quilting bee where they made quilts and she would come home and in the room that that she slept in her my granddad there was a nail on the wall and she would hang this black coat on the nail in the wall but every evening she had a treat for me in there it was a oatmeal cookie i loved oatmeal cookies and i could go in the room and look in that jacket pocket and there would be a cookie there now now who else would do that but a mom but a grandmom now granddaddy he wasn't gonna do nothing like that that wasn't who he was hey man he was out working on the the plows and out there at the barn and doing all that but grandmama was always looking out for those children and i think about how she would be up late at night and she would she would creep through the house and just to check on children and see how they are doing and most of us as men we are fast asleep and we never think about walking through the house to check on the children and i liken that unto my wife because she's up late at night and she's always checking on the children she she's gonna if she gets up for whatever reason she goes through the house and she checks on the children now i'm just the opposite if i go to the refrigerator and get a bottle of water i go back to my room but not a mom they're they're observing they're different they're totally different god made them from another kind of fabric but what makes this so interesting god took the woman out of the man and gave her some characteristics that men just don't have and so i'm celebrating my mom and my wife today and all of you just good to have a living mother good to have an observant wife good to have sisters who love their children and go to great length to do great things for them i want to call your attention today to a not so familiar passage of scripture when it comes to mother's day first kings chapter number three first kings chapter number three i want to start reading that verse number 16. it's a lengthy little reading but and i notice our board is not working that's why it's so important for you to have your bible and have the word of god in your heart then came there are two women that were harlots i want y'all to listen to the text today unto the king and stood before him and the one woman said o my lord i and this woman dwell in one house or they dwell or live in the same house and i was delivered of a child with her in the house and it came to pass the third day after that i was delivered that this woman was delivered also and we were together there was no stranger with us in the house saved we too in the house nobody else was there just the two of them and this woman's child died in the night because she overlaid it and she arose at midnight and took my son from beside me while thine handmaid slept and laid in in her bosom and laid her dead child in my bosom and when i rose in the morning to give my child suck behold it was dead and and but when i considered it in the morning behold it was not my son which i did bear and the other woman said nay but the living son the living is my son and the dead is thy son and this said no but the dead is your son and the living is my son thus they spake before the king let me stop right there and i'll just kind of dig into this amen all right i want to talk about mothers in crisis looking at life through the eyes of a mother mothers in crises looking at life through the eyes of a mother today as we celebrate the gift of motherhood mothers do so many things so many things for us and so many things for others and i read this little story and it is really an article and it talks about motherhood at the university of minnesota they did a study on motherhood and it said that a mother should get a hundred and thirty one thousand dollars a year for what they do when you add together all the different jobs of a mother they do this because it becomes obvious how valuable mothers are in our lives now here's what some reports say says that mothers do 17 different jobs while raising their children here's an example they are the psychologist the social worker the doctor the nurse the executive chef the teacher the police officer the judge the counselor the manager the dishwasher the maid the financial manager and it goes on and on and on no no no no one can place a value on the love of a mother and her affection for her children and her family but it shows what they are worth they are worth far more than a three figure salary because of the love and the service that they give to their family in other words what a mother does is priceless you cannot put a price on what a mother does for her children you cannot label it you can't put a price on it so in our text today solomon god appeals to solomon in chapter 3 in a dream and in verse number 5 he says amen that god gives solomon basically a blank check and solomon asks god for wisdom because he knows that what he's about to undertake in carrying out his duties as king over the nation of israel he don't need money what he needs is wisdom he needs understanding and a wise heart how he can judge god's people if you notice what solomon says he prophetically speaks in this particular text that he's going to need the wisdom of god to be able to judge certain matters because money won't help you straighten out a crisis amen and i know that america is at a crossroad and in crisis and even though you get a stimulus check it is not going to fix the crisis that are in this nation right now and what we are facing and what we are yet to face you have to understand that both of these mothers are in a crisis they're in a situation one mother is real and the other one is not so real because she is saying amen that we bring in this matter to the king we have an issue and one thing about a mother she's not afraid to confront any situation she's not afraid to confront anybody she don't care how big you are a mother can be a small little woman but she'll run up on a giant and let them know you better not mess with my child so a real mother does all of these things that i four mentioned expecting no pay for what she does because she values her children and her family amen she loves and values them through their infant stage and i don't want whether y'all know it or not when you are raising a child from an infant stage that's a lot on a woman that she has to do not only does she raise the child she got to clean the house she got to take care of the husband she got to wash the clothes she got to cook she got to do all of these things and how in the world does she hold it all together when sometimes men just don't understand what they are going through and yet they are raising those children they gotta change dirty diapers and i want to go back to the old day brenda there was a time when they didn't have pampers they didn't just take the diaper off put it in a bag and wrap it up and put it in the trash they had to dump that stuff out they had to wash that diaper come on help me i'm talking about a real cloth diaper where you had those pens that you pinned it to those children and those children saw that diaper and mama had to dump that stuff and wash those dirty diapers and everybody didn't have a maytag washing machine y'all better help me up in here she had to wash it with lots soap and a rubber board in a number three tub she had to do these things changing dirty diapers getting up and feeding them at 3 a.m in the morning doing what she had to do she gives them a bath and make sure that they are clean real mother loves and values her children through all of this because she realizes that her children are a gift from god and this is where i want to plant my feet for a moment the bible said there were two women and he didn't call them no honest women he called them hollis let me tell y'all something it doesn't matter whether they are prostitute or it doesn't matter yet they gave birth to a child here is the thing it was against the law to prostitute in the nation of israel but somehow these two women they either had a pimp or something was going on but they got around it and the bible said both of them end up pregnant but can i tell y'all this pregnancy changed their lives y'all got to help me sometimes women have challenges earlier on in life but when a child comes along it changes the life of that mother you've got to understand she's different now the club life isn't about that no more it's about that child now it did not now i didn't make this up the bible says two of them two women and they were harlots now first of all there's something in solomon that allows these two women up the street so to speak to approach his throne and talk to him solomon understood is something about womanhood and motherhood that i just can't diss these women because they got an issue going on right now and because i am a just king come on that that that because i am just i've got to hear the matter here's what we need to understand that when you are in leadership people may not look like you they may not act like you but you have to at least listen to them and see what it is that they have to say these women are hollers but they come before solomon with a matter that has to be judged they are in a crisis when you are in a crisis you got to make some kind of decision y'all when you're in a crisis you got to make a decision you have to decide whether or not you're going to allow this issue to fester or whether you're going to take this issue where it needs to go y'all listen to me sometime when you're in a crisis you got to go to god when you are in a crisis when a mother is dealing with a wayward child they've got to take that issue to god listen to me if you're dealing with a child and you don't know what to do put them in god's hand put them in the lord's hand they gotta put up with children crying you know anybody that cries a lot it irritates you gets on your nerves so how do you think the woman feels how do you think she feels she's there all day long with the children all day long with the children and and we feel like well i work no it's more to it than that baby we've got to help with the responsibility of raising our children matter of fact god has given me a message i'm a preacher next week it's called restructuring and rebuilding the black family and i'm gonna deal with that because we've got to rebuild it we got to restructure the black family we've got to help and i know that we're living in some chaotic time but you have to understand that a woman has a lot of weight on her she loves and she values her children she values them from infancy and through the toddler stage now people listen when you're dealing with a toddler you got something on your hand now just imagine if you had twin toddlers now but but you're dealing with a child and it's hard to deal with we call it the terrible twos where children get into everything when they're two and three and four years old and we just don't understand that a mother has to fight through all of this take her children to the grocery store and before she get out the car don't y'all ask for nothing don't y'all touch nothing and you better be good when you get in there i can i can sympathize with this and i understand so i decide and i wonder why pam would take all of our grandchildren to the store at the same time i'm saying i ain't doing that so i decided i would take amari jojo and ariah to the store at the same time so i'm trying to keep up with them and while i'm in the store i don't know whether with jojo or mari they knocked down a complete display of drinks in the store and i'm just as mad as i can be and so what the what the guy said to me in the store manchester don't worry about that he said we got insurance for that but i'm saying now i had to deal with that i was about to pull a little hair out of my head that i had and can you imagine a mother dealing with four and five children all day long and putting up with that i'm looking at i want you to look at life through the eyes of a mother look at life through the eyes of a woman and what she has to deal with constantly and we wonder why women have nervous breakdown because if you don't break down with children in your early age it'll break you down later on in life one of my aunties lola had she has 12 living children 12 and they're still living and i'm saying this because i watch my auntie raise all of those children and out of all those children that that they're all different she knows every last one of their personalities she knows them and just like we know our children say whatever you want mama know her child she loves them through the teenage year lord have mercy these are the years where you want to choke their eyeballs out but you know you love them through those years you can't tell them nothing they all of a sudden they're 16 years old and they've grown they want to be on their own tell me i'm 16 now you need to let me do what i no oh no you don't even clean your room good but she values her children a real mother values her children that's what he says in verses 16 through 20. she values her children she she values the sanctity of life she carries this child to term listen y'all she's a harlot but she don't get rid of the child she don't abort the child she don't get rid of him even though she's living a life that's not a perfect life so mothers are not perfect i don't know why we expect them to be but she gives birth to this child she understands that life begins at conception this is why we have to teach in the church that we can't just have casual relationship and casual sex because it comes out another way and we have to teach that that's why it's important when kids are 16 and 17 years old we teach them the value and sanctity of marriage so that they don't end up having to short circuit that life not that they can't make it but it slows you down so this story to hardest in the story traditionally the story and people talk about it because it shows the wisdom of solomon and that's true but it shows the difference between a real mother and one who simply pretends to be a real mother the text began by saying these two women they were heartless i told you that and despite what the law said in israel prostitution was still going on but solomon in his willingness to hear the case of the two prostitutes in this story fits in well with his image as a just king notice now i want you to stay with me the real mother who brought this case before solomon because she loved her child can you imagine if she had just left it alone but because she loved her child she was willing to fight for her child she knew her child she was not about to let this woman railroad her so real mother knows her children so she examined her child this is what she tells the real mother tells solomon when i rose in the morning to nurse my son there he was she said dead but when i had examined him lord have mercy in the morning he was not my son the one that i carried for nine months the one that i bore the one that when i had this child i was able to look in his face i was able to distinguish my child from the other one even though we lived in the same house i know my child from her child she looked at the child in her arms and saw that the child was dead now can you imagine the kind of panic that that went through this woman when she realized that this child was dead that she was holding can you imagine the hurt that this mother felt she knew her child she knew her child and she said this is not my child she realized this because she knew everything about that child even though the child is only three or four days old she knew her child she knew the color of his eyes she knew how a child smelled she knew the softness of a child's skin she knew everything about her child and having gazed into the face of this child and she didn't see any movement she said this can't be my child something is wrong here something is wrong your mama knowing something wrong with you you know what my mom told me the other day she said you sound tired and i said i am now she's in virginia but she can hear it in my voice that i was tired mama knows when she can look in your eyes and say what's wrong baby come on talk to me tell me what's wrong what's up what's wrong a mother knows because she's connected to that child she is connected to that child she knew this child was different in so many ways notice how strongly she felt about it she said indeed he was not my son whom i had bored that's what she said he was not my son her statement is emphatic this is not my son she knows her children her real mother knows her children there's a story about savannah wesley savannah wesley is the mother of 14 children she was the mother of 14 children including two famous preachers charles and john wesley who had a tremendous impact in this world in the ministry arena it was said that susanna prayed one hour a day for each one of her children these two these two guys these two guys just charles and john she prayed one hour for john she prayed one hour for charles and they asked her well why don't you pray for the other 12 the same way and she said to them because they were different and had different needs and assignment in life you know when there's an assignment on your children in life you know when their needs are different and you pray for them differently she prayed for them so the real mother knows everything about her children she knows what they like and know what they dislike she knows their joys and their sorrows she knows their triumphs and she knows their failures isn't it something about mom that she knows everything about us she does the things that she does not know she take the time to find out i was in the house this week and i noticed while jojo is being homeschooled pam is in school y'all she sits at the table all day long with him helping him trying to make sure he understand because some of the assignments are not exactly clear and so there's sometimes when they're stuck on something they'll ask me history question because i do know some things about history and she sits there and helps him get through his work she what he don't know and and she don't know they tried to find out she has a brother that's a whiz in math and if she needs help she'll call him and my my point is this she if she don't know she tries to find out even even if your mama don't know she ain't gonna tell you she don't know she ain't gonna tell you she'll find it out somehow and sometimes mothers have what we used to call mother wit she'll figure things out and we don't know how she figured it out it was called mother wisdom that god would give them and they would do things simply out of wisdom she know when they're hurting yo mama know when you're hurting and if she and when she knows she gonna find out why who been bothering you boy don't don't don't let me have to go up to that school now don't don't let me put my head rag on and go up here to that school oh no head rag okay okay okay but back in the day they'll put that head rag on and up to the school they go you don't want mama to show up at school if you're in trouble she gonna find out why you're in trouble if you act in peculiar she gonna investigate mama gets to the bottom of thing this woman gets to the bottom of things she makes a decision to go before the king and say look this is a matter that we have got to handle and we don't have any witnesses it's just me and her in the house she approaches the king she goes to the king a real mother knows her children because she spent time on her knees with them she doesn't know she asked for wisdom when she don't know she don't know she'll ask god to fix the problem and ask god for guardians my brothers and sisters when you're raising children a mother has to pray for her children she has to ask god for wisdom and guardians do you know you get to a point in your life when you're raising children especially mothers that children are no longer on your hand but they're on your heart they're not on your hand anymore they're they're of age now now they are on your heart you're always wondering what's going to happen next even though they're grown on your heart just because you get them grown don't mean you're done you're not done you still have work to do a mother has a lot of work to do these mothers are in crisis so they make she makes a critical decision when it's difficult when it's important when that decision must be made when time is intense and they're at a critical point this woman is at a critical point in her life some of you at a critical point right now mothers in your life what are you going to do you got to make a decision you got to take that thing to the lord so real mother loves her children she loves her children compassion for her son we see that the wisdom of solomon seen in this solution to this problem he says bring me a sword so they brought him a sword and the king said divide the living child into two pieces give her one piece and give her the other half and she decides she's got to try this case solomon decides and here's what he does he tries this case based on maternal instincts and human compassion solomon knows what he's doing and by using the sword he's appealing to a mother's instinct and her compassion what does solomon know about a mother you need to read solomon talks in the song of solomon so much about his mother he he talks about a maternal love of a mother and solomon knows that if i decide to cut this child in half the real mother is not going to let that happen she's not going to do it she's not going to do it there's so many stories in the bible what mother's side with their children it is you remember jacob remember his mother how they tricked his daddy mothers are always but but she didn't have to do it what was going to happen with jacob what's going to happen anyway but we see the love of the mother we see that we're looking at looking at this crisis through the eyes of a mother when a mother is in crisis she springs into action she does solomon calls for the sword cut the child in two halves give each woman their equal share solomon knows that the real mother is not going to let this happen to her son he desires to win this case it's going to outweigh her love for the son her desire to win this case is going out is going to outweigh the love for the child she don't just want to win she wants her child solomon knows that the real mother is not going to let it happen but the false mother she will agree because she simply does not care about the child now let me just stop for a moment women and i don't mean any harm if you got children no man should be more important to you than your children you don't put nobody in front of your children listen at me now i'm i'm i'm serious about this some women are so desperate for a man that they'll neglect their own children you you have to fight for your children that's what i i often tell people listen god will give you the want of the husband that you need sometimes you want what you want but you don't let god give you a husband the bible says sh listen he that finds come on now listen the bible doesn't say she that finds her husband so stop looking let him find you and when he finds a wife he finds a good thing and watch this he obtains favor from the lord woman didn't care about the child now i'm trying to show you that one of the women even though she may have been a prostitute she cares i believe not only does she make a decision i believe she changes direction y'all help me i believe that nobody stays messed up for life nobody stays in their condition forever i believe that somewhere in her when when she had this child it changed her life she understands i'm not living for myself anymore i'm living for this child and most of you women know that you put your child in front of everybody and everything you do everything you can for your children i sometimes tell pam i think you love these kids more than you you love me and i know she does not not that she don't love me you understand what i'm saying those children have a their priority for her they are most of you women you know i'm telling the truth now if y'all got grandbabies i ain't got to say nothing else yo your wife will say well i'm going to i'm going to my daughter house i'm going over here i'm going to be with the grand you might we're hanging up whenever she get back that's fine because she loves those grandbabies she loves those babies there's nothing wrong with that she loves her children the text says the woman whose son was living spoke to the king for she yearned with compassion for her son she said oh my lord give her the living child and by no means kill him don't kill him but let the other woman have the child now listen what he said let him not either be mine no yours that's what the woman said i said sin says my child is dead none of us need any children now that might be true some people don't but this is not the issue this woman said no don't kill my child the real mother who already cared enough for her child to plead our case before the king this is what she acts out she acts out of compassion for her son and the word compassion refers to deep love rooted in a natural bond it's a natural bond she has a deep bond of love for a son rather than see him killed she's willing to let him go let me show you some of deep bomb moses was born during a time when they were killing babies and throwing them in the nile but noah but but moses mother put him in a basket and put him in the nile river now she loved her son but she had wisdom she knew that if this child came into the possession of pharaoh's daughters he would be saved but she had compassion for a child that she was not going to allow him to be killed i want to say to us and here today mothers listen we've got to have enough compassion for our children to stop the killing that is going on in the streets of america and in montgomery today we've got to raise our children so that they respect the law and it starts at home that's a part of the message for next week but we've got to do that we got to raise our children at home my mama with my grandma who raised me they didn't have a problem with me growing up because she knocked me out they didn't play i'm not saying you abuse your children i'm saying you establish authority in your house now i know there's some meek women in here and i'm gonna pick on brenda for a minute i know she meet but if her grandchild get out of line you're jerking back in line won't you okay she said yeah and i know pam is me but when them children get out of line she'll jerk them back in line she'll put the fear of god in them she'll let them know now look now i laugh and play with you but i don't play now that's one thing i don't do i don't play and so we have to understand that you love your children enough to correct them and to chastise them to put them in order that's what it's all about people we've got to raise our children we give them too much screen time right now sometime our children i'm just i'm guilty of it we all are our children have six and eight hours on screen watching uh you know their phones and doing uh games all day long what do you think that's doing to that child's mind and then we want to send them to school and and the educator got to do everything they can to just get their attention kids are adhd and all this kind of stuff they got this deficit in learning because we giving them the wrong stuff we've got to change y'all and the mother can't do it all by herself but when you look at things through the eyes of a mother these mothers are in crises and they need some help so solomon steps up to the plate the woman who didn't have no bond for love didn't show any compassion she said let neither of us have this child just divide the child she's willing to have this child butchered rather than admit she's the wrong she's in the wrong that's selfish listen young ladies i'm closing when your daughters get to be teenagers you don't go to the clubs with them you don't drink martini with them you don't do that you got to separate yourself from your children and you got to be a mother and not a friend can't be a friend be her mother be her mother be an example i love this story because i believe there's some conversion in this story i believe this woman whose child is living now realize i'm living this life so i can raise this child so that this child does not have to grow up in poverty don't have to go through what i've gone through when i look at some of the things that we went through growing up in the 60s i thank god for my mom leaving me at home with my grandparents best place she could have left me so i can get some good home training i used to be angry and upset with my mom and asked her why did you leave me in the country with my grandparents and a reply was i couldn't take care of you i left you in the best place i left you with my mom and my daddy cause i knew they had a roof over their head i know that you were gonna get three meals a day i knew that you had somewhere to sleep and they raised me well they raised me to learn some respect and that is to respect my elders and to respect myself and when you contrast the action of these two women it made solomon jobs so easy he said give the first woman the living child and by no means kill him she is his mother that's not what he said she's the mother and it's obvious who the real mother is in this case now she is the one who is willing to sacrifice her comfort for the life of her son that's what mothers do and i'mma close with this they will sacrifice sacrifice they'll do without they won't even eat so that you can eat and we are asking mama what you what did you eat she said oh i'm good i've eaten already and you know that they haven't eaten they sacrifice and this is why we should honor our mothers this is why we have to look at uh being a mother through the eyes of a mother look at what they sacrifice look at what they give up she's willing to set aside her pride emotions and even maternal instincts for the life of her son and i know my wife would do anything for her children i'm serious i don't mean it's just out of bounds but she'll say when i ain't doing it you know how y'all say i'm not gonna do it man you know what i'm talking about hey hang on give them that they called me and asked me for some money i ain't giving them none how much you need baby when you need it all right i'm on my way i mean we say that but that's a that's a mother's love that's even fathers do that i ain't doing nothing okay okay when you need it all right here's my debit card number or whatever you know you i mean that's what we do these are our children and even our parents that couldn't do very much for us they did what they could when i would beg my granddaddy for a bicycle and they really didn't have the money you know what they did diego mitchell he would go and find a way so i can get a bike [Applause] they sacrificed for us mike listen our mothers and fathers sacrificed for us when we didn't have nothing and we would beg them for stuff because other children had stuff that we didn't have they would find a way to get it i could hear them talking in the room at night and grandma be saying but he won't it he don't need it but somehow you got it you don't realize you don't realize how she ran interference for you they did that when they didn't have nothing mothers are heroes sheros we need to know them a mother's love it says and oliver wendell holmes said this youth fades love droops the leaves of friendship fall a mother's secret love outlives them all isaiah 49-15 can a woman forget her nursing child and not have compassion on the son of our womb surely they may forget yet i will not forget you a mother's love for her children is undying y'all and it would outlast come on it lasts through time and when you look at the crisis that these women are in i can't even imagine what the woman was going through whose child was living and even the woman whose child was dead they were in a crisis but when you're in a crisis you got to make a decision you got to decide what you're going to do you have to make a decision and sometimes you got to pivot and you got to change direction you got to do things differently when you are in a crisis see a crisis will make you make a decision a crisis will make you change your direction it'll make you stop doing some of the stuff that you are doing you just haven't had a crisis bad enough yet you you think that that that that people will keep doing what they don't wait till christ is here you wait you wait and i'm gonna prophesy and i'm gonna sit down y'all better listen to what i'm about to say these are gonna be some good four years for us you hear me but i'm tell you something you better take advantage of these four years you hear me you better thank god for your president for now those who are getting monies that they never got never worked for they getting it y'all hear me now starting in september unemployment is supposed to end people won't even go look for a job because they're getting money sitting at home y'all hear me now nothing like that can last forever nothing like that will last forever and and and and he's helping children get out of poverty be wise with your money don't spend all your money in one place there was one lady i was able to speak to she had nine children all of them got a stimulus check y'all helped me up in here every last one of them got one and if the children of certain age starting in july they're going to get money through the rest of the year i ain't mad i ain't mad at them but what you got to do with the money you can't just eat it up spend it and have barbecues you better put that money up cause the rainy day is coming there's a storm coming y'all i want you to hear me y'all going to say pat we prophesied there is a storm coming you better get ready there's a storm coming i'm telling you this these are good years these are good years and and the storm is already brewing in washington because they are plotting their planning they're making sure that certain things that happen in 2020 is not going to happen again so you better get ready you better get ready whatever you can pay off pay it off get out of debt if you can whatever you can say save it telling you now it's coming it's coming so take care of your children and let your children know mama can't give you everything you want daddy can't give you everything you want but we're gonna do the best we can but there's something we just gonna learn to say no to we're just gonna say no because some things you need to say no too so in this message closing these are two mothers in crisis and now we're looking at a mother's life through the eyes of a mother look at what she goes through look at what she deals with sometimes they hurt and they never tell you anything i remember when my wife lost her mother i could hear her sometime in the shower crying and her mother has been dead now about 10 years 11 years now almost 11 years and i know that she was hurting because of her mother she loved her mother she's the only daughter only girl and she loves her mother but i see the same kind of parental love for her children how she loves them unconditionally and that's how mothers loved us i thank god for my mama knowing some of the stuff that i did wasn't right she knew it i thought she didn't know it but she knew it she just prayed for me and loved me through some of the stuff that i was doing love your children love your children maybe there's somebody here somebody watching who've seen that mother in crisis you watched us struggle you watched her go through some things she never said a word when you knew she was hurting she still smiled she never was negative she continued to do the things that she always did she left a good example for you to follow maybe there's somebody here who don't know jesus and that's a crisis if you don't know jesus you're in crisis mode you had a critical point in your life and you need to make a decision and that decision is to give your life to jesus all you got to do is confess with your mouth believe in your heart and god has raised jesus from the dead and if you believe that you can be saved say lord i confess my sin forgive me for all of my sin come into my heart come into my life be my lord and be my god i denounce satan as thron on the throne of my life and i declare that you now sit on the throne live in me live through me if you confess that you can be saved all you got to do is find your good church that teaches the word of god believes in scripture you can be saved you need to be in a church where you can get the word of god on a daily basis on a weekly basis so if you desire to be a part of maggot street you can call us at 334-263-3215 please ma'am please sir give us a call or you can drop us an email we'd love to hear from you well god bless you god keep you and happy mother's day to all the mothers once again i pray that you have a fruitful day and all that you do be careful wherever you go celebrate your moms celebrate your wives enjoy each other while you have time you know brothers and sisters the older i get the more i realize the things that are valuable the things that means the most there's nothing like family y'all hear me i don't care how flawed it might be there's nothing like family enjoy your family while you can i've been to a funeral two weekends in a row these are people in there 64 years old not even 65. two classmates or 10 folks of mine died in the same week my sister's classmates these are things that we don't we don't think about we're here today people but we're gone tomorrow appreciate one another love on each other tell each other you love them god bless you come on listen in the weeks to come probably the second sunday in june we're going to be ordaining joe um joe timmons he's getting ready to go down the road and first lady elect jaina timmons amen um i'm getting with a board so we can convene this ordination service so we can get him ready to go down the road we're gonna miss them dearly but you know that's what god has called us to do he's called us to minister and our job is to help them be effective wherever they go at whatever they're doing and that's exactly what we want to do and there are others that god is going to call to ministry to pastor somewhere else and we just want to be able to bless them on their way out amen so we look forward to that well father we thank you for this day we thank you for the lord jesus christ we thank you for all of those who have come today we pray that you would bless mothers all over the land and the country i pray lord god that you would help us to take advantage of the moment that we have to love on each other because we don't know when you will call us home thank you now lord god for this day as we declare with our mouth that there's no god like you in the heavens above there's no god like you in the earth below and we just thank you we love you we adore you now may the grace of god the sweet communion of the holy spirit may he rest rule and abide with us all hand forth now and forever we pray all these prayers and supplications and the only name that matters in jesus name amen and we see you online [Music] you
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 209
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: TTF-TzjNuqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 5sec (4625 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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