Craziest Game of 2021?

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in 2020 i uploaded the craziest game of 2020 and i think i just found the craziest game of 2021. uh what's up everyone this is the 1v1 arena game arena so frequently brings some insanity uh but none quite like this okay so this is pretty high level stuff we've got 1750 1800 is ranked players does put you within the top 1 000 players in the world and uh we actually have uh someone who's part of my team now um we're gonna call it deonte deonte here in the blue has been helping me out with searching for games and whatnot we we search for the youtube channel anyways unimportant this is a fast castle for deante and this is a strategy that i believe is going to absolutely wreck 99 of the player base and i believe it will actually lead to the devs nerfing the bonus i'll talk about in a few minutes so we have sicilians for diante and this is a very fast castle build you notice the player is on stone so probably thinking about a castle drop now over here we have bohemians for you know and bohemians i've also uploaded a lot in the channel ever since they came out and bohemians are also insane on arena and have featured in a lot of all in so if this is the first time you've seen my content in a while and you really are itching for it again check out some of those other uploads about bohemians but what's going to start this crazy game off is the castle drop notice this build order we've got one on berries one on farms villagers from gold transferring over to stone everything about this build is to get to the opponent's base and drop a castle in their face as quickly as possible because sicilians for some crazy reason build castles and town centers 100 faster so here we have nine villagers now when i first saw this i was like why is blue attacking red's walls why is he letting red know what's happening here well check it out villagers started attacking the gate but this is a dungeon this is like a tower building that the sicilians have and in this you can produce military units too which is pretty tricky and anyways this strategy is crazy because it allows you to break through their walls you see this red can't do anything about that red was thinking about walling behind this red can't do that because the dongen's up now the eco is pretty all in so don't expect a lot of food and whatnot but anyways beyonce no eco upgrades is now five seconds away from castle age and will be in castle age a minute before the enemies in cass lake so here's the sergeant i don't think deontay will be able to make too many of these but here come these villagers now you could maybe consider towering but if you tower and then they place the castle back here your towers are waste so i don't really think there's much red could have done beyond just wall this out and you can see blue didn't quite have the stone now watch how fast this thing goes up watch how fast this thing goes up it's already at 25 so anyways this castle is just gonna fly up and it's gonna start off the craziest game of 2021. i've seen a lot of games i truly do not think that any game matches this one in terms of craziness all right so villagers gonna die unfortunately on the farms uh castle is within the we're sorry town center is within the castle's range double monastery response for red so the idea for red is about take advantage of the fact that bohemians have very cheap monasteries and make some defense in the form of monks now we're gonna see another tc for ed that does have loom coming in now so it didn't have loom and red does have food eco but the foodie goes over here now normally what you do in arena is like you try and take map control you try and get relics nope not yet now the good news about red's position and there's not really much that's good about this but i'd say if there was one positive it's the fact that sicilian's unique unit isn't really that strong so it's not really a unique unit that you can benefit from if you're blue i mean there is one in here and they're trying to break down the market right now which can't be stopped but this is crazy so blue's gonna break through and if you look at blue's economy blue's still on stone so the first castle is gonna take out the first tc and blue just wants to go for castle drops that's pretty much it which is pretty rare for top 1000 i know it happens a lot at middle and low elo i think it's gonna happen more frequently actually because of these uh because of this bonus and because of this video right here maybe as people become more and more aware i did notice that red has sent a monastery out here so red's gonna try and get the relics and be sneaky with that that will help red's gonna try and get a villager conversion there fred's trying to keep the tc up all this is good because right now red is leading in terms of eco upgrades and military 35 pop versus 33 but this is just a never-ending cycle this town center's eventually going to go down now red's got the right idea red's thinking i'll just go to stone uh try and buy time go to stone and then i'll build my own castle and stop blue from pushing in further but he's already lost a lot of space can't take this gold can't take this stone now the scout's very active for blue and blue sees that the monk is out here so blue has a really good idea of the the fact that red's gonna try and get the relics blue also has the sergeant too so i think that that's really smart point here if the opponent were to get all five relics or even just get villagers out here the idea of trapping someone in with castles would not work out too well right so we'll see what happens siege workshop for blue this is something red can see and so red now has to debate on what to do about this now red no longer has a market the market went down and guys that is going to start this game start this off getting crazier right because i think what red wanted to do is buy 300 stone to drop a castle but didn't have the market to do that and now blue just walks forward sure there's monks to convert the villagers but with the sicilian bonus this castle is going to build extremely fast anyways you got some villagers that are going to change sides here so i believe they prefer to have the blue trunks because of how crazy this is about to get look at this so many of us would just resign but red's like i'm gonna try i guess maybe i'll make it into a video someday oh my god this is ridiculous this is what red hat this is what red sees this is game over surely right surely it's game over hey check this out we've got a spearman over here protecting the monk there's also some monks inside of that monastery that's cute blue now has two castles let's get a blue economy update not too much going on here just a couple farms and that's about it here red's gonna get relic number two so that's gonna help and now red had to build the market and is now going to drop a castle here which is a problem because blue now has a magno so or may this mangadell here is going to try and stop this castle now you'll notice this castle builds a lot slower because it's not sicilians but red's doing an okay job hasn't lost villagers yet villagers here going down redemption's on the way after redemption completes the monks can convert siege but for now they can't so the villagers are just like guys why are you making me build this they go to attack they go to repair [Laughter] now the monks are gonna convert the siege and whoop two monks go down but this means the castle can go up and blue is killing a bunch more villagers in the process so when i saw this game when i saw this far of the game or this much of the game excuse me i looked at the situation and said this is game over it's definitely going to go to youtube it's a great game it's a great all-in strategy from blue it's game over there's no possible way for red to win red disagrees red's gonna give it a shot guys red does not have a town center red has two castles his face a market a lumber camp a castle and a dream and a will to live and red is looking for resources looking maybe trying to get out of here and over here you'll notice now this is a mistake here you see the sergeant attacked the monk sergeants don't take out monks too quickly and so these villagers are going to make a run for it right now now a lot of you guys might be thinking well this this is this has to be game over because blue is going to have good economy the reason blue is in this position is because blue doesn't really have good economy you'll notice this now blue is able to afford all these things because of the lack of eco so here you have it the monks now uh we're going to convert the siege that gets uh deleted and the villagers are going to come over here and get some stone meanwhile we have rams on the castle now this is amazing because redemption is in monks can convert the siege but in order to convert a ram you need to be right next to it so we had one ram converted and so it's a ram war right now and if red wins this ram or red will then have a ram against blue's castle crazy okay relic number three i'm gonna switch over to this now you can see the kd is insane relic number three coming in there for red that's gonna give red some economy red is behind by eight villagers we see horse colorful blue thinking about farms finally i like to see it the rams still going to town here on this castle sergeant that was also converted red has really made use of the uh units that were brought over from the enemy this game oh that's funny look at that in and out of the castle there from blue just to take out this ram sneaky stuff and good job there and i believe sicilians also repair faster so we could actually see blue try and repair this as blue sends a scout out here and blue is well aware now that red is in the middle who doesn't know what's out there of luna's red is no longer really in here beyond this castle so red has enough stone to now drop a castle so red's thinking hmm okay you're gonna take my base no you're not no you're not no you're not we're gonna see a castle here sneaky stuff sicilians build town centers faster red says nope that's my gold stay away please and thank you and blue says okay very respectful very respectful yeah we'll have double castle here and red is making batards now in the castle so not spending food on any villagers has been even been buying food and is gonna go for petards hopefully to try and take out that castle now over here we have a sergeant this sergeant was converted the sergeant's been around the world on both sides and the sergeant's now into blue's economy blue has a very good economy blue was very good offensive pressure but blue not really able to back it up too much in red somehow hanging on we're at 44 pop versus 42 but blue doesn't know there's batards in here it takes eight batards to take out a full hp castle but this one's pretty weak now the sergeant ended up going down to the tc sorry for not showing you that but here comes red so red finishes all the neutral stone is now going to send villagers this way hasn't had a town center for like 10 minutes um now i think red's gonna tank with the wagon check this out you send the wagon out it'll it'll attract the aggro and then blue noticed what was happening there and blue i was also a really good play from blue ejected the sergeants to block the batard so some of those petards ended up going down this castle goes down to 71 hp now blue is just trying to keep blue red in here uh at least whatever is left and we had 19 hp on that castle red's got to be pissed and tilted somehow it is now being repaired by one villager don't ask me how this happens two castles firing on it and one villager repairing it and it's going up one more petard one more wagon one more one more gust of wind and blue's castle would have gone down but we have reds castle now here now remember these monks have redemptions so you can't really use any siege units to do with this if you go for like i guess your best option if you're blue would be to go for light calf but that's a lot of food right what blue wants to do is win the game by taking this position so this is actually a really good move for blue and i understand the strategy but there's also a risk so check this out the blue is gonna try and go fast imperial because if blue makes it to the imperial age blue can make trebs and then blue can trap down red's castles then red will be exposed red will have nothing red cannot really even take gold right now it does have full relics not five i suppose in theory okay yeah here's some gold income for red who still does not have a town center the blue spent all this time to get these fancy farms going but now doesn't really have defense and doesn't have the stone funnily enough to be able to make a defensive castle and i think a defensive castle would pretty much end the game if you have a defensive castle and you're in the imperial age you can then trip this down it and then you can trip from the front and you're pretty well protected so here comes red with these wagons now red hasn't had a town center in a while so red's kind of you know attempted to convert these villagers i'm sure like hmm come over to my side this castle's still up for blue or somehow red's still able to take some of these resources it's crazy you've got villagers on opposite sides of the woodline chit-chatting two minutes away from imp is blue the tc will be idle the entire time but it's still better than not having a town center and a lot of wood and a lot of gold income for red plus the relics of course are helping the thing is these wagons are really difficult to kill i talk about this all the time now on arena very difficult to kill this thing the best thing you can do to counter these wagons is monks but bohemians also have really good monks so bohemians could just convert your monks if they started to go for monks first so blue's like uh okay i guess since red left his base i could maybe leave mine [Laughter] and so blue who's taken most most of the control of the enemy base now has to leave and go to the middle so both players have had to abandon their bases and go to the middle 14 military versus zero by the way red still struggling when it comes to bills and red will never make its imp that is not even a dream at this point imperial age will never happen so here we have two villagers converted pay attention to that that could be a pretty big deal suddenly these villagers could take any resource they want these villagers here are trapped but imperial age is now in for blue who immediately is going to make a trep from the front this castle still been doing work i really wonder what had happened in this game if that castle had gone down earlier but blue very fortunate there okay these villagers are now going to make a siege workshop because red has wood and red has gold so red is going to siege down blue starting tc so red has lost the starting tc and there's a castle there and blue somehow and it's i when i was watching this the first time i was like it's crazy how it makes sense you know it's crazy how it it actually um makes sense to me but but yeah blue's gonna lose this town center but blue's also gonna push this now a red would need to take out the treb would be rams i think red doesn't have that red could technically convert the trebs with monks but just like rams you need to get very close like right up against the treb to convert it which is just impossible and so now red's getting bod canary and making petars and red is desperate the red red is going to have to deal with this but at the same time blue's distracted because blue's focus right blue's a yolo player and blue's starting to lose some bills here but does have two tc's so i mean much higher bill count so remember before what happened that one villager was able to repair but blue doesn't have access to stone blue is off of this gold off of the stone because of the pressure from the wagons also off of this gold so actually blue only has access to wood right now again don't ask me how that happens i suppose these villagers could go over to gold but this is insane so it's about to be three trebs we have the wagon meat shield again from red just like earlier and you have to think blue's paying attention but that's a lot of petards there so the castle goes down but does it mean that red can take care of the trebs it takes there of the castle it doesn't really change the situation much here's the rams oh sorry there's a ram and then there's a hussite wagon the wagon's actually being repaired so the tc will go down those villagers have been not been working for a long time and so tc down for blue 43 pop reds lost one castle about to lose 2 44 pop [Laughter] um who's winning okay now guys because blue's in the imperial age because blue has a town center i know that you know it it would make sense to say who's probably gonna win this game the problem is blue doesn't have anything beyond trebs to threaten the enemy like monks they can convert whatever blue would make any unit and wagons are incredibly hard to kill so you need a lot of units to convert it so blue kind of needs to chase down the villagers as well doesn't really have much so here come the trebs and blue's like okay well what i can do is i can take out red's castle if i take out red's castle then he can't make any more wagons and then we're good we even see fervor now for red just for the faster monks now i'm sure blue didn't think about this as the population is almost dead even but these two monks are just chilling here and i've never really seen this in high pressure 1v1 situations you have the trebs going after the castle it feels like red is is desperate scrambling sending the wagons go deal with that and then red's like wait i have redemption this is these are two free conversions so the monks go in here the monks convert the two traps and the castle goes down so now red doesn't have a castle but what red does have is siege and siege to be able to take out blues castles this is insane and and the only thing that that blue can really do to be able to take out the trebs now would be villagers it's like i don't know if this is quite accurate but it's almost like blue plate himself here this is insane look this treb he knows his fate he might even welcome it at this point this shrub is going to pack up oh no another trev has gone to red these villagers are stuck the wagons can take out the mango this is insane red hasn't had a tc for 75 percent of this game the population's still even but red has tons of military as now the magnels converted the villagers attack look at this idol time by the way blues idol time is insane in this game just the amount of blues had the villagers but didn't have the villagers where the villagers were needed you can see blue has the right idea make scouts make light calf okay good damage there i like that uh but you know you would need to have the like kev upgrade i think and you need to have quite a few scout few of them and then that would only be for the monks you still can't deal with the wagons blue is buying wood right now probably to make a tc or something i'm not too sure actually why blue is buying wood maybe to make trebs that donate to the enemy again i mean here red red's obviously very focused right so red's gonna lose these bills here comes the scout we'll see if the scout can do it and the scout's not going to be able to do it not against four monks that's going to be a big nope this is where most of red's eco is or a blues eco could be red's eco if red converts it 41 pop for both the castle age player is trapping down the imperial age player i've never seen that before the castle h player is driving down the imperial age player and just like i said before these monks can always take the magnel or you could have the wagons do it and red doesn't have a lot of eco to pay attention to so red is just microing away should protect the trebs and we have just more villagers on gold here you've got villagers on gold and yet magnolia gets converted and i think at this point i mean you look at the score if you're blue and you're just like how how did i lose that the the most created unit for red was patards the most created unit for for blue was manganese like that's ridiculous what happened in the game was ridiculous the fact red didn't resign is ridiculous what the game what the mini-map looks like is ridiculous insane now i put a lot of thought into this and how i was going to talk to you guys about it because a lot of you guys rightly so are going to be like well if red wouldn't have lost the like it was such a silly move from blue to lose the trebs and obviously i agree that sucks right but i want to go back to that point real quick before we conclude and close the video and i just want to think about what like if this wouldn't have happened what would have happened in the game okay so let's say blue realizes the monks are there and starts backing away with the traps the castle never goes down okay so castle never goes down because the monks are always going to be there well what probably happens is the push continues for red so red's probably going to harass here blue will not have food eco so still blue will not be in a position to be able to make a counter right and make scouts which is a problem however like maybe blue is able to take out some of this i'm still kind of unconvinced it was almost like blue strategy was so it's dominant because i think a lot of people do not try like red tried a lot of people just resign and they're like oh you know what i'm just gonna go watch a video of someone else playing this is too stressful um yeah i mean red just continued to fight and fight and then blue had two very weak positions on the map and the tc meant nothing and the castle meant nothing and without food it couldn't be countered i am just blown away by that game uh and also thank you to blue for sending that to me blue is uh is my guy hunting for some excellent games for youtube for you guys so um i don't know maybe i'm wrong maybe that's not the craziest game of 2021 there's been a lot of games maybe i should make a video at the end of the year top 10 games of the year maybe this won't be on the list who knows but i thought that was pretty freaking cool the first thing i thought of was that's the craziest game i've seen this year and i stuck with it blue funnily enough had more wooden food when blue didn't have a lot of food near the end of the game red i had more golden stone no surprise didn't really have many farmers or anything for most of that game uh if you look at the up times and everything was real crazy there my goodness and here's the apm if that matters red was probably red had more to control i don't think that really says too much um i apologize in advance for all the people who are going to get castle dropped by sicilian players i think that that strategy is very very strong and tough to deal with it's just that red was an absolute beast so uh good luck with that uh maybe i'll touch on that in future videos but as always guys thank you thank you for watching i will see you next time you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 247,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twitch, Games, Game, Age, of, Empires, Two, Definitive, Edition, AoE, AoE2, AoE2DE, AoE2HD, HD, DE, Age of Empires II, II, crazy, craziest, game, 2021, the, year, wild, wildest, insane
Id: Cb8y8_mpTsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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