China A vs China B | 2v2 World Cup

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game just started wonderful let me do my proper youtube intro um this is the second best of five in the round of 16. i just explained it to the viewers on twitch but with the way the 2v2 world cup is set up if two teams from the same country advance to the round of 16 they have to cross each other out knock each other out uh here we have mr yo playing as the franks for china a he is the best player in china and has been for a long time and then he's teamed up with licks who's been his boy for a long time alex is playing as the chinese up against him in the red we have tim and tim is playing as ethiopians and then in the yellow we have ciel who's playing as the slavs now tim and ciel they were second in their group after spain if i recall they're very good team they're also a very uh experienced and seasoned team i think both of them have been playing for well over a decade and i would say that their their skill set is definitely a little more um a little more uh unrefined like tim and cl it comes purely down to strategy in most cases you're not going to see a lot of quick walls from those players in fact you're going to see a lot of stone walls from the players at times so if tim and ciel are going to win against on licks it's not going to be with quick micro it's not going to be a quick wall it's going to be a good solid strategy and it's it's a struggle because we're looking at yo and licks as the favorites to maybe win the whole tournament um they were they actually lost to finland in 2018 and they lost to finland in 2018 uh four to two and so they did no no excuse me yeah they lost to finland four to two in the finals right um and teams like norway didn't make the finals teams like vietnam didn't make the finals but yo and lakes did so yeah i think if nothing else if we see yo and licks win today which many people are expecting uh we are going to get a good taste of what they're able to bring to the tournament because this will be their first real test they were not at all tested in their group i'm excited for it so um in fact i don't think they lost a single game at this tournament whereas china b no offense to my uk viewers china b lost the game to the uk um and they also lost a set to spain so on the right side we have frank's for yo uh he's up against ciel who's slapped so we'll have those scout players on the right side on the left side we're going to have the archer roll um big thing that is really impressive and fun to watch about china a is that licks tends to go really yolo um in many different ways but he tends to go very aggressive and it's his aggression which opens up yo to carry because everyone's worried about licks for a while and then yo can do his thing we saw a bit of that with russia yesterday against germany if you watch that set um you know just there were a few moments where winchester would get into a very good position because of his teammate or just because of how the game was developing so we'll see um looking forward to this time please t90 great work oh yeah sorry the time should be there i think everything else is set all the little things that you guys really like to see here on your screens right i think so except for the mustache maybe is it possible to at least show ville counts all game long what what's here people people listen i i'm here you know to to cast games and i'm here to show you guys the content but when people are asking for things that are right here um it can get a little bit annoying sometimes now if i click things right that will that will disappear i'll do my best i have to check hp on units here or there but uh yeah that information is is there for you so get ready uh for an interesting best of five here if i had to guess we didn't have time beforehand i'm gonna sit my coffee here too it's blue if i do guess i would say 3-1 today for china a yo and licks are simply too strong but tim's gonna steal some goats like thank you very much i'm going to take those goats i'm going to take them home actually adding a barrage this does look like a bit of a man in arms build for tim everyone's on the way to futile age here are the scouts engaging now this is where i can't show you the ville counts very close licks could consider sending the villager in here to change the fight still 18 hp for both of them there what's fascinating about this is licks is choosing to stay at home with this scout and wall he's going straight archers so he's not going mad at arms he's got forward berries very difficult to wall up so this could actually be a really good counter to that straight archer play okay i'll explain this as well um i don't know a lot about it right now but we added it today uh this will also be more refined throughout the later stages of the tournament but we have a hello project belgium you're one off from being very nice we have an extension which is on the twitch page and it allows you to pull up the information about the civilizations that are in this game right now um again i didn't even know it was going to be out well we talked about it being added today but i haven't tested it myself so click the buttons test it out and let us know what you think i'll try and get a little bit of a little bit of information about that once i've tested it myself and maybe felix or overlay guy who's in chat will be able to help out you see ccl here stonewalling this is such a cl thing to do so many players are not going to stonewall early and i think china b is saying we know in normal situations that we're not going to be that we're not going to be able to play the meta against licks and yo so tim's coming forward he's going man in our tower in a team game now there's reasons you don't see this a lot because in a 1v1 there's just one person here to deal with it they have the counter tower they can only make so much military it's awkward in 2v2 mr yo can swing over right with his scouts but this is a good start for tim the pressure is on and licks is going to try and wall in this tower because otherwise the man at arms will get in that's good walling here from licks but guys this is awkward for licks looks will be off of berries looks could lose the villager lose one villager the pressure is on wow that tower still hasn't gone up yet two villagers down what on earth does this start now notice on the other side you have cl stone walling this is china power let's go i i get so hyped about ciel and tim because they're so unorthodox like i said in dark age and there's very few pro players who can get away with stonewalling this early no other pros do it because they want town centers later but ciel does it all the time and this is probably to give cl the carry position so he's never threatened it comes down to how much is tim going to lose here as yo shows up with three frank scouts he has the extra hp i think tim is going to be brutalized at some point look at his base there's range for licks too so licks is going to be sending archers out and yo has just decided to head over to tim so let's see what china a can do they've already done a lot of damage to licks but licks was chinese so we started with more villagers anyhow ciel will have some scouts and see how scouts could go to licks and they might even head over to tim to save him if need be to let everyone know that if you have amazon prime you can need to face up to t90 with prime gaming what a great deal looks the prime what are you waiting for ducks the prime with the sellout thank you for that tim walling up a little bit has some spears at home update back over here as cl comes in this isn't something that licks was expecting just yet i'm sure alex has to react to this and man is this messy right now this is ridiculous guys i have not seen a single successful tower rush in the entire tournament so far that's right a single one and licks is gonna lose lex has lost five bills licks has lost five villagers already and is off of gold when licks wants to make archers speaking of dead villagers uh there are five here for the taking for yo yo is untouched at home y'all will get one you will get two you should get three here if he does this correctly when he does counter tower now for licks and the scouts for cl are actually heading over towards yo yo should be fully walled if he's not fully welded be very surprised what a game man this is this is an excellent way to start off a series because we're seeing very different strategies already and this is on arabia arabia is not supposed to offer this this is supposed to be you know the home maps are supposed to offer that variety but stone walls for ciel he's slabs so he's got those crazy farms and he's completely safe back here see if yo can compete with the uptimes ciel made a lot of scouts and joe's made quite a few as well and i think everyone's gonna head over to the left side either tim or licks now licks has probably said hey yo send me military yo send me military and uh so yo's on the way and then cl has probably heard from tim hey he's still open here bring your scouts here if you can't do damage to yo and tim with the really annoying garrisons well played and ciel's gonna loop in on this side now the woodline could be hit but i feel like that's quick wallable let's see if licks can quick wall this he he ah he reacts nicely there's still hole very well done very well done meanwhile mr yo he's not killed a lot of villagers he's only killed one but that tower does go down and that's exactly what china would have wanted now i say china because that's a habit as a caster to talk about the country that's playing but when it's china v china can't say that [Laughter] so i'll work to improve on that i'll be more creative i'm sorry but guys the reason that the tower rush is so good and 1v1 sometimes is because you stop someone from walling up if you get the towers to this position they cannot wall and then knights can run under into uh eco so in the classic days it was very common in hun wars to see like spearman towers and then just turn that right into knights in the castle cl is already 35 of the way to the next stage has pretty solid eco here with slabs it either boom or just make the knights licks isn't anywhere close to clicking up and mr yo has just now clicked up so it will really be interesting pay attention to what cl is able to do with licks base i mean this was double trouble for licks has gold's back here but can't take them because cl has the scouts actually it's like scouted those golds yeah elixir scouted them so you're off gold as the archer player but also he's all fairies which really uh put his eco in a rough spot now tim at home is just making spearmint wow that tower knife to scalp and he's walled up for the most part it's going to be messy and even he will die tonight he's gotten off spearman and now we have more quick walls from lakes wow the level these teams are bringing is nuts it's wonder if there's a point where licks can go back to the gold safely this it now looks thinking about it ciel's thinking about the gold being back there a lot of these scouts are weak and then oh mr yo engaging on the farms you think that's safe mr farmer think again the two villagers down all right exactly what i would have wanted to start off the day as another villager will go down just him things um i i wanted to have a competitive series i wanted it to have variety of strategy and we have just that now the last thing you want to do is joe snipes another villager on the farm what a great job from yo but the last thing you want to do if you're cl is send anything over to help tim right now you want to send your first wave of knights all the way over here to where that gold is yeah or he just lost those scouts imagine having to double tower the back of your base you look at this base you think this is perfect you think this is a gift from the age of empire's gods nope maybe the gods like towers i don't know also the gods apparently this might be a this might be a little farm dance to bring favor upon the people i i don't know what that is beyond a bug villager's getting caught on the blacksmith that's that's one of the most annoying bugs that was introduced to the game over the last couple months cicada villager [Laughter] anyways you can just re-click like re-task them and sometimes it fixes that problem but that farmer is essentially idle right now and what a good job from licks in this game man like what a what a fantastic job from china a look at this joe's gonna get another villager kill the amounts that they've had to deal with and how they've been able to hold has been very impressive i mean lick still hasn't clicked up to the next age tim still hasn't clicked up to the next stage tim is going to take the berries here this is redonkulous man but the more i watch this the more it it just confirms that i think this will come down to cl and yo and who would you prefer to have would you prefer to have yo carrying or cl carrying i mean let's be real i'm i love ciel i think he's a creative player but mr yo is one of the best players ever in this game and he's been amongst the top for almost like six seven years something crazy like that so maybe even more than that actually i think it's always going to be mr yo and mr yo is on three town centers you can compare the ville counts here and also make sure to compare the military and just the positioning of the military as well cl since this is a 1v1 could get away with switching into pikeman get away with adding a lot of monks something you wouldn't normally see if there's a lot of archers and licks is still making some archers and licks is on the way to castle age that is not the case for tim tim is very far from it what a way to start off the series and we're slowly seeing this game shift into china a's favor sneaky sneaky tower from tim i wonder if lex is going to be aware of that though because i think tim just used those villagers to kill the scout i think he's worried him that he'll lose those villagers a lot of forward bills right now yo also has more military out in the field but i think that includes the scouts that were out there before it's interesting how many spearmen tim is making what are these bills doing now [Music] what are you doing tim look how much stone he has if he hit a market he could sell a stone buy food and go up just tim things just now making an archer range 26 minute archer range screw the meta there's the forward monk from cl sia what that that's because of the dance that's because they were calling upon the age of empires gods i don't see how that's not a conversion there and yo does have the monks to send in and you'll see how little the spearmen do from tim against knights with this amount of upgrades towers still stand which will make life awkward for licks alex until now has had stones so could maybe think about building a castle here and shooting those towers down now it's like every time yo goes to hit him licks is telling you you need to come save me so here comes yo and there's the castle for licks look at this little base this is so messy and that castle should go up so again advantage china a him with some dangerous dangerous forward villagers will finish that tower and he is on the way to castle h2 now so look at the ville counts it's very even between cl and it's very even between yo these towers should stay up in fact i think this tower is not rangeable by the castle so that's going to be a real pain because that can still range that gold um economically tim and licks are pretty even and yo wow yo tried to use the scouts to take out the monks and failed there kind of feel like this is still gonna be an even game the exception of the military in a second because tim is making a lot of spearmen he's not making a lot of archers so maybe for china a the fact that they'll have some archers with knights will be better for them but cl he's not out popping with military as he gets one two conversions but it seems like while the stats say that yo has more military most of the time ciel is in better position with more numbers like that was really good to get two conversions there and this is really good too it's not allowing licks to push out tl on three town centers 33 farms yo is it 26 farms but look at yo's q [Music] yeah yo is really kicking it up a notch with the knight production same could be said for cl though and now ethiopians get the free pikemen upgrades so tim's few spearmen are now pikeman i think this comes down to how long the towers stay up if guard tower comes in how many archers come out this is ridiculous i'm gonna re-explain some things because some people just got here and this is a common question um the reason we have china v china right now and the reason we'll have brazil v brazil and vietnam vietnam and a few countries facing off against each other in the round of 16 is because with the way we've set up the rules uh if one country has two teams advancing to the round of 16 they will knock each other out at that stage that is to prevent a final being china v china or vietnam v vietnam etc so the reason is pretty simple it's because we feel as as yo yo what's going all in castle here hold on a second i'm gonna i'm gonna have to break this down because you have ciel clearly trying to go in and yo is gonna go all the night so he's gonna have more nights and he's gonna mix in pikeman and this might be the perfect timing for them if they can hit cl before he's an imperial look at that 33 nights against 25 knights plus pikeman soon with big upgrades but um but yeah reasoning is pretty simple it's because it's not a world cup if you have these teams facing off against each other in the semi-finals so age of empires is a really unique community uh you know certain countries have so many good teams we split it up like that all right why do you get french ads on my stream i'm not sure you're not the first person to say that to me a cl pushes forward i don't think he realizes how awkward this is about to be for him he's thinking he's winning and then yo shows up with with 30 more nights and with more upgrades oh boy oh boy that's not good i don't think tim's crossbows are going to be able to help there oh geez now cavalier could help but cavalier takes a lot of time as does going to imperial so yo treating this like a 1v1 just says i'm going to spam everything i can in castle age forget about imp i'm going to take control away from you and not not only that i'm going to drop a forward castle on your face to send a message to never do that to my boy licks never ever ever tower rush my friend because if you do i'll castle rush you cl what a statement here no you think you're forward no i'm forward 37 nights against oh 39 nights and there's crossbows so i think he always pulled the proper amount of villagers to be able to get this castle up let's see it's an awkward area for him to engage in and you could make an argument that if this is denied this is a throw from china a and the olin catholic play is not working will the castle go up cl says no we understand the forward you don't understand the ways of the forward no way it's a doubt castle ciel is an imp and they're taking the fight which is actually a pretty decent fight what a game meanwhile we haven't been talking about it but tim he's losing villages he doesn't care about his villagers he's just been a pain he made licks build a castle here right next to the other castle and if ciel can get cavalier now ciel can just kill everything a slabs do not get access to paladin it's a big thing for them if the game goes late yo is on his own here and now we'll opt to make a defensive castle but my goodness i i really felt like yo was going to be able to push there and ceo just kicked it into overdrive with the production and i do think tim's cross was helped a little bit against the pikes and they will be needed still as a lot of these knights are still weak but when you get the armor and you get cavalier at that point castleage pikeman they're not that really they're not very terrifying and this could be two doubt castles in one game this engagement is before the upgrades something that cl might live to regret he's waiting he's waiting now he has armor and now he can fight yeah you can fight with even just the armor here downside is you might not deny the castle but i think that cl needs to swing some cav right over to lick soon a castle will go up for mr yo but there's not a lot stopping cl from fighting underneath this castle and is there something that's going to stop china b from getting the game one victory this is insane it all stemmed from them not playing meta against johann lakes understanding that yohan lakes are fantastic with the meadow i think the game ends here guys i think this is gg joe has he invested so much in the castle age army he has not clicked up to imp yet if he clicks up to imp now he won't have any defense for himself and the amount of defense that he could make for himself is not going to be enough juco new they're they're dead or new this castle is going to get tripped down and you know what's good for tim is tim can just free boom tim is is protecting himself a great job with the crossbows but tim can just free boom and do whatever he pleases this is the imperial age town center for yo he's actually clicked up to him that's his mtc so he actually needs to cancel imperial and switch it to a safer town center and there he does it yeah he cancels imperial and switches it back here but that's wasted time and he's just getting thrashed at the moment here's a signal from licks we actually have a lot of knights over here from yo i guess they're useful over here not useful elsewhere but you know the way i understood it i thought this was supposed to be yover cl and now it's going to be cl against licks at this point lexus i don't know why licks is here with this many villagers that's kind of funny but yo is getting massacred and he will continue to get massacred and he will not have the eco to make many more nights do not underestimate tim and ciel yes it's true they don't have that technical skill they're not quite as quick at least it doesn't seem that way yes they have to rely on towers and stone walls at times but they can get it done even if it's not meta this is very exciting man this is very exciting and now we have a pause from tim i this is kind of an awkward time to pause to be honest like i thought the game was going to end but we're casting the games live now so cigarette time yeah i don't know maybe uh you know stretch the old stretch out the fingers well actually um i think both tim and cl are fathers and um the in the group stage they had to gg a game really early when they were winning because ciel had to do something with his son uh and i think he was sick at the time because thankfully i think his son's doing well now but it's really interesting to me i'm i'm not a dad but i would like to consider myself a pro gamer i think it's pretty cool like these guys have a few kids and they just show up and they're they're beasting it up right now and maybe his kids crying who knows there's some sling so tim sends some wood over they're probably talking strategy to be honest um because immediately after that tim sends some wood to cl but guys i don't think i mean tim's just gonna be super annoying with mac and ellis on the side he's got crossbow numbers here i just don't see how chyna a can possibly win this right now licks is getting coinage so he can sling resources over to yo maybe send him food to get to know some knights but yes while franks are better than slavs and post imperial that's when the trade set up and that's when teams are alive yo is it 50 pop this is insane yo has 32 villagers 29 of which are idle he doesn't have a working economy right now [Music] and tim is about to up to imp and again just how annoying he's being is hilarious licks goes over here to chop wood surprise tim's there you're chasing down tim tim's running away kim's over here he's just killed eos villagers as joe is sending them to god knows where lex does have a random castle in the middle because of that gold but we can't see the ggs because there's no chat on live games uh thanks to eve for that but thanks to tim and cl for starting off the series with a bang jeez man okay let's talk about this for a second let's talk about the core differences between what ciel and tim did and what everyone else has done in this tournament tl is the only one in the tournament to consistently stone walls made it to the stone wall excuse me made it to the round of 16. tim there is the only one to have a successful i've seen it die every other time i think so we'll go on to china's home map next and when i say china i mean china [Laughter] and i haven't even been able to see what their home maps are but i think their home maps are going to be a little standard-ish um while the maps are going to be a bit wackier for china b and somehow china b if they're going to win this series today they're going to have to find ways to go against that meta a cl with the carry 22 000 food collected 14 000 gold collected it really seemed like the faster imp was going be way too little for ciel but in the end that's what won in the game that and denying the castle yo felt like he'd be in a stronger position you know in that fight in that big fight which was the deciding fight tim brought over 20 crossbows and i think the crossbows made the difference because the pikemen did not matter then anyways let's back out here oh almost knocked over my coffee that would have been bad um i i think team islands is probably one of the home maps for china a yeah yeah okay i would be very surprised if they didn't pick that they've been picking that for years as home maps um and they have golden pit and team islands as options for the next game let me just cross off some sieves here and we'll be in the next game this is live so it should be shortly i'm so pumped man i'm so pumped and i'm not i'm not necessarily pumped because i think that this means the china b is going to win i'm reasonable i still think china a can win i still think they should win because they're that good but it's so exciting to me to see a series start off like that but china a's probably the best team islands team in the world um cl going landing and yo winning full water can just be nuts [Music] sorry there's a lot of stuff going on my screen here but i should be able to knock off these sieves no mayans no khmer in the whole set that was globally banned at the start and then the snipes were berbers and saracens that's actually really interesting because the way it works is you you global ban you each global ban a sieve then you pick all your sieves then after the sieves have been picked you um after the sieves have been picked you snipe one and they sniped saracens and berbers interesting hey by the way is my mic a little bit lower than what you guys are used to is the level fine i uh the story i didn't get to finish telling you guys was that i accidentally knocked over my microphone and fell to the ground last night and when that happened all the cords well it pulled my mixer off my desk and that also fell to the floor and all the cords came out here let me is this a little louder now is this better is is this still fine i was not drunk i just i'm a klutz there's a difference okay so what was the chinese and frank's is removed and then we had uh it's good okay cool slavs and ethiopians perfect thank you starbitch um wow we missed a lot of names there but thank you i think it's interesting for people on youtube who are listening now because people on youtube get to see what it's like on the stream now so they get to to see what the filler time is like i see that the next map is going to be golden pit so not team islands and what's really interesting is it was team islands when i first found their game room and then they switched it to golden pit that's fascinating so maybe they felt like hmm even though we're really confident on team islands maybe it's a bit too risky against this china b team especially if if using team islands incorporates a forward i don't know if i'd want to give ciel and tim that map not just yet anyways uh thank you hannibal's lecture for the seven thank you ray rex for the prime hello sfp thanks for raiding our game last night first time we'd picked o2 up since the early 2000s was a blast wait a second wait a second you part of the group that we raided last night that was so fun man it i i feel so fortunate for a lot of different reasons but when we raid someone on twitch and send all the viewers to them and they're like what t90 he's such a cool guy you know that i don't know man that made my night thank you and i'm glad you guys enjoyed the raid i think that's what you're referring to there were a few of you guys playing those games last night stroke your ego no it's not like that it's not like that it's just like i never you know my whole normal life off the internet i meet someone and they're just like what's what's an age of empire you know i never meet anyone who's a fan in real life i rarely do that or anyone who knows age of empires so to hear the word spoken is different than someone in chat or in a comment saying something that's all i'm not flexing yeah what's an age of empire anyways thank you caffeine powered i will uh buy some precious salmon with that tonight big fan of t90 he's a cool guy see it's not the same it doesn't feel the same bunny warren thank you for the 32 months though also salutes and chad please for cape man salutes or smileys if you don't have the salutes cape man has now been subbed to the channel for four years and cape man has been through a lot i remember when cape man was like man t90 i'm nervous i'm moving to a different country for a job moving away from my family i don't know what to do man t90 all of my resources have been walled in on black forest if only my pocket would help me i was his pocket sorry um thank you cape man for everything uh cha boy i'm proud of you by the way apparently things are going pretty well so danton cosmic pico eye opens thank you every every uh sub does contribute one dollar to the total prize pool everyone they have not started game two now if you if you're even tempted to say start the game already just remember this next time you request live games there will be delays but it will make the action worth it new baby is on the way give me a name give it give to me your new baby's on the way that would actually be really funny if someone let me name their child that would also borderline on child abuse um let's see you're having a new child um i'm gonna go with i'm gonna go with guckenheimer guarantee you no one else is named gukenheimer gukenheimer please and you know what however you want to spell it you can spell it that's on you you're the parent so growing up or not growing up looks like we're in the next game um so my brother's 11 years older than me and so when he was 10-ish years old my parents went up to him and they were like hey you're gonna have a younger brother and he was like what really you know i wasn't there so i don't know exactly what he said but as a joke they asked my brother what do you want to name him we've decided on either tristan or gukenheimer as a complete joke i don't know where guckenheimer came from and my brother was like let's do tristan obviously and my parents were like ah you know what we're actually gonna name him gukenheimer we like gukenheimer a lot more and apparently my brother cried like he was bawling and he wasn't bawling because his brother was gonna get made fun of for guckenheimer no he was crying because he thought his friends would make fun of him for having a brother named gukenheimer the absolute selfishness of my 10 year old older bro he cried for his own reputation he didn't care about me by the way if i was a girl i would have been named michelle i'm really happy that i ended up no offense to any michelle's out there we just lost her michelle audience but i just can't consider myself michelle uh game two trying to be okay the sieves are not the civ images aren't showing up there this is awkward so we'll have to pay attention we'll get that fixed joe's looking to recover for his team bulgarians what bulgarians he picked bulgarians game two and they're down a game yo is bulgarians in the blue and then we have licks in the green elix is playing as the tatars and then the yellow we have cl cl is playing as the persians and the red we have tim tim is playing as the burmese what the these civilizations are very um surprising do they do they realize we're playing on the patch from two weeks ago do they realize this isn't the current patch they had to backdate their game before playing today i mean here's the deal i've always felt like bulgarians are pretty solid decent uh pretty freaking decent and pretty solid but i don't know if they're quite as solid in this role as other sieves you do have to consider what sieves you want to save for future maps so that's a factor and we'll find out what those new maps and sieves are going to be in a bit but um bulgarians they don't have the cheaper blacksmith upgrades like you would have if you play the game right now and then tatars don't get additional sheep per town center i think that's a big change that happened recently so you're working with the hill bonus you're working with the dark age cheap bonus uh you're working with the oh maybe the krepos if you're bulgarian and i've always felt like bulgarians could be decent maybe he wants to build crep posts in the middle we'll see uh burmese i think we're gonna see it forward again yo is just paused what if you was like wait a second i forgot what patch we're playing in twitch on and off since the days of the original that would be a huge blunder it is amazing that you're in this spot now and it's amazing wait a second 359 as always you do get one restart per best of five you get one restart per best of five but you can't change your sieves so the only reason to restart would be if you didn't like the map or if you lost a bill or something restarts a classic thing that's been within age so hi michael 90. michael 90 thank you i also can't see if they say re i can't see anything that's said because microsoft hates me so um yeah i i assume that we're playing on here they pause to discuss it licks is probably like yes my goals are kind of forward but i can be fine my expectation if we're seeing the standard roles that team games would have would be bulgarians would go scouts into knights and tatars would go into archers maybe even some cav archers but the only stiff that really fits here in my opinion is cl civ persians so i'll tell you what i think we're going to see here i think we're going to see ciel go 21 pop scouts stonewall is base because it's cl we're going to have tim go for man at arm forward again and it's just going to be a repeat of game number one where cl tries to stay really safe and then cl uh carries for the win that's the idea for china b i was thinking maybe you could see fast castling here but it seems way too risky the map is really open there's a reason china a want this it's because china b is known for their walling okay are these games live or recorded this is live this is all live the only time you can see chat is if you download recorded games but live chat doesn't work so i can't see if they're talking to each other or not dr sply happy saturday to you too should be a great one i'm so happy man i never want to see three o's you know and seeing as the underdog is up one nil right now means we're gonna have a very good set to start it all off here can you tell us where licks ranks amongst the chinese pros well what's interesting about the chinese pros very few of them play 1v1 like very few of them train 1v1s they're just all really good players they play a lot of team games so licks is certainly top five as we have the scouts fighting here [Music] i think yo wins this oh and now oh this is this is a disaster for yo actually because yo doesn't know what's coming he might expect the forward but what if tim goes for something ballsy like a fast castle i think tim is going to go for a fast castle and yo won't be able to scout what's going on now interesting so three hp scout for tim tim's still in dark age you have yo on the way up this is most definitely for a scout build and then on this side we have licks on the way up this is the meta this is doe a archers and scouts we have the walls and the scouts coming for cl good gold position the walls will probably come this way and tim is going fc erum bye oh man i've i've never seen it on this map i remember seeing fast castle conquistadors in the uh group stage it was actually canada beavers canada a in their group he only said that canada to be played before they forfeited but um wait a second wait a second mr yo is making some militia here and they will be mad at arms pretty soon meanwhile you have tim and ciel working with their scouts together over here but one scout's super weak but yeah anyways i remember seeing fast castle bonks and it did not work because the person who is not going conquistadors died to a 2v1 here comes licks with the scout he's going to help a bit yep that should work cl and cl has to run away man at arms come in i think this is actually a manidarm into scout build which is very rare but it kind of seems to be the case no no he wasn't sure he's going forward now this is the correct call from yo he also doesn't know where the stone is though losing that scout was massive if he comes over here to tower instead of here i think tim would prefer that i'm really curious how this is gonna go coffee 90 says t90 what happens if a player has to drop out of the tournament because they're sick or something um come on man we're talking about pro gamers we never go outside we can't get sick no on a serious note um we would kind of we would we would deal with the situation if it were to come you know so if the situation arises then we deal with it then we don't have a long list of rules because it would depend and this is exactly what yo would have wanted because he's taking the burmese player off of that stone good early pressure tim has to wall up tim has to abandon the stone the other stone is forward now what does tim do long term is it going to be possible for tim to get to aaron bye and even get to castle yeah it largely depends on the situation um hopefully that doesn't happen there's the market there's the blacksmith here you have cl with now two scouts because that tower has ballistics apparently and this is kind of flashbacks to game number one isn't it i mean in many ways one player's gone forward with man at arms the scout player comes to help out the scout player can't help because demanded arms are too strong and we're about to see another tower and tim expecting this is going to counter tower yo seeing the counter tower or it's not really a counter tower because there's no tower yet it's just going to wall this up and abandon the area now on this side it does get a little awkward currently for cl because ciel can't deal with spearman and archers if you he had all his scouts here he could consider it but he does not so this is looking very good for china a also yoast completely walled up yo is on stone and yo is not making anything else so joe is going to try and keep tim away from the arumbai and you see what tim's doing now tim is probably planning on buying the stone for the air and buy it sounds crazy actually it might be too crazy he only has 200 some stone not able to offer any support his teammate tim so cl is going to be under more pressure soon it'd be very much like ciel here who's just now getting the first wood upgrade wouldn't that it'd be very much like him to try and get armor and engage against this good work from yo good position for china a yo has a hole in his wall i don't think he does no that's not a hole i don't think he does have a hole in his wall what does tim do from here he can't take stone second straight game we're seeing stone walls from china be they do not hesitate at all i mean six villagers walling right now oh my word everything in me just screams i saw alice is in chat alice is on uka and they died to china b and the decider palace does it i don't know if he's still here actually to ask him but i know if i were to lose to a team of stonewalled like this it bothered me so much because it just feels so wrong let's see if he can buy oh my god he's trying to buy it and the funny thing is he is 644 stone he has to buy the other six which means he has to purchase another hundred if he would have had two if you would have just built a house instead of two more stone walls this could have been better calculated there he goes he's just bought the castle you're kidding me those stone prices have to be so expensive and now he's going to drop the castle here and we all know how deadly aaron buy can be and that castle will shoot that tower down which means he can get his stone back trying to be going strong the old men are not done and trying to be going strong indeed what's up tarza's this is great to see castle will go up what's the economy look like for yo to make some house falls looks pretty good i'm excited to see some krepos um he does not have the resources to go up to castle age yet but his eco is pretty solid i really want to see some prep posts in this game the crep hosting the middle instead of castling the middle could secure those goals remember there's only six tiles of gold at each player's base the other three tiles are way out there for tim so you do need to be desperate for control i mean keeping an eye on licks licks obviously swung over here to pressure tim licks has a lot of ranges he's also adding a third range so i think we will see tatar cav archers guitars get thumb ring for free starting in castle age if they're fighting on top of the hill they do more damage and i think a lot of cav archers could be an answer to the aaron bye certainly a lot of crossbows are now you have cl on the way to the next stage cl will go for knights and a lot of them but this just circles back to me wondering what yo is going to do now it was stonewalling because the air by can be dangerous and starting to tower i like the stone walls here because aaron buy can melt those palisades but are we gonna see conics what on earth is he gonna make here interesting now i had said in the group stage and i meant it that teams were going to pick they were going to go for different strategies when they were expected to win so [Music] i i felt as though teams were going to hide their best strats until it mattered i didn't see bulgarians to tars as the best strats yo and licks are experienced players too you know they it's not the first time they've had to play in a previous version previous patch it's not like they would confuse it and think oh you know these new changes that came in recently in ranked games would apply here there's a lot of reasons we didn't use the new patch big biggest one being i don't want to change balance midway through a 30 000 tournament you know it's unfair to the players but the other one is performance i actually played some team games on the new patch last night oof i don't know if it's worse or better but oh big engagement no way i don't think lakes expected the aaron bye to come in but you're an and fortunately with the hill bonus tatars can hold on a little bit here but the tc will be denied the crossbows what is it's like there was massive lag for the players there or something that was very weird and oh my word this is huge for c.l and tim what an upset this would be if the tournament finalists from 2018 yo and licks go down here so the crossbows went down the villagers went down the tc was denied unbelievable what are we witnessing here now update on yo's situation yo's got two stables yo does have enough stone to drop a castle or two crap oats he's gonna be making nights there's still 13 crossbows it feels like 13 crossbows could be enough on their own against the aaron by with ballistics and good micro but tim also has knights coming in from ciel and don't tell me don't tell me this is gonna happen again you're kidding i mean at the very least just denying the tc would be a huge victory for china b oh man they're gonna get more than that maybe micro the villagers go down all right still a dangerous number of crossbows he's sticking with crossbows he's not going into cav archers but that's going to be the the big thing to talk about now with licks it's not going to be economy because economy is trash now i regret not getting this up to youtube it's something that should have hit youtube and maybe still will just a bit delayed as joe comes in to build a crep post in the middle um the more villagers are dying what the more villagers are dying this is ridiculous man like any time lick sends eco forward it eco dies as well as husbandry anyways what i was going to say as more villagers are coming for it licks this is just sloppy now okay it's fine i i can't complete a thought my apologies but there was a game where licks was down to 25 bills and the other archer player was on 60 but china a were still able to win because of mass archer numbers i think that especially matters here because aaron buy can be so deadly against every other unit but mass archers but double castle aaron buy maybe triple castle error by soon here by only cost wood and gold you don't need food tim only has six on food he doesn't care about anything except the aaron bye here's cl cl building a tc in the middle ciel has chain barting on four nights but that's not enough knights to take an engagement against this amount of crossbows and it might be china a's turn to deny a town center let's see here i think the tc will still go up oh it's going to be so close the micro from licks the redemption the tc goes up also that's a persian tc so good luck taking that thing down tim's going to drop a castle here oh man this is a beautiful game and we're going to see a crep post from yo at the same time so krepost is uh it's like a mini castle and krepo's are pretty well they're fantastic at locking down areas of the map you can create your unique unit from them only but i don't think we'll see any comics instead of making one castle to secure part of the middle you can make two crep posts to secure half the middle and deny these gold but there's not a lot stopping cl from going this way yet that's a deadly amount of air and by but licks with his micro oh that's so well done from lakes say what you want about the villagers that wasn't necessarily his fault but all those air by going down brutal brutal brutal brutal for china b with tatars and bulgarians mind you yo has the ville lead but he's only one villager ahead of cl but ciel doesn't have a town center protecting the gold i guess neither does you that was that was sloppy on so many different levels there from tim i don't think they should have taken that fight i suppose they didn't take the fight they would have they feel a real sense of urgency to secure the mid right now but this is looking increasingly difficult for china to be players they can't take gold in the middle comfortably you can't even take gold over here because of the crossbows and this tc's going to get rammed down this might actually be close to gg at this point you can't lose 20 erin by and get away with it sharing the gold and the stone here lick's having an absolute field day here on the hill with tatars so rip to these bills see l i can guarantee didn't even want stone except for maybe another town center is he's got to go out here for gold now played china a man china a i was super worried for them not after game one but after you know the mid stages to this game but now i'm i'm saying how can china be even win this one this is the home map of china a they broke in the meta oh boy ciel's broken some palisade walls this could be good but i've also seen licks lose villagers on golden pit before he's just he doesn't care about that he just needs to have army numbers he's losing villagers and he will have the lowest ville count in the game in fact there's aaron buy from tim out of nowhere and they'll also kill villagers this is considerable amount of villagers going down maybe with the magnel shot china b could change it that might be the way to go but so many fills down there crossbow's still here full control of the gold of the middle or china a would you say bulgarians have the most iconic unique unit in the game kappa oh my god i've never heard that one before oh god yo has 74 villagers and he's going to drop he might not even drop a crap post he might just drop a castle on cl so yeah the raids were pretty considerable over here at lix's base but when yo is untouched ah he's not exactly untouched but when yo is a semi-free boom it's very very difficult to stop china a this is going to be a castle i love how he could make a crep post and that'd be fine and he's still going to make a castle here there he goes there he goes it's not about winning the game it's about sending a message okay he's still waiting for the stone is he making a crap post at home i see okay though he's had to make a crap host at home to defend dally can make a crep post forward this is the person town center so it's a pretty bold move to try and take out a persian tc i mean the town center has as much hp as a castle just ridiculous wait a second see i was imping how is cl imping with 60 bills it's actually not his mtc but he's imping right now what the he's impinging with the other town center so he's going to make it but look at his resources i this is like i really don't understand what he gains from him if he had a castle i'd say he could make trebs that's weird and the eco is looking fantastic for china a not so fantastic for china b it seems like china a have found their answer that's so weird if you have tim go imp at least tim has a castle i know he doesn't have the booty go for it but still i will say trying to be are not known for resigning early so expect them to play on and if there was ever a unit to kill imperial age units if this game goes on and on and on and cass laid for tim it would be aaron bye now i don't know if you realized earlier but he did not have bloodlines in that big fight earlier so he he built the stable he just now was getting bloodline so he had 60 hp when he should have had 80 hp on those air by which could have made all the difference and um i would i would love it for yo to build the town center here oh he's just gonna take the stone let's see what china b can do so ciel you've made it to the imperial age which prevent let's pretend we're interviewing him what's your thought going into imp well you know i thought i'd make a monk to get a relic that's all he's doing it bothers me so much i mean there's not much more he can do but my point is is make knights with the thousand food don't go in [Music] okay you see a signal here oh boy oh boy big fight how can licks micro this aaron bye are so deadly if they get in close you have licks imping at the moment but licks will lose every one of his crossbowmen does it matter though when you have yo in such a strong position 100 villagers with the middle licks still with the middle also guys can you remind me if tatars get our blessed i feel like they shouldn't get our blessed thematically but also i never felt like guitar should get hand cannon and i know they get hand cannon which i don't agree with so okay all right so they don't get our so you'd want to make a cav archer switch then i mean you can still get bracer you can still get chemistry which is still very helpful and you also could just go elite skirm truthfully because there's not a lot of knights out there from yellow even though cavaliers on the way i think he's going home to heal and in doing so we'll find the villagers here from yo uh tim has done a pretty solid job 86 villagers and if there was ever a time to pounce this would be it and pounce he does um i don't know if you want to give to tarza the hill or how much that even matters when it's close quarters for aaron buy it wow rip to the crossbows so tim and ciel they do have a little bit of gold here and tim wants to go for a massive ram push but there's two krepos there's a castle going up i don't think they have enough to dive underneath these buildings trying to be update over here there's not a lot of eco left for cl the elves rebooming in the corner and you have yo halfway to the next age uh does yo have a castle yet he doesn't that's kind of a bummer because he could get his unique tech which would mean his cavalier would attack faster but that might not matter now that licks is an imp and can make trebuchets like choosing to push in here before the upgrades it wouldn't even surprise me knowing pro players as oh boy yo found these fills there's a lot of villagers over here it wouldn't surprise me if licks didn't know that arbalest is not available to guitars because i i didn't know you'd never do that he probably knows who am i kidding yeah the rams did not work at all y'all will happily lose a few nights to take out all those rams and now there's no answer to the trebuchet that trebuchet will slowly take out the castle and that's the only building that's really securing that all-important gold look at the hell's town center that's desperation right there they're town center buddies tim had sent some aaron by over here i guess to clear some of that uh and see how it's in some of his cavalier i say some he doesn't have many he's only at 15 and the gg must have been called there this score is one to one i went back and forth in that game but i really think it came down to that fight against the aaron bye blix he lost so much eco he even lost low numbers of crossbows but he still was able to get a mass because three archery range production is faster than one castle aaron by production and the free thumb ring paid off i think it was a massive mistake for tim to take that fight tim thought the fight would be better for him him probably clicked bloodlines but didn't have the resources for bloodlines when he clicked it and so it didn't come in he was fighting with only 60 hp air buy instead of adhp and that might have made a difference there um also how much of a beast was yo in this game i mean licks he was he was really the key for yo because if licks wasn't able to to kill the aaron by then yo wouldn't have been able to do what he wanted to do but yo built kreb post in the middle he boomed in the middle and he has 111 bills at this point so he was booming securing the middle and also cleared up most of cl's main base that was very good response from china a and now it gets fun because we'll move on to a china b home map 102 kills there for licks um there's the eco for yo more food more wood more stone and then licks had more gold and it's getting spicy yeah yo also got his revenge a little bit too it's a good point um and he he got to show tim what towers taste like though i don't think tim was bothered by that too much all right so the score is now one to one um golden pit and arabia have been played the home map for china b that is their deadliest is definitely nomad it's awkward to pick that against you and licks because i think yo and licks are arguably just as good so you could go ghost lake but those are their options and as for nomad let's pretend nomad is coming what on earth was what were china be thinking picking persians or golden pit when nomads upcoming persian spanish is an amazing stack oh you know what they're gonna go spanish mongols they went spanish mongols a bunch in the group stage i think tim and ciel if it is nomad will go spanish mongols and then we'll probably see malians and hmm well malians is a top tier pick for nomad you could also argue lithuanians but i don't know if you want to use up lithuanians there with ghost lake coming what about vietnamese what about malians vietnamese because then they'll know where the enemy town centers are i think that'd be pretty good actually also i just thought of a balance idea tell me if this is good or bad um and i'm not saying i'm not sure which sieve this would be good for start losing the baby quarantine wait for me but you know how there's only a uh a few civilizations that are really really good on nomad i feel like if we wanted one more in our current meta we could have a team bonus of seeing enemy docks that could actually that could bring another civilization into the equation with water maps too like islands like vietnamese see enemy town centers but what if a civilization could see where the others have docked it could be interesting it's just a thought it'd be very important on nomad and team islands too powerful okay sounds a bit too opie playing really you think it's too op but you guys don't want me to you don't want them to remove obsidian arrows yet got it okay so that's too overpowered but obsidian arrows should say okay and saracen crossbows destroying buildings that should stay too right chat and shall i go on okay all right maybe the first stock only yeah the first stock only it was just an idea i'm not saying it's great idea i'm just pointing out that there's room within our game for something like that to to mix up the meta a bit do you think of island civilizations and nomad civilizations there's a very short list of sieves that are good that's all i'm not sure which civil would go to and we'll see um thank you hyperion for the nine months he says time to start losing that baby quarantine weight for me nine months of support i i see baby weight yeah i'm i'm with you just starting in january i've been getting back on track with trying to be a bit healthier but with the holidays it's gonna be tough okay so if i can just talk about this a little more before the game starts i disagree with what tarzan said tarzan tarzan's excuse me said lithuanians and the reason i think lithuanians are bad here is simply because of what's upcoming if you go mallions lithuanians here yes that's an amazing stack for nomad however then you're looking at ghost lake and you want a paladin sieve your only option is magyars and then when you're going for team islands if you get there what civilizations do you choose for the landing i suppose on team islands they're probably going to go portuguese and oh geez i just realized china be have italians and vikings what in the if we get there china a might be at a disadvantage on team islands just saying i'm not saying lithuanians are battle nomad i'm saying you need to save sieves for maps right because you want to have a really good capsid for ghost lake and you want to have a solid cave and archer civilization as an option for team islands think back to how riot played team islands with lithuanians i don't know i'm just i'd be surprised after picking the sieves that they picked so far if they used both malia's lithuanians it would give them the edge here certainly but if the series goes late if it goes to game five they might be in a rough position and oh okay so they save mallions mallians is going to be the civilization that they will use for um for islands and they're using lithuanians here i see okay so flip of logic here it is nomad game three between the two chinese teams the two best chinese teams in this tournament winner moves on to the round of eight and the other is out uh yo is it playing as the lithuanians in the blue and then you have licks in the green elixis vietnamese now vietnamese top tier civ because once the town centers are up for the enemy you'll know exactly where they're at and they're close ciel is here as the spanish ciel wants to safely fast castle as the spanish [Music] oh it's not that great of a spot especially if the vietnamese player will know exactly where you're at then timmy boy is way on the other side as the mongols now that is a good spot with all the hunt and being very far away but i want to break down why lithuanians are great on nomad right and it all comes back to them starting with the extra food so the first thing you want to do with nomad is build a dock in a house second thing is the tc ideally you do that all at the same time and then with nomad meta you create villagers you send them to wood and you start making fishing ships and then right around the time that you need food you collect a borer sheep or something with your bills but since lithuanians start with so much food they can delay when they need to pull villagers off of wood meaning that they can get a big fishing ship lead over the enemy if that makes sense so similar to persians how persians have they start with more food and wood and so they can dock and make a fishing ship amalians their wood buildings are cheaper so they can make more fishing ships spanish building faster so they can build the tc faster build the dock faster make fishing ships it all does come down to fishing ships and if we're talking about that it's land locked here and this will be interesting on water because cl cl is going to have the safest fish boom he's ever had in his life because he's gonna be protected by tim on water this is really good for cl there's no way that his fish can really be harassed unless they go through tim you loop all the way around here past tim's dock to see turkeys turkeys turkeys here's elix's dock and then you have joe's dock and i'm unsure on who would have the wind water roll for the team but i think it would normally be the lithuanian player who would go faster futile to win water so if you wants to double dock and try and fight with fire galleys it's going to take him a long time to threaten the enemy on the other side but this is this is licks and licks will will be able to tell you hey tim's on the far side over there let's strategize let's think about this a little bit weakening the board with the town center the classic nomad trick when you don't have many bills finishing it off with the villagers and now we have a pause that tim's town center has been spotted and ciel's town center has been spotted that's so close to the shoreline i think you could argue just having lakes tower rush him as a spanish player wants to have stone this is the only stone licks won't know that exactly but that's a really bad spot for the spanish player to be in 1890 hey chad hope your day is going awesome what's up rpg jenkins welcome you should change your name to rts jenkins rpgs aren't bad though welcome welcome yeah everything's going good today this is one of five best of fives in the round of 16 in the 2v2 world cup it is live which is why we have to wait for whatever the pause is ortello the railgun says how many fishing ships to build on nomad you know what twitch chat i'm gonna let you answer this how many fishing ships do you build on nomad come on chat get with it only one person said depends really thank you ducks okay a few other people said depends um it depends so you want to make as many as possible where it's not risky that you'll lose them so let's talk about the rolls for a second ciel he wants to go fast castle with a fish boom he's not going to play defense for his fishing ships so this is why i talked about his position being so good so if he knows it's landlocked and tim is here he should make all the fishing ships he desires and then tim has to worry about defending him um as for the others i think in particular yo yo is going to have a lead with fishing ships you can see this all because of the bonuses i explained earlier and holy crap tim's build tim is a 10 eco right now this is awful he doesn't even have one fishing ship out yet oh yeah yeah yeah yeah but um any who i think for yo you want to make as many fishing ships as you as you can until your resources are set to go futile and then you just make a second dock and third dock and start making fires but it largely depends oh what happened over here oh my god see cl spotted licks's bill walled it in and then just punched her down and now quick walls and ciel's going to run away so ciel with the first kill of the game with a villager i think alex was actually uh starting to wall this up and see how it spotted that and now look at licks licks is trying to wall in these resources oh my god licks he created a prison for the enemy villager oh do it again do it again do it again do it again do it again do it again do it again please oh guys tattoo's been doing this in ranked nomad games and he's walled in multiple enemy villagers this way you can oh what the what the ah revenge nomad oh damn this is ridiculous so that villager has to break his way out i think he's attacking the wrong palisade hey he's attacking the full hp palisade i don't know what's up with that but this is the craziness i expected when i saw that ciel who desperately is going to need stone is so close to everything here and licks pretty well aware of what resources are available sees that at least as you shot that deer down this is very lamey but it's what is expected on nomad now is lick's gonna have the balls in a tournament to try the wall thing again wait for it this is so dumb man i remember a time when age of empires was not about this and then something shifted back in 2018 i mean quick walls were always a thing but this is ridiculous bring us our lag back come on where's the lag the lack of lag really did change the game a bit oh man well i saw that licks was housed throughout that and tim is on the way to feudal age so i think tim the reason he's behind in eco numbers is because he opted to collect a lot of hunt so we could have a super fast feudal he's got five on gold so expect a second dock at some point and he will send fires around update on this villager oh yeah licks just walled in the ville and is now going to shoot the boar yeah licks is doing whatever he can to delay ciel from getting to castle age comfortably because of how dangerous spanish can be if they get there but good luck killing that villager and i guess on the bright side for cl he is walling up hi he actually misclicked this i think he meant to click the palisade and he clicked the deer so he's eating the deer instead hopefully that won't haunt him but um that stone is very tolerable you can lay resources with villagers it is allowed on all the maps it is allowed it's been a thing for many many years oh whoa whoa whoa this is amazing wait a second let's see if they scouted it with turkeys and did not see that doc did not see the other dock but i think maybe cl scout it okay so here's the deal they'll be scouting or they did scout with turkeys ciel just lost the villager here um and they'll try and find the enemy dock locations the fact that tim has his docks going up on this side is huge he's going to be heading towards the north so he's not going to be pressuring yo yo is going to have a crazy fast castle time with that much food it'd be dangerous but yeah we'll see um i just don't know if it's worth attacking elixir's fish you want to attack joe's fish so i think i'd feel better about tim's position if he was heading to the south because joe is not really going to be defending himself that much on waters he's going with a market and a blacksmith he'll be going castle smile not only will he be going cast legs but he'll be going cast loaded with a very good idea of where ciel is and where tim is due to the vietnamese bonus [Music] here comes one fire smart play would be to send the rest to the south tim actually has a fire here if i'm licks i do not send my fishing ship over to yo i'd be pissed if i were you stay away yeah good move from licks to let it die that was intentional see ella's scouting with his fishing ship for the team they're looking for uh the dock and there's the signal they'll say hey this is where his fishing ships are let's go get them china be have a chance in this game they need to have the spanish player on conquistadors cl sneaking over this stone okay because he knows this will be towered yeah they need ciel to be on conquistadors and they need to take yo off of water and they need to defend from whatever yo is sending their way it's gonna be a lot i think yo will add a stable yo will start making my uh monks and knights i just said mites whoops licks his position though he's also fc he's on stone and he wants to instead of tower maybe go for a castle drop i guess he can see that the villagers not on stone there yo trying to defend on water for now very important remember stone walls for tim hems mongols if he can get to stone which i can't he seems these guys seem to be so unlucky with their tc positions the stone is very much not comfortable but if they he can get the stone we'll have mangudai we'll have conchs and crazy ranged unique units for china b a lithuanian so strong yo playing them so well i also saw you at a range i'm curious what will stem from that you might be tempted to just go a lead skirmisher big demo oh that's a very good demo right there i think there's not a lot stopping you from going elite skirm if you know that mangudai and uh conquistadors is what the enemy's gonna be making kid what's up kid how's it going i was watching your stream yesterday actually hope everything's good boga hayes in chat please also you could get imp skirm long term that's true yeah look at yo yo realizes tim's focused on water i'm gonna pressure him on land uh just one town center what in the what nomad's so crazy we have a fast lithuanian spearman who would have thunk that the faster spearman bonus would pay off against a villager in feudal age that phil will go down tim's on the way to castle age but there's about to be siege attacking his town center now update on this side lake's dropping a big old castle right on top of ciel however ciel will be in castle and ciel could make konks because of the sneaky stone over here it's definitely not going according to plan for china b though they thrive on the messiness but the messiness has hurt them and not helped them in this game stone walls for tim that's great and oh it looks like yo found the stone is it possible for yo to deny a castle if it goes up where on earth would cl even build it you're gonna build it at home because if he doesn't this could be a problem oh it looks like he wants to place it on this hill okay yeah and then maybe you just abandon this area of your eco at some point by the way licks has been able to keep these fishing ships alive very sneaky and yo has been able to defend his fishing ships now he can't easily loop the whole way around remember he can't go down here so looping the whole way around to kill the enemy fish is the only way you can do something there but uh yeah the castle goes up for cl he somehow finds gold in a very messy map yeah okay it says lowell i'm not good at this game but i love it type of one in chat if that also describes you as well don't ever feel like you are in the minority if you're bad at age of empires but you enjoy playing and enjoy watching it hmm well i can imagine how confused one might be watching this right now because i'm confused as the caster this is ridiculous this is nomad for you guys look at these rats and archers now i don't think rats and archers are particularly good against conquistadors but ciel doesn't have a lot of fish in fact his fish are idle he really needs to get a ville down here and he needs to dock because that's a lot of his eco um update on what's going on with yo yo is just shifting into land booming now there's the ville counts he didn't even get elite skirmisher he does have a magnel here a tim has not been on stone which is a big concern because you want the mongol player on stone long term but also he's going to focus on water something yo might not be focusing on quite as much let's see we'll have some big booms here we'll have two demos for both at different times and a similar amount of fires [Music] oh boy it was huge for china b china boom there's a demo for yo i don't think he's microing this at all though and tim is paying attention yeah the focus is over here and here comes ciel and ciel with the conchs out of nowhere takes care of the magnel says you're welcome pal and now joe's fishing ships he doesn't actually have many left they're in harm's way meanwhile as chyna bee's winning ciel is trying to run to his new base but the rats and archers are there to cut him off and now cl needs to run oh this is a ridiculous game this is re i mean he needs a lot of cookie stores to deal with that he doesn't have the eco to deal with that i think tim is telling him to dock here because if he has a new dock then his fishing ships are more efficient what on earth meanwhile the the magnels from ciel are pressuring yo and these two conquistadors are still being chased down this is wild certain teams thrive in the chaos and both of these teams do thrive in the chaos but in particular tim and ciel they love their nomad messier it is the better for them those that missed game number one when they beat china a on arabia they made it messy too i think it's why so many people even though tim and ciel they don't play a ton are such big fan boys for these players because they don't play like everyone else they see the game a different way three tc's all in this spot so joe needs to find a solution to this but this is also as he's trying to remain competitive on water i think he needs to give up water now i also don't know what you make against this you almost need help from licks but links is like cl is killing yo as licks is killing cl with the rattans not really killing but oh my goodness lake still does have some water that might stop soon because to see tim swooping over that way and that town center say goodbye just give up on it and the magnel ripperoni guys i think we all talked about it in some way shape or form about how the map gen did not suit gl and tim it couldn't take their stones comfortably they made it work anyways and here come the rats and archers licks is going to have to save yo with some excellent micro because yo is nothing now he lost his fishing ships he's losing town centers left and right here come the rats on archers can cl micro can licks micro he's trying his best brats and archers are a beastly unit we've seen them bring back games before in this tournament oh no the headshot oh my god it was brutal they split into it oof and that that's a tough scenario to be in right because magnels counter archers so you try and avoid them all you can now what's tim doing i bet you tim's gonna have a free boom throughout this yeah tim's found stone he's actually adding stables with freaking nine villagers he's building stables he's ready and he's gonna make some nights and i think the key now is just to take out those magnets and if they take out joe's magnels then there's no counter to cl's magnets and then they can win the game this friendly reminder for everyone who's watching across twitch and youtube that yo and licks made it to the finals of the 2018 world cup and they are definitely the better players as far as what they've achieved throughout the years of uh age of empires tim and ciel are legends of the game but as tarzan said earlier they're they're old men maybe we're seeing it here oh no oh god oh god i jinxed them i'm so sorry anyways they um you know they're not quite as quick as the other guys around the scene nowadays but guys cl you know i'm noticing he only has 31 villagers oh and he just lost a bunch over here he really has to make these pushes work because if that doesn't do it for them what else are they going to go for here say what you want about joe's position but yo has 58 eco tim's going to have to carry a tim just showed up with the knights and took out that magnel but three magnets down that was brutal and of course it was at the point where i was hyping them up saying how much of a surprise this would be oh man licks is killing moreville's he's not even hesitating to run underneath the castles licks will soon have a second castle licks has pretty solid eco licks could definitely do this for his team stop praising players all right um they're they're all noobs it's louie the legends welcome to loewy the legends we normally only do this on tuesdays it's not helping guys now joe's losing stuff it's not helping it's him is going to go for a tower rush and he's going to add his own siege i think it's good because they need go to be in as weak position as cl and then it becomes a 1v1 i also like how tim doesn't hesitate to make nights with mongols a lot of players won't do that it's mangudai or nothing with mongols and catholics but for tim he doesn't care knights are still knights knights are super strong just because they don't get the final armor in imp doesn't mean you can't make them encastlage in his eyes especially when you need that map control man cl's been cramped over here for so long if they clear yo out of the middle yo will have nowhere to go here come the rat 10 archers cl doesn't have a lot to pay attention to so hopefully he's looking at this sees it oh there's rat times coming in on the left side as well that's a lot of rats and archers also two magnels interesting bits of micro yo contributing as well this is so messy man this is so messy and the micro from china a is so good well hold on i might have jinxed him but no he'll get in the minimum range of the magnel they'll take they'll take out the magnel but the magnet did do significant damage yo is on the move licks wants to drop a castle here the game could be decided right here right now because ciel has another magnel on the way out of that siege workshop tim has enough knights they could maybe deny this castle if they deny this castle the rest of yoshiko's probably down after the fact let's see is that enough knights against the rats and archers is the magnol gonna be in time licks is bailing this is crazy stuff right here mr yo he might have 57 villagers but he doesn't really have them in the right spots they're just running around and around and all the big shots the rats and archers are flattened archers and that shot also misses because of the excellent micro from tim and ciel the upset are they doing this are they about to take it to game number four with the 2-1 lead a castle drop from tim on this side joe's contributing nothing right now did i just hear a town bell i did just hear a town bell i think it was unintentional but we heard the ring-a-ling ding if yo runs he loses more bills the only place he can run to is over here and he's already adding new tc's i still feel like this isn't over if cl can get to imperial with elite rats and archers i don't think he has the eco for it but he does have two castles now and maybe even three because his stone count is pretty high so if he can get to enough rats and archers they destroy conquistadors and they destroy the knights but i'm looking at tim's eco i mean look at tim tim's just gonna say oh thank you very much that's a great idea i'll place a tc there him does have 31 on food and he's going to have so much in the way of eco he already has the lead and so logic would tell you that while licks might make its amp tim could be right behind him there goes licks on the way to the imperial age now it's really important for china to be to continue to pressure yo yo is gonna try and stonewall up he knows that he's pretty much he's he's playing black forest right now he's just booming that's all he can do uh and that was the mistake from tim not to spot that wall but here come the knights knights will take out some villagers from licks who's still at 80 villes now licks could also trap this down but i think ciel the fact he's on one town center is quite bad for china b he needs to realize that if licks is going imperial that he could end up being off of conquistadors if that castle goes down though i think he needs to be on a second and a third town center he's got to prioritize eco and he really should have done it a while ago but here they come here come the conchs from the knights here come the rams here come the magnels this is all on licks right now there's been many situations throughout the years where licks has been carried by yo this is going to be the complete opposite here uh licks is going to need god's here micro as he's needed for a while now keep his teammate alive and keep his team in this game rats and archers are such a sick unit seriously i mean and when the upgrades are coming this can only get worse for china b licks with the oh no the poor micro ouch and yes yo we'll build a castle here but i'm not even sure that castle stays up can they not just ram this down it's a little gutsy no no they can't okay yo is going to use the villagers see the rat 10's going this way what do they see ah they want to pressure cl's eco cl has 15 eco here out of his 41. the rams go down tim has 118 villagers still hasn't clicked up to the imperial age only 70 villagers for yo 83 for licks but licks is making something that just costs wood and just costs gold um he will want to have the food for upgrades but he has that the only thing he won't have for a while is elite rats and archer most likely okay what do you do against elite rats and archers if you're mongols i think you go hussar siedran or or maybe even consider cavalier because rats and archers are a count or two archers so you have to utilize siege um seizure melee melee options aren't the strongest but maybe cavalier the thing is i cavaliers pretty bad without play party i really think that china a can do this on address would be a good move yeah honestly should be a good move it's normally i'd say it's pretty slow however that's not so slow when it's mongols with drill um if if china be lose this game it's because cl lost so much eco earlier to licks and he didn't switch on the tc's a bit earlier he's trying to now and i also saw coinages on the way so i think tim might start sending resources over to cl but watch how quickly these knights die i mean they're just castle age knights right now but against ratsons with imp upgrades look at the score switching kind of a is coming back and if they come back i mean even if they don't come back this will be one of the better games of the tournament so far him still making nights i think you go hussar so you save gold and you hope that the higher hp hustlers will save you but i'm not seeing a lot from tim right now besides the 134 villagers he only has 14 military he will snipe this trebuchet which is i guess a bit sloppy from from licks to allow that to happen but this is wild yo still has much better eco uh over cl all right so i see bracers on the way yes skirmishers don't even work against rats and archers you can't even go you can't even go for elite skirmishers i see the upgrades now elite returns on the way i think that i don't think there's an answer to elite rats and archers forget about everything just look at the military 30 military versus like 30-ish but of worst tech oh licks not again don't allow this to happen again he'll save it wow guys they can't kill it right now i mean ciel's doing what he can with these konks he's actually doing a great job with these kongs to be annoying as he tries to boom but yo is imping and there's no way that they can find an answer to these rats and archers the other thing about onager is very slow so licks could just run away from that because the rats and archers are so fast oh wait a second i didn't see this i are actually going to pressure yo but imagine being ciel you've got 12 on food you can't justify making conks anymore look at tim building panic towers oh i think china be realized that china a are coming back i think hustars and rams would have been the way to go elite rats and archers have 10 pierce armor so manganite is without full upgrades ends up being two damage against them right i think it's two damage now manganite do fire significantly faster tim has the resources saved up for elite he will have that in just a bit um yo i'm not sure what yo wants to go for because he only has one stable but i was thinking that yo would go for cavalier but while he'd be an imp i don't think he's in a good spot to really make all that much what does this come down to who dies faster cl or yo this is hilarious because licks wanted to push and now he has to send his ratcheters back over this way to save his teammate what in the world see tim getting banking so he'll start sending a lot of resources over the cl now we have what will be four trebs from licks 24 rattans against 25 elite mangudai i mean what better test than this if you want to compare the fight what's better also it's my favorite thing when units attack a house instead of military and by that i mean it's not my favorite thing and yeah the rats and archers holding their own joe trying to snipe the treb and does do so it has a lot of stone but that will disappear quickly with so many trebuchets coming from licks cl is is getting his eco back up and running i'll give him credit there lots on food also imping we'll probably see stables soon there's a castle on this side for licks this is a wild wild game manga die have just okay they're going to give up this castle because they're going to build this one i guess they're running into the economy of licks and yo and licks he has 89 villagers compared to tim's 140 and that was a huge huge mop up but it's military numbers that really matter here and the rat ratsons are chasing the manga i think the mangadai should move on from this otherwise they'll all go down it's not worth sniping villagers to lose all these you see the armor coming in for cl cl will go for cavalier and i think both teams desperately need some stable units him still trying to remain a presence in the back of china b's base look at this why do units attack buildings instead of military it's so frustrating but the nobility of the manga die paying off in a big way there's still rats and archers here what a ridiculous game guys what a ridiculous game both yo and ciel are getting the armor upgrades tim is losing a lot of castles right now gonna run oh he's gonna save these and run around i guess this has to be dealt with soon because they cannot give licks more space on this side there's a lot of eco there and then on this side tim is sniping the trebs with this mangadai they do have a bonus against siege though so a lot of mangadai to lose and the castle goes down anyways though just build another one someone keep track on how many castles tim has lost in this game and then we'll count how many he has at the end look at tim the gold which was his teammates goal at the start of the game is being taken by yo he says no way yo i'm gonna take this from you what a beastly performance from tim we have latest and yo sticking with latest so he's gonna go elite latest long term elite latest one of the most broken unique units alongside one of the most broken unique units in the rattan archer now they are weaker against mangadai than cavalier would be or paladin would be they lack the pierce armor but they're much better in the melee engagements and seems like a good start to the fight for china a but you know what's what's really becoming obvious to me is china a are reacting a lot right now and licks he's not losing his ratings that's the good thing for them so they've got 65 ratings out there but they are reacting a lot they need to somehow swing that extra military into being proactive i think it's about to happen though you can only run around and avoid rats and archers for so long before it catches up with you and there's a hundred of them out there look at this 37 rats on archers over here you've got about 20ish the elite latest are coming in paladin is on the way for cl but they are losing castles and town centers and villagers to this deadly force right now when i say paladin's on the way it's just now been clicked that's not so good ciel's population if you add it to tim's population it's 250 i guess both teams at 250 population but elite latest and rats and archer is just it just feels so much better than magnetic paladin but we haven't seen mangady paladin yet truthfully i don't think people were expecting this going into the 2v2 world cup but we've seen multiple games now where the elite rats and archers have completely brought teams back from the dead the game with spain against argentina and the group stage and interestingly enough we'll actually have spain versus argentina a in the round of 16. i think that's tomorrow look at the score switch look at the populations china a are winning this game unbelievable what a set of games this is and when it's really close when there's very little that separates teams it is games like this the ones that could have gone either way that can decide a series and that can decide the the future of the teams we haven't seen paladin engage with the mangudai yet tim is losing a lot of the castles that he's built and wants to to use for the mangadai oh that's unfortunate that's not the first time either he'll lose that one and just rebuild it [Laughter] um they still have to deal with this side that castle will get trapped down they've lost so much grounds and they're actually running low on gold now look at how much gold income ciel has he says 22 on gold got 23 on gold for licks as he's about to lose a bunch yo is 35 on gold seems like there's so much more for them also i love this sneaky stable from yo they'll raid that with a maybe just a knight there would do here come the paladins from cl they'll run up the hill and trying to save the precious castles for his teammate and again tim's just gonna build it in the same spot he's like no that's the castle spot i like that spot that spots mine i mean the first one kind of made sense because it was on the hill but why rebuild it there that's so funny yo has 40 elite latest 14 plus five attack he actually does have three relics so he that attack's only going to get stronger lithuanians getting plus one attack on their relic really paying off also there's only five relics on the map so the fact that they got three is pretty beastly i have to commend tim for his gameplay here tim has done nothing wrong in my opinion tim is he was doing a lot and ciel really should have had a better game economically if we go back and end up losing this but the the play from yo to stay alive and get the rounds the play from licks to keep his teammate propped up for that long the rebooms that that yo and licks have had to go for everyone has played so tremendously well but my goodness tim can only run around and play this game of using mobility for so long you can't avoid the inevitable here tim is like tim is like the um tim is instead of saving his money for the future he's just spent you know all of his 20s traveling and in his 40s he's gonna really wish he would have saved up a little bit for a really weird random real-life example tim is he can only run around the world for so long before he comes back to bite him in the butt uh don't tell me tim's gonna lose another castle right no he's gonna save this one the elite late is such a sick unit guys 14 plus seven attack they attack so quick they have the highest damage per second in the game of all unique units anyways believe that's still the case how fast they attack look how fast everything melts they don't need to deal with the manga diet they can deal with the manga if they want to but it's all about the rats and archers there look at them they're broken man but you rarely see them this is the first time i've seen elite latest in the tournament i've seen cavalier i've seen paladin but the latest you need castles for those it just ended up working out for tim or for yo rather that he needed the castles defensively and wow what a game i'm just here what a game one of the games of the tournament maybe games of the year that was beautiful man oh i would be so frustrated if i was tim because he had an incredible game he had to worry about water he then didn't have stone as mongols he had to expand the nights he had to to boom pressure water do all these different things at once and keep cl propped up as ciel was trying to reboom he was raiding with mangudai he was taking fights with mangadai he was pushing with rams and magnels tim did everything that a player could do in a game poof um but guys what it came down to was cl was very much all in and he was too all in the rats and archers clear up conquistadors very easily the rats and archers clear up manga die very easily and i i suppose it came down to the fact that cl was too low on eco in comparison to you but also the fact that elite ratings counter both spanish and mongols and post hemp now we speculated about the civilizations we said where are they going to use vietnamese are they going to use vietnamese on nomad and we talked about vietnamese being solid on nomad because of the start but if you if you look back to how tim and ciel played the previous rounds they almost always went spanish mongols they almost always ended the game win or lose with conquistador and mangudai and i know yo at least i don't know if licks does this but yo watch is most of these tournaments because he's casting it in for his first chinese audience so it's very possible that this comes back to joe's preparation and just watching the games and tim and cl being a little bit too predictable on their home map man so 294 kills for licks 94 military look at look at that from tim though like if vietnamese weren't in that game tim and cl win if cl had maybe 20 more bills when he was going all in he could have reboomed into paladin and i still think tim and co win that game but so much food so much wood so much stone so much gold collected it did not matter because of the rats and archers so you want to say civ win you want to mention those things really what it comes down to is it comes down to were there six relics on that map there's six relics on that map really i thought there's five interesting okay well six is fine anyways um the what it comes down to is certain windows that civilizations have so vietnamese i wouldn't say their window is necessarily stronger against mongols in spanish until post-imp or until early imp with those rats and archers so really depends you have lithuanians who have that strong bonus in the early game we talked about in the mid game not so strong and post him very strong so happens with every single sieve are rats and archers too broken i personally think just a teensy bit they are but what a beastly beastly unit and what a beastly performance from china a i don't know if they were expecting to be troubled this much today um i for one am hoping that china be tied up so we can see a fifth game but it will be on ghost flake it's the final home map for china b this has been an amazing series and i think you have to use process of elimination to determine what sieves are used here so team islands would be the final map that is 100 percent gonna be mallians for china a and my guess is malians portuguese ormalians koreans so that leaves britain's and magyars for ghost lake which makes perfect sense for china a for china b i don't think tutans are good on water i don't think cumins are good on water um so we'll probably have italians vikings there and i have no clue what they're gonna do here on ghost lake then indians and cumins maybe see the thing about cumin's and ghost lake is it is kind of a wallable map you could go for risky 2tc boom i think it was i would prefer to have indians and cumins over tootins and cumins here but you also could go cumins vikings and you could use tootins as the landing sieve it feels weird to pick tootins or or indians on um on water if you get there but you're normally landing with one of those civilizations so the reason i know it's mallions for game five if we get there for china a is because licks always has malians and always goes landing we'll have our answers here in just a second um actually never mind we won't have it in just a second because i have to restart my game because that bug apparently still exists my favorite i love it i love dealing with bugs i love saying thanks to e it's perfect um yes so bear with me give me 60 seconds we'll be in thank you rusty for the prime thank you fingor for the two months seo for 35. uh knop nuts for me tetron uh red velvet swirls in charge carl's in charge says i'm just here so i don't get fined it's marthy hey thanks for 49 gate appreciate the prime again one dollar from every sub this channel has at the conclusion of the tournament on the 20th goes into the total prize bowl that was going to update on the fly today but i think that's something that's been pushed back tomorrow voip says i come here for the negativity poips i saw a comment from you last night in a twitch chat i'm not sure which switch that it was but poipp said i once stole a cow from cappucci and i've been living on that high for months i thought that was really funny and i didn't i didn't want to speak up in twitch chat because i was lurking but congratulations on the cal steel rocking the socks is glad to be able to join another stream glad you could be here today uh can we see the weekend schedule real quick sure i can show you that apparently they had a restart for the previous game so uh maybe that had something to do with the issues i was having getting in this is the schedule for the entire weekend it is posted on discord it is also posted on twitter but for today which is the 5th of december we are already casting china avers china b after this we have brazil a verse brazil b again certain countries have to determine which moves on to the round of eight from their country and then we'll end the day with canada vs poland tomorrow will be vietnam a versus vietnam b then finland avers finland b then spain versus argentina then norway vs france so going into next weekend we'll just have one team from each country just some countries are so stacked when is norway going to play okay i had to double check it's right there so tomorrow after all the other sets uh we don't know the exact time because these are live i really i really was worried there that i didn't say it but yeah they'll be playing tomorrow when does team australia play uh right after they get a team good enough to make it to the top 32 and then make it to the round of 16. so maybe in year 2025 maybe but hey i mean you know you could say the same for the states maybe we'll get there in five years you know what the issue is for the australian team the issue is that one of your best players is an admin it's just like you know team usa's problem where one of their better players is a caster right surely that's it i mean robo's been one of the best australian players for years and robo's also one of the best admins this community has so i am still dizzy from that nomad game me too both teams are just wow can't wait to see my fellow brazilians rocking plaza come to brazil t-90 quark strange thank you for the five um rooting for brazil huh yeah it'll be fun to see what happens today in that brazil what's essentially a brazil decider in the round of 16. i don't know about that one like a lot of people are saying that miguel and dougal should stomp but riyad goku and fire had a lot of strong teams to face off against in their group i favor miguel and dogal in brazil for brazil a but um i think it could go either way yeah daniel and scotty are excellent casters indeed all right joke taken chat joke taken they haven't started yet the next game will be on ghostlake thanks for your patience just remember these moments when you say live we went live but now honestly the players have done a really good job today um no it's it's not easy for the players to have to wait for the next set to happen to do it live and um you know there's it takes a lot of energy to play so ah looks like we're 30 seconds away and it is indians and cumins for china b yohan licks or china a has magyars and britons i will be bummed if china b loses this for two reasons one because i'm already gonna be bummed if they're gonna be knocked out because they're such a fun team to watch but two the series man i want this to end on team islands how sick would that be amen meant to pick mag yard oh yeah we do have some mag yard here i always forget about that man i always forget about it and then chad brings it right back up all right well let's go uh hey man i picked maggard yo is here in the blue playing as the magyars i know that yo and licks want to close out the series here while they're confident on their homemap islands which is where it will go if they lose they don't want to take it there because there is always a chance you can slip up despite going in with a good game plan so joe's mag yours this is going to be meta for some funky non-metastrad i'll tell you right now because we have yo it's going to go scouts in the knights we have licks licks has writtens on one of the best maps for britain's because there's extra sheep in the middle and britons do have a sheep bonus plus they have fantastic archers there's a bat gold i expect licks to go archers yo to go scouts no surprises there now tim he's playing as the cumins and what does he have a back gold with a flat area it's not going to be easy but tim will probably wall the front of his base and probably go fast feudal or a second town center now there's something really important i need to bring up there's one restart per best of five and you can call restore for a variety of different reasons way back in the day map generations for age of empires 2 were all over the place sometimes you'd have no hills sometimes you'd have a hill that was larger than mount everest and all of your gold would be there so they implemented restarts back in the day for that reason nowadays scripting is overall much better um and so there's less restarts there actually used to be two restarts for best of fives i think at some stage and uh so while it is something that is incorporated into age of empire still you don't see a lot of restarts because it's not needed most of the time but i think you need restarts if you're going for a strategy that's heavily map dependent and right before this i wasn't told who used the restart but i'm 100 certain that cl and tim used their restart and it was most likely because tim didn't have a good map so he has to play with whatever he has now this is good but the front of his base is going to be very exposed very open very risky if he does not want to make military you look at his teammate cl the expectation is that ciel will wall would probably go for scouts see l stonewalled in game number one he's stonewalled a lot even with indians i'd kind of expect it here so yeah that's everything i have to say uh that and the fact that if licks wants to go fast castle go ahead and try it my friend look at all the sheep here that's 900 food because licks was able to get to the middle and find the extra sheep i i don't know what type of black magic he was using to find those because every time i play on this map i know the extra sheep are out there but either the enemy finds them before i do or i only get one or two that's crazy and he's already adding a barracks so i think he's gonna drush and then go fast castle this is a good idea because you can harass him before he gets holy walled and you upload a build order of archer into knights superhero there is a build order of skeleton archers which is similar it's on youtube archer's into knights isn't isn't um i wouldn't necessarily say that that's really a build that you see frequently you'd have to adapt that one but you have scouts and archers which could be knights and archers in castle which can work quite well why are map scripts not perfectly symmetric well i think that's that's what makes age vampires unique right i think age of vampires would be very boring if you could look at your map and say okay my enemy has a forward gold too you know you should have to scout the enemy i i don't think it's timid symmetrical maps are a great thing for our community there was a show match with uh mirrored maps and it was viper and mbl not too long ago and i did not like it i appreciated it right i appreciated the concept oh okay licks has to run away now yeah i didn't think it was real great idea but you know it does bring some element of rng into the game and depending on what side of that you're on that can be good or bad um that's just age of empires for you so the the idea is to minimize rng and make it so it's as fair as possible which everyone does their best okay so tim is on the way to feudal notice how tim doesn't have a barracks this is definitely to go for a two tc boom him didn't wall this lake's expecting that is saying okay i'll let you do that i'm just going to go up to the next age asap and so the militia will not kill but they are harassing update on the other side we have the scouts fighting and yo is actually going fast castle as well so we have china a adapting to china beast's decision to go cumins and what's particularly interesting about this is that you have ciel still going for scout so ciel is going to be the only one making military and feudal his teammate tim is not going to make military but tim is going to boom wouldn't surprise me if you placed the town center here but i think the smarter play is back here okay so he's going to place the second town center this is unique to cooman's humans also as a team bonus have higher hp palisade walls not fully walled yet but the deer either wants to be eaten or that's really funny actually you know what i wish tim would have done there i wish he would have placed palisade palisade palisade palisade where the deer would run back it would run it would have to pass towards the town center okay uh phantasmal killer thanks for the five this josh did harass and did keeps him off of some resources but ultimately he was never gonna kill anything licks only made two militia he didn't care too much about that villagers are currently not collecting resources that's a payoff for licks if you ask him and he'll be clicking up soon with yeah he'll be in a good spot to go up towards cass the league minimum for bit donations is the same uh amounts as it would be for regular donors so it's 500 bits the person who asked that i already missed your name all cavaliers is my contribution to the prize pool thanks thanks for the four months with prime yeah man prize pool right now is is over 30 000 could be higher ciel has to decide on how many scouts to make here and i think the answer is no more why would you want to make more scouts when the enemies walled up i think this will lead to a very dangerous situation for china b because tim is going to be without military with crossbows and knights on him before his teammate can contribute with camels at this rate how many gift subs if we see an elephant archer ah you want to play this game huh i'll do it 25 25 gifted subs i'll give 25 subs to the stream just as long as every single person who's here also gives a sub so we just need 7 400 gifted subs oh you guys are in cool okay 7 400 gifted subs and i'll give 25 i think it's worth no i'm kidding i'll do 25. if we see an elephant archer i'll give 25. you guys don't have to do anything because we won't see it i i'm tempted to say more but i've i watched the legend of looney loser video again recently and i remember dropping 250 bucks on gifted stuff because of a bet so um yeah we'll see i don't know would be crazy you're seeing elephant archers in competitive play or looney loser winning that game hmm horny huskarl what a name sorry bud is it just me or cl's eco really bad right now look at this only 11 on food 13 on wood i don't think his time is going to be very impressive at all bill count for tim looking good he's going to be above 40 here in a second but i think this is an invitation for licks to maybe come forward siege workshop go crossbow magnel siege workshop here and just batter that tc down and take him off of gold tim is looking to scout that he knows archers are coming that's not going to be a surprise but and he'll want to keep an eye on this it actually would make a lot of sense for cl to keep some scouts for to maybe pick off any bills that phil's come forward i'm not saying that's necessarily the play maybe you just go crossbow night break through the walls and that's it maybe you don't need to go for forward siege maybe you can just boom but um two stables for yo there's going to be a whole lot of aggression maybe it wasn't the play to have cl go for scouts maybe it would have been wiser to have ciel instead just go fast castle into camels on the bright side the eco is going to be pretty solid long term because of all the eco upgrades and there goes cl i guess that's not the worst up time ever we'll see it's a risky play from china b be planned obviously because they drafted the sieves and here comes archers from licks now when i was talking this through with a couple teams training for this tournament we talked about this strategy and we i've seen this happen quite a few times right do you think it's better or worse for china a to attack yellow over red i guess to rephrase that question what do they benefit more from attacking tim or attacking cl it really does depend but i think if they let's say they kill five villagers at ciel's base and set him back and tim's at 50. i think they're actually worse off attacking cl but then again like do you want to leave the player who's booming two tc's untouched so he can carry or do you want to attack the person who is booming and leave yellow on his own because yo is already in theory ahead of yellow it's hard to say but ciel will probably expect to lose the stable the extra attack from the magyar is helping out these villagers probably cannot comfortably wall behind but they really need to for cl what's he waiting for here why has he not placed a building siege workshop okay that makes sense he was obviously waiting for something it was either that or a town center all right villagers going down and villagers are expected to die here this is a 2v1 situation can china a kill enough before mr tim arrives oh this is some crazy damage because of the siege workshop making a magnel he cannot make a panic tc and now we have a pause okay this is a strategic pause if i've ever seen one see elle and tim know they're out of the tournament if they lose this so they're pausing because brb bathroom break but they are 100 talking about what's about to happen so okay now they're they've unpaused but tim is going to have that 55 villagers two stable maybe even three stable nights so ciel just has to stay alive ciel is no stranger to low villager counts if you watch the previous game so um oh wow that was funny he just sniped that night there these villagers are really in a bad spot yo wants to take out the magnel the villager what cl did tim not tell cl he unpaused what all right well we talked about it before it happened i think the damage was worth it here the damage seems well worth it here let's see what type of damage tim is going to be able to do to uh china a but at this point china a just have to brace themselves and i think they'll be fine ciel has done it he hasn't really done a terrible job there's just nowhere he can go with his bills like that should these villagers should have never died in my opinion but i guess he only has so much space inside the town center cl 24 villagers and tim has to come save the day update on yo's situation you know adding the second town center and so you add up the ville counts about 85 for both teams another game where licks and yo they seem to be together as a team and another game for china b where ziel's dead and tim is in a great spot i don't think you want that also having mag here is sick because you don't really need to prioritize the upgrades and defense because you get the attack upgrades it's really nice actually because you would need defense upgrades if archers were out but there's no archers out so the attack versus the knights here that are armored pretty even actually if you're comparing melee melee so it's just more time that cl can't get with it more time that licks and seal have or licks than yo have excuse me to get their eco right it's a risky strat i think we'll see more of this with better execution in this tournament when we see finland oh yeah you just know finland are going to pull with some cumin strategies it feels like it should be over right if cumins weren't in this game it would definitely be over let's see what tim can do tim and ciel are known for fighting on and tim do it for his team now he's got knights coming over here is my did my game just bug again oh my god i'm so sorry my game just froze the game itself runs but i can't click anything i don't know why this bug exists but if you watch my stream you're probably no stranger of uh bugs so all the statistics will be frozen the score will be frozen all the data frozen so we have to go by feel now this is the second time in a week i feel like at nice quick walls there from cl i feel like i would gladly take less money i gladly take less money for the prize pool if we could get these issues fixed like i would have taken 15 000 or 10 000 for the 2v2 world cup if the rest of the 25k that microsoft wanted to put in would go to the game i i would make that sacrifice hidden cup when it comes give half the prize pool to fix the game come on is it going to be awkward now because i can't really i have to i can't even see how many units i've clicked here um but yeah okay let's just let's talk about where we think the ville counts are i think tim's going to be around 80 right now and then it's it's going to be 60ish for licks and yo and ciel uh who even freaking knows cl's probably low 30s so yo and licks just need to survive now can't restart i mean i could i could restart the entire game from the beginning but that wouldn't be a very good idea when the action's here might be a very rare situation for tim to go captram end of this game in castle age or not end the game in cass lage but just catch up in castle age not wait till him big engagement kim is diving underneath the town center there's still quite a few crossbows here and also there's a mix of camels in there so they're not so good against the crossbows but this is tim realizing that his team is behind realizing he has to do damage he is doing damage now also stop that wall off if tim can get to the golds in the woodline this is not all that bad for him he's gonna have more coming also i like how the weak knights are here to heal up [Music] one of the many things i like about watching this player now help is gonna need to come we have more stables being added by yo so joe's coming over with knights i also can't click the mini map anymore so apologies if i'm panning around the screen but this is cumin's guys the power of cumins yeah it froze on tim's point of view so i can select things from tim's perspective easier but i can only apologize for the freeze i can't see the upgrades that yo has but i'll assume he has full armor at this point and it's all on tim to do it on his own here and ciel fortunately is rebooming better off than he was in the nomad game because he actually has space so we won't look over there too much uh double monastery for lick so he's actually going monk defense he can't take his forward gold this feels winnable for china b this feels winnable that feels very winnable for trying to be i know i can't see the stats but forget about that if you think about the position there's no way that joe's imping he's going to stay all in castle h it's possible licks is imping and that's a castle but that castle's right next to a siege workshop that could make rams i really would have liked to have seen tim take an engagement here that looked like a good fight because it's camels b nights maybe didn't see that army oh man update on cl i'll give you an update on cl in a second if i could just click at the mini map i'd do it but it actually takes longer hmm this might be a trap here come crossbows crossbows are great against camels meanwhile on this side i don't know if tim sees the castle yet but he will see it soon and now tim is running away yeah now suddenly in the second tim's running away from fights that's when it doesn't look so good but let's look at ciel's reboom he should be four tc's you have four tc's i don't know if he should contribute anything now or if he should just boom i think boom a bit longer but do you want to have a castle there when humans can go capped ramp feel like that castle could just get rammed down a second i love the new extension oh you guys liking that yeah i don't know if you guys noticed it and i haven't been able to test it myself because we added it this morning uh but overlay guy has been working hard on an extension where you guys can look at the civilizations um just doubt about the civilizations during the games all the quick walls there from licks tim you're almost better off fighting this over not he's been running around an awful lot he's gonna group up with these knights the rams are going to come out of there any moment now i expect them to be capped and big fight there's not many crossbows here there's not many crossbows here actually that's a decent amount what am i talking about that's what 20. i can't see the number of knights but it seems like there's way less cure and oh my god it's happening and here come the rams they're not capped yet that was so well done from licks to hiding that little choke oh boy can china be do this and even regular rams could do a decent job here this would mean that yo needs to get knights over there or maybe the pikeman looks stating go that direction i have a feeling that now licks could be flirting with the idea of going imp um it's kinda it's weird though cause he's tucked into pikeman so that makes me think it's still cast leach because pike can cost a lot of food i think this is a big mistake from tim i think you need to protect your rams if you protect the rams and their captain is different okay i just heard him but i don't know who it's for i mean technically i'm frozen on tim's point of view but i also was just selecting the units from licks so we'll find out soon i think it's licks would make sense um licks is running forward like he's imping he's adding forward siege workshops like he's imp and look it's him healing up his units but tim needs to engage against this army soon and oh boy halbadeer it's licks you can see the tc gotcha gotcha gotcha yeah i mean tim's coming back home with a relic that's cool this is a very tim thing to just add multiple monasteries but can he engage with knights against albs and crossbows i mean there's only about a dozen helps there he has full upgrades on the knights here he goes it's now or never that will be the best engagement he'll get that's actually a sick engagement right there oh my god rip to the halves rip to the crossbows rip to the villager what cl is still only on 27 fills guys if you haven't been here i understand people might not listen to me when i speak so i will restate my words and please listen the game is frozen all right so all the statistics pay no attention to them the age is here pay no attention to them to score pay no attention to them hard for me to know when people are trolling or not usually it's because people are coming in and out of the stream oh yo's and him okay that's that's nice to see yo is in imperial we're casting like it's 2001. actually not even because in 2001 i think we'd be able to know what age people were in but uh all right we can go back 20 years it's fine so now we have magyar cavalier with alba deer and it's against knights and camels unfortunately for china b their chances are looking about just as bad as the spectating tools we have for age of empires 2 to e it's just not pretty not pretty probably should be better could have been better and the trebs are coming forward now and i think if it's not now it's never for china b what a series i see some camels way over here raiding and yo just reacted to that are those heavy camels those are heavy camels but heavy camels against halibut ears not so pretty and that's all they're gonna really have is knights and camels against straight halb one of the rare moments where you can go straight halve and get away with it because there's not archers out these camels are doing work with the rage though we also have halibut here for yo i think tim and or ciel if they have a chance it's gonna need to switch into some type of range and i don't think they have the time they do not have the time um neither do we time is frozen but oh don't tell me we're gonna see an elephant archer when i say range i don't mean that type of range if he makes a freaking elephant archer now because they need something with it shoots arrows oh boy oh boy okay it would be a bad decision they're super expensive uh tim is losing everything and sure yo had a rough time but he's here to hear that ciel will not be able to take that gold that's funny no elephant archers we're good m camel though m campbell's in very often will become a fight for the corners i see yo sending some units towards the corner now and it's fight for the corners because you want trade long term if they take the east they can trade east south yeah the albs just shred so this is probably something some viewers are happy to see uh to see halbadeer's to see we saw some skirmishers too at some stage to the tournament but uh the reason you don't see halibut ears frequently is because there's normally a lot of archers out but if you go for two cavs sifts and helped here's perfect counter the same way you don't see skirmishers because there's normally cav out hip checks there we go hip tech would be a sick unit against help tim doesn't really have the castles though he just made this castle a moment ago to make the kick checks and he now is losing the kip checks i doubt he has the upgrades on it either back over to the left side i hate how i have to go okay that's cleared up eco freeze cl's looking pretty good back to the main fight imp camels and a few kip checks kind of holding china b does not give up a lot of camels if only tim could make it really sucks that cumin's lack bracer because you could maybe consider going for other ranged units other than kip checks but it's not really worth it if texts are good without bracer because of the firing speed but you go for a cav archer and it's suddenly very obvious okay here's a castle that you don't get racer and you make the camel noise i don't know what you guys are talking about i don't know what you're talking about sure after we hit 50 000 viewers again i still can't believe that i did the camel noise at 50 000 viewers for freaking hidden gum imagine the amount of people i scared away and the camels are kind of holding but now we have a push from yo seems like china are just switching sides and again yo doesn't have a lot of helps here he's attacking the houses i don't know if that ting ting is worth it is to lose the tread and still give china be time hmm but then again ciel is to go to the left now he's needed back over on the right i think cl or licks is going to drop a forward castle now tim is denying this corner so there's no potential for trade for china a using that corner um there's the castle your tc spot is perfect spot for my castle he says i think if we will see trade we'll probably see licks and go use the west and south now agyar hussars do you think that it very much feels like yo is low on gold but it might just be he's low on gold units he feels like he can make in game three we talked about how op rats and archers are i mean if this gets to be m camel and kipcheck against britain's and magyars i'm pretty sure that it's a sieve win in post-imp for cumins and indians that might be a big reason that licks and yo are not trading and they're just going in for the kill speaking of trade i see a trade cart here for cl that's not the spot he'll want to be at uh the trade cart is stuck in between the kip checks this poor guy get out of the way dude it's a weekend you don't need to trade on weekends see some raids i have to follow uh some light calf rating over here that will be dealt with still treb's coming now this is gonna be tough to stop also over here we see a raid from yo and oh we could deny the castle i can't see the percentage but i think it's a 90 some percent and that's a doubt castle no tim and this is as tim's about to lose this castle this is as cl's losing this castle and it looks like after everything china a are finally closing this game out i mean there's a few small things like some raids here or there they're working out for china b but yep the gigi's called and saluting chad please for tim and cl i know this game didn't go as they would have wanted but this brings me back to exactly what i said in the tail end of game three when you have teams that are this good the games that are 50 50 the games that are really close those are the games that can decide a series and tim and cl finished off that nomad game then they would have you know lost well they would have played in a different map but then score would be 2-2 after a game here and then we'd be going to a game five but because of china a's amazing comeback on nomad and their good solid performance here with the meta and countering this weird strat they move on as many expected i'm bummed only because china b showed that they could have taken more games from china a today but i'm not surprised with the result because it is licks and yo and after losing game one they recover with three victories and they played very good there's a reason they're favorites to go deep into the tournament uh an amazing series i actually can't go to the statistics or anything um so we have to pre oh now my entire now i can't even move around okay um i'm sorry i can't show you any of the statistics and i'm sorry it was frozen but that was the game's fault i have to alt f4 to fix my game i'll say this though people who are watching on youtube i hope you enjoyed the series uh brazil a versus brazil b will be on youtube soon-ish too and then i'd like to encourage you guys to stop by on the weekends i can show you the schedules real quick we're going to break any like cool records or just just have an amazing showing for this tournament it's really going to be the people on youtube being able to make the streams so um the 6th of december i think that will have already passed by the time this is on youtube but we'll see uh 6th of december we have the rest of the round of 16 games and then the full schedule can be shown on the bracket and this should simplify it for you the quarterfinals be the 12th through the 14th and the semi-finals will be on the 19th and then we'll have the third place match and grand final on the 20th we'd love to have you all right
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 73,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, 2v2 World Cup, World Cup, AOE, AOE2, China A, China B, Wow, Nomad, Arabia, T90Official, T90, Tim, Yo, Lyx, CL, Crazy Games, Insane, aoe2, age of empires, aoe2de
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 7sec (9127 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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