Low Carb FRENCH FRIES 🍟 EASY KETO French Fry Recipe by Heavenly Fan!

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y'all we're making those famous french fries come on welcome to high falutin low carb the random web series where we find and test the best low carb recipes this crazy internet has to offer today we're finally tackling those famous keto french fries that went viral a couple of months ago heavenly fans famous keto french fries stay tuned alright guys i know i say this a lot but this is one of the most requested videos i've ever had on this channel it is time to try heavenly fans famous keto french fries these things went viral a couple of months ago and since then multiple videos have been made about it tons of instagram posts and and um uh pinterest pins i just can't believe how popular these things are so we're going to try them today i'm going to be sure to include a link to heavenly fans youtube channel down here because it's all of her hard work creating these now before we begin i need to give a huge thank you to thrive market for sponsoring this video thrive market is an online marketplace on a mission to make healthy living easy and affordable for everybody you can shop for thousands of name bread products whether that's food home goods children's products baby products whatever it is you're searching for you can sort their catalog by the values that matter most to you whether that's vegan non-gmo raw bpa-free or like for us keto and low-carb you can sort their catalog of thousands of products by the specifications that matter most to you now like a lot of big box discount stores there is a membership fee to join thrive market but most thrive market members save about 32 on average per order so the savings can be significant they also have a give back program which means that for every membership thrive sales they also give one away to somebody in need a family in need a first responder a teacher a veteran somebody that can really benefit from access to healthy food and products i choose the year membership it gets the price down to about five bucks a month but they also have a one-month membership if you just want to try it out so guys for a limited time thrive market is offering you up to twenty four dollars in free gifts for trying a membership so use the link down here on the screen i'm gonna put it here it'll also be in the video description below and in the first pin comment below it's uh thrive market dot com slash highfalutin low carb if you use that link you'll get a free gifts up to 24 and free shipping on your first order so thank you so much thrive market for sponsoring this it's sponsorships like yours that keep channels like mine on the air and for that i am truly grateful you guys know that i'm a huge fan of thrive especially in the current condition where um it's best to just stay out of stores if you can so it's nice to have delivery of all of this stuff at savings right to my front door so thank you so much all right let's make some french fries all right guys so let's get started on these famous viral french fries again i want you to go to the recipe developers channel um she's youtube.com heavenlyfan or you can just go to youtube and search for heavenly fan french fries um she has a great channel there where she is doing some wonderful work especially for people who are eating vegan keto she's she focuses mainly i believe on vegan keto recipes um so be sure to check her out she is so soothing and calm i love to watch her videos but everybody everybody is talking about these french fries they're supposed to taste like mcdonald's french fries we're gonna find out i don't i'm just gonna leave that up to to to my taste buds and let you know what i think so this could not be easier she does one with almond flour and she does one with coconut flour and all it is is the flour a little bit of water and the secret ingredient is xanthan gum she also uses uh konjac or cognac root however you pronounce it want to pronounce that you can use that flour konjac flour i prefer and have on hand um the xanthan gum which she said she prefers anyway so lucky for us so i'm gonna just sift this out now she didn't say to sift it but you y'all know me uh sift right so this is a hundred grams of almond flour and three teaspoons of xanthan gum and that is really all there is to this now i'm gonna sift this out just to make sure there's no lumps and bumps in our final mix now i have seen some variations on this recipe already a lot of people are already kind of doctoring it up a little bit some people are adding obviously a little bit of salt to it right to give um so you've got salt in the fry and then they'll salt it after it comes out of the frying oil uh i've seen somebody already using like a mashed potato extract of flavoring extract so that it kind of has a potato flavor i believe that was keto focus uh has done that in her recipe which she uses this uh heavenly fan um so uh recipe so be sure to check out keto focus too she has a beautiful channel love her work so but right now we're concentrating on heavenly fans work so let's just make sure your xanthan gum and your 100 grams of almond flour are combined and we're going to add six tablespoons of hot water one two six okay six tablespoons of hot water i'm gonna get my whisk out of there and we're just gonna pull this together into a loose uh ball of dough and um this is gonna sit for a while and so she said to knead this with your hands once you have a bit of a ball with impeccably clean hands i just need you to give this a work through now this is wet and sticky and she said that that was going to be the case but what we're going to do is when it's going to sit at room temperature for about 15 minutes that xanthan gum is going to do its work and sort of create a little firmer dough than this and you're going to see where we go from here so let me get my little bowl over here hold on okay i'm going to use my metal bowl to mix my next recipe in so this is going to go right in here and then i'm going to cover this with plastic wrap and let it sit on the counter for 15 minutes while our oil heats to about medium so while this is chilling out let me wash my hands hold on okay so let's start on the coconut flour recipe and we're going to try both of them i believe she says in her video she prefers the coconut flour ones based on the texture so we're going to find out and washing your hands with xanthan gum is weird it's so weird if you've never kneaded dough that has xanthan gum in it it's weird okay coconut flour going to use half as much the first was almond flour we did 100 grams of almond flour this is coconut flour gonna do 50 grams okay so that bowl is going to weight on us there again same amount three teaspoons of the xanthan gum don't sift that out again she didn't call to sift it i'm just weird i guess see there look at all that stuff get out of there twist this good and now this is where things differ just a hair the other recipe was six tablespoons of water this is going to be seven or eight and she says to test it after seven see if you need the eighth obviously um coconut flour is a lot more absorbent so you don't need nearly as much as you do with the almond flour so this is one two six okay before i put in the seventh one i'm just going to see what this feels like try to bring it together in a ball okay it's definitely gonna need seven and depending on the texture of your flour the humidity in your house lots of different things you might want to add that eighth tablespoon but i think that feels pretty good yeah let's see if we can so again we need to knead this with our hands feels a lot different than the almond flour so i'm going to do a little bit of work on this it holds together a little bit more it's a finer flour right so this is going to go in its little bowl get out of the way look at all my mess i've made so here's our almond flour version here's our coconut flour version i'm gonna cover these in plastic wrap for 15 minutes i want to get our oil going and i'll meet you right back here okay see you in just a second a few moments later all right guys we're back it's been about 15 20 minutes something like that and we are ready now to shape these french fries i've got my oil on um low for now we don't want to heat it too much but and i'll get into that in a moment here is the almond flour recipe so let's try this one i believe this is the almond yes it is so let's try this one first uh she rolls this out let me get a towel she rolls this out right on parchment and trims it and doesn't use another piece of parchment on top so that's what we're going to do here you want to get this about uh a quarter inch thick and i may wish that i had put parchment on this and i do she did not i don't know how hers looks so un messy but that did not work for me [Music] okay let's try this again i knew i should have probably put parchment on it but she did not and hers turned out beautifully so i may have done this wrong i don't know how i can get a three ingredient recipe wrong but leave it to me i'd probably the one to do it so let's just roll this out she puts it into a rectangle about a quarter inch thick but what she does is she gathers up [Applause] the sides to make it a square and not an oval you kind of want you know how french fries are this is some sticky dough you know how um french fries are kind of unevenly shaped you want you want to go with that uh so that they're not all exact uniform lengths like straws you know there looks like a a sliced potato so let's just keep on with this until we get roughly a rectangle so i'm going to bump this up to about medium you don't want to go much over medium because the outside is going to burn before the inside of the fry gets crispy so this is where you just kind of have to be delicate and you're going to cut your first fry and leave it over here and you want these i mean think about i hate to say it but think about a mcdonald's french fry what size that is and what that looks like so i'm gonna do that and speed this up our oil looks like it's okay to go and then we just start laying these in one by one and it's great you don't want it to go crazy sizzling because that means you've got it too hot and almond flour burns you know that and boy these are sticky so just be careful you don't burn yourself so all these are going to go in or some of them at least for now until i get a handle on what these are like obviously we're using just enough oil to cover the the fries kind of shallow frying them you can turn these i want to separate these you can one of them has stuck together you can turn these with a spatula and a fork or as she said a pair of chopsticks so because you can just get in here individually and turn just one so that's what i'm going to do i'm going to use her trick and do chopsticks once i get them in here and if we can't fit them all in one pan then just do them in batches and we're going to lay these down on a paper towel lined plate so while they're cooking you know like i said you're going to want to turn them start with the ones we started with over here and you don't want to get them too brown and they're firming up rather quickly you see how i can just use a little pair of chopsticks and flip them now she also said you can do this in the oven uh just put them on a parchment lined baking sheet spray them or brush them with a little bit of olive oil and bake them at 400 degrees i believe she said for about 15 minutes you're going to want to shake them and turn them around to get them evenly cooked and some people are even doing them in the air fryer so but uh obviously like most french fries they're gonna be better in a big pot of grease so this is a avocado oil that i'm frying in just use something that's a a healthy oil you don't want to fry in vegetable oil right so i'm just going to fry these take these up and then i'm going to do the exact same thing with the coconut flour version right so as soon as i'm done with this i'll fry the other ones i'm going to come back and we're going to test them and i'll let you know what i think so i'm going to speed this up so you can see how this goes meet you right back here okay guys i'm back i'm gonna hit these with some salt real quick i know i said that i was going to fry all these and then come back and taste them but i mean the important part of this is that they're crispy and so i don't want to wait to roll out my second batch i want to go ahead and see what these taste like fresh so let me just hit them again with some salt um i gotta say these look crazy crazy good and they are i mean can you hear that they are crispy they are hot they just came out of the grease but uh let's see wow it definitely needs salt if i were making these again i would put salt in the recipe but i can see how dipped in sugar-free ketchup that's pretty that's pretty great it's it's missing a little bit of the potato flavor obviously i mean we can't eat potatoes or uh shouldn't eat potatoes on a low carb diet but keto focus you know i mentioned her she adds the um she adds the mashed potato extract flavoring maybe that would be great with it too i i definitely wouldn't want to give that a try but for three ingredients i'm shocked at how good that is okay heavenly fan says she likes the coconut flour version best so i'm gonna quickly make those speed through it so you can see how we how the these come out and we'll taste those too all right i'll meet you right back here [Music] all right guys so we are done with our frying this are the coconut flour option this is the almond flour option you know i already tried the almond one so i just salted these they are fresh out of the grease and still warm that's good too um hold on sorry about that had to get some water to clear my palate okay of the two i definitely personally prefer the almond flour version coconut flour version is a little more dough-like and bread like than the almond flour version but to be very honest both of these are surprisingly good who would have thought i mean look this looks like a plate of french fries y'all and to be very honest it kind of tastes like it too especially with some ketchup so there you have it folks a low french fries keto french fries can it be done you better believe it and miss heavenly fan you win the blue ribbon on this one these are great i don't know why no one has tried to come up with almond flour versions of fries but or coconut flour versions of fries but honey you did it so thank you so much for sharing this recipe with us be sure like i said to go to youtube.com heavenlyfan go look at her other videos she's got a treasure trove of wonderful recipes particularly for those of you who are looking for keto and low carb vegan recipes that sort of seems to be her focus so heavenly fan thank you for this thank you guys for joining me i know i say it every time but these videos are a way for me to maintain my low carb way of eating and looking in the end of that camera as often as i can helps keep me honest so i appreciate that you've come along for the journey be sure to check out my facebook page i'm beginning a keto reset for the first part of 2021. i've become lackadaisical in my low carb and keto approach recently i can be fully honest about that and so i'm looking forward to a fresh new start so if you want to do that with me come over to facebook.com slash highfalutin low carb you can find me there i may move it to a private group as well but i need some motivation from you guys and i'm willing to help you along the way if you're willing to help me so if that sounds like something you're interested in meet me over on facebook also again thank you to my sponsor thrive market for sponsoring this video use the link here if you want to support me go support them the link here is thrivemarket.com highfalutin low carb right now whether you choose the one month or the one year membership you can get up to 24 in free gifts just for trying i want to thank them for sponsoring me all through 2020 and looking into 2021 i really appreciate all of their support it's sponsorships like theirs that keep channels like mine on the air so i really am appreciative of that and lastly the names that you're going to see here on the screen those are my rockstars those are my patreon members if you don't know what patreon is think of it as the tip jar for the internet it allows people like you who enjoy what people like me do here on youtube and you can give a dollar to a month just to sort of keep the train on the tracks as it were so i'm gonna list all their names here uh they they are true rockstars like i say without them this channel would not be possible so thank you to all of you i hope you've had a a tolerable and healthy 2020. i'm looking forward to 2021 we have so many new exciting things coming that i can't wait to share with you so be sure that you're subscribed be sure you hit the bell button down below and i will see you very soon i love you [Music] bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Highfalutin' Low Carb
Views: 80,116
Rating: 4.941256 out of 5
Keywords: low carb french fries, keto french fries, highfalutin low carb, wes shoemaker, heavenly fan, low carb french fry, keto french fry, low carb french fries recipe, keto french fries recipe, french fries, french fry, heavenly fan french fries, heavenly fan french fries recipe, low carb fry, keto fries, keto fry, low carb french fry substitute, keto french fries almond flour, keto french fries coconut flour, low carb french fries almond flour, low carb french fries coconut flour
Id: qC1vcQdBj8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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