Low Carb SHIRATAKI NOODLE Review & Taste Test - Tips for the BEST Shirataki Noodle Recipe!

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I hadn't tried shirataki noodles in years, so I decided to taste test the most popular ones I could find. I think they are definitely a love-it-or-hate-it kind of affair. LOL

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/highfalutin_lowcarb 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2017 🗫︎ replies
welcome to high falutin low carb the weekly web series where we find and test the best low carb recipes this crazy internet has to offer today we're not tackling a recipe we're staging a taste test of one of the most controversial low carb products on the market stay tuned ever heard of devil's tongue noodles neither never heard of elephant yam noodles me either never heard of shirataki noodles yeah I thought so if you've been on any sort of low-carb Facebook forum or Facebook group or any sort of website related to low-carb in the last 10 years you know about the phenomenon known as shirataki noodles so today we're gonna test those a lot of people have very strong opinions about shirataki noodles and today we're gonna find out why a lot of people think they taste very fishy that's one of the words that's used a lot of people think they taste earthy and a lot of people just hate them but a lot of people love them so why what makes it different we're gonna find out I've gone to some all the stores in my every single grocery store in my town to purchase as many different brands of shirataki noodles as I could and I also ordered some from online they're very popular miracle noodles so today we're gonna test these now about shoot I guess six or eight years ago was the last time I ever tasted one of these the last time I was doing a low carb diet and I wasn't wild about them I'll be very honest yes I know there's a huge rigmarole about how you need to repair them and we're gonna go over that today it revolves rinsing for a long time and then it involves parboiling them they're already cooked so they don't need cooking but boiling them in salt water helps rinse some of that strong odor off of them and then you put them in a skillet where you dry fry them no oil please just put them in a dry hot skillet on about medium or medium-high for a couple of minutes and you're gonna find out they make a odd squeaking sound when they're ready and then you sauce them just like you would any traditional noodle and from there people either love them or hate them I liken it to sort of like raw oysters you really either love them or hate them there's not a whole lot of in-between so today we're gonna find out what the big fuss is about and try about four these different kinds actually I think about three of these different kinds so stay tuned okay let's talk about these shirataki noodles to be very honest I thought that these were probably a specific product made for the low-carb market and this is not so shirataki noodles are made are a traditional Japanese noodle they go back hundreds of years in their culture and they've just become popular within the last decade or two in the low-carb world some obviously genius marketers realize that these were made out of a root that has very little calories very little carbohydrates and saw a marketing opportunity for the low-carb market and so now we have the I guess the the explosion of shirataki noodles and they're in every grocery store go look in the refrigerated section where the tofu is found that's generally where you find them so share talking noodles comfort this is from Wikipedia shirataki noodles can be found in the dry and soft wet forms in Asian markets and some supermarkets and when purchased wet they are packed in liquid and some brands may require rinsing or parboiling as the water they are packaged in has an odor that may be unpleasant to those not accustomed to it that was me about six years ago I couldn't stand a touch one alternatively the noodles can be drained and dry roasted this gets rid of the bitterness it also makes the noodles have a more pasta like consistency dry rusting is done by placing noodles in a nonstick skillet on high for a minute or until you hear a slight squeaking noise when moving them around after that they're ready to be added to soup stock or have a sauce added to them so what does that squeak about Halloween pair of these and what's the best-tasting one okay so behind me I have a pot of boiling salted water ready to go so we're gonna par boil all of these for just a couple of minutes after we drained and rinsed them well and then I also have just a very basic alfredo sauce that I've created just so we can sauce these and taste them I'm going to taste them raw without a sauce and then I'm gonna taste them sausage taste them sauced with a basic alfredo sauce so we can get a sort of baseline flavor on all of these so let's talk about these here we go I like I said I've been to every single store in town and I have managed to find pasta Zero by Anna Sawyer and this is shirataki spaghetti this is sold in the refrigerated section and it literally says on the back keep refrigerated perishable okay so second one I found in town was tofu shirataki and these are involved the cognac root and an addition of tofu so also these are refrigerated sold and says specifically do you have to keep them refrigerated the other one that I purchased is one of the more popular ones and it doesn't have to be refrigerated it's in the dry goods I didn't find it in any store in town but it's very popular online and this is the miracle noodle I don't know why I'm very curious why if you look at the ingredients they're all about the same purified water cognac flour and calcium hydroxide why is miracle noodle able to be shipped via the internet in boxes dry goods from Amazon and the other two require refrigeration I'm very curious about that and very curious if that changes the flavor the other thing that's odd about this is they all have very low calories literally about 15 calories per serving and they have very low carbs all of these are one net carb per serving but the odd thing is the miracle noodle their net carbs and total carbs match its 1 less than 1 gram of carbs per serving and no fiber the ingredients are purified water cognac flour and calcium hydroxide now the pasta zero by no Sawyer shirataki spaghetti it's for total carbs but 3 grams of fiber so a 1 net carb per serving and these ingredients are water cognac flour chickpea flour potato starch calcium hydroxide reduced iron keep refrigerated do not freeze so what makes it's the other ingredients perhaps that make that that make that perishable but that's just an odd and odd confusion for me and then this one is the house foods tofu share talking spaghetti shaped noodles substitute and these ingredients are water soy beans that's the tofu yam flour which is the cognac root they're also known as yams calcium hydroxide Glu Cano delta lactone and calcium sulfate again this has to be refrigerated so we're gonna find out what the deal is with all of these now all of these are made from cognac and I don't mean that cognac I mean this cognac it's a root it's a tuber it's actually a beautiful red lily that grows off of the top of these it's like an amorphous cognac is the name of the the scientific name and this is a common tuber grown in Japan from which these gelatinous noodles have been made for apparently hundreds of years and we're lucky enough to finally get them here in the United States because of the low carb phenomenon they have so few calories and so few carbs again we've said you either kind of love them or hate them I was not super fond over than the last time I tried them ok we're gonna start with the Mississauga pasta zero and you're talking spaghetti now aren't these come in all kind of sizes they come in like a fettuccine which is a wide strip noodle that you can use for a fettuccine alfredo things like that they come in a spaghetti or angel hair pasta size which is traditional and the miracle noodle actually even makes rice which is little tiny grains of this stuff so we're gonna just for consistency's sake we're going to do this spaghetti size the angel hair or the spaghetti size of all of these so here we go and we're gonna drain them here in a colander and whoo I mean it stinks it's not super strong but there's an odor they're kind of like an old dirty fish tank I'll be honest with you if you're sensitive to things like that it's strong and so here's the important part I think to enjoying these if you know that there is no fish in this it is not fish related it's not seaweed related that odor comes from the lime they make up flour out of the cognac root and then they add water to that and extrude it out of a machine that makes these noodles and they extrude it into hot lime water and I don't mean line like the fruit I mean lime and that makes this odor but that's also what holes the noodle together and makes it format shape and stay where it is and then they package it into that and it kind of just has a weird I mean I do get why that's off-putting it sort of smells like a swimming pool float kind of odd so all right we're gonna put this here I'm gonna go rinse this at the sink and the fresh cool running water for about two to three minutes I'll be right back okay now I'm back I've rinsed these like I said for about two to three minutes and they're ready to now go into the hot boiling water so we're gonna boil those I'm also preheating a skillet over medium-high heat and I'll be honest with you you need to do this in a non-stick skillet unfortunately just for our cooking setup and demonstration here today this is an induction burner so that means it works by the power of magnets and if you don't have a magnetic or steel or stainless steel or cast iron metal pan it doesn't work and unfortunately all of my nonstick skillet suites it's very common are all aluminum and aluminum does not work on an induction system so I'm gonna try I'm gonna try this in my cast-iron but it may stick and make a mess now the secret here is regardless of what kind of pan you use you cannot use oil do not use oil you need to dry roast these or dry fry them so we don't want any oil in this I'm hoping like hell just for this demonstration that this doesn't stick in Menon's in my cast-iron skillet we're gonna find out okay so stay tuned here we go we're gonna fry boil these for two minutes I'm gonna put them back in this colander and we're gonna drain them and dry fry them stay tuned now while my first noodles are cooking I just wanted to say like when I first tried these I mean the whole big deal about this is they need to rinse rinse rinse rinse rinse rinse that's what everybody says if you find anybody online a facebook or ever this says I hate your docking noodles the first defense people say is well you did you rinse them and I'm like well if these damn things taste so bad without rinsing them well why don't they rinse them well in the factory before they put them in the bag but now I realized that the lime water is what helps these boogers hold their shape so they're probably rinsed in the factory but then packaged again in some lime water which gifts gives us that odor but it also is what makes these things hold their pasta shape that's all I can figure out otherwise in the soil you can you rinse these things off for you to put them in the package please I don't know all right hold on alrighty we've got our noodles boiled for two minutes now these are sure talking noodles are already cooked so we're not cooking these this is specifically to drive off that weird odor and flavor so now it says we put them in a hot skillet y'all cross your fingers right now I don't know how this is gonna react into a nonstick into a cast-iron skillet it specifically says nonstick but like I said what we go with what we're doing so I hope I don't have to remake these let's go boom all right keep them moving and we're just gonna dry Friday we're just gonna drive fry or dry roast these oh they're doing fine all right so I'm gonna try to get close to this so you can hear this change in sound that we're talking about it literally says do it until it squeaks and I thought that's was stupid but you really notice it like it's weird you notice it so much listen up I'm Elaine Everett so you can hear my microphone okay it's happening I can hear it and to be very honest with you this little cooktop that I use has a fan inside to keep it cool and I don't know that you're gonna hear the difference in sound that I'm talking about I wish I could I wish I could show it to you now I'm busting this all up I'm trying not to break up this pasta but that's it so here's what we're going to do I'm going to put all this in a pan in a bowl and look at all those little pieces I'm also going to take out one or two get out of the way one or two noodles just to try if I can separate them just to try without a sauce because I'm curious what it tastes like it still has an odor I'll be honest with you I can smell it right now so here's what we're gonna do watch this all right I've made just a basic alfredo sauce here and I'm just gonna put a little on this pasta here and we're gonna gently toss this with our alfredo sauce now I'll be honest with you Alfredo a cream sauce like alfredo is a very forgiving sauce it hides a lot of flavor right it hides a lot of things with a red sauce or tomato sauce you might have a different reaction especially if it's an acidic sauce those kind of bring out that fishy flavor that we're trying to get out of these noodles so just keep that in mind so all right I'm gonna put these aside I'm gonna do the same exact thing rinse boil for two minutes pan fry quickly sauce and separate for the other two products and I'll meet you right back here and we're gonna taste them stay tuned okay the yard guys are here the landscapers and my two dogs think that they're monsters so unfortunately we're gonna battle some dog barking for the rest of this video sorry guys come loose there look at those how well they held together whoa that's massive I mean that's that's pretty pretty impressive and the pasta side of things okay so we're back we've done the deed on all of these they have been washed and rinsed for two to three minutes each they have been parboiled for exactly two minutes in boiling salted water they've been dry fried and dry roasted to dry them out until they're the perfect texture and flavor and then I've sauced them all with the same alfredo sauce so let's try these I'm gonna start where I start at the beginning first of all you'll notice the portions are rather small each one of these bags is about seven ounces and that includes the liquid once you drain them there's not a lot in them so just be aware of that okay so this is the pasta zero shirataki spaghetti buying a soya so let's try one of these just by itself the texture is nice they've held up well it looks like spaghetti it's salty we have a very firm texture a little more firm than pasta kind of tastes like salt there's no flavor there at all it does have a little bit of a pungent earthy flavor good Lord here they come literally right there on top of us if you can hear that I'm sorry I've got to go on so let's try these really dude get out from under my window okay so let's try these sauced and I may have over sauce to these but okay so this is two and a half servings just that little Bowl down there and this that's two and a half servings and you guys are used to seeing me cook and use these serving bowls so you'll see how much that is it held up well let's see what's up they are really long so you truthfully have to do the spaghetti twirl roll on your fork to be able to taste it tastes like Alfredo there is a slight aftertaste very slight aftertaste it's not bad it doesn't taste like fish but it definitely has no I wouldn't say unusual but an odd flavor aftertaste but the springiness of it the the way it gives the way it squeaks the way it handles on a fork really kind of feels like pasta truthfully now these are like I said very low-calorie very low carb the cognac root once you make flour out of that it's basically glucomannan which if you were an overweight teenager like me that tried that tried all the nutritional supplements and all of that stuff and all the weight loss supplements back in the day glucomannan used to be a very popular supplement that would you would take peels of it it would swell in your stomach and make you feel full and had no calories and no carbs and so it was a very popular weight loss supplement back in the day and that's what this essentially is but for better or worse that actually wasn't too bad now let's move on this is the tofu shirataki brand by house foods and this has tofu in it soy if you are strict keto if you are paleo if you are sensitive to soy this particular brand may not be the one for you just get one of the other ones that are just to share talking it'll not tofu share talking so let's try one of these this one is much more this is one of the ones that has high fiber in it it's four net carbs and three of those are fiber so you still get it's four total carbs three of those of fiber so you get one net carb so these are actually not translucent and they're not white like look at the difference in the miracle noodle and the tofu Shirataki you see the difference in color this one the tofu shiitake looks almost translucent this looks like that's Katie so let's see oh that one definitely has an unusual texture has a much stronger flavor than the other one not real wild about that let's try it with some sauce okay it is better with the sauce but it had a little more of the weird aftertaste than the other ones in so that's the tofu so all right our third option is the miracle noodle this is like I said the only one that came dry in the dry good section didn't require to be refrigerated it is bright white much clearer and it has fewer ingredients than all the others it is strictly just the cognac flower so let's try this by itself mmm kind of taste salty it's about like the first one then the soya pasta zero now let's try it let's try it with the sauce that had a little stronger odor and I wonder if that has something to do with the refrigeration you know the others are refrigerated that one's not I wonder if that has something to do with the residual aftertaste so look how long I mean come on that's pretty pasta rific if you ask me pretty good I gotta say um I was really expecting there to be a pretty big difference in the ones that refrigerated versus the one that wasn't I just assumed that the ones that were refrigerated would be fresher but that really wasn't the case I'll be honest out of these three I can't pick a winner they're all kind of pretty good to be honest I can definitely see how these would go in a recipe if I were just to eat a big bowl of this maybe not but if you were to add this with some shrimp for like you know shrimp Alfredo if you were to add this to chicken and red sauce and make a chicken parmesan I can see where this is pretty passable for for pasta like I said the last time I tried this was about maybe six or eight years ago and apparently huh there have been some improvements in the manufacture and production of shirataki noodles because these are pretty freakin passable in it all I believe has to do with how you handle them I don't remember back in the day being given specific instructions on rinsing them for a specific amount of time boiling them in salted water for a specific amount of time and dry frying them for a specific amount of time and then putting them in your recipe I don't remember that I just remember rinsing them and using them but if you handle it the way that they tell you to and in the way that its traditional in Japanese culture these really are pretty respectable of all of these the pasta zero by new soya was the cheapest it was available locally both at Walmart and at winn-dixie my local store and at Publix which are my three of my local grocery stores so it's easy to find it was less than two dollars for packaged of it it's about 8 ounces there's two servings you get four total carbs three grams of fiber so for a total of one net carb now there is potatoes and chickpea flour in this so if that bothers you then maybe use the miracle noodle the miracle noodle I ordered from Amazon in a package and I'm gonna put a link down below and it came with angel hair which is like this the spaghetti size it came with which angel hair pasta is not spaghetti size but this is we came with angel hair it came with fettuccine and it came with rice so pretty please with all of that so there you have it folks shirataki noodles if you haven't had them in a decade or more try them what do you think about them I know a lot of people actually buy Cognac flour and make their own noodles I would be very interested to hear from you if you do the same if you do let me know down below otherwise thank you for joining us you know like I've always said these videos are a way for me to maintain my low carb way of eating but you've come along for the ride and I so appreciate it if you're new here like this video subscribe if you're already a subscriber hit the bell button down below that'll let you know when I release new videos because you as I said these are almost weekly web series so like subscribe share with some other friends and family that are trying to eat low carb maybe they'll get glean a little bit of information or two to help spread the good word I appreciate everything stay tuned much more to come
Channel: Highfalutin' Low Carb
Views: 725,687
Rating: 4.7960019 out of 5
Keywords: shirataki, miracle noodle, shirataki noodle, nasoya, pasta zero, nasoya pasta zero, shirataki noodle review, shirataki tast test, tofu shirataki, house foods tofu shirataki, low carb pasta, keto pasta, low carb spaghetti, keto spaghetti, low carb alfredo, keto alfredo, miracle noodle review, highfalutin low carb, pasta taste test, konjac, konjac root, konjac flour, konjac noodle, skinny noodle, noodle, low carb noodle, keto noodle, spaghetti, pasta, low carb, diabetic pasta
Id: lcv2Mb2wHlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2017
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