FROZEN KETO FRENCH FRIES | Secret Ingredient for REAL Potato Flavor!! Only 2.5g Net Carbs!

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all over social media heavenly fans  keto french fries are flooding feeds   this viral keto french fry video has people  running to their kitchens to make them   and they're appropriately dubbed heavenly fries  by her fans and they're supposed to taste and look   just like mcdonald's french fries so of course  i had to try them and put my own keto taste   buds to the test and of course i had to  try to make different variations of them   which most of them failed but i am happy to report  that we do have one winner in all of my testing of   heavenly fans recipes i did pick out some common  mistakes that people can make from making her   recipes and i wanted to show you how to avoid  them but first let's talk about the base recipe heavenly fan has two different variations on  her website french fries can be made out of   almond flour or you can use coconut flour i only  experimented with the almond flour version because   i just don't really like the taste of coconut  flour and things unless it's mixed in with some   almond flour but it is nice to know that there's  a coconut flour version out there in case you do   have an allergy to start we're going to add 100  grams of almond flour to a bowl when i measured it   it was roughly around one-half cup of almond flour  plus one-third cup of almond flour that's probably   like the easiest way to measure it out you're also  going to need three teaspoons of xanthan gum which   is the same as one tablespoon the purpose  of adding xanthan gum in this recipe or in   any keto baked good recipe is to provide structure  and support so it's going to hold that french fry   together so that's why she adds it in the recipe  whisk everything together and then we're going to   add six tablespoons of hot water and stir it until  it forms a dough ball and then she needs it just   to make sure that all the ingredients are combined  and then she'll let it rest for 15 minutes covered   now i don't really understand why she says you  need to let it rest i think maybe she let it rest   because it looked like maybe she added a little  bit more water than i did so her dough is a little   bit stickier so it kind of needed to dry out so  that you could it was moldable and you could roll   it out and you could cut it out into strips but  there's no like yeast in here so there's really no   need to let it rise or anything like that  so i don't really get what the purpose was   so actually i did not let mine rest for 15  minutes and it still works just the same   next all you need to do is roll out the dough  in between two sheets of parchment paper   and you want to roll it into a rectangle shape and  it needs to be around a quarter of an inch thick now the one thing that i will add about this  recipe is that when i rolled these out it kind   of reminded me of a tortilla in fact one of  the comments that i did notice on her video   was that someone said that they used this recipe  to make keto tortillas and it completely worked   and really that's no surprise because if you  look at some of the keto tortilla recipes on   the internet it's very similar to this recipe  for these french fries next you cut the dough   into strips now this is where i made my first  mistake i used a pizza cutter to cut these and i   cut them way too thick so when i tried to fry them  or bake them they actually turned out more like a   crusty breadstick than a french fry so i recommend  using a knife and cut them into very very thin   strips although i must say in the video she  actually cut them into thicker strips so i'm   not quite sure my mine turned out like that but  they did but when i tried it a second time cutting   them thinner that's when we had some success and  they looked more like a french fry next she says   you can either fry them or bake them and i tried  both variations plus i actually air fried them too   so i put them in my airfryer and let them bake to  fry them she adds a generous amount of olive oil   to the skillet enough to cover the fries and  fries them over a low to medium heat now this is   where i made my second mistake and that was that i  decided to use lard instead of olive oil to fry my   french fries and i use lard because i was thinking  at the time well that's what mcdonald's uses to   fry their fries but then now i'm realizing no wait  they used tallow back in the day that was what   made their french fries so tasty was that they  cooked them in tallow and i didn't have tallow   so that's why i went with with the lard but the  lard didn't fry these as well as the olive oil did   it actually gave them a really strange flavor so  i don't recommend frying them in lard interesting   point my friends over at the keto twins they made  this same mistake click up here to watch their   video on it but they also fried them in lard and  noticed the same same thing with the flavor was   just kind of off and um the way they fried up it  wasn't quite as what hers look like in the video   now if you want to bake these you  spread them out onto a baking tray   and spray them with some olive oil on top and  bake at 400 degrees until they're golden brown   when i did this it took around 12 minutes  i also tried to cook them in the air fryer   and with that i placed them on my airfryer tray  again sprayed some oil on top and then airfryed   them at 400 degrees for six minutes i preferred  the french fries when i cooked them in the oil   compared to the other two variations they were  crispier they tasted more like a french fry   and instead of the baked version and the air  fried version was more like a toasted breadstick overall i was very impressed with heavenly fries  recipe for keto french fries they look like real   french fries and the texture is the same too  the taste on the other hand is super close   you probably wouldn't be able to tell if you  dipped them in like a sugar-free ketchup or ranch   but i feel like her recipe tasted kind of bland of  course it needed some salt so i needed to add that   but i also felt like it lacked that potato  flavor so i wanted to see if i could mimic that   i wanted to experiment and see if i could come  up with something better so i tried a couple of   different variations so my first variation i  added a half a teaspoon of baking soda now i   played around with some baking soda before usually  it's used in baked goods to help them rise up   in the presence of an acid so this recipe  doesn't have an acid so we don't really have   to worry about it like levitating too much  but it is actually used in other recipes to   help crisp things up so i was thinking well maybe  it'll help these get a little bit more crispier   especially with my first version that i tried of  her recipe where they were just thicker and they   didn't really cr it was more like a breadstick  it didn't crisp up like i thought i wanted it to   so i thought it would help with the crisp factor  but i was wrong it did not make them crispier and   it kind of gave them a strange taste even though  i only added like a half of a teaspoon in so   that that was thrown out the window another  variation was to try adding some protein   powder now i love the flavor of unflavored  protein powder mixed with almond flour   it really gives it a good it's just really good  base recipe for any sort of covering like i've   used protein powder before for trying to make  chicken crispy and it works really really well   so i thought maybe this would work in this recipe  to kind of crisp up the fries a little bit adds a   little bit more flavor to it but the dough ended  up being so sticky and puffy after i mixed it   because i should have been thinking this is  the same dough i use for making my chicken   and dumplings which delicious you should click up  here to try that recipe and also my keto donuts so   if you want some keto donuts click up here too and  check out my donut playlist but it's the same sort   of concept where we're combining the almond flour  and the protein powder and like the combination of   them when you add some hot water actually puffs up  your dough so i that's it created too sticky of a   dough and it wasn't i couldn't roll it out it was  hard to cut so they made these really thick crispy   french fries and it reminded me more of like a  french or a fish fry batter than a french fry it was crispy and the texture was great but the  flavor and appearance was totally off then i   decided i should really stop trying to mess with  the crispiness and the texture and the appearance   because they already look like a mcdonald's french  fries i really just needed to tackle the flavor   so in order to enhance the flavor and make it more  like a real authentic french fry i decided to do   a couple of things so like i mentioned before i  felt like her recipe was a little bland because   she didn't add any seasoning which is fine you can  salt them afterwards but to me that did not work   i you really need to add the salt inside the  batter so i salted it i tried a quarter of a   teaspoon at first i still feel like that was not  salty enough it needs to be a half of a teaspoon   and then to give them more of a potato flavor  i decided to look up some flavor extracts so   i went to my favorite flavor website that sells  keto approved flavorings it's one-on-one flavors   and i found that they have a mashed potato flavor  extract so i purchased that and then added that   to my my batter so my third attempt at  perfecting this amazing recipe from heavenly fan   was to add more salt and then the potato extract  and i was blown away at how these tasted like   real french fries so not only do they have that  crispy appearance and look like a french fry but   they also have the texture too and the flavor so  i got that third component that i was hoping for   now that i have a pretty decent keto french fry  recipe that i can use i wanted to see if it could   solve a pain point for many of us when it comes to  making keto fries is that they're amazing but they   take a lot of effort to make i mean whether it  comes to this recipe or making like a daikon or a   jicama based french fry there's a lot of effort  that goes into it so i really don't make them   unless i have a french fry craving or i'm trying  to impress friends or family when they're over   for like a potluck or barbecue i really wanted  to address that fact that i miss having french   fries with my burgers and i just want to be able  to pull them out from the freezer spread them on a   sheet and bake them or add them to the frying pan  and fry them up at a moment's notice so i decided   to see if maybe this recipe freezes well and guess  what it totally worked you can meal prep up these   keto french fries and pull them out when you want  to have them spread them out on your baking tray   or pop them in the fryer and fry them up and i  think this recipe would work in an air fryer too   but the only thing you would probably have to do  is actually fry them up ahead of time flash freeze   them and then freeze them together in a plastic  bag and then you can pull them out and crisp them   back up in your airfryer and then it will be  just like a regular frozen fry that's baked in   airfryer overall i am amazed by this recipe and  cannot believe i finally have an option for keto   french fries a big thanks to heavenly fan for this  recipe and who by the way she also makes a bunch   of keto vegan recipes so if you're vegan and your  keto definitely check out her channel just click   up here if you guys want to see it or i'll have it  listed down below in the description box and also   click on that description box for the full recipe  make sure you guys subscribe to my channel and   give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed this  content and we'll see you next time in the kitchen
Channel: KetoFocus
Views: 191,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keto french fries, frozen keto french fries, best keto french fries, keto fries, keto french fries recipe, keto fries recipe, low carb french fries, low carb french fries recipe, easy keto french fries, authentic keto french fries, heavenly fan french fries, heavenly fan, easy keto side dish, crispy keto french fries, almond flour french fries, almond flour french fries recipe, french fry recipe, keto mcdonalds fries, ketofocus
Id: vakjbD1ucXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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