Low Carb PEANUT BUTTER CUPS Battle - The BEST Keto Peanut Butter Cup Recipe!

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y'all we're making peanut butter cups come on welcome to high falutin low carb the weekly web series where we find and test the best low carb recipes this crazy internet has to offer today we're tackling low-carb peanut butter cups stay tuned all right guys low-carb peanut butter cups you probably know them by the famous name of reese's peanut butter cups can we make them low carb today we're going to find out by testing two very popular recipes and two different techniques to try to come up with something that resembles the popular favorite the first recipe is no bake keto peanut butter chocolate bars and this is by the website twosleevers.com guys this thing has over 700 reviews and almost five stars so it must be good these are bar style cookies and we'll get into a little bit of more about that in a moment and the second recipe is keto peanut butter cups and this is by the website thebigmansworld.com now i chose two different kinds because uh not everybody has silicone molds and the things to make perfectly proper reese's peanut butter cups but we all have a casserole pan that's probably six inches in size and we can cut those into bars and it reminds me so much of being in elementary school my uh best friend's mother was the captain the head cafeteria lady she was the head of uh school dietitian and she um always made the special reese's peanut butter cups that were made in a giant sheet pan whereas peanut butter layer and then a chocolate layer and they were cut into squares and as a kid in school they were fantastic so the first recipe kind of reminds me of that the second one is going to be more composed it's going to be in a mold you can i'll show you a couple of other options as well but we're going to try those out now before we begin i need to give a huge thank you to the sponsor of this video super fat you guys know they were a sponsor last month and they really like it was a product that i was using before they even approached me so when they said hey can we sponsor a video i was like you better believe it and i think i showed you last time they're cookies that i love so much the little cookie bites they're so crispy and good and i put them in a little bit of bowl with a little bit of almond milk or macadamia nut milk and they are such a fantastic substitute for cereal so i love it but today we're featuring their baking products and i just wanted to show you they've got keto brownie mix which i love they've got the pancake mix and now also they're making uh chocolate chips keto baking chips which are all sweetened with erythritol and stevia and just delicious products and right now for a limited time you can always well you can always get 15 off of any super fat product by going to the superfat.com and using hf15 my code but right now for a limited time for about a week after this video goes live you can get a really great deal of 25 off of any three products in the baking collection so the way that works is uh i had some confusion last time you're gonna go to superfat.com hf bake 25 and you're gonna pick three products and from the baking collection you're gonna put them in your cart and then you're going to check out and you're going to use the code hf bake 25 and you'll get 25 off any three or more products from the baking collection but today we're going to use their baking chips as the uh cha as the chocolate portion of both of these recipes so thank you so much super fat for sponsoring this video you guys go check it out at the link here or in the video description below alright let's go taste some reese's peanut butter cups all right guys so we're starting on our first recipe this is no bake keto peanut butter chocolate bars and this is by the website twosleevers.com i don't believe we've ever worked on any of their recipes but this thing has hundreds over 700 positive reviews uh it's almost five stars with that many so it must be good and um this is specifically she said goes into a six inch um pan or she i noticed uh whoever makes it i say she used a like a large six inch ramekin said you can also do it in eight inch but we need to have some parchment paper so i have parchment paper and i don't normally have a six inch or i thought i didn't but my little uh corning corning ware um casserole tea tiny my babiest casserole is exactly six inches so that's what we're going to do and make that in there and then we'll uh all this obviously got to chill for a couple of hours in the fridge then we'll slice them up and see what we think so this starts fairly easily the most important part of this is you need an all natural peanut butter with no sugar and preferably no salt you might add some salt if you do get it unsalted but the most important part is it cannot be regular old peanut butter that has sugar in it most peanut butter that's the second ingredient peanuts sugar so just make sure be careful search for what you're looking for i have an unsweetened unsalted version of the peanut butter so we're going to start with a fair amount of that in here and we're going to create mix all the stuff for the bars and you know you would think that a peanut butter cup would be chocolate with peanut butter on the inside but that is not the case and i know i loosely use the term reese's because that's what we all know is reese's peanut butter cups at least in america that ain't just peanut butter in there you know there's a lot of other things in there namely sugar and some things to solidify it so that's what this recipe sort of recreates so we've got our um our peanut butter ready to go and to this we're going to add our dry ingredients and we're going to cut it in with a pastry cutter i don't have a pastry cutter so i'm going to use two knives and while i do have a pastry cutter it's just in storage so long story short let's add our all of our ingredients in to our bars and this is first of all some uh blanched almond flour right so in that goes she didn't say to sift it but you all know me i ain't even seen saying it if you're new here sift y'all sift you know why what you know with all that in your recipe what you can do with all them nuts in your recipe just be bumps and then a little bit of confectioner's erythritol she i say she i shouldn't say that whoever created this recipe uh said to use um swerve so that's what i've used here but if if you use alulos or some other monk fruit whatever you like you use and then just rub this to get all of those lumps and bumps out so that we know we won't hit a big gross lump to this we're also going to add some vanilla extract and then some butter and here's where our pastry work comes in we're going to throw in the butter and if you have a pastry cutter by all means get out of the way if you have a pastry cutter by all means please use it otherwise the easiest way to do this is to just cut this in until you can start mixing it the pastry cutter does make quicker work of this but if you don't make a lot of pastry you may not have one around and i am certainly one for multi-use appliances and tools and not single use so let's try to do this i'm going to pull out a spoon too and get this all combined okay so uh that was pretty easy well now let's we've just got to put it in our six inch or eight inch whichever you choose i'm gonna do the six inch because that's what the recipe was created for and um let's just get all this out of here and press it into our little tiny casual pea pie look at there so as you can see there's some substance and texture to this and it's not just liquid melted um peanut butter you know i mean that that can't that can't be well i guess it can but it shouldn't so work through this and just try to get this flat okay y'all uh i've already got that set up i'm going to tell you about this is so easy and i've already stuck my finger in that and i've tasted it and so i can tell you it's already good so we've got our bottom layer and now we're going to take our um baking chips this is just any sugar-free baking chip and again if you want to know how many or how much of these ingredients i'm using please be sure to use the link down here on the screen all the recipes are listed here on the screen you can type it in or in the video descriptions below these aren't my recipes i'm just here to test them please go check out the links below and give these recipes developers the traffic they deserve but we're going to take some of the sugar-free baking chips and we're going to melt these quickly in the microwave and then i'll be right back we're going to pour them on top of here if you don't want to use a microwave don't scream and holler in the comment section please just put this on a double boiler put a pot of water on the stove on a gentle boil put this right on top and melt it that way i understand some of you don't like a microwave it doesn't bother me a bit if it does bother you please don't holler about it all right meet you right back here okay so we've got beautiful melty delicious chocolate and it didn't take much and we're just going to pour this right on top and then it doesn't seem like enough chocolate no chocolate to me but i realize that this is where a lot of the carbs come from so um if you like more chocolate maybe add a little more now let's just spread this out and then this needs to go this needs to go live in the fridge for a couple of hours in fact the developers words were do not rush the last part these need to live in the refrigerator and come to like to eliminate the artificial sugar flavor because obviously we have the erythritol the swerve which i shouldn't say artificial but alternative why is that so good why is all that so good okay so here we go so beautiful six inch uh casserole do not rush the last part let your tasty low carb dessert chill for a while let it solidify in the fridge and let the taste mingle if you eat it too soon it'll taste like artificial sugar let the taste meld and it'll be super fantastic so with that said this is going in the fridge like that was easy all that took what four minutes three minutes nothing it probably took me five because i run in my mouth um so we're gonna put this in the fridge we're gonna be right back and we're actually gonna make cups uh peanut butter cups so pray for me there all right i'll see you right back here in just a bit for our second recipe all right so let's get started on our second recipe while our first one is chilling out in the fridge and this is keto peanut butter cups by thebigmansworld.com and although this is simpler in ingredients this is a little more involved in its technique but not a lot these are actually going to go into individual little peanut butter cups instead of slicing them i wanted to try that out so while it's only three ingredients you do need he gave you a couple of options here if you have a muffin tin put paper muffin liners in there and we can build this in there and it'll sort of give you that little serrated edge you know that a reese's peanut butter cup has but i already have silicone molds that i purchased for another project when we did um i believe it was the uh the um hot cocoa bombs so i have these little silicone molds that we're going to use to try to make little domed cute little things so you can use that if you don't have that whatever you have around like this is if you have an instant pot this is the instant pot egg loaf you can like little little egg bites that would work perfectly too i'm pretty sure the silicone just makes it easier for all these things to get out of there so we've got a tray ready to cool because we're going to spoon in our chocolate so again we've got our super fat uh baking chips um and we're gonna add a little bit of coconut oil solid coconut oil to our chips while we melt them in the microwave and this sort of adds to the softness makes them a little softer to bite so i'm gonna melt this and i'm gonna be right back okay so our chocolate is beautifully melted silky smooth and we're supposed to get 12 of these out of here now i read the comments on his page and he just recommends putting in a little bit of chocolate in each one and swiping it up the side and then going in with the peanut butter but the commenter said put it in oh come on now put it in let it put it in the fridge and let it harden up so that you can build it up on the sides so that's what i'm going to do because i feel like somebody doing trial and error probably knew what was going on so we're going to put a little bit of this in each one because we got to seal it up at the end too we got to put a little bit on top okay i'm going to quickly put these in the freezer for just a couple minutes so the sides get hard and then we're going to come back and finish building these out all right guys so here these have been in the fridge for they look messy uh for about eight minutes and they have solidified enough to be able to go ahead and add in the peanut butter filling and then cover them and then when i say peanut butter filling i mean exactly that his recipe calls for three ingredients chocolate uh the cut a little bit of coconut oil and then unsweetened natural peanut butter so that's what we have here which as we know the other recipe had a lot of different ingredients to mimic the interior of a of a reese's quote peanut butter cup which this doesn't have but we are not judging this just yet so we just got to carefully get a spoon of this into the center of each one of those and then cover it in chocolate so that's what i'm going to do now don't judge me with the messiness [Music] all right so for better or for worse those are going in uh the fridge for a couple of hours to chill out and do their thing and set up they look a mess but i hope they pop out of there okay so all right we're gonna let all this chill and then i'm gonna slice them up pop these out and we're gonna test them and i'll meet you back here in five four three two one one all right guys we are back it's been more than a couple of hours i left uh it's actually been overnight this is the next day i left our precious little peanut butter cups in the uh refrigerator all night they've been out for about an hour now and wow they turned out so great and truthfully this one that we put in the um look how big this guy is uh we put him in the pan he popped right out i ran a knife along the edge and literally just flipped it over and it came right out so that was easy to do so now we just need to taste these um but i did want to discuss nutrition first so this very first recipe over here the one that we it's the no-bake keto peanut butter chocolate bars um this is by twosleevers.com uh this makes eight servings and truthfully because it's a square it's probably gonna be easier for me to cut nine servings out of it but if you make eight one of these is 246 calories you've got 23 grams of fat seven grams of protein you've got seven total carbohydrates three grams of fiber for a total of four net carbs per serving if you make eight of those now our second one uh this is the keto peanut butter cups here this is by the big thebigmansworld.com uh he made 12 servings out of this and i actually had exactly enough ingredients to make 12 of these with the mold that i had and this is just a few of them here if you make 12 one of them is 196 calories you got 7 grams of protein 20 grams of fat you've got 10 grams of carbs 7 grams of fiber so that's a total of three net carbs for one of these four net carbs for one of these so the important part is what do they taste like well let's find out let's do our first one that we tried and i'm just gonna carefully it might be hard to cut i don't know it might be easier to cut if it were upside down yeah it's gonna break apart oh that's sad i have to be a little more careful cutting the other one it might be easier to do when it's cold so i might refrigerate this again but we're just gonna test it here so let's see um it is still a little gooey on the bottom so i do believe that these things need to live in the fridge most likely both of them said they last at room temperature on the counter but i just don't see how that's feasible because you see what's already happening to my hands so let's see what it tastes like so much peanut butter so much flavor holy cow that's good it's sweet i don't taste the artificial sweetener that's delicious okay wow that was really really good so let's see i'm gonna put that back in the fridge so that when i take my thumbnail photo i can actually cut that so i probably should have cut it in the pan and then taken it out um all right what about one of these this little guy is thick i want to cut it and see if i can cut and cut it in half what it looks like this had the oh wow y'all that does look really really beautiful all right i know which one's gonna be my thumbnail now so this had the coconut oil added to the chocolate to make it a little softer to bite he said so what does this feel like mmm very thick just a mouthful of peanut butter but hey can't really go wrong with that all right hold on okay so yes both of these were very very good to me personally the first one the bars tasted more like a reese's peanut butter cup if that's what you're going for because it had the extra texture in the peanut butter that little bit of almond flour i bet you some of that pb2 that powdered peanut butter would probably work too but the second one is so beautiful it makes a fantastic presentation but the truth is that that's just chocolate and peanut butter so it was a lot of work yes it looks great and the presentation is great but truthfully you could probably just as easily break off a piece of unsweetened chocolate bar and dip it in your peanut butter and bite it you know that's sort of what you're getting here but i do love the look of it so i might try to add some sort of filling to like the peanut but the almond powder the almond flour to the feeling of this one i don't know i feel like there's a combination of these that that could work but right now if i were to make one of these i would definitely make the first one by two sleevers the no bake keto peanut butter bars because those pack a wallop so there you have it folks low carb peanut butter cups yep it can be done quite easily so be sure to check out one of the recipes uh both of the recipes down here use the links on the screen below check those out make them and come back and let me know what you think i say it all the time guys but these videos are a way for me to maintain my low carb way of eating and looking in the end of that camera as often as i can helps keep me honest so i appreciate that you've come along for the journey um be sure to find me on instagram and on facebook i can communicate a little more frequently and a little more freely there um i'll leave links to that down below as well now i also need to give a huge thank you again to super fat for sponsoring this video guys be sure to go get three items from the baking collection this or any of the baking mixes three items put them in your cart use the code hf bake 25 you'll get 25 off at least three items or more in your cart so thank you super fat i really appreciate the sponsorship you guys want to support me go support them and use the link below and lastly you're going to see some names start to scroll here on the screen these are my patreon sponsors if you if you don't know what patreon is think of it as the tip jar for the internet it allows people like you who enjoy what people like me do here on youtube but you can give a dollar to a month just to sort of keep the train on the tracks as it were so these guys and gals are truly my rock stars without them none of this would be possible so thank you to each one of them all right guys i love you i'll see you next week for another low carb video bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Highfalutin' Low Carb
Views: 36,901
Rating: 4.9579711 out of 5
Keywords: peanut butter cup, low carb peanut butter cup, keto peanut butter cup, highfalutin low carb, wes shoemaker, reese's peanut butter cup, peanut butter cup recipe, low carb peanut butter cup recipe, keto peanut butter cup recipe, sugar free peanut butter cup, sugar free peanut butter cup recipe, reese's peanut butter cup recipe, reese's peanut butter cup copycat recipe, big mans world, two sleevers, peanut butter, chocolate peanut butter, low carb peanut butter recipe
Id: V-ZoTXbcb5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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