Low Carb FRENCH FRY Battle! - The BEST Keto French Fries Recipe - Jicama v Rutabaga v Turnip v Zukes

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welcome to high falutin low carb the almost weekly web series where we find and test the best low carb recipes this crazy internet has to offer today we're gonna be tackling french fries wow it's been a while since I've used my Oprah voice French fries french fries everybody wants a low carb french fry don't we all and not a potato in sight so today what we're gonna do is try just like our hash brown battle video which you've you've not seen I'll link up above over here just like our hash brown battle video we are gonna try a few vegetables that can stand in the place of a potato so that we can make low carb french fries as you can see here we've got four things that we're going to test today obviously boom we've got some zucchini these are turnips which did really well for us in the hash brown bitty video if you remember that so I'm looking forward to that over here is a jicama and a lot of people wanted me to test jicama for the hash brown battle video and I couldn't find any locally but I did this time so definitely one of our options is a jicama this guy is heavy he is dense they're really crispy I've generally eaten them raw that's probably the way you've had them in like a slaw or a salad but apparently they cook up rather nicely as a french fry so we're gonna try that and then the other of our last item is something that's kind of near to my heart the rutabaga some people say rutabaga no I think it's just a rutabaga that's also I think called a Swede is that what they s WD I think that's the name I was researching this and it was about take a large Swede and cut it and I was like what tomorrow's a Swede apparently that's what people have across the pond call Reid a baker so we're gonna try the rutabaga these come with a hard wax shell on him so just be aware of that we've got to peel all of these so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna cook these all today in the oven these are gonna be oven fries and just because it's easiest for us to test for different things for me here in the Test Kitchen without a vent hood and all that but you could definitely fry these and that is an option but what we're going to do we're going bake these in the oven fairly high temperature we're going to just put a little bit of oil and salt and pepper on each of these except for the zucchini we got something a little bit different we going to do them for that so we're cooking them all the same the seasoning and all will depend on how you like spicy fries do spicy fries if you like garlic fries do karlik fries but today just for the purposes of testing which of these tastes the most potato like in a fry salt pepper and some oil so let's get started here the first batch we're gonna cook them in batches of two I'll do like two of these one round and then two of these in the next round while we're preparing one we can one can be baking and we'll taste them all at the end I will say that they need to be eaten quickly after coming out of the oven or the oil they get soggy fairly quickly that's just the fact of the matter that the vegetables that we use that are low-carb are generally a little higher in moisture so that's part of the the part of the reason there so let's get started okay for round one here the two we're going to choose I think are the jicama and the rutabagas they're about the same firmness these are extremely firm fruits and the reason I say that is because you need a very very sharp knife to do this with particularly the jicama these are difficult to get a handle on and they're slippery and they're dense I mean this is hard as a rock so you've got to peel these so be careful peeling it these are difficult to peel and let's just take this peeling off now let's go ahead just peel the rutabagas while we've got it here again this comes with a really waxy you can see how shiny it is a weird waxy consistency on the peel I guess it's just for freshness so yes bill these with both of these we're gonna parboil them behind me is a pot of boiling salted water we're gonna cook them after we get them in a french fry shapes we're going to cook them for about ten minutes we're gonna parboil them that just takes some of the time that they're gonna need in the oven off makes them a little bit creamier kind of on the inside and get some cooked more thoroughly through let's start with the jicama and you need have set it before you need a very sharp knife this is a very dense vegetable and a dull knife is a recipe for disaster one slip off of this and you'd cut you leg off use a Hohner I mean this isn't it's the back you sharp yak you sharp this little guys like seven bucks and it is genius I love it I love it I love it you just lay it down like this and you want to hone your knife before each one of these because truly if it ever needed a sharp now now is the time so let's do this if you have a mandolin that's the way to go truthfully a mandolin but let's do it this way let's cut right down the center and Wow yeah so let's just trim some of this down what we want to do is make some french fry shapes [Music] now before we go into the boiling water with these it's behind me let's talk a moment about serving size the numbers that you're going to see on the screen today for each of these vegetables is for 100 grams of the product I know here we don't use the metric system a lot but it's it's an easy average number and it is generally an average serving size so just for giggles let's see how many of these just so we can see you serving what is what what does a hundred grams look like so nice to tear that alright so I'm just gonna start adding a few of these french fries so we know how many we can get four okay one of those is 20 grams it looks like 40 that's 95 let's swap out one okay that's 103 that is 103 grams right there so for what I've done my french fries are a little too large probably should have made them a thinner size but you see that that's what we're talking about a hundred gram serving so be aware of how many you're eating when you're calculating your your carb counts which will be on the bottom of the screen realize how much you're supposed to be eating that means that this right here is gosh six or eight servings right cuz that's four of those so anyway just wanted you to be aware always be aware portion sizes even though it's low carb or in quito you got to be you got to be careful so all right into the boiling water for ten minutes I'll meet you right back here okay while our jicama is in hot tub we are going to turn our attention to the rutabaga that we peeled earlier so we're just going to do the exact same thing oh wow okay that's twice as difficult to me to cut then the jicama the rutabaga is and rutabagas are I love them I grew up with them my dad always had a garden and we always had rutabagas and we he would just cut them into cubes Cuba molded in salted water and we would salt and pepper them and eat it like boiled potato I loved him a lot of people think it has an unusual flavor but much like the turnips and the radishes in the hashbrown video once you cook these it really mellows out but it does have a little plane to it which if your root vegetable lover like me it's great so all right let's just keep going we're gonna make french fries out of these [Music] okay so rutabagas here we go again what you see down here is 400 gram serving remember sort of in relation to that last to the jicama how many of those are going to be eaten because it's probably not as meaning as you think okay so we have our we have our rutabagas cut our jicama still has a few minutes left on the water so what's gonna happen is the next time I see you I will have taken out the jicama it's gonna be drying the rutabagas are gonna go in and then those will be dried and I will meet you right back here in five four three two and we're back through the magic of television we're done with our jicama and our rutabagas you can see them here just steaming away so this is our jicama after it's been cooked they are they have some give to them you see before that you could have never done that with it they were just you know super crispy but that gives it a little bit of pre cooking so that you don't have to cook it quite as long it's still gonna take about a half hour in a fairly hot oven 425 450 something like that so what we're gonna do is super simple from here and we're gonna do this with each of these we're gonna do a couple of tablespoons of oil avocado oil some light olive oil something with um not extra-virgin but something with a high smoke point you can do coconut oil if you don't want the coconut flavor here I think that might interfere with our taste test so I'm not using it and then some salt and pepper and it's just that simple this is where you can get fancy if you want to you can add some cumin you can add paprika garlic powder onion powder any any seasoning you want cayenne pepper if you like spicy things chili powder if you like chili cheese fries you know anything that the world is your oyster as it were so let's just toss this alright so what we're gonna do is this goes on a parchment lined baking sheet let's just get this ready and I don't know about you guys but there is nothing more infuriating to me than fighting with a roll of parchment paper I love parchment paper can't stand the roll you can never get it to lay flat it's worse than like cling wrap in that respect I have just discovered that they come in pre-cut sheets which aren't rolled they don't have the big curve in them so they're so much easier to use I love them so mom look how much easier that was and it lays flat you don't have to do some kind of origami to get it lay flat anything so anyway let's just put these on a baking sheet spread them out [Music] okay and now to our rutabagas they've just come out of the oven coming out of the again see how floppy they parked they just came out of the boiling water I'm just gonna use the same oiled bowl that we just used for the jicama there's no sense in making a mess and again same exact thing a little bit of oil that's probably too much oil and some salt and pepper [Music] we've got our jicama we've got our rutabaga and these are going in the oven right now 425 I'm gonna start checking them at about 20 minutes could take 30 maybe 35 depending on how thick you cut them because these were cut really thick I shouldn't have made those quite that big but anyway here we go in the oven now we're going to turn our attention to the turnips and the zucchini we're going to do exactly what we did with the rutabaga and hick them up with the turnips we've got to peel them and slice them into French rock pieces and then we're gonna toss them in the boiling water back there for about ten minutes and then strain them [Music] okay we are back now with this beautiful well I mean french fry like things they're french fry esque i guess you could say i'm gonna say that i cut these too large I mean maybe not for my preference in taste but for the 30-minute time that everybody says only bacon for 30 minutes this took 45 minutes almost 50 minutes for both of these and they're considerably you know larger than say a shoestring fry from somewhere like McDonald's you know but this is also like a Steakhouse fry somebody might call them you don't want these to get soggy and I want to try them pretty quickly let's go ahead this is the jicama fries they were the really long ones because I hit him up was a huge buddy you don't want to really stack them up much everybody says that you got to eat these when they're fresh out of the oven all of these really because they tend to get real soggy quickly and here's the elephant in the room well Wesley wad it and you fry them french fries are fried they're not made in the Dern oven yeah I know my setup here really isn't great for a lot of deep-frying for a battle like this I mean it's about to get dark we haven't been doing this all day so frying all day it's just not gonna work in my Test Kitchen and truthfully I don't eat a whole lot of fried foods in fried and grease I did in the past there's got me where I am now but I like to oven fry these all would definitely be crispier in a fryer if you fried them let me just give you a caveat here all of these vegetables have way more moisture content than does a potato so if you do decide to fry these in some oil just a couple of tips here you want to double fry them I just was talking with misty she's another low-carb youtuber that I've sort of made friends with and she's just a great gal her channel is at home with Misty if you haven't seen it check it out she's precious I love her to death so we were talking about this and Baton ideas back and forth and she's like you know the turnip fries which we're about to do now she's like my tip is to double fry them and if you've never double fried that's exactly how restaurants get really crispy fried potatoes in a french fry you don't just fry them it's the Belgian technique of double frying so you you have relatively moderately hot oil for your first fry and you fry for a longer amount of time and that drives out the moisture right and you take them out and they're gonna be soggy and floppy you take them out let them cool and then crank your oil up a little bit more to get it a little hotter shaken Brown and this time you throw them in and it's super hot you get the you know the the hot oil explosion and then that turns brown that's where you're browning it so the first one was to cook the inside of the potato and the second fry is to cook basically the outside of the potato and get the crispness that we know and love as a fry so she was like you know I do the turnip fries a fair amount and I mean this is the way I do them and she par boils them just like we did this is what we could have here for 10 minutes she actually salts hers first she'll salt them raw for a half and half an hour or so with some salt rinse them off par boil em drain them and then double fry them and that gives her a like a nice crispy french fry and that would definitely be you could do that with all of these but because of the moisture content when you fry make sure if you fry outside if you can if not fry inside if you've got a big soup pot right you want something with high sides I often see people using like a cast-iron skillet to fry in and that's fine for fried chicken didn't have a lot of moisture in it but if it's a rutabaga or I'm a jicama or a turnip we've got a lot of water in it as soon as that stuff hits hot oil it's gonna start bubbling you know just like it does well guess what you put it in a shallow pan with a lot of oil boom there you go you've got a grease fire so when you're doing vegetables like this I would prefer doing it in a high sided pan a little bit of oil in a tall pot so that you can moderate the temperature and then all of that splash over just kind of is contained right so anyway that's my tip and thanks to me Steve check out our Channel I'm gonna put a link to it right here alright so from here let's take up this is the rutabaga and they're beautiful and yellowish orange and I'm gonna taste these now because apparently got a taste a lot of fresh so let's get these off of here it might be best like if I were frying this and the fryer I would probably take these up on a baking sheet I'm sorry only I'm cooling rack and let them drain on a cooling rack side of our baking sheet so the airflow can get to them and they don't sit in their own moisture and weep let's try these okay the first one while they're hot is the rutabaga fry and let's see what's up he is floppy yep he's floppy which Wow okay texture of sperm Wow these were boiled for 10 minutes and cooked for almost 50 minutes and a 400 and said for 25 I've kicked it up to 435 Wow I kind of dig that they still have that the flavor is benign there really is no flavor really to speak of it just tastes like salt and oil and the things that French fries taste like but there's it's toothy hits to have some tooth Sims like a bite to it it's still crunchy from that jicama so you do feel like you're getting them by kind of a potato I mean you know I'm not gonna give this to the person who's never had eaten low carb and be like these are french fries and they bite mmm yeah sure okay I mean let you dip that in some ketchup and probably pretty good now granted remember what we said it was all about for those when I held them up about for those makes a 100 gram serving so just be aware alright let's try our this is the rutabaga fry this was the one I was most excited about and boy they are really floppy so some of these may benefit from some of these may benefit from actually frying them if that's something you want to do much softer taste is divine the taste is great but I preface that by saying I love rutabagas to begin with hmm that's good it's real soft you're not going to mistake that for a crispy french fry but if I had cut those a little smaller into a shoestring shape and and put them in a little bit hotter oven they may have held up a little more but as it is both of those are great sides in and of themselves so okay I'm gonna put these on the back burner and now let's start on the other two recipes let's get started with the turnips these are gonna be no different than the other two we just did I just didn't have space in the oven to do all four of the recipes at the same time so here we go we've already parboil to these turnips we slice them hard-boiled them they're going straight into this bold we've already used twice with oil and spices [Music] okay the turnips have been placed on a pan and into the oven at about 435 they go and now we're gonna tackle the zucchini the turnips are in the oven and this actually is a recipe so I'm gonna link out to that in the video description box below it's a recipe about low-carb YUM and this is her zukie low carb zucchini fries and there actually is a dredging we're gonna dredge in some eggs and milk are certain eggs and heavy cream just make a dredge out of that and then the batter here is a mixture of pork rinds that have been ground in the food processor and Parmesan cheese grated Parmesan cheese so all you got to do it takes two zucchini and when you're cutting these you leave the skin on and specifically each piece has to have a section of skin because once these go in the oven that's all that's gonna hold it together as the skin hopefully the egg and the batter that we're create not matter but the dredging will make a crispy a crispy zucchini fries [Music] we're gonna put this on a baking sheet with lines of parchment paper with a baking rack on it these need to sit on a baking rack [Music] so the next time I see they're going in the oven about 15 20 minutes the next time I see you we are gonna have all four of these ready to taste all right okay so this is the rutabaga salt pepper and all this is the jicama salt pepper and oil these are the turnips that we did also salt pepper and oil and then this is the recipe for low carb zucchini fries from low carb YUM I just wanted to try those to see what they were like so we've tasted these too I thought they were good they were still a little floppy again if you want to fry these by all means do it they probably would crisp up and actually some of them one of these red like when I was looking to something like after you bake them then put them in the fryer for just a few minutes well that means that you've boiled them baked them and then you're gonna from that just seems like a tremendous amount of work before you know like an hour and a half work for I play the French fries although I'm not gonna put myself against it you know like I might do it one day we'll see all right these are the turnips whoa yeah really soggy super soggy was really hoping from work they're hot yeah yeah oh no I shouldn't say they're good but misty was right at home with misty she's like you're gonna have a soggy mess with those turnips nonetheless you double prime so if anybody out there wants to report back after you've done this double fry them boil them and then double fry them let me know I'm curious to know what it's like the flavor of that is fantastic but it just tastes like roasted turnips you know it doesn't taste like a french fry so lastly is the I'll be honest I I love zucchini but it's never been something that I've been able to hide as an ingredient you know zucchini zucchini it's not gonna be confused for a french fry so let's just try one of these I will say that if you do make these blue they're hot be sure to put the skin side down skin side needs to go down otherwise if it's flesh side like that see it peels off the batter stuck to the the grate the baking sheet baking rack so let's see that looks pretty good smells delicious looks very good crunchy that breaded coating so good Wow those are excellent however they do not taste like french fries I would never dare dip one of those in ketchup I'm not going to do it tomato sauce maybe because like pasta sauce because while this is delicious like this this the the low carb um post even said I have a new friend who's low carb and she tried them when they were coming out of the oven and they thought that they were just like regular french fries smelled and tasted like regular french fries no no ma'am no they are delicious though it almost tastes like eggplant parmesan or zucchini parmesan some sort of Italian dish I definitely know that the cheese is there and it is delicious and I would make this again and again and again this would make a fantastic appetizer but I would never dare call those a French fries so sorry low carb um um it's a delicious recipe with the wrong name for me personally but I'll be making those again for sure so out of these I've got to say the whole goal here is not to really declare a winner my goal here is to sort of spur some thought that we can branch out from zucchini or cauliflower into some other vegetables that we can use and substitute in place of potatoes that we like and rutabagas and jicama are awesome so of these the rutabagas and the jicama are my stars today the jicama probably more so because that's still pretty firm looks like a potato I mean don't know like a french fry hello and there's give to it it's fighting back it tastes like a possibly it almost tastes like an underdone french fry which there's some days when I'm craving carbs I'd take it underdone french fry so if I was going to get one and ketchup and eat it like a french fry and serve it with a hamburger it would definitely be either the jicama or the rutabaga out of these this would be my fabulous appetizer for the beginning of a meal or a snack while you're watching a movie something like that and the turnips I love I love the taste of the turnips but again try Misty's way to fry up so all right there you have it folks french fries venture out try some things that you've never tried you're not going to go back to a potato but there are a lot of other vegetables like jicama and rutabagas that we all need to explore I really appreciate you coming along on this journey these videos are a way for me to maintain my low carb way of eating and the fact that I have to stare into the end of this camera every week or so I know I've missed you last week I was sick the fact that I had stared into this camera keeps me honest and I really appreciate that you're coming along for my journey if you're one of those subscribers who left a comment that you wanted an apron or you wanted a coffee cup or t-shirt go to my Spreadshirt I'll put that link down in the video description below and also last week I announced a patreon account if you don't know what patreon is basically think of it like a tip jar for the internet if you're interested in that make sure to check it out otherwise stay tuned another recipe coming up soon love you guys I'll see you next time
Channel: Highfalutin' Low Carb
Views: 686,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: highfalutin low carb, low carb french fry, keto french fry, french fries, french fry, low carb french fries, keto french fries, jicama fries, rutabaga fries, turnip fries, zucchini fries, low carb jicama fries, low carb rutabaga fries, low carb turnip fries, low carb zucchini fries, oven fries, baked fries, baked french fries, ketogenic french fries, low carb potato, low carb diet, keto diet, ketogenic diet, ketogenic, best low carb french fries, best keto french fry
Id: 64jVZpTBI-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 38sec (1658 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2017
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