Low Carb CHICKEN TENDER Battle - The BEST Keto Chicken Finger Recipe!

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y'all we're making fried chicken tenders come on welcome to highfalutin low-carb the random web series where we find and tests the best low carb recipes this crazy Internet has to offer today we're tackling something that kids of all ages love whether you're 9 or you're 90 you can't deny that everybody loves a fried chicken tender stay tuned alright guys low carb fried chicken tenders can it be done you better believe it now if you're new here this is what we do we usually take two recipes or three recipes that are the most popular low carb and keto recipes online we make them and test them and determine who is the winner today is a little bit different because there are a lot of different ways to make these low carb fried chicken tenders and that's the difference in ingredients for the breading the breading before we fry them so I have taken two of my favorite options for breading and we're gonna pit those against one another I'm gonna tell you now both of these are winners so it's not like we're choosing a better and worse we're just going to show two options that you can choose from home and that I know from trial and error work very well now before we begin I want to give a huge thank you to perfect Quito for sponsoring this video perfect Quito is one of the most well respected manufacturers of Quito foods and products anywhere the quality of their ingredients is second to none from their grass-fed dairy to their MCT oil all of it is top-notch now you know that I often mention and in some of my recipes use the perfect keto whey protein powder yes this is a supplement right it can be used as you can add it to your coffee you can add it to a smoothie whatever you want to do to up your protein intake but what I'll use it for most often is a substitute for wheat flour in low carb baked goods and keto baked goods it's so light and delicate and fluffy it really mimics flour and can give a lift to a lot of baked goods instead of just using almond flour or coconut flour well guess what it's going to do for chicken fingers exactly it's gonna give a delicate beautiful crunchy crust on that fried chicken now you always can use my code highfalutin 15 there'll be a link down here on this on the screen you can always use that code to get 15% off of a product but right now for a limited time a perfect you know is offering you guys buy two get one free on the quay protein now they have flavors and I like the flavors but I'm gonna tell you right now if you're investing in this I personally think the unflavored is the way to go if you're gonna using it like this in recipes it's the the unflavored let's use it in savory recipes and in sweet goods right so you have the versatility there so I want to thank perfect keto for sponsoring this video its sponsorships like yours they keep channels like mine on the air especially during times like this so if you guys want to support me please go and support them for providing to this low-carbon keto community some fantastic products use the link down here on the screen and the code down below for a limited time to buy two get one free on the plate protein so Thank You perfect keto for sponsoring this video I really appreciate it now let's make some fried chicken alright so let's get started making these low-carb fried chicken tenders they're normally you know if you're here any length of time I will list the recipes here on the bottom of the screen so you can go find the recipes and make them yourself but these are I guess both my recipes and I put air quotes because this is really a technique this is just a dredging of flour and frying this isn't a recipe this will give you some guidelines of what I like but it's really for you to make and season the way you like but what were you doing here today are to breading options and the first of those like I mentioned is the whey protein right so this is going to be one of the options get some nice flavorful crunchy crispy delicate crust and the second option is what many people use and that's fried pork rinds rights of ground pork rinds and a lot of people for various reasons where there's just preference a lot of people I think they just stink if you've ever opened a bag of pork rinds stuck your nose in it you know they have a little bit of an odor but they are delicious and crispy but a lot of people have religious reasons or just personal reasons they don't want to eat pork so that's why we're doing two different options today and so we're gonna start by making the dredge of what we're gonna be making so the first of those let's just go ahead with the whey protein this is the unflavored whey protein and we're gonna put if you're do this is for about a pound of chicken okay a full pound of chicken you're just gonna put it comes a little scoop and most of your whey protein whatever brand you buy if it's not perfect keto it's going to come with a similar sized scoop you're going to put three scoops of this for a full pound of chicken tenders okay and to that we are going to add a crucial ingredient in both of these recipes and that is a little bit of Parmesan cheese and yeah you can use the grated you can certainly fresh grate some parmesan but I think it's a waste of good Parmesan this and I find what works best in this recipe is just the powdered stuff and the green can I know that that is like if you're an Italian you're like oh Lord Westley what are you doing to us don't know do not use green can Parmesan cheese but it works fantastic with this because it's in the texture of a flour already now to that we're gonna add some basic seasonings before we start to mix this up and I'm gonna use for me what I prefer in make this your own if you like Cajun seasoning use Cajun seasoned if you like Mexican seasoning use a use of something that's like an Arizona season from piz need pins ease but what I prefer is a little bit of salt and this is a half teaspoon of each okay salt black pepper garlic powder onion powder paprika and a little pinch of red pepper cayenne pepper just a pinch just to give a little bit of zest so that's a half teaspoon of each if you're making a pound of chicken fingers so throw this in and again make this your own what is your family like use that so just give this a quick mix and you're gonna want to bust up the you don't have to sift this you know I like to sift and tell y'all the CF but for this you don't really have to just make sure you break up the larger chunks especially of that Parmesan cheese so get this mixed together and then we're going to move to our second dredge and that's gonna be the pork runs okay so let's swap this out and it's truly the same thing okay instead of the whey protein I've already taken the liberty of grinding about a cup of pork run a cup measure after there ground it wound up being almost a whole bag of pork rinds so in that goes and I admit this is some crispy crunchy good good stuff a lot of people do not like pork rinds even though when you cook with it you really can't you really can't tell tell I can smell it from here okay so here again is a third a cup both of these were a third a cup of the grated Parmesan cheese so a cup of your main flour dredge and a third of a cup of the powdered craft Parmesan cheese right throw that in there the same exact thing with the seasonings except I lowered the salt by about half there's a half teaspoon of garlic powder onion powder black pepper paprika a little pinch of red cayenne and that is about a quarter teaspoon of salt because guess what pork rinds have salt on them already so you don't want to get this too salty so just just you know be careful with that look at your sodium intake on the on the pork runs to see how many how much sodium is in there and then again let's just mix this all together together I'd like to do this you want something that's kind of wide right because this gets me because what we're going to do obviously is get this in milk milk get this in eggs and then dredge it through this stuff here and it kind of gets difficult to do I find a pie plate a little glass or metal pie plate is the easiest way to do this or a shallow if you've got a little plate with a lip on it with a little bit of an edge that works well too okay so now before we get to this you think I'm going to take some raw chicken let me get the chicken hold on alright so here is our pound of chicken tenders and in the state of our local grocery store they do not have any prepackaged pre-cut chicken tenders so you know which granted are much more expensive than just chicken breasts generally so I just bought a package of chicken breasts and cutting them into tinder sized shapes things that you would think of chicken tender would look like so you think that I'm going to just dip this in this egg mixture and then do this and then into the oil but I have a secret step here before we begin our we've got two eggs here obviously right we're gonna add 2 teaspoons sorry we're gonna add 2 tablespoons of heavy whipping cream or almond milk or something just to give this a little more liquidity so that this helps it hear all that beautiful breading on to our chicken tenders so just quickly mix that up now here is our sort of a secret ingredient and weapon I guess you could say if you were doing this in the world of wheat where we're using wheat flour and breadcrumbs generally what would happen is you would take your chicken you would dip it in wheat flour and knock it off then into the egg wash then into your breadcrumb mixture and then into the hot oil but obviously we can't do that and most recipes online that I've seen for low-carb chicken fingers just go straight to the egg raw chicken into the egg into your bread crumb substitute whatever that's going to be it could be almond flour coconut flour or bread what are these pork runs and then into the oil but I was talking about my friend misty good friend misty at home that her channel is at home with misty I'm gonna leave a link up to here she I love her we have known her for several years now and we talk all the time and she told me about her little secret instead of flower on the initial dredge use oat fiber now it's so light and delicate and fluffy it's a perfect substitute for the flower you can dip it in here into the out fiber knock it off go straight into there and to the egg wash and it makes a dilute delicious chicken finger and it makes the batter adhere to the chicken better than just the egg in my opinion so I'm gonna leave a link below to where you can get this it is not oat flour do not make that mistake oat flour is totally different this is oat fiber it has zero net carbs it is just the fiber extracted from oats and I've used it in my biscuit battle cooking kita with Christy one that her biscuits are beautiful and delicate and flaky and fluffy and it's because of the oat fiber I'm gonna put a link up here I'll put a link description in the bottom Amazon sells it it's like 11 or 12 bucks for a bag and it'll last you forever but if you use net trician calm at least they another services united states maybe canada net trician calm have no affiliation at all but this is like five dollars they're the same exact product and i'm telling you a bag will last you a year or two because you use so little of it but it makes a big difference in baked goods so i'm gonna heat up some oil specifically we're gonna use some avocado oil let me get this going here hold them and i'm gonna use a small skillet you're gonna use you know i'm just gonna cook a few so i'm using a very small skillet but i think this is also because i mean avocado oil is not cheap but it has a very high smoke point which means your oil is gonna last longer and it's also not gonna oxidize and turn unhealthy you know a lot of people have was very popular I don't want to mention any names but don't forget anybody in trouble but I used to love watching Mario Batali he was just very informative the way he presented his his stuff and his food was always great well if you ever noticed he would deep fry in olive oil olive oil has an extremely low smoke point and when you go beyond the smoke point of oil you are changing the chemical structure of the oil and that is dangerously bad for the body so yeah it probably tasted good to fry deep fry stuff in olive oil but it was not the healthiest or wisest thing to do because the smoke point is just not high enough to deal with it so what I'm getting at is using avocado oil you can use coconut oil you can use lard would be great you can use butter or ghee today I'm using avocado oil because that's what I have on hand and I generally like it it has no flavor and it makes for beautiful fraud goods so all right so from here we are just gonna let this heat up I'm gonna get a thermometer we want this to be about 325 to 350 and kind of keep it at that level and we're gonna slowly frost some of these chicken fingers and see where we get all right so let's let this heat up and I'll see you back here in just a few minutes all right so our oil has heated and again this is a very small little probably 8 inch skillet I'm gonna use a thermometer here you want it about 330 350 we're actually a little bit hot so that's okay so we're gonna go through this process with a couple of these I'm not gonna make all of them here for you but let's start with this I'm gonna take it now too if you like it in an air fryer you can absolutely do it in an air fryer I'll give you some tips on that in a minute so before this oil gets too hot make sure your egg wash is ready to go also add a little bit of salt to your a little bit of salt to your oat fiber you want you want you got salt in your dredge but you also want some salt in in that as well and so without using your fingers I don't just some weird about raw chicken I just use a fork and this goes to the oat fiber and do you see how lightly and delicately that is coating that can you see that it's it looks like flour doesn't it so throw this in some egg right and it almost repels the egg mixture like flour would and this little extra step helps all of this stay on so much better and then from there let the excess drip off go into your breadcrumbs quote-unquote this is our pork rind version here and just make sure it's well coated if you do this with your fingers which a lot of people do or at all you wind up with just a big old batter finger and I hate that so in this Scott is gonna go carefully drop this in your oil and look ain't nothing better sound than that is that I mean are you kidding me that sounds so good I'm gonna do one with the whey protein to cook alongside that that's kind of small here's another big one alright and when you're frying this you obviously want to make sure they don't touch in the oil I'm gonna bump this up a little bit it could have been a little th hotter because in a small pan of oil obviously this cold chicken because it's been refrigerated brings the temperature way down pretty quickly so you just keep a watch on your temperature now get this in the egg drain it off and this is our whey protein powder and this is a very delicate light batter I'm saying bad or it's a breading this was great on fish too I'm telling you right now fried fish fish fingers fish sticks so this only that let me wash my hand poco okay this only takes about three or four minutes per side depending on how obviously how large the chicken finger is how hot your oil is and how deep you can get it into the into the oil if your shallow frying like this and you can't it's not fully submerged which with the cost of healthy oils this is the way to do it just make sure it's not sticking just gently wag it a little bit and let this do its thing every now and then I'll take an instant-read thermometer and just check the oil temperature it went down considerably it's about 315 don't touch the bottom of the pie pan just let it submerge in the oil so we're looking good let's go heat back up and we just want this cook three minutes on each side and I'm gonna speak that up oh so like if you're gonna cook this in an air fryer which is absolutely doable are you gonna cooking for about 14 minutes at about 360 370 degrees the last two minutes I'll bump it up to 400 degrees just to get the extra browning on the bottom on the piece it's best to spray it with a little bit of oil to get it extra crispy you're gonna use an oil spray I use an avocado oil spray you can use a ghee spray butter spray they spray the pan the basket for your air fryer put your chicken in and then spray the top of the chicken it really really adds the crispness I do prefer get fried in oil I mean don't we all know but I would say that on a scale of 1 to 10 if the fried ones were a 10 the ones in the airfryer are probably an 8 just make sure you have plenty of space even in this I probably have room for one more chicken tender in here but don't overcrowd it the closer you get them they're just gonna stain and stain each other and it's not going to be the batters no fall-off this is going to be a mess so anyway air fryer works great I'm always checking the temperature this is a instant-read thermometer it's a thermapen because I know everybody won't ask what's that purple thermometer it's a thermapen I've got it several years ago based on the America's Test Kitchen recommendations it is expensive it is a hundred dollars for that thing but it is the only one you will ever need it is a laboratory accurate and instantaneous there it is it is a fantastic little gift to yourself if you like gadgets and I had been through several cheaper ones and I loved my thermal cam large well so let this go people all for about three minutes six minutes total so now it's been about five minutes and here's where you want to start actually checking the temperature of the chicken itself so we'll put it over one more time and most importantly whatever utensils you are using to dredge and get your like if you're going to use tongs or a four or whatever you're using to do this portion with do not use it to retrieve and tend your hot fresh food that is cross-contamination nightmare you will not have a good time I assure you so be sure that whatever you're using here on the fully cooked chicken only touches the fully cooked chicken do not use this for now go in to some raw chicken and dredge it and put it in here and take please don't that please please please please don't do that surely I don't have to say that so these just need a couple more minutes I mean a couple more seconds we're at 145 at 1:56 so I'm getting ready to take these out of here we put this first one in first so now here is my other I guess you could say secret weapons and that is when you take these out of the grease even if it's in your air fryer what does everybody do they go and put it on a plate that's got paper towels in it I'm guilty of it myself please don't do that put it on a rack put it on a baking racking foot paper towels underneath the rack but if you go into a commercial kitchen don't nobody fry something good and lay it on a piece of paper towel because yeah it pulls some of the moisture away but not enough and it pulls the grease away but it sits on itself and steams and that's why when you get stuff where you cook stuff the batter falls off of it put it in a baking pan take a baking pan you don't have to put paper towels on the bottom but I do and put your rack on here and whatever is when whatever is done and hot and fresh one more time lay them on this seems ready to come up and it is gonna properly drain there's air flow and circulation around it it's not sitting in its own juices and steaming itself like I said go to a commercial kitchen go to someplace that you like their fried pudding and look at it they're frying it in a basket and the basket comes out of the oil and sits over the oil and drips and that's how it cools they don't put it on a paper towel and let it steam itself to death so I'm gonna quickly show you these these are so hot you scald your hat off but look how freakin crispy and gorgeous they are this is our pork rind guy this is our whey protein guy and we are gonna let them drain and cool I'm gonna go ahead and finish up a few more of these and we're gonna come back and taste them like I said both of these are great I know they are so it's not like there's a winner it's just two great options but I'm gonna finish this up and do a few these I'll put I have them ready to go and then we'll be back here and taste in just a second okay [Music] alright guys so we are back and I have fried most of my chicken fingers and look at that look how frigging beautiful they are okay this is the pork rind option and this is the whey protein powder option and I'm gonna tell you that if you're like most of us and you're cooking and for maybe for a family or more than one person you're gonna need to do this in stages right in batches especially if you're using expensive oil in a smaller pot put your oven on low the lowest setting it's got usually that's 200 and then when you take up one batch put Japan with your rack in the oven and let and it'll keep it warm and it won't overcook it it'll just keep it at temp and you still get the benefit of having all this crispy stuff if this we're sitting on a piece of paper towel by the end of cooking a pound of these the bottoms of be soggy trust me I know so for those of you that are asking about well what about almond flour and coconut flour I'll be honest I've done all of those and I like them these two options are the best to me the pork rind does not taste like pork rinds it does not I know a lot of people do not want to eat pork rinds and that's fine that's why the whey protein is an option and if you're at least well I know KFC is worldwide these days the easiest way for me to say the difference between these if you're familiar with Kentucky Fried Chicken or KFC the pork rind option is like the extra crispy and the white protein powder is the equivalent of their original recipe so that's the way I kind of describe it so let's try one of these of each these are the ones we first brought out and there's the original recipe or dish you can throw in the extra crispy oh my gosh those are so beautiful so obviously you can dip these you can toss them in buffalo sauce or you can just you I hope you can hear it I hope you can hear it things are looking good right y'all that is as good or better than any restaurant chicken tender I've had it certainly not frozen which is what you're going to get most restaurants is a frozen pre breaded okay here's our original recipe guy I guess you could say this is the whey protein powder so good hmm I bit my lip oh wow all right guys other than my chicken related lip injury there you have it low carb fried chicken fingers chicken tenders can it be done you better doggone believe it and I think we did a fantastic job of it so try these let me know what you think about it if you have a breading or coating or fry breading option that you really like that it and cover here today be sure to let me know down in the comments below I think both of these are great on chicken and on fish if you like fish fingers or fried catfish these are fantastic fan tastic so I really appreciate that you have come along for the journey you know I say this every time these videos are way for me to maintain my low carb way of eating and looking into the end of that camera as often as I can helps keep me honest I struggle just like everybody else but I hope that things bring a little bit of joy to you these videos and these chicken burgers bring a little bit of joy to you because they certainly do to me so thank you for coming along if you are new here excuse me um if you are new here be sure to hit the subscribe button down below it lets you and and also the Bell button that lets you know as soon as I've released a new video I have had multiple people daily tell me if you are already a subscriber guys and your friends here at the local highfalutin low carb go look and see if you are still subscribed people are telling me daily that they are I've always been subscribed to you for three years and now suddenly I'm not sometimes you have to toggle it press it unsubscribe and then read subscribe the same with the Bell button if you're not getting notifications of when I release videos turn the notifications off click it again and turn them on somehow that I don't know it's like just reboots or something I don't know it's above my pay grade but I'm getting messages every day I used to be subscribed to you in all of your channel I'm not getting your videos anymore so be sure to do that I want to thank again my sponsor perfect kena for sponsoring this video it means a tremendous amount especially during this crazy crazy time as you know this is May 20 2003 years we're gonna look back on this and and remember what this time was and what it meant and what we gained from it and who all we lost from it but my point is in a time when so many businesses are retracting and pulling back I want to thank perfect Keita for for continuing to push through and sponsor creators like me to bring you these videos without them this would not be possible so be sure to use the link down below again always you can use my code highfalutin 15 to get 15% off of their products but right now for a limited time you can get by to get one free on the way protein powders you can get by to get one free so be sure you use that link in the code down below also I want to thank my patreon sponsors if you don't know what patreon is think of it like the tip jar for the Internet it lets people like you who enjoy what people like me are doing here on YouTube and you can give me a dollar to a month just to sort of keep things on the track and there's lots of original content over there and I do some other things over there that you might want to check out I'm gonna list all of my patreon sponsors here on the screen and I thank them without them truly this channel could not continue so thank you all so much I love each and every one of you I will be back in the next few weeks with another video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Highfalutin' Low Carb
Views: 209,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: highfalutin low carb, wes shoemaker, chicken tenders, low carb chicken tenders, keto chicken tenders, chicken fingers, low carb chicken fingers, keto chicken fingers, chicken nuggets, low carb chicken nuggets, keto chicken nuggets, chicken tender recipe, low carb chicken tender recipe, keto chicken tender recipe, chicken finger recipe, low carb chicken finger recipe, keto chicken finger recipe, chicken nugget recipe, low carb chicken nugget recipe, keto chicken nugget recipe
Id: E4kuxNuxy7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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