4 Ingredient Miracle Dough

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I did not hi guys keno for real life people just now said you're alive so well doing these little YouTube lives is different and the timing schedule of scheduling alive was a little confusing and it wasn't until just a moment ago that I actually looked up what timezone YouTube is it that being said today is the day guys I am going to show you how to make miracle dough it is just amazing it's four ingredient miracle dough it's so versatile it's so simple you're gonna fall in love with it and I'm gonna tell y'all something if you are keto or low-carb this is a game-changer it's gonna change the way you do everything I'm super excited about it I'm more excited about this recipe that I am bread and you're gonna find out why so let me say this if you are new to my youtube channel this is your first time popping in do me a favor and hit the subscribe button and then hit the notification button that way when I do lives or I upload a new video you'll be notified um let's get started I have my daughter over here I don't have you been on my issues with me it's one just yeah just two weeks ago so I see people are starting to pop in this let me talk to you about ingredients for this we're gonna use so many different ways of cooking today it's unreal so for the four ingredient miracle dough for ingredients shredded mozzarella cheese whole psyllium husks cream cheese and the magic Lupin flour it is 100% Lupin flour I buy this from a company by the name of whole provisions it is non-gmo it is organic it is low on the glycemic index I have been eating it non-stop for two weeks no waking my blood ketones are 1.3 my blood sugar is 84 I am in the pocket this is affected my blood sugar whatsoever so I see there are some comments there I can't see them into ah my daughter is I'm here trying to do what I'm doing she's doing her thing she's pulling up YouTube live so that we can keep up with comments or questions or things like that so I will explain to you but right before we get started I'm gonna be using some different methods for cooking I'm going to be doing some frying I'm gonna be going to severe frying and I'm also going to be doing some oven baking and I'm only going to make up one batch of this dough and show you a few different applications I have some fillings ready some sweet fillings and some savory fillings and it's just to give you an idea of how versatile versatile this recipe is um as we go along over the next I don't know how many months you're gonna get recipes for different things using this miracle dough as a base I did drop the link for where to purchase it or in the drop-down and I also dropped the recipe in there so when you're done watching this and you pull up the title it's already there for you I have to go back and loop it back to please while you're there cuz I'm gonna be on the surface here thank you and they do not disturb hi everybody sorry I've been alright so there we go guys sure this is Elizabeth if you've never seen her on here before the Sun Rise daughter youngest child and she is my Kido partner-in-crime you know all the way up I always want to say that alright so my head started guys on YouTube what so this is two cups of shredded mozzarella cheese and if you let it get a little room temperature it makes for mixing easier but it's not necessary I think the first time that I came on here two weeks ago I shared how to make egg rolls and wontons with crab rangoon the filling and I have let my cheese and sit out for a while so it was much warmer and it just blended and somebody freaked out when they tried it themselves so like mine didn't do like yours it's not a big deal so two cups of the mozzarella cheese we have i from the UK my from Guam Wow hello hello from across the side of the pond so we have our cheese's 2 tablespoons and I just scoop some right off the brick and pop it in there easy to make isn't it it's so easy to make even if you think you're messing it up you're not messing it up it's super forgivable well the other night I've been making this non-stop for like two weeks we've tried it every which way you can think of and I think you could get away with psyllium powder but just try going with a half of a tablespoon versus a whole tablespoon just because it makes a difference on density speaking of weird sure I should have done this Olympus get you start on low carb in the mood to keto you know I can kind of say I have been low carb before but then I didn't and I was Atkins and I was gonna do that again because my weight had ballooned all the way back up to 250 pounds and so I was looking for a low carb group and in the meantime I found the word keto and so I went keto versus low carb I will tell you though I plan to out my journey I didn't just jump on the keto wagon I knew I wanted to so I started cutting my carbs back and then I had my keto start date which made it a heck of a lot easier it's just an awesome way to do keto if you've never got on before you kind of aren't so shocked and goes you don't go through carb addiction withdrawal as hard as you would if you did it I need two measuring spoons will you please what is looking Lupin okay so let's talk about the plant it is a plant it is a it is a type of legume it's in the soy and peanuts family but I will tell you it is not soy and it is not peanut allergy disclaimer if you do have a peanut allergy you might have a reaction it's not a guarantee but that is your beware if you have a peanut allergy it is for 1/4 cup there are 12 total carbs in a quarter cup there are 11 grams of fiber so you get one net carb per quarter cup of Lupin flour I will tell you there is something than this called Old Glory all I say it terrible ulla ulla saccharides that's how I think you say it and that's a type of sugar in it 8% but those are prebiotics so this is very prebiotic it's it's not inflammatory there have been studies done in Australia as well as Spain using this product even in Mexico where instead of baking just plain white bread there now blending in with the Lupin flour and people who are using the Lupin flour blended breads with glue are getting lower blood sugar less inflammatory markers or anything like that so I'm happy to say this is very keto friendly in fact they're using it for a couple weeks we've been playing in the kitchen with it and everything shooing ahead and use the keto Mojo checked it her blood sugar was told she's fine she'll spiked with hot coffee Spike's me back her blood sugar was sitting at 84 feet now it's a 1.3 1.3 after eating this there's not mr. Boddy and filling its very high in protein it's very high in fiber and is very low in fat and it is that does have prebiotic so I'm using a half a cup of this for this whole dope recipe which would be two net carbs for the whole ball of Lupin flour the whole deal and then we're gonna disperse it we're gonna go so many things out of this guy's you're on if you've got one of our other lives it's about to go down and it's about to eat fun yes and thank you very much oh I was reading your comments I'm sorry you're asking is actually more than just hi a little assistant she does so much it's unreal what kind of stuff can you eat when day makes your stall I love your bread roll thank you so much for that oh you're welcome so dairy and you're trying to replace the dairy am i understanding that correctly Tina what let's do this we are gonna take my hand and put it into the bowl and I am just going to toss this around and get that cream cheese to kind of blend throughout everything and then we're gonna pop it in the microwave so if you can't have dairy and it stalls you me personally I always say modify or eliminate and just you know learner huh can't do dairy can't do dairy well then you have your coconut creams your macadamia nut creams your almond milks you can buy a cream of coconut there's a difference between the light stuff that's mostly just water and they're really creamy coconut and it's really thick and fatty you just drain off that little bit of water you could take that fat and you can blend it into whipped creams you can make your own half-and-half with it you know it's an option I have a friend up in Canada colorful kita with Dori she has spent a lot of hours really developing some wonderful non-dairy recipes for treats for creamers for even for cheese's she's even and yogurt so we'll try to put that Lane she has a YouTube channel and she's got all kinds of recipes so I will hook you up with that so anyway I blending anything you do not have to get it into a ball before you put this in here but you just want to make sure that you like this name then we're gonna take it in to would you turn that off because we were running the I just turn my okay so this is going to go into the microwave for work one minute now if your microwave it might take a minute and a half to two minutes but I find that a minute in my microwave this like 11 or 12 hundred watt my boy gets this into just the right right texture and melt ability we use pulse helium blasts but that's from in powdered form yeah and if you're going to use the powder form use less of it it's sort of like when you something calls for a teaspoon of salt and you use table salt that's superfine versus teaspoon granulated coarse salt you know you're gonna get a different different texture different taste so use a little less of the whole powdered then you win the whole did to get the cheese smell I would say the microwave is necessary but the first part of the dough oh yeah I've never done it any other way I mean I haven't been I have not thought of I haven't thought of anything to Sharon Bruce and I love this recipe I make at patrol some crab rangoon but their dough did not stand up during the cooking like you said the don't plop down do you have any ideas why I need to know what what method of cooking did you use did you Bank it or did you fry it did you bake it or air fried it and you just want to give this a couple of turns in the bowl y'all and and see I have been making this over and over and it just pops right out it looks kind of weird it looks kind of yes it looks at a year nearly er yeah you can see little streaks of cream cheese and little shreds of mozzarella but you it comes out in its pot and you just do this and it becomes elastic and smooth and I need it just a couple of times just to make sure it's all incorporated and it gets a little hot but it's not gonna scold you or anything like that so and then there we have that that's beautiful smooth Bowl ball Abdo a bottle without no this is just a single you can been wanting her to double this vibe well because we do so well here I mean what you'd really do we make so much stuff and this is enough to overfill us for real just so you know this is just coconut oil going into a skillet we're gonna show you some multiple applications here all right so now you have miracle dough that's all there is to it um savory we'll start with savory because you always eat savory first so I'm gonna make a couple of little meat pies and I'm gonna pinch off like it oh I don't know maybe a three or four inch piece of dough and I'm gonna roll it out there and I'm just gonna Pat it flat and you're gonna see now I use a heavy rolling pin for this guys it Markel my daughter Danielle I bought it for me and I'm gonna roll it to it it's about an eighth of an inch okay I hear you that I'm just eating up my airfare it's about an eighth of an inch in thick okay now I will say this if yours doesn't hold up if you're not getting your dough nice and thin you're not gonna get the same texture you're not gonna get the same Christina's it's kind of like it just yeah bad bad because we made pretzels we made soft pretzels with this we're gonna make a couple today - yeah so here we go I've got in the f ed it rolled thin enough to do the D here and you can use a cookie cutter this is a big four inch cookie cutter I've got the ruffle end and I have got B serrated eggs baby meat eyes I like baby meat pies so dude everything baby micro she keeps saying I'm doing micro but because this is Zoey my raw macros by micro macros yes let's see we've got little rounds here you could definitely use a bigger cutter because you can do this if you roll it out just right like it is right now and cut this and you can make tortillas you can add a little corn extract which I have done to this dough I've added corn extract and made corn tortillas with it we've made corn chips we've a Dorito style things with it churros we have made half rangoon we have made oh my gosh ah flat pizzas are like incredibly thin and then Krispies yes we have like we have been eating here y'all that's what we've been doing eating keto okay so I've got four here and then you know what with the scrap do guys I did not watch her this is my disclaimer this scrap though this is where it got funny last time she'll be like what you say this but later now honey you just say this dough for later don't you throw the scraps away I love it cuz you can reuse it until II that's what should be mine later it'll be a triangle left oh and then Cho microwave it yeah waste not you want nah Oh what I gotta say about that okay yeah all right so look at a little spring here with spoon okay so I'm going to start well I've got my airfryer open so I'm thinking I might fry one and I might put one in the airfryer what do you think I think that you should airfryer them just because if you pre cook the dough that it works better when you write I don't know try it oh yeah yeah yeah no let's do the airfryer there is when you're putting heavier stuff inside misto it's easier to kind of like throw it in the oven and just like let it bake for just a little bit just to make it a little denser and then fry it you can add a drop a gravy to this if you wanted to but I just put like just a little bite depending on how big you make these now you can do everything on a much bigger scale I'm doing everything on a much smaller scale what do you think about adding keto Chow with it uh keto Chou fjord I ordered my flour what do you think riding you know ChaCha well I don't think I would be adding keto Chow to the dough itself I think that you could take that keto Chow and make you some wonderful mousse or pudding or filling and you could definitely I tried that I prefer to just use my fingers I've decided my fingers are warmer than the fork there you go look at that though look at that isn't that beautiful you've got little meat pies I haven't tried to boil these yet but whether it's pierogies potstickers empanadas whatever you want this is this is what you get and you can definitely put these Devin you're at airfryer we bake them in the oven I have not time didn't fry them because I just have a skillet I have a feeling that of them deep fryer like if I got a big pot out I'm gonna have to try it what they can yeah with a basket might really work out well so just a little teaspoon of meat and because I'm making oh let me bring it all the way let's turn it off snickerdoodle flavor they do I've had this snickerdoodle I have tried so many of their products their flavors my gosh the toffee flavor isn't their newest sweet flavor that I fell in love with when I was in Denver it was absolutely delicious I love their salted caramel their chicken if you haven't tried the chicken awesome I mean I'm not doing a commercial for keto chat or anything but I really do love their products and their new beef base to make Heather be things with as well as their tomato basil taco soup I mean they're they're on it doggone it uh you know we were talking about what we're gonna make right Soto Street fried and then actually it up a double boiler one working master you could try over there well I was going to well that's nice hit it and y'all because we crash and burn together right here in this area okay so I'm gonna just pop two of these in and get them going and just keep working and I'm gonna put these in here for about seven minutes and I'm using the temperature on my air fryer is at 350 sorry baby and then we're gonna go down to seven minutes on the timer and just hit start and then let it go alright gotta go now I'm gonna dry something I haven't done because I have a theory in my mind and I'm gonna use to these little guys um should we do it in pie form for the blueberries I say use one for the okay hey why don't you have those thank you so much she just gave me my own dough y'all I said I push the ten-second button on this and I probably let it go five to seven seconds and then I pull it out and because in a hard news because it's cheese but when you heat it up it's all soft and pliable and that's why I said don't get rid of your dough because you can just reheat it and re-roll it and reuse it now Michael yes so I am going to use this and I think I'm going to go ahead and fry some of these up for you now I will tell you another thing that you can do with this dough and they taste just like funnel cakes what I know did you did somebody just shout I think I heard somebody was like oh my god funnel cakes like you know yeah yes you can because well you can slightly like there's two seconds so what you can do with this dough if you were into like making all kinds of goofy things while you're mixing it you can add about a teaspoon of baking powder say for instance you were just wanting crispy crackers you can leave it as is it's really up to you again we get this at about an eighth of an inch thick and I'm gonna hit this I go back and forth with this thing right there and I'm just going to use a knife to cut some shapes up for y'all so on the cracker chip room you have the option of air frying baking or frying and I've even about people on Facebook now posting pictures of some of the things they've made I've seen meat pie I've seen chips that have been fried and they looked wonderful I've seen baked they look great so you choose what you want you get really crispy now I'm using coconut oil it's wonderful for frying it's got that you know how short name is shorty just kind of does things to crispy bread and things my fried chicken and pads and use deep fried things well it does it to this too so I'm just going to taste and I'm gonna actually just make some shapes here see how easy that is it just forgivable so easy to work with I'm gonna make some chips from quick okay just while we're waiting on the meat pies and another thing that I have done you guys that is really really fun and tasty is I'm taking these little rounds that I've made and I turn my little mini muffin pan upside down and I put the dough on every other one and just let it bake and what it does is it makes little cups little hard krispies cups that you can fill you can fill them with whatever custard dessert filling you want and that's where you can players from Quito ciao stuff or you can fill it and make little Shepherd's pies taco things whatever you want now I don't have to dock this I don't have to do anything with it all I have to do is just lay it in the oil and it just starts Christine up right away and you just watch it women and just get golden you grab it with your tongs and lipids and they're poufy they're just goofing right away so give it just a little they float around now I've tried to do taquitos raw Toki toes and it wasn't so great it was just too heavy SATs stuck to the pan the cheese melted it broke apart but if you take and make some tortillas with this and you just partially bake them these two stuck together if you just partially bake them then they're solid enough that you can roll them up we made turkey toes they were fantastic for dipping and fun evening welcome all the animal motion I have not had the opportunity to try a suit but I would think that you're going to get a nice little crunch it would be like adding croutons on top of soup you know it'll absorb and then you're going to lose your crunch this is the true test here we go she's gonna try to do some double boiling this is your these are your chips when it comes out you can immediately season them with whatever you like salt taco seasoning baby would you hand me the top of the seasoning yeah they are really good this thing gets at three nobody gets to cool at 350 gets too hot I love this brand of taco seasoning it's at our local brochures it's taco Dimas it's a sugar free taco seasoning mix if you can use by sprinkle or by the tablespoonful see here this is what we're getting now these are light airy and crispy when you let them cool down they've really crisp up and crunch up mmm so good I love that first bite and when I'm showing you guys something because it's just hits by Tom like Oh BAM baby it's so good so so good I'm gonna turn that off again real quick cuz we're gonna keep on going oh cheese over there working on it well not scary again save your scraps now I want to go a little bit bigger those are chips you can do it that way you can make them with a little baking powder in the dough I make a really puffy or they still have a little crisp and puff without the baking pan totally up to you you can season those I have sprinkled cinnamon and sweetener over the top of them that's what they taste like Pompeii or churro I haven't tried yet to just like roll it out and make little squigglies with it the dough needs to be bigger so I to to grasp it what are you done well because it's gonna soften a little bit cuz that esteems yeah you steam the best steamed in okay I didn't show y'all it's not pretty I steamed it I like I like that a lot it's almost like a cross between cheese and pasta well I tried to steam it and I didn't show y'all like because it was just kind of coming in I need a bigger piece of dough okay um Sasha please right behind you with the chips on it so our two little meat pies are done they're beautiful I adore the airfryer almost so we're just beautiful guys this is where this is my favorite part is they getting to eat it getting to taste it or you want to take it around cuz you're closer over there you can even use these tongs that they're hot baby look at that there's seals they're beautiful like I said you can put whatever you want into these beautiful little pricey and you can make them bigger as well yeah yes I kid you not now I've done the egg rolls we do have you can make them into triangles or squares wonton wrappers size or the bigger squares all right look I'm on a boil down because even when they're high show they're okay there is a brand called on Julio's is the season tortilla chips mmm so good you think I tell you this he's mean herb rosemary garlic sea salt black pepper you figure out what you ever floats your boat flavor weapon and you've got this you could even do it like a little bit of the Memphis or barbecue rub for a barbecue style chip I mean that's a great idea I know what just came in I know because these great ideas come into your head when you're talking whenever she's talking to y'all y'all don't realize how much she haven't you helped her you know here uses heavy carbs and how many chips servings alright can I tell you all this I don't know I I don't count backroads I should I am uh I'm what they call a key to not see a really strict heat on myself besides my diet coke why I freaked out but she'll purposely mess up maybe like you know that's not like 15 cars I just look at her like but there's not that many carbs I'm not having any issues snow below no weight gain you're like okay here's one in a macro powder if you stop and think of it this way I took one of these one single batch of miracle dough and we made eight tortillas so I did do that in my car manager and I did put the recipe in so for eight tortillas okay it was one net carb per tortilla so stop it think that way so if you were to take a tortilla everything I got any chips then you could know that that amount would equal one net carb think about it two carbs to carpets you're probably gonna have meat in your tortilla and some vegetables that aren't gonna be very many carbs you're getting two big old giant tacos for two net carbs versus nobody getting fired ts up the story away I have six carbons six net carbs or three net carbs per tortilla Oh bless the gluten and all the other stuff that comes with that there are you doing all right we're gonna do it we're gonna oh why you want to take one of money and I'll take the better one I got good tell me I got the good deal look girls she made guys I don't know gotta lose on her oh but we didn't need to cause and that's how cute I need to keep this up I made some 1k so real quick before started love it y-you know what you could almost take them cooking like this and then put them in the double broiler I'd let them go just like sticky things but this is delicious this is super yummy super super yummy I'm telling you so I think what we're gonna do here is we're gonna roll a little cheese on my board why not Thanks appreciate it back up in the gym on unanswered she was gonna do it she kind of knows me so I'm gonna take this down right now I'm gonna start rolling again I'm thinking we're gonna do a pretzel and what we just need to do how did we do it last time we just took a piece and a strip and rolled it and hold it and office yeah you just took this I did okay and you got what is no microwave dying right now dying my microwave is powerful y'all never be if not dead I die oh okay well this is so good that I just can't cuz that's round y'all she's doing it Wow Wow don't do that well because I was hungry don't mind me pastor at my cakes oh my gosh you're Berto thank you mmm Wow all right you're gonna make with this I'm thinking this is we're getting ready to get into some like traditional blueberry pie like cream cheese like some berry pie with these sodas but like with a glaze or what something like that ah all right torte this is just a little ball of dough you don't have to roll it out you just get it warm so that it's pliable and you just use your hand no leads and I thought I'm a play dough when your kid it is I I should probably make what - yeah this is gonna be kind of big that's cool let's split down the middle minou we the same me and you we share everything we do not everything oh no we don't share them in not it kind of sick ah I can't believe you said that for mother and Doc I know that was so funny okay so now we do this whole thing here wait there we go whoop I got a dumb little thing there so you just roll it up it's probably about a half inch and then again you can just pop it on what are we doing in there we're gonna give in there oh all right do it let's do it it's so much quicker I was thinking heaven because it's punchable see this is a new experiment it really is because we haven't used to air fryer for everything so I'm gonna go six on this one instead of seven we're not gonna keep eating everything as we make it that way we have a one good she says there's a pops out she wants a bite to it all right I have a little pan here [Music] now somebody mentioned to me the other day and said hey what about the pablor yes cobbler cobbler what do you think of the cobbler cobbler so basically what I can do is and this I'm just shaking it so that I can't cut it I'll hold her roll hold my roll baby hop just tell me how long darlin oh you've got a lot there she mom she buddy don't throw away your scrap don't do it yeah you can there we go so what we can do here now if I have a little casserole dish and I'm sure that I make this and make three to four servings now I want to caution you about berries oh she's starting to bless you we can have we can have berries but 1/2 a cup per serving one thing you don't want to overdo it I have 1 cup of blueberries well no I lied I put 1 pint of blueberries in here which was about 1 and 1/2 cups so I cooked this down I used a little bit of whole blueberries fresh from the store a half a cup of water quarter teaspoon of xanthan gum and three tablespoons of all yellow sweetener and I just let it cook and reduce everything in and then I chilled it in the fridge so you can see it is nice and thick so I am going to just pop I wish I had a smaller one because I would make this smaller smaller than this you think that would work let's try that I'm gonna waste all this I want to do a couple of other little things well we can still I want to put like half in there just a little layer something we can share we can put a little bit of these blueberries down in here I'm sure we could work on a pie crust eventually as well I'm already working on it so we've got some blueberry here you trying to lattice me up in a lattice yep okay you lattice it I'm holding that we're gonna sprinkle a little on gulose over the top of that for a little sweetness on the crust or we might just use a little place in the meantime I'm gonna take one of these little circles guys I'm gonna grab me another little while for care there it is and I am gonna try just to see what we get as far as eight pie goes again these are little you can make them bigger if you so desire I am just gonna fold it over again and press these down and it can get a little bit cool so the dough doesn't wanna stick but just in Polish you I got a leak of blueberry right on the edge not a big deal not a big deal pick it up and pinch and now we have little pockets of blueberry filling let's do and see if I can get one right out of this aliens we do have one more the other thing that I have here is a little bit of cream cheese with sweetener that's all it is cream cheese sweetener and I just a Titch of lemon juice I did not even add vanilla to this I'm just gonna take a little and I let it cool down because you don't want it to be all hot hmm just sprinkle a little sweetener just a little please again want a little ball of this and we can make this into a little cream cheese like a cheese danish filling and just press them together you can bake them I use the oven temperature on the oven as 425 yeah we're going to [Music] good okay so there we go we've got some cream cheese filling there we go and we're gonna take she's all check that pretzel check it I know I'm so bossy it has two minutes of shows so you did one with the cream cheese moment blueberry yes so we can do an egg roll and I'm just going to take my strapping dough at Bayonet scrubs and a lunch scrub you got to love those scraps and pop it back in the microwave now hopefully this guy's this gets a little lengthy because I'm just showing you so many applications for this miracle dough okay generally speaking it does not take me this long I make the miracle dough I make what the miracle do what I want with it so if I want tortillas I make a batch of tortillas if I want chips I make chips you know it's not a huge one process what I'm just trying to show you is what is miracle dough I'm trying to show you how many of these you can apply it and I'm just doing a few applications so it doesn't take a whole long time to do these oh my goodness I like this a lot a lot better I think here we have pretzel soft pretzels y'all it was interesting I don't know where my plate went yeah we got chips and stuff on it they're so tasty and then we can dip it in cheese or mustard oh let's see that didn't work I'll hold it separate Oh soft pretzels anybody Oh now do me a favor share this all over the place like I want but it's spongy on the inside like a soft pretzel texture like I'm telling you they are delicious all right and I think that we could add the baking powder to that as well to get it even poofier but that's just with four ingredients that's just delicious gosh it's so good I know I think I was going to said we're not gonna need everything and I'm like I told you I told you okay so I've got this enrolled that's a little thick on this side and it's a little cool so if it gets a little cool on you you can either force it like I'm doing with a really super heavy pin or just pop in the microwave for a second we're gonna take some of this new filling it's meat it's brown pork it is a little bit of cabbage it's a little bit of celery and some chili paste all kinds of good stuff Chinese five-spice and we're just gonna roll it and ruin it right there I'm really just making one because we're gonna be wrapping this and I think we're once we pull dessert we're gonna be ready you done with that mm-hmm and then well saw stuff to play with guys you can make chimichangas enchiladas I mean to think about all the things you could do this if you were making tortillas and you just cook them just enough so that they get the little specks on them pull them out they're soft your pliable to fill it with your meat filling fill it with your cheese roll them put your enchilada sauce on put your cheese on BAM you've got a pan of true enchiladas it's not enchilada in a bowl it's not April in a bowl it's not any of those things alright so we got fruit and cream cream cheese and then we have just an egg roll style where a chimichanga however you want with our pretzel we have a pretzel and we are going back in here at 350 350 for seven minutes seven lucky number seven is the number on your air fryer it works great uh I could I could have I take this dough and just do one giant one of these light is so good so good look I still have this much dough left four tortillas four wraps or just all kinds of things what do we got going on here much spam how do you baking powder wouldn't make them up your bagel instead of Fathead oh right oh gosh you're off yeah would you know you notice I didn't have to put parchment paper down on the cutting board I didn't have to get my hands wet it doesn't fall apart pretzel came out of the air fryer on the air fryer but we baked one on the oven the other couple days though it was just right do you only use all you lives now for your sweetener for everything pretty much I still have some monk fruit I still have some pure and I do use powdered erythritol and I do have super old for the sweetener for a brown cane I bought the flower but it's carb heavy where can I find the recipe for the wanton she made a few weeks ago it's on my youtube channel right before this my last upload was the walk-ons it's right there it's really simple really basically all it is is ground pork and cabbage have you tried to test it the flower limps up the claims and take sugar readings with the monitor yes I have yes I have done that and it passed with flying colors my ketones are 1.3 my blood sugar is 84 right where I normally sit I did not have any interruptions by eating this so it's been great I'm gonna wash my hands real quick I didn't mean to just walk away oh my goodness now she didn't know I didn't I was standing there holding on so I was like I have been squeezing that dough and the oil from the cheese comes out all over my hands and I was just like I can't take it yes I did I actually posted the results of my bub blood glucose and ketone readings on Facebook yesterday I believe so it's posted there I'm yeah yeah I wouldn't we're out of the little sticky things I got the last of it yesterday and she's like no I can't I can't I said oh well though you were out I used to safety yeah I'm not doing that y'all that's that kyoya up I'm telling you where are we at on that bubbly so we're just gonna chitchat I'm going to answer questions now for the last little countdown and see if there's anything I can answer I will tell you this dough as well you can make this up like I didn't use this you could take this dough right now and if you're not going to use all of it just wrap it in some plastic wrap stick it in your refrigerator you pull it out you nuke it you roll it and you can keep on going now have not tried to freeze it but I have doubled the recipe with no problem we did it for Memorial weekend and I let me tell you I did a double batch that's a lot of dough but we had nine grandchildren plus all the moms and the dads and the grandmas and grandpas here and aunts and uncles and so it was just going as fast as as I was taking him out they were eating him up the grandkids were just loving them so very kid friendly very kid friendly you're so good thank you so now I'm gonna take a look and see as we wait down to it we are down to the last four minutes and we're going to do some ants egg QA let's see what's your favorite brown sugar it is the souq wrinkle well you no longer be making any other bread Fathead donut anymore switching to the miracle dough for all those recipes pretty much you know let me tell you almond flour as I have found and this was probably what got me started on this quest for Lucan flour I was telling my daughter I said I believe that I'm starting to react to the almond flour because every single time I ate it I started getting swollen I was skimming inflamed I was feeling achy a little bit now if it was almond flour pancakes it would mess with me if it was one piece of bread it wouldn't but it was just it's one of those things so I thought I knew it I need to looking for another alternative besides just on the flower I will still make money Trish don't you spread there's gonna be times I just make fat head pizza crust because everybody loves that it's not my recipe but everybody loves it Thanks I was just giving you a drink of mine beginners share so tasty oh we can make a coke glass for three days we'll take one 20 ounce bottle of coke and put it hot bridge take a drink we share put in the fridge we're just we didn't I say oh the stuff we eat cuz we drink water all day long but when we're eating we want something to drink how much butter featuring today I've had about including these No 16 ounces I'm a little 90 see I usually drink about nine ounces of water yeah I got busy on the computer and phone call conferences today Thank You Jodi yeah let's see I bought the flower by carb heavy where can I find the recipe for wontons is this a steak just Mike Smith okay you can't use it at my mouth and it's not me she keeps the adding stuff in it and then as well or you can hear that part yeah you probably get that crunch bars are not alright nothing weird on to one minute all right I want the ninja can you make itto bagels I'm thinking we can I'm thinking we're gonna keep on playing with this this has been in development for too well just over two weeks just over two weeks we've been playing with this and thinking of all the applications and so I'm gonna have a section a page on my website that's just going to have miracle dough a miracle dough recipes because it'll it'll start a recipe with like for instance little fruit pies wine recipe miracle dough I don't have the recipe of the fruit pie the recipe for the wontons the recipe for the crab rangoon all the different things that we can do yeah here we go I was so beautiful again I love my love it okay so this you guys barely I love the air fryer because it does not stick look at this this is just beautiful you can hear that that clink-clink meat pie golden I send me pie more like an egg roll chimichanga however you want to and then a blueberry pie and a cream cheese and it sit in there and it did well this one right here just split those little when I pulled it out but I'm gonna take that and set it there to cool down and I have made of just blueberry ones too dark I am so excited about this show I should not be as excited as I am on the inside right now yes we do love to make our sweet stuff don't we we don't eat tons of it but we love it so this is just a little powder to rest for tall and just a little but of the almond milk and all I did was just make it a thin glaze because I am going to just drizzle blaze for a little sweetness because the inside filling has got a little bit of sweetness on it and then the dough itself is not but I think this a little bit of glaze and you could wait till they're absolutely cool than your glaze will set up better but we're not lady you know it's kind of like buying those on the 99th of things at Walmart when you're going through the aisle if you're like all right Roubaix yeah fine and I'm gonna bring this back over here yeah below fat is hot because it's hot and I'm gonna cut this right here in half with a nice crisp show you guys so there is your like little ruffle up whether you make it a chimichanga or ever whatever you want it is I mean it's it's so crispy crunchy alright don't you do it I'm not doing it I want it I want to do it I want to eat this I want a cheese danish so bad I can't see start I am going to this is like a little cheese pie Danish but I could definitely have one or two of those in the morning with my cup of coffee if I wasn't fasting but you know again I always tell everybody eat clean you clean five days a week eat whole foods eat do you know do the whole protein stuff nice good healthy fats eat some veg you know enjoy one or two days a week where you just enjoy fun foods like like cobbler cobbler or little meat or fruit pies or pizza or whatever but I will say this I have been eating this stuff over the last two weeks non-stop eating no weight gain okay look I've been eatin it know a game she eats more than me too and look how thin she is you don't watch oh gosh that's so nice I mean your rakes right down you're gonna have to kind of cut it and I'm sure we could we're just with it honestly you guys what I did just thought I turned it on the broiler popped it in there and I just spun it in there while the broiler was on and look it's it's dough on the top I will tell you there will be future with so hot I'm not doing that I'm gonna die you you don't burn yourself I do it every time okay we're watching here we're watching ha yeah you're happy I'm very happy you know why because you believe in quito a wet look three four minutes now yeah and you're still enjoying it look at the joy I've been 18 months I'm like I can't wait it's hot blah blah rebel ice cream oh man I blew you burned me ding it's a really it was just shocking she's done myself oh it's so good sorry okay oh I just dropped that right in this is where it gets crazy look at the beautiful Minnesota I'm gonna tell you like that we're getting crazy now you gotta stop we have got to stop I want you to see that beautiful glaze guys Oh Livy by rabal hasn't been so good I've only ever had reveled once and it's so delicious are we ready I've got the cheese ones you've got the blueberry y'all wish you were right here right now I know hmm well that's like me at the bakery that's like getting a blue berry Dona in the morning for the donut shop guys this has been absolutely the best I hope you enjoyed this I'm so happy share share share tag your friends do me that favor because if you're low carb or keto and you've been missing you know things like pies and crispy crunchy crackers and chips and tortillas and enchiladas and Jimmy Joe's and wontons and egg rolls and pies and cobblers bagels and pretzels share this it is a true game changer thank you guys so much for tuning in I appreciate it I'll share the link for the airfryer I've already got a link for the miracle flour make sure when you buy a miracle flour you buy a 100% Lupin flour okay some stores up north in the Walmart area are selling a loop and flour blend and it's kind of kind of non key no flowers in it so remember guys fat first moderate protein low carb and get you some it doesn't end like the other one I want
Channel: Keto For Real Life People
Views: 65,516
Rating: 4.8886614 out of 5
Keywords: #keto, #Ketolifestyle, #ketoforbeginners, #ketoforreallifepeople, #macros, #ketodiet, #lowcarb
Id: aoy41aozVxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 15sec (3375 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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