How to make keto French fries | Keto vegan gluten-free

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

From the text of the YouTube page:


Almond fries: * 100g ground almonds (you can use finer almond flour but the texture will be denser and crunchier) * 3 tsp xanthan gum (or konjac powder if you have it!) * 6 tbsp hot water

Coconut flour fries: * 50g coconut flour * 3 tsp xanthan gum (or konjac powder) * 7-8 tbsps hot water


  1. Place ground almonds (or coconut flour) and xanthan gum in a mixing bowl, mix well. Add in hot water and mix/knead the dough till all the ingredients are blended together. Leave to rest for 15 minutes.

  2. Roll out the dough till it reaches 1/4 cm thickness, cut it into slim strips (French fries shapes).

  3. In a frying pan, add in a generous amount of oil (enough to cover the fries). Maintain medium to low heat. Gently place the dough strips in the pan and fry them till they are golden brown on all sides.

  4. Transfer the fries to a plate lined with kitchen towels (to remove access oil). Sprinkle with Himalayan salt or sea salt. And enjoy x

Oven method:

Place the dough strips on a baking tray (lined with baking sheet and greased with oil). Brush a generous amount of oil on top of the to-be French fries and bake in a 200Β°C/400Β°F preheated oven till the fries are golden brown (10-15mins). Toss the fries around in between to make sure they bake evenly on all sides.


  • Vegan mayonnaise (or thick vegan yoghurt)
  • Crushed garlic
  • Finely chopped parsley
  • A squeeze of lemon

Mix all ingredients together (if you’re using vegan yoghurt, add some salt to season). And enjoy

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rharmelink πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Interesting, will have to try this

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/importrunner πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

So excited to try this. Making them tonight. The coconut version since they seem to be getting better reviews

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NomDuGloom πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Nice, if I can cross fries off my craving list it just leaves me with two food items left!

Look forward to trying it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/meinkausalitat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Will these be dry enough to fry? If they're too wet it won't be good.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AI1859 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I wonder if adding backing powder would puff them up while frying. Has Anyone tried that?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/m3phista πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hi everyone many great recipes are actually results of failed cooking experiments and this is one of them [Laughter] so i was in the process of experimenting with keto noodles or keto pasta i didn't know which one it was going to end up and you know we made margin noodles with shirataki noodles a couple weeks back and it occurred to me that if i could use the raw ingredients that make shirataki and mix it with some other ingredients and maybe i'm able to produce something that's closer to pasta or regular noodles i managed to find a konjac powder a big jar of it from amazon so this is what makes shatak noodles and konjac and you probably have seen them in asian shops that's kind of come in a kind of a block and it's kind of white powder really really fine and it's an ingredient i never used before i just kind of looked it up and it disappeared so i've been using it to try to create noodles and pasta and so far my experiments have not been successful just so you know well so far you never know so keep your eyes peeled but in the process i was led with a lot of dough that i didn't know what to do with so i thought what if i fry the dough would it turn into something and something it did turn into it turned into this beautiful fries so reason why i cut them into noodle shapes and when i fry them they just turn into this really crispy and delicious french fry like fries so i thought well this is great new discovery but when i thought hang on a second how many people have kong jack powder in their cupboard and i'll take a guess i'll say probably zero i've come this far in life and this is the first time i'm holding a jar of it and i didn't even know it existed until i looked it up so i thought well these fries are delicious but i have to find an alternative way to make it work so i switch my direction of experiment and turn into french fried experiment this is what pros do okay and uh and i've been experimenting on how to reproduce this fries using ingredients you can easily source and probably already have in your cupboard and i think i did it i found the ingredients right under my nose that works perfectly well maybe better than these quite expensive this is um 20 pounds english pounds you know british money well it will probably last me for quite a while but still expensive so today i'm going to show you how to make these beautiful beautiful delicious french fries keto vegan french fries and gluten-free of course let me show you how to make it the ingredients you need to make the fries the first thing you need is almond flour or ground almonds really so these are really coarsely ground regular ground almonds you can also make it with coconut flour so i've got some coconut flour here and on top of that dentaga so i hope i pronounce it right and so it's not ingredients i've been using a lot but now i'm gradually discovering and the usefulness of it so this ingredient that quite often used as a thickener but this is a perfect replacement to the konjac powder in fact i think it actually creates better texture full of fries so this is what we're going to be using today to create the fries and this is all we need yes you heard me right so it's either coconut flour or ground almonds and zentaga so effectively two ingredients so we might have broken the record of the shortest ingredient list on this channel but this is all you need so let's make the fries okay so i've got a mixing bowl here so this recipe is so easy i'm going to show you both versions the coconut flour and the almond flour so you know exactly how to make it so the first thing we're going to add in is the ground almonds so i've got 100 grams of ground almonds here and then we're going to add in three teaspoons of zenta gum so three level spoons two and three and take a spatula and just give it a quick mix and then take some hot water so this is freshly out of the kettle and we're going to add in about six tablespoons of hot liquid so just put in three and six and then we're going to give it a quick mix so it's quite hot we're going to use the spatula first and then we're going to switch to the hand okay so this is it let me just switch my hand so the dental gum absorbs quite a lot of liquid so if you're using ground almonds and you add in a hot liquid at this point you're going to be thinking you messed it up because it's really really wet the mixture is really wet but i'm telling you you haven't this is exactly what it needs to be and all you have to do is mix it really well so it's quite sticky in your hands but just make sure you mix all ingredients together almost like you're trying to knead it and just do that for a couple minutes okay and then round it into kind of a ball shape and as you can see it is still very sticky but don't worry about it we're going to leave it to rest for a little while so what i'm going to do is pop it in a bowl here and then i'm going to cover it with a moist towel or a piece of cling film and i'm going to leave it to rest for about 15 minutes okay so let's move on to the coconut flour version i'm going to use the same bowl it's much easier so if you're using coconut flour the process is pretty much identical other than the quantities so i've got 50 grams of coconut flour here i'm gonna pop it in and then we're going to add in three level teaspoons of zenta gum three never quite level my sloppy measurement and then give it a quick mix the same way that you do with almond flour and then we've been adding hot liquid so coconut flour absorbs a lot of liquid so you might need more than six tablespoons so i'm gonna start with six tablespoons and take it from there okay six and then i'm going to give it a quick mix and the chances are it will still be too dry so this is when you have to make a judgment call okay let me switch to my hand so you will find it's still quite flaky so we're going to add in a small amount of liquid so from my experience you probably need seven to eight tablespoons but i want you to fill the dough and decide how much you need it so this is a seventh tablespoon with the coconut flour the dough would be a lot firmer and smoother not as wet as the ground almonds so the textures are slightly different with these two different ingredients and so you will see later on they come out slightly different but they're both delicious i'm going to add another half tablespoon ish like that and give it a good mix it's important for you to mix it well um so ledenzagan has a chance to bind everything together that's the magic ingredient you can see the dough is a lot paler and a lot firmer it's not as sticky as the ground almonds version okay i think this is pretty good so it's really nice and smooth and then we're going to roll it into a ball shape and again we're going to pull it in a bowl and cover it with a piece of cling film or moist towel and leave it to rest for 15 minutes okay so my little dough balls have been resting for about 15 minutes so there's no change in appearance or size and the only difference is the texture you find it will be less sticky and same with the almond flour so particularly with almond flour version at this stage if you still find it quite sticky you can sprinkle a little bit of ground almonds to firm it up and sometimes it happens because our measurements are not always that precise and now we're going to roll up the doughs and turn them into little strips okay so i've got a rolling pin here i'm going to use it to roll out my dough okay so the first thing we're going to do is the almond flour version and use a rolling pin to roll it out so the thickness we're aiming at is about a quarter of a centimeter and in terms of size i kind of want to create that irregular length the normal fries would have so if you cut up the potatoes it's unlikely they'll be the same lens or thickness i kind of want to recreate that so i'm going to use my knife to take a knife i kind of just shape it up so i don't want it to be too long because it'd be hard to fry so i'm going to just make it kind of a long oval a slightly oval shape and just use a knife to kind of shape it up okay so something like this should do so the thickness you can see it's kind of quite thin as i said probably about quarter of a centimeter but they're not that regular and that's the beauty of it you don't have to be totally precise okay so now i'm going to take my knife and start cutting it into thin strips the almond flour version is a little bit more delicate so you want to kind of make one strip and then put it aside so you know it doesn't stick on your knife the size you're aiming for is kind of french fry size like this and i'm going to just place it on another chopping ball so make one strip and pull it aside to make sure they don't stick together okay so that's my almond flour fries and ready to be fried they're in the regular lengths and sizes it is perfect it's exactly what we want and i'm going to put it aside and i'm going to show you a coconut flour version the coconut flour dough is a lot easier to handle in comparison you can pick and choose what you like to work with they both taste fantastic so let me roll it out okay and we're going to do the same thing we're going to spread it out so coconut flour you'll find more cracks around the edges so it's just a different type of flower but it's easier to roll out but at the same time you need to tidy up the edges a bit more okay something like this should do so it's slightly regular in sizes perfect and then we're going to cut in small strips so the same thing as you cut off a strip make sure you kind of remove it from your knife so it doesn't stick all together so if they ever snap into like two pieces like this one you can just stick it back and just give it a pinch just kind of mold it together so it's really easy going dough okay so here's my coconut flour version and they're ready to be fried so in my frying pan i'm going to pour in generous amount of olive oil so what we're going to do is to produce the deep-fried effect with shallow fry so you can see that it's not a huge amount of oil but we're going to take advantage of the fact that these fries are actually quite thin so we don't need huge amount of oil to fry them we just need enough oil to cover them okay and turn the heat on so if you don't want to fry them in the frying pans you can use an oven just place them on a greased baking tray and then brush a layer of oil generous amount of oil on top and then bake them in a 200 degree preheated oven until they're golden brown you probably need to flip them around a couple of times in between to make sure they're properly cooked and they're brown on both sides and that's it so we want to keep the heat to medium to low we just need to keep the sizzling going but not high heat i'm going to allow the oil to warm up and then i'm going to quite gently placing these little strips these delicate little strips one by one in my frying pan so the oil isn't too hot at this point and that's great because we want the fry to cook through properly and if the heat is too strong it's going to brown too quickly it's going to burn your french fries so i'm going to just line it up one by one here so as i said you could use the oven to do it but i prefer the flavor and when they're fried because it feels like french fries you know it's such a fun recipe and it's so simple i just couldn't believe how simple it actually is and you kind of want to move it you want to wiggle your frying pan around to cover the strips with oil so the oil is starting to sizzle and if you find they're browning too quickly then you want to turn the heat down way down so this is the kind of level of sizzling we need okay now we're going to flip the fries upside down to make sure they're fried on all sides so you can use a full and a spatula to kind of move them around but what i find the easiest way is to use a pair of chopsticks i'm biased but i think it's the best way when you need to perform this kind of maneuver because you can pick up individual strips and then just flip them around and turn the heat low if you need to in case nice and golden brown i think we're pretty close and now i can be a bit rougher with it now they're all crisp up really nicely and i've got a plate cover with a couple layers of kitchen towel so just to absorb the excess oil so i'm going to just pick them up and transfer them on my kitchen towels they smell great as well there's something magical about fried food look at how beautiful they are so what i'm going to do is to sprinkle them with a bit of himalayan salt and just put some salt there and we're going to just toss it around let's have this salt oh it feels so crispy and um and this is the only seasoning we need full of fries they look amazing and now i'm going to finish off the coconut flour version can hear that it's nice and crispy let's eat them the fries are delicious as they are with a bit of salt but i'm going to make a quick garlic dip to go with them so i'm going to use some vegan mayo so you can use vegan yogurt coconut yogurt would be perfect okay and in my mayo i'm going to add in some crushed garlic and finely chopped parsley so just pop the whole thing in and we're going to just mix it and then we're going to add in a squeeze of lemon i nearly forgot just squeeze in a wedge of lemon and then give it a quick mix and this is it and what i've got here are two glass jars and i just line them with some baking paper purely for presentation you know i'm making a bit of effort here so um so what i've got here is the ground almond version so i'm going to just line up my jars with these beautiful fries it looks so good and so crispy you know there are different lengths and different shapes they just look so good and then our coconut flour fries okay they're so beautiful and to go with them my super easy garlic dip and then i'm just putting remaining fries on the side just mix both of them together there you go i mean you really can't beat this so there you go this is how you make really delicious keto vegan french fries and to say i can't wait to eat them it's a gross understatement i mean i've been dying to eat them it smells so good let's do it oh look at these these are the ground almond ones so the texture you can see there's a little bit let me just do a comparison side by side so this one's ground almonds and this one's the coconut flour so the colors are slightly paler and no solar texture is slightly smoother with this one but in terms of taste to be honest the boat is really fantastic so here's my garlic dip i mean it's really really good so this is the ground almonds french fries oh it goes with the dip so well you know unlike the regular french fries they don't go soggy even if you leave them for a while and obviously you want to eat them freshly fried but they don't go soggy they maintain the crunch and here's my coconut flour one one dip [Music] you know i'll be interested if you can make this and then make someone eat them without telling them this is not potato fries i think the texture and even flavor i'm not a big expert on potatoes but i think even the flavor regular fries a lot um the coconut flour version these are just so good so as i said you can make them in an oven as well and i'll put all the details in the description for you if you bake them in oven just make sure you turn them around a few times and make sure they're golden brown on all sides you know you want to eat them freshly made as much as possible but you can reheat them in the oven as well so it's really really easy so i hope you liked today's recipe and we'll give it a go these fries are so fun to eat and so delicious as well you know food is all about fun and enjoyment doesn't matter you're on keto or not so hopefully these fries are going to spice up your day and you can make all sorts of dips to go with them so have fun so follow me instagram if you haven't already i post the food i eat on a regular basis and recipes from this channel as well so thank you for hanging out with me and such a fun day and thanks for watching i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Heavenly Fan
Views: 735,591
Rating: 4.9447732 out of 5
Keywords: keto potato chips, keto french fries, low carb potato chips, low carb french fries, keto vegan recipes, vegan keto, low carb vegan, keto vegan bread, keto potato recipes, keto snacks, keto vegan snacks recipes, low carb recipes, gluten free recipes, keto bread almond flour, keto recipes easy, keto recipes tasty, keto fried potatoes
Id: vJU_5DNYiqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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