Low Carb PIZZA CRUST Battle #2 🍕 The BEST Keto Pizza Crust Recipe! PART TWO

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y'all we're making pizza again come on welcome to high falutin low carb the random web series where we find and test the best low carb recipes this crazy internet has to offer today we're going to be tackling pizza crust yet again stay tuned alright guys this is not a repeat you are here for part two of my massive epic low carb pizza crust battle if you missed the first episode i'm going to leave it a link here up on the screen and in the video description below be sure to check that out because we tried the famous chicken crust pizza we tried the traditional fat head crust pizza and we also did an almond crust pizza so this one this video we're going to do three different ones that you guys suggested in the comments below from the other video the first recipe we're going to do is the best low carb pizza crust and this is by papa g's low carb recipes the second recipe is the famous carnivore pizza crust by the inimitable maria emmerich over at maria mindbodyhealth.com and too much of your recommendations we are going to tackle the keto pizza in 10 minutes better than fat head crust keto pizza and this is by joe duff over at um thedietchefs.com so be sure to check them out using the links down below now before we begin i need to give a huge thank you to thrive market for sponsoring this video thrive market is an online marketplace on a mission to make healthy living easy and affordable for everybody you can shop for thousands of your favorite name brand products at tremendous savings from traditional retail prices uh and what's nice about their catalog is that you can sort it by the things that matter most to you the values that matter most to you whether that's low carb and keto like us or it could be paleo or raw non-gmo vegan whatever it is that you're searching for in your healthy life you can sort their entire catalog by those specifications now like a lot of big box discount stores there is a membership fee to join thrive market but what's nice is they also have a give back program for every single membership that they sell they also give one away to someone who needs access to healthy food a low income family teachers a veteran first responders somebody that can really benefit from affordable healthy products they also give away a membership for each they sell now uh you can do a one month membership but it's 9.95 a month if you just want to try it out or you can do like i do and get the one year membership uh they charge it all at once but it gets the price down to like around five bucks a month and i know that i will absolutely save at least five dollars a month by ordering from them in fact most thrive market customers save about 32 per order they also ship everything in carbon neutral packaging from their carbon neutral warehouses so you then you know that getting this stuff to you is not taking a toll on the environment so thank you thrive market for for sponsoring this video i want you guys to use the link down here on the screen it'll also be in the video description below if you use that link you will get 25 off your first order plus a free gift and that 25 off is off of the already really discounted prices that thrive market offers so again thank you thrive market at sponsorships like yours that keeps channels like mine on the air and i really appreciate it all right let's make some pizza come on all right guys so let's get started on this first recipe this is by papa g's low carb his youtube channel and it's the best low carb pizza crust this was highly requested in the uh the last video in the comment section now i'm going to leave a link to to his channel here and if you're new here welcome if you're not new welcome back um but those of you that have been here any length of time know that i don't give exact measurements for these recipes these are not my recipes i'm just here to test them the people that did do the hard work of creating these they deserve the traffic so i'm going to send you to the link here on the screen it'll also be in the video description below and then the pinned comment below all the recipes that we test here today so go visit them give them some traffic that they deserve and you'll find the exact measurements for what we're making here so this is pretty easy and this like our chicken crust in the last video this pretty much is a single serving pizza i believe the entire crust is about one and a half net carbs let's get started on this it's pretty easy to be very honest it starts with ground pork rinds and this um i just put them in the the food processor earlier and just whizzed them up until we got the appropriate amount so in those go and we're also going to add in some grated parmesan cheese and specifically he says the canned stuff you know the canned green can of grated parmesan cheese yes i know that that is not true italian parmigiano-reggiano but a lot of people developing low carb recipes use it because it kind of becomes a substitute for flour uh because it is so finely grated and i know before i'm just going to throw this in before anybody comes in the comments and says there's sawdust in that yes these things are cut with cellulose vegetable cellulose it's just a minuscule amount in the whole jar that's an anti-caking agent so if you don't want to eat cellulose natural cellulose which may or may not come from a tree um if you don't want to eat that don't just use whatever you need to use but i'm going to follow the recipe exactly as he's written it because that's the only fair way for me to test a recipe also a little bit of shredded mozzarella cheese and he puts in some garlic powder and some italian seasoning and that goes and then two beaten eggs and that is it guys that is it and um rightly so he specifies that there's no added salt to this because as you know pork rinds are pretty salty so just be aware of that so mix all this up with a spatula and then i've already done a terrible job of cutting my parchment round i didn't use my little trick that i normally do i just cut it freehand and you see how that turned out but no matter because this is going to go right on here you just don't want it to stick to your pizza pan get out of the way i noticed that he used a glove so i'm going to too because that looked like it might make things easier if i can get my big old fat hands in it wesley that's pitiful [Music] all right okay and then this we're just going to press out into a thin crust pizza and if you break it up just push it back together like you said this is this is a fairly easy dough to work with we're going to try to work for i think about a 12 inch circle maybe maybe a 10 inch [Music] here is our crust that we have thinned out and now this is going to go in a 350 degree oven for about 20 minutes so they're going to get this guy good and crisp so that's going to go in now and when we come back we'll build this pizza out so i'll meet you right back here in just a bit all right friends we are back and this hot little baby is out of the oven as you can see here and now it's just time to build this little pizza out it did rise a little more than i kind of was anticipating maybe i should have spread it out a little bit further but um we'll see all right so uh we're making these pizzas exactly like i did the other ones just as simple as can be with just cheese and pepperoni and sauce and again we're using the rayo's uh homemade pizza sauce it's kind of pricey but it is one of the lower carb ones i mentioned in the last one that walmart also has a great value brand that is fairly low carbon low sugar so a little bit of this on kind of use it sparingly because this is where most if not all of your carbs are going to come from at least in this recipe for sure so spread this out okay we've got our sauce on and now some a little bit of shredded mozzarella and lastly just a few little pepperoni pepperonis it looks so cute okay it's that simple so this goes back in the oven for about 10 minutes and um then we're gonna let it cool for five and we're gonna test it and i will rate it just like i did in the last video with the three t's taste texture and thyme does it taste good is the texture nice and was it worth the time and effort it took to make it alright so i'll meet you back here in just a few minutes all right guys we are back and look at this beautiful little pizza that thing is so cute um so i would imagine this is probably one serving he doesn't say that but considering the carb count is so low on the crust i could see getting away with it so let's uh let's transfer this over to our cutting board and let's give it a oh simmer down everybody calm down um let's give this a quick taste and i'm gonna it's cooled for about five minutes and i'm just going to take a slice here and let's see how this looks it's right nice and it's got a decent little rise on it i don't know if you can see that the camera may not let you see that now let's see what the bottom looks like kind of looks almost like fat head though but um and it holds up pretty well now in my defense uh in his papaji's video he when he picked up his slice he used two hands to pick it up to stop it from flopping over so all right let's give it a taste okay that is quite good um i was expecting it to be crispier and i know some of you mentioned in the comments below in the last video that you use pizza pans that have little holes in it too and that helps crisp things up so if you these are just cheap cheap little aluminum pans that i have so if you have a good recommendation leave a link down below in the comments for all of us so we can we can all grab one of the one tried and true tested this is really tasty it almost feels like a cross between the fat head and the chicken crust on our last video okay taste i'm gonna give this an eight it is really good and notice he also added the garlic powder and the italian seasoning which i think we kind of all agreed on in the last video is a good thing to add to any pizza crust it just bumps up some flavor so that's good for the texture i'm going to give this a seven i could have used it to be a little bit crispier but that's just personal preference but as it is it's really nice and it's let me see i've got two microphones on today so i don't know which one you can see how it's you know the edge crust is pretty good um the time and effort i was going to give it a lower score than i'm going to because of the pork rinds they had to be i had to get out a food processor to process the pork rinds but if you already have a lot of people buy uh pork panko like it's it basically is already ground bread crumbs if you had that you wouldn't have to worry with it and a lot of people just keep their appliances out and it's not a big deal i have to keep mine under storage so it's a little bit to pull out that so i long story short i'm going to give this a 7 for time so that was taste texture and time so this is very good be sure to go check out papaji's low carb it's going to be here on the screen and and try this out and tell me what you think okay so now we're going to do our second recipe i'm going to get cleaned up here and i will meet you right back here all right see you in just a bit all right guys we're back now to start our second recipe and this was one of the probably the most requested recipes on the last video in the comments and this is by um the fabulous maria emrich and maria mindbodyhealth.com and this is her carnivore pizza crust and um to be honest with you speaking of recommendations i had so many in the last video that i could probably make 10 of these pizza battle videos but i'm not gonna go that crazy but i could definitely do one more so let me know in the comments below if you want me to just stop at these two videos and move along to something else uh that's fine too but i can probably get one more uh video in and and catch all of the really popular ones that you guys have requested so let's get started on this this is essentially fat head dough without a nut flour she replaces the nut flour with pork rinds so we're going to start with some mozzarella cheese in a bowl and then to that we're going to add she said either butter or cream cheese if you want to know exactly how much again be sure to check the link down below and go to her website so i'm going to use cream cheese because i already had cream cheese open from our last pizza battle and needed to use it so this is going to go in the microwave for one to two minutes until it's fully melted and then i'm going to stir it and i'll meet you right back here one minute 37 seconds later all right so we're back and that melted nicely and i'm just gonna give it a quick mix like she said and then there are only a few other ingredients that is the pork rinds right so this is already i've already ground those up in the food processor and a dash of salt not much because you know from the last recipe pork runs obviously have salt already in them and an egg and then that is it i'm going to use a stand a hand mixer she says hold on eggs eggs eggs use a hand mixer and give this a good mix foreign all right so i don't know if you were able to catch that but um uh i made a minute quite a mess and um this was a little bit frustrating not because of the recipe but because of my equipment you know i always like to share with you guys stuff that i recommend and one thing i can firmly not recommend is this cuisinart um uh hand mixer the low setting is way too fast and i just slang pork runs all the way across the house so anyway moving past that take yourself a baking sheet and some parchment paper and she says to grease the parchment so i'm just gonna give it a quick shot of olive oil i mean of avocado oil and then this goes out and she says to use your hands and make this into a round so i had to re-heat to this so it is rather warm but i'm just going to use my hands and it is greasy and oily because of all this cheese and this is going to make six servings six slices right and the net carbs is .1 net carbs per slice because really i mean this is pork runs and cheese and an egg and that is it so there's not a lot of carbs there so you just got to count really the carbs that are going to go on your toppings right she also calls for this to cook on a pizza stone which i don't have so i may have to increase the cooking time just a hair because it's only supposed to cook for five minutes at about 4 25 so i've got this about as thin i think as we can get it and now with my very greasy hands i just want to show it to you uh we've got this uh flattened out and then this is gonna go in the oven for about five minutes it's gonna come back out and we're gonna build our pizza so i'll meet you right back here in just a second okay guys so we're back i increased the time on this from five minutes to about eight minutes and she said it just needs to get lightly golden and so from here we're just gonna build out this pizza all right so we're done here this goes in the oven for 10 minutes look how beautiful that is this goes in for about 10 minutes until it's nice and golden brown and crispy and i will meet you back here in 10 minutes all right guys we are back and i'm going to be honest with you and tell you that i have some concerns already but i don't want to speak too much now it looks amazing i am concerned with its texture now um this is sort of fat head based right it doesn't have nut dough nut flour but it is a fat head dough essentially with pork rinds in my last video in the comments several people commented that to make sure that their fat head pizzas stay crispy when they come out of the oven they put them on a wire cooling rack and not on the parchment that keeps it from sort of steaming itself well i attempted to do that with this one but the pizza was so soft even though it is rather brown it was still so floppy and soft i could not get it off of this parchment so it is at least not cooled on the pan but here we are um and again her instructions do say if you make if you have a pizza stone place it in the oven and then later if you are using a pizza stone transfer the pizza from the parchment onto the pizza stone i don't have a pizza stone that the if implies that it can still be done on a pan i think so let's taste it and see how this comes out maybe i'm fussing and fretting over nothing let's get a piece of this it really feels soft guys i'll be honest with you so oh yeah this is um this is rather rather soft and i gotta say i don't know if i'm gonna have to zoom in on that um there is a lot of grease now um even you can see it on the on the spatula i mean fat head dough is made out of mozzarella cheese and cream cheese it is nothing but oil and then to have she said to oil grease the parchment paper which i did that's just grease grease grease um so maybe i just did something wrong let's look at the bottom of it you can see it's rather shiny um let's let's taste it okay here's the flop test okay very tasty very tasty i wish it had a little more structure to it i do i wish the interior were a little towards the center of the pizza or a little more firmer like the crust was but guys i know that this is probably user error on my part i'm not going to blame the recipe so many of you requested below that i make this and try it because you loved it and i know maria mindbodyhealth.com i know maria emrich makes fantastic recipes i've used lots of hers from books and from her blog and they are all excellent so i am not going to say this is an issue with the recipe the way it turned out it's probably user error if you make this give me some tips down below what i can do to crisp this up and if i could have gotten it off of the parchment onto this i think it would have crisped up so let me know below um what you do to make this good and um if we do another third video perhaps i'll try to quickly remake it and let you know what i think but as it is the way i've made it here taste is a nine this thing is good and it doesn't even have the um italian seasoning or garlic powder or anything in the crust it is a very flavorful pizza and tastes great texture um the way i made it i'm gonna give it um a five i wish it could have been crispier i'm sure it's something i did give me some tips down below and then for time and effort this is a little bit if you have uh panko pork panko breadcrumbs already and you don't have to grind them up uh then you're only using one appliance the hand mixer but i had to use two appliances which it's not great it's just two other things to wash just for pizza so i'm gonna give it for time i'm gonna give it um a six uh if you already have the prank breadcrumbs then then so be it that'll be easier and speaking of i have not done it but a lot of people if you can't eat pork or don't want to eat pork for whatever reason a lot of people have recommended that the chicken skin instead of pork skins it's chicken skins i'm bet you could do something like that with this they're real crispy like that you can grind them up and make a make a chicken skin crust other than so if you if you don't want to uh eat pork or can eat pork maybe that's an option for you if you have done that sound off down below so we've got one more pizza we're almost there so hang tight i'm gonna get set up and i'll meet you right back here all right guys let's do our third recipe now we're almost finished so if maria's carnivore pizza crust was the highly most highly requested in the last little uh video this one is the second most requested this is by joe duff thedietchefs.com this is keto pizza in 10 minutes better than fat head crust keto pizza all right so let's get started on this and it's got some more ingredients than our others so we're going to take that into account when we consider thyme but we're going to start with our dry ingredients and we're going to start here with almond flour now obviously he doesn't say to sift it but you all know me sift right sift stiff sift so this is some coconut flour so we've got almond and coconut flour and this is a little bit of a secret ingredient this is unflavored whey protein powder um if you go to his link down below for the measurements he will also give you instructions if you don't have whey protein powder instructions to make this without that but this is the way the main recipe is that's what we're going to go with to this we're also going to add some xanthan gum just a small amount you know how i kind of feel about xanthan gum but in such small amounts it can be helpful and this is a little bit of garlic powder a little bit of onion powder and this is baking powder and in that goes and lastly just a pinch of salt he said so that should be plenty and now let's sift all this together all right so make sure this is combined well by whisking it you just want to make sure that that particularly the xanthan gum and the um baking powder are well dispersed and then we're also going to add to this a couple of eggs i'm just going to beat them real quick those yolks are beautiful get out of the way and we're gonna add a little bit of melted coconut oil i already have liquid coconut oil um so i'm gonna use that from here use a spatula and just pull this together into a dough ball okay so we've got our parchment on our workspace let me get rid of this big bowl get out of the way and from here we're gonna do exactly as you think we're gonna do parchment on top and he said to roll this out into about a 14 inch circle and then we're going to make a little edge on the crust by rolling it over so it'll eventually wind up at about 12 inches but roll this out to about 14 inches okay okay so now we're going to transfer this over to without breaking it well i just did it without breaking it put that back together um transfer it to a baking sheet and then from here this goes into a 425 degree oven and he says for three minutes he said if you use the protein powder for three minutes if you didn't use the protein powder and use his other extra almond flour to do it for five minutes i don't know how three minutes is going to be enough but joe duff said it so i guess it's meant to be so in this goes for about three minutes and then we're going to come back build a pizza and bake it so i'll see you back here just a couple minutes okay this has been exactly three minutes it has puffed up rather nicely i'm surprised that it did so much in just three short minutes but there you go so let's just build out this pizza the same way we did all of our others okay so this is going to go back in the oven and he says to switch it to the broiler so we're gonna put this under the broiler i would think that the bottom needs to get crispy but that's what he said so we're gonna put this in about 10 minutes or until the cheese is melted he said so i will meet you back here and we will taste this and wrap this guy up all right see you in just a bit all right guys we are back and truthfully this only took about eight minutes total because it only took about five minutes after i put it in the oven and it looks beautiful now um while the other recipes did make claims about how good and tasty their pizza was joe uh duff it at um thedietchefs.com he makes some claims here uh this crust is made with almond flour it is so much better than fat head pizza crust this pizza crust actually gets crispy and crunchy like real pizza crust does so we're gonna find out those are some bold claims as you can see the the oven was hot on the broil side of the setting so our parchment turned a little dark but never mind that let's see what this is like so again i put it in for three minutes for the crust and then in about five minutes uh this is way it came out of the oven after it went under the broiler um okay i'm gonna get a smaller piece now let's think about this for a minute also this is three net carbs per slice and you're supposed to get eight slices out of this so the first crust the first pizza you ate the whole pizza by itself and it was one and a half net carbs for the crust not your toppings the second pizza the per slice was point one like just negative might as well be zero net carbs per slice for just the crust this is three net carbs per slice just the crust so if you're thinking you're gonna eat this whole pizza that's 27 grams of net carbs just the crust before you even talk about sauce and toppings so let that be a warning i'm just gonna say that all right so let's pick this up oh looks good smells good it helds up pretty well if you look at the back of it it's a little bit pale i honestly think we could have um i'm about to lose my battery on my overhead camera i hope it lasts i hope uh let's just taste it it's really good okay it is good um it doesn't have as much flavor the cru the outside of the crust is but the in that's not crispy to me so i feel like it should have baked more than just the three minutes uh that it called for on the pre-bake before you put the toppings on i feel like that would have gotten it more crispy but i followed the directions exactly like it said i even measured it out by the gram and i even have a thermometer in my oven to test oven temperature so this was exactly as the recipe was written and it is good but i would not call it crispy or exactly like pizza crust no i wouldn't but they're just good hi guys editing wes here i was concerned that this wasn't as crispy as i felt it should have been so i went back to look at the original uh video recipe and he also appears to have a little difficulty lifting it off the pan and it is perhaps is not as crispy as the description made it sound so just wanted to put that out there so so at the three teas taste it needed something uh some garlic powder it did have garlic powder and onion powder i would have probably put some um uh italian seasoning in it uh i would give the taste um a seven i'll go with the seven i'll give the texture a six i think if i baked it a little bit longer if you guys make this and the ones who recommended it so much what do you do do you bake it longer then he said it literally says total cook time seven minutes that's for the par-baked crust and then putting in the oven so i just don't know how that's possible but and then for time i'll give it um i'll give it another seven because there were no appliances needed and it went together pretty quickly there were a lot of ingredients but it went together pretty quickly so there you have it folks low-carb pizza can it be done you better believe it we proved it again some are better than others it's all just a personal taste so sound off below if you want me to do another one of these videos i'll do one more we'll do a third one if you guys want it let me know down below what i should test which recipes i should test if i have should redo any of these let me know that as well i'll just make a quick um fast forward of them and we can try them that way so otherwise thank you guys so much for joining me i say it every time but these videos are a way for me to maintain my low carb way of eating and looking in the end of that camera as often as i can helps keep me honest so i appreciate that you have come along for the journey thank you so much if you haven't found me on instagram or on facebook yet head on over there now i'm on uh just highfalutin low carb on instagram and facebook i communicate a little more freely a little more frequently there also i need to give another huge thank you to my sponsor thrive market for sponsoring this video um you guys use the link down here on the screen thrive market dot com slash highfalutin low carb if you will use that you will get 25 off your first order that's off of the already discounted prices 25 off and a free gift so be sure to check that out um like i said i use them regularly and i really like getting it delivered right to my front door and the hands off delivery and i don't have to go fight for the grocery store and i save money so it's a huge boon so thank you so much thrive market for sponsoring this video i say it every time these sponsorships like yours are what keep channels like mine on the air so i really appreciate it lastly these names here that you're going to see on the screen those are my patreon members and they are true rock stars here without them none of this would be possible if you don't know what patreon is think of it as the tip jar for the internet it allows people like you who enjoy what people like me do here on youtube and you give a dollar or two a month just to sort of keep the train on the tracks as it were so be sure to check that out and thank you to all these guys and gals for all of their help alright i love you guys i'll see you very soon probably for another pizza battle all right love you bye [Music] you
Channel: Highfalutin' Low Carb
Views: 87,639
Rating: 4.9663043 out of 5
Keywords: low carb pizza, keto pizza, highfalutin low carb, low carb pizza crust, keto pizza crust, pizza crust, pizza crust recipe, low carb pizza crust recipe, keto pizza crust recipe, pizza recipe, low carb pizza recipe, keto pizza recipe, pizza dough, low carb pizza dough, keto pizza dough, almond flour pizza, almond flour pizza crust, fathead pizza, fathead pizza crust, chicken crust pizza, low carb pizza dough recipe, keto pizza dough recipe, joe duff, maria emmerich, papag
Id: f0ZfYwPvYDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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