How to make thin crispy keto chips | Keto vegan gluten-free

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hi everyone today we're making keto crisps so it's crisps in the uk and probably potato chips for the rest of the world but we're talking about the same thing we're talking about this crispy potato thins that we all love so many many of you have been making my keto french fries which makes me very very happy and i've seen the recipe being turned into all sorts of things really really creative things so i've seen the dough being turned into donuts for instance and those are pizza base and some sort of wraps and i think one lady turned into cinnamon buns which impressed me no end but the most stunning one was a gentleman actually turning it into roast potatoes and he said it was really enjoyable he really lied it so i've been seeing these things popping up daily for the last couple months so i'm totally impressed and totally inspired but the ones i see most frequently is to turn the dough into some sort of crackers tortilla chips for instance and it makes perfect sense because the dough is really crispy when you fry it and it's perfect to be used as a base for crackers but today we're going to go one step further we're going to bring the crackers hopefully closer to the texture of potato chips and i think the key is the thickness making the tortilla chips and the crackers can be slightly labor-intensive because you have to roll out the dough pretty thin and then you have to cut them up and also it's very hard to get it very thin so today i'm going to show you a method that you can create these crackers really quickly and easily and also because we can get them very thin so hopefully when we fry them we can bring the texture closer to potato chips so whether they taste like potato chips is for you to decide but whichever way they're crispy but delicious and extremely fun to eat so let me show you how to make it so most of you are probably quite familiar with this process we're going to create the same dough as the french fries the only difference is i'm going to blend the flour so i've got 150 grams of ground almonds that's my almond flour and then i've got 25 grams of coconut flour and in the flour we're going to add in our zing so this is about five to six teaspoons so it goes in so the quantity we're making is doubling the french fry recipe and the reason being is i think it will make the dough easier to handle and i'll show you why that is later so you can use single flower either one or i know some people use lupine and you can also blend half and half if you want to but my mix today is actually one two three if that makes sense so three quarters of ground almonds and one quarter of coconut flour so i think this ratio is the best for these chips we're making today for my taste but you can experiment and create different mix just try it out and you will find the best texture you like and then we're going to add in our hot liquid i'm going to add in about 12 tablespoonish let's see how it goes i know you can convert a liquid into a cup i just prefer doing with tablespoons it gives me much better control of the consistency of the dough okay so the dough is ready easy peasy so that's one batch and what i've done is i actually created another batch earlier on this batch i'm going to keep it plain for plain chips and this one i'm going to turn it into tortilla chips with tortilla chips you can obviously keep it plain i like to add a couple of ingredients so i'm going to add in some black sesame so i'm going to add in about one tablespoon you should do nicely the color is very dramatic and then i'm going to add in some salt as well to season just a couple pinches of salt and just mix the whole thing together so it depends on what flour you've been using for your fries but you can see as you blend the flower it creates different texture the texture of the dough also changes as well so this one is more as the moji like it's not too sticky okay so this is my tortilla chips dough okay now i've got a chopping ball here and then i'm going to place a layer of baking sheet on top and now i'm going to take my plain dough and uh kind of just squeeze out any air pocket so we don't want any sort of big gaps in there and then kind of roughly shape it into a loaf something like this so the size of your loaf is determined by your food processor what i've got here is the feeder sorry my hands all sticky so this is the feeder part of my food processor so you can feed your vegetables cucumber whatever it is so my food processor happens to have a pretty generous size of feeder so i can make larger chips so roll it to the sides that can roughly fit through the feeder of your food processor imagine you're creating a very long potato okay so we want to shape it in a kind of loaf shape freeze it and then we're going to feed this through and use the food processor to slice our chips so you can see what my cunning plan is so we're going to use the baking sheet to help us to do that so i normally just kind of squeeze it and shape it as i go you can use a clasp if you want to and then just gradually lengthen it and kind of roll it into the shape you want and you can always test it by putting it through the feeder see if it goes through okay this is really as simple as that so this size is perfect and what i'm going to do now is just tighten up the sides like a christmas cracker and through this side as well just keep in shape and we're going to freeze it like this and here's our tortilla dough i mean the whole recipe is fun but i think this is really fun because i'm going to shape it into a triangular shape if that makes sense okay let me show you so i'm going to just place it down and do the same so i'm going to create a lens first just make sure that it's kind of skinny enough to go through lafida so now what i'm going to do is lift the baking sheets and press from both sides and press toward the middle just the top part like this and hopefully when you open it it looks like this look at that so much fun i really shouldn't be having so much fun let me just lift it up to show you so when you pull this through the food processor you will create these triangular tortilla chips for you and now i'm going to wrap it up and put in freezer as well like a little present okay so this is going to the freezer as well so now we're going to place the dough in the freezer i say for a minimum five six hours so normally i just leave it freeze overnight and it's ready for me the next day so when you take the dough out of the freezer the chances are it's too hard to go through the food processor and all you have to do is leave it on the kitchen counter for about 10 minutes and it should be ready so you don't want the dough to become soft because it would be difficult to slice it through so i think 10 to 15 minutes should be plenty okay so i have two batches that i made last night and they're frozen overnight and let's have a look so this is the plain one and this is our tortilla chips so i'm going to leave them on the kitchen counter for about 10-15 minutes my dough has been resting for about 15 minutes and it should be okay to go through so it's the top of my food processor here's the feeder and i'm going to use a poppy through like i would with a cucumber so that goes in nicely and i'm going to use this this is actually the bits that you push through your veggies and i'm going to use it to push it down okay so let's do it [Applause] so that was a dramatic moment can you see this that's our chips and by the way i forgot to mention use the thinnest slicer you have for your food processor with my machine it comes in two thickness this is a thinner one so use the thinnest you've got for your machine so look at these these are your chips really thin as well now i'm going to pop them in a container and pop them back in the freezer till i'm ready to fry them and now we're going to do the same with our tortilla dough and look at that that's our tortilla chips nice and triangular done in seconds and same thing i'm going to pop them back into the freezer until we're ready to cook them so i'm going to show you how you can fry these chips and also bake them so with the tortilla chips i'm going to bake them because baking made them taste more crackers-like and with the plain chips i'm going to fry them the same way you fried potato chips okay to bake the tortilla chips what i've got here is baking tray and lime with a layer of baking sheet and i'm going to grease the baking sheet be generous because it tastes a lot better when there's a certain amount of oil and take some of this frozen tortilla chips they're just so lovely and then just line them up and try to fit in as many as possible okay so they're ready to go into laven so the tortilla chips are going into a 180-190 degree preheated oven and i'm going to bake them for about 10 minutes on one side and about five to ten minutes on the other so you need to flip them at least once i tend to do a couple of times so we're ready to fry our chips and today i'm going to use this pot it's not a deep fryer as in machine but it's a deep fire pot i only got it last week and i've used it a few times and i quite like it so i thought i'd show it to you so normally i use olive oil but i'm a little bit short of olive oil so i'm using avocado oil this is a nice pot because i don't reuse my oil so i always try to get away with minimum amount of oil for deep frying so you probably need a little bit more oil than frying your french fries so if you're doing the shallow fry like i do with the chips you need a little bit more depth so the chips will float to the top but still you can see that's really not a huge amount of oil so what makes this part of deep fryer is actually the lid so it comes with a lid like this with a kind of inner lid so what you do is there's a little opening you kind of slot in this bit and it goes in to secure it so it doesn't come off and then you can open the inner lid and as you can see there's a kind of a draining oil draining rack here that you could use and because the lid actually prevents kind of oil splashing so it's been working really well and it also comes with a thermometer it comes separately so you can still watch the part in the dishwasher it's got a metal stick at the bottom making contact with the oil and you just slot it in here and it tells you what temperature your oil is i always judge with the level of sizzling but it's quite nice to be able to see the number as well and then here's our frozen chips just take out the amount you want and leave the rest in the freezer so they don't become too soft the thermometer is approaching kind of 120 ish so i think this is the point i would like to start to drop in my chips i'm going to just put one in to see what happens it should start to sizzle immediately so just pop in one by one and adjust the heat as you go you don't want the oil to be too hot so again my trusty chopsticks you're allowed to use a pair of tongs it's not mandatory okay so you can see they start to pop up almost immediately so you don't want to flip them until they're kind of crisp up a little bit because otherwise you're going to break it because they're so thin i say the sweet spot is about 120 to 140 so they have sufficient time to fry they're not sort of brown immediately at least from my experience and look at how thin they are they're just so wonderful okay so once they look kind of golden brown they're probably ready to come out put them on my kitchen towel to drain so that looks ready too oh look at them golden brown and beautiful so thin and crispy there you go so there you go this is our first batch how beautiful are they can you hear that crispy and just leave them to cool and then they would crisp up even more and i'll fry a few more so we have a nice little batch there and my plain chips look at them they look really gorgeous you can just season them with some salt himalayan salt some more than salt they're just wonderful to eat but i'm really addicted to my chili chips at the moment so what i've got here is some cayenne pepper and some smoked paprika they made wonderful wonderful chili chips so with cayenne pepper i'm gonna just add in maybe half a teaspoon it's really up to you just sprinkle on top and then my smoked paprika and just give a little sprinkle as well canned pepper is not really hot it's got a kick to it and i'm gonna add a little bit of salt as well and i'm going to give them a quick mix look at them and also i've got my tortilla chips here that's why i look at them nice and golden brown and so crispy so there you go here's our keto chips super thin and light so i'm going to go for my chili chips first i've been so addicted to them look at this so thin oh the kick love it it's got a bit of a cake but not super hot and this would go really well with a glass of wine great combination and then our tortilla chips it looks so adorable perfect so good and the sesame is just so aromatic i'll be very happy just eat them like this with nothing else but of course if you have dipping sauce it will take them to another level any salsa you know avocado mayo they'll be just amazing so i bailed tortilla chips because i think they come out more cracker-like and i fry like chili chips in oil but of course you can bake or fry either of them um it just matter of your taste which one you like so the key with making these tips is to get them super super thin if they're thin they crisp up really quickly so the great thing about a method is obviously you can slice them super thin but it's super fast and instantly you have frozen chips waiting for you in freezer so you can make a larger batch and freeze them just like you do with your keto fries and they're ready for you anytime you can play with the flavors you can add herbs spices and the possibilities endless so i started filming this morning when it was pitch black outside and now you can see it's a lot brighter so uh it's taking a little while so i hope you liked today's recipe and we'll give it a go these tips are just so amazing so follow me on instagram if you haven't already i posted food i eat and there's some recipes from this channel and also you can find a link down below to my amazon shop if you ever wonder about the products i use so thanks for hanging out with me today and thanks for watching i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Heavenly Fan
Views: 358,774
Rating: 4.9541192 out of 5
Keywords: keto fries, keto chips recipes, keto snacks, keto tortilla chips, keto potato chips, low carb chips keto, keto crackers, gluten free crackers, low carb tortilla chips, keto chips vegan, keto nachos, crispy keto vegan chips, crispy keto homemade chips recipe, baked keto chips, no fat head dough chips, eggless low carb chips, gluten free chips, cracker recipe keto, cracker recipe low carb, keto nacho chips, low carb nachos, low carb crackers recipe
Id: 4soTdntQNHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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