Low Carb PIGS IN A BLANKET + A Channel Update!

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welcome to high falutin low carb the random web series where we find tests and sometimes create the best low carb recipes this crazy Internet has to offer today we're tackling one of my childhood favorites pigs in a blanket stay tuned alright guys low carb pigs in a blanket pigs in a blanket was something I was fascinated with as a kid and I've got some things I want to talk to you about too that are very important but I want to prove to you but I'm not joking here you guys have seen me pull out the family cookbook that was created when I was a young kid and it has all the family recipes from all your aunts and uncles and grandmas and grandpas so that you can recreate and relive all these things it's a treasure for me all of the each family member was you know submitted their recipes that they wanted to include and I insisted upon a pigs-in-a-blanket recipe I think my mother probably tried to get me to put any other recipe in there sure enough this pigs in a blanket I called them cheesy Wiener crescents I guess I thought I was trying to be fancy but sure enough and they misspelled my name too in my own family cookbook spelled @ WS t le Y doggone but anyway as a kid this is my recipe eight hot dogs eight strips of cheddar cheese and a can of refrigerator crescent rolls you know the kind that you pop up in the pot and you got dough in there so you can say that I was I say I hate that that is what I'm known for now in this cookbook anyway my nieces and nephews and cousins have teased me about those cheesy winter crescents forever so we're gonna remake those today in a low-carb version I'm gonna use a some Fathead dough recipe inspired by low-carb YUM you know I like their coconut fat head though so we're gonna do that if you're new here we usually you know test recipes I make them we test them and determine who's got the best recipe of whatever it is we're making but sometimes we do an original recipe or two and and that's what this is going to be so this is low-carb pigs-in-a-blanket but before we begin I do have a couple of important things that I need tell you the first of those is Kido Connect has a podcast called kitto for normies very popular Matt and Megha of Rick Kido connect and I recorded an episode with them several months ago and it is going to be released this weekend believe it'll be this week in October 20th Sunday October 20th so we spent 45 minutes or an hour just chatting about life YouTube low-carb living all kinds of things so I would love for you to go listen and check out their podcast they interview have the heavy hitters I mean I'm talking some of the biggest names in this whole keto low-carb universe and I don't know why I wanted to talk to me but they did so and I am super thankful about it I can't even remember what we discussed it's been so long ago but anyway so head over to use your podcasting app on your phone or your computer wherever you however you get your podcasts go over there it's Quito for normies and it's the October 20th 2019 episode so I'll meet you over there but I've got another important thing I'm going to tell you but I'll wait while we start cooking so let's get started on this okay we are starting first with the fat head dough again I based this off of the coconut fat head dough by low-carb YUM I've added some things and changed a couple of things to suit this recipe but I want to thank her for at least being the inspiration for this recipe of the dough we are going to start with a half a cup of coconut flour and you if you're here enough you know I'm only what I'm gonna say sift y'all you got to sift this stuff so this is a half a cup of coconut flour or sixty grams and to that we're gonna add two teaspoons of baking powder not baking soda baking powder and you're basically combining all of your dry ingredients this is a teaspoon of xanthan gum it really helps this hold together I think it's a vital ingredient and a lot of low carb baked goods so a teaspoon of xanthan gum and then a few various spices to sort of kick this up a notch this is a half teaspoon of garlic powder 1/2 TSP of onion powder and 1/2 teaspoon of Italian seasoning and in all of that goes and we are just going to sift all of this it helps combine things but it also see if you got all that stuff in there if you keep your nut flours in the freezer like I do they can get clumpy so we're just gonna put this to the side over here and work on this alright so let's start turn to the wet ingredients this is two and a half cups of shredded mozzarella cheese and this is going to go in the microwave along with two ounces of cream cheese right I'll also leave in the description below will be the full recipe and I also include the weight measurement and grams I've started doing that now it's just as easy as measuring out and it's a lot more accurate to be honest alright so this goes in the microwave these two ingredients in the microwave for one minute I'm going to stir it back in the microwave for one more minute stir it again and I'll meet you right back here okay so this has been in the microwave for two minutes I stirred after one minute and to this we're going to add melted butter this is two tablespoons of melted butter everything just goes in the in the pool here we've got three eggs that were gonna beat lightly three beaten eggs and our coconut flour mixture this goes in as well so now we just got to get this combined and into a dough so gently it will make a mess so just be careful don't sling it all over the kitchen sometimes it's easier with your hands especially if you wet your hands a little bit it can be easier a lot of people do this in a with a dough hook and they're um KitchenAid mixer stand mixer however you want to do it I find it's just as okay to do this if it gets stiff on you like this you may have to put it back in the microwave for 30 seconds or so to loosen it back up which I may do because I feel like it's a little stiff on me alright I'll be right back okay and just make sure you're not going to burn yourself because it does get hot but a wet hand sometimes it's better at kneading this up it's a little warm because it did just come out of the microwave smells good that onion powder garlic powder and Italian seasoning really adds a lot to what is generally a benign dough you know you can make sweet good savory Goods if you use salted butter it has a little more savory flavor to it than unsalted butter I used unsalted butter and disks because to be quite honest the hot dogs and sausages that we're gonna be using are you know they can be pretty salty themselves so all right once you've got this mixed together we're just going to turn it out onto some parchment paper now this goes let me go wash my hands I'll be right back okay so we've got this turn get out of the way put another piece of parchment paper on top of this and now obviously we're just gonna roll this out into a rough triangle because we're gonna slice this up I use a little wooden dowel use a rolling pin whatever you like but you want to get it fairly thin I'd say maybe if I were guessing nine by thirteen something about that size maybe a little a little larger so I said I had two important things to tell you the first is that while I'm rolling this out off chat the first was that go check me out on the keto Connect keto for normies podcast SuperDuper honored to be even considered much less get a chance to sit down and talk to those those folks over there because that's just really cool the other thing is something that I have announced on my patreon a little while back and it's gonna affect the channel some and I don't exactly know how much it's gonna affect the channel I'm actually moving you know I live in the panhandle of Florida and I am moving my spouse accepted a job in another city so it's a pretty big move to Indianapolis so I don't know how that's going to affect the channel I love my little test kitchen here and when I say little you I'm we are moving this is a sort of a temporary move I don't want to go into too much detail it's sort of a temporary move so we are renting a small very small furnished apartment in the heart of the city so I don't know how that's going to affect me filming and being able to do is the test recipe testing now I'm still gonna film somewhere if I have to rent a commercial kitchen to film in or a you know an Airbnb kitchen I'm not sure I'm just not sure how that's going to go but so just know over the next month it has been a lot challenging couple of months and another probably a little bit of a challenge coming up for the next few months as well so just be patient with me I'm not going anywhere I just might things might look a little different behind me alright so if you see me with a different kitchen in the background that's what's going on just relocate it alright now let's get back to these pigs in a blanket okay so this is easy so once you've got this rolled out into something that looks kind of kind of square it across probably could have done a little better job of squaring it up but these are gonna be pretty rustic looking anyway now you're gonna want to get twelve strips out of this however oddly the I'm using a combination of bun link hot dogs and some smoked sausages and you know you want to find something that's low-carb didn't have a lot of sugar in it but for some reason the brand of bundling hotdogs that I like and prefer they only sell five in a package so you've got six sausages and five of these so I'm gonna only make eleven strips is what I'm getting right here you if you if you've got 12 hotdogs you would make twelve strips out of this so just using a pizza cutter let's come in here and try to get eleven eleven strips out of this [Music] now that wasn't terribly even and you're just going to figure out a way to do this yourself so all we're gonna do is literally wrap these guys up and put them on a parchment lined baking sheet I like the bun length and if you can't get bun length then a regular thicker larger dog seems to perform a little better so I'm just gonna start here in the middle and I like to leave a little bit of space if you can so that you can sort of see the see the dogs alright so that's all we're gonna do I'm gonna finish this up and I'll meet you right back here [Music] so once you've got all your little dogs and your pigs I guess you could say in their little blankets the most important part of recipe is you just take a beaten egg and a pastry brush and gently brush on a whole egg on each of these guys and this just sort of gives you some crispy crunchy top kind of makes it flaky looking and really Browns nicely so use this whole egg on all of these these dogs here pigs I keep calling them dogs I guess technically there are pigs alright so these have been brushed with a beaten egg and in they go to a 400 degree oven for 12 to 15 minutes or until they're nice and golden brown you see I did I wasn't so great evenly dividing my dough up you'll probably be a little bit better than that than I am but hey it's you can't take something called pigs in a blanket too seriously right so in these go I'll meet you right back here we'll test them all right all right guys and gals we are back and look at those how beautiful they are well some of them are these are nice those didn't reps I didn't wrap those so well now these have been cooling for about 10 minutes and I think that I said I think that I said put it in the oven for 12 to 15 minutes a lie that's a lie they 18 to 20 minutes is what I should have said these here were exactly 20 minutes so just depend on them on your oven and that sort of thing so let's just try one of these let's do get a decent looking window to cut and look at that it looks pretty I like their space when there's space between them let's get one of these that looks because that's the one with a hot dog an all-beef hot dog and this is one with a smoked sausage that has cheese in it so I really can gilded the lily on that one get out of the way and let's just cut one of these in half now before we begin let's talk about before I taste these let's talk about nutrition okay what I'm going to give you here for nutrition is only for the dough it's for one serving that this makes 12 so what I'm to giving you is for one serving of the dough you will need to add the macros and nutrition from whatever hot dog or smoked sausage you're going to use there are so many variables there that it would just be unfair for me to give you a you know a full accounting of that I try to find something that's 2 grams of carbs or less the Nathans all beef franks are 2 net carbs the Johnsonville chili cheese brats there are 3 net carbs that's a little high for me so but just remember what I'm gonna tell you is just for the dough one of these is a hundred and thirty eight calories nine point eight grams of fat you've got eight point five grams of protein you've got three point eight grams of total carbs one point three grams of fiber for a total of 2.5 net carbs so for one of these with the Nathan's hot dog that means it's a four point five net carbs for the hot dog and and the dope the bun the blanket mm-hmm right all right so let's cut this half and see what this looks like I mean look at that it's a pig in a blanket they're hot you can really see it smoking get away from my big fat head and cover me up looks great all right so takes me back to being a kid it really does I do think the garlic powder onion powder and Italian seasoning are an important part of making the savoriness of this um a lot of people the first thing I'm gonna say as soon as I put this up is can I make this with almond flour yes you can the ratios are gonna be completely different if you want to make it out of almond flour because you think you don't like the coconut or you don't like the coconut just look for an almond flour Fathead dough recipe and do exactly what we did here add the AMA add the spices to it and maybe the xanthan gum but I prefer the coconut Fathead dough these days almonds great but um when you add these spices and the savoriness to it I can't taste the coconut at all really at all let's try this one over here that's got the cheese in it mmm oh my gosh no that one oh you saw me bite it and it shot all the way up there mmm okay that that one takes the cake with the cheese melted cheese in there chili cheese of all things if you can afford the macros of that would be five and a half net carbs for that with that Johnsonville brats in there I would strongly suggest trying that one that's great so there you have it folks pigs in a blanket or if you were a pretentious ten-year-old like me cheezy winger crescents so I appreciate that you've come along for the journey you know I say that every time these videos are a way for me to maintain my low-carb way of eating and looking in the end of that camera as often as I can helps sort of keep me honest so I appreciate you've come along for the journey I have a favor to ask you a very big favor if you are on Instagram go find me and like my follow my page I'm just at highfalutin low carb there I think I've got like 8500 subscribers and I want to be able to share my recipes and the videos on Instagram but to do so to be able to include a link in my posts I have to have at least 10,000 subscribers so I just need like 1,500 more of you so I beg you please if you're if you use Instagram and your aren't following me yet go over there and follow me you'll you'll see behind the scenes photos of a lot of the foods that I cook and you know a lot of the things that I just eat day to day so it's interesting some people say it is so please do that for me otherwise check out my patreon account if you don't know what patreon is think of it as the tip jar for the internet that lets people like you who enjoy well people like me are doing here on YouTube and you can give a dollar to a month and you get some benefits with that as well otherwise you will see this kitchen probably a couple more times they're going to pre film some things before the move so you'll get me through the next month or so but there's gonna come a point where this is going to look a little different back here so don't freak out I'm not going anywhere and in fact I hope this movie I'm looking forward to the opportunity to maybe spend a lot more time on this channel so I love you guys and I'll talk to you soon oh I almost forgot don't forget to go listen to me on the keto for normies podcast by keto connect wherever you listen to your podcast or that's Apple a podcast or stitcher all those different apps and whatever please go listen to it there all right comes out October 20th 2019 all right [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Highfalutin' Low Carb
Views: 49,007
Rating: 4.974411 out of 5
Keywords: highfalutin low carb, wes shoemaker, pigs in a blanket, pigs in a blanket crescent rolls, low carb pigs in a blanket, keto pigs in a blanket, fathead pigs in a blanket, fathead dough pigs in a blanket, keto diet, keto recipes, low carb diet, low carb recipes, low carb hot dog, keto hot dog, low carb recipe, keto recipe, keto sausage, low carb sausage, smoked sausage recipe, low carb smoke sausage, keto smoked sausage, low carb crescent roll, keto crescent roll, low carb
Id: GLxUcuF8SjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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