Portal -1 and Portal -2

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very very very excited for this we are playing the one and only portal negative one today [Music] uh this is narbacular drop which is the precursor game to portal this is uh i'll tell you guys the story because i know a bit about it i don't know a ton about this game but this is the uh the game that was precursor to one of my favorite games ever and we're actually going to play another game after this that's also the precursor to one of my favorite games ever so pretty fun this is a game developed by people from digipen which is a local school around here it's like a tech school they make games and such and i actually almost went there but then i realized i sucked at programming oh [ __ ] once upon a time the holy [ __ ] [ __ ] i can't read nearly that fast and i'm a fast reader also is this papyrus font what the actual [ __ ] my character's name is no knees that's all i saw holy [ __ ] that was fast okay what the [ __ ] this is a cluster of a screen okay i can change my viewpoint cycle view spacebar no jump so the portals are like mouths in this this is insane i was not i had not clicked start yet i was in like a little practice room before so this is this is not what i was expecting portaling hell yeah that's the first use of the word portal weird i mean of course it's a term that already existed just in this particular context and that like actual photo of a mouse so reminder gabe newell saw this and was like hire every one of those people on the spot yeah i get it wow this is really poorly done it's just i know it's just a student project but like it's just it's gonna be funny seeing uh the differences yeah i get it escape from the cage so i don't have a gun or anything in this one i just put the mouths look at that the story as i alluded to before is that gabe newell ostensibly uh just hired them on the spot when they showed this game at a uh at a convention of some sort or it was like a it's like a job fair i think type thing all right so i don't know if this is going to be like easy baby game puzzles or what nice work let's get a good look at princess no knees is that her wow it's just because she doesn't have oh she has knees uh [ __ ] what are they called i'm gonna cancel them they actually do have knees you've been outed that's the word i'm looking for cancel lava turtles this is very different from the aperture science facility this is like donkey kong country two oh [ __ ] oh i thought i could turn it wow i am dead so uh i think the main like famous name that was a developer of this game was kim swift who then went on to do not only the portal series but also i think quantum conundrum which i have never played uh but is a very similar thing this door is really having a hard time going kim slick but she's uh she's a legend help this lava turtle get into the lava wait what where wait i'm blind because i don't see a lava turtle anywhere [Music] uh am i am i blind am i crazy or is there no [ __ ] turtle here i might need to die someone says all right that's one thing that i can potentially use to weigh down the button i don't know sometimes the boulders won't spawn oh [ __ ] i think he might have run into the lava oh look at him there he goes there goes my hero unaffected by lava this is that donkey kong country 2 lava actually where it's clear i can die to have them spawn okay cool debated perhaps whoa what is this technique that i've now mastered nice whoa i'm walking wow i really did just walk back through those oh a bunch of times there we go there's a boulder wow okay apparently that just didn't spawn uh this game was running at crazy speeds [ __ ] i know what to do uh this [ __ ] was running at crazy speeds when uh i was using all of my cores to process it i had to like limit the cores oh oh this is awesome actually that was cool that's a puzzle sort of unlike anything used in uh in portal oh and look at this god damn it [ __ ] just didn't spawn in so yeah i've had a bunch of uh other portal things recommended to me whoa oh floor here is kind of kind of hokey oh go back into first person i've had like aperture tag i'm sure a bunch of people will recommend aperture tag throughout this video uh not the same thing as tag the power of paint is a different thing but they are kind of related in a way uh there's also portal stories mel can this what is this this is really weird there's also oh there was one that was like portal but there's a third portal i guess i just need to use these boulders portal reloaded games reloaded oh my god oh my god wow i really didn't think that would work okay cool these are kind of interesting these are different i was kind of assuming that we were just gonna see like lo-fi shitty versions of puzzles we've already seen but look at that wow just solved itself that they're in both of them right or does that work i don't even know if that worked it didn't open the door they're not like always on the button oh [ __ ] it's cool i'm enjoying this i i thought i might i kind of thought it was just gonna be low five versions of like puzzles we uh we already knew i already said that i did the same thing earlier that is so hokey i keep hitting space thinking it's gonna jump because it's a video game whoa look at this i'm gonna ouchy ouch ouch ouch ouch it's like uh i'm like homer simpson whoa yeah uh-huh mate yeah are you sure about that this is cool i can just imagine this like blowing my mind i'm putting myself in the shoes of gabe newell feasting on big pink cookies oh no i didn't mean to do that [Music] yeah it's metroid lava exactly it's like hot very hot spicy water so i heard uh i don't know if this is true but i heard that the word narbaculor is uh is just a made up nonsense word it i don't think it actually means anything okay i need to drop this guy into the lava here obviously land on him please oh my god oh no no no i slid i slid i was trying i slid walking walking this is reminding me of a particular test chamber in portal i believe actually oh [ __ ] uh 17 19 one of the late ones god damn it's it looks much closer doesn't it look way closer than it actually is am i crazy whatever oh i did the wrong point okay can we put this turtle in an infinite loop i just want to have a bit of fun here [Music] it's very disappointing no unfortunately there is drift there is drift my friends so now can i just put that oh look at that it's the cameras it's the cameras please let me not like i'm like it feels bad cause i'm like right on the back of it and that's always the part that i like slid off of but you can't i'm trying to go further oh no you always slide to the back of it what the [ __ ] [Music] it doesn't feel like i'm in a vehicle it feels like i'm teetering on the brink of something all right oh you're [ __ ] joking [Music] did you see that [ __ ] i was all the way up there we bumped into the shore bro yeah unfortunately i don't think there's gonna be any new uh portal lore to be gleaned from this uh maybe i will come to understand you know what was something that always threw me off in the first game was uh the the nice little jellyfish and the big bad jellyfish but i don't know if we're gonna get that explained those felt like a reference to something okay oh this is interesting there's no fall damage right maybe no knees just means that her knees have been broken many times from fall damage she's like uh shadow the hedgehog in tails gets trolled where he breaks his legs every night just to like feel something oh and now do i need to fling myself is that what we're doing here this is our first fling kind of looks like it nice the first fling [Music] i wonder if that yahoo moment was like the like click moment where where gaben was like hey you could make more than just this like cruddy 30-minute game with this i guess just dunk this guy in the lava he's not moving there's like nothing in here do i need to make [ __ ] spawn again i'm gonna try to make [ __ ] spawn because that actually worked before fire with fire you win wait what huh what oh i did it [Music] excuse the hell out of me someone said the boss wasn't finished okay wow what a [ __ ] nothing ending literally nothing ending that's good i won i did it best game can i ride the turtle into the lava why did why is there a turtle here and no way to put it into the lava that's terrible that's terrible well you know what folks this was the most illuminating experience uh it was a cool game cool game there's also a showcase room uh which i looked at before i will say and i saw these and i also saw this big demon i guess this might have been supposed to supposed to be the final boss i kind of figured he was going to be in the game when i saw this guy before the stream also look at that kim swift that was it that was the whole game i j i i knew it was short but i wasn't expecting it to be that short and uh there were plenty of annoyances but you know what it was really interesting to see i've always wanted to check it out and uh easiest game i've played in my [ __ ] life let's just play around with the portals a little bit though i mean we've already done this in like actual portal whoa oh [ __ ] there you go i need to mash uh click it so it looks kind of jank but there you go you want the loops chat i got you the loops i'm professor lupin cool all right well uh next it's good thing i had two games on board here because next we have tag the power of paint tag this is a graffiti game yes uh this is it kind of has a similar vibe to like jet set radio i guess i have played this one i've actually played it on a it was like at digipen because i went there uh i didn't go there like as a school student but uh wow i just blanked on the word student i almost said school man uh i didn't go there as a student but i i did go there for like a few talks and and [ __ ] like that because they're in the area and i was interested in in-game stuff and they had this game on like a machine uh in the front like area in the lobby and i played all the way through it on this like the arcade machine of it basically which was kind of neat and i was like oh my god this is the [ __ ] like portal 2 game so this is uh in a similar case to narmacular drop uh the people who worked on this game got hired onto portal 2 to work on the mobility gels because that's the concept that this game has uh i think the green paint is bounce yeah that [ __ ] like red letter media boner sound effect cool oh that's kind of loud huh and here it is the gun so uh this is something that a lot of people are going to be like bro you need to play aperture paint or paint tag or whatever aperture tag uh maybe at some point it's not really on my list yet though but we can now gizm shrek goo everywhere and bounce to our heart's content triangle jump yahoo [ __ ] so there's there's the fast gel there's the bounce gel and then in this game there's also the cling gel which was not used in uh portal 2. it lets you like stick to surfaces like spider-man so like narbacular drop this is basically a tech demo but it's interesting seeing how they like uh started out these ideas and iterated on them i think it's really neat that you can paint like the clouds and [ __ ] like that that's pretty cool neat little detail up oh right there's like uh there's [ __ ] that's already lying around that has it's covered in the paint so i can only assume that a similar thing to this technology i mean it does look similar to how it is in portal 2. not exactly the same also to those of you who remember perspective that was another project by digipen students rather digipen is not like a game company i went there and saw a talk by a guy who uh had worked on he was like the lead designer for uh i think it was the you remember that old series on like the ds or some [ __ ] that was mario versus donkey kong and it was uh there were like little toys it was called march of the minis i think he was lead director of that game and he gave us a talk and i was like huh who's this guy he said some interesting stuff oh yeah this is free this is a free game okay here we got the blood i mean the propulsion gel speed by the way i just want to clarify i've said spin before that is not my joke in fact slick is also not my joke technically but uh you know we don't talk about how i stole that one spin is distinctly not my joke please stop saying it as a grapefruit meme checkpoints it looks good i think this game has a much better style than our bacular drop i think we could all agree isn't the yeah the gel that's painted into the signs also has the effects of the gel which is pretty cool i mean it's you would be disappointed if it didn't you know i do think uh they they iterated on it really well in portal 2. this is just the sound of repeated boners over and over again no you can shoot this [ __ ] far damn look at that yeah if you want to see the origin of slick just look up turtle pleasure longmont potion castle it'll tell you all you need to know but it it makes me wonder how many projects that digipen happen where the people are like oh man we're gonna get picked up by valve for portal 3 and then valve is just like cricket noises adam you know i wonder if that's ever happened the speed really doesn't speed you up that well i had a book i still have it about it's actually holding up my computer monitor uh about portal 2. uh it was like a strategy guide but it also had like uh little like developer interviews and insights and stuff and one of the things they talked about was the sound design of the gels like here there's there's a very simple bowing sound effect on the on the green gel and then the red gel i don't think has any effect to it at all but when you use that [ __ ] in portal 2 it feels so good it goes like it like makes an amazing sound and the the green or the blue gel goes like it's got amazing game feel and great uh sound design they i remember they said that for the bounce sound they took like a bunch of different bouncy things and like amplified the sound and like mixed them all together very interesting are there like cool secrets in this game i don't think there's really any cool secrets as far as i remember but again they uh you know might just be really good secrets uh did i just see the i just saw the stick gel effect for like a second what was that but i think this game i mean arbacular drop doesn't really i mean playing it with like retrospect of like having played portal it's a lot easier but uh i can imagine getting stuck at that like flinging puzzle for instance you know that was the single momentum-based puzzle in the game the one yeah [ __ ] the man man [ __ ] you i did it nailed it oh look at this that's pretty cool that's like some mirror's edge [ __ ] trash [Music] that's what it reminds me of actually look at this that i was like this gives me the vibes of some other game yeah it's mirror's edge should i how do i like clean paint can i get the nothing paint oh huh invalid command excuse the hell out of me oh so sad so terribly sad come on come on yeah slick there it is the stick is stuck this is exactly how narbacular drops started off in a little cage this is so this is the the never before seen unused portal gel can you imagine if this was in the game that would be so weird i'm walking i'm walking can i get on the top here oh no let me go on the top no oh you kind of like bounce around i think there's like an invisible wall up there i want to try again all right come on i can stand on that yeah oh just barely oh god can i um i don't know about this fam like that oh is the dream real can i do that all right here we go three two one [Music] all right let's go no what i need to be a little further left here stick stick okay sorry [Applause] come on please oh i yeah that's not that's not a thing you can't do that they put like an invisible wall there or some [ __ ] well i'm so sad that the level didn't want me to do that that's that's very depressing oh what's happening too much momentum too much momentum no expression no expression i like the little like stick juice corporation like all those little signs it's cute simply cute pretty cool mechanic though i think i think they could have made it work in portal you can make it oh my god do you want to know the name of that font yeah it's hobo std i recognize it in the wild all the time i have like a folder of hobo std [ __ ] why am i moving so slow am i crouched what's happening what is this i can't look much what's happening wait what my mouse won't move very fast all of a sudden and i can't move what is going on huh i'm trying to just like reset okay it's still happening my mouse is appearing that's really cool that is really cool that whatever this is is happening now okay hey could this not happen could this could this maybe not happen though what the [ __ ] please just let me play it people said like stick to stuff i i believe that probably possibly maybe did that fix it oh my god that fixed it okay it was like stuck in wall cling mode ah that was terrible that was miserable glitch simply miserable yeah i figured it had something to do with dying while trying to cling to the wall disorientation corporation they knew look at this it breaks the game i don't need to care about anything else man whoa it does disorientate you though yep oh i'm sorry it's just been a while since i it's been a long road trip gotta get rid of my travel buddy oh that feels good oh man that's how i am in like the public bathroom at like the rest stop on the side of the highway yeah boy this has got to be the final boeing finna final there we go i got it i got it i got it i got it what's on top of this building just the hobo std sign any squeak ritz pretty cool uh hello it's as simple as that that's as soon as it's as simple as that i think it is thinner it's just that everything's painted slightly gray it is it is like erasure paint its ain't okay oh this one's spinning it is rotational there is a there is a rotational effect to this board how humorous all right come on yeah uh-huh uh-huh come on yeah oh [ __ ] save me now what oh god oh my god oh [ __ ] uh do i need to keep spraying this i'm gonna do it yeah i think we're good yeah i forgot which way it was up i literally did yeah that part was pretty disorientating oh good oh it's doing it again that's good gotta stick to a surface to fix it or something oh god i need i need to stick to a wall oh no this dumb glitch i hate this i hate this i need to stick to the ceiling to get it to stop happening oh [ __ ] i painted too much red paint too much red paint all right notes for next time little too much red paint there i do like that the paint sticks around when you die that would be such a pain in the ass if you paint in the ass did i really cover it with blue paint did i really do that what the [ __ ] confused a little bit oh good oh it happens a lot it happens a lot come on stick stick do it i can't look up without [ __ ] like doing my taxes here get all over there do my taxes so i can look down stay stick to it please oh this is a miserable glitch [ __ ] static [ __ ] stick to it it's just the word this is literally the only platform i can do this on i don't know what to do i don't know what to do there's no other platforms i have to [ __ ] walk so slow gonna go to the side of the building oh my god do my taxes to look down please please let me move please is that good do we fix it is it over please please please please it won't work it literally won't work it literally won't work it literally won't work how many times have i touched the stick thing and it doesn't stick like what let me [ __ ] stick to the wall i hate this i hate this it's dying help no that's so cool that this is a cool feature of the cool game wow that is awesome man we're literally like the final goal is like there it's like up there i hate this i'll have to restart the entire video game i have to restart the entire video game i have to restart the entire video game like that's it if people know how to get to a specific map let me know but i'm just restarting the entire video game i don't remember this glitch happening in my i've played this a couple times i played it on that arcade machine i played it at home i don't remember that ever happening so i feel like this is a modern computer thing there we go uh it must be level eight then probably let's try it did that work is that the level yeah all right pog thank you so much chat holy [ __ ] what a [ __ ] annoying glitch that was i hope it doesn't happen again so we only have to redo this measly level and hopefully that [ __ ] doesn't happen again that is the most annoying thing like not only that's like the most frustrating type of glitch can't move properly can't move the mouse properly and you have that like glimmer of hope oh wait this is not that level hold on oh i see level 10 is at the second one here weird and there's no level 9 okay interesting design here we go once i saw the hobo std that i was like oh this is not that level uh so why is there no level nine i wonder what the story is on the mysterious missing level nine how enigmatic we would never have discovered that if not for the worst glitch ever look at this all right we're back here folks we are back to where i screamed i just the thing that was really making me mad there was i just thought i was just like [ __ ] it up horribly but no it literally was not letting me stick you guys really want to see it okay that actually does look kind of cool it looks like a gmod gun that's what that reminds me of this is like a gmod rail maybe i can can i just walk off of there and make it onto that platform i might be able to do that oh no i i did i gave the gentlest tap i really did i seriously gave the gentlest tap there i [ __ ] caressed the button and it still sent me flying um is that i don't want that like escher cube to [ __ ] me up i'm gonna hit the like exact pixel of like the white part of that paint this is really messing with my steez oh here we go finale finally oh what huh and now we're back here wait i think level select may have [ __ ] with it oh no level nine there's also credits i can just load the credits because the credits you get to like you get to spray paint everywhere all right well here we are i did it i'm to assume that that was the final orb i think it was uh we had a little bit of jank here it's an old indie game uh both of these games had weird like non-endings actually i think this one was not meant to though uh but these these are both very cool to check out uh narbacular drop just for like i don't know history oh look they got their names and faces up there that's pretty cool that font is called carter mt but it's not nearly as funny as hobo std but this one is really cool i really like tag the power of paint besides the [ __ ] like annoying glitch of course uh which of course was not part of the game design uh it was it was very neat i i have fond memories of it and i think it kind of it holds up are there other paints to collect here oh whoa they're actually painted with the gels and there's like purple gel chipotle look at that pagliachi pizza yummy teriyaki uba tubas [Music] lost south park look at all these utorrent tom from froggle some of these stories i need to know f in fun rock band rock band 2 india sleep no sleep these are the best credits oh there's special thanks for everyone the invisible pink unicorn morbidly obese unicorns corndi cornelius drebel inventor of the sub the beard of zeus whale cancer what the [ __ ] these are crazy so now we can okay all right all right it's time it's time yeah it's a game where you can draw things and i'm a streamer yep uh-huh nope you saw it coming that is such a huge [ __ ] that it goes off the screen suck the cook clean register trademark let's go admire my handiwork yeah great the big [ __ ] sticking out of the middle oh man well that was good egomaniac [Music] well can i make them have a clown nose
Channel: grayfruit
Views: 236,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uI20seUGO-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 31sec (1891 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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