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alright guys you are not gonna believe this I swear the Lord above I came to that door and I saw this it sounds like some hobby it is heavy as crap Wow overweight it sounds like something's in there yeah why would that just be sitting right there I have no idea that's full of cash I'm hired to come back hey we gotta get this safe back and bust this thing all right guys welcome to another episode of Grimes finds this is the Christmas Eve dumpster-diving edition we talked you into this we have been dumpster diving in a minute and I figure right most places are closed on Friday so they probably got all the trash and stuff out this guess is all theory oh but we're about to go test that theory and we've got a route we're gonna hit some game stops we thought about hitting the Nordstrom's rack so hey we're gonna go hit these as Christmas Eve it is 10:25 mom and pops already in bed in the kitchen she's like yeah we've got to go run a few errands and in mahse like man she didn't want to tell me they're still not okay with all this you would say hey we're going out dumpster diving you didn't you said we just stop faking the fun so mom and dad do you know by now that it wasn't Erin's those errands were dumpster diving we're going to dig in the trash ah hey aren't you happy she married me all right guys hey so we are here at 7-eleven getting gas we're filling up you need two drinks or anything I got coffee she's got she's got her camel back on it's full of wine and eggnog right I'm joking she's wanna I'm joking she's not really wanna on the weekends just during the week alright hey we'll be right back we're at the first stop we're at the Nordstrom Rack actually where we at now we're at Party City let's see what Party City has suffered plush pal snugglers only one where's the trash trash oh she's not listening that looks like that's recycling this is obviously the steps we'll see if the snugglers in here huh cookies we're gonna keep cooking pizza massive damage any I could give these for Christmas presents yellow lot throw three sixteen eight I'm giving these to somebody for a birthday present yeah oh I know somebody's just a baby pinata oh we gotta have a pinata no he's wet I'm getting a little weird all right hey so we're gonna take deep why is she gonna be down here all right so check it out guys we found some unexpired baby cookies I'm gonna give this to somebody and then we're gonna make it a joke hey first place first score all right guys we are here at I don't know where the heck looks like a lot of paper [Music] [Music] [Music] all right messes the Nordstrom so far so good we got cookies [Music] oh oh I see a puma box there and that's what we need I'm gonna look around this joint stop Puma box under there now I got a jack with anything illegally but on the next alright guys this is Chuck E Cheese I'm Duncan I love it it's done mark put it son Razor scooter you know these professional boxer drivers they became these bags hey man all right nothing in here that would've been cool all right back off [Applause] all right guys this looks like a straight-up recycling one we've got some bigger things up in this joint so see this bad yeah which I wears good stuff what is this that sandwich is we don't do sandwiches I don't know it's like a wallet Nuts neiman marcus the neiman marcus little purse with the perfume in it hold on let me try and slow it up I totally am jacking this uh [Laughter] jeez Louise okay okay guys we'll be back yes yeah try a few more looks like little retail signs come back you're gonna have do you follow me it's like that's for cycling for green trash let's look in here real quick all right it's pretty good that we're gonna find out what [Music] [Applause] alright guys so we are here at the game stop that would have been cool hey I tell you what I'm keeping this box regardless because I find these all the time and look that box is perfect it's not in there but we find these and I can put that in there Xbox one box we find these two I can use the x1 box XP rush let's see what else they got back here yeah I was hoping for some displays maybe maybe what's in here maybe a discipline I don't know these boxes are still good [Music] what is this advent calendar for dogs what that's weird put this in there check keep it you want to advent calendar for dogs I think so I guess you wanted that I'm kind of just curious whatever may be video game stuff Range Rover what's that Hey three large popcorn bottle and get one free ticket hey that's so good it's all boxes like [Music] we controllers [Music] sorry I know I'm doing a horrible job happy birthday gift card yeah [Music] another gift card odd is a gift card a little bit for it oh heck yeah alright we're gonna shoot these gift cards does look like they were those are pretty nasty all right oh so we found some wee little things we little things we little covers right they don't look bus or anything and I found some gift cards okay so we'll check these out when we get back but onto the next stop alright guys so look hey it is day two we didn't find a lot last nights were like no we got to make a whole video check it out we're here at we're gonna Old Navy Old Navy we thought we hit the jackpot that's all tags and stuff we'll roll it up but of course look what they do they slice it so people can't dumpster dive these people are serious about this look a little baby shoes Oh check it out kind of food so why do they throw it away it's a big box retailer yeah man look they cut them little baby shoes may be great for someone who wanted scraps to make something oh man look at that sweater all right that looks like it's it but hey that's kind of close but I mean I get why they do this keep people like that out of the dumpsters all right guys we're gonna hit the road we'll be right back I got so we came down one more where we at us Michaels Michael hey yeah you could make you know that art like we found in that art unit hey he was 80 bucks brand-new ain't no wrong he's still busting on man hey you think it's heavy on him at McDonald's man I saw it yeah I think we should keep him okay we're here in Frisco looks like Frisco's trash day has not come yet like playing but I'm not gonna get in here but look at these just like these little they had a mouse in it at one point somebody brought that back but so that keeper it's not broke there's a little pet stick window thing yeah that's like me I did find this I think somebody I'm gonna keep that lucite chair would have been the freakin bomb if it wasn't frickin broke and now so but y'all check it out over here like these fools look how bad their trash was they couldn't even get it all just remember when we get back to the house we'll do kind of a a recap recap on everything that we found look a lot of this stuff's not gonna probably end up for my auction it's probably end up back in the trash but it's just fun to come out and see what's all right guys we're here I thought we were gonna hit some stuff there's a recliner all right guys you are not gonna believe this I swear Lord above I came to that door I'm mrs. Ryder it sounds like some hobby and it's heavy as crap Wow / what it sounds like something's in there yeah why would that just be sitting right there I have no idea if that's full of cash I'm I have to come back hey we gotta get this safe back and bust this thing yeah alright guys so we make back to the houses look a little bit closer look at this bad boy I'm in such a good shape like the key looks fairly new like why would you just throw this away or why would this just be sitting out there it is like see this is a solid wood farm table isn't light this sucker is heavy but anyway so we have to find some tools around here all my cool cracking safecracking stuff is back at the office so anyway look here's some of the other stuff we found nothing really big you know I'll keep these around in case we find a Nintendo switch and a storage unit and that way we can put in the box these I was actually gonna use on this but these we actually found today we got engaged today we got engaged we were out walking on a rotor track go on a hike and we found these and pick these up so they're finally gonna come in some use but you know other stuff we didn't find that I brought that in here because I'm gonna set up a time-lapse while I try to get this open we found this Nutcracker again he's not gonna go in the thing but uh we might make the worst out of it yeah hey free free but it's probably gonna go in the trash and then there's these little we blow rubber things little bugger bringing thanks freaking things and then we found you know there's a bunch of these in there we didn't grab these but hey I'll keep one around here because we can actually put definite when we're playing in this case a tree came out we found these Gina says she would actually eat these I almost took these to Christmas today watch the video and they're gonna find out got some cookies there cookies hey I was eat those too because they're not they're not expired 2023 16 they're completely wrapped they're like they're sealed rounds I won't even do that but you know I'm worried about expiration dates and stuff but you'll eat things out of a storage a mask it's weird it's all entertainment babe but check this out we found this and then Lehman Martin Marcus purse hey that actually might go on the auction yeah and we found oh we got to check these gift cards later I found three of those somewhere oh this wasn't in there yeah but this was in there so anyway guys check it out like I still cannot believe we found it safe dumpster dive Oh our cat oh yeah and that's we got this it was at the pet store just gonna cool hey somebody's gonna want that so we actually might run that in the auction just because it's cool it's cute so hey here's the deal we've gotta pop these in just like why would you just throw this out there but either way I was thinking what if it's like a disgruntled employee who's trying to get back at there no that's why I said if it's full of cash we got to go back up there yeah as much as I wouldn't want to be the right thing to do because you're right or I don't I mean I there's so many possibilities but why why if you're taking us out to the trash what made us thought it was too heavy to throw in the dumpster maybe but why would you I don't I don't get it hey anyway I found this Xbox one box hopefully we'll find the Xbox one that we can throw in there that computer smells good but hey anyway let me find some tools we got to pop this thing open I'll probably have to end up popping these hinges but let's see what's in this thing it's super heavy so I would who is packed with and maybe unbelievable that would be a balloon all right guys hey let me set up a time lapse bearbette [Music] alright guys wanted to pop back in and show you the progress we made so I found the weakness after I did all this check all that out yo that's just using these two well Danny brought me the meat cleavers oh hey man you want to use this I was like yeah no she said she said you broke it he did he recognize you buy another boy for me to bid on a safe with what did you expect well I didn't think it was a can break check it out so I've dropped beat all on that sucker I can see the little little notch right there that holds the door in but check this out so now what I'm doing is I'm taking this and just taking this railroad I'm trying to it's been welded you can see in there where it's been welded so anyway I'm gonna put it back on time lapse I'm gonna try to pop this off and hopefully the doors gonna come up and the cash is gonna fall out whoo or not where I just got a super good good workout you sure did alright guys I cannot feel my freakin forearms but they feel pretty hard anyway check it out so I'm here but I popped that hinge completely loose I did this all with these two antique railroad nail that we found on a hike today we got engaged yeah so check this out I see this little Nazi being shown that little this in here and between the crack there's a little notch in there mhm you may not be able to see it but that's what's holding the door on and then over here there's one two in here so I'm just gonna try to see if I can pop this over real quick with you guys here so what I'm trying to do see look there's that notch right there I don't know if you can see it any better kind of right there a little bit come down yeah right there see right there that's it that's what works that's what's holding the door on and that one's about out oh that one came loose now we got to do this this is not what I expected dumpster divers I know this one's heavier that's why I'm using it for the hammering that's lifting it a little bit oh there we go it's just that one little one little notch you just needed a little space Wow look at that pan right there Oh moment of truth all or nothing probably nothing but it was just that heavy all by itself dang it dang it David Nix what that's my boss oh yeah that's not him I'm not trying to Doc's you but you're in Houston David Nix finally he wasn't a financial counselor no he was why was this dude freaking safe behind that thing claim check Oh 86 yeah or something yeah rubber bands for money you think you know what I'm thinking hmm I wonder if somebody stole this safe and dump to save they might have should we look up this guy and see if maybe somebody stole it okay and then like how'd you get into you have to watch me they gotta watch the video yeah you have to watch your YouTube video alright guys hey I've got to get this uploaded this is too nice video I did not expect this so hey make sure to LIKE subscribe do all the good stuff and hey we're hitting the oxygen run tomorrow so get ready for some great storage option videos oh that see you the next unit [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 19,822
Rating: 4.8700361 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Auctions, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Penny List, Safe Cracking, Storage Unit Finds, Luggage Auction, Unboxing, Mystery Box, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Resale Rabbit, Curiosity incorporated, stolen safe, COPS called, mystery safe, mystery box, unboxing safe, stolen, dumpster diving, dumpster diving haul, diy, how to, self storage, treasure hustlers, dumpster, treasure
Id: ZQMO2j20PAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 20sec (1940 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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