LITERALLY BURIED ALIVE! MASSIVE Abandoned Storage Unit Won at Auction!

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alright guys welcome to another episode of Grimes finds this is the been freaking looking for a unit for like two days and this is the only one we got good night have mercy oh I guess it's the holidays but we've gone on to live runs been on online and good lord have mercy there is nothing we went today right we drove all the way up to Denton because it was a nice area there was 12 units of one place and good lord it was garbage I mean it was I'm not gonna lie like so there were some units in there normally I would have bought a flood you man why didn't bomb Mike okay look when you walk up in the unit and like every box is open right and stuff sticking out like it wasn't put in there like nobody well some people might be stuff in a unit like that but not everyone Frye and again that's typically Grimes rule 100 thousand billion - is [Music] the best safe way to get a good unit to know that it hadn't been gone through is to buy the big packed units right most people are lazy they're not gonna pull that stuff out and dusty ones right you can tell people been you know putting their paws all over stuff so anyway praise the Lord right we just won one we actually man I told her I some would be an eager beaver right it is 45 minutes away but we're like five minutes away and I literally just wanted she would tell how much we wanted for she wait now let's wait I want him to guess I want him to guess because they might think I was desperate for a unit right and they're like man where the Grimes do what did he pay but let me tell you there's walls of boxes it looks like plenty of stuff to climb on a play on and it's Friday it's time to play right yeah I told her she said hey you're going to climb on boxes and stuff so you first I'm giving my fuel right so hey I got fuel my just update I've gotten a lot of positive comments on the me being open about my depression and anxiety I've always been open about the one it's just because I've been in ministry so long right and what I've learned is it does me no good not to share that because here's what I found most more people than you think are walking around with some kind of shame and depression and just feeling of self-worth lessness and things like that and so being open about that it allows them to know that they're not alone and so especially with this platform that the Lord has so blessed us with on YouTube one of the things I promise the Lord if we did get this platform and it was grow that we would be authentic with it and that we would try to help as many people so anyway I want my new meds they're good but they brought my mind my speed down I should like took me from fourth gear down to like third maybe second so anyway as soon as I got off the cameraman snort this straight up my nose because I say I got the best effect out of it right they wouldn't give me they wouldn't I was like oh just crush them Tigers up I'm up on the counter go in there after anyway so hey I'm gonna suck this down freakin we are like five minutes eager beaver I said we are getting this freaking unit no matter what tons of boxes we'll be there in a minute I'll see what we got [Music] 7:37 man I snore that coffee and I'm all friggin hopped up like a freaking meerkat on crack I guess it's all I had hey my beautiful wife Gina is with me she's gonna be doing the film hey that's a nice sweatshirt some good people let's give them a shout-out who is that what Jeremy and George that's our piece man we miss them though but we know they're travelling around and hopefully we're gonna be doing the same thing next year right yeah so y'all make sure to LIKE subscribe do all that other stuff we're gonna do something new I guess somebody get started on this video this is good too okay so I'm not gonna tell you what I paid for this unit I'll tell you at the very end when I paid for this unit I want you to not in the chat which I do now but down below in the comments and the reason why is is because the chat gets goin so fast and y'all know that I'm freaking them seen squirrels everywhere and I can't keep up and everybody's Oh nor me not knowing you just missed it you know so to help me out not the chat down the comments keep throughout the video if you want to change your answer that's that's cool but put down there how much do you think I spent on the shoot and you remind me at the end to make sure we tell them what we spent on okay so here is 737 it's a 15 bike one of y'all huge haha hey check it out oh my gosh look how big that is all right [Music] alright guys so that's the scan around let me tell you a few reasons why I bought it I'm just for real I was buying a unit today it didn't matter what you did it way there were some options but this was the best option so I okay so what I do is one of the things I do I look for is you're seeing a lot of more that you're seeing units where I can tell in a heartbeat if the unit has been like rummage through one thing but I tell you packed and stacked they can't get to it all you'd if they rummaged through some things collectibles I always look for collectibles doesn't have any high-end but anything like that they spent a little bit extra money on like hot wheels right I did see this in the picture right that's a whole thing of Hot Wheels right there so we don't know what else is down in there looks like mustard to be honest I did see the electronic monopoly okay I did see this monopoly I saw the Disney box up there that said you know collectible that's about all I saw I saw the Ninja Turtle tricycle okay and I'm trying to do a better job at slowing down and teaching you why I buy and how I profile so I did see this leather chair usually where I look at if I can see it if I'm not there live or in person I look right here and I look right here and look at that that is beautiful there's no rips this is actually a very nice recliner or couch so to me that said good condition they took care of their stuff right I even look at the vacuums and see like hey are they like just nasty that's a good vacuum it is but look at this old TV right yep why would I like a older TV maybe it means they like older things well older things right maybe older people that have it like come up with the times which means vintage to me right yes I saw collectibles that's all old TVs but I saw furniture that's in good condition they took care of their stuff I did see this in the picture this NFL chair okay and while you were gone taking a PC taking a pee-pee the jacket look at that Cowboys going to the Super Bowl baby are they really they can they like they steamroll the Rams but anyway so the only problem I have right now I did see this to like I think I saw several oh I saw the shoes up there this looked like adidas oh no hmm you want to start this baby off right yeah you can't start it off right unless you got it can I take a knife it's a customer sword yo that's a nice kiss or first box I'll reach up whoa that's a nice one oh they're more what she says oh another cussword look at this show I want to tell them how much I paid for this unit right now but you can't not the check down in the comments let me know how much you think I paid for this unit it's a 15 by 20 is that what it is it's something big yeah 15 look these have like really nice handles on them that's a broke right there but they're still little repots but how cool is that hey did I tell you did I tell you look for little things that tell you people collect things and usually I'm 99% right when I Tarna whenever there's like I can tell them I'll be like there's collectibles in that it is hey I'll take an electric griddle that's always silent auction yeah you warm up our here yep look brand-new and they're still in the freakin pack the boxes now - look that was for the kiss ordered you check in check to make sure we're not that's another reason why I've been on this unit cause that box at heart okay maybe maybe that was I just got lucky there two swords in a box psychedelic kind of some psychedelic stuff I can't see very well so I can't really see what you're going Willie Brown Willie Brown trim it this little iron tribute mm-hmm that's cute from 2001 hey that's Brock put my cornbread [Music] now yeah you do there it is you know I'm have to crawl up on that wall because here's the deal do you think those boxes go all the way to that back wall uh-huh we have to check and see so I'm thinking NFL chair NFL jacket somewhat collectible we've got nice look we got mr. Potato Head Star Wars hey mr. potato his hats right here we know these sell too so look collectibles already what do you wanna do what shall we do let me see oh look they were Ninja Turtle fans they were I think they go we great if they did alright alright guys so hey here's the dang deal I know one of y'all wants to check out my caboose ain't gonna happen you know what happen so let us get situated we're gonna kind of like just like that move something and then we're gonna find out how deep this hole is oh she said [Laughter] show me first oh you see back there boxes that's at least three DP oh yeah oh here you go Joe he's climbin why not why not why not climb booth he's climbing in his new perfect shoes Oh try not to get your bed it is boxes for days these are Nine West I was right these are devious I think I call polo on these from there [Music] oh my gosh see this like like candy the camera got a kit this is boxes huh so but mostly boxes yeah look oh sure sure look boxes all the way back to their boxes all the way back I can't see that corner thing boxes all the way down on the ground for sure and then there is this little spot over here oh man I discovered their bongs I'm not playing look there it is can't look that's a double do sir I don't know what the heck you do that thing try to kill yourself with a normal eye maybe hook it up with a buddy that's weird hey found bombs alright guys so hey for real let me kind of get going around here let me figure out what some of the best of the best boxes are we'll pull some of those out we're gonna do some unboxing and then we'll try to let you guys guess what we pay for this we'll be right back [Music] [Applause] so here's an update there's some really nice furniture back there it looks like it might be a gun cabinet is somebody there okay there's a really nice it looks like a gun cabinet there's a guitar wrapped up and then I just found this master bathroom y'all know how I feel about that and I already hear the dangling it dangling if it's good I'm gonna bring it it's got a beard trimmer I need that do I need to try and get a little bit up on top of the box why do you make me do all the work hey no sorry for like you just need to stand there and hold you can if you'll hold the camera and climb up there hitboxes hey come back down here I just crushed the bonds gluestick nice for like what we spent on this hey again if you haven't guessed down in the comments please let us know what you think I paid for this unit there's some change sometimes there's medicine Oh what is this kids books looks like older kids books maybe yeah okay here let's just do some unboxing right here okay what's in this guy there it is closed Stacy Adams what you guys Stacy Haggar it's kind of free all right guys hey here's the deal let me find y'all some really good boxes bedroom master did you know you were to switch places do you want to live tonight I want to live I mean I don't want to go to the hospital old if we find gold right off the bat yeah that looks like that might be gold just stuck that through a Monet ten karat gold all right right there ten karat gold it's just busted that's why it's in there so make sure it's not the kids sander Carter oh man let's see she sent a picture I'm not gonna doctor further you can't hey you can't Thomas any better it's right Sandra Carter ah rockin my first original groms font swag she's the first to have grown fond swag she is she got it she look fine she sent us pictures of it what hey y'all are I just stayed up really late designing some merchandise it says it'll be approved in a day or two our store but you'll be able to buy coffee mugs and t-shirts and stuff but she's got the first one ever yeah sold it haha that's cool Sandra I'm so glad you got that such a sweet lady she's very uh so she just got a shout out hey we love you Sandra and we are praying for why am I looking at her picture well I'm talking to her because you're probably watching the night hopefully hey that's awesome this is what it's about you that's right this is what it's thinking about all right we hate fur oh we got to take a break okay because if we're if we're picking the scrapbook tomorrow I can not hurricane through this whole thing that's right hey that means why more episodes don't some more tomorrow but laughs I'm curious what's wrapped up in that Star Wars you see that Star Wars yep I see it looks like someone drew on the wall two kids maybe it's a maybe I told the staff before I left I said the only things gonna press me if I find a safe for a or a and a safe give me a few minutes cuz I think I just ripped my pants getting up here yeah I'm joking but I do want to fall in the back because I want to get that guitar okay so anyway be right back oh [Music] [Applause] yeah here hey can I show them where you are in comparison to the rest of the unit yeah I don't trip and fall well you gotta show them the path start look at that went to the back wall I just do the splits three times I did a back bend one time in the back bend and the banana jump thing oh I'm gonna drop my phone down in there oh this game is serious okay there's just too many boxes too many boxes like the whole ground Gipper guys look what I just saw there's still a ton of boxes around here look I just found this guitar we're gonna I'm gonna show you my ping down it'd be weird uh but look it's wrapped up in trash bag that means it's legit right Wow look at this front loaders you see those the front loader washer and dryer in there and they look from the top they look like they are anyway just trust me there's a front loader washer dryer set that's 500 bones all day so right now tell me down in the chat not in the chat down in the comments let me know so what I'm gonna do is I just came from that way okay I just came from that way but I can get down to the bottom decided to stay on top and I wanted to get this but now I'm seeing like stuff down there that I might want to look at like there could be a safe down there y'all look at this look at this shelf I'm sitting on that thing's gonna snap good thing I lost a lot of weight oh look bathroom box where's this a bedroom either way like it's David's it's David's box okay take this okay got it and take this we're gonna just set that somewhere be careful with it does look like it might be older so we're definitely gonna open that we found a cool box that art like sculptures hold on tonight because I only have one hand one hand on the phone when hand on the guitar oh I only have one hand yes weird man he had a married dad Joe right remember kids if you ain't married you don't look at who who's if you are married you better only be checking out your watches lesson from Grimes this is justice Oh justice close look one two three four five this this thing is five boxes deep and there's just happens to be his one little hole try to take him in the hole no did that sound bad what I don't know I wish I had a headlamp record from your phone going into the hole I can't like I call these antique rockers you know these boxes back here are gonna be the ones that have the good stuff don't you think can you crawl up here not with the phone in my hand I can't this says living movies kids movies sleeping bags from 20 18 men they're all [Music] pictures some like 500-pound Davey like token on the bones now my world just got rocked oh it's little David stuff you let me know I'm gonna give you your tricycle back you see anything cool down there what head that's not safe you think these people want to say oh I'm gonna try to do this one time people don't get mad at me you can blues just puking okay you look you hold the flashlight okay that way Delhi's mica knife that's what fell I thought it was the truck keys all right oh my guys all right you flashing light in there okay so that's the side by side low yeah perfect look at that bad boy over here boom Keshawn right there so dark hey guys I know this this footage sucks okay we love you hope you still love us but I want to see what's in the little boxes they put in the Betty bag I got one let's see this is how y'all do this is how you come on baby they usually hide the good you I'm telling you right now there's at least 200 boxes look look see that phone see if I can get this to focus look back there yo there's just boxes like down here look boxes so stay tuned for tomorrow we're gonna do a we're gonna bring the team out here and we're gonna freakin crack this puppy open it's almost the end of the day as well we're not doing it now right here keep that Shawn right oh let's see be something impressive it is I called it it's written on every box I'm curious though about these boxes back look at this old nice furniture though okay keep the light going we're gonna yeah but let's work back this way okay look there's David little baby David are you okay I'm recording Hey look asan yo Hey look shine down on that that's a big old Sanyo right bras and clothes whoa that ain't no bra holy crap yo that's a what movie is that awful Oh where he wears on his head oh we're science you don't know we're science that's okay I feel like I've touched that long enough it's turned into perversion all right anything else besides freaking over-the-shoulder Boulder holders what movie [Music] Bette Midler yeah see what we got here Oh more baby David close oh man oh hey I'm walking on I see you bags hey we got more shoes in here is it gonna be a good room y'all we just gotta get get to the back boxes that's where they keep all the stuff that I look oh it's Captain America I want to see what's over here what is this oh it's a bass this is a weird unit babe oh please tell me I just found jewelry boxes in this joint oh you got to be kidding me no check this out I circled all the way I climb my little skinny runt but up in there freakin went down down hey here came here and I was like man I know all the good stuffs in the back look what's it say Hotel 2019 look I just pop this open I was joking hoping his jewelry I don't know if you can see that hey we're getting this out hey guy yeah it's a big old story but hey guys hey we got to get this out of everybody with my hand we'll see I look nothing maybe suit all right I know our video sucks right now hey let's get the stuff out grab it [Music] [Applause] I'm shakes it Oh Bobby little boot I guess he's that says goodwill in there the costume action [Music] little beads these are pearls huh pearls hey babies those are not real hey that's an older one you read it sitting on to food I think this is 95 yeah I think this was this those are actually real someone wants to buy I'm not chewing on phone all right let's look at how all right so hey I'm telling you they're whole houses in here oh look we got rings pearl [Music] share one BFF two dollar bill yo yeah Rolex relax oh so got this right yeah do these open Oh losers so got $2 and listening oh and then we got say well look at the sculptor's rule yeah I'm telling you hey what's my cell phone uh I thought are you about to you know that's the problem oh no man scare me bro no I'll tell you this is a whole household I think that whole bottom layer I could not even get into the boxes yo and it's just hard to open boxes there's gonna be a great unit so stay tuned till tomorrow night and we're really gonna dig into this unit it sound good as I was already ready that's the show boom oh there might be gold yeah to go what's that say something clearly hey get on my face I'm trying to see you it says some I think it says 14-karat that's nice that's so nice what's this oh friend tank said James Avery stamped on them yeah no we'll check that out later hey still I think we gotta get what we haven't even really seen what's in this I don't know y'all can't tell me right now if you think I got a good deal but what you can do before you see the rest of like these hundreds and hundreds of boxes we're gonna pull them out here we're gonna friggin zip through them you're gonna see it oh hey let's see what's in here I'm not look I'm not real knowledgeable on guitars but I know what to look for and I get back but until I get back you guys can help me figure this out so let's look inside it says studio as I say Cooper it's made in Mexico model go5 calidad may not be anything good mother-of-pearl knobs aren't stuffs I don't know hey guys y'all let me know hey let me know what you think about this guitar I think we're gonna find sports collectibles and we're definitely found more jewelry I feel it where's the sculptures right here so damn all that all right hey check out Sofia sculptures we found one but the finger was broken yeah it's pretty though it was actually kind of cool this is another one on weirdo are you nuts oh look there's the thing here that's the finger to that weird you go oh yeah got the finger this guy's definitely coming off one of these people oh well yo look that was kind of cool yeah the ribs that's kind of neat to Beza bro why would you do that that's a really cool sculpture is really cool enough that we can reminds me that same old Monsters Inc ah yeah you don't tell me I dunno what you're talking about that's his head let's go Nate that's neat does she sign it somewhere there's gonna be cool stuff in the Jews yeah we cool auction they're gonna be very eccentric type people oh look she went regular I am Sophie getting all normal on us oh she had to fix that told you there is there is missing his head sorry oh look that could be fixed that can't be Thanks that actually yeah that actually could be fixed I think the finger can be fixed too oh sorry buddy it's good put it in sent I think that might be the Satan nurses maybe there's a whole team yeah one of those pieces went in here maybe your dad just make those oh that's definitely possible are you serious right look at all this stuff we got a safer tomorrow look these are actually nice I think this is Vizio this super clean poles yeah look air compressor looks like it you know I thought she said she already have one I do it's still perfect okay all right let me just make sure there's nothing I need to know about there's any broke you broke the one that wasn't broken how'd you point that out you supposed to be my wife I am your wife y'all Sofia's dreams are dead hey now she's not a hole in the guitar I'm joking guitars good guitars good it's not my fault really look at the way these people pack this place I just want to look over here because this is where the jewelry was the jury that's a cool toolbox bottles collectibles yeah that's very collectible is in this unit for sure it's just gonna be a weird you all right guys so hey that's the thing deal - the stuff I broke that it even made it matter coming out not the chap down below how much do you think I've paid for this beautiful room full of boxes and what we're gonna do is tomorrow night's episode at 8 p.m. Central we're gonna have a great hour-long video we're gonna set up tables out here where you can pull the boxes up cut them open boom you're gonna see everything in here so if you want to know what we miss which is like 90% of it be back tomorrow hey make sure to subscribe we're almost to 15,000 right I think we're like almost 500 away 601 something like that so tell a friend invite them over make sure to hit that Bell because if you notice like everybody's not getting notifications I think it's because YouTube did something so go on there maybe subscribe unsubscribe and then subscribe back then redo your bill hit all see if that works but other than that we'll see you the next unit [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 19,168
Rating: 4.8706384 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Auctions, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Penny List, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, resale value, Luggage Auction, Unboxing, Mystery Box, What the Hales, storage wars fights, dope or nope, dude perfect stereotypes, try not to laugh, how to make money online, mystery boxes, storage lockers, treasure hunting, reselling, buried alive, grimes finds youtube, grimes finds
Id: 99HH5hAbmx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 37sec (3157 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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