Negotiation Caught On Tape! Abandoned Flea Market Booth! Popeyes Chicken Sandwich Review.

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[Music] alright guys so welcome to the intro of this episode of Grimes finds the Papa's chicken sandwich right so I know what you really want you want to get to the unboxing everything ok thank you what are you getting I'm gonna okay so there's no weight here my wife just said she thinks she's got this whole crazy thing figured out what Popeyes but I might repeat it so anyway look we drove by his Popeyes and look all over town and Plano where we live the lines are like it's literally like down the block I'm not joking it's stupid so we were driving by and there one Carlon not one so we just pulled up we're gonna say we get to shake your sandwich just stay where we are Garland we're in Garland and there's no line in Garland but there's lines in Plano I don't know what she's getting at you know I'm just telling hey here's the dang deal stay tuned to the end to see if we were actually able to get a chicken in it she just holds the hold on she might tell us where I'll stay tuned to the in this video to see if we got one and is it really all worth the hype stay tuned alright guys so here's the dang deal we went through there we got it to the window and then they told us they were out I'm joking we go alright so look that chicken sandwich is it worth all the hype I don't know we're gonna find out we're gonna get back to the office we're like a minute away I took Gina's bag away from her because she always tries to eat when she gets out a drive-thru and that is always prioritized over like things like other cars and hitting pedestrians you ever hit a pedestrian ever did the subconsciously does the food to get prioritized to the top of your list where other cars don't hit what I'm saying y'all see what she does to me I just tried to be truthful and she's got a story for everything but anyway it gets wild curbs get checked and all kinds of things happen to this mess they do I'm telling y'all food goes to the top of prioritize getting it in her belly instead of driving and not hitting things so anyway I took her bag away because I know this is actually probably gonna be worse so we'll get back to the gallery and we're gonna let you know how it was all right guys welcome to another episode of Grimes finds this is another special edition this is the one where you help us figure out how much should we pay for another thrift store not thrift store indoor flea market indoor flea market boots so we just got a call I had Katie and the crew were up there getting the rest of the stuff out of our boots cuz it's got to be out today and Katie was facetiming I was trying to take a day away from the office to do a lot of administrative stuff marketing things we got dude perfect coming in next week so it lots to prepare for so anyway Katie was facetiming me like three times in a row so I figured it was important and so anyway the property manager said they're trying to sell out another booth and so I was like well come look at it so here's the dang deal I'm gonna scan around the room for you real quick you let me know how much do you think we should pay if we choose to pay for it have you seen it here actually I think I've seen it in here I'll give you a clue I'm not willing to pay much for it probably because I know what well no after my Katie told me was in there I don't think it's well here's deal he's already sold that booth once I know that if it's one I'm thinking of he's already sold it to a lady once and she's already picked through it so here's the dang deal that could be really bad or it could be good I don't know what her knowledge is I don't know what she was looking for he said she was looking for movie props that's interesting so anyway we're about to be there we're gonna go inside I'm gonna scan around imma let you see it and then what we're gonna do is in this video we're just gonna go through kind of everything I'm gonna ask him to give us about 15-20 minutes we're gonna pan around the room with you we're gonna dig in some stuff and then we're gonna come up together with how much should we offer on if anything come Monday so here's the dang deal we're gonna be there in about two minutes I think Katie and the crew are still there and then we'll see what we got [Music] alright guys so we are here and so here's the dang deal this is the booth they don't know that I already know like he's talking to me this is a different guy he doesn't know that I know he's already sold it once and let someone pick it so he's already lost me I'm just shooting straight he's already lost me there's no way that I would pay him how much did he say you wanted he didn't give me a price I asked him and he said make me a deal so he hasn't set a price so when he comes over ask him to see if he's gonna be honest with us okay and that's going to determine if I deal with this guy any further and I've actually just talked to him about actually becoming a partner marketing cuz this place is dead during the week there's no foot traffic and their occupancy if I had to guess is probably bout 40% outside of events they did event this weekend anyway let's go ahead and look at this stuff so did you see anything in the scan that we need to address no all right so what do you think so far what's your initial thoughts yeah it's a it's a lot of stuff for not a lot of money right yeah it all must be this would cost to be honest I could come in here with tubs if I brought 100 subs on the mouth or we could empty this place in probably bout 20 30 minutes if we just all got in here doing there but I don't know that it's gonna be worth the exchange actually I'm almost positive that I don't want it but at least is gonna get you a good video and I'll teach you maybe how to negotiate and things like that so come on so we have a lot of jeans okay why maybe resembles Jackie blue where these liebe Lee spandex pants that's what I need so is that that's just like that's a key indicator that you've given up on life isn't it when you go to nothing but spandex pants why are you giggling is that true I always wear leggings I'm always like jeans oh yeah sorry let me reiterate jeans hey this almost had me I didn't buy X I don't think my body I don't know am I so look this is all jeans this is all used clothes let's come over here maybe the gut steps hidden behind where the cash registers do you see any name-brand persons hanging them okay so hey look we get to dig in people's drawers it doesn't belong to us again actually none of this belongs to us we get to dig through people's stuff that doesn't belong to us and to me that makes it more exciting right yeah underwater maybe yeah looks like it's been here's some videos but if I find enough clothing that I want our purses do we see any good purses I gotta show them the floor look at this I have to show them the floor this is bad I'll take you around my walk too and maybe we'll go meet some boots owners and stuff like that cuz they're having an event here where they run it out I think a booth for all three days for 50 bucks that's stupid cheap why no that's why it's for yeah that's why he was telling me we're outside of the event you're probably 40% occupied and he was showing me how many lights he got and talking about marking I was like I don't count me like she get that didn't convert to dollars and customers come in the door it's wasted money is wasted effort simply barrel wine what do you think I mean Vera Wang yeah what about this what's this B&B who's this B&B is that a beer a deep I don't know cuz it's not Danny and bird what's that list well I've bought out remember that time I bought out that massive thrift store it was some dumb y'all I mean it was a massive thrift store and I bought out the whole thing I think for 1500 I know it was under 2000 million dollars oh you know it's only about two to three hundred thousand because it's missing the tag so we almost hit a jackpot y'all Sandra hey do we send Sandra her glasses no Sandra at your house yo Sandra that is my fault I'm paying for your shipping I dropped the ball on that they're in the GTO the GTO got a flat so it's been sitting at my house maybe because I've been so busy but I love you and I'm sorry I'm gonna send you a bonus gift I don't know what it is yet I know what her bonus gift needs to be oh yeah give me him no okay no bonus gift Sandra we love you sorry glad your dad's better though or last I heard mm-hmm he was better yeah getting a hospital I just got an update from her yesterday I think that's awesome okay for those ponies these are actually kind of cool shoes cool style didn't they sell pony these are old school fat farm I was gonna say there's their fat farm and baby fat stinky anyway guys I really did I rushed over here hey this would be cool you know maybe I'll buy it me I won't you know we'll teach him how we negotiate if you haven't seen how I negotiated that one down to five thousand two one thousand and there's something else said I was taking advantage of the old man I wasn't Renee actually started it and I asked the guy said fine what do you want for he said five thousand I said there's absolutely no way and then I ought to be honest I didn't want it I didn't want it they were pushing it on me and he had to have it gone because they had locked him out of this thing which I just learned so I gave him a thousand bucks but I didn't want to actually I was hoping he wouldn't say that he'd take a thousand bucks somebody took it I was like little gems in there actually these aren't worth a lot but these remind me of my childhood these glasses I think my mom had these shout-out to at least the north my mother maybe she'll be on the channel one day hey maybe maybe maybe I can get my dad to come on here I haven't seen my dad in a while well if we got Grimes finds her Grimes senior on here because he likes Canton he likes all those things I've been thinking about that I was like I should have my dad I should invite him out to do this room that'd be cool I've never met that would be really cool you know what's what's funny is he just was a few exes and he lives here in Garland yes he does I'll pop down and Xion oh my gosh over there I know exactly I don't know maybe we'll see oh that made it all worth it Hamilton Beach milkshake maker right yep no I'm trying to find value here you guys so hey down below hey was he just creeping on me yeah don't ask it asked you right here for the people the people weren't enough is it private I was about to say something I was like man I might get you in trouble does your dad watch my channel yeah yes he does do people would Stillwater watch my channel yes yes they do because I got time I got time I better superjet this video that you're watching right now I'm talking no you're going to a rave this he does he probably tell scared everything I believe that about him which ones so hey here's a deal pause real quick so for her with what you're the same how much would you pay for this here's the deal my business model this is not great for your business model if you have a thirst or something like that actually or a booth like this might be your thing or if you do there's no professional garage settlers so right now not in this chitchat we're typing in now the comment section down below let me know dollar amount hash tag whatever your dollar mine is how much would you pay so far for this that's kind of neat you know what that is maybe which you can have a lesson yes there you go that's kind of cool though huh people are lazy no hay just pop that sucker on there talk about peels it I have to peel it by hand at home we don't have an automatic potato or Apple PC you know when I was younger but people are like sure you show us some stuff that Tony guy I guess morning in the comments I told him I said dude you need a hug bro mmm he does Tony I'll give you a hug come down to us I'll give you a hug hey you come hang out we'll get to business oh that sound right Tony not like that so let's can look clothing I'm not even seen anything great oh what's that musical oh right there that backpack I see it they can't really see it okay what about this it's kind of cute he was telling us okay when they were trying to sell me this he told me it was full of movie props I'm not joking that's what they told me anybody see me movie props in here I'm gonna scan the room again any movie props people let me know okay so check it out guys how many minutes are we at ten is that what it sounds up haters comic books sorry the camera scroll with you did it yes I know this one I'm trying to slow it down guys any good books in here okay hey we should go around see if we can get a good deal on something you gonna try to do a buy yeah we should do that away I'm getting way too comfortable with this film and gross yeah four months ago you couldn't got me cuz there was people walking around every time I heard a voice I would stop filming go back and watch all the videos I've grown she was just staring at me turn it off I'm joking she was there so hey here's the thing deal baby cake maker Baby Cakes baby cakes all right guys so down below hashtag I'm about to go talk to the manager and I'm gonna have Katie hidden away somewhere recording this secretly we're gonna see what he says we're gonna see how much hey how much no how he tell me yeah how much whoo no way no well hey y'all already sold it for 500 first and they picked it no y'all sold it to another lady and she came in to get most of the clothes but so you already sold it for 500 they picked it and you're trying to sell it to me first I think so we hear you think but you were willing to sell it to her to 500 before she picked it clean that one but you have knowledge of it that's why when I look at this stuff okay um that's interesting let me think about it for me okay when would I have to be out yeah okay give me two or three more minutes let me think oh that's a lot of stuff this is I'm not playing this is why I don't deal with people like this they can't just shoot straight so why are you giggling because he got caught in a lion he didn't know how to respond to it I'm good at doing that too before that's bad innit that's one of my skill sets but that knows I'm one of my skill sets as being a negotiator and that's what I do and I'm actually pretty good at but I always try to be fair but right there I have no interest in this place anymore because one he tried to manipulate me and he knows this place has been picked clean there's nothing of great value there's nothing worth a thousand dollars in here no so he just tried to double the price on me what do you think dear yeah what do you think knowing that he just tried to sell me it for a thousand knowing he didn't know that I know he already sold it for five hundred and he'd let somebody pick it we should go friend short it yesterday you know what it makes me wonder how many times is this booth minutes all right how many times has been sold you know why that's why it looks like this so anyway hey guys I don't know if this is the end of the video you definitely will have bonus footage at the end of this there's no telling but what we'll do is we're gonna walk around we might try to purchase something because there's some great boots here I do love by Khan village I've been at this place has been around since I'm in high school so might be going straight to bonus footage we might not I don't know all's I know is I am on this place see it the next unit you said you want me to buy this stuff no I'm saying let us have it for tomorrow and I'll sit up here and everybody can get a chance Raman yeah each trash bag and then we'll sell him the rest of it back yeah for 2,000 yeah what's left I'm joking he just walked by alright he just walked by he knew why hey what's y'all's thoughts on this whole thing shall I get it or not no wait Helen yes or no yes or no he said a thousand hey hey go ahead you ain't gonna bother us you might be out you're gonna be on YouTube but they ain't gonna bother me oh no kids YouTube just changed a little what is true hey yes or no no value wise what would you pay for this right now I don't want I just want a number wait three three hundred what would you pay for this $150 [Music] you'd have to think ahead to be do that okay this okay guys this is what greed looks like when you tell someone you try to sell it at $1,000 he's been telling me he needs to get to stuff out got to get it out gotta get out maybe you shouldn't have just tried to sell up $2,000 knowing you've already let someone pick through it you might I might about it and you might not be stuck with it but because of that you're stuck [Music] alright guys so y'all broke me away from what I really need to be doing today so Katie give us an update on the boots that we bought out for a thousand dollars so where are we at okay just this one loaded into the truck and we ran out of tubs so this is our whose idea was this man innovating hey how do you all guys feel like how do you all feel working for a woman a woman it's in today's time how do you feel though don't you think she should be at home baking muffins no I am totally just joking y'all I do a lot of cooking and cleaning on my house what do you think Dana how could you have a better boss than her okay so this is all we have for this booth okay we're gonna have this out today right Katie's trying to talk me into renting a booth up here so she can sell some stuff this weekend all right would you really commit to doing it what did that mean stuff to do tomorrow so she commits to it she'll be up here I'll come pick her up where are you going my race you're going to a rave hey Ian blow sticks do you bust it maybe just got back here's got some blokes they're not my size six so hey let's go in here Katie show them back here cuz I promised in the last video I'd show them what was in those so can you get those out I'm gonna let you do that do we have the table right here okay ready I don't even oh that's a Casio is it broke yeah just need some new weak [Music] face metal something alright ok that was the first drawer and the same at their gold they're gonna say some Rolex banner what are these kind of bands call oh no no Rolex under certain if these are gold they'd be awesome they're kind of heavy which would indicate it it's not gold right well gold soft so but look look at all the plating came off of it I can't Handl show but you can see where the platings come on well watch faces hey a lot of these older elegans and things yeah like those who's picked up more of these shaped ones usually your gold filled or mix this says hold on guys I'm trying to read it oh this is rhodium look at that do you know what rhodium is yeah but it's very expensive it's like writing yeah rhodium a platinum or expensive yeah so some of these look like they might have gold okay so all right well this is cool all right oh man best find of the day oh that's nasty all right what else let me pick one out alright hey guys let me just show you all this real quick look at these oh yeah though you out look at this so this is just interesting there's no telling what we're gonna find oh I can't look at why did he put these in individual right here like this why is this indie silver silver sod I open that up it's got numbers on the back this is a globe oh I don't know if that's how you say it hey take karat gold field yep that's why you peasant hey y'all there's enough gold filled sucker because the place here in town you have to have five pounds of it to get it melted down but I think what I'm gonna do is take all the gold filled stuff we'll put it in a big lot we'll take it down to the gold refinery right and then we'll have it melted down what do you think about that okay all right guys that's the end of this video I think I'm gonna walk around if I buy something I'll let you know other than that we'll see it the next year all right guys so check it out I thought that was in the video but if you've been watching for any time now you know that was possibly that was not the end of the episode right so here's the deal Tanner just had this he opened it and there's something in it he did a good job what did he do he stopped and he came and told his Rican demonetized sorry I'm do this so here's the dang game ready [Music] I'm thinking I'm thinking Christmas I see red and green let's just go for it before we get D monetize hey but it looks cool right yeah you got a case you got things wrapped up you're thinking it's probably like a some kind of expensive sculpture right you know thinking it's a that is gonna go it's cute that's gonna go in my new house you gonna buy it yeah the company was from all right so here it is it was $25 and still got the tag on it so it looks like it's new so that's cool oh he's probably sitting maybe that Santa with a handcuff in that one he's telling right baby maybe you're I think you might be more going into a chimney yeah that's what I'm hoping it is dude again dolphin one you know that was generally scared me and when I was watching with you I totally forgot it was coming and it scared me just as much oh well let me say the second time I wasn't scared it was more concerning this you made that noise check it out he's doing a handstand all right so we got three day and ears all right that might be the in this video I'm not sure I know you have bonus footage coming but that might be the in this video the only way to know is to keep watching will be our back [Music] hi guys so we hope you enjoyed that episode and now for all that you've been waiting for because you give a crap how much I like the popeyes chicken sandwich right dinner yeah don't you care I'm curious well he called me a bad name four letter word when I walked in because I had this oh yeah right is it not nuts around here they're either out or there's literally lines down the block I'm not yeah so here it is all you've been waiting for I'm gonna let y'all try it with me all right what all right so here the popeyes chicken sandwich everything everybody's been talking about is it that good we're gonna eat fruit fruit whew that's a hard word to say Eddie Murphy I can't answer that in now that I really not answer that clipping right here I couldn't because it's inappropriate why is you're so much bigger than mine I got the spice what he said I got this all and does that mean that okay jabo try it do you want to try it no what cuz I have germs just a little bit know what it's YouTube bro you go big or you go home I want to see if that actually cuts it go ahead ah yeah test it inwards who else is trying it Tina there you go you might as well you already put it in the college money there mayonnaise on this that'd be just inappropriate all right all right tanner I just wanted to smile will you just stop complaining and pick up the dang friggin IDs when saying oh that's part of it if anybody is wondering Tanner's the biggest chick-fil-a fan out there my account is red member and I already I don't even read my rock sugar yeah that's right all right did you already try yours I mean we're not gonna sit here and watch people eat it alright 1 2 3 dig in let's see we're gonna do 1 to 10 scale there's a hair on mine that's why I chiefly you don't see that you see Oh YouTube sees the hair already whose ears I think it's good I think I'm not impressed I think chicks boys better uh-huh one through ten I feel like no I'd say it for four if you're not comparing anything all right four yeah probably about a poor yeah what's yours Hey I've always liked Popeyes better than check I didn't answer my question yeah I like about that one okay here's my review of this this is not worth it's good it's not ways we're not waiting a long line if I saw three cars in the driver line or the de line I'd Drive right by let alone 30 cars yeah it's good good chicken to put it in Gina breads okay but I'm really not saying what the fat is mm-hmm have miss them did we order the wrong sandwich sandwich right here it means a good say I mean it's not I don't think it's worth it I will not go buy it all right chicken sandwich from a chicken sandwich I'll give it about a six six I mean I'll be honest the seasonings there's light it doesn't taste like they're seasoning mine doesn't taste like it's Donald it tastes like breading oh I'd say about the spicy one it's really good okay and I'm not a fan of mayonnaise but all right so hey there it is it's what you all been waiting for right right if you want to win a contest I'll send you one of the mail well just let me first what that won't work oh good job yeah it really won't taste that good all right we'll see you the next unit
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 15,540
Rating: 4.9213972 out of 5
Keywords: storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, how to make money, Family friendly, Dude Perfect, What The Hale$, facebook, youtube, google, funny videos, family vlog, auction house, bargain hunters thrift, donald trump, 2020 election, impeachment, popeyes chicken sandwhich, caught on tape, negotiate, how to make a deal, art of the deal, grimes finds, abandoned
Id: VY0t3tb7uDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 3sec (2043 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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