GothamChess 1. e4 ONLY Rating Climb | Part 5 (1600+)

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i am ready to take on 1500 1600 and oh my gosh and he and we already  have a course that's crazy thank you i will   share it with you immediately when the stream  is over thank you very much all right my friends   it's officially time for the 1600  plus rating climb first player up   in the queue d rez who is 1500 but i am 1600.  man we have been getting uh another sicilian   what have i played i've played this i played  the mora i've played let's play the wing gambit let's play wing gambit oh my god why does everyone  decline it taking it is so much more exciting   fine let's go and i'm gonna play knight c3 okay  we traded b pawns i mean nothing crazy bishop c4 oh my gosh what are these questions  about becoming a grandmaster there   is no need to become a grandmaster  i love what i do and i feel like i   don't have to change anything  right now so i'm gonna play f4 because then we're gonna  play knight f3 in castles and   in the future the open file for  the rook is going to be nice castles here we go this is the other benefit of the open the  open file there is just the bishop there   now his best move is knight b4 he missed  his best move here's the other point f5 you hit this pawn try to open up your  bishop i've got a very sinister idea   i think i'm going to play it  if he allows me the opportunity i'm going to play it if he  allows me the opportunity let's play thank you very much appreciated the five dollar  dono very kind let's take this because if he takes   my bishop i'm gonna go here and he's not gonna  have castling rights and his king is gonna be   in the center he's a little bit scared so he takes  understandably bring my bishop back to b3 i could   take also okay but i'm gonna play like this am  i a grandmaster yes that's why the bottom left   says i am levi rosman it i'm a grand master but  it just i'm telling you who i am i am levi rosman mr trust kane thank you for the six months and yes everybody's asking about  instagram i just got one real gotham chess   is real gotham chess you can follow me if  you're not following me yet i don't really   know what you're waiting for real gotham chess  go ahead i wanna hit ten thousand oh one hit ten   thousand that would be real nice can i say wait  a second i got some ideas let me take this pawn takes back i mean i can develop with this guy as in i am am i also an fm yes it's like a square  is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square   correct great question great question and as an i  am i'm also a gm a gm is not an im okay rook takes   f6 is interesting because then i have some idea  like this the problem is that he always plays kha   knight takes d5 knight takes d5 doesn't quite  work play bishop f4 that was my idea hits his rook that was the idea i watched part one of this climb yesterday i don't  want to sound harsh it was more disheartening than   anything to watch people it was disheartening oh  why why why is it disheartening it shouldn't be   disheartening i mean chess has a little bit  of a learning curve i say that all the time   people don't like when i'm so you know i'm  critical or i i you know i go i get very   theatrical when my opponents make mistakes  but at the end of the day the learning curve   for chess is intense that is something  that a lot of people are in on together and like that's okay you don't need to be  disheartened i'm not doing these streams or   these climbs so that i just smash people and it's  like oh haha it's so funny he's be that's not the   point the point is to show common mistakes at  certain levels now and the thought process like   my rook's not doing anything so i'm gonna put my  rook right here that wasn't so challenging right what's up qiu ah bishop d8 is an interesting move so he's  got some ideas he wants to go here if i take i will take it's all about this pawn i don't  like this either oh what do i do maybe this it's a weird position it's a position  you can spend all your time and find no good moves   that was actually a bad move but man i  have to dial i have to dial back my uh   my sarcasm a little bit because obviously  we record these things for youtube as well   so i just gotta let the mods do the troll sling i don't like my position i actually think black  is better but does he know that is the question   i have the luxury of knowing that  because i'm using an engine as i play no that's not actually what's happening here  yeah he has a move here multiple times now he   could have played the move bishop a5 and uh i am  paralyzed i can't really move my queen and d4 is   really difficult to stop now that he played  c4 he still has this but at least now i can   oh my god no he can like still do it  if he's stream sniping i gotta move my   knight now now that i gave it away i have to  move my knight i have to get out of this pin very yeah somebody was here earlier and was saying um  somebody was saying hey do i know where chi was   and i was like i mean no but also she streamed  for like seven hours yesterday so i don't people are weird man let's go back i feel bad anybody watching on youtube's got  no idea what's going on if they only watch on   youtube we got a whole twitch universe here you  guys are missing out on it's like amazing big   houses crazy pool parties you know opening  theory workshops everyone does adderall and   just learns openings it's crazy it's like wild  times it's like wolf of wall street but chess rookie one what this this guy is tough   man i did not expect okay he's going for this  it doesn't work watch this oh it does work god how is that possible okay let's take i'm  out of the pin i thought i had queen a5   but then he takes and that's guarded this  is so stupid how is he so good at tactics   just resign it makes my life so much easier resigning would be significantly simpler what  we've learned by the way over the course of   all these games is that wing gambit does not get  you great positions i mean people just play solid   and then they get normal positions this this is  winning check check ah discover check and i win check do i think my opponent is cheating guys   not every 1500 who plays like four good moves in  a game is cheating relax take a deep breath not   everybody's cheating we also just hit seven  million total views which is really cool um   on youtube it's like four youtube's behind so wing  gambit and sicilian all these a3 b4 systems have   been have been like not getting us very good  positions that's really all we're learning   um you know you can set up your pieces  like a normal person and black still   gets a completely normal game so i think long  term what i'm going to do against sicilian is   i'm going to play smith mora gambit i'm going  to play closed and i'm going to play open and   aleppon maybe i'll play alan with c3d4 so um all  right next guy poker chess poker chess you here let's go poker chess i played  poker chess several times before   well the thing is i've been playing a3 sicilian  it hasn't been going that well i gotta tell you   d6 all right here we go d4 i keep  saying here we go where we're going   oh sehman i thought you weren't here i called your  name out you didn't respond all right you're next   is he gonna play okay he's playing pierce  gonna give you guys the h3 g4 special   you gotta sign up in discord you can  sneak in though llama because you've got   i mean you got you know special  privileges in gotham city   h3g4 against the king's indian this is some dope  stuff listen to me listen to me right now you play   e4 people play the grand uh uh not the grand prix  i just read the chat uh king's indian setup you   gotta play this this is gonna confuse the hell out  of people c5 you can take that's what i like to do and then taking is good but i also like  to play bishop e3 with the idea that if   he takes me i bring in my rook then you  get a big center yo this h3g4 thing is   really no joke i'm telling you this  is some good stuff i love this stuff that's not gonna cut it we  gotta we gotta hit him with   the good stuff now e5 look at this open open open e5 is hanging but i am also threatening  his knight he goes here i'm gonna go here big center big bishops big knights big space big  ups big sean big e big mac everything big bigger is better 92 here we go that's a good move i actually forgot he  could do that i'm gonna play bishop c1 big king unprotected in the center of  the board how is this man unprotected   this man does not have a  piece beyond the third rank   it's not about protection i mean it  is you know but sometimes it's okay to   let's go here maybe how about this this  this i don't want to play this move all right i guess i have to i'm not  really happy but it is what it is it is what it is what it is i don't want to see that move basically but now i have the move and peasant i taken peasant i take on f6 because  the thing is he was hitting my bishop   so if i had taken like this my  bishop has to leave this pawn and by taking in peasant my next move will be  here to kick his night out that's the point a3 have i played john bartholomew i don't  who is that like a like a football player now   dear friends beginners here would go well  i haven't castled yet let me do that but you're not a beginner anymore  you always look for checks   i miss d5 says someone in my chat nobody i did  not miss d5 because this knight was covering   don't doubt me i played a3 to kick the  night out you gotta look for a check   you pick up the goodies get a knight for your  man really said you missed it no i didn't   that's the whole point of the series we try to  give you guys the instruction we kick the knight   away from defending the square plays f5 i can  take but if i take i help him activate his pieces   so rather than take i'm actually going to push  and i'm going to keep his bishop locked in that's   not really what he wants to do i get what he's  trying to do it's tough for him to develop so   he's playing knight d4 um but again i'm very happy  trading the pieces i'm i'm winning so i want to   you know trade as many pieces as  possible like this by the way right that and okay i will take and take and uh yeah  now we've traded off now i can castle even   though my rook was on on on fire rook  d8 i'm gonna play a cool little idea   he's not letting me play my cool  little idea this is a faking move   i've got a very nasty thread here set  up it's gonna go a6 and rook d8 oh oh with mate rook d it's a cool move the two  bishops on the diagonals king's very weak   that's a nice pattern to pick  up on here yeah so he plays this   uh that that was the only way to avoid mate  unfortunately he will avoid mate but it was   cool how often do you play late-game castling and  high-rated games it depends on the position it's   i always encourage beginners to not put general  stamps on things you know uh no not beginners   intermediate level players because as a beginner  you really should try to follow certain principles   but beyond that you gotta adapt to the  position that you know you have on the board so   take uh let's put the bishop on d5 to hit the  pawn it's an end game so it's gonna come down   to this side of the board because this side  of the board is equal just three on three um yes box champ starts in two and a half  hours i will stream right up until pogchamps   because the grind is real and  we're gonna stream for seven hours   to start the day and then we're gonna work  out maybe take a power nap eat an acai bowl these guys are watching they might be watching  10 months into the future they have no idea what   box champs even is i mean i'm assuming by  then we have pog champs three and four but oh he just resigns so the  i win about 85 of my games   in this system with h3g4 i don't i don't get it  a lot because people play different move orders   like actually i've had at high level i've had  strong people play h5 to not even let me play g4   um but this setup where you take on c5 and then  run them over in the center of the board like this   with the bishops i get this a lot i get this a  lot rook d7 was better where here yes rook d7 was   better because then h6 does not yeah okay rookie  someone said that's a nice move good move good   move all right say jamen is next i believe i've  played sehemen multiple times already but sehman   not in live chess man said you miss me i was  not in the queue he's not even in live chess now   are you gonna tell me to play you but you're  not gonna be live chess you got two more tries   still not in live chess you're  delaying my my my audience here man   i gotta skip you buddy i like how are you  gonna oh there he is he and a gamer boarded   i mean bro how listen we got people viewing  we gotta how are you gonna what is this man   how long can i stall man i can't  wait for you the entire time my lord   all right now i gotta crush you i gotta  play vienna we gotta play vienna all   right is he gonna play compucat variation  it's gonna be real bad if he plays oh no oh this is vicious g6 back hits this  i've had people blunder this against me   now you have to play knight e2 to prevent  knight d4 he's gonna play d6 that's the   best move probably i don't know maybe  he'll castle that's a blunder d6 is best   d6 d3 bishop g4 he castles now i play  d3 now d6 is standard here and he loses   and that is why the vienna is so brutal because g6  weakens their structure and you hit him with this and bishop g5 is just over because if you play  king g7 and he does it to me too but i can take   with my queen and i win a piece you're from vienna  very cool it's a vicious opening just up a piece   move nine you gotta see my youtube man copycat  variation is right there so here's the bait oh no my rook oh i can't believe i hung that maybe he won't see i don't know oh man i can't  believe i hung my rope so bad oh he saw okay   rook c1 97 was mate oop 97 was made but now  i move my rook out of danger i attack his   knight and his two night moves will result  in knight takes c7 with el tenedor porquito and uh now the easiest thing to do is  to put the bishop right into the center   try to kick his bishop out but at the same  time just get my second rook into the game   right i have to get my my second rook into the  game otherwise i'm just playing without a rook   any threats no so let's play g3 and king g2 and  get the second rook in so again i've showed this   variation throughout the copycat with queen g4 is  so vicious so so so vicious let's go kingshi too king g2 is tough yeah you don't play the  copycat you really should play the two knights   you really should play the two nights but  that's the whole point of this guy is like   you know that's why we do this  stuff hey thank you for the prime   love these climbs you're my favorite chess  streamer very educational keep it up appreciate   it cryptosoft appreciate it appreciate it very  much uh that is the point of these climbs i   don't do these climbs to you know because i'm  bored of playing people who are 26 and 2500   i do them to show that the common patterns and  mistakes in the opening at all these levels like   if you watch this guide from start to finish you  now have weapons against all the major responses   to the king's pawn and you try to play them and  right like that's the whole point that's a rook   and hopefully this helps you tactically  right that's check mate in the corner yes dango yes exactly so copycat  variations super vicious with queen g4 what do you do to avoid tilt after losing a  couple of games in a row um i will usually   take eggs and throw them at moving cars from my  window that's usually the best thing that like   that helps me de-stress uh sometimes i'll throw  things across my house to see what explosion they   will make if they hit the wall but usually i just  go with the eggs route just throw them at cars   and that you know that really helps me decompress   you know i feel like or i'll i'll go to the roof  of my apartment building and i'll um write like   i'll just hit golf balls into the neighboring  buildings to see if i can you know hit them   through the windows you know because here's  my logic right if if you're tilted why would   you destroy things you own you should destroy  things other people own right that's like really that's like really no i'm joking i  mean listen tilt is a very real thing   and you shouldn't you know you've got to relax and  de-stress and not sabotage all your improvement   wacky miner is not online so we are going to  move to cloud main guys there is a q command   get into a queue please  cloud main is also not online please get into live chess people all right i'm gonna try wacky  miner one more time no cloud main   thank you e4 all right luke  honey heracles x the olympia sicilian defense let's play another let's play  a close sicilian grand prix play g3 and f4 bishop g2 this is kind of this is better than what   we had before i really like this against  the sicilian this kind of closed setup   with bishop e3 queen d2 and you just  delay where you're gonna castle uh f4 oh that's a mistake e5 this is not good  let me have a cough drop this is not good you take bishop takes yeah i mean i'm just up  a pawn now play 92 and drop the bishop back no no no cloud main no 1600 no look on a serious note this actually kind of  shows how unprepared he was for an opening   that he didn't recognize like a close sicilian  setup i mean he made a mistake immediately like   so it just shows you that if you get people  in unfamiliar territory from the opening   you can get a serious advantage i mean  they're going to make tactical mistakes   i feel kind of bad because cloud main is  very good i've played cloud main before so i i did not expect that that was just a silly  mistake what should he have played instead of e6   d6 but also not b6 the sicilian with b6 is not  that's not something that gets played in the   sicilian um b6 you got to play d6 you got to focus  on the center it's very rare you play b6 bishop b7 so you need to you need to really focus on  the king side let's play a3 and oh my god his   knight is trapped his knight just has no squares  all right alex sem aka mr llama i got you next   got you next that is a good move however  his idea is that if i take he plays knight   d5 i have something cool here though on takes b4  and i take his knight and now his bishop and the   new bishop is under attack so a small tactical  trick there we do have a rook advantage anyway   we don't need to you know go too crazy here  but just avoid b6 if you're gonna play sicilian   you gotta avoid b6 and close sicilian is really  good it's a really good weapon at all levels   uh but levy how come a lot of grandmasters don't  play it that's like the most common question   take this no listen i mean those of you  that are playing should not be worried   about like you know i'm gonna embarrass myself  or something um this is all for instructional   again it's now here he might see that after  this this he has bishop d4 and he's not wrong   he's not wrong he does have that he does have  this this bishop d4 but i was threatening queen   takes f7 now i will play queen d5 check defen okay  that's fine defended by i will pick up this pawn   so now we have an overwhelming material advantage  rook a8 was also good to trade the rook off that's   actually just straight up my next move  now it's a relatively straightforward win push don't want to lose my bishop okay now we will play bishop  to d3 defend the rook d6 d7 and now i mean i can just take this pawn  back it's not too scary i will take his bishop   to remove the defender of the promoted  pawn and we will win in a certain way is it disrespectful to promote  to a knight if you're up material   you can discuss the ethics of promoting pieces  or something like that but at the end of the   day the rule of the game states that you can  play until checkmate until the game is over   i think beginners should play till mate for sure for sure okay and that is made good game to  cloud main i mean he'll be disappointed with   himself a little bit but good sicilian defense  weapon i'm telling you guys if i play the close   sicilian from now until the end of this stream  and really until the end of the series you guys   will actually see the demonstrated abilities of  the closed sicilian with e5 you just can't go b6   the problem is that hitting a knight in the center  like this is really dangerous um right like knight   h5 even is problematic because his knight just  gets trapped so you just can't play e6 b6 is not so that was just a bit of an opening  catastrophe next player in the queue alex m boom this is mr lama sc as in south carolina all right   hit him with the vienna i really hope he doesn't  oh does he know his stuff this is the only move   don't take please don't take my pawn  again again but accept it is a little okay takes now d4 so this is the thing  when you decline this gambit   it could be very scary it could be very scary you've gotta decline the gambit  with a pawn or you have to play d5 because the way this works is that  now i i can overrun in the center   yes it's kind of like a halloween  gambit except with with knight f3 now he's thinking don't go here gotta go you  gotta go back to one of these two squares   i mean really you should go back here if black accepts the gambit you just push  so the way one would win this is by just   over running in the center of the board let's  say you don't remember that let's say you just   put your second night out i want to show you  how to play with a dominant central pawn space that's a good move that's the best move the best  move for me was to push so that he couldn't do   this now i'm gonna play e5 it's better than taking  because taking allows him to simplify a little bit now you don't take this you gotta play  bishop d3 this is the important thing let me take this let's play one of these moves probably i should   just castle and this is completely  fine if you play the vienna a lot if you play the vienna a lot uh you need to  have a big pawn center even with a double pawn   greek gift is definitely something i am eyeing  but it's not it's not possible right now because   i can't play ig5 so what i'm going to do is  i'm just going to develop with queenie 2.   so now we will begin to play moves like  bishop f4 okay so this i'm actually   not so worried about let me play h3 will  he take or is he gonna go back the best for   yeah so the best is for him to challenge  me i'm gonna throw in rook v1 open file okay what's next so how do  we maximize our position here   i'm going to develop make  a natural developing move a6 he's trying to go b5 question is  i need to get over here so i i think   the only way i'm going to be able to do  this is to actually mobilize my king side   i don't want to go here i like my pawn  barrier the way it is it hurts me more let's see i'm gonna go here hmm let's think hey that's verification i don't think  people on youtube can actually hear what   he said but he bought the e4 course live on stream okay i probably have to bring this rook cleaner pawn on undoubles but  doubles these queen opens to the king i want to take with the queen it's  so hard to tell it is so hard to tell i just don't know like i said i think the only way  is to mobilize on the queen side   the only way is going to be to mobilize on the  queen side so that is what we are going to do   ah did i say queenside kingside kingside kingside  kingside kingside not queenside kingside not   queenside definitely not not not queenside on  this side of the board yeah pawn takes d3 the   only difference would have been that my queen  would have been less active but the c4 square   would have been covered from his knight uh yeah so  bishop g5 i would obviously like for him to take what was pawn c4 not a great  move because he just takes   you i'm not this is not where i'm stronger my  pieces are lined up to go this way so that's how   you gotta you gotta find a way to make your pieces  attack in the right direction oh tactics time that doesn't work because he has checks you  always have to look for checks he has checks   and he gets out rook f6 first oh that is a nice  square for the rook g6 weakens the squares near   his king it doesn't weaken anything in particular  but now i roll in on the f-file so he gave me a   planting square and now i will be growing a farm  on the f-file not to mention there is also this   so this is the whole point of  the vienna you lock the center   you lock the queen side and you try to  mobilize on that side of the board right   so queen g3 he plays here i have this  that's not good enough um no no it it it might have been the only move to stop  made actually now that you guys say that   i'm i'm starting to doubt what i what  i originally thought was the right move but i still okay so now if i  take take i can finally cash in   cashing in is when you basically chomp off  all the pieces that have been standing there   and um you you get an ad you know you you get a  decisive material advantage so i've cashed in i   give away both rooks and the night but i have an  extra queen and at the end of it what makes all   of this more possible is to play queen f3 so now  i have queen f3 check which hits this and this   can go here or just take the pawn  let me just take the pawn and the   queen is simply too powerful here he just  cannot defend everything in his position   that doesn't actually win the rook because  he has king f8 okay well now it does check that's mate and he's resigned okay  that was a that was a tough game though   that was a tough game i mean  the vienna first things first um gg so vienna gambit knight c3 with f4  obviously this was a first time thing uh you have probably never seen this before the best  move against this is the counter strike d5 i'll   actually look at it from from your perspective  to make it easier uh the best move here is d5 you   gotta strike back in the center um and the point  is that after this you play 94 so just take a   look at vienna gambit because the thing is if you  never face it that is sort of the philosophy of   you know the of the opening right like you  tried to play the vienna gambit to throw   people off their game defending with the knight is  actually already losing um and it was because here   i was nice for one move and you you seized the  opportunity i just developed that's why the best   move here is to not let black go here the best  move is just to run black over in the center so d5   you got to go back again maybe even e5 you got  to go all the way back but i played this and you   took the moment boom d5 good move and we got this  position where you have a little bit less space   but obviously you know you're in the game  but it's really hard it's really hard to   play because you're only going to be successful  if you get something going on this side and you   almost have no time to do that right like i played  like but the thing is if white mishandles this   white also doesn't get a great position i had  to slowly expand on this side of the board   and this trade really helped to try to stop mate  and force you to play g6 i thought you had f5 but   but i realized i'm stupid i only looked at f5  takes takes where at least the game goes on but   i just realized that f5 i just take the pawn  and i just have more attackers than defenders   and yeah wow so i guess  bishop g5 you should play h6 that's what you should have done you  should have forced me to take you and then the game goes on and then i can't  go knight g5 so i would have tried to find   a way to get this so i should have done this  my king is an important piece knight h4905   the thing about these positions for black  and i reck this is why i recommend them   so much for white is that black has  a solid structure but zero targets zero targets like white center is so strong it's  so hard to break through because if you play f6   you just weaken more squares i have more access  and what happened in the game is you played g6   which stops mate but it gave me access and that's  all i needed i had access and that's it i mean it   just crumbles but that's the thing about e4  e5 now you go back you re you know you learn   the vienna again but you never get hit with  it again or you do get hit with it and then   like for example i want to see  something before we move on what was the cap score that game for white like  did i do anything crazy did i do anything crazy   i'm curious what my cap score was the  the moves sort of flow into each other right yeah 94. so 94. so 94 and we didn't do anything too crazy right  like if we back up a little bit we just got a   big center and then expanded and that's sort of  um that's sort of the point like we just tried   to expand on one side of the board and it was  successful luke honey you are next sir let's go okay kara khan   let's go d4 most aggressive weapon and by the  way llama i recommend you play this as well e5 what's the move here my friends there's a lot of  moves you can play knight f3 bishop b2 the short   variation the shira variation i'm all about h4  though h4 is a kill shot a kill shot of a move   h6 is good but now i go g4 this is the whole  point you just and now the cream of the crop e6   e6 uh this is the whole point if black  moves the bishop off this diagonal   you damage the structure you play bishop d3   and now they have doubled e pawns so you  sacrifice a pawn early to damage their structure   take take and now knight d7 is the best move  to try oh no i can't believe he actually did it   that wasn't even a stream snipe that wasn't even a   stream snipe he actually played it  before i finished my sentence no   this is why this is so brutal ladies and gentlemen  how many times have we gotten a queen g6 mate this is what i'm saying it's such a brutal line like it it oh no h4 is such a vicious  line with bishop d3 the best move here   for black is i think king f7 like no joke  it might actually be king of seven like   it might actually not even be no you don't take  that's the best move you don't take you go here   this is the best move you have to play this move the best move is queen d6 and  if i take take now knight f3   to try to go here knight d7 in the game goes  on so black basically weakens the king but   says well i mean you've pushed all your pawns  up so this can't possibly be that good for you   so you play h4 sacrifice the pawn and play bishop  d3 to weaken the light squares oh my goodness wow heracles heracles is not online ulumi ulumi  here we go heracles if you are online the pine kosk and van de bombo oh are we gonna  do it again advanced karo khan here we go so this guy plays h5 that's the difference against  this i recommend taking advantage of this square   and just getting in you cannot play this whole thing  without h4 how are you going to play   no no you need to throw an h4 now this  is a move that a lot of people play here   bishop g5 tries to get black to not play e6  that's that's the whole point you're trying   to basically say you cannot play e6 so here  people will play queen b6 to hit this b2 pawn   right that's the point is this vienna what no  that was this vienna vienna is e4 e5 no no no no   this is not the vienna so he's thinking  f6 here is playable but i just go back he plays it now i'm going to play bishop d3 and  you guys are going gonna go levy what the what   two pawns hang i say i know this is why it's so  good to have these weapons take take very good now   queen b2 here is scary for white but we're gonna  we're gonna that's all right we're that's all   right with us queen b2 rook is you know we gotta  play queen c3 or something just kidding we play e6   now you say levy what are you  doing buddy what is wrong with you   do you not see that your rook is  saying i say i know still the best move   this is opening theory this is actually opening  theory if this is the first time that you're   seeing this buckle up this is craziness um but  if you know what you're doing you win very easily   now this is where it gets really exciting  so when he takes my rook because i mean i'm   assuming he will be taking my rook if not then  i don't know why he brought his queen down here uh no no no no no no no wow my man ran away from  a free wow okay i'm gonna play knight d2 well   if he takes then i always have this check but  at the same time i'm gonna go here and castle   and the point is to get as quickly developed  as possible right so knight f3 castles rook b1   c4 all these different ideas just attack attack  attack that's the whole point attack attack attack   um queen d6 is a little bit too late because now  the whole point is i take when i play knight f3   i'm only down a pawn right like  that's the difference is that now i'm i'm only down upon like the other way i was  going to be down to rook so i just castle fully   developed his king's in the center let's play rook  b1 rookie 1 and 95. those are the next three ideas   we will analyze we will analyze if queen  takes rook it's in the openings course in   the openings course i'll give you a little sneak  peek from where to learn theory usually it's paid   people analyze stuff make it easily  understandable that's why you have books   videos dvds courses those kinds of things but  i will show you i know you want all the answers   for free and i will i will try to provide them  but you know i can't give away all the secrets now we bring in this last piece to open against  the b7 pawn he plays b5 knight e5 check obviously   taking loses this depends where he's gonna move  his king they're all bad some are worse than others he is thinking but this is all stuff that  i learned analyzed and i'm now playing   and there you go so now knight g6 wins a rook   but queen g6 might make might make the guy bishop  f4 is also very i'm just gonna go for the rook i think we're just gonna go here maybe i can sneak this move in by the way oh okay he just has queen it looks like his  queen is trapped so before i took i threw in   this move but i should have just taken this right  i'm being too fancy that's okay when he goes here   i'll take i mean i'm i'm gonna win material  so i'm just gonna simplify it take the rook   and once the root collap okay just resigns  i'm telling you the two most brutal wins of   this entire run were h4 karakans with  bishop d3 now if takes you do not take   you go here you lock in the queen and you have  a threat of queen b7 okay let's analyze this   i'm gonna show you something pretty funny if queen takes d4 look at the  eval bar well there is no evil bar   but i'm gonna i'm gonna put it on the screen it's  gonna mess up the overlay but look at the eval   bar real quick watch it it has no idea what's  going on like queen takes a one it thinks black   is losing i mean black is winning now watch this  watch watch watch what the eval bar is gonna do look at this it still thinks that black  is better now watch i play b5 watch this   it's gonna start thinking i'm gonna put it on a higher depth all right here we go depth unlimited all  right here we go let's let's let it rock   oh oh oh now it's winning for  white it's winning for white oh oh knight f3 oh now it's really winning  oh the computer's thinking about it   oh it's like wait i really like this i really like  this it's like plus one point something it's gonna   keep thinking it's gonna keep thinking so knight  of three now ready it's gonna go all the way down   oh this is so terrible oh black is winning black  is winning dude what are you doing where's your   rook dude what is wrong with you why would you  give away the rook dude i just play knight f6 here   dude just knight f6 easy pieces just play knight  f6 oh wait actually this is kind of good whoa wait   a second whoa no no no i take it back i take it  back this is really good for white dude this is   really good plus 1.3 so plus two it's plus two oh  no no no no no oh it's plus one but so the machine   gives you a crazy response when you end and  that was plus two now it's completely winning so   this line completely confuses the computer  like at first it's like this is garbage so on   a higher depth the engine realizes how strong  white's attack actually is in this system um
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 191,332
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Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, Pogchamps, magnus carlsen tour, Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess tricks, hikaru nakamura, youtube chess, gotham guide, gothamguide, how to play e4, e4 opening, e4 chess opening, gmhikaru, speedrun, caro kann, scandinavian defense, rating ladder, gotham chess, gothamchess, play e4, how to play chess properly, chess olympiad, evans gambit, scotch opening
Id: afSVqHrJBfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 39sec (3339 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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