Lenny's Personal Carry Glock 27

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I'm gonna go with a glass door performance center and you know oftentimes people call in and ask well what kind of gun do you carry asking what kind of gun do I carry and I say well you know I have couple different guns depends on the situation so I'm going to show you a couple of these in a couple different videos but the one that I use for concealed carry is a Glock 27 and I've got it right here and it's a unique Glock 27 in several ways one you'll notice first of all that I've got a longer grip on my gun then the g27 comes with and what I'm doing is I'm using the Glock 23 or 13 around 40 caliber magazine in my Glock 27 with the magazine sleeve and you'll notice that it kind of looks like it fit there because we have a custom stipple job on both the grip panel and the panel of the magazine sleeve so that's kind of how this thing looks so the advantage of that it gives me that mid sized grip or the Glock 23 grip which really fits my hand nicely as you can see with the mini slide so it makes it a very concealable nice little package to carry and it's a pretty good shooter because we've done some other custom improvements in it first of all I've got tritium night sights on it these are the arrow tech sights the concealed carry sights because they're rounded off here on the edges so it's not the catch on the clothing when you draw the gun and you'll notice that I've got the extended slide stop or slide release lever and I have a chrome package going on the pins as well as a slide stop lever and you'll see one of the other things it really makes this a good shooter in my mind because I get my hand up higher on the grip is the beaver tail grip safety excuse me the beaver tail grip adapter and the butyl grip safety is kind of from the 1911 years it is basically designed to allow you to get your hand up as high as possible without the slide but so now before I go too much further let me go ahead and there's armed this gun I'm going to drop the magazine you'll notice it is loaded and I'm going to inspect visually inspect this chamber there are no rounds inside the chamber but I'm going to look inside anyways now pull the trigger in a safe direction now one of the things you have to be aware of whenever you're working with guns whenever you're doing cleaning or maintenance or installing parts is we don't really want to have a loaded magazine on the workbench alright so this is just for demonstration purposes only because I'm going to put this away soon as we finish this video if I were going to clean or disassemble this gun and then kind of put it back together I would not want to have a loaded magazine in there because it's too easy to reload that and I'll rack this slide so keep that in mind okay so I'm going to leave this here and I'm gonna know that it's there and I'm not going to touch it the rest of the video here until I put this gun away so inside like I said we've got our pyramid trigger and some other custom pieces so I'm gonna take the slide off and let's go ahead look at the trigger real quick you'll notice that I've got the black shoe with the silver safety it's a nice looking package and really kind of complements the other chrome accessories I have inside we're running the pyramid trigger you can see it's a gold trigger Bart gold plated titanium nitride plate choice a which gives a little bit more lubricity and it's it's a harder and so it's it reacts better with the striker and because of that you get a crisper shorter interval just that simple we of course have our Double Diamond connector installed in here which allows us to for this gun set it up with a three to three-and-a-half pound trigger pull depends on how you how you look at that but that's basically where it's in-between right between three three and a half which is perfect for concealed carry alright so make sure that that's in the fired position inside the slide of course I'm running a tungsten guide rod tungsten guide rod is going to help reduce recoil this 40-caliber because it's got extra weight and that's really the main advantage of it great little great little pieces to drop in peace really makes the gun shoot smoother feels better I'm using a factory barrel for this gun okay this is a self-defense gun it's you know anywhere from you know seven to ten yards max that's going to give me you know basically combat accuracy all right now I could put a better bear on here and I certainly do run better barrels and some other guns but for this particular gun I'm just running the factory barrel you'll notice also we have the titanium nitride coated safety plunger as well as the skeletonized striker which is a titanium nitride coated as well and because of all that and the way all this stuff sits together it gives me a better trigger pool now the last thing people always say is what kind of ammo you shoot and yeah well for you know for practice of course we all shoot practice ammo because you don't want to shoot hollow points because they're too expensive in practice when you go to practice make sure to three on the rounds no need to spend that extra 50 cents around on a self-defense animal so in practice you shoot ball ammo yeah red box white box Winchester or federal ammo you know it's relatively inexpensive but for self-defense you want a an ammo that is considered to be you know able to drop its energy into the target of shooting and that would be a hollow-point ammo so I've got two different hollow points I'm going to show you here one is a standard I believe this is a Winchester hollow-point and the other one is a quantity and they call this the Aires zombie load and you can see they have a little green plastic insert inside of the hollow-point cavity that's really a marketing gimmick but kind of effective because zombies are so hot right now the concept is the same though it's a hollow-point ammo that as it enters the body it expands and it drops its energy into the body does not have a chance or usually is not going to over penetrate or go through a body and because of that it's safer because it's not going to hit anybody behind it and secondarily it's more effective in stopping the threat because the energy goes directly to the body so for self-defense we recommend any type of factory hollow-point ammo and it could be pointed it could be federal could be Winchester it could be you know just any one of the name-brand ammo if it's a hollow-point round it's going to be more effective than a full metal jacket or or a ball ammo or totally coated ammo so all that being said that's my personal carry gun and this is what I carry usually I'll carry it in either one or two holsters my Royal Guard world's best inside the waistband custom on holster or the $30.00 holster that we sell both are very effective the $30.00 holster is an amazing little piece because it's inexpensive and it does work great and it's low-profile and that's what you want when you carry concealed you don't want anybody to see it plus you want to kind of forget you have it on so the smaller the holster the better off it is or sometimes should I say most the time I just wear the concealment shorts or they can see one shirt and we'll carry this so that's my particular rig on money McGill thanks for watching we'll see you next time you
Channel: GlockStore
Views: 374,133
Rating: 4.7950158 out of 5
Keywords: glock, handgun, pistol, shooting sport, custom gun, firearm (sports equipment), gun, GlockStore, Lenny Magill
Id: VzZKAp_1UGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2014
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