Appendix carry or hip carry your concealed carry pistol?

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hey friends welcome to another edition of victim status 0 here on legally owned America my wife is going to kill me what we're going to be talking about here today is concealed carry more importantly and more specifically where to carry appendix or hip just like with everything else in the gun industry whether it's a Glock versus 1911 or ar-15 versus ak-47 everybody has their own opinion and everybody stands pretty firm on their position with not much willingness to waver what we're going to talk about today is the benefits and the downside to either one of them take a look first of all concealed ability as you can see I can pretty much conceal this firearm having a medium build and I say medium build I mean I have a little bit of a little bit of extra here than what I probably don't need but I'm not over overweight size you can see with the hip carry it's hard I don't you don't see any printing I mean it's my clothes my loose-fitting clothes pretty much go over it now as far as my belly if I'm if I have proper posture if you notice if I slouch and have really bad posture and my stomach sticks out you can see the the appendix carry pistol but that's not how long I mean I walk a little bit more upright so I'm less likely to print as you can see with the appendix and of course the hip as well it's like anything else if you're wearing really tight clothes the tighter these clothes are you're going to see the gun you're going to see the imprint of the pistol so I mean I think it all goes back to a little bit of common sense when you're dressing but the whole point here is that I don't believe that concealment is any better or worse with either one of these particular carries second thing I want to talk about is in your car a lot of people talk about in your car and it's funny because I hear the the argument on both sides but I hear a lot of people say that they find that it would be hard to access their pistol if they're hip carrying but I hear the exact same argument where people say that the seatbelt inhibits their their I guess access to their pistol and appendix carry I find and I carry both ways appendix and hip I find that it doesn't inhibit my access to the farm one way the reason being is because when I appendix care the seatbelt literally goes across the front of my holster area where my belt is where my actual belt on my clothes is so that being the case the only thing I really have to worry about is the garment the loose-fitting garment that I may have at that particular time that's over my pistol and all I do whenever I enter my vehicle when I know that I'm appendix carrying is I always untuck my shirt from my seat belt so that it's laying on top of my seat belt so the in event that I need to access my pistol from appendix carry it's easy to get to I also find that whenever I'm hip carrying not a big deal it's a little bit more of an effort I will say because you are having to bring it on backwards and going kind of if you have a I guess a full sized seat maybe that could become an issue where your elbow would hit it but I find that MOT there's a plenty of room where my gun is accessible from with my right hand on my hip side very easily whenever I'm trying to access it so I don't find it either one of these or any kind of an issue whenever you're writing in your vehicle I'm almost 99% of time wearing something that is untucked because I carry every single day so I don't typically tuck a shirt in and quite frankly I don't have enough experience to really talk to you guys about a whole string on holstering with a tucked in shirt because I don't do it much very very I mean it's dress clothes is whenever I'm tucking my shirt in very very seldom do I have a shirt tucked in I've kind of trained myself to use my my strong hand the actual holstering hand my phone my thumb to hook the garment and pull up on it so whenever I while I would probably use my left hand if I needed to because it may be a little quicker of both of these guys are going in the same direction at the same time I find that I don't need to because my my thumb is willing and able to be able to hook very easily and just grab that garment in front same with my hip I mean I'm going to go back there and pull that firearm out it's very very easy to do very easy to do I don't find that there's any kind of inhibit I mean if like I said if I want to use my support hand I very easily can but again using that right thumb to hook that garment pull it up it's very easy for me to do so again I don't see a whole lot of a difference there okay if I'm sitting here and I'm carrying appendix this is goes against every single thing that I have been taught to holster my firearm especially sitting down and I say especially sitting down I'm not even going to demonstrate this it's because I'm going to have to flash myself with the muzzle if I want to holster this firearm right now okay I'm just not comfortable doing that that goes against every rule that I've ever been taught mainly never aim a firearm at anything that you're not willing to destroy I'm not willing to destroy what I'm aiming at if I holster this farm right now it's not willing to however let's say I wanted to do the same hip carry I can do that at the angle that my holster is right now I am never ever Mosel flashing my torso my hip my leg nothing like that at all that's where there's a distinct difference between appendix care it hit carry in my opinion that is probably the biggest difference because again I know a lot of you guys out there opinions carriers and I have no problem with it because I do it myself but when I put my firearm on my belt or in my holster I never ever holster my firearm sitting down and one quick point that I want to mention in terms of Appendix holstering if you're a 1911 guide of course this is a smaller sized 1911 but if your 1911 got most of those guys are going to be holstering using a leather holster I do anytime I carry 1911 it's very rarely in a Kydex holster it's most likely in a leather holster but it's in a form-fitting leather holster as you can see this particular holster I'm not picking on the holster all the manufacturer for that instance because this these guys make great holsters manufacture this one but if you'll notice this is almost a one-size-fits-all holster it's the gun itself wobbles around in there and the problem with that is when you have that loose leather and it's connected to your body and we live in Louisiana so chances are your holster is going to receive some sweat embedded into it what happens is in a lot of cases these holsters start to form fit around your body and if this firearm is in this holster this loose-fitting holster and as you see I can rock it back and forth if that's the case and it's snugged in there and this piece of leather right here happens to get pushed in and mashed in and pretty much mold it to my body into the gun at the same time what could happen is if I'm going to holster this thing this trigger being in 1911 if I'm pushing on the back of the grip safety which obviously this is not a true 1911 cuz there's no grip safety but if it had a grip safety and I'm pushing down it's actually going to allow that trigger to very easily be fired we're talking about a three to a five pound trigger and if it were to hit that leather that is bent in it's going to fire that's going to be am i growing now that's the case whether your hip holstering or appendix holstering but either way very very dangerous holsters are very important for how you go how you're going to carry because if you choose the wrong holster it may not be very conducive with the type of carrying that you're doing and you're risking the fact the fact that you very well may get shot again I'm not trying to discount leather holsters at all there are some great great leather holsters out there Galco I think the sont s is the way they pronounce their name saveloy leather makes them amazing leather custom holsters but those types of holsters are made specifically for that gun you don't want to get a one size fits all leather holster for any of your guns that includes if you carry a polymer Glock HK or anything like that make sure you get a holster that is designed and made specifically for that gun because what these guys will do is they're going to mold that thing to fit you can look at a good holster and me tell you how to look at it if you look at a good holster that is made specifically for a gun you don't have to ask what type of pistol is supposed to go into that holster because you can tell by looking at the holster what gun belongs inside of it very important because that they're taken away all the slack all the additional leathers that you're going to have that could cause some problems later on with sweating and then initially inho are eventually in holstering okay now let's talk about the actual motion the actual act of unholster enough I'm appendix carrying it's basically going to take me if I'm walking my hands to my side three steps and they're simple steps and it's almost a memory but they are three steps you're talking about one two three again up across and into the firearm itself before I'm grabbing it so I'm going up across and then I'm holstering or I'm grabbing the firearm whereas if you have your hands to the side and your hip carrying you're going back and then down you've got two steps one two it's because of the front motion of coming to the front that you're adding that extra step so the problem is I'm wasting a little bit of energy and anybody that shoots IDPA USPSA will tell you that that wasted movement is a little bit of time it's a little bit of time that your attacker can come at you and get to you but again we're talking about one two three versus one two so there's again I know we're splitting hairs here but it's an actual fact so keep that in mind that you are expending just a hair a little bit more energy in motion whenever your appendix carrying in the event you're in condition red and you need a fire draw and fire that firearm let's talk now about condition red and I'm being attacked I'm being attacked now from the front okay it's going to be natural for me to step backwards if somebody is attacking me from the front it's just natural I'm very rarely going to stand flat-footed with my shoulders above my feet and stand like this you're in a condition to retreat slightly before you counter-attack if you are in fact going to do that okay the problem I see with appendix carry is that if a guy's coming at me from the front and I am appendix carrying when I go to lift my Gorman up I'm exposing that pistol he's going to see that pistol so if those guys coming at me with a knife and I'm still fearing for my life but he's coming at me with a knife and I know he's going to or he's probably going to attack me maybe he's got a slow gait a slow walk but a deliberate walk right towards me now I've shown him that I'm carrying he may pick that pace up he may restart lunging at me run at me sprint at me whereas if I actually have a hip carry and I'm backing up again whether I'm standing flat-footed or now I've concealed this firearm even more because now I've dipped that hit rearward so what I'm going for it now you're not going to see what I'm going for so there's a very good chance I can at least slow that by myself it may be a half a second maybe if second but I buy myself a little bit of time to where I can get to that firearm and I can draw it and get muzzle down on that guy before he has a chance to close that gap and get completely right on top of me now what if I'm attacked from the rear what happens there is now I've got my concealed carry firearm in Appendix carry and if a guy's coming from behind number one he probably has no idea that I'm carrying because this is completely block from his vision but he also cannot get to my pistol without coming around and trying to grab in front believe me it's a lot harder for him to get to this but it is for me to get to this in this type of position whereas in hip carry he may actually see that I'm carrying guys that have a trained eye can look at another man in a store grocery store mall or whatever and usually can tell that they are concealed carrying it's just it's somewhat easy to see even if the guy is carrying properly and not printing a lot of times you can see that a slight gradual movement and how that that uh that garment might drag across that grip you can tell so this guy behind me may know that for one he knows that I'm probably carrying and he can very easily dislodge my pistol from my holster before I can even get my hand back to try to block him or go for the pistol myself so I see a very strong advantage when you're getting attacked from the back side from the rear that the appendix carry has a pretty distinct advantage versus the hip carry a lot more things to think about when you're talking about concealed carry choosing a holster comfort is a big issue I think the first thing you need to look at is the types of holsters that you're looking at and again this is for a whole nother episode but don't just grab the coolest-looking holster we're going to talk about holsters on the next episode of victim status 0 but I want you guys to be thinking about that do your own research and we release that next video I want to hear some feedback from you guys what holsters do you like why don't you like a particular holster you know let's talk about Kydex and leather I'm really interested to see what you guys have to say because I carry in my own way and I can tell you I have way more holsters that I don't use that I've bought and I don't like than those that I actually do use so good luck guys remember victim status zero we're here to try to keep our victim status at zero none of us want to become a victim and the best way to do that is to be prepared for these real-life situations that may occur out there I encourage everyone out there to carry a firearm carry it safely carry it effectively and God forbid you never have to use it but if you do let's do it safely and make sure that we're protecting the right people and not injuring someone who we're not intending to injure
Channel: undefined
Views: 412,669
Rating: 4.855237 out of 5
Keywords: legally armed america, paul glasco, ccw, concealed carry, glock, hk, sig sauer, 1911, appendix carry, hip carry
Id: GISFyqgbW34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2017
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