Things Everyone Who Carries Should Know | Terre Haute, IN Class

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what my goal is for you when you leave here is you have a broader understanding of how you learn and how these skills of what we're gonna practice apply to protecting yourself these aren't competition skills although being able to shoot rapidly accurately while moving while advancing or retreating on a target while possibly being in a diminished position like on your knees our back that seems like it could be useful in competition or in life this isn't a marksmanship class but we will work on shooting things as small as a target paster a little three-quarter inch paster it's but it's not a marksmanship class so I will give you insights into how to draw how to reholster safely how to grip your gun possibly we'll talk techniques on reloading but not a ton we'll talk techniques on sight picture and when you need it when you don't we'll talk about point shooting of course shooting and moving and shooting from those diminished positions and the lessons that we'll have on those individual topics is so that if you're really you know if your grip is something screwy you know we can at least get you doing reps where your hands are correct you get what I'm saying you know if you're reloading the gun and you've got like some weird [ __ ] you got to do we're gonna square it away but this is not a class on that basic stuff we're dealing with tools that kill not only others but ourselves and I think sometimes we when we're on the range playing around and this isn't even about safety what I'm talking about because that's should go without saying that whatever we're doing here we should be safe I think sometimes we forget the context of things I leave the house in the morning I remind myself this is a weapon that can take life a father a husband a brother a son if I shoot somebody that's pretty serious [ __ ] as such the way that it's on my body there's a reason for it I've taken a bunch of stuff out of my pockets to prepare for class but how you carry your magazines there should be a very good reason for that so when we see all you guys gear up it's not to make fun of you I might say hey why do you have your gear like that it's not why is it it's like let's talk about it why I'm asking about like if you've done this before is there is some etiquette to training you know we're not at a needlepoint class we're not at how to fricken work microsoft windows week and i like what we're doing we'll fire thirteen fourteen fifteen thousand rounds a hammo on the range it's a lot of opportunities to get shot or hurt you know you know to shoot yourself or somebody else you have to do a lot of things really dumb you got to have a loaded gun pointed at somebody and pull the trigger see there's like a cascade of stupidity that has to happen we're not going to go deep into the weeds on that cuz that's really it don't point it at anything that doesn't need a hole in it you when we and we'll talk about this as we go through the day we don't point a gun at our own body to holster so if I've got a holster right here for me to take this gun out there's no reason for my hand to be anywhere in front of around or near you know what I mean this is totally inert so if I pointed at you it's probably on purpose it's not a real gun in any way shape or form so when we talk about finger off the trigger that's not here it's not here it's not like in or around it's up here the floors in this building are concrete if I shot a gun right here you guys would be unhappy with that there'd be spall and concrete that would go out and in catch our legs so in the context of this building the really safe spot is into the lead trap which here is a cascade of rubber and that's like the only safe spot contextually it's the only safe spot if nobody's between you and the trap so if David is the trap and whites between me and the trap Dwight would not be happy if I was holding my gun like this you tracking so we may have to change the muzzle direction yes you need to be very intentional not only in how the gear is on our body how we manipulate the gear if if I don't have consistence in my grip or a process in how I load or unload what do we expect to do under stress or duress we need to be able to analyze what we're doing with our ego gets in the way you're not going to get better if our a fear of what other people in the room are thinking that's not going to make us get any better you know what I mean so this awareness of what we're thinking how we're thinking some of you may get adrenaline that's okay if you get adrenaline I had I got two guys in the last class and one in the class before that that had such a deep adrenaline response to being on the firing line with people watching one of them look like he was squeezing a wet rag the sweat pouring down out of the I had to go get him a towel to keep drying his hands off I can't fix that you know his Papa beat him or some [ __ ] and he had a very intense response to fear I'm serious but the thing about that is so we'll talk about that tomorrow a little bit but today if you're the kind of guy that has a stress response like that that's cool you're not gonna change that you can change how you react to it part of that's the way you were wired when you were created part of its the stimulus that happened to you through your formative years of life but it's okay adrenaline is pretty cool it's a little superhuman dose of juice for a short while too many people talk about how do I overcome it I don't want to overcome it I want it I want I want to be juiced up I want my heart to speed up and start pumping blood rapidly through my body I want to be able to punch people and not feel my hand break I want to be able to flip chairs over and climb on top of people and tear their scalp off you know what I mean who's ever heard of coach Lou Holtz Colt Holtz Oh coach coach Holtz had an acronym win what's important now and he and I'm not even a football fan but the the business world picked this up and it's been used through business and it's it's you know triage with a patient or a business situation or on the range with the gun or fighting what's important right now if I'm on the range what's important now got my eye and ear protection good master grip go through my loading process safely holster what's important now pay attention to the range commander whatever you see my point I'm pressing the gun out to get an accurate shot what's important a good grip good body posture slack out of the trigger press press you giving them saying rather than okay I'm gonna do a good job boom you know what I mean now at some point if you pay attention to what's important through each step this becomes automatic and that's where we're going we want automaticity in these mechanical functions you all track in with what I mean by that we want that to become automatic not I automatically drawn shoot people the skill of how to do it is automatic just like how we can pull our cell phone out and around with it you're not paying attention to where your fingers go they just go you pick up your remote control most of us can navigate our remote control in the dark drinking beer right wife's asleep let's see what's on show time up all night right right you get in your car you don't tell yourself how do I put my key in you grab them out of your pocket your hand figures it out no what I mean that's where we want to be with the gun handling skills so that the front part of our brain can think about where is he at do I need to shoot him again is he down does he have any friends yeah understand yes am i bleeding where's my wife if if we're too fixated on am i holding it right oh [ __ ] I hope I'm gonna do it you're definitely not thinking about winning no go ahead I guess I mean clicker what if what if you were the bad guy and I was in the convenience store and and I saw you and yeah man this is now a potato chip rack yes sir yes sir please don't hurt me I mean I this would be completely different yeah man you can have my wallet you don't always have to draw your gun and point it and be ready to shoot that wasn't your question but I wanted to address that every time we draw our gun I'm not if I find you in my back yard I might walk out and say hey man what are you doing here I'm not gonna just what are you doing here be ready to shoot you go ahead that's the difference so it's you're not training for safety you're training for a result doing it safely so context if you are a target out on that range and I say draw and hit it from the hip then the context would be draw put your finger on the trigger and hit it from the hip there's no always I never always point my gun downrange I never always put my finger on the trigger I never always have my finger off the trigger I guess my new experience by leaving a defensive situation we're gonna go we'll go deep into that so don't point the gun at yourself there's no draw stroke that should ever have you pointing a gun at yourself and there's no draw stroke that should have you putting your finger on the trigger until it's safely away from your body so you're just when we're practicing here now you just let me know I need to watch you like a hawk so much for a fun easy day Dwight thank you we'll go we'll go into that we'll go into that we're gonna continue to pound safety if you didn't understand what I just said to Dwight I'm gonna say it again we're not training to be safe we're training to shoot people with guns while doing it safe lis see the difference right training it to be safe is to unload this lock it up done we've achieved our goal right that's completely different than awesome being able to move around in spaces and places - Dwight's question always well I always point the gun down until you're my little kid and we're in a mall shooting what would you probably do you'd probably grab my leg if you're a little five-year-old so now is this safe no so now maybe I have to do this come on Timmy dad's taking you home yeah everything is situationally dependent how do I look in this dress who's got a girlfriend or life you better be damn careful how you respond to such a question right situation dictates tactics who understands the legal and justified use of force this is different state by state but anywhere in the United States no matter where you're at be it New York or California or Massachusetts or Jersey even or the great state of Texas or Oklahoma every state in our Union every living creature human has a right to self-defense has a right to protect themselves they differ state by state and how one can levy that that defense but there's no place that's illegal to protect yourself the difference between perception and reality can be a prison sentence what gives you the right to apply deadly force and when is it justified you must be able to articulate that you were in danger of death or great bodily harm I like when there's like a little girl in the class like the little girl that took our money out there if her and I got into an argument and she walked up and slapped me you son of a [ __ ] and hit me are you falling asleep or you just got stoned her eyes look like you're high as a kite all the time yeah cool I just wonder and I'm like this guy's sleeping I've got some cold brew in the cooler if I walked up and just slapped her ass vice-versa she slapped me and I was like oh and I just lit her up over like over like a parking space or something you know well I tried to buy her a drink try to buy her drink if I wasn't married and and she was like get away creep and hit me and I lit her up and the cops came and I'm like look man I tried to buy this girl a drink she hit me and I understand how force works I have had dental work I can't afford to get my teeth fixed if she broke a tooth I felt my brain rattle I know how concussions work and the more concussions I have the worse off it is and I've had several concussions I can't risk that I didn't know what she was gonna do she snapped and hit me how do I know she wasn't gonna pick a bottle up I ended it right there I wasn't gonna risk getting my brain rattled if you were a little gentleman on the jury how would you view that you saw that little girl yeah you'd probably be like this guy's nuts conversely her and I are in a parking lot or were in that same bar hey babe can I buy you a drink I'm with my boyfriend's in the bathroom get away boom if I hit her like that boom she go all the way to the wall she shot me what would you use same jury so disparity of force but even then even if there's not that disparity of force is an important thing but just looking at the context of the situation hey babe sorry you got a bad day you know that's the end of it was she right I don't know but that is that articulation and the thing about that is the jury you don't know who's on there shouldn't even be in bars she's down in the south where you know it's run by the Southern Baptist well why were you at a bar to begin with sir wouldn't it happen if you weren't out drinking yeah but I'm saying so you don't know who's on the jury we're not shooting to kill we're shooting to stop we're not shooting to kill we're shooting to stop well you showed us to shoot 20 times into somebody's face intention is to make them stop my intention is not to kill them although I am understanding that this could kill them my goal is not to kill them and is to make them stop whatever action they are directing to me that's making me have to use deadly force you see the difference very specific and I'm not talking about there's a lot of people that teach cute isms to play the let's do this that's not what I'm talking about this very much should be the intention in your heart before you shoot somebody I don't want to kill Chet I want to stop Chet I don't to kill you at all did you get the point so let's go back who's first of all who is they that's suing you the family of the person that you shot okay let's go back a minute you must be able to articulate that you were in danger of death or great bodily harm if I was not in danger of death or great bodily harm I should not have shot them if I was you had better be justified if you shoot somebody you were justified in that situation you felt somebody's pointing a gun at me I need to shoot them whether they die or not you were justified that said be justified and righteous in your actions and then the defense parts pretty easy you will win the defense in with your prosecutor you may very well get sued by his family or her family or whatever which is still not as common as people think there's that's like a big concealed carry gun Dork internet chat room circle-jerk where people constantly gonna get shot you shoot somebody you're gonna end up losing everything you own that that happens but very rarely and usually there's some you look at the totality of the incident you're like that was a why didn't he leave this just happened the other day in Michigan I believe I don't know was that Ohio doesn't matter it was Pennsylvania dude drives fast up and down this country road guy gets pissed retired guy gets liquored dudes the drivers got his four year old three year old daughter in the backseat guy unloads buckshot into his car as he's driving by I was sick of him speeding one round went through a bunch of stuff and hit the little girl on the leg she was okay but this guy was drunk he admitted to having like a bunch of like rum and cokes for breakfast or something but he in his mind he's speeding I'm gonna stop so you see these scenarios and when you really look at them it's like you're an idiot you know what I mean there's almost when it's like cut and dry they broke in my home smash the front door down that homeowner doesn't go to jail just had one in New York in people like in the gun community repost it because it looks good New York resident defends himself with gun arrested on felony charges wasn't arrested for defending himself with a gun he was arrested because he illegally owned the gun hey nobody talks about that that shouldn't be illegal don't live in New York or change the laws but he wasn't arrested two people came into his house he warned him he shot him so we are reasonable people we are trying to train ourselves to be better so that we know what's right we know what's wrong we know what we're capable of why it's important later in in this training is we can't assume that who's trying to rape us take our life break into our home hurt our family is also reasonable you know what I mean I'll point a gun at him he'll stop who's heard this they don't send him running they've already decided to break into people's homes right or whatever the context is so that's our Foolish reasonable man brain not foolish but conditioned it this scares me thus it must scare him you know what I mean so there's two sides of that what were you gonna say things like you know with that sense of reason some people will be because 43 murders a day 247 ric reitz 896 robberies 3200 and 81 violent crimes this is a couple year old stat but it's pretty pretty standard 43 murders interesting thing about that a lot of experts think that the number is probably three times that and those people are just folks you never knew about folks that you you didn't look for the homeless guy that just one day wasn't on the street corner because some dude who got off smoked and homeless people there's a lot of people that go missing and you know when we joke around how a man if life ever got that bad I just clear out the checking account and head to Mexico and sell coffee on the beach people that have the ability to clear out the checking account and go to Mexico and just sell coffee on the beach don't do that the people that just disappear don't have anything else nobody misses them there's a lot of people murdered that are rotting in ditches Michigan they just found a five-year-old scale skull the guy went missing five years ago Asian dude him and his girlfriend were selling sex on Craigslist she was pregnant a pregnant girl pretty cool the dude that hired them they drove to his house they didn't know that this guy wasn't just into pregnant girls dude had a torture chamber which was a dog kennel with all kinds of devices where he tortured them killed them shot this dude cut his head off and they found his sun-bleached skull five years later nobody missed him you know there was not someone there was not some manhunt it ain't like the Netflix shows where there's guys out there dusting [ __ ] and blue lights they forgot all about it very successful businessman owned a like a high-end alarm company did alarms for like the rich and famous and really high-end security systems it sounds like a movie the the story was this guy secretly every one of his customers he would leave a back door into the house for him to defeat the alarm and he would go in years later this is he got off on this he would go in years later because if you did an alarm and then a week later the house got robbed the cops are going to immediately come look at the alarm company employees right so years later he would let himself in and take a painting take a whatever and that's how he got his rocks off just stealing rich people's [ __ ] one day he sets up on this house where he lets himself in and he's whatever taking whatever he's gonna take maybe he makes the sandwich I don't know but this guy was he was a millionaire he had money he would break into rich people's house and steal their [ __ ] though yes he's there he realizes that the homeowner who he thought had left was asleep on the couch what do you think he did what do you think he did doc what do you think he did what did he do huh what do you think he did killed him well not yet he skinned him alive the family comes home to him peeling the flesh off of their loved one the investigators said why did you do that you know what he said he wouldn't pass up an opportunity like that that doesn't come along every day doesn't that's a different type of human that guy doesn't give a [ __ ] that you pointed a gun at him or told him to back off that guy is the predator he skinned him alive this seems like a good idea never done that I want to add that to the old memory bank yeah as a practitioner every decision you make in training or gear you should ask yourself what problem does this solve by a new holster you buy new sights you buy new ammo you get a new gun look we all I'm sure every one of us here owns a bunch of stuff that we don't need right but if it's the gun you're gonna carry if you're gonna train with it why am I doing this why do I have it what problem does it solve do you TRACON depending on the research you read and we're almost done with this you'll find about 40% of violent attacks involve more than one person more than one attacker fighting one person's bad multiple people is exponentially worse it's not one guy two guys twice as bad it's way more bad way more bad because if you get knocked down if your attention is taken away you're very easy to fight one person even if they're skilled it's not very easy to fight two people even if you're very skilled and they're not all it takes is your attention to be gone let's go back to pages two this doesn't mean that we're going back but I want you to read this again to legal and justified use of force you must be able to articulate you were in danger of death or great bodily harm this is a big misconception that this I'm using the word [ __ ] not insulting somebody that has born a certain way [ __ ] as in backwards not fully developed this this [ __ ] I'm using dictionary this [ __ ] gun community and I'm not saying you're [ __ ] because you you hear it enough it's really tarted notion if I need to shoot you I need to shoot you if I have a trigger that makes the gun shoot more accurately that did not change the dynamics that you were trying to hurt me oh guy has a trigger in his gun it's stupid now what happens though when you see these cases other guys the back plate said shoot them all let God sort them out and so the prosecutor saw that and then they dug into your social media guys right [ __ ] like just past a trucker if that guy flicks me off again I'm gonna follow him to the next truck stop like are you stupid so people see this and it shows that you have a like for violence you know that's what gets people in trouble justified is justified are you guys gonna be like Chatty Cathy the whole time try to separate you get your gear do not take any guns or anything out of cases we're in this Bay highear ammo I'm gonna take a whiz my gears already on the range go get everything come right back to the range Bay here don't take any guns out we're gonna run through some assessment drills so just so you know what's gonna happen we're gonna the next hour we're gonna figure out where everybody's at
Channel: undefined
Views: 449,260
Rating: 4.8269801 out of 5
Keywords: concealed carry training, concealed carry, ccw training, firearms training, handgun training, ccw class, gun safety, guns 101, mickey schuch, self defense laws, self defense laws explained
Id: mQzDGBFQuwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 23sec (1583 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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