Glock Night Sight Installation with Lenny Magill - Featuring the Universal Pistol Rear Sight Tool

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[Music] [Music] hey there it's Lenny McGill with a Glock store performance and Custom Shop right here in San Diego California and today we're going to do the installation of sites front and rear but I'm going to introduce to you a new site pusher you know the concept behind a site pusher is that it gently pushes the site's out the rear sights and gently pushes them back in and this is a universal site push I want to show it to you really quickly because it's a new item and it's really awesome so we put it out here and you guys can take a good look at it it is made by vism and it is probably one of the nicest ones that I've ever seen if you understand the concept what we're gonna do I'm going to show how to use it here shortly the concept is you lock your slide into this piece and then you use this device to rotate the pusher and that will give you some leverage to push the sites out so we'll go ahead and look at the sites here give you an idea what we're talking about we're gonna push these out and we're going to install some new night sites so these being the factory plastic sites which I recommend that you change almost on every gun you own they work but they're not as good as the other sites we offer we have a whole bunch of sites offer these are one that I happened to really like a lot these are the Trijicon HD X are the concept between the HR and the exhibiting the XR and the HD the standard HD is that the XR has a thinner front post that's the standard HD so these sites are really neat because they have a wide rear sight so you shaped and the standard ones have a real big fat dot that's really good for fast target combat shooting you know really close in in targets because the dot is so big it just draws your eye to it and as you get a little older your eyes need to have that help so I like them now what happened though is they introduced I was very popular their night sites of course they have a tritium insert in both the the front dot as well as the front post as well as in the other rear notch it has two small little inserts in there glass tubes now the reason I bring you that to your attention is that the glass tubes contain the tritium and if you're installing these sites onto your slide and you are hammering them on because you have to press fit you could crack or damage the glass tube which in turn would you know make the the tritium leak out and it would not glow in the dark so the tritium as you know as most human though watching this is a radioactive material that glows for 10 years by itself no batteries required it's a proving concept that's been around for a long time it actually works great because there's no batteries required it just sits there and glows for 10 years after 10 years it's time to change them out once they stop glowing if you want to have the night sights and I will say this that you know a lot of people say well how bright are they well if you go outside and you let your eyes adjust to the darkness and you then look at those sites you will see how bright they're there it's significantly bright they're to the point of like wow that's really cool and they are really cool that's why we sell a lot of night sites because when people see them they realize ok that makes a lot of sense because at night time obviously yeah it's hard to see your sites if they don't have some kind of lighting concept going on so the lighting concept here is the tritium the tritium is enclosed in those glass tubes or vials that are embedded in the steel and as you install the sites keep that in mind as you install the sites if you are there with a hammer and you're hitting on those things and trying to punch them into place to move them over you could potentially damage the vial hence that's why site pushers are very popular additionally a site pusher is allows you to exert more pressure and to be more exact in fine-tuning the positioning then a mallet okay now the Glock in particular is fairly easy to work with but some other guns like SIG's in particular or XD's at which of Springfield's in particular are very difficult to change the sights our guns miss hate them it's like oh god no it's gonna be a half hour you know it's a big process literally you can change you know the Glock sights in 15 minutes or 10 minutes even if you have you know just a little bit of practice front and rear it's a pretty quick job in fact that's one of the things we do here at our shop at no charge you bring your gun in yeah buy some sights we install them for free okay same thing in the mail too if you you know say hey you know what I want to buy some sights I'd like you to install them send your slide in we'll go ahead and get your sights and we'll put them together and we'll send the slide back to you no charge for the installation so keep that in mind because it's a big service we do and we sell a lot of sites and we install a lot of sites for free at the gun shows even guys come up that can use all these sure give us ten minutes come back so they drop they're gonna pop one and do it it can be done with a mallet if you have some skill all right so keep that in mind you know the site pusher does make it easier now for cigs and those XD's you really want to have a site pusher because sometimes they are locked on there and you just can't get enough purchase with your mallet onto these sites to get them out so hence the site pusher using the power of the screw allows you to position the slide in the exact spot and then get some pressure on there and work those sites off and sometimes if you need to even put a tool on this thing now so that's the concept behind a site pusher there's a reason for a site pusher and like I said it's really one to protect the glass vials of the tritium in the site's themselves no matter what site you have whether it be the Trijicon or the true glows or the America laws or whatever they're all the same concepts in fact it's all the same tritium because Trijicon has a patent on the tritium and I believe is still valid so most of the sites that you see here are going to use Trijicon 'z tritium that said the the ability to move this thing in a precise way is much more greatly enhanced with the site pusher so let's talk about the site pushers and why this one is unique and special first of all it's pretty beefy okay you can see I mean it's it's a nice aluminum body it can be bolted into a table I'm not gonna do it here of course because this one is one the gunsmiths use it comes in a really cool package let me show it to you real quick so this is it and what it comes with some accessories and I'll show those to you shortly there it is okay it's it's pretty neat I mean I'm gonna tell you they did a great job on this the accessories it comes with are the jaws that fit into this piece here and then allow you to hold the slide these are nylon hold the slide without marring the finish that's really important we do sell aluminum plain aluminum and I recommend you put some kind of paper shim in there so that you don't have that metal on metal contact because you know the last thing you want to do is scratch the finish of your gun as you are changing the sights out alright so that's the the the site itself the site pusher itself it's pretty cool comes in a nice little container or bag it's pretty awesome here's another nice line art drawing of this thing right here and getting close and show the whole thing right up in here it's pretty cool and if look that's got a US patent number how about that so it's a universal rear sight tour rear sight pusher Universal is the key because it's gonna fit for just about every handgun you have so let's talk about how to go ahead and install the sights and I'm gonna go ahead and do front and rear because we're here and this is a gun that I'm actually gonna play with and I do want to put new sights on its oh this is our GS x and the GS x is the the frame that is the full-size frame that accepts the compact or nineteen upper so it's a 17 frame with a ninety number it's pretty awesome and you can also do it in in 40 caliber as well 22 frame 23 upper so really you get the full-sized grip with the compact slide it's an awesome piece now so first things we always want to do is make sure the gun is unloaded now I know this gun is unloaded but what I'm gonna work on it I'm gonna hand it around or toss it you know or even demonstrate I'm gonna make sure it's unloaded so I'm gonna go ahead and drop the magazine magazine is empty right okay that's a good sign right I'm gonna go ahead and and pull the slide back and notice that my fingers off the trigger okay and it's always off the trigger because I'm not gonna shoot the gun so this is just a good habit to have your finger rest up there it's interesting what we go to the shows you always can tell the people who are kind of new to guns because as soon as they grab the gun there their fingers on the trigger and if you can always tell the guys who know what they're doing because soon as they grab the gun they get their fingers off the trigger and even if the shows even though the guns been passed around a little bit they will still double check it make sure it's empty pull the trigger in a safe direction and I recommend you do the same thing so every time you pick a gun up the fingers off the trigger if you're not gonna shoot and you're thinking okay I'm not at a range and you know but you it's your responsibility to make sure the guns empty pull the slide back double check in the chamber let the slide go in a foot in a forward motion and then you know keeping the gun pointed in a safe direction pull the trigger now we know we have an empty gun now here's the other thing about this particular process I of course you know have a workbench here there's no ammunition in this room mMmmm there's no ammunition on this table there's no I mean this in this room these magazines aren't loaded I cannot have an accident of this charge in this room there's people out here watching there's people you know on camera the last thing I want to do is have an accidental discharge okay and so I have a rule there's no ammunition in this room and you know it's kind of a good thing if you're doing work on guns make sure you have no ammunition on your table and there's the safety talk all right now let's go and do the disassembly this gun dissembles the same as any Glock you pull the slide back just a little bit disengaging this slide lock lever hands on both sides fingers on both sides should I say and we're gonna go ahead and pull down on the slide lock or takedown it's spring-loaded pull it down hold it down then let the slide go and just kind of forward go and keeping your you know a grip on the slide because you don't want to fall off and hit the floor because that could be dangerous dangerous in the sense that it could dent or crack the nose ring which would be a problem you don't want that to happen I've seen it happen this is the lower this is the upper we're working on the upper someone who's gonna put the lower away over their magazine and just get it out of the way and this is the upper now we're gonna go ahead and do a simple disassembly on this taking the recoil guide rod out pushing it forward on the spring it just lifts straight out that's a captured plastic guide right this is a factory slide that we just start playing with and like I said I'm gonna start building it up over here barrel just lifts out with my finger comes straight out so what we're gonna do and that's about all I have to do I have to take anything else apart I just want to get those out of the way I could leave them in there but it's a little bit easier to deal with a sight pusher without them we're gonna go ahead and change the rear sights and I'm also gonna change the front sight to change the front sight I need a special tool if we're looking inside here and you're getting really really close you're gonna see that little nut up there it's a hexagonal nut and there it is right there let me get my pointer and I'll point it out to you it's right there that guy right there so that's a very difficult to engage with anything except a front sight tool and that's what this is right here see the shape of that and see how it's a flat piece that's gonna allow me to go right over top of that little screw back there now I've tried it with needlenose pliers I've tried it with my finger I there's no way to really operate that thing unless you have one of these we sell a variety of these there's a whole bunch of them available I like this one a lot we've sold it for many many years it's like 20 dollars it's simple it's got a punch on it which is kind of useful but it's got a nice knurled grip here the way I'm gonna operate this is I'm going to stick that that head directly on top of that screw and it just goes in and it'll lock it in place once you find it okay and so let's see if I can do that real quick there you go so I've got it now I'm just going to turn it straight out and it's relatively easy in the old days in the early days of Glock they actually had these as a press fit it's just a piece of plastic that fit into the into the the oval hole which you'll see here and they found we all found that that didn't work great after a little bit of intense shooting once the slide started to heat up and once you really shot a whole lot those sites tend to fly away so hence they came up with this new system which is a screw there is that flathead screw let me show it to what it looks like here okay I would bent a little bit I'll just stand it straight up but there it is so that's the flat head screw I've let me take it out it's a tiny little piece and you can imagine that we sell a lot of these tiny little pieces okay so that's what that looks like and I'm gonna put that down right here just so I don't lose it and I'm gonna take my front side out now the front sights still usable here's what it looks like inside see the hole it's just a piece of plastic with a hole in it it's actually pretty good it's the white piece is the entire front sight so I just pop it out now with this punch boom just like that and there is the front sight let me show you if that looks like and then I'm gonna do what I recommend you do so there's the front sight and there's the screw and right now before I do anything else I'm gonna put that screw into the front sight so I don't lose it guys if it gets off this table it's never to be found just a couple turns just to make sure that it doesn't disappear and there's the whole unit now that's usable obviously so I would save that for later on if I ever wanted to go back to the factory sight the war if something happened to the other one or whatever so it's nice to have now we're gonna take the the rear sight off as well we're gonna use the pusher I will tell you I could do it with this punch or this mallet and a punch on there or whatever but I want to demonstrate the pusher because the push is really cool and it will give you much more latitude especially when you're putting the sights on because again what happens is you're putting the sights on and you're putting them on you're really eyeballing them people I say well how do you know you're centered them well you're really just eyeballing it and this gives you the ability to be precise where as the punch your one punch of one punch one when I was here punch them too much thinking of turnaround punch it again it's too much you're kind of going back and forth and trying to make it exact that's where the sight pusher makes it easy plus it like I said if it's not a Glock if it's another gun you really almost need absolutely need a sight pusher because it's just too much too hard to remove them now let's look at how this is set up here real quick there's an arrow here that says slide that way okay so that mean I'm gonna be putting the slide into the device like so with that arrow I'm pointing the muzzle and down muzzle forward okay that's what it says so it has a couple different ways to adjust it I'm gonna pull this is the the down and let's see if I can get you a little bit more light on this thing here coming out here that's and then of course these guys will come back out a little bit this will come back out a little bit I do want to bring your attention again to the the plastic or Delrin inserts that they have these are really important because they allow you to crank down on the slide without scratching the finish that's really important the last thing one to do is beat this thing up the other thing is this whole floor kind of raises and lowers which i think is a great idea so our objective is to capture the slide in a perfect spot so that the pushers can actually push this out so here goes I'm gonna put it into the piece and we're gonna eyeball here and I know that it looks like I got to come up a little bit and that looks good and now I'm just gonna tighten these down a little bit here and you want to be even on both sides because you do need to have some clearance from either side so the one that pusher goes over it can actually you know push it out as far as possible okay and it looks like I need to come up a little bit more so that is okay I'll just loosen these guys up just a little bit and come up a little bit more [Music] okay it looks good like that so far now what I really like about this particular piece is this front leveler so there's really no motion on the on the site so it doesn't move like so don't wait crank that one down crank that one down a little bit crank this guy down a little bit and okay so here's a good representation of what I've got now we want to make sure that the jaws of this device do not intersect with the slider it looks like it's a little tight for my my comfort I'm going to just lower it a little bit because I don't want to scratch it on the top with these metal jaws here so I think I'm so close that like I said I just want to I want to just loosen them up a little bit and drop it down just a tad just a little bit and that's the nice thing about this particular animal it allows me to move in small increments just one step here and I'll show you what I've got now that's better okay alright that looks much better let's go and look at that so you can see that you know I'm gonna clear the slide and so now once they're all locked in I'm gonna go ahead and push it out here and again you can bolt this ear table which is not a bad idea and then just crank it and let's see if you know if you can see from the side here not enough it's gonna be blocked so I'll come over here and you can see it from here I'll do a left handed overall money lefty alright so I'm just pushing the site straight out and what's nice about this particular method is that you also can preserve the rear sight for future use there you go so now basically she's out of there and that's your rear sight so what's route like I said what's really nice about the sight pusher it allows you to manipulate the sites without dinging them up with a mallet especially the plastic sights because often times when we're yanking them out with a mallet not only do we Mar the finish but we also rip off this little steel or metal insert here which is you know kind of gives it its its flexibility to get into the the dovetail and then you know kind of spring out and kind of hold it there so it when you take them off with a mouth oftentimes they're unusable when you use a sight pusher properly oftentimes it is you know meant for another day so that said I'm gonna leave this thing basically right where it's at as far as the other rear part and go ahead and loosen these sides up and bring down loosen this one up here I bring my slide right out so there we have it you're looking good beautiful so there's my dovetail and I'm ready to go ahead and get it in into play so now let's go ahead and bring out my new sights now again I like the Trijicon a lot courage gone of course is the big name and in the industry because they've got a lot of military contracts and anybody who's in the military who's been around for a while has seen the Trijicon sights on their m4 or whatever they're you know super popular great company great products really they they make something that is really the top of the line so you can't go wrong with Trijicon they are expensive okay they're more expensive than most of the manufacturers however they are definitely worth it this is that like I mentioned the HD concept I've got them available in both a yellow or a bright yellow insert which is kind of neat and they also have an orange one and then here is the rear sight and the rear sight has the TWiT ium inserts here now what's interesting is on camera they look pretty dull but it's almost designed to be that way because what the concept is is you want to draw your your eye to the front sight so the sight picture is going to be kind of like that so at nighttime they certainly do brighten up but during the day they're really designed to have your focus on the front sight and that's one of the reasons I like these a lot and the XR which stands for extended range has a thinner post which I kind of talked about a little bit and because it has a thinner post it will give you better accuracy at longer distances the smaller the sight the better the accuracy so they all the bullseye shooters know that in fact you know anybody shooting shooting in 1911 back in the old bullseye bullseye days would have the thinnest sight possible because you would give you that pinpoint accuracy so this is a little different concept this being more combat fast style shooting it's not bullseye it's it's you know it's less shoot you know multiple shots that model targets as fast as possible these are designed to take your eye right to the front sight and let you shoot really fast and go to the next targets you really fast and they work really really good okay now so it's time to go ahead and solve the front sight and this screw is super tiny and of course the the front sight has an oval-shaped as we discussed and it's gonna marry itself into the oval shape and the slide now keep in mind when you when you put this in here it's just gonna gonna kind of rest in there so it will fall out if you turn it over so what we're gonna want to do is get it in there and do observe one other thing too it's it's kind of designed to marry itself in the right spot or lock itself or orientate itself in a true situation but it will have a little bit of play and there's no other way to do this except to eyeball it that it is straight you could put a leveler on there or something like that or some other way but when you start screwing it on the small screw make sure that before you crank it all the way down that the the front sight is straight and every once in a while someone comes in here and they have their front sight kind of crooked a little bit and they say hey my guns not shootin right here we go oh let's see what we can do about that so we usually fix it for them and I guess we do install the sights here at no charge and we do help people with their Glocks at no charge as well alright so I've got the front sight rested in that hole now as I told you we do sell a whole bunch of front sight pushers and this is one that's really cool because it's called a four in one tool and check this out this one is a little switch place how cool is that huh this is the one that has the magnetic piece inside of the wrench itself and that allows us to kind of place that front screw in there and get it set in place and then it will stay in it won't come out so that gives me a whole lot more flexibility in marrying this up with the the front sight itself we of course want to use Loctite Loctite is really really important because it will allow us to lock the screw in there and it won't vibrate out now I will say this to you if you do not use lock tight you will probably lose your front sight when you're shooting without a doubt ok it's just that's what happens so you have to use some type of lock yet I've got three the 262 here there's this is the red loctite there is also a blue loctite any type of lock tackle would be better than none if you don't use lock tight you're really gonna at some point that's gonna vibrate loose and the front sight will fly away as you shoot and you'll realize Oh what happened and you'll never find it because that's happened to me as well as a whole bunch of other people so Loctite is really really important now the thing about lock type is it one it's got to be shaken not stirred shaken because all those chemicals kind of separate a little bit so we want to get them mixed together so they actually you know work better the other thing about live tight is you got to keep the cap on and you know it's a big pet peeve of mine because you know I go through the shop and we've got several stations where people are doing assembly with Loctite and often I see the cap off even if you just put the top back on its gonna help some prevent some of that chemicals from boiling away and what happens is is the the good stuff that actually you know interacts with the goo makes its way to the top and then it evaporates and then you know a month later you have a whole half a bottle of Loctite that's no good so keep the top on and also make sure that you shake it now how to apply Loctite it's just a little dab on the threads themselves that's really it I mean it's just a dot you don't have to slather it there there you go that's gonna find itself all the way around that's perfect and the top goes back on okay now again this magnetic tip makes a big difference so I'm going to put my finger over top of the site and I've got to find that hole and I'm gonna have it here I believe that's a lot of screws there it's in there okay now it's finger tight right now I'll come back out and look at it now one of the things you also be aware of is that the light will throw a shadow on this thing and it will it will throw you off a little bit so there you go so make sure you look at it in a couple of different ways and you don't let that light interfere with your judgment is it straight or not now I'm gonna hold it down and I want to crank on this screw a little bit tighter there we go okay that's pretty easy if you have the right tool makes it a lot easier okay the magnetic tip on this four in one tool and again I'll just show you all four there's a punch over here we've got a couple of different items let's see where they adhere do I have to put them down there was I guess I got to put one in here actually make the other one come out I have a little allen screw and let's get rid of this guy here and then there's just a little flathead it's pretty handy little device also you know great price point not really expensive this is four and one glock tool here we go okay so that's that rear sight rear sight pusher which is what these videos really all about alright so take our rear sight and i can start this by hand now in the gunsmithing world and i've been around for a long long time i interviewed a bunch of gunsmiths it appears they always like to do things from the left side out right side in i'm not sure it really makes a difference with the glock some guns it does make a difference the way they designed the pins and the way to design the holes but for this particular application i don't really think it matters however i'm gonna maintain that same thing i punched it out from the left to the right and i'm going to put it back in from the right to the left okay so i'm just gonna kind of Center it up make sure it's facing the right direction and just get it into there and then just push it in a little bit as far as I can by hand okay now I could take a mallet to this thing and one of the things I want to caution you is if you are gonna use a mallet do not rest it on a table and pop it in like this because that will induce too much vibration and that's where you will tend to disrupt or break or crack those tritium vials we talked about earlier if you need to do it with a mallet you don't have a sight pusher you can actually do it out here by hand keeping your hand free so that you don't have as much that vibration going into here and then hand kind of frees up a little bit if you see the concept I think the whole video on that where you hit it and it kind of moves a little bit and you're you're just punching it in however we're gonna show you how to use a site pusher I've got to show you one step here so we're gonna use the nylon head and we would just hit it just like that and just let my hand come back and I hit it several times now it's hard okay because it's a real pressed fitting this is steel on steel but we're gonna use the site pusher itself here so let's go ahead and get ourselves positioned in here so that I can get this thing set up here let's go ahead and come back this way I guess yeah that's not gonna work like that is it I gotta raise this one up and see if I can get this into the right spot okay I think I like about this one thing I really like about this tool though you have a lot of precise measurements so just enough to grab hold of that slide and enough to grab hold of the actual site without interfering with the slide itself actually scraping a slice so I've got that cranked down I've got that one cranked I've got that one correct now here's what it looks like now I'm gonna go ahead and push this over this way so this this piece is gonna come there so let's go ahead and no I'll get it started here for us here here it comes okay so we're gonna grab hold of this side now it's gonna take a little bit of muscle here so and again this would be easier if I had it locked onto the table but I don't so I have to give you a little bit of muscle with my left hand no this okay this is like I said it's a little bit of pressure but you can see it's moving right so I'm gonna go ahead and come back over here and do it right handed so I don't astray myself too much so you could put a wrench on here which is not a bad idea for a little bit more leverage or you can just kind of muscle it like I'm doing here by hand here's the progress so far though we're a little bit more than halfway done okay and like I said if you have this bolted to your table and put a tool on here it'd be a lot easier ain't go a lot faster alright let's go ahead and see where we're at okay I'm pretty close okay looks pretty good right so let me eyeball here and make sure I'm comfortable before I take it out now one of the things you can do is look at each side of the dovetail and see how much room you have on each side of the dovetail it looks like I've got I don't know if you'll be able to see it but if you look in here I'll point it out for ya this side of the dovetail I've got a little bit more light or should I say room and I guess you're not gonna be able to see that that well because I can't get some light in there then I do over here so I think I need to push it over a little bit but keep in mind is just half because I pushed it over I make more room on that side so I want to give myself to another one crank there and see what this that does and that looks pretty darn good just like that it does okay let me take it out yeah we'll see what it looks like so first things first I'll go ahead and remove the top guy let me get these guys straighten up a little bit here come back a little bit take some pressure off that [Music] [Music] okay looks pretty good so let's look in here real quick see if I can straighten up and give you a look at this what I'm trying to see is this space right here compared to the space right over here and I could almost take a measurement there this with a little feeler gauge type situation and see how far it goes in I think it's pretty darn good yeah I am I'm pretty happy with the way it looks on both angles I'm looking at everything looking at the front here now you could always you know like I said measure it to we could come in here I'm gonna take a sue these are gonna work no they're not but you could take a measurement in here like so and come down oops come up here and see how far it sticks in there and they do the same thing on the other side so I think we're pretty darn close and there's really you know I mean it again it comes down to just looking at them and seeing it and I got some shadows in here which are a little deceiving if anything I think I've got a little too much room right here on the side so I'm gonna I'm gonna just crank it back just a little bit it's very very small I'm talking a tiny tiny amount of room but again it looks like it's just a little too much so I'm gonna do one more pass on this put it back in the spot tighten these guys up remember what I want to do is I want to move it back now so I moved it this way I want to do it back just a little bit more see how we're doing here okay everything's tight I'm gonna bring it back just to just a smidge you wish I could see a little bit more from this perspective because it's a little trial and error gonna take it out I think I did too much that time so yeah all right here we go this should be it all right here we go all right well guy again yeah just like I said I thought I went too much and I did so here's a good thing to look at so you'll see this is pretty gob servation that piece right there that little piece is smaller than that piece right there now so I just came over too much see that ledge and see that ledge just a little bit I'm talking to sixteenth of an inch back so we're close we're close one of those things where you just have to eyeball it there's really no perfect way to do but the nice thing about this tool is it gives you the ability to just do micro adjustments so here we go just a little bit just to crank it I have one last step I'm gonna do it a bit more right goodness all rights taking so long but you got to do it right and you do it right the first time and then it'll last for a long time all right that's it just like I thought it would be perfect okay now we have it so that's the site installation using this new site pusher it's pretty awesome you know it's really great to have great tools this is amazingly low priced for what you get this will work on just about any gun you can imagine as a universal site pusher works great on Glocks but it's gonna work when your SIG's or 1911's your X DS you know your Taurus your you just go right down the list and and it's got different size jaws for those different guns a great little package great price point great value works tremendous gives you something to do with your own sites and it makes a lot of sense to to have a tool like this in your toolbox so we've got them here at the Glocks or I'm Lenny McGill this of course is the Glock store performance and Custom Shop here in San Diego we do install sites for free and we do sell site butchers so whichever direction you want to go we're here to help you thanks for watching you
Channel: undefined
Views: 121,808
Rating: 4.8592134 out of 5
Keywords: GlockStore, VISM, Universal, Rear, Sight, Tool, Trijicon, GSX, HD, XR, Night, Tritium, Glock 19, Front, Take, Down, 4-in-1
Id: V4G-XcdPVyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 46sec (2626 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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