Lenny Magill checks out the Sig P365…

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[Music] hello there it's lenny mcgill with the glock store performance at custom shop here in san diego today just back from nashville for a couple days in california and it's nice to be back it's nice also to be in nashville too so it's kind of fun to go back and forth now the national facility is coming together it's uh it's been a big project we're about 10 months into it can you believe it and it should be done here next two or three months so it's a it's quite an undertaking and as soon as it gets done we are excited for it now for those of you who are super observant at this moment right now you're probably saying to yourself what is that that he has in his hand because that's not a glock and yes you are correct this is not a glock heaven forbid a lot of you're going to say to yourself well it's about time you did something else and some others are going to say oh blasphemy you're the glock store guy and wes yes we are and i am the glock store guy and i've been doing this for like 30 years and i haven't done another video uh on another handgun should i say a video on another handgun besides any glocks really for a long time so most of you know or some of you know that i started in the video business years ago and i did a whole bunch of different videos on all types of shooting and all types of guns literally i have about 400 dvds we still sell on amazon we've got a pay-per-view on gunvideo.com with all these different videos that i did for all those different years and then i kind of got into the glock thing maybe 25 almost 30 years ago ago and the uh the glock uh was a fascinating still is a fascinating handgun it's simple it's easy it's inexpensive here we are in 2020 and the time has progressed and the world has changed in many ways it's uh june 2020 and uh certainly we're in the midst of this covid scam or scare or crisis or a pandemic or scam demik whatever you want to call it we're here and guns are hard to come by so at the shot show this year in january before the covid thing we met with the sid guys they said hey you know we really like what you're doing we'd love you to do sigs in tennessee and i said you know what i i want to do sigs in tennessee and sig has a huge product line not just of handguns but rifles and suppressors and all kinds of fun stuff that i looked at in their show display and i thought you know let's carry the sig stuff so we started getting into it a little bit and now just like we've become the premier place to buy glock parts and pieces and handguns and customizations and uh performance parts and magazines and magazine extensions and all that we've become the go-to place with the best service the best inventory of glock parts we're gonna do the same thing with sig all right and that's uh why i have a sig in my hand today and the other reason i have a sign in my hand today is because this is a firearms friday and firearms friday we like to tell our customers what we have going on so here we are it's june you know the end of june 2020 and um guns are hard to get glock is making as many guns as they can but everyone we get is sold basically that's like it is across the country i've got people calling me from all over the country hey do you have any glock 43 x's [Music] no they're they're in back order but we are getting them just by the time we sell them we have more backorders that said i did manage to make a special purchase of 50 of these p365s the p365s now the reason i like this gun is it's very similar to a glock 43x basically gives you a good full-size grip a little smaller than the 43x all right it's not quite slimline but it's slimmer than the 26 or the 19 and it does have a magazine that holds 10 rounds it's double stack but it's a little smaller double stack than i see on the glock so that said this is a very viable option for concealed carry flat enough small enough light enough with a polymer frame to really be a contender with the glock 43x so we happen to now as we do this video here it is you know friday morning okay so you're going to get this friday afternoon as we do this video we now have 44 of these left in stock remember i got 50 there's 44 left so we're letting you know if you're looking for a good self-defense handgun for concealed carry or for you know just target shooting or for home protection this is a good option the 365 is one of the most popular handguns in america today and i've got about 44 of these left if you're looking for a gun right away this is something we can ship to you really the next two or three days so that said we will be a full-line sig dealer along with of course all the glock products we have and we're known for hence when you look at the gs you can think to yourself well hey what does that mean it means glock sig how about how that worked out well so that said go ahead and uh if you're looking for a gun and you need a gun and a lot of people call me and say hey i need a gun right now this is a good option i've got 44 left they're going to be sold i know they'll all sell out here within the next five days because once people know we have them they're going to come get them now these are not available in california and people say what do you mean not available in california well there's a roster in california of guns that are available so about 15 years ago the state in their wisdom wanted to protect the society and says you know certain guns now we want to make sure that any gun that's introduced after this date any gun is introduced has these things and a couple of those are one of those that is really hard and difficult for manufacturers to do is a magazine disconnect that means when the magazine is out of the gun it won't go bang okay somehow that's safer and i don't know what they're thinking but that's basically one of the requirements and there's a lot of engineering that is required to make that happen that means when the magazine's out you can't pull the trigger now the glock is such a simple gun and such a simple mechanism that to actually accomplish that would be a lot of engineering and really really changing the entire the entire process so the entire engineering of that gun so that roster has all those guns that were introduced before that date and those are the only guns that are available in california any new gun which is all this new technology that has been invented in the last 10 15 years and all the new designs and and uh features that have been introduced are not available in california even the gen 4 glock gen 5 glocks are not available in california because they came after that date so there's how that roster works and that's why the sig 365 is not available in california so the rest of you out in the free world there can get one of these right now all right that's our firearms friday i'm lenny mcgill this of course is the glock store we offer glock and sig products now thanks for watching we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 64,418
Rating: 4.7953863 out of 5
Keywords: GlockStore, Lenny Magill, SIG P365 9mm, SIG Sauer
Id: qaumXCUy88E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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