Lenny's overview of the new Glock 43X & Glock 48

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[Music] hey there it's Lenny McGill with the Glock so performance and Custom Shop right here in San Diego California today I've got the very first G 43 X and G 48 to look at to talk about to compare to the 43 and kind of go through you know this entire gun to be honest it's uh it's a it's a big step for Glock in the sense that it's a single stack with a full-sized grip this being the 43 X alright and we're gonna talk about this one real quick before I get into the 48 so the 43 X compared to the standard 43 is almost identical in size except let me get my hands out of the way here except for the actual grip and you'll see the grip I'll just measure it for you so we can all be on the same page here and the Glock 43 grip from here to here is about three inches the Glock 43 X grip is about three and a half to three and five eighths of an inch so just about a half inch longer but that makes a big difference in your hand you'll see that I've got a full sized grip and my hands are relatively large that wear size 12 shoe so I've got but you know people say oh you got big hands well you know there are bigger hands out there and there are smaller ones a minor you know relatively larger hands and I say so I can get a good full sized grip on here that's probably the first and most obvious thing what's really interesting is that all the parts that are inside here are the same parts that are inside the 43 the slide itself is interchangeable so let me go ahead and demonstrate that gonna drop the magazine open up the chamber look inside make sure it's um empty of course pull the trigger in a safe direction and now that down procedures the same exact way as all clocks keeping the gun pointed in a safe direction I'm gonna wrap my hand up around the top of the slide and pull back just a little bit just to disengage it off of the slide lock then I'm gonna take my thumb and my index finger and pull down on the slide lock on both sides as its pulled down I'm gonna let the slide go forward and making sure to capture it so it doesn't fall off and hit the ground or anything like that because if he's been that it's hard to get back to normal but there's the slide if you notice this slide compared to a 43 slide they're exactly the same little different shape out here you can see Glock went ahead and beveled the nose of this more so than on the 43 and that's probably a better look there you can see this beveling that I'm talking about these are interchangeable so now I'm gonna take this 43 X and I'm gonna go ahead put the the Glock standard 43 slide right on top of it there you go so now again very similar except the grip itself is a little shorter that's it so all the aftermarket parts we have for the 43 X are gonna work excuse me for the 43 they're gonna work in the 43 X so that said there's some really fun things you can do this gun obviously can put the new pyramid trigger into it you can put your extended controls onto it and simply of course you can you know change your sights out very easily just like we did here so you know I mean we can do all kinds of fun stuff to this gun the one thing that is different and significantly different is the grip width so it's kind of hard to see here but you can see a little difference let's see if I get the better lighting on there is the width of the slide itself is larger on the new 43 X as well as the 48 what that does is two things one it gives you I think a little better grip something more to hold on to and I think that's probably why they did it because in reality they could have kept it the same exact size just lengthen the RIP itself it gives you just you know again the the 43 is a great guy makes a little ton of 43 we've sold a ton of 43 ton of forty three parts great gun for Kerry just a little small on the handle that's why a lot of our accessories like our magazine extensions for the 43 are very popular gives you that full-size grip gives you something more to hold on to and also gives you extra rounds now that being said this is our plus to the 43 standard is plus 6 with a plus 2 extension makes it 8 total right the 43 X as well as the 48 is a 10 round magazine so they've kind of solved that but the big challenge in my mind is that the magazines are not interchangeable okay so here's that 43 X magazine and you'll see they did a nice thing on this they actually have a little lip there on the front of the base plate to grab hold of it and be able to yank it out they went with the orange follower which is kind of their gen 5 magazine very popular upgrade a lot of people want that but it won't fit in the old guns it's too thick okay and the old magazines won't operate in here so this is the ETS magnet is a 9 rounder and it's almost the same size as the 43 mag but it's thinner and I've already tried it and I know it does not fit it just doesn't lock up okay it's a little sloppy and it just doesn't lock up looks like it could work for a second but you know just pulls right out so the magazines are not interchangeable which is interesting so a couple other things I'm gonna go and take this slide off this being the standard 43 and put the 43 X slide back on the thing about the grip that is very interesting is that it allows you to control the guns better now people always say well you know what do you mean by that control better well obviously you know you're gonna shoot better if you have a better grip and that's what control I'm talking about it's easy to pick a gun up casually line of sights up take your time squeeze a shot and bang okay sights all lined up is good bang okay go ahead go for the next shot same thing take your time line up the sights you know make sure you everything's good and bang the challenge is when you want to shoot fast in self-defense and you want to have rapid fire shots at multiple targets if the grip is not good if you don't have a solid grip on the gun you really don't have a good grip on the hand gun itself it will start to move in your hand which will degradation soo so if your grip starts to suffer your accuracy suffers because you don't have the time in this town of shooting environments where you're shooting two shots here are two shots for the two shots there to look at your sights and make sure they're all adjusted it's really an indexing concept and so you have to have that strong grip so that when the gun is presented you know that sights are pre aligned so important concept with the larger thicker grip longer grip you have a much better chance of controlling this gun that's why we sell so many of these extensions on the the g43 the standard 43 and this is our SS 80 which is the 80% that you can build with g43 parts but the concept is the same as that you can have a stronger grip one of the things we did with the SSAT is we already put this little glock knuckle in here and we made it a little bit more aggressive texture again really to give you a better grip because a better grip is gonna give you a better accuracy and that's really the bottom line in my mind is if you're you know target shooting than shooting one shot that's one thing but this is not a target shooting gun this is a self-defense concealed carry weapon that you're going to get access and pointed to target very quickly and you know may have to do multiple targets and multiple shots and you want to certainly have a good strong grip so again I think they've done a nice job by improving the overall size not only in the length because it's pretty obvious on the length right okay but it's got that but the thickness just a little bit really makes it just something that seems to be just easier to hold on to I wish they would have cut this up a little bit more on the Glock knuckle because you can get a little bit higher up on the gun and you the higher up you are the better control you have that said I'm sure that we will have some options for you later on now the 43 X and the 48 are identical in every way except for the longer slide so drop that magazine look inside there it is of course empty pull the trigger in a safe direction same disassembly procedure pull the slide back a little bit go to the slide lock pull it down on both sides hold it down let the slide go forward pull the slide off and here is the 43 excuse me the 48 slide and we're gonna compare that to a standard 43 slide and you're gonna see the difference obviously in length right here about another I think is a half inch I think I measured these are already this one is just at six inches okay I just do it this way be easier so there's your six inch mark down here right there and this one is about six and a half maybe six and three-quarters scuse me yeah there we go and it's right through here almost six and three-quarters maybe a little bit longer than six and three-quarters now that said what does this buy it why would you want the longer slide especially because it is a concealed carry gun all right well it's heavier that's one okay so not necessarily it's a favor it's bigger so it's not as easily concealed again not necessarily in its favor why would you want the longer slide well because it has a longer sight radius because it has a longer sight radius your shots are going to be inherently more accurate just the way it is that's why a rifle is more accurate than a handgun not to mention the fact you can shoulder it and have a stronger platform but the fact is the sights are longer away from each other front sight rear sight are longer in a sentence by the time you line those up you eliminate that margin of error because again you have a longer radius and you're making it a finer adjustment as you line of sights up a shorter sight picture there's more options to fail or to move that front sight so I the advantage of the 48 is that it's got a longer slide the disadvantage of the 48 is it's got a longer slide I'm not sure that this would be my choice if I had to choose between the two of them I think I deal with the 43 X and you know what we're seeing right now our sails are showing in our pre-orders because we've been you know selling for about a week now and taking pre-orders and we just got these in today so we're seeing about three to one maybe in four to one we sell four of these to one of these so it's been a very popular item the 43 X and I think the 48 is kind of a you know unique animal in the sense that it's got that yeah single stack it was a longer slide and it will appeal to some people again III think there's an advantage for a longer sight radius but I think the you know for self-defense and concealed carry the disadvantages outweigh that advantage but that said again everything here all the parts except for the barrel are the same as your Glock 43 okay so the barrel is a little bit longer and you know that's by design of course because it's got to fit in that slide so we don't have any 43 I've seen me 48 X 48 X 48 barrels yet but we will okay we do have 43 barrels and we have all the other parts and pieces there and all the other parts and pieces the sights and the guide rods in the internal controls and both the upper and lower are all the same as the 43 now that said the big question will be in everybody's mind well do these guns fit into the 43 holsters and I have already gone and determined that they do sometimes you run into this every once in a while people say hey I'm putting a slide on it kind of locks itself up like that well you just gotta make sure your guide write it down all the way and when you put the slide on sometimes you want to tilt it down like down like that see how I grabbed it there so it's locking up there and now it's not gonna do it but sometimes it'll lock up like here and you won't do it so what are the trick there is to put your thumb on there and just kind of tilt that slide down a little bit alright I hope you see that so so often times guys say well gee I can't get the slide on all the way and so see if I can lock it up again here it doesn't happen all the time it's really funny it's one of those things where you know you're kind of you get there and you get like here it's like okay it's locked up what's going on here okay now it's not doing it because I'm here but here you like that see that okay now that's because you notice what's going on I've got my hand here I'm actually tilting the site up to solve that problem just put your thumb here and push it back all right okay now 48 there's a long slide 43 X improved 43 basically is what it is it really really is an improved 43 holsters we know the magazine's don't fit but we'll the holsters fit well here is what we call world's best holsters a Galco product it's a horsehide inside the waistband holster it's leather I'm showing you a leather holster because I believe that's the 43 X as well as the 48 are gonna work in all the same holsters as the 43 it's only say if you have an open bottom because of course the 43 is the same size as the 43 X that's gonna work right but the 48 is longer and if you have a closed bottom holster it's gonna stop in there but watch this here's the 43 boom into the holster fits good not gonna come out unless you want it out boom comes out when you need it 48 boom put it in you'll see I've got a little bit of gun poking out behind it alright but still an effective method to carry so it appears to me and I've done it with a couple different holsters get them all out here but this is the one I wanted to show you this is our 40 our world's best holsters the phenomena holster I've got one that I've had for like 25 years and it looks almost just like this a little bit of wear but it's gonna last for another 25 years because the horsehide is denser than the cowhide and it doesn't absorb sweat and all the other soft and all that stuff like cowhide does so it's it's pretty rugged so it appears that the 43 and 43 X and the 48 are gonna fit in all the leather holsters the Kydex holsters are a little different now and I haven't done a whole lot of study on this but I would say this the 43 X fits into our $35 holster perfectly okay it's a perfect fit and I think that all the 43 X's are gonna fit in all your almost any holster the 48 is a little different when I put it in here it got stuck on this piece right here so I put it in when in fine but it clicked in I heard that click and I couldn't get it out so I'd undo the screw and kind of jostle it so be aware that you have a Kydex holster and the barrel or and then the slides gonna stick out a little bit when you put it in there make sure you test it before so you don't lock it up somehow it got locked up on and inside there and I really had to play with it to get it out so again it works great with a 43 X no problem but the 48 was a little sticky now I again the leather holsters I don't think you're having trouble with the 48 the magazine holsters is another story okay it's a no-go basically your Glock magazines are thinner you can see the difference I mean significant just you can just look at it I mean it's so big that of course the this mag pouch is a perfect mag pouch it's made for the 43 it's gonna fit fine okay this one it's kind of a no-go and this being the 43 X and the 48 so we will be making new holsters for the magazines for this particular animal so that's kind of the rundown I mean you know I I'm gonna shoot these later on in another video they feel good I'm gonna tell you that right now again this 43 X I think is gonna be huge it's just massive it feels really good I like the way this one there's a little top-heavy in my mind but a lot of people like that now I will say you're probably gonna have less recoil with this larger slide we're gonna see that to be a true or not but I think based upon what I know already this it's may eat up some of the recoil maybe have a little less now that there's like a lot of recoil these guns anyways the polymer frame eats up a lot of the energy so you really don't feel a lot of recoil the one thing I will tell you is right now available from the factory it only comes in this say two-tone or silver slide black frame we Glocks door are gonna have an exclusive in offer it in black for your you guys who are concealed carry guys who really want to have a black upper so we have a black ops in on our website so if you like the 43 X which I do or the 48 they're both available in black and or and this two-tone look as you see right here and I will say this we are now in business with the 43 X's we're selling them so we've got them there in stock right now and we're shipping them out to our customer so we've already had some pre-orders if you one of 43 X or a 48 if you want it in silver a it's gonna ship right away when in black may take a couple extra days but it's coming your way as soon as possible thanks for watching I'm Lenny McGill this of course is the Glock store performance and Custom Shop right here in San Diego if you're ever in San Diego we invite you to come down and check out you can check out all these guns and shoot them here at our shooting range in the store as well as of course you can buy one too thanks for watching we'll see you next time [Music]
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Views: 142,719
Rating: 4.8785295 out of 5
Keywords: GlockStore, Lenny Magill, G43X, Glock 43x, G48, Glock 48, glock, handgun
Id: Qpj71aFcsVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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