Lenny shows off the smallest Red Dot Sights ever!

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[Music] hey that's let me Miguel with a Glock store performance and Custom Shop right here in San Diego California today I want to show you something really cool another cool item from Glocks or you know we specialize in cool stuff for your Glock and this particular item is pretty darn awesome you know the red dot optics sights red dot optic has become a huge thing in the pistol world and especially in the Glock world well that's the world I live in so I will tell you that we are installing a lot of red dot optics for our customers and people are sending their slides and we're cutting slides were milling slides here's an example the milled slide just so you can see what I'm kind of talking about so what we've done is taken a factory slide we've cut a footprint into the slide itself we've left two posts on which to mount the site and the posts are tapped so we can screw into them and and attach the site directly to the slide now that's one of the best ways to do it is to actually do it by milling the slide out and attaching this site directly the slide because the site sits lower and the lower it sits the more instinctive it is to point that's really that simple the higher it sits you kind of have to you know aim it down a little bit because the sights looking down you got to get the site down so that said that's one of the best ways to do it but a lot of people say well you know I'm not quite sure I want to go to red dot I you know I don't want to one give up my slide for two or three or four or five weeks to it's more expensive you know because this process is about anywhere once it's been finished is anywhere from 150 to 250 dollars all right stick to mill and cut your slide it could be a little less when you watch this you know prices are all over the place of course if we want to be competitive but we know it's a process to do it right take some time and machines and then it has to be refinished and depending upon the finish that kind of will make your price go up and down so anywhere sakes for 100 to 250 dollars that said I'm gonna do a demonstration today to show you how to install a red dot they called out having to cut your slide down now this one of course was cut I want to show you what it looks like and the difference see how it's low in the frame and at the same time I'm going to introduce you to a new red dot optics well there's a bunch of them out there and you know that there's a critic on our mark there's a delta point Pro that's the leopold's delta point Pro there's the hollow Suns got one vortex Viper is another one week I mean we've got them all this is a new one by shield and the thing I like about it is that it's well it's pretty cool-looking a super lightweight and it's very looks it slow and expensive inexpensive should I say so this is the shield optic it's available for all the different guns and you won't see the red dot but you will possibly see a red blur in here sometimes now the nice thing about this shield there's that red blur I think we saw it just for a second or as there was alright there it is that big dot you see in the camera is actually a really small little dot for life for me I don't know why it does that but it does something about that optic the thing to keep in mind about the shield that I like a lot is you're gonna notice that it has a channel that allows you to CONUS with your standard sights see that I'm looking through that and you can set that up with a dot I'll sit right on top of that front sight now let's do one other thing look in here what I meant by a channel is that they have a built this so that the actual site will look through this little channel here and hopefully you can see that let me see if I get some like there it is right there see how that corresponds with the notch in the rear sight and then like I said you can look and see the red dot and the front side at the same time now it's really cool is that shield has made one of these red dot optics for the Glock 43 which is kind of the first time a red dot optics been available for 43 if I guess what really got my attention when I you know they came to me said well we got a red dot optic for 43 I said oh wow I could sell a bunch of those because of course we make the SSAT and a lot of people were customizing their SS 80s and we do make our slides these are a pyramid slides for 43 so I thought well gee that's just a great option to add to the overall accessories of your SSAT or your Glock 43 and the Glock 43 is a hot hot hot Glock here in 2018 2019 so that said what we're gonna do today is we're going to install the shield using the dovetail mount onto this pyramid slide so you can follow along and do it yourself at home now the 43 does not come with a cover like the standard one does so I just noticed that here in this particular package that came to my attention but alas it's no big deal because we're gonna still go in it's also here I've got the SSAT here I've got a standard g43 with our +4 magazine extension just for something to play with and I've got you know some more extended controls in there and our pyramid trigger and all that fun stuff I'll put that dose to the side though too we know we're gonna go from basically here standard sites to here red dot optic shield for your Glock 43 so first step is to make sure you've got the right pieces so we've got the shield for the 43 we've got the dovetail mount and the way this is gonna work if you look at this you'll see there's four posts right here on this little guy that's a little plate and you notice that the sights or the dovetail channel would go right over top of that so if we look at here at this it would kind of fit on like that however the sites would be in the way so what we do is we drift those sites out and we put in this brass plate which has two holes drilled in it and then we use the Torx screws and we attach the sight to the two holes pretty simple right so you got that right you got the whole process so here's how we're gonna start we've got our pieces go ahead and just put the SSAT out on the way I can take my armors duct tape a little punch and hammer and just a hammer by itself and I want to tap out the factory sites and a lot of people don't look at that go out that easy yes it really is that easy we're going to tap them out I can hit it just plainly by itself they're gonna start to come out or I can put a punch on it and do it but you know what if I hit it like this chances are but by using the the nylon and right on top of that they're not gonna come out now a lot of times in my gun Smith's are gonna stay in here and just do it by hand so I'll just do it by hand as well and there you go this is really that simple so out comes the factory rear sight now this is probably usable again because I didn't put a metal punch on it so look on the back here if you're you know you want to go back to this site I mean well they're inexpensive but still you know you don't have to spend the money if you don't ruin this and the way you're ruined it is when you you know start to pound them out with a piece of steel because this is plastic and the steel will gouge it up so you see how it just kind of came out it's a press fit in there so keep that in your bag and you'll use it later on when you if you ever want to go back but here's something interesting about the red dot optics and this is really funny is that when a person goes to red dot and once they get used to it it's so much faster and so much easier that they never go back really it's just that simple a lot of guys will be no of course want to have a red dot optic for fun and for you know the their competition matches and all that stuff and then have the iron sights for Kari or self-defense or anything like that however what we're seeing right now is that red dot optics are so darn good and so reliable lightweight small everything so wonderful people are starting to use these for self defense in fact many law enforcement agencies have now allowed their officers to carry with red dot optics which was unheard of five years ago it'll be well no way but they realize that you're much more accurate with red dot and you know that's a liability issue you you can basically claim the people that you're gonna be a better shooter a more accurate shooter by using the red dot optics okay so the plate basically is shaped hope you're getting here close you're gonna see it has the same dovetail shape as a dovetail okay that's seen so I'm gonna go and just press it in there I think it's gonna push in by itself or it may need a little persuasion but no it's basically going in and now we're just gonna Center it up and this is done by hand a lot of people think well is there a more scientific way and I don't think there is Hannah and I just kind of look at the one side and then look at the other side the one thing I will tell you is don't let the light fool you whereas a shadow that can really alter your perception of of distance you want to make sure you turn it a couple of different ways before you finalize your you're positioned okay so I want to see on both sides now I want to look here I've got a little bit of steel and over here I've got none so I want to come back just a little bit there you go so I think it's gonna be just flushed up on both sides and it is and that looks good now for you looking here close really close I'll see if you guys can see what I'm talking about there's no flat spot of that there it comes right up to the the angle right here and the same thing on the other side now again it's real important to keep the like the same because the little shadow there will throw you off a little bit but it looks like it's perfect on both sides fact no I think it moved just a little bit just to be honest there we go and there we go all right so it looks like it's perfect to me right there so now we put our plate this is our this is just a little plastic plate you know to be honest I'm surprised it's plastic but it is we put a rate over top like so and it really has a one place to anchor itself it's gonna stop and then we'll take our site which is you know made for the 43 and before I put it in here I'm going to take the battery and put the battery in and the battery goes with the plus side out I guess is what I would say cuz over here on this inside here it's gonna go like this before I mount it down I'll go ahead and look and this is always on there's the red dot so once the battery goes on it's in or once the battery goes on and it's on okay you'll notice the four holes in the bottom I'm gonna match up with a four on the post it's really that easy because it's not a big gunsmithing project whatsoever get my holes lined up okay and now I'm gonna leave this one on here because we're actually gonna sell this one in the retail store and some lucky person is gonna come in and get it I have a little bit of Loctite here everybody always is interested to know about Loctite you know it's really important because if you don't use lock tech those screws will vibrate out without a doubt okay just that's what's gonna happen the Loctite gives it you know something to hold on to it so I could glue and the idea is there you want to make sure your lock tight is shaken not stirred and the way I like to apply Loctite is to actually put a drop on the threads themselves not into the hole but on the threads themselves and there's that drop and that was a lot but I'm gonna also put the top on between every time because I don't want all the good stuff to boil off and I do have a little bit more on here that I normally would use but that said in goes my screw and I want to turn that one just a couple turns I'm not gonna tighten it down all the way just to get it started and what that's gonna do is gonna suck up that dovetail and hold the site down so it's I'm not you know anchoring though is it's really kind of a press fit in the sense that it it does both things at one time so I have to make sure I put both of these in at the same time and don't tighten one down first so it gets off the off kilter and one little drop cover that up and here goes the second screw and here we go okay so I can feel it kind of sucking up now I'm gonna go back to the other one it's kind of like your lug nuts go back again go back again about quarter turns here maybe half turns half turn half turn half turn and go back and forth just keep on going back and forth because it is now sucking that plate up against the metal of the rail of the slide should I say and now here's what it gets to be fun now we're gonna do finger tight okay that means I'm not gonna put my hand on it you know I'm gonna finger tight it and that's going to be pretty tight finger tight and finger tight now some of you are gonna have stronger fingers and I will but my fingers are pretty strong and if that's it I mean really that's basically it I've got the Loctite in there it's it's done I mean it is on there but like I said we're gonna sell this one as is because it's pretty darn cool now it's on and I can see that it's sights way off but it's gonna be something we're gonna go ahead and work on I want to talk about that very shortly but first let me go ahead and mount it to a gun okay so here's our SSAT I'll take this one off empty pull the slide back just a little bit pull the slide lock down off it goes there's your standard factory sites right now we have the pyramid slide with the red dot optic and how fun is that okay look at that is awesome huh so we have installed it pretty darn fast I mean it's not a big deal something you can definitely do at home and the next step would be then - there's a red dot right there look at that it's a smaller red dot then I've seen before but it's it's there but now what I've got to do is I've got to sight it in and that's gonna be a separate video but I do want you to join us for that a little bit later and let me show you what you do when you cite it in you've got this little wheel that they give you and they give you this tiny little allen wrench as well and they this is the mini dial they call it and you'll see it has little increments on it stick your allen wrench right here and goes right in and you want to take it all the way through that hole there alright and I'll call him back shortly that's one of my Nashville Realtors he's looking for some more property for us [Music] this mini dial is a reference point and you're gonna notice that the sighting in is accomplished with the windage here on the right hand side a little small allen screw and the elevation is gonna be on top and we're gonna take this little mini dial and this gun right here we're gonna site this in so that it prints exactly where we want it to I'd say maybe 10 or 15 yards and it's not a hard process and this is a kind of an interesting little dial it's been around for a while people have seen these before but if you haven't seen it it's gonna be very interesting so I want you to join me for the next video that is probably living right below this one on the same page to cite in your shield red dot optic on your g43 and the same information applies to all the shields red dot optics I hope you've enjoyed this process and I hope you think that this is a pretty cool little item because I do I've stolen I thought yeah I've got to get that and I've got to put one on my gun I got a student we just got them today so I'm super excited I'm gonna go ahead get it sighted in for us and then we'll shoot it a little bit and have some fun so I hope you join me in the next video I'm lettin McGill this of course is the Glock store performance in custom shop right here in San Diego if you're ever in San Diego and you want to try out this shield with a 43 well I'm sure this one's gonna be sold by the time you get here but we'll have another one out there and you can definitely go into our range and try it and walk home with one four year clock thanks for watching we'll see you next time you
Channel: undefined
Views: 225,835
Rating: 4.853354 out of 5
Keywords: GlockStore, Lenny Magill, Shield Sights, RMS, RMSc, Red dot optic, G43, red dot optic for g43, reflex sight, reflex mini sight
Id: LmD-2prJOKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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