Lady Lost Storage Unit Due To Payment At Auction

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we are live at the storage facility what's going on guys welcome in this is a storage unit we're buying we're all out of batteries on the camera so we're gonna go live from the phone and show you guys some stuff here for a little bits at least until the phone dies we've got about 20 minutes all right so this is a storage facility that we put our storage unit that we purchased for 220 and this is what it looks like now it is a little thrashed in here and that's one disadvantage when you buy online like from storage treasures but we're going to go through here and I'm gonna show you some boxes mom's gonna hold the phone grab Oh ventures is here she's gonna hold the phone and guys this right here is the reason I bought it so I can get rid of this thing for like 150 200 bucks so that pretty much paid for the unit but we're gonna go through every box we do have the box truck here guys so we're ready to load this this is the third storage unit we purchased and we should have brought another battery because the phone died let me know if it's lagging let me know if it's lagging hopefully it's not give the video a thumbs up and we will go through and show you guys what's going on here Perry says what's going on grandma ventures so a couple things I liked about this unit obviously this 150 bucks it's pretty good condition there is some other stuff back there all reality though guys this is a pretty like the unit's pretty trashed like it's gone through which is never a good sign but we should find some treasures in here and as the title states she did lose it due to payments and so we're gonna give a lot of this back tour and get you know keep a lot in here for her to to get some of the stuff back and help her out so thank you so much nice box truck but yeah let's go through the let's go through this and can you guys see me and they say okay perfect all right we got grandma adventures voice and she's holding the camera behind that thing alright so let's get going we're not gonna go get the whole thing today but and you can read off stuff when it comes on the screen if you want mommy we got a knife everybody all right so this is a pretty standard box a lot of kitchen stuff we have a lot of kitchen I'm not used to filming by camera I mean by phone I won't tell you that we'd cracked my phone today okay so this looks like it's in really good shape oh there's a couple missing over there but overall it's in pretty good shape birthday Santa said shame on you shame you don't see Barry that's actually a really cool piece guys all right okay so supposedly killed like a little restaurant up this is a picture we're gonna leave that Andre says highway states are all personal sup guys see it's behind we want to give that back to our car heart these things sell even if they're a really bad condition they'll on eBay construction workers do not care yeah these are 501s okay well I'm looking because it looks like somebody's giving what the hell is a hard time and I think it's campground but I'm I wasn't watching you because I was watching the chat I missed some of it bill Meyer says hi hi there you get most of it everybody says hi grandma ventures no they're all saying highway they love you all right he just trying to keep me working what's the way up a bunch of just random random empty excuse this guy's our third storage unit today so I'm ahead like a zombie you know all right we got fall I'm sorry it's a big time cover yes [Applause] well I'm making them do I think I Love New York oh my god it's 3:30 a.m. in the UK and they're watching them people are crazy liveing uncle d I'm so busy watching you guys I'm forgetting what I'm doing remember guys we're gonna try to give a lot back to her so I'm going to load it up and then kind of go through it and see if I can get a lot back to her lot little got a little tip guys hi Sylvia the facility will only take so much back so if you want to give like more than just normal personal you know and you know taxes paper stuff like that yeah it's hard because I love reading the chat the comments I forget about you [Laughter] Florida joy flippin adventures there real happy you have your knife yeah you want saw we have another like video you just explained that they were amazing I know I'm not explaining anything I'm having a hard time reading every single one that comes pops up okay so guys this is obviously you know kitchen you're gonna find a lot of home goods kitchen stuff like that nothing crazy right now than that cool hi Canada hi Linda Beth gee lady Freebird what a good name toaster lady free bird it's a good song hundred and twenty twenty-five I don't know it's a it's a loser whatever you want to make it Buffalo New York oh my god I'd love to go to New York some boots who is this horse stuff Thank You Diana yeah these are these horses yeah they are these guys may sell especially locally is Virginia flooded tariffs and we have two remotes guy it's really easy to sell that's how I know that's not how you broke just there's all model numbers on you'd be surprised how much your remotes go for if you just check there's model numbers down there you can check and see but the ones you want to stay away from are the Xfinity stuff like that hi Tammy sergeant Sark migrate no I'm trying to be quick and still pay attention to Wade we haven't seen surge in a while no he did get back like we got Mardi Gras beads and some more faces not not much else in here guys nothing too good oh no Melissa and her daughter won't be any they open what should we give the news now now let's wait make them suffer no I just treat them like I do you okay all right so a couple things they put down the knife here so the one thing about this unit guys is it is trashed you can see that like boxes are tipped over it looks like somebody's been in here more than likely anytime that it's a money issue like they can't pay their bill you got to understand that they probably have been in here and this is probably happened many times where they cannot pay their bill and then they probably came in here and took some stuff and then you know that that's just the reality of it so if they can't pay their bill they probably been in here quite a bit so that's just the one thing about storage units guys so we're gonna go looks like there's some more boxes up there which is fantastic we're gonna go through here but those are expensive tubs grandma ventures will you be coming to Florida I'd love to go to Florida but I don't think I can all right I love to travel but I don't do enough of it [Applause] if that's the real name chance I've never heard that before [Applause] [Music] I already told you how much I'd love to go to Scotland lay out your turkey platter those are nice we used to have one of the kid [Applause] so mom what do you think of my new fan page I haven't seen it yet yep the whole know I guess I should look at that I'll be a fan so guys somebody created their own fan page weights ventures fanpage on Instagram one day and I thought it was really flattering it was fun but it was out of the blue so whoever did it thank you so much for creating a weights metrics fan page but yeah you guys can find on Instagram hey don't like your close-up oh here's some more Carhartt there's money and Carhartt guys and like when you can see this because like I said construction workers they just don't care you have the care plug this broken glass over here hi Sylvia hi Rita WOB Rita I'm trying not to interfere too much but I have to respond I would love to go to Ireland and Scotland I'd love to go everywhere thank you sort a little bit bins down here we got our knives it's more card heart yep another Carhartt jacket this locker hurt in here what's up man do you smell that yes I did Levi's rib got Ralph Lauren jeans [Applause] what are you holy crap what is this one what is this I'm not sure it's a snake right to unclog toilets yep mmm yeah your gloves hope we never need it yes [Applause] [Music] miscellaneous is that the name of her restaurant so these are more constitutions yeah they are [Applause] [Applause] more sometimes even the like homemade ones you gotta look at their topic sometimes those will sell there's nothing else in there that is a donation we're here we have two crazy good units and then we go when we go live good luck I bet there's a pot of gold over here I love these what do we got in here see it's in there some of these don't go for a lot of money camcorders older ones Sony you guys want to be recorded we think grandma ventures and it's got the battery in there it's got everything so that's our first first good item yeah you get there no control don't speak it's doing great Thank You Silvia all right trying to find some cool stuff for you all right I already broke mom's phone already once so so this is a pretty tossed unit there's some good tools down there their craftsman me in the United States which is nice Hey look honest there are gorgeous shot this looks like it's kind of an Xbox here life is good hey mom there's a case you should have had it on your phone before you broke it [Applause] it's all kind of mixed up guys you still definitely want to go through it you just never know okay so this is just crazy here be careful this is a reality as well look at that broken glass so you gotta be really careful don't slice yourself open come to Wales they're asking how your knee is doesn't smell bad let's see if we can get our money back we got Roper you know see that have a nice t-shirt it's hero [Music] BAM yep oh this is another cool this is the temperatures I like the colorful ones oh yeah another one that's good there Drake clean these I even leave the dry cleaning sticker on there guys my list it shows it's been dry-cleaned here's another one which I clean those Wow here's another one they kept really good care of them at least this right here's another one all on the hangers G H pass interesting this is like a polyester yeah oh yes sir harp simple yes sir we may have got some of the back with these clothes right here yep there's another one Roper oh yeah and this whole thing is just full of them what cool idea okay smells so bad yeah that's one beautiful thing about construction computers yeah a company there I know there's a saddle right here there is a saddle should I make this quick so I can show you everything one video but normally this is not the great way to unpack a dumpster or just one hand some kind of branded assist 9:03 I know I'm tired case we've got out of the wild hunt Graham adventures so people don't realize my grandpa is a world-renowned horse trainer you guessing googling [Applause] yeah his name's Delmer wet all over I don't see any plant on here well a name or anything all to take a little closer look at this [Music] is there I didn't see any now we did get a bunch of horse stuff if you guys look the very beginning of the video so there and show you that so it's the last cool part of this unit really this is a big blanket yeah so we did get the saddle we got the Sony camcorder we got a bunch of straps horse trap stuff like that what else do we get oh we got all those rope and shirts and they look brand new so there's 120 of them there so we definitely made money and made our money back but out of three units we bought this one is definitely on the lowest one since I've ever had really see we have there we go you guys wanna see what's in here [Applause] this is all paperwork it's actually incredibly hard doing one hand with the phone just saw bills let's expect in Lucca it's expecting like some gold or something in there how it's a Czech style alright let me get a better grip here and continue okay now how I gonna get you always need wd-40 this is brand new it's a beautiful thing about buying storage units is you get a lot of stuff for free hit the thumbs up button I appreciate that this is this is badass excuse my French yeah this I think I don't know how to look online but this is an older Nike piece you guys see that I've never seen one of those actually I saw a lot of Nike you guys can see I'm pretty high up right now just enjoying the tools in here batteries I find a lot of batteries this is nice yeah yeah there we go your champion can you guys see yourself in the reflection check that out [Applause] [Applause] sorry it's not professional that's why it's heavy you look you got to look for the craftsmen that are made in the United States shoes let my knife down there but there should be something here I just had a knife where they put that up just so you guys know I'm like okay man some duct tape - all right hold on guys let's see what's in this box it's the last box and then it kind of trickles down into furniture [Applause] well hello that's odd what's your sour cream dang this has ever been used house they're brand new yeah a brand new tang what size are those suckers let me see day oh no they're 11 and a half I'm 11 no I might just look how far up we all right now just you know this is a horrible way to unblock the storage unit I'm just doing this to show you this since I'm alive on my phone and it's actually quite hard to open boxes and filled right there okay so it's just shoe clean I'm wondering if he has got some western boots in here you lost six pounds today Wow I know this one should wait before eBay open get a six-pack at the pool that's my what's my game plan it's a bunch of food [Applause] okay weird brand new adidas shoes then you get Winco food contains like welcome to searching the plane crazy that is our brand new though so I've got that I've got the saddle wherever that went then I've got all those roping t-shirts and I've got the Carhartt and I've got the the sony order which is nice you guys see me crumble [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] it's a microwave that's a dog it's got a bunch of dog stuff huh oh my gosh I'm sweating what up you guys see all right since we're doing a special live I've gotten an announcement hey I miss monkeying around jumping on boxes wait is gonna look good for yes oh yeah like really good all right guys so I had not gone through the 100% of the unit of course that's kind of hard this is not the way you want to unbox a storage unit by no means it's actually the worst way but it's easier it's only what I can do it on the phone and show you guys what's in here when I buy this unit again probably not but I haven't gone through the whole thing I'm definitely gonna make my money back let me recap so I've got that furniture item that outdoor furniture item in fact this is the cushions for it right here my mom worried okay there we go oh yeah that's 150 bucks I've got the I've got the a few different things tools I've got the brand new Nikes I also have the saddle I also have a lot of the bits and different things for horses earlier in the video I've got all the cover heart that's all stuff I would sell locally and or on eBay and that's just what I can see so you know I think I probably made seven hundred bucks on this unit after my cost and that's being realistic with just the furniture items and different things but this is a lot of work for not a lot of money on this one so anyways thank you so much for joining live hopefully you guys like this I'm gonna try to go through all this stuff box up some of the stuff and give it to her directly I mean if I do that I'll keep you guys updated oh my gosh she this is this is this is work right here guys so if they don't it's one that I'll show you on the show it's work so anyways I well definitely I do have a big announcement but actually do that on another video hopefully maybe this weekend I can do that but yeah much love make sure you hit the thumbs up button alright and and yeah and subscribe love you guys thank you so much for watching and I appreciate it I do have an announcement AB massive announcement should I tell you guys I don't know if I should tell you guys sorry let me know and check get give me some hearts or something I can only see one comment at a time but let me know do you guys want the big announcement or not you guys want it there's 207 people let me know if you guys want the big announcement hey Amy how's it going Victoria Lisa Graham adventures should we tell him just a little just for the audience watching today yeah she says yes oh my batteries at 15% do tell so my big one of my biggest goals we all know I love eBay I have eBay shirts eBay hats eBay t-shirts and one of the biggest things since last year that I really wanted to be a part of was to be an eBay speaker for eBay open every year in Vegas and they had the conference and I love you guys I like to think that like I've got many many good things that do for the community one be in social media another one kind of teaching eBay and different things how to source storage units so it is official I am one of the six speakers this year at eBay open in Vegas 2019 and I can't wait I was gonna do a special live show and I probably will like closer to ebay open but yeah I'm really humbled really think it's just really awesome that they would think of me and my audience and it's all because of you guys had I not you know had this amazing amount of people following me just like you guys I don't know if that would have happened so thank you so much for everybody its watching it's an honor cuz I do love eBay I mean I left my corporate job to sell on eBay it's my name my main platform so yeah I'll be you bayo pin I'll be part of the seller panel they said that hopefully we can get some some great footage to make some videos and so yeah I will be one of six people in this year in Vegas speaking to you guys so if you guys are going to Vegas I don't know let me know a chat if you guys gonna be an eBay open maybe you can join some of the panels or some of the events I'll be speaking at and I'd love to get pictures with you guys so let me know guys if anybody's gonna eBay come up to me talk to me I'll be doing part of the social media part of it so you know I'll kind of help people start social media why I do social media how I got big different things that you guys can do different things that I think helps people that are successful in social media and just whatever else and then also eBay related stuff I just can't wait so alright that was the announcement I will be doing another live show towards closer to Vegas [Music] you think if you think you're sweating now waiting tickets a Vegas sign now it's like gonna be 110 it's crazy but thank you so much for all the kind of wishes appreciate the thumbs up but it's been it's all because of you guys I want to make sure we're painfully clear while on my heart whether you believe me or not I truly want to thank you guys it's been this channel the people are following me it's been you guys that has made me successful it's been you guys that kind of made me stand out and I'm just thankful to be a part of something cool if you're gonna do something you got to do it to your fullest ability I mean if you're gonna spend time doing something we have limited time on this earth you might as well do it to your best of your ability and so I'm really excited that that they have chosen me as one of the speakers so anyways that being said much love have an amazing day hopefully you guys like this not the best unit but the next two units that you guys will see in the course of the Sunday and Tuesday or Sunday Tuesday and Wednesday are really good units those videos will be popping up all right all right guys much love thank you so much for joining and I shall talk to you
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 19,103
Rating: 4.8778133 out of 5
Keywords: storage wars, storage unit, storage auction, real storage auction, storage unit auctions, auction hunters, treasure hunting, storage hunters, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit, how to, storage unit finds, storage unit business, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage unit auction, storage auction finds, abandoned storage unit finds, mystery boxes, storage facility, storage unit wars, real life storage unit auction
Id: aLFw4TrfFTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 30sec (2790 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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